Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1892)
W,f flrtbbU Oregon City ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 18CG. VOI, NO, n. 01!K(ION CITY, OKKUON, KH1DAY, DKCKMIiKU 9, 1802. "yr t'AKK V JOHNSON, I.AWYKU. Curlier KiM atnl Main .trueta, Orfjutt Cliy, Oregon. ItKAl, KSTATK TOHId.l, AM MUSKY TO LOAN. I.. Poktkh, ATTOItNKY AT LAW nin.-r or ranrttatv n u , Oineatwn ilwif nlHiva, Ort'ii IMty I O T WH.MAMH. HKAI. tHIATr. ANU U)AN AOKNI I'l.'lily nt mmier Hi loan mi ilm iinl tavtiralil tvruta. A (x Htm nt bmltio.., ralliiir anil euliutnati I'rotwrtjr. rrm friirty III trait. li mil im oa.y term.. rtirre.wnel'.re iin.iiil.lly mmwt.rt Oltlca, Hen Uiwr lu taiilM,! A llmiUey ilrua .turn. Q II iV, ATTOKSKY AND CuUNSKUUt AT LAW ()fflr or Orf nn t'Hy Malik, nam. in tit, naani.x THE WINTER TERM OF THE Pacific University and Tualatin Academy, WILL BECIN TUESDAY. JANUARY 3, 1803. For cataloguer) niitl full information address, Tiiomah Mi-Clkm.aM), Pres., Fyri'ft Grove, Or. yt v. UMITII, PHYSICIAN ANDSriiCKON, Fagle Creek, - Oregon. (1 l A D C UTot'Mtna., ATTOKNKYS AM nifNSKUHtrt AT UW main raT. oeuo cltr, iihuuoH. w H 0 L E S A L E E. E.WILLIHMS, f N D SPICES Aro jirolmlily adulterated more than any other necesnity Hold in a grocery store, and it is utranjju tnat ho many ieojlo do not ijucnton tlio jmrity of tin spice they wish to jitrelum) hut are nuti lied if it in cheap. You can buy a quarter jMnuid ltux of ground cinnamon, cloven, cayenne etc., fur 10 cents, when it in a fact that 10 cents will not cover the wholesale cost of a STRICTLY l'UHE article. If you desire sj.iceH that are ah Hulutily free from adulteration ask fur the RED SEAL. Lvcrv box cuaranteed. My name is on every package. FOK MMKTALISM. The Ainci'lcHii Plan Proposal of Itolliclillds. R E T A I L generally 1 mitt.-! . The secretary in vile the attention to (lie necessary appropriation for arming and equipping ttiiit reserve force. An appropriation o( at least $1,000,000 for thin purpose is recou. mended. THE INTKWOM DEPARTMENT. Wahiiikotox. Dec. A. The annual report ol Secretary Noble to the presi dent covert fully nd in detail the opera tion of thi great department. The volume of work accomplished during the present sdminisliation in shown to greatly exceed that of any like preceding ueriod. The k-eneral land office ha worked oil the vast accumulation of former yearn, and in now on current business, greatly to the advantage of Western settler. The Indian bureau ha made great progress in elevating the various Indian tribe in the woik of tli.tmi.iil of lamia nn severalty to in- Stales. well a to thorn ol i divj(luu, ldi.n,, ie consequent disin, to secure under an international ,;,. i ,i,;, ,rihl rPlii,.n. and TIIK ('OSI'EREH-K SOT A SKTKSS. Iteaume of the Hoi k d the Conference and the plana illcuwil and tin Coiicluxlnii I'rnlialile. In explaining the poult ion of hiuiaelf and hi col lean Ufa at the opening of the confluence, Henutor Alliaon naiil, while i they came reprttaeiitiiiK the government of the United KUtea and favoring a bime tallic plan, they were willing todincuitk any plan calculated to promote an in crane iu the value of ailver bullion. He aid it wan i, the in'eieat of the I'niled t'onwlonatieaii to the laat. He knew be wan about to die, and juxt ttefore the end he aid he wiahed to have all the fam ily pre aent, and appeared nntitilied to find them all there. He pafaed away quietly. Dr. Munn ay he became peet.hle through weaknean jimt before death. He recognised the member ol bia family by nwbling hi head. Oould will be hurried in Woodland cemeteiy benide hi wife. agreement a etahle Ktandard ol coinage. The lliiliah .delegalo adhered to the American resolution, which w a really the baala on which the conlerence met. the development of acliooln. Great reform ha been accomplilit in the purchase of Indain supplies. A very THE GROCER. rurnlih Allrrta ul Till. iMtm Moiinr. f'f cIm Mrt(f. ami irauMOl Oaurral Law Itititnaaa. 