Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 25, 1892, Image 8

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    """ mn .. ; drift around th liootita) Ambulant"
: and huddled for warmth tire thov
IcwrnsrKB. eonU not lijtht, even had there Nvna
Even Vhoush every one told him he vestige of fnol ami then, with three on
oald accomplish nothing whatever tie- diuinto.1 cainiwignors at his twok, lie
for daylight, Werrott had a little party
of stalwart frontiersmen duly equipped
by midnight and ready to start the in
tant the gale shonld show signs of mod
rating. Hour after honr it shrieked
and howled, driving the sheets of snow
before it, sweeping the frozen prairie
clean as a Boor, but whirling dense whit, Time and again they plunged waist
clouds into every sheltered gulch and deep into drifts and the horse flounder
ravine, settling the drifts in the lee of . e,j to their girths in the powdery snow,
very stack and shed and building at th ; At last l?rxwster iiotod that here and
railway station where, "dead" aud aln-1 there far in th northwestern skies the
doned, lay the engine of the easlbound ' stars were beginning to peep; the clouds
train, th passengers huddling for ; were driving away, the dawn was nigb,
warmth into a single car and cheerfully ' the hurricane abating. Broader aud
discussing the propriety of using th ; brighter the daylight stole over the
other for firewood. I torui swept prairie, streaked her aud
And then, before the first faint glimmer there with Geecy, winding veins, and
of dawn, as though spent with its own vio- j whell at last th suu arose in its uu
lence, the gale began to die, Theclouds clouded splendor the gale had died awav
wadding southeastward drew aside, nn- j to a mere ghost of its furious self, and
curtaining the placid heavens, where j tu,T rubbed the icv friuge from their
th stars were faintly gleaming and then battered evelids and giu.nl long aud
twinkling out of sight Soon in a blaz wwtfullv 'P down that shallow,
of glory and triumph the sun rose slowly ; winding valley, all heaped aud tumbled
over the far distant bluffs and looked ( with the driven snow, and saw not a
down upon the scene of wrath aud deso- ,iKn 0f those whom they had rushed to
Ution wrought by rude Boreas in the Mve,
conqnerer's absence; and just then, too, j Never for an instant did Brewster re- ' coulee a lively herd of Indian poiiiea re
there hove in sight a battered little squad , Ux his efforts. Giving each of his men ; joicing in their unwonted freedom and
of troopers on spent and jaded steeds, pUU at the flask, he selected little , determined not to bo honied back to
and the sergeant in command rode breast
deep into the dnft at the south entranc
of Sterrett's office and yelled over the in-
terrening shield of snow the stunning
"Did the ladies get back all right? W
rant find the ambulance anywhere along
the Wolf.'
"Aim vrll, men, but Are linly."
Before quitting the ambnlance and its
precious freight Ellis had made such ex
amination of the neighborhood as was
possible in the thick durkness. and dis
covered that they were close to the edge
of a narrow, winding ravine with ab
ruptly sloping banks, and it was in here
that those sagacious mules had sought I
shelter from the force of the blast. The
ambulance was stauding on a veritable
ridge, exposed t j the full fury of the
gale, the slope to the rapid running
Wolf just iu front, the ravine to the
right rear. Shouting to the ladies to
fear nothing, he had no difficulty, when
aided by the driver, in starting the
wheels, and the instant the vehicle was
p-muuy turned into trio track or the
storm it was blown backward down into
the soft bed of snow, already thick and
deep. Here, under the lee of the banks,
the stont wagon was comparatively shel
tered, for the top of the canvas cover
was just a trifle below the general level
of the prairie. The mules, startled from
their fancied seenrity by the rattle of
wheels and canvas as the ambulance
was run down the slope into their midst,
seized with oue of their unaccountable
panics tore blindly away np the farther
bank and out upon the storm swept
level beyond.
Then in the whirling cloud of snow
Ellis bad remounted, shouted again a
few encouraging words to the ladies
within, assuring them he and his sturdy
troop horse would have no difficulty in
reaching camp and bringing aid, nrging
them meantime to keep snugly bundled
in their robes, and with Mrs. Berrien's
brave voice and cheery "God speed you,
aergeantr ringing in his ears, he rode
gallantly away, forded the shallow
stream at the mouth of the coulee and
then, facing the gale, spurred forth upon
his perilous mission. The driver and
the already somnolent Pete, with what
Was left of the contents of the depleted
flask, crawled into the snowbed beneath
the wagon body, rolled themselves into
their joint stock of robes and blankets
and prepared to spend a comfortable
night. It was an old story to both.
