Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 02, 1892, Image 2

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    V. Llv. l'i iMilO v vl i 1 1
THE FISTFRFRISF CORRVlsPONlV. MCV,nhKu,veland'smird w"11! : haven't purchased as yet.
'siTi WI.Vl TIIK linn ! lnmsioii hills, during w hich l.owry asserted j Harry Gard went to Oregon City lat Kii
1 1 '"' !,hM "Hine-UMUhmif il nol.ti.-rs dramg 'day and took tin' S o'clock train Saturday
J'ronert.T looking I p. An
Head Needed.. Social umi
Events of Interest.
Mocstais Yikw, Nov, !. A number of
parties wore looking at lots the psl week
with a view to huving in the near taturv.
Mr. Thorn pson is building a new front to
hi residence which wilt aiM greatly to the
gsd appearance ami comfort of Ins home.
II. H. Inskeep is building a two story
shop on his property. The ground ttcsir
mill he use.! for blacksiuithing ami the tip
(H'r for a wacon ami paint shop.
Chas, Moran is chief horseshoor at II. O.
Clarence Knott, of Mnlino. Is the man
! o grinds the grain at F. M. Palling' food
n id.
The loth Icing Nellie S warlord's tei.lh
hitthday ant vorsat. . she ca. e a party lo
alvut a dozen of her little la. ly friends at
the t ome of her parol Is, After a couple
of hours sjeit in gam. a1. 1 romping a
.tail IV litile Ha oh was serve.!. Nellie was
the nvipi. nt of a iiuinlvr of gifts from her
friend, of ! teh she has a goodly number.
Miss Alne M. Warner, the po;-u',ar sales
laiv at M's Watts millinery parlors of
Oregon City, rcturn.sl home lodav to enjoy
a well earned a. alion w ith her parents, Mr.
ai.d Mrs. F. Warner. j
C. A. Kan.ls and ite gae a thanksiriv-'
iniS lirty at their suburban home, at which '
were present about thirty guests who did
ample justice to the nat turkey, etc.
I. ii. Fnst and lamilv are now cotnforta-.
hly housed in their new residence which ts
quite an addition to our tow n. j
E. Warner reacts to this Titer that he I
picked a mess of rie rasplerries for his !
dinner on the second Sunday of this month,
Tney grew on canes of this season' growth, i
W ell, Mr. Kit i tor, we think yon hit the
nail richt on top when ou spoke last week i
fan electric line for the bill. By actual !
s-oiint there are now oxer seventy-lire resi-1
dences on or near the line of the road from
the head of Seventh street to the John My
ers farm that would all be tributary to this
tine. There are also two stores, the post ;
office, two blacksmith and wagon shops and
the feed mill which would ail contribute to
this line. Without this line we wil! have.
in January, I"". one hundTd resiliences.
iive us the hue and we wil! have not les
than two hundred at the date named. We
"an give a handsome subsidy to the com
pany that will take up the matter. There
ia not a healthier or a more sightly location j
for Oregon City to extend her borders than
ours, and you will find this is not the last of j
the Mountain View electric line.
Location and derrlptinn of the Place-Some
Hint to Corespondents.
Caets, Not. 29. Perhaps some of the
K.iTiRrniii readers do not know where
anis is located. A number of Extebpkisi
correspondents write from different points,
as tor instance Chern-ville. etc., whirh your
Carus carres(ondent dis not know the
exact location of, hence I would suggest
that all corresmdeiits give some local key
to their location so a stranser could timl
the same by a reasonable amount of in
quiry. To begin : Cams is on the main road
from Oregon City to .Molalla Corners, six
miles south. Just where the name originated
we do not know. It was once known as
the Graham neighborhood because of the
early settlement here ot the late Geo. Gra
ham. Several years since Mr. Graham was
instrumental in having
very neat church j
house built which is owned br the M. K
church and is still occupied by that denom
ination, but is open to other religious bodies
when not used by the ow ners. Rev. Gardner
preaches twice a mouth and Rev. M alloy
every 4th Sunday. A good Sabbath school
is maintained the year round. It has been
tne center of the school district for some
years and at the present time has one !
among the bestschool houses in the county.
