Oregon City Enterprise. FRIDAY, PKCKMRKK 2. lSt Clackamas Co. Directory. COl'NTY OFFICERS. Jnitte, Clrk otCouttd, Sheriff. Rohool StipertnhHhtant, Bumyor, Coroner. UonrolMionert, 1. W Ow. F. Harton i . W . (.miotic . M Ki!tv J. O Woihwl'l J. F. Hrn.iU-v H. 8. Uilwon SMilnor Smyih K. I. llounun I Kiohitnl S.-.XI ft'ttrnrltut Hair OKKOON CITY OFFICERS . T. W Sullivan M.ror. Rwdr. U 1. IVrtfr Ohlf nl tMllf - AMeSSOT. Treaunr. CUT At(ornT. Strei ComnOtinr. 8u. of Wtr Wotki. OttT Knetnw. J. S. Pmt.m J. K Khoa.twi r 1 i,. H E. Or. w H. !!olr,Ii! Sinv sn-iyth, Counotlmm C. O. Alhrtchl. Jr. K. lirrf nmiin. w v w hli. J J. Cwkf, J. Coum-il mtttf Drat A'etlDJr of oh month iBeiijrh&il. CimltmnmiTnM M.Bt In S TOBWr nu.l Ihiot Xoo.Uy la April, Fronde court in wmion trst Monday In rwh monih. Oommlnjilonrrii fonrt m.ei flrt Wlnsxly after trx iiondajr ot oh month. gW The way la build up Orepon City is to piT OrtfroB ( itj people jaor atronace. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. Old papers for underlaying carpet this office. at Clocks at Burmeister Evervone warranted. A Andresen's. F. A. Slight took up his work in E. Williams's store vesterdar. L, Marrs U helping Holinan and War- ner out in their rush of work. j . . . TT r it you want to buv lots in Bolton ap- 1 n n t lviv' I It was Henry Beebe of Cherryville and not Charles who died last week. J. S. Courtney M. l., pbysiciaq and surgeon, room 5 and 6, Charmaii block. D. I Hughes of Spokane spent ii....asgJv1ng-1t.. uts ., Cly- . 1 relatives in this School deportment card one cent each, good for term, at the Enterprise office. Take your babies to ?h New York gallery and get a good picture while you have the chance. The partially cleared sky of Sunday permitted the foothills to show their new garment of white. C. N. Greenman is as proud as a boy with red top boots over that new light express wagon. It is a beauty. Send to the Estkrhrisk office for your legal blanks. A single one or a hundred furnished at Portland prices. ' The reward of $2000 offered for the j prof, Letcher of the Agricultural col capture of Burdette Wolfe has not yet ; e)e WiW , to,.n the first ot the week, been claimed and holds good till it is. s j Ca,llwel, now at Albany ig re. Lane county is being agitated by a : ported very sick and not expected to live, plan to divide that county and Douglas, j . L. L. White of the Portland Chron terming a new county out of parts of ( j(.le wa8 the guest of his brother-in-law, bth. I b. Graham on Thanksgiving. Several communications arrived too late for last week's pafier which was printed early on account of Thanks giving. On the 6th of December the Y. P. S. C. E. ot the Congregational church will give a conundrum supper. Don't guess what It is but go and see. Frank Burkhart was up for Thanks giving with his parents. He is one of the bright students of Ifce Portland University and returned to his studies on Friday. Bob Miller, "the eligible" has finally made op his mind to go for a land office and wants to be register at Oregon City, at least that is what some of his Jackson county friends intimate. j On Thursday evening of last week j Oregon Lodge No. 3, elected officers for the ensuing term as follows: Geo Elv, N.G;C.H.DyeV G ; T. F. Ryan, Rec bec;U, Lovejoy, ireas. iney will De installed early in January. MrB. J. Fleming of Oakland, CaL, spent several days with Capt. J. M. Graham last week. She lived in the same house with the Captain in Nova Scotia when be was first married, and they enjoyed their visit here very much. The neatest presents for Christmas, 1802, come from the holiday stock of Burmeister & Andresen, leading the trade in diamonds, watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware, musical instruments etc. Achilles Lodge No. 38, K. of P. elected the following named officers last Friday evening to serve for one year : F. 3 . Louis, C. C ; Geo. Warner, V. C. K. L, Holman Prelate, J. E. Rhodes. K. of R. & S; Ralph Miller, M. of F. Dr. O. W. Yeargain, M. of Ex; C, Hoberg, Trustee for three years. The pastor of the Baptist church lg ' delivering a course of sermons on Sun day evenings