Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 02, 1892, Image 4

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Published Every KrUtny.
crnciAL riFER of city and coum.
, H i
f'i '
u..K.i.i .... ....ki. ,r ..I,.,,,-.
8'iVortpiuwfiiNic vtum-
Ailvertlsmg r;o ivu on n,ll"ilB.
. - -
Ktilo r,l m Ih r.wt 0o In Oroena l tly, Or.,
,,vua elM m.ilr.
, ,.-r---.-
Th. LNTKKTK1SK pumi.t. . Unr bona-
lit clrrilatioB thai that of th th lhr
i . .
" ' -1 -
mioa Mill.
Itextnv Brook.
Kow Kra.
Ntk Fla(,
.1 uttortU
"Ortille, -
Kajrl Ork,
. 1aniaar.ua,
Cuerrynlle, -
U.W. IToiuwr
IMo. KmaM
W !i Kiinyan
Gary i W tnaimtor
U J. Trulliincr
K. Hramkall
Chaa Hoimaa
- . Hnry Mtlr
Hamilton Wuhtmrn
. Hn.fi. A hwart
T. X I toaa
j. u. !;
T H.v
, R. at cr
- N. M. Mo,xtr
K. M. Hanmaa
B Jonniatt
- F Ui"f
L.J IVnto
H. W iltwni
John Vlh
J. V. Klliott
K. ttatarh
Mrs. W. M. Moinii r
Oo. J. Currin
Mrs. M. J. Haninirr
- A.iolih Ascholt
Much ha been said and written against
our jstm of jury trial?, and In on sons
II ha bn justified by Ui apparent laxity
of law which perniitte.1 criminals to
tht panuhmcnt prorHlosl. In itranire con-
trast with this and witn tonur Tniicts in
this county, wre the sevral tertiicls re- j
turned by the jurors at the last term of,
ciurt There was a conviction in every case
tried by th state in which indictments were
returned by the grand jury, and for once
rritne has received a blow which will cause
any who may desire to step outside the pal
of law to pause before doing that which will j
jeoi-ardiM hie or liberty. W ere crime inva-1
riabljr met with certain punishment, it
v oi l I be far less likely to tun rampant as it
at time seems to do. It is largely the
laxity in en for. e uent of the laws which en
courage criminals, till becoming embold
ened by their successful escape from the
law's clutches a ware of crime like that of
the past summer in this county, sweeps over
the community arousing it to a sense of the
Impending dangers. j
V hue tlie prosecution ami jurors are en- j
titled to much credit for the verdicts re-1 counlv is close to the pen and the taxpayers
turned, yet the fact remains that in these j will hare to stand it. What is there todom
verdicts the people spoke. The jurors who i ocratic reform and economy, any way?
sat im the several cases came from their
homes fully imbued with the all pervading
sentiment that crime had become too bold
and that it must becherked. As a result of
this sentiment the iurors listened attent-!
ieely to the testimony and rendered their
verdict strictly upon the testimony as in
terpreted under a strict const rmtion of the
law. The people were in no mood for sickly
sentimentality, which winks at crime be
cause the unfortunate iierpetralor must for
sooth suffer; forgetting the victim and the
justice of punishing the criminal in their
sympathy for the accused. There was no
room for this sentiment. The people were
aroused hy a w anton a! tempt at rape in this
city. The crime resulting in the foul mur
der of an inn. Kent child at Milwaukee by
the fiend Wilson, followed by other crimes
but little less terrible, convinced every one
that the time bad come to act. and the peo
ple have acted. It is well, and once more it
may be said, " vox populi, vox Dei." The
guilty should be punished and no mere
technicality of law should prevent the exe
cution of the popular and court's decree.
The so called ' bloody shirt" has never
been waved by republicans as much as It
has been used by democrats as a bugaboo.
Neither has it been used in the north by re
publicans nearly as much as in the south
Ly democrats n lio have for years used it to
keen a solid south. The Times-Mountain-eer
in this line says:
"The democrats in their exultation over
the recent victory, express the hope that
they will hear no more about the "solid
south," and that the " bloody shirt" will he
forever furled. When any single state south
of Mason's and Dixon s line casts her elect
oral vote for any other candidate except a
fletnocrat; when colored citizens are tried
by courts of justice according to the laws
of civilized countries and not riddled with
bullets, hanged to trees or burned at the
stake for crimes w hich are passed upon by
juries at the north, and when the ' Hiar
Hpangled Banner' and 'America' are na
tional songs instead of ' Dixie's (.and' and
the 'Bonnie Blue Flag,' the ' solid south'
will be an obsolete term and the 'bloody
shirt will never be waved ; and not till then.'