Cants is surrounded with the very best
farming community in the county, where
is raised A 1 wheat, oats, corn, hay, pota
toes, etc. Some of the wants of Cams are a
a good public hall, a general merchandise
tore, a blacksmith shop and a good literary
societv, and last but not least a grange or-
ganization for the social and material bene-!
nt ot tne tanners, it some enterprising I
jrson would come here and build a store '
the grange would join him and put a good
hall over said store and thereby provide a i
place where young people as well as older
ones could meet and improve their minds
and have such amusements as all well i
developed persons ought to have. Our
worthy postmaster, R. Cooper, has the post
office well established in his new location
and gives perfect satisfaction to the patrons
of the office. We have two mails daily.
Joseph Eaton has been doing some good
work in the neighborhood dehorning cat
tle. Mrs. Casa lay is still in poor health.
William Jones will soon have his house
completed and begin keeping house with
his bride.
There is an unusual large crop of wheat
put in and it looks splendid.
Mr. and Mrs. Haywood have been enjoy
ing a visit from relatives from Castle Rock,
We are intornied that there will be some
important changes at the Spangler farm
If Geo. McCord would start his sawmill
aoon or sell out to some one who would, it
would be highly appreciated by all.
W. . Johnson Gives Another Version of the
Kedlahd, Nov. 28. An item headed " An
Election Squabble" in a late issue of the
Emtebpbisb being somewhat misleading, I
send plain statement of facts.
To begin, "W. J. Johnson, the Rcdland
postmaster," had nothing whatever to do
with the affair. His father, who owns the
grocery (tore in which the post office is also
located, and who acta as assistant postrnas-
lenity with James l.owry. Law ry cum in
lo buy some groceries and a lililo Inlk came
pensions were 'camp followers,' '.Mile
coolers, ' cowards,' etc. This H. P. Johnson,
i 110 is an olit veteran, ltit ing served in the
I Mexican and civil wars, emphatically .'liar
. fc'iwiml a "a lii. whereusn l.owry
l"'11" greatly excited and threatened to
! x1 a knife, but as Johnson ha,l a knife in
' his hand iih which lie was culling wrap-
ping twine, l .nvry changed his mind and
rushed out lo the w.hhI piie, presumably for
the a, hut not Hinting it picked up a large
stick and came hack w ith it ahoultng, "take
; it back or I'll spill your IiI.hhI!' etc. John
son, who is over seventy years old, picked
' up a revolver and ordered liow ry lo leave,
which he did. That was all there was to it.
W, J. Johnson was not even present, and
the matter had nothing to do with Hie post
otti.'V. j
M VRyi i mm
New Kallroail IVjeclcl- His tinn Kxplmleil -Town
Improtemeiits. .
Mvki iv, Nov. .Ii The new pork pa. k
ing.vn'pany under the n.anagi'tnent l Mr.
A. t.ra is doinga big business, and f.irtneis
are l.a-el to tin.l a home market lor their
F. M. llait'i'U'i I. a Ih'cii contined to his
bed for tin1 past week with a severe car-i
hnucle on his Ivaek.
I lievs. A. Kershaw and Myers an-holding
a svries of meetings at the M. K. Church.
Mr. I'. A. Marouam has made a grand !
improvement on the street along his pro-
perty by ditching and graveling.
C. K. Youngis doing a gHHl business with
his new feed null. He expects to put in a
new engine In the near future.
Win. Vauway has bought proerty ad
joining town and has erw lrtl a new dwel
ling w hich is now completed.
Thomas Oarr.lt is iinproiing his farm
with a new residence which, when com
pleted, will he a credit to any county.
The acreage of fall wheat sown in this
part ol the county is the largest that has
been sown for years.
Master Hoy Hidings w hile hunting few
days ago got some mud in his gun w hich
when tired exploded nearthe breech taking
aw ay srt of his thumb which he now car
ries in a rat;.