But, despite all the dnver's efforts on
the way, the gale had forced them far j
to the ngtit or tne main road ana those
which paralleled it, the only ones at all
familiar to the Twelfth, and when
Brewster and his little squad reached
the ford, along toward twoo'clock in the
morning, they aought in vain in every
ravine and break shouted, fired their
carbines and sounded their trumpet, all
to no purpose. Not an answering ciy
rewarded their efforts. From Ellis' de
scription Brewster knew that the ladies
were so muffled in fnrs that within their
canvas shelter they could hardly suffer
greatly from the cold. He was assured
that the driver and Pete were with them,
also well provided with robes and blank
ets, and that they were in no immediate
danger of freezing; bnt he could not
bear the thought of the long, weary
Waiting, the dread anxiety, the dark
ness, the isolation in all that howling
wilderness. He could picture Winifred
nestled in her mother's arras, wonder
ing, wondering, as the hours dragged
by, when, if ever, human aid would
1 com to tneir ritw. Al nmr tyvtw
h ami his jwnv lia.l otYhovl n,l
, rttsl for half ft .Kxou mil. up mt
down the vhIIov. Sonwof his boat Hint
tanchret m.-n w.w tfvUxg out, mul
i thM. with S.ixnant nn.tlt.. h .mWtv.1
to )Hish rUii with mm k' hiu! ixn'k
lion- ami sltoltt'r Nt tho station.
Thrv other h jwtwl near th niaiii
crossing of the Wolf, nmlor the lw of
little bluff, whore they tuul their liortto
KK. .....I . i, .1.. O. t).
onrt ssaj turned down Mmtiu. fol-
lowing its wandering in the darkness
and feeling for ravines he could not so
along the southern bank, lime and
again they dismounted and rau beside
their horse to restore circulation to the
numbed and stiffened feet aud finger.
Mnrnhv as about the most compact and
, certainly the lightest of the trio, aud
bade him make his way to canip and
J tell the colonel that np to sunrise no
J vestige of the lost ones had been found,
; aml (l,Kgest that additional parties b
. fc.t out at once.
! "Tell somebody to bring my field !
' glass," he added, as Murphy was about ,
; to ride away. "If 1 had dreamed w
: would have found nothing of the ainbu- j
lane until this time. 1 never should i
hav left it. Good luck to you now.
corporal. Hide as lively as you can."
Murphy turned promptly away, spur-
red his unwilling horse thniugh" the ice
into the black and racing waters of the
Wolf and was presently following a lit
tle break in the north side which led by
a more gradual asc?nt to the prairie be
: yond.
"Now, men, one of you ride lack to
ward the party at the ford, poke into
every ravine to your left they're all full
of snow: it may be the ambulance is so
deep in the drift they could hear no
i sound. If you find anything, the faint
est trace, ride up on the prairie and
' circle your horse to the left. Morse,
' yon come with me."
I "Beg pardon, lieutenant, 1 think Mur
phy see's something now," said Morse,
indicating tlie farther shore with a nod
of his fur covered bead. Whirling eag
erly about, Brewster was surprised to see
his little Irishman, a hundred yards or
so away, crouching low on his horse's
; back, still in the ravine and np to his
girth in snow, and peering cautiously
eastward, his eyes just level with the
bank. Then he was plainly seen to sig
nal. In an instant Brewster and his men
were plunging into the rapid stream,
crushing the ice that skirted the shores
and bounding out upon the frozen
ground beyond. Again Murphy held
forth a baud a warning gesture, not a
a beckoning one. "Keep down, keep
j down." he sigualed, and wondering, the
little party of troopers cautiously
lowed into the ravine.
"What do you see?" queried Brewster,
eager and agitated.
"Upon my soul, sir, I wish I knew;
but it's more like Indians than anything
1 can think of."
"Indians? where away?" And with a
wild fear at heart Brewster gazed over j
the bank in the direction indicated.
"Indians, and coining this way, sir. or i
I'm a tenderfoot," muttered Morse, a i dulling in a tine flourish of heels as h
man who had served in the Twelfth for j "I! '' And now Morse lay aKainst
many a year. ! the hank pointing eagerly to a couple of
"What on earth can they be doing so j olarl1 objects startlingly outlined ou the
far south of the agency? You don't j glistening white of the snow, two ob
think any of the hostiles have got down i1" tnat came plunging up from the
this way? j invisible depths of the hollow, strug-
"They're all hostiles, sir, when there's ; Klin br,ast d,','P drifts, and at
only three or four ag'in them. It don't ' iiu,t f 'died the edge of the prairie, and,
matter whether these are from the ! followed instantly by another couple,
agency or the Bad Lands now, if they
can catch a white man a-napping, and
something has brought them out here."