The Oregon National Guard Is a credita
ble organization composed of representative
young men, and no pain or reasonable ex
pense should be spared on the part of the
state to make it ay thoroughly efticient or
ganization that may be relied upon in
time of need. No one wants to see the
militia called out, but in case of any emer
gency it is well to lie prepared. Concern
ing' the need of this organization in the
btate Hit Telegram gays:
"Oregon's National Guard Is made up of
the flower of heryouth. A person who sees
the different companies in drill or in social
gathering can come to no other conclusion.
If be were skeptical on this point, a list of
their names would show htm (he truth of
the assertion, U & young men ww taktn ;
at mndoni, who have lived in IVrt land for,
Ht li ikst ihroe years, a large part of them
would be either active or veteran member j
of the National tSuard, Socarefullv trained 1
aiv thoy that whvn they turn out thoy are
enthusiastieallv cheered, and their public
.iritis m Ml,vit,' m lull. I.vl l,v- tltr,, ,,, ,l"
I people. Ill many respects, however, thoy
"T'rT''" rT'l"
euipis! and tunds are not on hand loom-! ' ..-it n , . .i i
. . . ,.., ii.n i. .1, ....... I..
; xUt Urk of ovttronts ot ny kitui which r I
I so essential to .nihil., particularly in such
. climate as thin. If thoy .ore out Mi
i ny tun hy iho mwssitv of vont t the
. , , ,, .. i
I Kovvrnor orler in itihl or rmv oathor,
uioy wouiii imv oiiohiiv no pnmvuon,
i aoi oniv no inrv iiiii coat, inn intuition
. ..
! !. h,l tl,r r numorou, o.hor I.,,
I Provonion., xinntiM An i!l t
j '" '"!tl l"'"' f'"1 '
Uuiiomont... .,,!, thi.Kv.vernorii.im
"Vla.!' t 0?!
; " . ... .. .
i piiiii !'., i i? timiv iifcni luai a iirrir,!
bill will he avsl for th militia's lom'lil."
Thr apprara to b arouil ntimnt
favoratil to rrstrictttl Inun'njnilioii. lur
xcbang are atranp-ly in avnl upon this
qurrtion. Th Kvnin Tologram in an il
itorial say:
" Than ran ba no doubt that the time
is approarhinir when thor will t a party
whih shall demand a restriction on foreign
imiuiitration to this countfy, and that the
home for the oppressed is about full and U
wants to be kept for future prtieratkui of
those who are hor and yrt to coma by l
Kitiniate birth upon Anirrk-an soil. It will
not b so much th franchise that will be at
Ii4u. a th Uolion of aitniillinn to this
counlry etry class of foreign population.
The sentimrnt of th people I alrongly in
favor of a halt" . .
Hon. M. C. (iiosi.x in writing an antiunt
of Oregon for a Ci.liitoriiia magasin
must hav bad our falls of th Willamette In
view when he wrote the following:
"The main spring of Oregon's weallh and
stability is water, whether considered in its
graiulrst form
in our ocean boundary, In
; in niaiesiic i. oiuiuoia nvar, mi siieni qtku-
. . , .. ,,t.i
Kt- ,or nitlliona of tons of einrts and im-
jjrts. or as the fertiliser of slopes and val-
,VSi or bom.j by the great Architect of th
universe in rock bounds and broken in, as
,t wore, to bit and bridle in human hands at
jour waterfall, compelled in it turn to u-
slave 111 electric or supplant the fiery ele
ment, driving mill or dynamo with ir ro
9i,tii, (ore, j blessing town and coun-
try alke with numberless benefits
For prisoners for the penitentiary from
llacxamas county, and four trips to Salem,
involving four round trip railroad tickets,
rour carriage hires, four billsof expense, and
four bills for conveying prisoners. All this
where one or at most two trip would have
done. No wonder it rxcites comment and
criticism. If the sheriff of Malheur county
conveyed his prisoners thus he woul.i have
to lake the county for pay, but Clackamas
of our corresiiondeiits siigjrests that
a description of the several localities in the
county be prepared by the correspondent in j
'cl I,la' k'"1 ' As this would itive
tlie readers of the ETiRrik a better idea
of the various neighborhoods and their lo
cality we think it would be a good idea for
our correspondents to act upon.
