Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 02, 1892, Image 3

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    Oregon City hntcrprisc.
i-iii ia v. I'lrivMitxu a, ihw,
i", II Webster of Clackuum
tip mi TiU'Miluy
N II. Ilruce mihI w llii i, Portland were
III town il.m limt of tlm wiok.
Hen. Finba mi, WIM,7,t Thanks-
giving In lown i . mother.
The latest In v In i t ( t if card at llm V.H-TUMI-HUN
OHKIt.K. Prices to milt you,
Mm. A. Walker who turn been very III
for it lull!; time in i,l,Ui to be Hlmiit again.
C. . T. N' illinniM I now prepared to
make veiy favorable riilea in, good farm
Thoan contemplating borrowing should
ascertain LriuM ult'erod ,y C. t. T.
l.aramie Mnver of Huttl In pushing
ln claims lr the rcgislm ol Dim laud of
lit" ul linn place,
. I.. A. Ficytag I" moxing to Port
land where ln vn -, l In seiure, em
ployment nil l U.ik n at,,,,,,
I'.. J. hw afford CU.-ktiuuia county
boy ha been nominated by tlm republi
cans ul Salem r vlty treasurer.
Furnished nml nuluriiMiad roni to
Itil IiIih'K ul the Commercial hank.
:" Ms. U, I. Tin, max.
liny your namta and oil, window
mid dor t I he -ik Place Store.
They m cheaper thus elaeaheru. .
Adam Slelnhach u in tliu city Tiles
tiny mill submitted ,ricc lur the luirk
mul concrete wik (or llm new rity Jull.
Itslph F.,rly who drives a dray lor
Cooke is I hhI up with mi attack of neu
ralgia, mnl A. llntut is driving fur liitu.
On Thanksgiving Uev. ti. W. Parker
married C. (i. i,i4Ii mnl Miss Laura
Powers Tliia ia tin- llrl Wisldiug to
occur In Hull. oi
Itev. Salallual 1UI of WixwlUnd, fill.,
tilled Hie ('oiigretiutioiml ulut laet
Sunday mor'iiiig, In the evening the
clilldn-n gave a mimionary rally.
Mra. Sarah I rancher who Ima lai'll I
viaitiug her Don in Seattle n-turiivd on i
Tucadiiy Inorli iinprovi-l in health.
She think I lirgon Cilv la-tler than the'
Sound citica
totlm aill'lllllt ol If Kl.om U'loliulnn
to II. K. Croaa, hroke ha.ae from the
Clackaniaa dam laat week and were '
Waahed Into the Willamette where luii-t
of them were caught.
H. A l. (iuilry wriu-.fnmt Arlington. I U"ell. ol Oregon City. The next Feb
Oiegon, that they are getting along very 1 r",)r he atifferwl a aeyere attack of la
nicely there with Ujulilol weather now, 1 K"!'!- froln which he never fully ro
bot he ia not rerlam whaL kind to e. ! H'veie.1. Ilia health rotitinilillg to ih-
pecl after Marcli 4th.
Henry Ihihuia proved up on hia homo
atcad the lact of the iH'k with l. ('. j
Howell and A, l. Crane aa wilneawa. I
This bomeatead ia now
farms in the country .
one of the flucil
Mra. M. M. ( Inn null) hna made a
ill . I .1 1
marked improvement In the appcarunce ,
. , , .iiiii i
of her place thta (all and ia now engaged
in putting on the fluinhing touches
which w ill leave it looking very m-al.
C Mi'Millail Ima reiitiil the Freytug
store at the corner Alain and Hill
streets and will open up there with a
neat stock of grot-erica which he will
move from his prient location tip town.
ltev. S. I). Kelt of Woodland, Cal. will
preach in the Congtegational church
next Sunday. Hia subject will be at 11
a. m "The Natural man" and in the
evening "What think ye of Chrinl?
Whose son Is he?"
On Wednesday Judge Meldrtlm was
busy holding court in the case of the
Sellwood I.uiulier Mfg. Co. vs. J. itc Klla
Johnson of Oswego to enforce the collec
tion of a promissory note, C. I. id I.
