JH ft Vi Or : jDjiNTJUirmojii. VOL 27. NO.fi. OHKOON CITY, OKEUON, FRIDAY, DKCKMIJKK 2, 1802. ESTABLISHED 18CG. if 3GON v71 I J AllKY JollNHoN, UWYKK. rur Kllil mill Main xrrvii, Oregon Cll, ori'Kuu. ItKAl, KHI AiKTt)Kl;l.l, AM) MuNKY TO LOAN. J I.. I'Olt't'KIt, ATToitNKY AT I.AW inniiii tn ur ra.ir.ntv rcini. (Ittll-u twn tti.ir atim'. IMi.lnlllrii, Orfg'UI V.Uf. I O T. WII.I.IAMM. 'Wl A I. KMTATh AMI IX)AN AllKNT. rirttfy u( uinnry ui I i u Ui mut fnvtittil ii-rnia, A ikh1 llim ill tiiiliita.. rrftltlctiro ami uHiirtoaa rr"t'i'ri Furiu l'ruMriy In trait, to lit on ay Irrin., ritrr.rntii1t-ite l.nimplW iiw.r"4. Ofll(a. tint UiHir In t nnl,l , lluutlry iliug "r. 1 It lVH. AtTOii.NKY ANI .('iil'NSKUtU AT I.AW OltW ir Orrg.Ml 4ilr Hank. .uN I ITV, ..ti P C II SMITH. riivsit'iAX ANnsriuJixiN, l'.agln Cwl, - Orvgcm. ( i n ii : UToi-imm, ATTORNEY AND CUCNSVLOllS AT LAW MAIN TMKkT, OMkUilN fITV , OMMMift. flirill.ll Allrnrl oll'tO. 1-imii Miin.r, r.ri Murlf . auA Irau.acl lniiefl l.w btittiM. II K I HUSH, ATTOUNKY AT LAW. H4. I'itii r tii Hiava Km I ht.tr rail limninr. Offli-. uu Main Kiwi-L Wl ttmta ml HurenfV uaauaH mv, i- U. KAKI. J NOTARY Pl'UUC, UKAl. KSTATK A INsVHANCK. tiltli- In thi lni (imrni H.ill.li li . II .tt ( IIJ, HiU. W t Hall K. M li . ( I'MYSlrlAX AND SI IHiKi'N. iIjiw t riirtlanil.) 0m.-4wllhUr.MUli.', Aunr. Offgnn. ii iu ik-0 a u or. IlKoKKH. I.IIANH NKOOTI ATKIl. City nml County Warrants Imuglit. INMI'HANCG AKIl ItKAl. K.Hl'ATK. omra In I'tntultlev ullilnn li-n flty r. rpiius. r. it tax, Itr.At. KHTA1I ANI INHCHANt K. ehlf flly. rria u4 aulmrlwii priijienr "r la. liyrrlil.r"r warrant, and awarl llnanlallkliM. Iniki and "ll Tawapanl and lualuMiil vm)r dvaerlplliin atleuevd to (Illlor up ulluli.llllu(UiiD ill piiMiaVra R IIAYKS, ' ATTOkNKY AT I.AW, OakiinH City, Oaauna. Will oraotlp In all i eourta nl th iatfi. omoo, o.wiir Main au.l hlhik atrfcia. roil it hniuo a an. , aanwakix. t- -ItKUWNKI.I. nitKMWKIl ATroKNKYS AT I.AW, OltltUnK t'lTV, (IkKuoa. Will l.rnrllcti 111 all llieentirta ot Oil" lau. Ol rlw, next door ti CauMi'ld 4 llunlley'a drill rpllK COMMKHI'lAl. HANK, or uitr.uiipi 11 1 1 iltnl, liiKi.nuo TkAHl'T A (IKNKHA1, IIAaklNll limNKa. Uiana ma.lo. llllla .llteotiiite.l. Make, enl lertliiu.. Iluya ami !! tui'lianao all puliila hi ilu I'lilli'il Slali'n, Kiirnpa anil ItonK Knna. Iii'poilti reeel-eil miliji'i t to el k hilereal at n.unl ralra allewvil on lllno deiawlla. Hank iipen Irom A. M. to i r. u. Saturday evening, from b Ui 7 r. a. U C. l.ATOl'llKITK, rrraiilenl. K K miNAI.lmoN, Chler 15 ANK Or" OIIKIHIN CITY, Oldest Bnklii Haase li tie City. I'ald up Capital, r0,000. rimailikHT, VH'R I'HKNIIlKNT, CAKHIKK. MANAIIKK. Tiioa. niiaMAM. OKO. A. II A HI. 1 Ml. r. ii CArriai.n CIIAkl.K. H. I'AUrtKUI. A (oneral liankliui liualnea. trnnanrteil. Depo.ll. reeelvi'ii .iilijunl to eheek. Approved hill, and noie. (Il.oininted. (!oiiiit nd city warrant, bought. 1iana'mvle on avallulde aucurlty. Kxeli.nitr liouKht.nd ."Id Collimtloiir made promptly. DrntU .old ..viilliu.le In any Piirt n' ""' ; TeleKiaphlc elianira .oVfon Hortlanil, bau Pranelaen, Chloaif.t.nd New York. KSliJYTteW.llt)llItBANK. rTfTwilITK. W.A.WI1ITB. WHITE BROTHERS, rmetiml JrnhUiwts $ Builders. Will prepare plnn.j uliivat Ion., workliiK de tail., and pi!dtlellon lor all kind, nl huild Ina Hneelal atumlkin alvaii Id mo. rru out ale.. Ctlnmle. lurnLfuid m P; II "u 'Uonoraddro.. lVuTw E. E- WILLIAMS, w H 0 L E S A L E SPICES Aro jirolially iululU'ru('l inoro than any -otlior iicocHsity h11 in a tnx-cry ntor, ami it h Ktrango Inat ho nmny jkmijiKj lo not (juoKton the purity of the ii tlioy w ish to jmrcliusti Imt aro Hatin if it is clicap. You can buy a quarter pound lox of ground cinnamon, cIovi-h, cayenne, ele,, for 10 cent a, when it ia a fact that 10 ceiuH will not cover the wholesale oohtofa STRICTLY l'UKK artulo. If you th'Hiro npieefH that are ah Kolutely free from a hi He rat ion