"My God, man! you don't suppose
they've heard of the ambulance?"
"They hear things quicker than we
do, lieutenant. Day or night, calm or
storm, those fellows can all around beat
ns in getting news."
"And they are coming from the north
east, lieutenant," chimed in Murphy.
"That means if they are from the vil
lages near the agency they've circled
around our people."
Breathless the little party watched the
coming dots. The
stream bore to the !
northeast after a deep bend about half
a mile away, and on the farther bank
moving nearly parallel with the valley,
j about a dozen dark objects could be seen
moving at rapid loje, the springing, tire
j less gait of the Indian pony. Ponies they
j were unquestionably, and each with his
rider. Every moment brought them
! nearer and nearer, until, as they spread j
out in extended order across the level
surface, it was possible to count their
number, eleven; possible to note that
every now and then somo one of the
number in front or on the flanks would
rein in suddenly and circle around and
stop, as though examining tracks upon
the prairie.
"It is not possible the ambulance can
have got so far over as that," muttered
Brewster. "It is not possible that they
can have heard of it in all that fearful
storm. Why, Morse, it's madness to
think of itl"
"I don't know how far the team may
have been driven out that way, sir, but
the blizzard came from the northwest.
I muu-mur m mmi; U itotu orp uioir j
j ltl ll tlu whv n.i mul. won't f
( r il iM-' mlmUno llioy'i"
f'"f. ' " il !
! "My UU, if w only know whow it
! KriMMKsl UrvwRtor. "Omit what
may, men, we vo got to stand iwixt it
and those scoundrels. Here, Murphy,
lively now, slip back down into the val
ley and ride for all you're worth to the
ford and bring those fellows haok with
you, every man of them. Tell them to
keep under the hank and ride like hell.
Off with you, now," And this time thorn
was no roeall; Murphy was out of sight
in a ttasli. I
Nearer and nearer rode the savage
horsemen, now aKut a mile away.
Already Morse and his silent comrade
had swung their carbines out of their
leathern buckets, thrust a cartridge in i
tho I'luuulxT and Khwi-iuhI others in the
woven thimble, Hrvwstor never for an
' instant unit his gae, but hi hand had
stolon hack and loosed tit flap of the
holster at his hip. The movement of
the Indians had pustlod hiiu; they were
riding not as though moving on some
point already determined, but rather a
if searching, finding their way. Every
now and then, too, some of their until
bercantoredtotheedge of the hunk aud
seemed to scrutinize the valley.
"Snowdrifts are too deep and plenti
ful in there, around that bend, sir.
That's why they're up on the Jirairie,"
Brewster's heart seemed almost to
stand still. All on a sudden the loaders
swerved; tho blanketinl ridtcs could le
seen tiending low aud over as they
swung their nimble steeds iu circle to
the right. Aud then, then, an instant
more, and, tossing tho powdery snow all
in a fleeoy white cloud, there came tear
ing up out of the depths of some nnsceu
slavery without a struggle.
It was hard to repress the shout of joy
that sprang to the soldiers' li. Then
it wasn't the ambulance after all; noth
ing but this frolicsome band of rascals
that, after breaking awsy from th In
dian boys the evening U'fore, had doubt
less been driven U'fore th gale, de
manding the sending forth of quite a
party of the young men in search, even
U'fore the storm had fully abateil. For
a moment the troopers forgot their mis-
sion as they watched the chase. Fresh
i and unhampered by weight of any kind
; the scurrying band came sweeping along
; the edge of the distant bluff, following
an active, mischievous leader and leav
ing their jaded pursuers far behind. The
Indian knows too much to chase a run
ning horse; he leaves him to his own de
vices, well knowing ho will more quick
ly stop when uupursuod and can then
more n'adily lie headed off and turned
back to the ways he should go. On
came the uuuble herd full tilt toward
the elbow in the shallow valley, where
a broad white streak told of deep drifted
snow, and there the loader veered to the
left and south aud would doubtless have
stretched away at racing sjieeil on that
course but for one young warrior on a
duu colored pony, who with the s-ed of
the wind came darting out across the
level surface beyond, gainoly. skillfully
beading him. Around went the leader
once more in a wide circle westward,
around the southennost edge of the
fleecy drift, and then, with thtinderiug
biKifs, the whole troop went Umnding
away to the west without a living soul
to interpose between them and the bald,
rolling heights at the far horizon, miles
and miles away.
"Go it, pony! I'm glad to see a red
skin doue for once!" was Morse's jubi
lant shout And then, suddenly and
sharp, "Good God! What's that, Lieu
tenant? Look!"