Mr. F, M.t'l.aran. proprietor ol the ll
hoit Springs, railed at Mariuatu Monday.
He informed your correspondent thai a
project is now on foot for the building of a
wooden railway from Harlow via Molalla
to Wilhoit. The company has adopted the
incorporation papers ol the Butte Creek
and Molalla railroad company ai.d the
enterprise will be pushed with all possible
dispatch. He estimates the cost of build-
i lie and equipping the road at I'Jo.OO r
mile and says the whole business will he
; in running order by July t, Irtfl. He thinks
; that eventually the road w ill eiteud to Ure-
gon City.
A Little About Evrrybody-Nelghborhood Do.
Ingsof this Vicinity.
Moot Plkasast, Or. Nov. 21. Mr. Kred
Case of Ilwaco, Washington, has been sH'nd-
ing a few days with Arthur C. Warner.
.Mr. Thornton Williams and wife spent j
Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wil
iams ol Kir Grove.
Mrs. Fulgerand Miss Edith Anthoni have
been visiting al Rose Farm.
Miss Helen Warner has been visiting in
Portland several Cays.
The Elyville peopie have just laid a plank
walk through Holmes Avenue connecting
with the Mount Pleasant sidewalk.
Mr. George Hlmes of Portland, and Mr
Frank Benson of San Jose, California, called
at the Locust Farm last Thursday afternoon,
j Mr. Benson was not very favorably im
j pressed with our roads,
j Mr. and Mrs. Han O'Niell intend leaving
rveoonoo, vaiuoruia, anoui ine ninuiie ot
December. We are sorry to have such good
people leave us.
Mr. StaHord has some of the finest celery
that we have seen this vear.
Stinday school now has over fifty pupils !
attending, hverybody seems pleased to
have the school running again.
Democrat:; here are still happy over the
Mr. Joseph Likes and family have moved
to Oswego.
Miss Minnie Joehnke, who is attending
school in Portland, came home to Bwnd
We have heard some animated political
discussions over the wires. Why have they
ceased? Hcom.
Whooping Congh In School New Lodge Pros
penms School Notes.
Wiij!Vi,i.e, Nov. 22. Our school is pro
i greasing finely under the able management
: of Miss Emma (jreehle, of Portland,
j Miss Minnie Jaggar, a former school
! teacher at this place, is now teaching for
j our neighbors of Frog Pond.
Tyler & Heely, a recently organized land
clearing firm of this plat e, have taken a con
tract for clearing live acres for H. B. Heely.
The A. O. 1.'. W. which was organized
here a few weeks ago, flourishes under the
distinguished title of Sunrise ixidge No
4.'i. They have recently purchased an ele
gant lot of furniture suitable to their needs
as a lodge.
John Tyler and Mark Heely were the
guests of their friends at Unionville the past
Preparations were started at Wilsouville
for a Christmas tree on the 25th, but owing
to the opposition of some of the residents
the originator abandoned the attempt.
A good many of the children of this place
are suffering badly with the whooping cough,
so much so that fears are entertained that
the school will have to be closed.
O.ABKE8, Nov. 28. C. Noblittof Oregon
City, brought out a two horse load of Ger
mans last week, but the way the horses had
to pull as they came up the grade at Henry
Jeweil's (arm, we would, consider it a four
horse load Instead of two. The Germans
were, farmers and looked lit number of
farms with Hi Intention of huug, IiiI
j morning for Monmouth w her he enters as
a student at the normal school,
Mr. I an. I on Is making a new Imard fence
l.ueene Stout ha his house nearly fin
ished, John Kvans got a riA hroken In Oregon
t'itv I. He digging a well but Is inipem ing
1 wish lo oornvt a mistake In the last
I week's Fntkhckisk. Ii - prime I that A.