ask for the RED SEAL. Every hox guaranteed. My name in on pyry pa kai!e. f THE GROCER. SEVENTH STREET DRUG STORE, DR. L. M ANDREWS, Prop. A Full Line of Fresh Drugs and Medicines. Patont Medicines of all Makos, Notions, Optical Goods Fun Stock Of Machw Oilt, Best and Cheapen. j Fine weWtioii of Perfumery and Toilet Soaps. And Lead ing Rrindx of Cigars. mi'.m mr i ion 4'4iii:i i i.i.t i Khivclv'a Murk, ...... (retrn City, Or. THE Oregon City Sash and Door Co. Carry tlie I.ftri-st Stin k f Sash, Hoars, Minds, Mouldings, Etc. lit Oregon City- SMciaJ sijiei of Ooora nml Wiiulowa Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts Furnirilifil on nlii'ntion. Htiilili'ra, give tin a call, and "e if our work it not of tUo beat, and our iruvH an low an lli lowent. Trie Lint wnt on application. Factory, Cor. Main and 1 1th Sta., Oregon City. A. XrV. SCIIWA1V, UKAl STOVES, TIN & HOLLOW WARE. All Kinds of Tin, Sheet iron and Copper Work Promptly" Done. PLUMBING AND GENERAL JOBBING TO ORDER. Nhop Mrvrnth Ht.. near ir t. M. HOSF0RD, The CANBY MERCHANT, Si'Uh all gotidn at a living price. Flour and kerosene not given away in order to caU'h your trade and then even up on higher priced tin other goods. None But First Class Goods Carried. I'rieeH a low as enn bo had in the county. Time, given to renponaible. partieH, LUMBER. Orders filled for rougli or dressed luniler, nil first class, at bed rock prices, retail or carload lots. J. JONES & SON, DKAI.KH IN Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cabinet Work, Fitting up Stores and Repairing of all kinds. Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed. i'iti i.N Tin: i.owi:nt. jS7Shop corner Fourth and Water atreets, hack of Tope A Co's, Oretron City CANBY NURSERIES, MILIvARD J. LICE, A COMl'LKTli LINK OF Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery, Etc., WHOLESALE .A. IN" ID RETAIL. CANBY, OREGON Rupture, Asthma and Piles. DR'SSHIMP& HOUSER, Specialists in tho treatment of all forma of Chronic, Catarrhal, Nervous and Female) Diseases. Twenty (20) Years' Experience in Medicine, Surgery and Electricity. All curable eases guaranteed. Oiliee, 259 Commercial Street, Suloin, Oregon, f MTCorrespondenee solicited. . A N D R E T A I nimlo toorWr. Turning of all khule UK IN Oregon 4'ltj . Ilrnnrh al weiro. Proprietor. IlLALXE ILL AGAIN. Much liitcrcsl Taken hi HUCon dit Ion Flection Mullein. KOAII AuKMs XUKIS AT WORK. Omroii' 1k irtttloti at Work hi Waahliiglon- llilglitly Hlutlillird Heaven. Wahiiikotun, Nov. 'Hi liluine'a core ditin eoutinuea t e.xrMe uoaaip, nol- j wItliHtaiiiliiiu the punitive atttemcnt of the family and the attending hniciana I that nolhinit aerioua ia the matter with him. An noon aa Blame able he will' leave Waahinifton and take up hi. reai- j derne for a time in aome warmer and more even climate. The weather here ! I- irritatinit hi. bronchial trouble, and ' jdocUii lindn more difficult in n-l-i Ihe doctor lindn more diilicultv in enV-t- inn a cure, liluine'a present condition ia thai, in view of com lir-uioiia w liich may arixe at any time, he deeum it bent to k a Climate (hat w ill do for hi,., what ! medical .kill doe. not appear to do here. It la underHtooil thai i'aiwdima, t'.l., ha. U-en aeltx'ted aa the mot auilahle place for aivaideiice and that Klaine and family will x there early next month. A tcd Agtil la TULa,k. TiUAMiHik, Or., Nov. 