C, l.atoiircHe sppenred lor pluiutilf and
Jno A. I law ley for the defendant.
Dry Goods,
Silk Plushes.
We bought a lot of silk jiIuhIicb,
all colors, which we will sell at -l!)e
per ynnl, worth 7.ro.
Surah Silk.
All colors, at4Sc. jut ynnl.
Dress Goods.
Just received a new line of dress
goods, in fancy plaidH and plain
(roods and dress' flannel, fall stylos.
They are worth from Too, to if 1.25.
Frank Htewart was arrested by chief
of Police Purdoiii on Wednesday for
being drunk and disorderly, l-'or using
I iiijh , ,it language to an ollli'i'r In- re
ceived a deserved lilow over tliu head
from n riinit, Itecordor porter iluri-,l
lino uiiili-r IihimU to appear Thursday, j
Klght now we urn ready with un
llllilienail aaaoituicnt of ( In i-tlimn gifts.
Tim I'umi-iila yon m mil ut tlm iil-i'ii you
llki ma nil liii liiilil In our aii-inliHt
linn of iIiiiiiiiiihIh, unU'Iikk, I'liuka,
jKWi-lry, Nivnrwniii,iiiiiiii'l iitniiiii-iia,
ell'. IU iimiiiukii ,t Amoiik.
' Tim I'nii Itt-itiliiiK loom BHociilori
lil'lil mi InUtmilliiK liii,n(ln lnt Kitllir.
Uy iiIkIiI mnl t-lcctcl K (I ('milluM
prvHlilont, Juh. Hlinw vli-wpre-iMunl, W.
A. Iliintli'y aoiTi't.iry mid Jua I' HIihw
t'liiirlii, Mi-lilriini lio im alli'inlinK tlm
I'oitlmul t'nivxraity ant TliHiik"Kivlii((
with liia Miri'iilH, Hiliirniiiit to tint I'ni-vro-aiiy
on MoihUv,
Ktlml Allirlnlit I'B'i-limli"! hi-r eli-vtmlli
liirtlnUy Momliiy i-viiliiit ly i-iilnrluin-liiK
h ully I'urty i f aliu ul :,'i of Iht yoiinu
II. Smith of Minion county mul
IIii'Ii'pmi U'iUon wrrn uoirrii-,1 on Tiu-i
diiy t tlm ri'ddi'iiii, of I). Il.lilu tiy
lii-v, Tlioa. viol I'urt ImihI.
Henry M. Ilrown uml l.lxlu Itrlurdt
wi-ri- iimrtleil last Tlnirmlay In Canhy
ly iti-V, , J. (iMnlin-r.
iMinciin tin- ''Imt antiwi)ii" vi-luli-r Ima
kipin-d out. Il wna waiilud for ivin
dm wsti-r to Indimia.
Martha an, I h weiearrealvd Saturday I
lilgld lur" Ix'iliK drunk and ilUorderly, J
Ida hart and Kverett K. Jinlel
I have !
IxH'tl gianlvd a uinrriak'v liiTiiae,
" - " " pct Co. He found 34 otliwra and
A hail A miction. I )n jjt) ni nm,j4 , thorough exam-
Mm llnllam. wlio la well known in ; nation of their anna, appearance and
Oregon ( liy, aa Minnie Howell, liaa ; e.jiiipn In He afterwarda made a
met w ith a tad lien-avemeht in the j !i,irt hm-i in w hich he coinpliiimnted
dealli of her liualiaiul. On avoiint of j the t-uii.pany Uk,ii tlieir line ap-arance
K,r lirallli l alarti-d eaat about tlw'and evident inteiwt in their duliea.