on the morals of the city. Last Sunday evening the subject was "What Christian young men can do to Raise the Standard of Morality in the City." Subject next Sunday evening is "What Non-proffessing Young Men Can Do." The bouse was filled to overflow ing last Sunday evening. THEIR FOl'RTH ASM' At.. lollshtful Party lvf by Company j Ml liif Armory. , On Thursday evening a goodly com - pany ot Oioin City's fairest and brav - est accepted the invitation ot Company F and braved the inclonionoios of the woathei to be present at the ivtnany s annual party. Th armory had been , tastily decorated toi tb occasion with a profusion ot evergreen in sweeping festoons brightened by ornament of ; chrysanthemums, most attractive of which was the large sphere suspended Ht the center of ihe bull. Bright colored and neatly draped bunting's added to the pleasing eltiee, while the stars and i stripes iui numerous pictures win- ' I'feted tt tlrtMnitions loHving nothing j vnntinc but tlic bright fc hihI bright- 1 er nwtuinM ot tno youns maic 10 iiihkb J. K. Kliodes assisted by the owral j menibers of the eomjny is held resiHn- laihlefur the ilistii- decorations while th wnt-well the indies l.ll f. make the evemna a mosi pieasani one. Alft'.oO the grand march lHn, F. S. and Miss Kelly being the leaiiers. Af- ter that there mas hanlly time lor a itovl long breath, cept during the short hour when mine host Liver more held swav with refreshments, choir and 'well arranged. Music was furnished by Kverest A Collins popular hand. Those ires'iit with their wives were F. K. Chanuan, F, Metner, Lieutenant ; Fickens, T. A. Pope, Clias. Meservr, C. F. Haynes, K. E. Williams, it. Z. Burkhart, John Jennings, Judge Mel drum, E.K. Charman, J. J. Cooke and Mrs. J. P Hill. Then there were 1 Misses Winnie Williams, Kdith Wishart, 1 Haltie Cochrane F.tta Fop, Aialie 1 Cochrane, Lulu Draper, Helen Warner, of Mt. Tabor, Lura Miller, Amy Kelly, Mav Kellv, Nora Con vers, Floience Fa . , . ,, , ... que1. Winnie Oraham, Helen Warner, Sophie Schram, Mamie Charman, Neita Barlow, Minnie .Vkerman Uliie Hick man, Lieutenant F. S. Kelly, Messrs. O. W. Yeargain, W. A. Huntley, J. P. Lovett, F. J. li.ithth, K. L. Holman.T. P Kandail, F. J. Louis. J. j Shaw, Ed Kinearson, Joseph Lvnc'i, 1 ctH Earner, W. Sheehan. A. Carter, C. (5. Iluntler. Arthur Warner. Fre,l Miller, Everett Hickman, Kalph Miller L. H. Cowing. C. (1. Miller, H. J. Thome, W. E. Parrott, E. (iross, Clar ence l'urdom, Dr. H. E. Ferrin, C. U, Huntley, J. E. Rlnxlcs, Frank Burkhart, Ckptain Spong. David Fancher, litis T. j P. Webb. Dicker, W. B. Wiggins, W. Spoonserj 2.00 Paper, "How can young chris and De LaFontaine were also present, i tians enjoy a social hour profitably T PERSONAL NOTES. Hon U A. Steel was in thecitv on j Tuesday. j Judge Mi-Bride is holding court a) j Hillsboro this week. j Mrs. M. A. Stratton was in town on i K'ri.l.iv (.utlint, nn fr'nn.1. Mrs. T. A McBride accompanied by George and Mamie took the steamer Saturday night for Calilornia where they will spend the winter with relatives. Elder John Stipp well known in the county, died at Mrs. J. C. Miller's near 1 Wright's bridge on Thursday, Nov. 24th aged 80 years. His body was taken to McLeav on Friday for burial. A Buy F1m. Wbjt J. W. Draper and T. F. Cowing deny j Jt ia , common remark that our tmsi the report that they are candidates for : wtm t jhowinra greatly increase,! acttv- register of the land office. It seems that not all the democrats want offices, but perhaps they voted for Weaver. Mrs. Nathan Tingle of Columbia county who is troubled with asthma finds the lower country too damp, and she has come to Oregon City where the climate agrees with her better to spend the win- ter with her daughter, Mrs. H. E. Cross. J. A. Thayer spent thanksgiving at I ' Oswego with O.Eaton his old comrade , m the 20th Michigan volunteers, thes. j two being the only remaining members , in this state. The time passed onlv too swiftly in recalling old times and a fine j turkey dinner received ample attention, t Senator G. E. Hayes goes to Salem j each evening to be with his mother who was seriousiy