Oregon City Knterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME O CT I'll HHTM MKII IK KrrmTIH ,1, ar', J..v. n,1.,j,,,lt, ril i! ?;?. " '.i .m. m. :.';,':,,.. "m !' irl Hl'NIUV M.., mm in, TIiiiimmiiI mili..ii in rlimii with.. hi iiuilri. W.tlllKRJI -AI'IHi: HAIt.WA V Hum l Mill mi, AILany l,ii way tiail..uo . al in lalllutiiM : urnu iilirtiulii . n u a. mi. Uiwalmri Ual (way atallmia) . fHp.m, ..I'm mi mi tt'liii I ...-. I (war alallmial . 9 HI i, m Albany I or) (way alallniial . a Ui u in Vallfnrnla Kiilaaa (lliiiHifiil t:l i n TIIK MAIM. MalUHiniiitiNirn. a tu , I i in, in m. Malta cliiae ,li,( Mmiili, m , 1 ju . in ip Mnriai Or-a-nii rit)i in Klu.fa,,,,, Milium ami Molalla lfa ai U at ancj arrival al Dm ilall Ot..itt'iiiKI)f.Mliili.'larli.Mra.iillrio, l'm..n M H la. Mnlirin ami ( ..li.ni. Iratoaal 10 a ' i Ta.ta, rh.it.la)i amt HalunUy, ami ra 1iiM Mlowluf daia ai J n p. m HCID.IY. IlKfKMUKIt 2. l.iuim.ATivi (iinmip It U yni early In Hit ily, bill there in, lievorlhelemi, a freat deal iM liitflalativa nl flitltnn thrvugh tha air, In relation lu the nrian. laaieRo( Dm auimta and lioua. It U month, and 1 a am I f until til teuton OIHina ml Irum now until that time ther ra likely to U hirmed a Urn nuttibet at alalee, A recapitulation ul tha aenata howa thai body to he t-umKed h( thirty mmber, ol about aliiren are mpohll ani, eleven demixrata. aii'l una er.'h peopla'a, citluint'-demovralic and democratic-woileV Tha Iioiim will runaUt of aiity nienilwra thlrly-eluM reuhll cilia, wventeen demurraU, three ieo tde'a, ami to I'itiaena'-demiM'rntic. On joint Uallul there will Ihi nir.lv, volea Illly lor reoitblleaim, tveiily--ltfhl deruo crala, dmr paoflx'a, litre rllln'M)em ucratic anil una ileuioiralir-eople's. It 4a barely poimlble, however, that Ilia I uiii may ahuw a volt a 1) t tit different (rum thia anna a reitihlion member (rum KmIku Oregon rcaigned ami an Ir aa return! of Ilia i ial election am re ceived a lie ia Indicated aa between th republican ami deiiuM-raliu randidatea. It will rt"tiiie the iiMiclul runtil In ilm-hltf it. Fur pri'iiiiliint ol tha annate, tha rai-e amxna to ha lielwwn Hun, Kilw. Ilirn. li, of Sali'tu, ami Hon. ('. W. Kul ton, ol Aat'iria, with tha vary prohahle choke u( the itanlleiiian (roiti Marion, For aprakfrof tha linn T. T. tiir, u( Marun, W, I. Kraily of Mullnotnah, J. A. WriK'lil ol t'nion, anil t). F, I'aitoii ( Mullnoiuali ara nieiilionnJ, hut loca tion 111 rut a tlnura whnn it liivoium known what a. lKni tha aenata takan rat tlva to the t holr of a I'rraiiluiu olliocr. Tlin U-ifiKlatttra mvt'lt al Salum on Mon day, January jllh. SutnauiNn. Vr Andiiiiu Flail I.aiiiikm. The filiation Ailvanra in rmrmit iaaue writia: U.rmMilaliv-lm't M. A Mil lar haa Imwii InvoalixMtitiat th niatlir tha cnnntrut-tion of a Huh laihlfr al Ori'iion City, anil ha Inlorma ua that ona if tint ri'raMnlalivia (rum thia county will inlroilnoi a hill in the nnxt leniala urto niaka an appropriation for t hi. niriomi. Thara have bi'n two or thn'a Oali U.l.li.rn put in at llii falla at nn-t vk iiim, tha li'tfialHliiru at una wnaion ppfoprialiim lO.tXX) lor the coniitruc (ion of one, but ihay aiMin wahail out. Mr. Milicr'a l.loa la now to make a pii way hy hlwatiiiK out atapa In tha aoli.l rin k. In convaraal'on with a civil a nuimi'r in I'ortlaiul lt waak he waa tohl th.il thia woiilil rout not to exmxl :liHHl, ami It woulil he itulcHtnulihle. Tha M'opla on tha Columbia have here tofore bmm oppoaaJ to a flh laibler at IhU plai-e, hut Imvinit Icarneil that the Pht Willamette ami Ha trllmlurii-a ate the natural apawninn nroiit.il (or aaltnon, (heir rapieaenlativea will now favor the tiieaHiire. It la until that perinlltiiiit the (lull to come above the In I In will lienetll the Hioile o( the upHT Willunietle val ley to tha extent of 50,00() per