PVBMHHKK AMI I'KOI'RIKWR. umClAL PAPER CP CITY ADD COUNTY- PRESS COMMENT. can't si'it (nrii. vkm Ki-vicw: Mr, CW-laml's ml- VltUU Vll) Elllll LHloL. niutdoori of two tMnjf, oltlicr ahaml.m " Ittslwwtilit.vtopMivtlimorput that hiwttl- r...ti a . j My into MtMUl eftivt. The tvimltlicnn ; (varty a politiol prciuntHn can atlnht ! immslintum will h tliintilntli(i ton lmv ; - j ,0 wai vvly, y,,mi,jmj,j. (is fHi am j uiuitr of tli roil( h rv howling now IA.JS. MICSSlCliVIv, i ' "irwt iin tlu industrial intrrestof unw hi victory, tamrhotty i Rotnit to l i mv country 01 rviuru to int tranc, usual ucctMvoil ami li!t)i(HinleU, ll cannot at j a return shall t ma.le, in luk or in part, j the .nunc lime imvl tin fvpwlttlions, of the j tlipy would bv no worse for republican than j niom-ol interest of New York city aiut I ,,r itcmiVratn. Hani limps, likem! limes, j the llulists ot the western prairies, ;" hs" ,1.v people, irrespective ot, looiiiNo ruttM, , vMUMncr.Tm.iioanxu.mMii.rmmn Kast Orvjfootan; The olWseeker I at- i.ivir .,, , r...-..o.,, ui.n mmianiemat ; Wil,lv ttlm4l Bml CMtirn principal is in no daiip-r of overthrow. The J aU(U, ,, ,0 rtM,. llH1,,illn 9m. my tvYli,v.e,l, hut its tin's cannot he I for , ,c seeks, Ihul i' it ha.ln't l'H ol. j been for htm the democratic eamllilMc wouldn't have lieen in it. - J Aibkkt A. IVpk, of UoMon, who tuts! . - - , ..I, , . .1 ,i i.t. rnv cx or. Kmer4 at .he IV. oc In Oretoo City, Or.. I nw f " " r"'"1 1 Kune Krister: The wwr look seout d.M .aer. ; -."cs.ion, has .u . jH-n.,,.,, nt .he . .,,.. Kllsr. , ,, ' ,. . ' . -. scl eral Kwermnent lt cstahlisli a depart-1 , ' , v ' , , ,,, . . , : " ; . - , , , land. Now what part w hev ak ii the ' ineiit of nvAtls sunt dr liv Ihikt ivf L-rii-iillni'tt ' FKIPAY. SOYKMBKK 25, 1S;2. ...... . ., . ' . dis.rtlmlion ot Ihe.vermnent oltuwr WlVHSCKlTION HATES, One yciir. .x months, Three months, S.scrtpoens syshle lfi tvnee Aitvertising nu'i fiveu ou aplicaUon While all will admil the mw.wiiy of good j ! rvds yet there .mist t a limit to the ov er- j ! si.ctit assumed hy the national (nvverninenl IMS r I IKK II1M. The KSTKRVKISK rraHte tarter bona-. ... ' , . . , ! Kat trc,n.ttian: K. W. Mitchell, colonel de e irlU.tha that other three u fe ; , diirw, j hy the grace of tiovemor IVunoyer. Is an " ,h L!!", : ' of a state like Oregon to agree u(h.., road " '- important oltU-e ..f whvlor leirisUtion. ltownmchinoreenmhersomelofo,,"on,'t Nl-it. Mr. Mitchell laa AGENTS FOR THE ENVKKPRISK. . ,ie ml, lp ,aclim,rv Hwme Kt,,n j i IHvpular and intelligent man, hut he Is ti'i- t til ht.it tf lh nati.it. TttM .Ira.. i thcr eniitl.tl to nor til for the oltic to hicli "vvKnu'M lfi"!? internal ami coast in.provementa of '' ,l,'rM- Mr. Mllchell a H.puUrily I. of W..Runya, ,ta,e wer. We believe that the ,0 ,um' "tnvial a character tolj uken into co.isiiieration in this coiiuection. DtMi.CHATIl Wi.U rortland Uispatch: We n-ganletl It as rather a joke when Mrs, l.ea-e name was aniiouiH-ed as a candidate for the 1'nited Vta.es sei.aie, but It it not only a fact that she la in the Held, but has moat excellent prospect of success. Kansas w as born In sorrow, and heraltlictiouaare not yet ended. Al l. THK IAN I CROW. Some two weeks ago two well-known gen tlemen ot Ikihbius, West Virginia, made an agreement thai should llarrist.it be elected the democrat should eat a live ral, and sheuld Cleveland be elected ie versa. The democrat, with characteristic liberality, con sented that the rat should I cooked, and in this com! li ion he was devoured hy the re publican a few nights since In the loh hius town hall. The laller gentleman is re ported to have said that the ill-fated rodent tasled much like crow. ti-rwrfml the progrea of (Vn. sumption. In all It's tsulmr stm, It cttn I curat. It's a acrofulout alfw'that of th iimgw a Mood Unit and, aa tu every oiher f.ri of scrofula, lr, nervvV Ooldoti MihIIcwI Ihsooverv ts a er tain rotmty. Hut it nut-t l. taken In Uiue -snd Note is the time to tnke It. It punll.w the l.isl tlmt'a tho secret. Nothing acts like it. I. a the ttit -b'tit auvivgth -rwrtorer, l.l.t ckwnaer, ami (lean buildiM- known to lm-ll. til acicuce, KiW W.svk l.uur.