Hih of Novemla-r to viit hia old home j Hi, raiN-i-iallv liraiwd Caiituin (iunong
He in feeling quite well and cheeiful
when he "tinted but the high altitude or
aomelhlng elite proltiri a hemorrhage
and ten ii.iiiiiiea later he ilil. Fioni a
' paar at tua old lioiue we ipiote:
Cbartea I. a Moine Hiillatii, the ol,let
w,n of Sulathael and KluaJ, Hallani,
waa Iktii in l.ivingalon county. III ,
, January '.' i, K'w. In l.tH the Ijiiuly
I ri'inuvril to WiMxIford, county, witling
ur .'., !,, Clmrlea reaitled un
,i ns t when be went w et. He lived
Mmaiiuri and Kanaii- alamt live yeara
when he went to Oiegon On IVc. "I,
" .""oin!
dine, it was thought liest that be should
return to Illinois in li,,f of improve
ment. In company with his wife and
hia brother Frank the start was
made. He seemed to lie stun. ling
the ttip well, and waa in high anlic
ipationa ol a visit with kindred and
friends, hut suddenly, when at Cisco,
I IHII lie mnn'iru ic'iiiin 1 1
hinga and died on the tram
...... , ,
t'lah he antlcrvd hemorrhage of the
Such is the brief record of a life that
had only reached the middle of the al-1 lota of freight ia moving. The Modoc
lotted three-score ami ten. Asa laiy has la-en limited oil" of the Yamhill route
Charlie was oiderly and industrious, : for repairs and the Willamette Chief
and as a young man so honorable ami runs in her place. The Klwood is carry
upright as to command the resect of I ing wheat from Wheatland to Oregon
all. When it was learned that he was City, It will take her two week to
dead there was universal sorrow among
hia old neighbors, and sincere sym
pathy with hia kindred. His death was
the harsh breaking of what had leen
a large and happy family circle. That
circle will long mourn for Charlie, but
in their grief will mingle no shame for
any unworthy conduct on the part of
husband, son and brother.
We oiler a great variety of appropriate
presents for ladies, gentlemen and
children. We can supply a suitable gift
for old or young at any price you desire
to expend. Hchmkistkk a Asdkkskn.
Fancy Goods,
Wo will sell from .r0e. toflOo. a yd.
Mens' Underwear.
We, also got in this lot a line of
mens' underwear at TiOc. a garment,
that heats anything ever on the
market anywhere.
Special sale on all kinds of rub
ber goods. We also received a big
lot of ladies' Macintoshes and Gos
samers. A very fine cloth surfaco
Macintosh for $4.50 worth $7.50.
Circuit Court Iti-ntn.
Tim jury found for Case liros In thi-lr
null against AiiiiIii Miitlii'xon for fill!.
II, K, Cross assigned of Hutli Austin
made In final report whuh was con
H rruiMl . ('has. Hlewiirt Indicted f' r
nri-iny l,y bailee piinl,-il not guilty mnl
WttH nliici'd iiii'Iit I'JIH) IiOHiIn.
Hi'lHiitof ri-lerwa In T. liurt'a
""' !
, " 'i,,,,r r" "' b,,,M,"j
Surah A. Leu hum KmiiUd a divonn
from Tlimnlori l-u.
I, II. Ilriuo whh t'oiivletcd of larceny
4iul ktiiiti-nct-d to two yt-m In tlm 'i.
Mirhwl lloyli-a wiin found guilty cf
umuiiiII iipon Henry llimliir willi a
diiugeroiia weapon and Wai entvncid to
twoy-'iira In tlio imnlteiiliary. II. K.
Croaa and llnnry Mdiinn ,-ure,l lor
tlm ilefmiiUiit and V. N. ltimlt and
tiiKi. Ilrownell for lli lti. Thu il"-
for iimaiiity waa entered but not auie
Tlm cane of tlm atuti) auitinat I 1 (
Mahlnil for tllwl wan (liwiiiweil . j
1 liu ditie of llenderHon'a execution!
lot not deen flxed
HIieriH timiolig took llol, (iardner to,
Salem huturday nii;lit, Hurt Ilm on Sun
day night Hrilce un Tuead.iy mid lloyles ,
on Weiideaduy.