year, mi.l Mr. Miller uya ibu 1 inn enmity luliyalion will do all Ibey can to aectire an approprintloii 'l,r ' nirnii. Fob tiik MfI.onini.iN Mom'Mknt, Mra. C. H. IV haa received 10 from Dr. John A. Wyelh, of New York Oily (or the Mi'l.ouiihlin Monument Fund. lr. Wyelh i a relative to the litHtoriu Natliaiiiiil J. Wyetli, who In tha early thirliea built Fort llall oti the Simka unit Fort WilllauiH on Smivie'a Inland, The friendship of Wyoth and McLonnh lin i ft romance of the early timea. Hi vala in trade, coinM'tilur, yet Manila, W'yoth wua finally forceu to aull cut to the lludmin Hay compiiny (or what It whh willing to Jtive. Yet twenty years later we II ml Captain Wyoth writlnn to inembera of congroHa defendiiiK Dr. McLonghlln auuitiHt the aHperHiona of tmemleM who took away his Oroon City land cliiim . Pr. Wyoth contributes avultmblo paper to tlm November Har per's entitled "Nathaniel J. Wyelh and the Ntriuttile lor Oregon," In which he vividly pictures the trials of that pio neer of pioneers who really opened the way (or American settlement on the Columbia. It was with him and through bint that lite earliest missionaries oame and gained a foothold in the unknown Orogon. Tun Hanhy's rKCiu.tAiin v. A bridge is belli, built m (he mouth of the Handy, al leant IIoIIiiiiiii and Ihilea urn trying , hard to build una. The recent rise in the juireaiu threw down their fulne work, two Iron plum, and diopimd a lot of bridge ! Irons In the ulii'iun which, now Unit the j wiitnia have mihnidi'd workmen are try jlnglo save, but Holl'man any a he la am ry h started into try to aave the lion, as it will ton! aa much to io-t it out a Is It worth. The Ireahel haa till out wide channel on thin side o( the river. Ilia III lent in depth wheio tha men were able to wade out before, and will make it mine dilllciilt lo replace the i lulaework. Mr. Hodman has not yet de jtided whether lo try lo save the two Iron piers which wuia thrown down. They are very heavy, and It will be an exien ivejohlo upend them and get them I Into iHisitloli. This experiment in build i log In Multnomah county is likely to a( met the Mil. ling for tha briilgo shortly lo lw erected In thia county across the NawaTotixoHuK. (ieorge Ilroiighlon, who established a lumbar mill in Oregon lily, In 1H7H, haa uwialed il auadlly alnca, Ha employs twauly-ltva man and i-uls nothing but hardwood. Tills from the t'oiniiienial Kavlaw will l nwi lu Mr. Ilroiighlon whose teams arc kept busy hauling out soft lumlwr (or Ida large bulkhug Irada In Oratton City, (ieorga has a good hardwood trade but ha saws thoiisanda of soft limber wham he rtita htiudreda ol hardwood, His present large and complete plant beluw town baa huen buill up from a very small concern on Abemethy irland. It haa taken lota of work and aril to surreed eaWM-ially In the trying months following the flood when bis mill ''sailed away on a voyag o( diaeovery," but I (iHorirn haaahioa n Imtli anil la ilaaairvliitf ol success Havk (ions Fast On Thursday night llou. I'. F. Morey preaideul of the l'ort land tieneral Klectrii: company aeeom panied by (ieo ('. Hrownell, their at torney and W. C. Cheney, electrician lor the eompany took the Union 1'acillv train for New York (rom where they will go to (toaton and Unn, Mans,, to close up the bualneaa relating to the consoli dation of the companies. They exnvt to ta abst'lil aWut (our weeks It is hardly necessary to say that Mr Morey will take advantage of the trip lo ac quaint himself with new electric appli ances. He could not (ail lo do that II he tried. Tai.I. I'oi.xs. The I'ortlai.d tieneral company have just received 300 cedar poloe (rom up the Columbia which range In height trom (0 lo 80 (eel A lot of these have been unloaded (rom the cars at Filth etreet where a nana' of men are busy preparing them for