Not six hundred yards away, now, the
little band of ponies, following their
spirited leader, had smhieiily halted at
the very edge of some dip or sink in the
prairie that lay to the southeast of the
snowy rift in which the troopers were
crouching, still hidden, they and their
horses, from the sharp eyes of the chas
ing Indians. Then as suddenly, tossing
their scraggy manes, as though
one accord, the nimble brutes
whirled to the sonth, their leader in-
with their long ears erect, with out-
stretched neck and ea'er brayings, clat- j
tered away in pursuit of the herd. !
Brewster knew them at a glance Ster-
rett's ambulance mules. Indeed, the
broken pole was still dangling between
the two in rear ami bounding with them
over the frozen turf.
And that swerve, that sudden halt and
turn to the south end. had cost the hand
their liberty, Dartim? along abreast of
them, but nearly half a mile away to tho
south, the warrior on the dun colored
pony had shot far out beyond them, and
now, sweeping around in a wide circle
t" hi right, rode between them and the
broad wastes to the west, Two other In
! dians were circling in their front, bar
; ring the way to the low hills to the
j south. Others still, straggling far out
eastward, reined up ho as not
to inter-
I fere with the "rounding" of the herd.
' and In a moment or two more these
three experts had turned their runaway
property in wide sweep back into tho
smiling tracu or tne sun, anil in a very
' few minutes the matter was settled; the
ponies were sulkily trotting along the
j bank Ix.-yond the bend, headed f,,r home
j and hurd work again, with the amhu
! lance mules braying at their heels. Hero
! the younger Indians, the hoys, took
j charge, and from the distant slopes,
j from south and east ami from the prai
rie to the went, the others eiuiie canter
ing toward that sharp angle Inilf a mile
away and gathered in eager cousplta
tion about one who seemed to he their
All this, and much more. Brewster
and hi men were watching with bound
ing pulses, in breathless excitement,
nrwr wun reelings 01 iningieii nop aiatnmtm in utKir, ami in net msiani
nud despair. Now he know that the i they hoard thtt order in hi ring
ambulance must be somewhere near at lug tones, half stilled In the snow,
hand, possibly up that long ravine on "r'lro, men! Keep 'em off! Find"
the south side that shinted in from the j They hoard the quick bangl baugl of
prairie not a hundred yard away below carbines close at hand, the prompt re-
thorn. Surely the lutuk hmkod as though
there were a good ford tit that itotiit
Might not that U the very one of which
Ellis siHiko? Now, if it wore but possi
ble to dmp hack out of the drift in
which they were hiding and rocro the
stream, they might yet creep unolwervod
into the mouth of' that gully aud fool
their way afoot until, somewhere in the
snow, they came upon, as he now felt
sure they must, the stormbound wagon
with its precious contents. From their
crouching place it was tuiiossihlo to see
across the ridge that serrated them
from the ravine referred to; but to the
southeast the prairie lay lief or them,
and (lie keenest eye could detect no sign
of hollow liotwoen that which lay so
near them and that from which t!ua
vagalmnd mule had emerged far out
upou tlie plain. Somehow Brewster felt
certain that now at last lis was actually
within pistol shot of the ambulance,
within speaking distance, alitioet, of th
girl he so fondly loved, who very life j
at this instant depended not only on his :
courage, but also on his judgment. On 1
false move would ruin all.
So long as the Indians kept up their
powwow at tho lietid, so long was Wini
fred safe. The longer they delayed the
nearer would it bring Murphy and tho
lieu front the main cnwaiug thrco miles !
away up stream. Then, six to six, he j
could laugh at the Sioux. Hut any one
who knew Indiana at all know that tho
discovery of the mules would only sot 1
them to work to find the snow camp '
from which the animal had broken i
awsy. Ae, even as those things flashed (
through his mind, Hnwster could see
that they were signaling 'halt" to the.
herd guard, and that two of the young-
sters were lashing their ponies out in 1
front of the band and gradually bring-
lug it to standstill. Almost at the sain
moment, too, those iu consultation sepa- j
rated, three riding swiftly after the j
hen!, while the other three, slowly and ;
cautiously, begau to advance toward th
hollow whence the mule had emerged. I
Evidently they evocted to.'linl the whit '
man's wagon there. ,
"Now i your time, men." muttered !