'ih. Laal hator day, Ka the Tillamook and North Vain- InllaiaKe waa coming thia way, there ' waa an attempt to rob the ataiw, but it , waaloill bv the driver. The only one tiaaaenteer, Mr. II. K. Kelann, ,e,,er' ,m" of ,l,e m"t n0'0"01" of Nehalem. and lie discovered ,he '.nit. of thieve, that haa ever operated would.! hiuhwavman dodinit and ,l,e I'"ci,lc Xf"1'1"" crr.uchi.mbi.hind Int. Mr. Nelson 1 for year, they lure terrorize I Et waa not armed, m he remained in t,.e rn 0r,'""n H"'1 Waahingtoii. The gang vehicle while the driver ventured cau-1 ""Wr l,""t 25 " connoted by Mily ahead on f.wt piatol in hand. At 1,1 ""'n'P. a abarp turn in the rol he diacovere l ye,rH 81", '""uted to the state from " i .... i. iii! i ia man croniliiiu? behinJ a tree and ! armed with a Wimheater rifle. Mr(V.v, I ! II driver, had l he d-op on the raa,al, I and demanded to know what 1 meant j by acting ao .uapicioualv. The itianicer I ! l.eKl,ed off, but waa go confute J that he jeoidd offer no aatWactory aa-ount of hia I ! iculiar acUon.. He waa allowed to no. Careful inquiry failed to identify thfl ! ! . . man in anyway, ana no audi iu- 1 dividual had been aeen on the road at any time before hia encounter with the 4Ukre nor haa he been aeen since, Hortrmu PoiSo Bakb.ry. Tacoua, Nov. M. Aa throtiKh passen ger train on the Northern 1'acific pulled out of Hut Spring, a siiihII atutiori 63 mile east of Tacoma, last night, it w.is jtHmrded by three masked men, wio , wore long ihirk overcoata and slouch hats, and their face, weru covered bv red haiikerchiefs. Two were armed with Winchester rillee of ao-calilier, and one carried an old-fashioned rim-lire Colt pistol, using cat Tiiey rifled a pullman sleeper, and robbed the conductor and paaaenra. Their bootv footed up $10to in money, beaideasix gold watches and consider able jewelry. The ladies were not mo lested, as the Kentlemanly highwaymen were oi too gallant a ulapoaition, and the portr waa allowed to keep hia dia monds and money undisturbed. The three robliera are described as young men apparently about 25 to 30 years old, rather ahabbily dressed. It is poaeible the escaped on the east bound freiuh' train which left Maywood. the first station west of Hot. Spring, shortly after the lobbery occurred. Wadiliitrtou Notes. Senator Mitchell has returned to Washington and is busy in arranging his congressional work. He is quoted in a New York paer, which city he re cently visited, as saying that the most important measure to be considered by j l" firmament and lust until the bril congress, either at this or the coining i hint head and all were swallowed up session, is that ol free silver. 1. P. Thompson, of Portland, minis ter toJTiukey, la in Washington today receiving his instructions. He will go to New York tomorrow and probably sail for Europe Friday. Nothingdefinite is known, t ut it is expected he will re main in otlico until some time next summer. Iiepiesentutive Hermann is hero and is picking up loose etuis of congressional work ready for a three months' siege. And Yet Again! Nkw York, Nov. 28. Members of the New York presbyteiy assembled this af ternoon for the purpose of trying the charges of heresy against Professor Charles A. Briggs. The charges are eight in number, and touch mostly on the denial of the verbal inspiration of the scriptures and the possibility of sal vation aside from the saving grace of the scriptures. Killed a Whale. Astokia, Nov. 20 During the recent fierce storm a monster came ashore at frik Creek and was (list seen by R. C. l' Asthury and Herbert Logan, who were returning from a duck hunt. While riding nlong the beach thoy ob served wha seemed to be an upturned chooncr. ovor wliicli tlm wve iM-flincd to le lirKHkinx incrrilciwly, On nrr ilircli llicy foiiful it Uj b an enor mous wIihIk, TIi iiioiibUt wmtHtrmnlwl on llie IiihkIh ii k mtnJbank and at tlirenhiiiK around in about h'ix feet of witur in a vuin enli'vor to reaoh the otf.n Tlie IxiV" iltlrminel, if Hwi lile, to kill il, and l,o;an (irij mx nl out of ! ih revolver into its head. Th wtialn nail liiii triMimndoiin vicioualy. Mffmliil A'thury had put out tlm in'MiHtur'a eyi-n with lna Hliooting. Tli Mood wan now n)iiriiij out of the wounda, and the water, dyed deep criui aon, wax luitlmd into a bliwly foam by the dt-nperatti atriUKlet of the great mammal to reach it native element W,,en ll,e " ' r'!''