setting. While sume are shaping and smoothing them withdraw knives others are Using 10 foot aimers to bore holea in tha bottom. Into these holes oil will be Hiured and tha hole plugged up. Tln-xe poles are to be set between Oreinn City and Port land along the F'ast Side F.lerlric, road On the flat Mow town the very tallest poles will be reipiired while in town thev will run (rom 40 to 00 (cel. Why Not a Hotki,? Now that there cetns every prosinvt of a rapid forward movement in Ibis city, why ia it not a good time to move In the matter ol a good hotel building. IJuita a numlier ol business men have uolcd the need ol a auilahlo hotel commensurate in site and appearance with the needs of the city, and all concur that it ia badly needed. The F.NTKKi'Hisx baa assurance that a good building could be rented immediately so as to insure a lair return on the investment. Then as an adver tising factor it would plav an Important part, In (act it may be said to be a necessity, 11k Woiikko tiik I'kkaciikks, The Telegram notes tha appearance of an other Ihirand Organ company note, the party being the Kev. .. T. Ingle who formerly preached in Miis cltv, Heaver Creek and Kpringwater. The matter came out through a suit to collect the nolo. Aa the defence did not set up "(ornery," the note la probably genuine showing that Din and was not above practicing hta blandishments upon preachers, Tiik 1'hick ok Hoes. Joel 1'. (ieer writes that hops are moving soma under fair prices ranging from 18 to 20 cents. Hops consigned by him as local agent to London commission merchants have yielded as high as 22 centa. Ho reports a determined elTort an the part of Lon don merchants to bear thu market, which attempt is not proving very sue cesnlul. Two lota aggregating 228 bales were shinped last week. Siii'T Down fob Kkpaikm On Wed nesday the Willamette Tulp & Paper company found that the cooking tanks in which the chips are steamed, bad be come worn by the acids used In cooking till it was no longer aafo to use it under the high pressure required, (or (earo( an exploeion. The mill waa therefore shut down and many bands thrown out of of employment. They exKict to be Bhut down for six weeks, On Tiiohk Miuidv Siioks. Hud the artist, can bo found at Famaworth's barber shop, second door (rom post olllce whore he will polish or oil shoes in the noatoHt manner. Pchk Milk. Johnson it Wnrnaek will deliver pure, fresh milk to all parts of the city both morning and evening. Good pasture, pure water and healthy cows. Un. i.k Kam's Hnao 1'it.i.x -Tha gov- eminent hits been doing considerable In Hie way ol improving Ihe upper river the past season, and Ihe work done will have a beneficial cU'ect upon navixution. The Yamhill Is well cleared and It is ex pected to run bouts In McMiunville this wilder. The snug boat baa now gone to Corvalllsf.om which point thu i.uIUt will work down stream lo Halem, which will complete tlm sea-oii's cam- palgu against olnl ructions along the channel of the Willamette. Tbeamoimt expended durlnn Ihe avason'e work will be In the vicinity ol 1VMN. It Lkmis Fi.a von. On F'ridav lasl, , . i . ,. , I boa. Hiown under Ihe Instruction the Fled rie company bad several men aimsged In removing Ihe body ol a dead horse 1 1 on. the basin Just at the head ol the water mains where It bad lodged Ihe nlgbl before. The carcass waa passed along to tbelowe, river, and will probably next be heard liom at the Portland , ,1RV() i t tH,,t .anortmpnt of drv water works, where it will lend flavor to iriaxls, clolhlriK, hoota and shoes, mil th Pennover Imer taken from the Wd-! bnery and choice family groceriea in lamelle. Nxw to l)AV. IniMrif awisa cream limlatrger and American (all cream cheese, aourkraut, milchunr and Salt herrings, mackerel, aalt salmon and smoked meats. Fancy groceriea and table delwles