-, Snituuir of Hlood, Hnmchi.ls, Astliuut, t'a.ari'li, and alt Imei'tniS foughs, tt'a a remedy tliat's (m.iiiiiv,(, in evwry caae, hv tnillt cutw If (t diswn't, Itw nnuiev la returned. In other woiits. I. sm'I.I un finit. No other medicine of lis kind in Ami tlutt prove, that tHHhing else I " Jnrt as gvsl " as Uie " i'-wvMvvrv." I lie tlealer la tluuking ot At pmllt, nut of yoMi-s, when he urgns siahething elan. juiik "t youraeu wiuiu u iikeiy w ue ue twwr umuciuek Wo Imvo jiiHt oHttol ntiotlior litrgo Invoioo (if- WOOLEN DRESS GOODS, Hought tlirt'ft from llin FAMOUS BSOADHMD MILLS, Oswera, Csuhf. CUcliatnas, Itilwsukte, fmou itills, Aims. stesdow Brook. New Krw, Wiisnnvllle, Psrk Flace, Burlaw. - tls'lovae, Swff.trd, kluonov srtis. NolsJIs. Vsrusm, ItiltevUie Anrivrw, Cirri lie, Kagle Creek, uimyside, Pamajscus, Sandy, Salmon, Cnrrinaville, t'herryville, Mannot, ....... A Vt G J. Trallintjer J w'' H'lesliou is largely a local one and that K S Hramhsll f t)( stale should legislate to promote the lst t has tiiumsii ; , , ' W. ewhrry . possible improvements. Henry Stiley I Hamilton Visshburn ! ... , - , , . , . Mrs. ts. A 0hetrd i " "t hope of greatly increased sales j g osje I of manul'aclurevl goods to this country atig ' . . c. T Howard ! mentevt hy democratic surt-esa, the Berlin ?. ""''T r i bi-melalic ixinierenc is far lesa likelv to - N. M. slooOy , . . . . , ... I K. M. Hsrimaa ' succeed to ils object than would have been H Jennint ; the case had the result been different. Ku- r. l,tey . . . ....... L.J Perdue ropesns hope and exct to ship to America H. N ilneru j vast itiau.ities of gvnxls making the hal- ". - Jc" Klilott "nc of tr,le ,h'ir f"vor inMrmi of F G.wsch against them. This balance they would pre- Mrs. W. M. Mcln.yre I fer in gold, hence they are likely to prefer a w Curri" ! single standant in the conference- Had .Mrs. .11. J . Jisiiiliirr Atiolph Aschott LESS0.Y0F.4.YJDVEKTISE-ME.YT. i conditions indicated a balance in favor of ; this continent they would have been hi- metalists. MONEY I !tvt a full supply of money which I wish to lonn on go.nl ILACKAMAS COINTY FAKMS, Of 40 Rotes or mow on tlu moMt fitvoruhW terms. Call ami soe mo Postotlioe luiililing, tW here. at my Ix-foro tuiioo, going NO DELAY APTEE TITLES ARE EIAM1NED. Thi increase,! enrollment in the puhlic schools is crowding them to their fullesl ca- TVeitV Slid W Itevr m-lnwvl hililiiinu. U mi nr. , ... omi i) rvia soi'vtsiua. , a,, aim ..-i, , , it itr I i?ii it-til y Ul r.t V hiiii ' -i . I I, r ' t , . . ., ., ,i ... , t , , . ' j The worlds fair souvenir ha l- ollar, rails lew desire to be attached to this dis-! . .... . ,. . . ... ' w ipivnm, mm w lilO flltASV aritsiit pin The New York Press ot November IStli wntains an a.tvertisenient in which txcurs the following: -e wm five smpte gronuas ana ereci moo-, ,rie, fof ,h(f pr,HM0f eu)Vils ,ie benefits rn and well-equipped fsclorie arid give rent - , , . . . t t i ot a grailed school loev should move to free for twen.f years lo nianntaciiirers of repu-1 . tattoo desinm. ,1 loca.lng .heir b.,Ses plants ' m ' us tb n",," f P"P'' M - ; be provided for will intlnence this district The name ot the place is here added, j in determining the sic U build the new Tliia advertisement should be a lesson to i chixl building. There is not