!'1,"1 Mow il" to ",;t com to Ul ll"'v I"T""1 t with a eotiple of crowbar., n,i 3i S"lit1' ,lrovfi a "''""'K kn.fe ,",r'1 into tl,e "'n8tr' 8: le ,ie "t ' in t,m U"r- A(tr tlirB hour, vain atrule to reach the aea aiin, the IniKf leviathan, with a trernen dona convtilaion and a lon wail, ex- I,irwl- T,1B ' " ' '""K ""! 'M'1 roun,'' TH B03i.II BASI K0BBEH8. Cught la Gilliam Coiialy Balonf to An Or gaaii.d anil Duperata Qaag. I'oaTLAND, No 20 Cal Hale, Tom Keiuie and Georije Zii'key, tt-cn whoiie namea have .truck terror to tlie hearta ol f,tM of uil,i'n c,unly ,or ',itr,, re ,n M, um,cl,e' 01 uie ,aw" The men are deiperata character., and T"elr ren Ulv,M w m 11,8 'nounU.n. 0,llUm 00im,-v' w,lerB ,,,lV8 "inber ' ranchea and aevaral hundred Uli of ca,lle n 1 U,'r' m ' of wl,i, n lnev ,MVe uAn in 11,6 r "unerou. r8'l,- TUmr ,re"'l' i uch t,ut ,,,e U"-,,i',,,, c"u,,ls"( ,i'"',n county have been awerleea to do any- I lunu Inw ...I ri.l. It r... I Iia .ii.tt ro tf rim... ' .,,..,.uJU,,u, .Herm- oi me mii nuve Dien ar reited at different time, but always es cape 1 conviction aa autlicieut evideme could not lie procured. THK BANK ROBHKKY . On the afternoon of Septemlier 23 last Bre.' uiaxked men nxld op to the bank of Abrams, Snipes & Company, at Roelyn, Waah , disinoitnled. and, leav- im? "lle nu in ci,rKft of ,hei hoP9e() entered the bank. Cchier Abernethy was confront I by one of the men and a revolver pointed at his head. Dr. Lyons, who waa in the bank at the time, was also covered. The robbers went to the vault and took about (12,000 in coin and currency, which they placed in canvas bag, and remounting, rode away. Since then the pursuit has been con stant but without success until Marshal McGrath of Ellensburgh and Sheriff Willcox of Gilliam county secured them last Saturday. The Heaven 8hone. New York, Nov. 26 The heavens were filled with celestial fireworks last night, and those who kept their eyes and minds on things earthly missed a beauti ful and interesting display. All over the sky bright spots and streaks of light were darting and streaming. They catne from all quarters, and darted in every direction. Some gleamed sud denly and brilliantly and suddenly went out like the intermittent flashes from tropical fireflies in the dark forests. Others flashed acrcics the sky, leaving behind them a streak of reddish ljght that often seemed to extend clear across in blackness. They Don't Like It. Sax FaANCisco, Nov, 24. The Morn ing Call will say tomorrow that the white merchants of this city have be come alarmed at the condition ol Chi nese finances, and wiil hereafter refuse ta give credit to Chinese manufacturers whom they supply with goods. Inter views with a number of Chinese manu facturers indicate that business with them is in a bad way. They have reduced their forces hugely, and their workmen, they think, will refuse to register under the (ieary act, tint will go back to China with all their savings. The Call thinks that within the next year the manufacturers of shoes, cigars and clothing by Chinese will have almost ceased to exist in San Francisoo. Chicago, Nov. 27 The Oreat North ern is pushing its line to the Pacific coast as rapidly as possible. F. I. Whitney, general passenger agent of the road, said todav that the company expected to be ready to commence run ning trains through to Seattle by the last of November. Will Have to Try Again. Burns, Nov. 20 Last June the peo ple of Harney and Grant counties elected a republican to represent them in the Oregon h.ti'ature. He, owing to aoma change in hi. affaira, li fit to re.i(n, so hit place had to be filled by the elec tion of a representative or. the 8th in.t. The remit waa .opposed to be in favor of Byid, democrat, from Harney county. B it the ollicial count change hia plural ity in Harney from 48 to .'it) making tb vote between him and hia opponent, Gowan, from Grant county, a tie, 39 be in the lutf-r'a plurality in hia own county. Ho, afler two election, the p-op'e of Harney and Grant are atill without