arriving daily al Marr & Robertson's corner tovenlh and Madison atresia. December Wratbrr. H H. Pague, forecast omVial of the eat her bureau at Portland baa sent out a resrt show log facta taken (rom ob servations covering a partial of 20 year. You can siiulv them, then turn weather prophet and tell what kind ol weather lo expect (or Ibis month. Mean or normal temperature 42 0 deg ; the the warmest Iiecemta-r was that of '75, with an average ol 47.7 deg. j the cold est December waa that of '84, w ith an average of 31 S deg. ; the highest tem perature during any December was US deg. on the 27th, 1HHO; the lowest tem perature during anv December waa 2 deg. on the Kith, 18x8; average date on which the first "killing" (roel cafurred (In Autumn) fiovenitcr 17th; average dale on which last Iroet occurred (in Spring.) Precipitation : Averaire for the month 8.22 inches: average number of days with .1)1 of an inch or more, 19; the gieatoat monthly precipitation was ia,ti:i Inches In 1880; the least monthly precipitation was 0 88 inches in 1870: the greatest amount of precipitation re corded in any 24 consecutive hours was II.IV8 inches in December 13, 1802. Aver age number ol cloudless day 4 ; aver age number of partly cloudless days, 8; average number ol cloudy days 19. The prevailing winds have Invn (rom the south; the highest velocity of the wind during any December waa 44 miles from the south, IVcamhor 7th, 18U1. Netlre. Notice is hereby given, that all assess ment lor street improvements must lie i paid at once or else property will be lev ied upon Immediately. W. A Whitk, J. W. 0'CONNKI.I., C. N . (iaKKNMAN, Comm. on Health and Police. Oregon City, Nov. 2, 1H2. C. O T. Williams i now doing busi neaa (or himself at the old stand next door to Caullcld A Huntley' drug store. nonrr on eaay terra ol O T. Wllllatina. ABOUT OUR STANDARD BOOKS, GIFT BOOKS, BIBLES. PRAYER BOOKS, BOOKLETS, CARDS, ALBUMS, CELLULOID NOVELTIES, PLUSH NOVELTIES, PHOTOGRAVURES, About the Assortment, p 4 One feature of ourfy I.uliday stock is, that p, there ia something (orf il everybody something P A for everybody' purse. I The variety we show makea the selection of ?" appropriate gtfta easy About the Price. We aim to undersell f our conumtitors the J Portland dealers. Ho i cause of lower running l expense we are doing it. Let us help you lo "economixe this Xmas. 'iiv-r About the Style. , Having bought direct CARD j inuii r.amern manmac 1 turers, we can show you in all lines the latest J styles, patterns and de 1 sign the market alTords. Many novelties are en 1 :....! i ...in . PURSES, GOLD PENS. FANCY ,l iiiuir new auu will noi lie shown elsewhere, STATIONERY. Coino in and see how satisfactory Xmas shopping can be made, how well we can supply your wants and how far wo can make your money go. Oregon City Book Store, Three doors north of postoflice. V. A. Huntley, Proprietor. BUSINESS LOCALS. I Holman A Warner, Undertakers arid Krubalmers, Oregon City Hank building. I Itecelpt, note ami order hooks al the ! KsminiiBK olllce. Hecdniair soolhing imwders (or ' tlll))j,, , fl,V(,ri, ,.,jdiii, j ,()W (my (j(ly mi) m IH.kt A,.,,(,t ,)(t Ktuedmaii'a. If ( "',lritl toO.egon ( Hy in lota and bhks to suit purchaser. Property f"' - ,"r"'" K- U'""'r- I with W. Carey Johnson. tf , . " ,, . , Hilm your produce to the Park Place store wheie you can alwaya iret the bent market price and your foods at lb snuie llguiea aa UioukIi yon paid cash ma)k rw.ej,t ,nj 0rder books at the KvrttHraisa utile. - TZ.riiZ J"PK Clackamas county at prices that tell. W a RTKii, second hand grain K. K. Williams the grocer. sacks, tf IT yarn waiait I barrovr noary applf '. (. T. William. Lounges, chair, ale, uiiholatered at Holman A Warner's AH work guar anteed. Ks, air all your old lounge (or little money and they will be