' IV Klmer evicted to he in the Junior class
nett year, lie is in the junior class now
and expect to he in
(he senior class uevt
New Setllen Mnving lii-lTwratlii fur a
t'hrlstmaa Tree,
lli. uiwn, Nov, rtenly of rain and
the 1'mI. Ii are going to lake the country
the erv in and annul I Highland, hut vour
corri'sp.uidei t can'l help thinking of the
mill remark of llet'jaiiiiu Franklin al the i
lime lietierul Howe had taken I'liiladelplna. j
I believe the I'utcli ate not taking Highland
as much as Highland is taking the hutch, '
If Highland has more aitractioi s for the i
l'nteh timn any one else, give Highland 111
-rot the Pi.teh.
I'lie old Jake Jones place, consisting n
biiacres. owmsl be J P. Myers, sold afew
dais ago lo William Weiss, a t.crtnau from
Slallord, lor f.'.'.oi.
There is a notice up for a shooting match
R1 ' Highland store for a beef turuished
'' A. Ni.-holson. lo I held Salurdav after-
i ""on. I!h instant. Keault thereol nil-
I There must be some coyotes around as I
I the ilisapsarance of sheep Indicates. '
I Mr. Krohn. our new neighlmr who re-
! ceutly bought the Z. S. tiard place, is hav-
ing his house remodeled and painted which (
improves theaps-aran.tMhere.f xery much. ;
Al. Harrington jogs to Oregon City every j
Tuesday rain or shine. t'oKkiac'Stuxr. ;
Ht.iHi.AMt, Nov. 22. The farmers have'
most all of their fall crop sown and are'
ready for the coming rains.
I The Highland people are g.dng to have a I
I .Christina tree al the Highland Haptisl j
chur. h and a g.Hsl time is anticipated. All .
: arr cordially invited to take part. i
The Uaplist minister, William Short, j
j preache.1 here Saturday and Sunday. His j
discourses were lislentsl to with much in-1
lerest. 1
Mr. Iteason has his mill cutupleled and is !
running it with full l.m-e.
F. Welsh is preparing to improve tii
farm w ith a plank fence. j
Stephen Hutchinson it making big liu-
pniTemeuLs on his farm by clearing and '
fencing, and by setting out an orchard.
Haikrt Social-Business Increasing and Pmpls
Srainuw iti, Se. 2!. A V. P. 8. C K.
basket social was held in the Presbyterian
church of this place on thanksgiving even-1
ing. A very pleasant program was first pre- j
sented, the special feature of which were at
dialogue by Mrs. Carrie Marrs and Miss
i"'ll -shihley ; a recitation by Miss Jennie
Beri'stord, and another of a comical charac
ter by Mr. C. 1.. Gray; a song by Annie Svl
vanus, and sevr-al .pianettes by Mr. and
Mrs, Cornell. Mrs. James Shihley. Mr. S. G.
West anil Mr. and Mrs. Hargreaves. Alter
this the baskets were sold hyMr.iiargreaves,
and they brought oier fit which will lie
presented to the pastor. Rev. Mr. Sylvanus.
Many of the baskets brought were indeed
works of art and reflected the greatest
credit on the taste and skill of the young
ladies of Springwater.
Our enterprising new merchant, William
Ix'wellen, has enlarged and refilled his
store and more than doubled his sloe.
We find it very convenient to he able to
purchase plowshares, clevises and repairs
of every kind without having to run twenty
miles to town.
Rev. Sylvanus is severely ill, doctoring
for a cancer on his nose. He is at present
unable to sit up.
I). C. Howell, W. It. Cornell, Geo. Cun
ningham and W. M. I-ewellen have spent
most of this week in Oregon City, having
been suhpo naed as witnesses in the Michael
Boyle case.
D. C. Howell has again started his crusher.
He chops ahouut mod U lirno bushels every
other Friduy.
Death of Tw o Prominent t itlzenxif Clackamas
Mit.WAUKKK, Nov. 23.-John T. Mullan
who had a very severe attack ol the grip a
year ago and was left paralyzed, died Thurs
day, November 17, at the age of lift years.