11." t H(is, ATToUNKY AT LAW. Atu. faitTna m A14. em t or tm atata KmI Kalala saat tnturanra. Offlc on Mala iitt. amtta ! nih. uaauiiN my. ea M K AM, 1? I J NOTAUY, It K A L KSTATK A INsl'KANCK. (lWM the rm HnlMlna, K raoa tltjr. tiiri'M. (1 w. CI'HU Ii. M. l., J'HYSK IAS ANt St ItiiK.uV. , (UK ol Puritan.! ) Orhraallh lr.H.uar. Aurora. Otrfon ii. iit KiiiiAKiir, UltoKKH. I.( 1ANH NICOOTI ATICI. City niul County Wnrriuit Imtight. INHt IIAM K AsiTllKAl. KHTATK. Oltles III l-oalotltif) tnillitint CHy Or. SEVENTH STREET DRUG STORE: DR. L. M. ANDREWS, Prop. A Full Line of Fresh Drugs and Medicines. Patent Medicines of all Makes. Notions. Optical Goods Full Stock Of Machirta Oil. Beat and Cheapest. Fine selection of Perfumery and Toilet Soaps. And Lead ing It rands of Cigars. rnr. hi i'i . w ' 1 111:11 i.i. v i-ii.i.r.i Shlvelv' Hhrk, - Oregon City, Or. The French delegation thought the pro- . ml , ,iere y ,,e Cherokee ..... - '-a" pe-I nation itori(jlU inn wisnmi 10 ay, However, lor the French delegutloii, that they had come w ill, an earnest desire to consider 1 1 MIOH. r. KVAN, KKAI. KSTATK ANU INHI KANrK. rhnlra rllf . farm and Hitlmrhan propf rty for ala. tlivaerlpl.w.iimy wartania and awurl all kind" IbhhI.1 and sold Taie. paid and Iniaiuraa ol ovary d..a.'ilitlou atwndnl 10 nr t.ourr.lilent. Ollli up .talraltllmlldllH norlhol pnaloflle. I R II A YK, ' ATTOUNKY AT LAW, (laani.M C'lTV, Will pradllc la H Ih eimrla nt th lal. Orftoa, rorner Uatn and Highlit ir, court hou.a '. anwNKi.t. a IHOWNKU. A miKKHKIl ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OsmioH Citt, OacioN. Will practice III all the eimrla ol the lat. Ol flee, next l'Kr I" I'stirlel.l A lluntley'a arm alore. milK COMMKHCIAL BANK, OK OKKOON CITY. e.pltal, 'm TNCTS 4 tlMlAI. SANKINO III'INK. iMina made, llllla dlcimnted. Makta enl leellnna. iuyandelliiei'liHiuieoii all point" t ,1.,. iiteri Slates, Kurope and lion h"HK Dep.iallii ti'iel' ei. ... I .) li. idieek lllleri'l at n.uat rate, allowed in. lime deimHlts. Hank open (runt II a. M. In 4 r. M. Haturility ovPtitnga Iriuil 5 to 7 I' M. C. LATOl'HK'n'K, President. d F K liONAI.IMON, ("""111" 1) J JANK Of OHKdl.'N et'l'Y, Oldest MWu Haose In Hie CtiF. Paid up Capital, t.'O.OOO. rnnmiiitNT, VII K I'BKHIUKKT, CAHiltka. H A N All KS. THUS. CIIAHMAH. (1KII. A. II A III. I NU, an CAtriKi.n CIIAal.KS II. CAI)K1K1.I. A noneral hnnklu lnilne" trnnaaeteil. Depoalla reeelveil Kiihjeet In cheek. Approved nllla and miles discounted. )minl and ally warrant lioiialit. IxMiis'mvlfl on avalliihle seourlty. hnimlit and anld. 1 . Oolleetlonr made pnililplly. prnllsaold tvallanle In any part nt the world. Tnletiraphle exeliaiigea sold on Portland, Shu Francisco, 'Ihleimn and New Yurk. Intere.t pal I oil I linn ileiionllH. Huh Aeniils ol Til K LONDON OHKQtlK I1ANK. F. K. WIIITK, W. A. W II 1TB. WHITE BROTHERS, Practical drchitefltii $ Builders. Will prepare plans, elevations, working de tails, and speelflcatlnns lor all kinds ol huild limn . Special attention nlven to modern cot tatres. (estimates lurillshud nn sppllentlou. Call on oraddrusi WIIITK liltOH., Oregon City, Ogo THE Oregon City Sash and Door Co. Carry the Largest Sttn k of , LSasli, Hours, Hlimls, Mouldings, Etc In Onsgon City. lo the Cherokee 'outlet for the mn of 8,5ir7.73.12. A ratification of the agreement by congress .ill In ettlement (. 000.000 most cotdiully every polu-uding to! jj wlllh u ,ertil(J ,nd rehahiliiau : lv. Th. Auslrun and 1 f)f pnrp0H,, ,nd Oerman delegate inliinaUd I hev were . . , . . , , , ... h atrongly urged. The otticial are iiiHtructed lo sav they should nol assent , , t : .t.. .,...;. r 1 ... Kaloualy engaged in the uppmaaion ol to any modification of their existing . ,. . ,r .uii; ... ' , the liotior traffic among the Indian. monetary law. The DuUh, Spanish and Mexican deligate assented to vote TH rT""nH orrwK- favorable on the American resolution,! The pension office ha diopoaed of an while the Uuasian, lulian, Uomanian imniaenae volume of business. In June, and Ureek delegate declaied that under ; 0ti8 person were on the roll, their instruction they were not r- j being lt,908 more than