Court lulla wer allowed aa follow a:
V. N, llarrett diitrii t mturney fj'.'5 ; ,
Chaa. Itunvan, curt reKrter, $l0;i
W. II. Walker di-feiiM of linrdiier ami I
llriire, f:M) ; J. K. liiunnmn, hallill t-'4;
Tlo-o. I'oiita, liailiir, $j ; TIioh. Miller,
Imiliir ! .
t eiiuimir V liiaiiected.
(In Wediielay evening Col. C. F
Heelte, ar'ommnied by two of Ida alalf.
I.ieut. Mcl'aw and Sergeant-Major
Crowna came up from l'urtland to in-
for bin able
conduct v' the alljira of the
company and coniiiiendei'. all ollii-em for
their hearty ro-eratiou in the .National
(iuard work.
Nut Ice In Itulhlera.
Notice ia hereby given that bida will
las received by the underaigned acting for
the city council tip to noon of Hecenilwr
3rd, 1 .HI)'.' for the t-onatruction of a city
jail for Oregon City. For plana and
' lcilliation call on White Hroa. The
! ,"i,v """'', "'"ea the right to rcjeet
1 he reu'lvlug ol tu.la lor the anove
. . . , ., U. i
ilav noin Decumlmr 7. W. A. WinrK. l!v
Older of the Council. 'it
The Xorimuis and M-mutaln
On Friday evening, lecemtier H, Itish
op Heckcr, of Ohio, will give a lecture
at the I'nited Hrvthren church in this
city on the Mormons and the Mountain
Meadow masHiicie. Admittance 25 cents.
Childien free
Uivkr Norxs. Tlm river has f.illen
somew hat during the week but is siil
at excellent bonling stage and as a result
bring the wheat from that one point.
The Salem has been withdrawn from the
upper river as she is too heavy, slow and
exenaive to operate. Capt. Waud ex
pect to put a new light and fast boat on
the New-berg, Mission route in the spring.
The Oregon Pacific boats are now run
ning to Corvallis, The Oregon City
bouts makes quick time with the gixsl
stage of water and are carrying lots of
Cantos', 0., Nov. 24 William Me
Kinley, sr., itged father of (inventor
Mckinley, died this morning ut ("untun,
Notions, Clothing Furnishing Goods,
A New Market Macintosh at $;?..r0
worth double; a nice striped Mac
intosh with cape for $2.tl5 A good
quality with cape also $-2.2."i and
$1.'.I5. A tine quality circular at
1.75 a ('limner at, SHI SO. (iiisrii-
tuers at $1.25 and S)5c, and the
(iossamers wo Bold for 45c. is now
Mens1 Heavy Rubber
Nobody Disappointed Up To Date !
Our Iloliilay uttruclioiiM jilcaw! tliittii all. Not a clotnl to mar the merry
ClirirtiuiiH of liuyiTK hIio vmit our iiiiiiiiiiiotli Ktix-k of giftx appropriate and
iliiralilc for fvi-rylinily. We will plwme ym in quantity, quality and price.
An uiu-ualli-il aHMortini-nt and variety to unit all tauten in
Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware,
Musical Instruments, Etc.
To Eichni5.
I or city or auliurban proiierty, a
ranch of 4:'5 acrea near Hilem, A) acrea
in cultivation, new biiildiuga of all kindn
and Hue improvement!, new agricultural
machinery of every deacription, alao
atoi'k, hay, grain, etc. Kverything nec
eaary for farming. The bet fruil land
in the valley, Impure of A. S. IIkkkmcr,
41 Oiegon City, Or.
Iluckleii'a Arnha Salve.
The IWat Salve in the world for Cnta,
lltinxea, Sorca, Clc-ere, Salt Kheiim,
Khvit Sorea, Tetter, Chapd Hauda,
Clolblaina, Conn, and all Skin Krup
liona, and ioritively curea I'ilea, or no
pay r-iiiir-d. It ia guaranteed to give
1-rf-ct Mitihfaction, or money refunded,
'rh e cent K!r box. For nale by U
A. Hnnling.
All peraona finding thentm-lvea in
dehted to lia w ill pleare rail and aeltle
their accounta aa atajn aa Haiaible oreli-e
the uceounls will I turned over to our
attorney for collection.