Brewster, "(juickt Off with your side !
line aud double them alsutt your horses'
fore feet so that they can't even hobble !
out of th drift Keep them here. Take ,
your lariat and hopple my horse, oue of
you. Throw him if need he. I'll watch ;
those U'ggars down stream. Ah, 1 !
thought so," he muttered, "they've '
grabbed the mules and are examining
the harness: that will tell them easily )
enough they were cut loose after break- !
iug the pole, tuick, turn! throw snow j
by the bushel all over your horses. Holl
in it yourselves. Get all the white on
you can; then run ilo n tlie gully as
soon as you have your borxc hidden
aud watch for my signal. Tho moment
I say go, bend double and scamper to
the ice yonder, then make for the bluffs.
I'll follow instantly."
Meekly the two troop horsi-, after
having been led to a deeier Unt down
the coulee, Unt their head and sub
mitted to the lashing together of their
fore feet, but Brewster' "Blackjack"
was of different mold. Ho would not
"Over with him. Morse. No tint to
lose now. Lash him tight or he'll break
away, ratieo iirewmer. Ami m Mir
jack's piuiiKintr avaih-i him nothing.
j iiiouieui more, won a oiHinai roatl lie
j was on his side in the soft, cold bed, the
' lariat was lieiug lanhed and knotted so
! that even furious struggles could not
! free him, and then, to add to the indig
nity, his erstwhile friends and comrades
' were heaping new insult and a stonn of
' suow Ukju him. Jack couldn't umler
j stand it.
I "Ready, men! They're just peeping
) over in tb hollow now. The moment
j they're fairly in it, 1 give the word."
Twenty thirty seconds of breathless
I silence. Then a quick gesture; a quick.
! low toned, but imperative "Ou!"
Go they did, skimming over the pool
above the rapids, leaping the narrow
chasm where the black waters, dancing
and frothing, had defied the ice king;
ducking under the opposite bank; car
bine in hand, revolvers at the hip, car
tridges gleaming in every belt; and after
theiu, leaping, yet lieiiding low, went
Brewster. Another moment and they
reached the mouth of the ravine, burst
through the powdery drift, and then,
Brewster leading, eyes everywhere, al
most on all fours, they scurried along
half way up the opposite slope, keeping
well under the crest and inst at the edire
of the deep drifts to their right. Fifty
sixty yards they made their rapid way,
: and then around a little liend and among
' great heaps and mounds of glistening,
i shimmering white there rose an odd
' shaped heap, only a trifle higher than
j its fellows, and from the midst of it
there projected a dingy, whity-brown
I canvas, slanting to tiio north, and with
I a cry of delight half stifled in his lips
I Carroll Brewster 1 eaped into the snow,
! floundered to his nnnpits in the powdery
; drift, aud in a moment more had forced
his way through the fragile white wall
before him, had seized the handle of the
door and Winifred Berrien, starting from
her mother's clasping arms, blinded for
jan instant by the glare of radiant sun
shine, barely able as yet to rally from the
stupor like sluiulsir into which she had
fallen, heard her name called in the joy
ous tones she knew so well and saw her
lover, a stalwart, glowing, rejoicing
young snow god, all sparkling with the
white crystals, all glistening in the glo
rious beams, gazing upon her with a
love light in his bravo blue eyes that
brought instant glow to her own wun
aud pallid check. And then, before she
could even speak, Is foro her mother
could emerge from the enfolding robes,
a shout was heard, then the sudden ring
of a rifle shot, followed instantly by an
other, the spat as of a whiplash on the
canvas top. Something tore its wny
through the roof and front with spiteful
"Down! down npon the floor! both of
yon, jui':k1" .shouted Brewster,4 a be
! snse of ritlint distant as were tlie llrst.
the whistle of load through the Icy air, I
the shrill yells of battling Indians, the i
futiousgallopof Umnding hoof. Every- j
where to their front the rapid tiro In-
cn'iised. More yells, partly of triumph,
I partly summoning additional warrior:
. to the sHt, then the inulllod Im at of
! coming hoofs, and In the midst of It all I
j Brewster's stern voice, calm and stonily t
i "Aim well, men, but lira lively. Ilou'l
j let them again got so dose a to have ,
shot at th wagon. Watch that ahov
all." Two thru minute the sound of J
: battle raged alsmt thorn, lucreustugal th i
. front, A soldier voice was heard to say 1 1
"There' more of them coining, sir. You
j can see them down titer to th eaL"i
l And Mr. Berrien' heart grew faint
i with fear. Winifred had burled her
face iiHn her breast and closed her ears
to the horrid sounds. And then, all on
a sudden, tint yell of th charging In
dian seemed to grow fainter, then
sounds of dismay anm among thorn,
thou the cries were drowned in the clat
ter of iniushod hoof and the chorus ol
soldier cheer. Murphy aud his littl
squad came whirling up the bank, and
Mrs. Berrien' heart poured forth In
praise and thanksgiving at th joyous
Milesian hall:
"To hell will 'em, feller! Sure all II
throop eomtn-not two mile behind!"