at the close of milled lo vote on the resolution. The ' the last fiscal year. The total amount eonfcietice ultimalety resolved, In ac-! exnded for pension during the year cordance with the reotiM.1 of Senator .' waa li:W.i6,lil2 78. and it U estimated Alliwin, to postpone action on the Amer-, tbai the appropriation fr 1S5:! of 114-t,-icun tin:ajsala until later, and to con-1 !.rst,ls 0 will leave a deti. ienrv. There aider the proposal uhutited bv Hoth-1 have been tiled up lo date, October 12, Agsiott tha Moar Dootriat. Nbw Yokk, Iec. 4 It i reliably re ported that the United State govern ment will interfere with the .beme of Cub to farm out it custom revenue to a French syndicate, which has long been bidding for the privilege. It ha been, rumored lor some time that the Spanish government was anxious to lease the Cuban custom house at a good figure, but detail of the negotiatiobs, a well at their progress, were kept a profonnd secret. It now apian that Secretary of State Foster has sent a d:plomnic note to the authorities at Havana, warn ing them that the United States M strongly opposed to their plan of farming out the Cuban custom-house in the man ner above described. Special nierri of Door ami Whitlow to or-lor Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts Furiiislie.l on npiilifiilion. lluiMers, give n call, and see if our work is not of the bent, and our prices as low as tire lowest. Price Lint sent on application. Factory, Cor. Main and llth Sts., Oregon City. child, of the British delegation. Hi proposals are that America con tinue it purchases of ailver and the ; European power buy on amount equal jcertifleatea. The total number of certifi to 5,000,000 a year for five years at catea Issued during the year was 311, If silver alionlit riso above that nrice , 5841 : the total number ol penston .... . i purciias-a are to te itnmcu.ateiy sua pendett. ' Coiuiuenling on Dm conference, the Otegonian says: If the Brussels cun-1 of the act of June 27, 1800, many chtim ferenre shall decide against the Kolh-lanta who could not establish service Turning of all kindr ! child seme, as now seems probable, it ; origin of disahi:ity have been enabled to Frost Octiat Ooeaa. New Orleans, Dec. 2. The Nicaragua canal convention this morning received and adopted the report of the committee on future work. It make each member of the convention a committee of one to spread information in regard to the canal, and each delegate is to make written report to the power which appointed him. and be shall organixa state auxiliary associations; that the chairman of the convention shall appoint a committee of five to go to Washington to push the work there, and with power to call on whomever the member may choose to aid them ; and that the execu tive committee he increased so that each stale present shall be represented. Tht Pottofict Deprtnt. Washington, Dec. 1. The annual re port of fcecond Assistant Postmaster Bell for the year ending Juue 30, shows the total cost of the inland mail service waa 141,335,372; foreign mail service. S07.14o. Compared with last year dropped from the rolls. 20.2'W and the there was an' increase in the star service average annnal vbte ol each pension on I ol 1215 route, 5S77 miles in length ol the roll. $132,41. Cnder the provisions route and (llsti.OGl in annual expenditure. The mail mes-enger service showed an increase of 204 roules, 5058 mile in 1802, 920.057 claims nnder the act of June 27,18110, snd there have been issued thus far of these claim 403,839 assistance and fi3 CIIWATAT, UKAI.KK IN STOVES, TIN & HOLLOW WARE. All Kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Work Promptly" Done. PLUMBING AND GENERAL JOBBING TO ORDER. ahp an Nerrnth t. near IN-pot. Ore-.,). Clij. Ilrustrh nt Oawefc-. M. HOSF0RD, The CANBY MERCHANT, Sells all good at a living price. Flour ami kerosene not given away in or.ler to catch your trade and then even up on higher prices on other goods. None But First Class Goods Carried. Prices as low as can bo had in the county. Time given to reHiKinslMo