good as new. ' risst sa Ortbard. Walling A Jarrish, the Oswego nur serymen, ofler the finest (election of fruit tree eversold In Clackamas coun ty at price within tha reach ol all. Call and examine sample of their trees and get price at F. T. Harlow' (tore Oregon City. Iteantirnl naburian Heme. One mile and a ouarter (rom town, good hoard walk past the land. Acre tract lo suit purchaser, term easy, the finest suburban property offered lor sale, yet on the market New proposed motor line (rom Portland. High and sightly. See L. K, Jasnxy with W. Carev Johnson tf Jbout that ijajj IjifM In order to meet every demand for Fine Perfumery this season, we have bought a complete line of Kickseeker'H Goods, thereby be coming, their agents. Theae odors are put up in almost every conceivable shaped bottle, and each one in a separate satin lined case. They will make the most stylish Christmas gift imag inable. Mr. Scott, of Scott's Emulsion, asked a leading drugpist of Lon don, England, for a bottle of the best perfume made, and the drug gist handed out and sold him bottle of Kiekoeoker's Golden Gate. Our prices for all these odors are the same ns for the more common kind, though we still keep a full line of Palmer's, Wright's, Lum borg's and Steam's. Come in and look at them. You are always welcome. C. G. HUNTLEY, Surerftor to Caufield - & - Huntley, Freiorlptloa CroggiiU. XMAS STOOK. How to Buy. I The very best kind of j p a Holiday gift is that k which has a useful as f well as ornamental pur- j p iose in view. We have provided for all tastes; s L but nothing will please j P vour friend mare than a ij, iiresent o( one o( hi J favorite authors. j When to Buy At once if you want y the Hist ehoioe. lo vou remember what vou said last Xums? That next time you wouldn't wait till the last minute. You will do yourself an in iustiee if von do not see k our stiH'k before it is J r broken up. j Where to Buy. r A'i..... l. I i i i. liv'v mo imtrcH na- . ? sortnient at the fairest CASES, prices is otlored. We are perfectly willing to leaveit toyourjudgment alter you look through our stock. Feel Iree to come: we want every- h body to see the nice i things we have. MONEY TO LOAN! SlVlVailHaflHaHBl'aVaaVMMai OFFICE Next door to Caufield & Huntley's drug store. WATCH THIS SPACE I OUR HOLIDAY ANNOUNCEMENT WILL IN THE NEXT ISSUE. THOMAS CHARMAN & SON. GO TO Oregon City Iron Works for all kinds of Machine work and Casting. ALL REPAIRS To Traction Engines, Threshing Machines, Har vesters, Mowers, Etc., promptly attended to. OUR PRICES Are equal to the lowest to be had in Portland. Shop on Fifth St. near Main, Oregon City, J. ROAKE, Prop. OREGON CITY Manutaciiirora ol and COMBlflATIO. WII(E AMD pU FENCE, Both rough and dressed for lawn and division fence, also Hartman 3 r eel icket Fence, And Wire Panel Farm Fence, also Expanded Metal Fence. Call and see Samples and get Prices. Shop over Bestow's Sush & Door factory, Oregon City, Or. GEORGE BROUGHTON, N tNlTACU'REK pF ALL KINDS Of FIR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER. FULL STOCK OF FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISH ING LUMBER, DIMENSION STUFF AND LATH. Special Bills Cut to OrdersE Mill and Yard ofl the River, Foot of Main Street, OREGON CITY. OR. CITY VIEW MARKET, HENRY BOYER, Proprietor, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh Beef, Mutton, Pork, Earn, Bacon and Lard. THE BEST F MEAT KEPT AND SATISFACTION GIVEN, SHOP ON SEVENTH STREET, AT HEAD OF STAIRS. 3 C. 0. T. WILLIAMS will lean you all the money you wanton improved farms at the vory lowest rates. Special rates given on large loans. No I'liililing and Ian Asso ciation but straight goods. After thirty years residence in Oregon City I feel safe in refering to the public in gen eral. APPEAR FENCE WORKS, dealers In all styles of