a reprewjnlative. AM H0 IA I jTbAkTs UT'O w deb. intension Before the American Chem ical Society. Chicago Tribune.) To the Eiutok or The Tbibcme: I have just aeen the report in your issue of Sept. 3. of the discussion at the Wash ington meeting of the American Chemi cal Society, Aug. 18, relative to the use ol carbonate uf ammonia in baking powders. This reKirt is incomplete and incor rect in many particulars, and aa the paper which precipitated the discussion was read by me and waa haed upon my own experiment!,, I desire to make cer tain corrections in the interest of the truth and for tl.e benefit of the large numta-r of your readers to whom the question is of great moment. The paier as read before the society related that ammonia in baking powder ia retained in the bread by reason of its allinitv to 'he gluten. The concensus of opinion as exp-esed during the discus sion was against the m-e of carbonate of 'ammonia in baking powder witb tie I only exception of Dr. McMurtie, who is now an emplove of a baking powder ; company which uses carbonate of aro- niouia in iia bakii g powder. I Of the other parties mentioned a I having taken part in the discussion ; were Profotir lr. Barker, of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania, who is the presi dent of the society and one of our high est authorities. In answer to a pleading; 1 by Professor McMurtrie that only small ' quantities of ammonia were used in bal ing powders, he stated ; "No matter how small the quantity, I must decline to be dosed medically without my consent when taking my meals." Dr. E. H. Barlley, formerly chem ist of the Brooklyn Board of Health and Professor of Chemistry at the Long Island College, likewise named, did not, I believe, take active part in the dis cussion, hut is aheady on record as strongly opposed to the use of ammo-, nimn carbonate in baking powders. Dr. Richardson volunteered only the question whether the floor used in the experiments was of good quality, of which I assured him by stating C.iat it was the best and the flour used in the family. Professor Mallet was not present. Your article is misleading in so far as it gives the impression that ammonia disappears on baking. My actual teats agree with those made bv others, show ing that ammonia remains in the bread.. My inveatiuations simply assign a new cause for its retention. H. Endkjaank, Th. D. -New York Tribune, Sept 17, 1891. Note. Dr. Endemann. the writer of this communication, is well known in scientific codes, and was for twelve years chemist ol New York Board ot Health. The baking powder company above re ferred to is the Royal Baking Powder Company of New York and the em ploye Dr. William McMurtrie, who de fends that company's use of ammonia, is their' much advertised government ' authority. There is no such office known under our government as that of govei n meat or United States government chemist. Kolb Will Contest. Montuomeby, Ala., Nov. 28 There is going to be a bittti fight over the gov ernorship. Kolb declares he wasclected by 45,000 majority, but was counted out. Jones, on the other hand, s.iyg there is not the least foundation for Kolb, a charges. There is no law for contest by state officers in this stale, and Kolb's chances hang on the pasilge of a law now before the stale legislative. Democratic Buocess. Lonoos, Nov. 28. The Dailv Tele graph announces that the Cynon, tin- plate works have resumed, after a sus pension of three months. There Ii s been a general resumption in the Swan sea, Morristown and Llanelly districts resulting from extensive American or ders. L " ' ' Another Whalebaok. Tacoma, Wash., Noy. 25. A' hew 4000-ton whaleback barge lias ' been ordered built by the American Stpel Barge company for tbe Northern Pacific steamship line between Puget Sound and China, to be finished May next She is to make 15 knots per hour when loaded, and have accommodation for 00 cabiiv passengers. '