much timet us, inasmuch as we bar our hope of future ; 10 sl'ar before the annual meeting In jfreatness on the bmiitm rtories March prior to which date any changes con- in otirmiM. To meet such an inducement j tenipian -Wuild be completeit, as this what are we doing, or w hat have we riammm toorTer? It isgeuerally undershxxt that the ; Sksatob Allisi.s of Iowa charac.eris- rower lonipauy otters uulucenients lo null j ucany says ol Hie situation, The result of ; eat,., smt nthcra troni men mine snaiwot tree power ami sues, ine taie eiecnon recalls lo niinu the lute of ouantitieg and thus cornerin the si Correspondence Solicited. W. H. BURGHARDT, Loral A(ent nf I he IirTis-Ccstni! mum Trust tmmi Do Not Climb the Hill ! ever issued from the mint. All of these souvenir rdn, except live, are being sold at a uniform price of 11 each. For the tl coin struck ol! J1U,H has already been fered, and various prices have been hid the -teeth, I IllM, island .he last coin. Ie siring thai these souvenirs I distribute,! as widely as possible among the people, and that all, irrewctive of locality, have an eiual chance to obtain them, the ruposition ""Titles have thought to prevent syndi- tin! .STOP AT jnia is wen ana as tt snouta oe. ine j me man wuo tnougnt ne was til and took a the contrary they have arranged to supply Company expects with the development of j dose of medicine with the result that it banks, business houses and individuals In tne power Here, amt m me improvement ot , maue mm sick, tie aitds, t 'erhaivs that . aj parta of the country with wuica .ney are spenuing large sums oij win oe me way a aemocratic aoministra tnoney, to receive remuneration in sales of! tion willaftect the country." The "any power, and increased values of land of j thing for a change" policy may bring condl which they hare good holdings. But The j tiona not agreeable to those who wereehietty instrumental in brnging about the change. 2 George C. Ely's POSTOFFICE STORE, ElyvUIe, - Oregon, Where you t'ttn get the hijjhont caah priiH for Butter, Egg and Other Farm Produce. Company" is not the onlv one that has been benefitted by recent growth of the place wnico nas rvsimea in increasea values, ah j Xiu Marion County Democrat savs: "In owners of realty both large and small have j Forest Grove, the town hoodlums' egged a anareu tne Prosiniy oi tne past and win democratic procession last week. We want be mutually benefitted by future improve- j to emphasize the Tart that this waa in Forest nienU. Is it not then the duty of every ; Grove, Oregon-not down in Mississippi." citizen to help to secure factories here by The Democrat failed to add that In repub cflering inducements calculated to bring ( ican i)r,gn theeirg throwers were arrested tbem. Let this community, from the day jand punished while in democratic Missis laborer to the retired business man or sipj,j they were not molested. Tell the farmer w ith a few thousands saved up, be- j hole truth. What is that about half the come a mutual aid society with the com- truth being a whole lie? mon purpose to uo each his snare to build op the town, estecially by bringing facto ries, and it will bother the most active to keep pace with the development of the city. Such a policy will surely result in great good and will in a very short time make Or egon City renowned both far and near for ber energy and public spiritedness. Mean while all will lie benefitted financially and be better citizens for the interest taken iu the advancement of the common good. many as they may desire to distribute among their patrons, customers or friends. A aR-i:St.tCS CH.lVITItHlsTIC. New York Press: The present cry that the career orthe republican party is ended comes from the same party which