(TO H lMNTtMt'Kll.
To give delicacy of tleh to chicken
make their principal food for a Week of
ten days U'fore killing barley meal moist
ened with milk. Alternate with Indian
meal; scald with either water or milk,
Ibirtug the procoa keep the chick con
lined iu a darkened ruti, is advice given
lit The I'oultrv Yard.
tl'.'I- too
jr sn
iocs you D E A n
VfttOW W1CM, AMD OliftMT
TffrV IT.
I'liot.iriiplK IVIiven-d I'romptly ill thr 1
Finest Style o( Art. i
l ine Crayon Work a Sjwialty. j
Old rictiires Copied lo Any Sue Satis- I
faction liiurunteed. 1
O.lLrr Nr tft OBc, ORllOUN OITT. OH.
Blacksmithing and Repairing
Hav ing one ot thv U't
Mute in inv siiiolo.
liocri in ths
, 1 make
Sliojt oisisito corner from roM!'
hardware store.
valablishrd I MIS.
Drayage & Expressing
Freight and parep 4 delivered to all
parts of the city.
r. r. whitk.
Practical rrhitflrta lUtUikm,
Will irtar pi aim, eluvatloiiM, worklnif t
talln, aii'l HM'fl-atlhii for all kind of hmld
I turn Hihm'UI nilir'itlnti k'vuii to modern out
Ukii. Kitiriintm furnlnhed on nitllim(liiii
Call no oralilrnv Will i F. MliUH ,
OrtKnti (illy, Ord
Appel's Parisian Enamel for the
i'rratlon of prrfrct Complexion, The
fu vm Ue 1'rrtich ComnHlc
Appel'a Complexion Croam Krndl
cntm WrinklfN. aud gtvca lo the hit in the
'iexttire ot youth,
ApPol'O 8kln Bleach. r,rnllcnle nil
iiU'rnltthttt, find dmfolorHttntmof thr Mkinmuh
fi 'Inn, Hutitnirn, FrrcLU-a, bwartliy and
grpfiny nppcnnince of the line.
Appol's Oriental Powder In vch,
While, I'iTik fliid Cremn ihiidrii, fflvr to the
face a beautiful clear inU tiiumparent up
Appel's Natural Blush The only nmgt
true to tialurr, when applied to the fiu-c or
linn, cutinot liiMlctectt-d, put up in twoihudei
I.iVht fur Itlnnrirfi, Dai It tor Hrnnrttei.
Thi Apt til Cosmotic Co. Qi& Francisco, Cal,
A HUNphltor liuvr toCruuLuucuiupIuxloulYM,
aud good i or ttaJ) By ,
I, ! tail
Noi t'K run ITIH M'ATIoN
Uittl ortv orrnuM 'ity. own,
Nollrt It hcrcl'V it I v ph. tlmt U Mlnwtuit
IHtmM M-ltlt'l lt rtll il iM'Mt c til hU lultM tloii In
mHurtl ihxt( tn miitrl ut ItU I'Ulm, u-i
tliM ftlt truf will tit ihlt ho for Him ituisitr
Hint imttlvi r ol I 'if I llltt-l NUU'a Ulhl t HttOi' t
on'tfoit tty, Own, mi l'm-mlKr '!. U,
jimmi Htnunrr,
omolr. miry Nn f.M, (..( Ill W 4 uf H. K,
, lil H , VV Hen J M U li K lit
ItntllOM ttltA lullittt III tt Htit In I'Mi VP lllk Htl'
UiuitHi rllt"M'r Htitt Hint iMitth ultntt h( M
IhimI, vl K IumUv, 3 W HimUy. h
tn'r, t hmtri Nh..ks, nil nt 'ltirm tPe I'Ui k
in nt mum, onitiiii, J, T ArrnHwH,
It 1- IJ J.t ItPtfttinr
NUIU'K KtiH IT ltl.tr .U ION.