Othxr cities are holding their municipal j a ay the evening hy playing games and lis
elections. Why shouldn't Oregon City pro- j toning to excellent music,
vide for the annual election to I held in Miss Kate Casto, of Clackamas county,
December? Then the city's affairs could he i who is attending the stale normal school.
wound up with llie year and the new coun-
cil get rea.lv fur public improvements with
the approach of good weather in the spring.
It would be a good plan lor homesteaders
I having final proofs to make to get them in
immediately. If Cleveland selects another
Sparks to nianaire the public land business
settlers may well lake the necessary steps to
secure their homes now that they do not
have a .Sparks to tie up their titles.
It is gratifying to the Kntkhpmsi! to have
the tiearty co operation of its corresjiond
ents from all parts of the county as evinced
in the columns of this week's issue. There
is no better way of judging a community
than by the news tin patronage it furnishes
its county .ar,
Thf. Euireiie Iteirister in nekii, of Mr.
Lease s candidacv for the senate, oasunllv
remarks that "she is a populist, of course
She couldn't lie a republican because she
doesn't give the necessary protection to
home industries."
.New Pupils and New Studies-Prompt
Make Good Records.
The schools after two .lays vacation for !
Thanksgivingopened again on Mondav with !
several new scholars. ' i
The pupils of the sixth grade have begun
to use selections from Irving', w orks I
sutinlementarv reading choosing f, .1,.,, !
present study " Iilp Van Winkle" and j
" Legend of Sleepy Hollow."
Most of the grades are reviewing for their j
quarterly examination. I
The first grade (chart class) had the best
attendance last mouth, there being only
nine and a half days absence, whole regis
tration fifty-one.
In the first grade (A class) fourth, sixth
and seventh grades, there were no cases of
tardiness for last month.
The literary society met as usual on Fri
day last with a very interesting program
The duet by Sadie Chase and May Wish-
art, accompanied bv Vara Caufield and Bet-
tie Fouts on guitar and violin wan worthy of
mucu praise.
The debate on the question, Resolved,
That intemperance causes more miserv than
wars, was decided in favor of the allirrna
tive. Those on the allirmative were Bert
Beattie, Pauline Campbell and Eva Mel-
drum. Those on the negative side were
Daniel Tompkins, Fred Hedge and Irno
Harding. Pupii.
'TMt ' MoRrhtes Sentence tif William
Henderwn. l.u toted ef Murder
William Henderson
Alter fuir trial In - -
fore mi intelligent jury you hav boon nm
I viotod of niimlor in the llrsl degree. Organ
i iod society has declared through the solom-
- r '""'.! . ....-...., .......... ...........
it i ... i K, , ... , ,L ..... i
' J r ' " ""
I h. ..I U... ... ......i.i t..
', ,.
nml thi Imiiio iiilmu of vour miw nmv
r .
- -
nihil in thin mulii'ini", hoo loot lmv lut
. . , , , , .
i txi!uii to in'tnl tho ilowiiiinl imh of vuu
- . (
w((b Miw ,
,w,lP ,Hlll.i, bnnt.t von U. hor
- 1 J.oiiiowiMul
! ' v ''"' . M
! touch all alio hav hranl thin trial, ami who
hav known yonr past life, the certainty
that vicious habits and awiciats can only
end in rntn ; that th plrasures of rice are a
delusion and a snare; that the warea of sin
is death. You are a man of (air capacity,
of good parental and raising, and raahle
of being an honor to yourself and a useful
member of th community, l.lle was all
brfore you with the power to choose be
tween good and evil. A few months ago
you were befare this court charged with
permanently disnguring citiaeu of Ibis
county. In response to eloquent appeals
from counsel for pity and sympathy for
you on account of your youth, you were
convicted of an assault only and csraiwd
with a trilling penalty. If Ih jury in that
cast had stood a sternly by th law as the
Jury in the present cas has don your vic
tim would now be walking th earth a liv
ing man and you would not be standing be
fore th bar of this court for sentence.