in l.)H declared the republican conduct of the war a failure. The trouble with the republican party is that it refuses to atay defeated. Full lino of new gools at prices lower ihan Oregon Citv. Letter List. The following is the list of letters remain ing in the ftoat office at Oregon Citv, Oregon, November 24, ixul: Drown, Richard Livingston, Win Brown, Krunk C I.ow, Antonia Hurgett. Mrs I-aura Matthews, K.rnest IH-Iliiker. Mrs Frank Matthews, Missllessie Klmore Brtw. Mason, Misa Mela tturdner. Lance Ilolan, Mrs Mav fiilkie, Mr Spencer, liarrv 1' (Iran, Mr K Hummers, Ir" Jlarns, Mr V .Smith Fred A CLEAN RECORD. The New York Sun says of President Harrison's administration: "The twenty third president of the United 8tates w ill go ou. of office on the 4tb ot next March, hav ing earned the resect and sincere esteem of his fellow countrymen, democrats as well as republicans. "While the political fates have decreed that Benjamin Harrison shall figure in his tory as a one-term president, tiiat one term will stand without the disfigurement of any serious scandal, and marked with many creditable deeds and important public serv ices. " It is a pleasant tiling to remember that in the canvass just ended few words have been said or written concerning Gen. Harri son which represent him as anything but what he is, namely, a man ot superior in tellect and elevated character, and a chief magistrate whom the country can always regard with admiration." Fot a years ago there was a determined effort made to divide Clackamas county by attacning a part ot tt to Multnomah. It is I Jiackley, Mr Massie Smith. J W worthy of note that a number of the most ! Johnson, K tS Whiten, Mrs I. W influential men who favored division then j K''"" Arthur M are opposed to it now. Presumably they) I,calle1 for. I'lcase say when advertised. recognize the rapidly changing conditions 11J ". r. at. which are destined to make Oregon City a ! Jiotire, great manufacturing center in the near fu lure, and wish to remain to share iu the general prosperity. Obeuoh Citv has long desired increased transportation facilities to and from Port land. Now that the motor line is being built within the city limits ought we not to make use of the opportunity and give the town a good lift? If no one knows of our improved proscts no one will come here to help in building up the town and sur rounding country. Why not "toot our own horn" in a modest way? REPUBLICAN STEADFASTNESS. The republican party was defeated but it i is Jiot going out of business just yet, as! gome seem to think. The party is based on j solid principles, whose soundness has been thoroughly tested. For nearly thirty-two years this nation has been controlled by the principles of that party. The almost uni versal prosperity and unparallelled success of this period attest their value. And now because a change is ordered by the voter must it follow that the party cannot stand defeat and must go to pieces? The principles of the republican party cannot be downed at the beck of pettifogging politicians of the rainbow chasing sort. The Inter Ocean Bakitig of the party's future says: "The Republican party is not dismayed by defeat now any more than it was in 1850 or 1884. It accepts occasional disaster as a part of the fortunes of politics under a pop ular form of government. The democracy will now be put upon trial. From 1885 to 1889 it was hedged in by ft republican sen ate. Now, with the aid of the populists of the senate, it will bare majority, and after , The Oregoidan makes K. Scott's proposi tion to work convicts on the roads the sub ject for a favorable editorial. The great ob jection to convict labor is that it brings cheap labor into competition with the indi vidual. This would not be true in follow ing this plan as it would result in improve ments which would otherwise remain un done. It would not cost much to try it. The trick of the democratic managers in having I'ierce's name printed twice on the same ticket has resulted in a majority for him on the face of the returns. 