The funeral services were held in the Meth
odist church, llev. Dr. Webb, of Sellwood,
olllciating. Mr. Mullan was helpless as a
child and had lo he curried about mid lilted
In and out of bed. He came to Oregon In
the spring of 181 Irom Indiana, and set
tled on a ranch which he purchased from
his brother, it being a part of the old Camp
bell donation land claim two miles north
east of Milwaukee. Mr. Mullan leaves a
wife and six children to mourn his death.4
Jake Miller died Sunday, November l.t.
of old age, He wss a little over Kl yearsof
age. He was born in New York in 1H0H.
He came across the plains In 1HM, leaving
his family east, and engaged in the grocery
busines in Milwaukee and not meeting with
success as anticipated he returned to Indi
ana, then to Illinois and Pike's Peak.. He
remained east about two years, then re
turned to Milwaukee bringing his family
j with him, and since then has made Milwau
kee Ins home. A lew years altersettlinghere
Mr. Miller purchased the Bishop Scott's
Academy and it was run as a hotel. He
leaves two daughters, Mrs. Pratt, of I .a
Camas, and Mrs. D. Sargent who is now the
proprietor of the hotel, Mr. Miller having
doled her the proierty before he died.
Anyone who wants to purchase a
Clirintrnad present can make the bent
selection by looking through our com
plete slock of holiday good. Hl'KMkih-
Aro still selling goods as low ns any houso in tho
State. Wo havo not tho spaco to mention prices,
but wo would bo pleased to havo you call and ex
amine our Stock. Wo aro confidont that our
gives us tho advantage in buying as woll as in selling
'" and wo give our
We havo just received a largo bill of Shoes
bought at -V their value and aro selling them accord
ingly. All Sugars 50c. per 100
Highest Price Paid For Country Produce.
Carlton & Rosenkrans,
iHmtrr -
CrCSCOIlt Wt'tlgt'S (warrailtt'tl.)
,. ,
Qrt'pttl ( lty AjTOlU,
Tualatla Note..
Ti'MATtM, Nov. - Ml I .aura Thin
Hill who is attending school al forest tirove
$ient thanksgiving day at her home here.
Mr. ami Mrs. Walling of Oswego were
in this vicinity a few daya ago Milling
Mr. Harngrover'a dance on thanksgiving
was a most enjoahle affair.
John Cimino's new residence is rapidly
Hearing completion, and he will soon le
comfortably housed in for winter.
The special meetings of the First Congre
gational church of this place closed last
! Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Barber
j of H.shI View were the faithful ministers.
It is lnived much go.sl a accomplished.
I.yrurgus Galnrealh ent a few daya with
friends in the metrns!la this week.
The Quakers dedicated their lillle meeting
house In Sherwood last Sabbath. The serv
ices were very plain but impressive.
Miss Twitikie Graham ol Hulieville Is vis
iting friends this week In and around Tual
atin. DaniMrni I..
Damasi i s, Nov. is.- Muddy roads are all
the go in and about Damascus.
John Hilleary, who has licen attending
school at McMiiinville, spent Thanksgiving
al home.
Mrs. George DeardorIT has been epiile III.
The Damascus sce.s.1 has alniut forty pu
pils in attendance, and there are a good
many more that ought to atleud.
The union school commenced Monday
the 21st with Mr. Reed as teacher.
Mr. Fruits is helping the looks of his
farm by repairing his house anil building a
new barn.
Mr. Gardner's new chopping mill will be
ipiile an accommodation to the people here.
Mr. Hover has moved back on his old
place In Damascus.
The Damascus literary society met last
Saturday night as usual and after listening
to a very interesting program the debate
was taken up. The iuestion was, Resolved,
That inventive genius has done more for
mankind than statesmanship. It was dec-Mud
in the affirmative. I so.
Needy Items.
Nkkhv, Novoiuler22. Our notary public,
Mr. Lawrence, has removed from the neigh
borhood. J, Ritter has been appointed his
Samuel Crocker has sold his farm to a
German from the East. We very much re
gret losing Mr. Crocker from our midst.