I have overruled the motion for a new
trial In Tour case beoauee I believe that th
verdict of the jury ia justified by th law
and th facts. I earnestly warn you not to
hoi for another trial or fur any modifica
tion of Hi sentence I am about to pronouns-.
I think that th proswl of sillier
is very slender very remote. Let lit li
seech you, therefore to prare yoursrlf to
,. lu.r. t,. r ... ,i. .. tr.
w,r ,,v ui ui uw mi om unrnw
for which the hand of buma.i Juslii-e Is now
j 'i'l Uln you, and to seek there by sincere
renlanc a higher degree of merry than
1 it is the policy of human law to extend to
you. Employ the few remaining days of
your existence in such a way as to make
some atonement at least for the grievous of
fense which has brought such sorrow to the
fmuily of your victim and mingled sorrow,
disgrace and anguish iion your own.
There is nothing further to he said. I
must pronounce the solemn and painful
j judgment of the law against you. It Is the
j judgment of this court that yon lie taken
j from this court room to the county Jail of
, Clackamas county ; that you be there kept
j and detained until the day to be hereafter
j Hxed for vour execution by the warrantor
! this court, and that upon said day you be
taken to the Jail yard of said Clackamaa
countv jail and there hanged hy Pie net k
until vou are dead.
And may llod have
mercy an your soul!
Objset of the Institution -Its Plan of Work.
Interesting News .Nates.
Curvalms, So. '."H . Thanksgiving here
passed off very pleasantly. Some of the
students prevailed Uin the faculty to per
mit a dance on thanksgiving. Other stu-
dents assembled at Cauthorn hall and passed
i spent thanksgiving here with relatives.
Capt. J. T. Apperson, of Oregon City,
made the college a visit last Monday after
noon. A series of lectures has been arranged for,
by which means the students are brought ill
contact with the thoughts of learned men.
Next Sunday afternoon Dr. C. ('. Htratton
of the Portland Cniversity, will address the
students from an educational atuiui ot n t , in
the college chapel.
Hon. K. it. McKlroy, state superintendent
of schools, accompanied by Hon. Phil.
M. t. lien, paid the college a visit today.
A bulletin is now In the hands of the
printer relating to the propagation ami cul
tivation of small fruits and t lie renovation
of old orchards.
About ninety dollars have been raised by
! ,lie students and the faculty for the purpose
i flding to the educational exhibit at the !
j worl'1' fnir- Some work for the display
j ,"" "'"'a-'y t"" executed,
! 11 t understood tlinl this col-
I '''Ke ony 8 ,"'' f"' 'he training of furiii-
or, f,p ai.nl, tu ll.a .,..... I -. t.
, - . n..v i, ,n ,uc ill .',sr UIIJIIC, a II
is a literary as well as an Industrial school.
While the student Is mastering the arts and
sciences, he Is doing practical work which
underlies all tl.c; great industries, (iirlsare
"'"f ",'.,i,i"n ' ,,,e rf'Ku'ur college
T ' V 7 . , ",1cool""K
the care of the household. In short the
ff "'"'I '' tin world and
o take np tht study of any vocation which
1,8 ",u-v dl0'He' being selfdependoiit
and of use to society.
L. M. L,
Voted fur Weaver.
Oiikoon Citv, Nov. 20. (To tiik ICniTOH:j
In last week's paper you hud my name in
a list of applicants for the Register s ofllce.
I deny the charge. I am not an applicant
for any office. I voted for Weaver and of
of course I am " not in it."
Respectfully yours, David Caitiklo.
A Vary Ripe Old Age,
St. Jomn'h, N. F., Nov. 25. Mrs.
Joanna Ward, ol Cabonear, the oldest
wonan in Newfoundland, died on Satur
day, aged 110 yearn. She was born in
1882, and, having received a fuir educa
tion, wan a mine of information on all
matters tranupiring at the end of the
last and early part of the prnsent cen
tury. She retained pofmowion of all her
faculties: almost to the tirnc of her
death, and enjoyed excellent health.
0V1.Y10.YS OF TIIK rh'KSS.
MUSK AM linn.
Tacouta News: "Nothing In intssUile
! wiUl,iml" '""I"" an expression nfivmiiion
lauu in me oninii.oioiii'v in me iTuv, it
seems, however, l hut there he been limits
to 1 1 10 power of the Almighty, and Mrs
I. rase, of Kansas, hit made good the detl-
I cioiiov hv declaring Unit " nothing t Impoa.