parties. LUMBER. Orders filled for rough or dressed lumber, all first class, at bed rock prices, retail or carload lots. does not seem oossihle that it can reach ' secure much needed any agreement whatever. Every other t financial relief, plan, except the vague American plan rug eleventh cesscs. for free coinage of bolh gold and silver, J Takin(f the isvkl was recogni- involves establishment of a new ralo fed al ,he beginning as a mot important between the two metals. This is the ! ani, difficult task. But U has been ao fundau.enlal element iu the silver prob-; compis,ed, the census publications re lem, and it is just that on which agree- I with fRVorable indorsement mentis most difficult. The American , ,nroU(!ilout the civilised nations and the ratio is 1(1 to 1. The old French ratio is work gU,n,8 an acknowledged success about 15.M to I, The market ratio is a, a great scieutitic achievement. A alK)iil2.r.Si to 1. No nation now using ! masg ot 8tatig(ic. j9 aow jn process of silver is likely to consent to a consider- completion and much is already in the able increase of its artificial ratio, nor is f han.ig of ... winter. wrio w ith the ex ception of small amount of work on vi'al statistics and population and any gold nation likely to consent to a considerable decrease of the maikut rates. Between them lies an impas sable gulf. No European nation will consent to any other than the market ratio. All the intimations that reach by cable go to show France does not now want blmettalism on any terms. Ger many and Auslrin have declared that statistics of manufactories and agri culture has the regular work of the eleventh census about completed The farm-mortgage report will be com pleted in about twelve months. There is no marked change iu the business methods of the patent otlice, The they will make no change, and Russia j ailulber 0( gpphcations forpatents during will not even discus tlie matter. .ng- waa 45.945. Hie total number J. JONES & SON, PKAI.KK IN Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cabinet Work, Fitt ing up Stores and Repairing of all kinds. Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed I'HU I.N tiii: I.OWIOST. flT"Shop corner Fourth and Water streets, back of Pope .t Co's, Oregon City land will not change her own monetary system. She might go gome distance short of that lo help India out of the mire. Now, the only possibility of In dia getting upon the gold standard, or even a bimetallic standard, is to adopt the market ratio, for in that case she does not need to buy a great mass of gold and discard a great mass of silver. She is not able to aU'ord expense in mak ing the change, and this is the only way she can avoid expense. The silver party In the United States would never consent to the ratio 0(25 to 1. That is what silver producer, get now in open market. As for the people's party, the market nitio will never content them, They want a cheaper money than gold, to pay debts with. But the ratio of 2n1 to 1 will not give it to tt'tn. That is exactly what they have now. The mon etary conference may as well adjown and go home. It is merely wasting time. DKl'AKTMKNT KEl'OKTS. CANBY NURSERIES, MIIylvARP J. LKK, - - Proprietor. A COM l'LET E LI N E 0 F Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery, Etc, WHOLESALE A-ISTID RETAIL. CANBY, OREGON The War itml Interior Offices Man. damns Milt. Washington, Dee. 4. Secretary Elkins, in his annual report of the opera tions of the war department, says it is gratifying to bo able to state that the army bus maintained throughout the year its high standing of discipline 'and efficiency. He recommends the re organization of the infantry and artillery, and compares our stationary condition iu this respect to the progress made by other nations. The Importance of maintaining and improving the militia of the several status and the District of Columbia is awaiting action July 1.1S92, 9447. The number of patents was granted was 23,(2t, the total receipts l,Mi8,724.35 and the expenditures $1,114,134 23. The amount in the