I AMI! 0MI R At OMKHON t lit. (IHp.IoN I
ht'V IV lW
.Ntttlt'ft U liorrhy klve't Hint (tie ( Uitwliin
iiKtiitxl ultr li lllt it'iUt1 tt In Itiiftititiii
tn make fttMl irmt lit it,Hiti ol hi oUim, mul
tli ol 4hl firiMif nil) lt mtit hefntn lti if ntstiT
ul rvmlir n( Mi I iillet) H (.! IauI iMtioi) t
urrun k ity, tirtmi, mi litiittcr ."V, lwi, -
JtMMlll l'"St'ltl,
ltinni'tpf.l Piitry Nn mny f.-r ilir W
M, I J H C. U imiiti'B tit fiUlntttiitf wit
hnsos in iro p lit iontiiiiiiu rrslilctiofi timit
ltt IMlltlVUllull nt Hll Ullil . Vl JiWil I.Iih-
hurt. XI ittillilh, lhiitiiii Mi'knt'p, Miuiry
Kiii'h, Nil nt H(t), ('Itti-kAUtilS OMttHl, Ortit,
11 Ifc-U J I ArritiHiN. ttPtfitr.
Niillt K imil'tiK III U.l'Ml
Noiiii U hrrrl.r if i vott, Oihi tilit,j hi. U will
' 1i rM-tilvt.( tn tlip iMTti'V nt tltf num. y rlor k f
1 1 litt'k, 4iip f.itt(lv li Iti 1 ii I'l.M'k i tn , I'm ntii
U-r ft, iuj, tor iltti (tiitntriiiii nt a lirhUu
j ihu Hnty rUrr hd tlir llorrti'k rtMi lit !!
,14111(1 IV I'lUlS li'1lfloUt'Ht Kiel l) list Mis !
lie IttMiUhrM I'r lttl(r 4 iItmII nt ft inr inl
j il th rri",r,,l I hp ron ill) trrr K MM
(o r)i'l Nil) lit all lihlt
j J f ilnfttvN. I'lvrk
Mlt'K ruM I'l lU.h'.UItiN
I I ii.l OitUv at nti'i"lt t'Hv. ttrrtrmi.
j u i jh, itfj i
Notti'o U hfliv Ktimi Ih I Ihn full'iwiii
' hini'l fltlrr Im fltt! nHrr tf his liilcullnit li
i tnakd Ann I fiMt( tit sti(u.f nt his rUHti ut
i thnt sait I'riMif w IU lw ntalt llnfr (hr lti'ilr
j nit -I irvU ff t-t llief N lili-l olHrst al Uti'i'H
i I'll) . Orfpjim, on I'rrint'f li lkj, t
W mum K HmUct,
Mntlinsltitil vtllfV N-' ', l"f tin S ' N K t.
j N . , N A , u M $ , W t iU 1 t
H , i , Hi U4iur Ihr (oUxWtMtt lllitrs to
1 r f III nU' Uttlmif ri'si'tctii t M'M'it mti) cm lit-
valtmt tt sai-t taml . $ t ntir n 'l H H
i Jerry HmH, llui 1 k -1 m f Kruk Hii-un.
I H I itrtltfrs alt "t lttl)it. I ' I it' k mtts ioHily.
j (irrtfuii. ;io UjI J Anin"H, iiistr.
! NHi'K KoM M lilali ,UUiS.
Land OffW ai Orin i Hv or..n
' N.iltct Is hdr-I.y tHnn trmt ih tolhiw itif
: haninl rtili-r ha flUl ttultifint his llitriiltt'ii
In mkr (IiiaI irMf In BHiiiri ol hlsrlAlin. au!
: lhat it irn t (II hv m(- l.fi.rr the (tc 4 litr
1 ant Uwlvt of Ol I H latxl Mftic t oivtt
Ml) livia. mi S riitttir V, wi, y
mil O Mliorhninit.
I Mhiiu1 fiilry Ni ni, tor itiv N V of
mrv .'3. I S.K. K llriiiin Mir folto Htf
Mltlirs-M-r lo (itovr his rtmtlioii'tit rriflir
itn mn ntltitMilott r sti.t Unl, i liana
Jih!intt, llrltry Mrltikr. tlriiry Johatiwui,
t hrliisn M-hri, all ot uvrgo ioi 'nrtir U k
hiiu t'ounit, iifvaou J 1 Arrio,
in .'1 tl Itcgi.icr
I ho (lira 1 t oani.-w iitr. iai
i m i iw; i
S'otl U hrrrhv glvrn thai (ho foitui (ii
nai!u- rlttrr has H t-.( iiolli ot lil tfilrniloii
to mkr p of in siimim ot tils rtatm ami
lhat .lit I' root w ) p tt.fU tiltirr ihr t(rf istur
aiol ltirrpf of Ihr t' H Un. ifn' at Hrr-fnti
( iiy.iir.oii S" J, Iwj, i MiirT lmt..if.,
hnnipsir'l rntrv, Nil (or the nvt u( u 4
tit ; JJ I .1 a. r 1 n
Hv iiMittra tin ('illottiiit tifo-ssrs to rf
hit miiOtuion rrstilfiirp hwh iiI mill allot)
of sr.li! Uli.t ntnlrr srr i a I rl MiKr!l,
A, I raitr Mainiifl it ;tivvNtil I) I'. Muwal),
alt ot Wrtnwicr, IV it.rrf-.n
J. I ArrmkiH,
' 10 i 11 :.- IUI.UT
.vm ii r roii I't iii . a riu
I .ii.l uSi.d a. lrr.u fitjr uo.m
lh-1 , .J
N.'.lr. U hrrttijf tfltun th. .a. (..Howlng
tlamc.l rlllfr rtli-'t n"ll-( nt h i ttltt'tltlutt to
mikr StoO ionr in kMi..r. it hl rUtm. n.