Strut Lxnadry.
The Troy Steam laundry, o Portland
baa oi'cncl an agency in Oregon City
j ilh F. A. Waddork at the piwtollii e
confectionery and cigar aland, wbeie
bundh-a will Im received and returned
at I'ortland prices. AH work guaran
tied to I firntflaa.
Iliime fin Sale.
I have a houae and two lota with good
turn at the head at Seventh street; city
water service. Will sell cheap. Fine
Chance to get a nice home.
Another bonne and two lots at the
corner of ninth and Monroe will lie sold
eai-y term, excellent location.
! vry
desirable property.
Abo a buaineHS lot on Seventh street
or sale.
I For turther information apply
to E
1. Ki.liott, Viola postotlice.
Central Addition.
SHc!al attention is called to the
lieautifnl, sightly and healthy locations
for homes en reasonable terms to pur
chasers wishing to locate in Oregon
Citv. Splendid water and other attiac-
tions in Central Addition. Fine sub
urban pioperly in tracts of five
acres or more, one mile and a quar-,
ter from town. Several small btu val-
uable farina for sale cheap and on easy j
terms. Apply to L K. Jannky
With W. Cary Johnson. ;
Sewer Connections.
We are ready to make all sewer connec
tiona at the uniform price of 35 cents per j
lineal foot for 4 inch connections and 40 j
cents for tt-inch, all complete. Apply
immediately to Pore A Co.
Fish, Fish. At Humphrey's fish
market all kinds of fresh and salt water
fiaii, crabs, lobsters and oysters. Live
and dressed chickens. Free delivery to
all parts of the city .
Wedding stationery, the latest styles
and finest assortment ever brought to
Oregon City at the Kstkbi-kisk office.
Justice blanks, real estate blanks, and
all othei blanks at the Kntkhchink of
fice. Portlund prices.
$2.25 worth $,!. mens, Gossamer
:!.re. Mens' rubber boots, long $2.05
mens' short hoots 2.25. Bov's rub
ber boots $2.25, $1.D5, $1.75, $1.(15
and $1.45.
Ladies Storm Rubbers
We bought a big lot of umbrellas
very cheap and of course want to
sell them while we have a chance.
Burmeister & Andresen.-
None but the best quality kept. A trial order solicited.
Tbit old and reliable firm always keep in stock a full line ol
Heavy, m m IwkWi
Harlware, Tinware, etc.
Plumbing, Gas Fitting & Jobbing
Attended to Promptly- Es
timates Furnisheil.
c. p. wiNKsrr.
Largest stock of Coffins and CaekeU kept South of Portland. Also eloili coverad
and Metallic Caskets furnished to order. Ladies Burial Robes and
Uenls' Burial Kobes in stock.
Also Wagon and Carriage Making, Horse Shoeing and Gen
eral Blacksmithing on short notice.
See Our Complete & Elegant
Cash bought it low prices will sell it!
Our Specialty To please our customers.
Our aim To save money for our patrons
Our intention To do better by you than
any one else.
We will sell you a mixed silk with
oxidized silver handle 20 inch for
$1.25 and a 28 inch for $1.35, a fine
glazier silk, with latest designs in
handles 26 inch $1,50, 28 inch,
$1.75. A twilled all silk, German
silver handle at $2.50 worth $4.
Ladies Shoes.
Pirstquality French Kid at $2.95
worth $5. French kid with patent
leather tips. $2.75; an American
s r. scaiPTcaa..
kid with tip $1 95; an American
kid plain $1.05; a genuine pebble
gott, just the thing for hard
wear, $1.40 per pair. Mens' French
calf shoe $2.95, worth $5, best we
ever had for the price. Mens'
slippers, a fine Morrocco $1.(5, A
fancy embroideried $1.25, a nice
plush slipper, 65c.
Ladies heavy skirts 75c. worth
$1. lioya felt hats 15c. Mens
unlaundered shirts at 19c. each
T O K, H5