treasury to the credit of the patent office now is $1,102,444 ti6. Twting tha Law. S.u.i:m, Or., Dec. 5. In the circuit court this morning, Judge Burnett sus tained the demurrer interposed by re spondents in. the mandamus suit against the secretary of state and the governor by II, B. Miller, to prevent them Irom counting the vote cast for Pierce in coun ties where his name was placed twice on the otlicial ballot, and to compel the governor to issue a certificate of election to Miller. The demurrer was that the petition does not state the facts suffi ciently. The petitioners immediately gave notice of appeal to the supreme court, alleging that the court erred in sustaining the demurrer and rendering judgment in favor of respondents. The case will probably be heard in the supreme court some lime next week. Meanwhile, the secretary of state is do ing clerical work connected with the official canvass in those counties in which Tierce's name appeared but once. Jay Oould Dead. New Yokk, Dec. 2. Jay Gould died at 9:15 this morning. Theditect causo of Goulds death, as stated at the house this morning, was pulmonary consumption. The world's most famous financier became uncon scious, and the Btrong master uimd ceased to battle for life, and it became merely a question of a few hours before the dissolution. Howard Gould savs his father retained length, and $177, 4til in cot. The rail-. wv post-jffice clerks were increased 385 and 1411,010 in exnditure. Special facilities on trunk lines showed a de crease in coet of $08,07. Em tha Balanc of Power. Topeka, Kan , Dec. 4 Tlie senate was supposed to stand populists 25, re publicans 12. Today it was found that two of the senators quoted as populists are straight-out democrats, and have de clared themselves lor a democratic United States senator, and no compro mise. These two democrats, and the two in the houe, can therefore dictate the senator, if they stand firm, as the republicans will be short three and the populists two on joint ballot. Aaxioaa for Fre Trade. Chicago, Dec. 4 At todav's meeting of the trade and labor assembly resolu tions were adopted in the form of a com munication to President-elect Cleveland urging hirn to call an extra session ol congress for the repeal of the McKinley. law. The resolutions declare the as sembly to be in favor oi' free trade, anil ask Mr. Cleveland to aid in hastening the time when custom-houses will be known onlv in history. Wyoming1! Two Governors. Cheyenne, Wyo., Dec. 5. Wyoming still has the remarkable ectacle of two alleged governors. Governor-elect Os borne and a party of friends called at the capitol this morning and announced that they wanted to c tnvass the votes. Acting-governor Barker refused to have the vote canvassed, or to let Osborne be present when the canvass takes place. It begins to look as though trouble might come at any moment. What is lacking is truth and confi dence. If there weie absolute truth on the one hand and absolute confidence' on the other, it wouldn't be necessary for the makers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh rem edy to back up a plain statement of fact by'a $500 guarantee. They say -'If we can't cure you (make it personal, please) of catarrh in the head, in any (01 111 or stage, we'll pay you $500 for your trou ble in making the trial." An abvertis ing fake," vou say. Funny, isn't it, how some people prefer sickness to health when the remedy is positive and the guarantee absolute. Wise men dona put money back of "fakes." And "ink ing" does't pay. Magical little granules those tiny, sugar-coated pellets of Dr. Pierce scarcely larger than mustard seeds, vet powerful to cure active yet mild in oper ation. The best, Liver Pill ever in vented. Cure sick headache, dizziness, constipation. One a dose. Afraid of the Democrats. Chicago, Dec. 4. The Illinois' Steel . company's immense plant at South Chicago, employing 3500 bands, is ex pected to shut down December 15 for two or three months, Uncertainly over the possible changes of the tariff is, said to be ihe primary cause.