Hn,,"r' ,'ri",""'1,'m'';.
This may be construed as inndltlcatlon ol
t ,VI amiri"fii Hint .tiv hum . ft
Mm, I on' i'itniiily thinki
i .
lUmlliliht : Mmiy lti'i'iil'Hi nn In Kmi
shs wont oil to tho piohlhition rly li'W
i WM .M
-J'" "K" mm
vuri'il niliiliiliou lor llntt
i ii
Smo I luil Km tin v lui e hon fol-
,,,, ,,r,..lM,m,i d , f,,,,,), lir
j thoir .,H.,.-oy . th Imo 1 .m a. to .1.-
! v tho.li into Ih. l,m.,lol th li.,uor
H,r, I'MMhuhm ,. n.ll In Kiim
' lM "UK"," ,w r"""i"'i h'" bU" V'r'-
'' M mat ui now.
t sol rums ortNiok.
Kdltor Howell, of the Atlanta Constitu
tion: It strikes mo that the people hav
spoken so emphatically In favor of a change
of policy that thoy should b a.voniuio
dated with as littl delay as ixwslbl. If tho
McKlnlry bill la doing th harm the lUmo
oral ascrib to it, and If th treasury i be
ing swamprd to a degre ot national nil.r
rassmmil, a is reported, th sooner th ax
ia laid to th ruotof th vil Ih better. I
think congress should b railed In xtra
session, not ncsarily In March, but in Ih
summer or early In Hi tall be lor Ilia year
is out.
IT ia MoT tOXI'lll,
Kugen Register: Th mailer of scouring
a registration law In this slat ia being ills,
cussed by a number of paper. Most por
tions of Ih slat hav about as much us
for a registration law a a hog has lor 1-atln
Such a law would be a great thing in some-
uf th pro 'nets In this county with twenty
lo tidy vottrs.
Th farmr' alllanc ia evidently ex
hauated with overwork and is likely to
swoon away and Stay swooned. Indeed, It
was orgahiied for th ssil purpoM of the
last campaign, and now that la over it Is
over likewise. The wople parly, which
was only a sort ol a second-hand branch of
the alliance, ia m about Ih sain fix. - Kx.
Dancing Academy.
I'ro(. Al Keacr, Instructor at Tort
land Select Dancing academy, at Hi
bernian hall, Portland, will opn a
branch academy at Armory hall, In this
city to aaneniMe- on Monday evening.
Those wishing to join tho class can ap
ply to Mr Kverott Hickman at Walling'
cigar store, who is receiving applica
tion and will explain terms. Join st
once). II L'S
lie Yenr Una .waster
Few peopla appreciate, hoar much
their impression, their whim and im
pulses, and in (act all thoir menial en
ergy depend on the) harmonious action
of all the vital organa. A poorly dig'siel
dinner may make one quarrel with a
friend. A contested liver may dring
imaginary gloom and trouble into the
sunniest day A rheumatic pain may
keep you (nun business or work ami en
tirely ohanifii anitio marked nut policy
A lew d.i"osol .Movie's Revealed Remedy
wilt give tone to evorv (unction and
make you enjoy your friends and your
AH person indebted to tho linn o(
Fields A Son will please, call ami adjust
their account Immediately aa the es
tate must he settled Respectfully
4t FiKi.na A Som
Ladies' and limits', robes at lloltran A
Warner's Undertaking parlor. If
II Should lie In Every House.
I. B. Wilson, "71 1'iuv slrei't .Sharps
burg Pa. sues he woiihl not bet without
Dr King' New Discovery lor ('oiMiiiiie
tion, Coughs and (.'olds, ihat it cured
hi wile who was threatened with Pneu
monia after an attuck ol "I.n (iriiipc,"
when various other remedies anil soveral
physicians had done hur no good, Robert
Barber, of C'ooksport, Pa., claims Dr.
King' Xew Discovery has doiio liim
more good than anvthing he ever used
(or Lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try
it. Free Tiial Dottles at (ieo. A Hartl
ding's Drug Store. Large buttles 50 cts.
and fl.