Mrs. Vance and daughter, of Eureka, Cal
ifornia, were guests the pastweekofJ.il.
The new residence of (I. Bobbins Is Hear
ing completion.
Samuel Miller is building a new house
which will odd greatly to the attractions of
his place.
Miss Frankie Noe of Salem, and Mrs, Gul
rln of Jefferson, are visiting their parents
this week. A. Nkkhyitk.
Utter List.
The following is the list of letters remain
ing in the post office at Oregon City, Oregon,
December I, 1812:
Baker, Miss Hattie
Bently, J C
Fenton, J T
limit John
Kelly, M W
l.auglilin, William
Mattoon, Frank
Martin, II II
Ott, I, D
Price, Kdgar J
Richardson, John
Smith, Pansy
Snyder, K G
Simpson, W M
Witlierspoon, W W
Wade, Mrs Will
Whuaidon, Isaac
If called for, please sny when advertised
E. M. UAgys, r. M.
customors tho benefit.
1M Front Mnt. HARDWARE l'rtUn.l. (n.nt
Knfitiw.Mierit Aciit (of
. (h-eM.nl Tiilllei.M.ih
A S l'nof ( Tl.llllrt.
. ... . . ,
Ttt ailtl tMH ( lt)jHT!i K'C
- - '
MINK III M N i. s.
Saw Mill Items- Preparing for t'hrl.tnuu -Other
News NuIm.
Mink, Nov, oil J, Martin A Sons
bought all the tuiiU-r on almut one hun
dred and sixty aorea ol K. W, Horn
ahull for which thev pay .t-UI l'her
also bought the tnulier on Ml) acre of
W.sslv Hill fur which lliey pav thiitv
live colli por thousand feet I'hey will
move their null on Mr. Hill's place mot
spmig or summer.
Tliete is some talk of having a Christ
mas tree at thn F.vatigclicul chinch
School cuiniiicncfd hero Nov. 21 with
."? names on the: roll with (ico. II
and Mrs. Dunn as teachers
K. W. lloiiisliiili lakes the lead hero
lor big ling, weight :!'. pounds.
Mr. ('. ilnrnsliitli has U-en iiiile sick
(or some lime with soma kind ol throat
disease. His son, lleniv has not Im
proved much since leluriung Irom j
rvillu, III. j
vur ..e.muMg -H ieiy is increasing
in iiiiiuiwra aim we now nave mtiriio'ii
oaker enrolled. It meets everv Sat
urday evening Tim next iiien'oti (or
debate is, "Unsolved that a protivtlvel
tan If in a Ix'tKijll to the laboring class.
Wo are pleased to hear o( the
changes to m made ill our mail days.
K. W. Ilornnhuli ia making prepara
tions to build a new iiounu in the spring
tocont,iloiit ll.lkk), Monk.
Herein! l nfurtoiiale Aechleuts
Snow and
Aims, Nov .,'(. Widl.it ruiin an.) snows
some but the snow doesn't stay with us!
yet. i
Sonin tlireo weeks ago Mr Henry'
t,'i.'u I l . ,M n II i ' ,
. .... n on v niui u cup oi
hot lea but not seriously. A few il.iya alter
Mrs. Fritr. roceived the sad news o( the
death of her father. Oppressed with grie(
anil exeltiuiiHtit. shn sudd.oilv h.., n,,,.. i...
sane and dio.l in less than tw..i.iv.l
Last Wed ncsilnv afliirniMiu Cliua. I .in.
dot man w ent to E. H. Jlrnuiliiill to get
some nit tings, him teuin imcHtmi tin
manageable anil In some way lie got his
leg broken. The team ran about a mile
and a hall and then stopped but no seri
ous damage, waa dune to Ihe team or
wagon mid Charlie is now resting ns
comlortalile uh a liuin can w ith a broken
Then) ia inure sickness in tliia vi
cinity than Iiiih ever been since the
writer camo here.
The saw mill at Aims is still standing
idle but will Hoon Mart up, II. A. M.