111. l. ,.r.Mif will I.. im fir l.rl-o. the Kt'.Ulrr
mi'l l(wmi.r ..I tlti I' Inn.l otto ii . urrtfntl
I lly, Ori'tf.HI, "II lrr. llO i-t .'r;,v
U IllUti. .1 V io,
M"tiirlr. piiTi N.i i.l ..rlhi K nt X K
tt ', K r. S I , ,it H l,,,t.n. ).t 4.
H I: li" lmiip dtp t.ill.iwoiK w llliranft Ol
(ro lil r.'itllionMt. fn4t'li.it'p nl rtilu.
vtlun nt lt oiimI vlt llprr v llui-ktirr, I limn.
ii nil, J.'loi I I i.i,. Ji.Iiii V UM, a ,,
M oik "K1 i-ftlnr riai'k unit rnioilif. tm tfuli
M .'I II i". I I All'no. Ililalrr
Noiii K or KINI. SKI 1 I.I VKsr.
til tbr or nf thti ptati. of Win. . ii..), itrr ,.
Nnllri- la tii-rt'lir tflvrli .11 alt .itr.lra Inli-ff li-.1
III lil patMlr iUa. 1 haiii Sir, I my nnal ai-fiiuiii
Iu llif at hi ptlalp w It It llip r. hi 11. 1- riiitrt ut .'lartl
amaa i'..uin . IMfg.in, ami dial tli. jniln uf aahl
p.iur. Itaa art iira.tay. .lip li.h itav nt I 'i'Pi!iliif1
l-rj al llir hnor nl llln plm a a III nt aalil cla,,
aa Hip IIiiip lur lirarlli( tiliji'i'lliiiia n ali ao
riiiinl If any Ito'fp !
lia.nl at orptfon citf, l)rpMii. Nov lavi
t A HniMarsiia, A.lmiiO-iraliT
II 4 'i ! of .tip lain ,.( W ill. t nail, ,i' ,1
Notice l hrti tvpii that tlm uihlnf almiril
haa Im4.i aitii.lllpt. tiy nrili'r nf lliti rmiiity
riMirt of t'lai-kalnaa pnuiily Orrffna. ailm.tilt
Iralor of tlm ratal nt H,iilia Ann Hnnnrp, ip
rtiaiml All tmpamn hat liia t'lalma aiallia. aalil
ralalri am nn.ini'il In ,rnapu. ihi ta ,r.,,prlv ,
ISanl as my "nim al Npmiy. iirpniitt, within
minima innn Haiti nl una nn.li't.
a W llasnaaTr. A'lmliilairaior
ill lllflralal. nf ..,,a Ami St nlii p ili'iPai.,
lall'l Oi'liilMT 'li. iVi. l) H..'iri
rt'OMI-ASY. rtllHI' HKillMKNf.O. N. II.
Arnmiy, 1 hlr.l ami Mul 11 itKnnlar drill ulht,
'"y. Kmillar ImlIiii'.. tluat. Ural
Muliilay of phi h iiiiui.t.
J. W (la.ii.u, . . . c.,,1,1,,.
r, H ki'llpy. - Klr-I l.lpiii.iiaiii
I" '' I'lcai'lia, Hi'i'ntul l.li.iiiPiiam.
('orniT ol Front mul MorrlMon,
For Ki'iiurtil ri')iiiriii) ho, HtamlM
without a iiotT. For lirHt-claHH, r
liiihlo gooilM hin Htoro in hoooiuI t.i
1101111. Trv him !
Oregon City, Oregon.
l?ullStK-kof(;niiS' Ammunition.
ICi'imira ill klmlH of 'anoill iiiii,.h
,roiii,tly ini.,1... )ii,li,',.U. kev to
miy look 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 ri -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . HI1011011
Mitiit Siri'i'i, ,H,X I,,
Nolllilt'M Slllhli-a.
J A pamphlot of Infornmtlon nnd nb-i
M Mln ,,l,lant, ''(, Tru(l
fnrm mUNN CL DO, ,
iu iirorniwtty.
nw York.