hurt by a fall last Satur day. She stepped out upon a board which slipped, throwing her suddenly down with such force as to severely injure her about the hips, and fears are entertained that the bones are injured. Mrs. G. E. Hayes is remaining in halem 1 to lend her aid in the sick room. Dime Entertulnment at Park Place. The boys and girls of the Pine Needles society will give an entertainment at Park Place Congregational church on Saturday Dec. 3 at 7 p. m. and the proceeds will be used in completing the church building A pleasing program is nrepared consisting of readings, recita tions and vocal music by the young nn..... ...t.n ...ill v V... 1.. L,..l F'-'l"' wilw mil 10 annnwi iy uairiiM u solo singers, together with an sole rpiartett from Oregon City and the public may look for a treat. All are cordially invited to come and encourage the Park Place young people. Meade I'ot Attention. Next Monday night a full attendance of comrades requested for the election of officers and inspection. Oilman Pakkkk, Commander. Fl'WOKTH l.F. AUI R I OXVtXTIOS. 1'oi'IIhiuI liistrlft to ( otne In Oreirmi ! City on Monday Piirrm. j ...... ... ! ' moniuy kvknino, i -,;jo. s,.rvio of Smt. j 7.4 Sermon, Kev. Wultoti Skiworth , followed j,y rvvival service conducted by K.,v, j y Uticlions, 1, KSOAV MORNIMI. :X) IHuolional Kxereisen, Kev. II, It. Klworlhy. Paper, "Arnold's Lfclit ot the Woild," Kev. J. X. IVnnison. I. I. OKMKK.W. lll't'SION, j 10:30 Papr, "How run the League be made mor efficient in outsiito chris- ,f nun worn : Aims i.orvna 1 owon. ; Discussion om(l by Riv IV j WHttcw. 11:30 Uusinetw, Klwtion of oltUtr. 1 :3t) lVvotional exervie, Kiv, C, : K. lirstf. j 2:00 Vapor "Is it dosicned by the church that the rvlicoon serviit'S nf iIim League are in any sense to take the lme ot the rt gnUr prayer and class iiiwliiigs of the church ? K. A. Thomas, Discussion otH'iied by Kev. It. V. (irau- ' : ins. 3:00 Taper "The general rule of the M. K. church," V.M. Monro. Disctissiun oivihhI bv Kev. C. K. Lot'ke. j 4 :tH Taper "The rise and progress j of Methodism ill Ureat Pritian " Kev. T. T. Hoyd. Discussion oHnel by W. 11. Young. TIKMIAY KVK.MNO. 7 .30 Service of song. 7 :T Sermon by Kev. J, K. Colly followed by revival service conducted bv Kev. J. W. Bushong, I). D. WEDNESDAY MOHNINU. 8:30 Devotional Kxercises, Kev. K. S. Craven. U :00 Paier "The rise and progress of Methodism in the United States " L. N. liross. Discussion opened by presiilenl of Hillsboro League. 10:00 l'ier "Comparative ad van- tages ot the pol.ty ol the hnglish and American Methodism." Miss Ruth Harrington. Di-cussion opened by representative (mm Clackamas. 11:00 Keports from delegates and business. WkDNKSIHV AFTKKNOOK 1 :;?0 IVvotional exercises, Kev. H W H. Smith. Discussion onned by Kev. W, M. McOart. 3:t Paper "American Poets," Mrs. Maggie Soper. 3:30 Paier, "The Chataiio,ua Idea" Kev. C. E. Locke. Discussion ojiened by Kev. G.W. tine. 4 :30 Closing Business. I Golden Mar Brand. I Marr A Kotiertson have just received ' a car of canned gixxls direct from the i Puckers in California consisting of canned fruits, jellies, jams, preserves , etc. These goods are extra, the fruit is 1 large, being chosen from the most highly I flavoured varieties. The Svrtip is extra j heavy, made ot pure sugar, and the qua! 1 ity cannot be surpassed. Having bought I early in the season ami trnit having ad- yarned considerable since, their custom- ers can depend on being supplied with "extras" at what is usually charged tor "Standards" or common grade goods, ity this season. Customers k of it. What is the reason for it? Can't yon tell? If not try again. Hundreds of new customers are coming to us, and coming once come again. Why? It is because yon are treated courteously and get your tull money's worth everytini9 whether you spend a dollar or a nickel. Yon read our advertisement and you j know that what we say is true You came tor the goods advert isi-d a bar- r been misM r dl ZZ fact you find the bargains better than V011 expected We nave your conll- luimn nf ntir tinuinpuu Thuro nonsense about Hkllomv A llt sii. The people at the World's