Heaver Creek.
DicavkmC'hkkk, Nov. 211. Items are scarce.
Everybody Is coiuiiliiimug of wet weather,
hail roads and colds.
A large congregation listened to Rev. G.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powdcr.-No Amiaonia; N Alum
Used m Millions of Homes-40 Years the Staadari
lbs cheaper than
primr Uuee --HI'.ver irl. g.wt
Filcx. lvojio. Crtwt'iit M'ol
III 1 1 U.
' Win. Gibonry on the t'llh Instant. Mr. Oil
ony la welt liked by all and we wish he could
eomr ofleuer.
I Our school Is progressing finely.
Harry Itoweu who ha. been unite sick is
' improving slowly.
: School in lb llenne.y district cIomhI last
I Friday.
Rumor ava that we will hare our mail
.lavs change', Wr h It Is true, then
I we will get, . ' i raisx one day earlier.
I Ml Jem i I , who l teaching near
. New Era, . . i -...iirdav ami Sunday with
' h.-r parenti at tnis place. Oesravsa.
t. Attn in.
' G.nrirtn. Nov. - This settlement Is
in Ihe northeast part of Clackamas oolinlv,
Islwcen Eagle creek and I ha Clackamas
river, and comprises one of Ihe llnesl pieces
I of agricultural ami fruit countries an, as
j healthy a place as can lie found in Oregon,
All mat la now nee.le.l la a church In a con-
: ,,,,,, ,,., ,
store and a poslolthn u
make il a perfect success as a community.
Grandma Davis had hemorrhage of the
nose Thursday of the past week. As she is
. 1 1 1 1 1 r- an old lady It was a acriuua matter to
her for a lime.
Gen. Marshal rejoices in the possession of
another son. One morn voter for the una
thai wins,
Mr. Hay is busy clearing on the old Gar
ret raltiiatcur place of which he is now the
on ner.
Saihum, Nov. 28.- Born, lo the wife or J.
T. Wis ker, of Salmon, a daughter. Mother
and child doing well.
II. S. Campbell has moved dow n from Ihe
"oiioiiu mi .o..' H ill ii'!. lie lei. niniw eiglll-
ecu Inches deep at (lint place,
Twenty live head of Hue lieef catllo were
I driven from Coper Salmon ami tins place
! week lo Triuildiile, lo be weighed. They
I were bought by n butcher In Albma.
I Salmon are running very Irenly In the
' spawn ""W'
Thny an. up to deposit their
Notice la hereby given, that Ihe undersigned,
Silinliilfllrator ad the estate uf hi, fa Ann Heoiice,
ilecssiHl, by virtue ot an nril.ir laaued by the
enmity eiiurt of clsekaiuan eminty, (Ireuoti, on
the 71 Ii ilny nl November, A. Il l-'Ji, will anil at
public Hlletlori to tlie IiIkIichI lllilil.T, nil Hntlir
ilny, the ileynl I icccin Iter, A. II. IsW, sill
o'clock n in. of aiinl lUy.im the preullreN nllilin
nliiive PHtnte, the lullnwliig ileaerltie, iroil(,rty
tn wtl:tlle N. K. l4 of Ihe N. K. ill aeelh.n III
111 Inwiislilp It H, ramie I K. nl tfn, WllUmelte
ini-rlillHii, eiinlalulliK til serea inure or l.a, be
hiK a part ot Hie ibmathin Unit claim nl Kotmrl
II. He, nice and wW;alil Ian, I situated In Clack
Hlnna e iillily, Oregon.
l enni nl sale. line hall esah In hand on day
ill "rile, mel one hall III alx llinlltlia with Interest
l the rule nl s per cent. Last payment to bo sc
oured by miirtKiigu. fila
H. W. X lUamcsTY,
Ailin'r n( the estate uf Hula Hcuiieii, dee'd.
Wtltiesa: K. Mardeaty.
Ilaleil Nnveinlier jn, law, Yl 'l-Vi m