A woman irha
con e. (She's
the woman who
gut well. It' the
woman who um't
sea and won't be
hove, wlio baa to
And it's need-
N liws. There's a
incdlclno a legit-1
liuiiuj mcsHcine
that's uiailn to
stop woman's suflorlng and cure woman'
ailments. It's Dr. Pierce's KavorlUi Pro
scription. If puruly vegetable) and perfectly
harmless a fHiwerfu! general, (is well ns tito
rinn, tunic and nervism, imparling vigor and
strength to tho whole system, For sirlodical
lus, weak hack, Ismi iug down wiimtioit,
nervous nroMtrutiori, imd nil " fetuulo com
plaints," it's a xitlvo. remedy. It Improve
digestion, enriches thn blis.l, (1im'Is whoa
and xnns, melancholy and iicrvotisucKS,
brings refrmhlni; sleep, and restore health
and strength.
No other medicine for women Is (riinrriit
feed, as this is. If it fails to give satisfaction,
in any cose, the money paid for it is re
fund. d. V ou pay only for the good' you get.
On these terms It s the clirajieiit.
Over Caufleld'l Iiruii Htore,
Office dsys from the 1st to llwh of osnh month.
Artificial teeth on rubber, Drst-elnss, (11).
Gold fillings from t'J up. All
work guarauieeu.
Vt lutvo jtint opoueil
-Hought lwt from tho-
Allot whlt'U wo lmvii nmiki'tl tit our uhuiiI low pr.i'ru. Also,
nit oxi'olti'tit itHsot'tim'itt of Chililri'ti's, MirW ntnl Uilii''
Don't fail U t'ttll in t'ltrly ntul nturit lmritinH wn nro now ollVrinn,
Etc., Etc.,
At jtriiTti tti'vi-r lN'for
dri'ituii'il of in Ori'uun City.
Holman & Warner
t'lulortakiTK A
I carry thn largest ami licnt iiH.mirtml ntock of wall iuimt over drought
to Orcgnn ('iiy, ami will hi'II tit TnrUum! priri's. l.vl mo give you
figures on your work.
Shop oti Seventh utreet. near Center.
A fVw dose i,f
Moore's Itovcaled
Will braro you iii, put lliu blmi In
your cheek and thu aparklii in your
y. Strictly noii-iilcoliolic, ils idl'in t
upon piTHoiiH Hiill'tiring from liipior
liithit is womlnrfiil.
NVm, KiiSKcti, of Portland, Ore,, writes:
"Misire'i Kevenleil lietiunly cured me of
ilnuikoniiesii and msdo a new mini of mo. All
who sru cursed with tlio llipior hslilt shimlil
take It."
A. II, Case,, of Monterey, Cnl says:
"Itoiillrely destroyeil iny taste fur splrlliiou
Try It ones. Hold by all ilniKglsls, or HKiwsrt
llnlliies llrilg Oo.,Heatllu. Wash.
A new sml complete troslmenl, o. insisting of
nupliosuories, luiiiuieui in i;spsuieH, also In
Mux sml Pills; a positive cure for Kxternsi,
Internal, lllltul or bleeding, Itelilng, ( lirniilu,
Heeiint or llercdllnry Piles, sml ninny illm.Hsei
slid feninln wesktiesMiiN; It Is always a great
licm.fH tn the Kcuornl health. The first dls
onvuryof s medical curnreiidiirliigannpeiaiinii
Willi the knife unnecessary hereafter, This
rimedv has never bean known to fall. l per
box. Ilfiirtri: sent bv mull. Whv sufl'er from
tills terrible disease when a written guarantee
Is given with six boxes tu refund tin. money If
not enroll. Hend stanin for free sainnle. fiimr-
antee Issued hy WooiiAatiCI.AaKK Alio, winds-
I unto nu invnii uiiiBit., siiiv HUlll., I oriiailll,
nollter largo Involim of
I v
Cooke's Stables,
W. H.COOKE, Manager,
Hiioeessiir to V. II Til, t'u.
Comer Fourth anil Main Strwln,
of the City, HiKa 0( any description
furniHlic.il on short notice.
All kind of Truck and Delivery liiiHi
tn.HH promptly attended to,
Horse lioiiriled and Fud on reason
able terms.
-fVIsTD .
Parties doalrinu Wood Turning, pat
terns, llrackotB, or
Shop Carpenter's Work
Will be Stilted by Calling- on Me.
Doors, Windows and Blinds
' Or. H. BESTOW,
WrOpp. the Conirregatiotial Church