Dispensary of Buffalo, N. Y., have a stock-taking time once a year and what do you think they do? Count the number of bottles that've been returned by the men and women who say that Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discovery or Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription didn't do what they said it would do. And how many do you think they have to count. One in ten? Nut one in five hundred ! Here are two remedies one the "Golden Medical Discovery," for regu lating and invigorating the livei and purifying the blood ; the other, the hope of weakly womanhood; they've been sold for years, sold by the million bot tles; sold under a positive guarantee, and not one in five hundred can say: "It was not the medicine for me!" Ami is there any reason why you should be the one? And supposing you are, what do you lose? Absolutely nothing. For Kent. A desirable furnished room, close to business center. Inquire at Ohkgon City Shoe Store, Buy Yonr Wood. K. Parker is prepared to furnish dry fir wood in any part of town. Leaye or ders at F. T. Barlow's store. 4t HATS FITTED TO YOUR HEAD. -Hv Tito Latest Many tIjoct to still' liats liocauso tlioy uro ho uncomfortaMo on tlio In nd wliilo now. You don't lmvo to wait now fur a hat to hIiujk itself to your lu-ad. Wo .hlini,' it for vou and inako it lit as oasv as n noft hat. In SlilV Hals ) Carry all Stylos, From $1 Up to tlio Host Silk In Soft Hats We Havea as the -We lotliing and Furnishing Goods, O'CGNNELL St CLRSS, Tlie One Price Clothiers and Mutters, OREGON CITV. OREGON. THE LEADING GROCERY HOUSE! The Most Complete and only first class GROCERY Quality consider ed, our prices are always the lowest. Cor. 7th & Madison, Shively Building, Oregon City. j. in. n. RGDHOuse, I f you have a watch or clock that (Iocs not run and keep cor rect time, give me a trial anl I will do the sijuart.' thinf,' by you. If honest and fair dealing will capture your trade I will have it. SATISFACTION -:- GUARANTICICD. Watches Herniated Free of Charge. No. 4, Commercial liank lllnck, Oregon City, Oregon. F. W. MILLER, , - Trees. - Bulbs, - Fertilizers, 1 Poultry and Bee Supplies, Etc., Etc. 1-71 SECOIVD STXSJEET, PORTLAND OREGON. SEHSTID FOR CATALOGUE. JKBL Lyons Tutt'iit Hut ('tnforntutor" wo a PERFECT FIT IN ANY OF Sfvles of Larire SttK-k, and ('an Head of Almost Anv nro constantly iiMiitg to our sto'k Iinsirtrrs uixl ilci'lcrs in Cnoice Fa If Groceries Selected Teas.l'uro Coffees & Spices. Buttcr&Checse from; best dairies Fruit and Vegetables in Season. Watchmaker & Jew eler. Has a nice line of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry for the Holi day Trade. SonvenirSpoons a Specialty PERFECT SHAPE AND Fit Guarantood ro tvirtroil to givo ytn ti- THE I.auu:inir in Hat tor Prico Fit the Purse as V1 One. of- Business Conducted On Business Principles. One Trice to All. Positively no con nection with any advertising scheme n NOBLETT'S STABLES. I.ivcry, Firil ami Sale Ktnhlti ORECONCITY. LOCATKM IIKTWKr-H Til It IIKIPOK AND PKTOT Pott Mo mid Single Rigs, nnd xml !lit horses always op hatul at the lowest pricoM. A corral! connected with tin burn fur loose stock. Information regarding auv kind of stork promptly attended to by person or letter. horses Bought and Sold. SOOTHING POWDERS, Fr CHII 0R(N CUITING TEETH BRI.1RVB VEVEHIHII HKAT, fllKVKNT NTB,CONVt1I,H10NH, I'ltKsr.tlVK A HKAI.TUY STATE OV THE CON STITUTION JJUKINO 1'KIIIOU Or TIIETUINd.i 8m tliat th. wnnl "JOHN BTETOMAR, Chum hi, Walworth, Burray," ara cngrarnil on tlio Ooriirnmnnt Slump arriiml to n pwknl. -aold bjr all Leading DruwlaU. Beautiful Fruit Farm ! Forty uercH, level us a floor, all cleared, well fenced i - to live fields-, good lioiiHo 2(ix'J(! feet, Hjilendul well of good water and force iinij), good burn and out Iioiihch, Heveral hundred fruit trees pruneH, apple, cherried, eto., Htnall fruit in abund atieo, Heveral Hlieep, liogH, cowh, two young hornen. Everything in f)rHt cIiihh condition. For partitMilartt, apply to owner, Milton Stingby, near CiirriiiHvillo, or hoo L. H. Jannoy, with W, Carey Jolnmon, Oregon City, Oregon. Stiff Hats. )