8o far as the result is concerned it matters not that the trick is successful, hut in view of the plain statement of law that no one's name shall appear more than once on the ticket it is a good time to test the ipiestiou. The Kansas legislature by the election of Mrs. lase as United States senator would plant a deep thorn in the side of the democratic senate. Wouldn't that party squirm and twist to find a valid excuse for refusing her a seat. AH person indebted to the firm of Fields & Son will pleaso call and adjust their accounts immediately aa the es tate must be settled. Respectfully 4t Fikldb A Son . The Northwest Reform Journal, the peo ple's party organ, sports a crowing rooster at the head of its columns. It is not afraid now as before election to air its democratic leanings. Wat Bob Miller's "ineligibility ' make him ineligible when it comes to sharing the loaves and fishes? It is a poor rule that won't work both ways. Those who have been successful the past year can be thankful for that, and the rest of us that it is not worse tnan it is. C. 0. T. Williams is now doing busi ness for himself at the old stand next door to Caufield & Huntley's drug store. Ladies' and Gents', robes at Holtran & Warner b Undertaking parlors. If The latest in visiting cards at the F.N tehckisk Okfick. Prices to suit you. La xii f lkahino. Contracts tnken for grubbing and stump-pulling for any nurnliei of acres. Good woik guaranteed. Address J W. LaMak, Park Place. Pronounced Hopeless, Vet Saved. From a letter w ritten by Mrs. Ada E. Hurd, of Groton, 8. 1), wo quote: " Va8 taken with a bad cold, which set tled on toy Lungsf cough set in and finally terminated in (Jorimnription. Four doctors gave me up. Raying I could live but a short time. 1 gave myself up .0 my naviotir, determined if 1 could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above My hus band was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all, eight bottles; it has cured me and thank God I am now a well and hearty woman." Trial bottles free, at G, A. Harding's drugstore, regular size 50c. and 1.00. LiOAf4S! We hat e money to lonn on improv eil tirniH in the Willamette valley, on five and ten years' tiino At tli' lwist Kate Interest All of which wo hitvo mai'kol nt our tiHtutl low priced. Aino, nn excellent itHsorttnent of I'liihlren's, Minuet.' utxl Ladies' CLOAKS AND ULSTERS AT LKSS THAN UXK-II.W.K OltKUNAI. 1'KU'KS. Don't fail to call in early nnl neenro lutrgninii we are now oll'eriiijj, HAMILTON & WASHBURN, PARK PLACE, OREGON. CRASH DOWN COMES THE PRICES. Furniture, Window Shades Carpets, Etc., Etc., At price never lieforu dreamed of in Oregon City. Holman& Warner Undertaker A Kmlmltner. Write or call on J. O. BOZO UT II, Agt. Manhattan Loan Co., Rood No. 7, 21") MorriHon St., I'ortland FOR- ABSOLUTELY PURE DR.UGS 00 To n A. HARDING. NONB Ilt'T COMPETENT PHARMACISTS EMPLOYED Fine PerrraerlES and Toilet Articles. Also fc t, stock of FA-IlTTtJ- OILS, ETC. DR. L. WHITE, JAPAN JB SB CURE A new and complete treatment, coiihImIiik (if 8iippofU)rle, Ointment in Cniile, alun In Box anl Pllln; a ponltlve euro for Kxterual, Internal, Blind or bleeding, Itehlnir. ''hronlc, Kecent or Hereditary Fllen, and many dlneaiei and female weaknemen; It I. alwayn a great benefit to the general health. The firt dl ooveryof a medloal cure rendering an operation with the knife unnecemmry hereafter. Thli remedy has never been known to fall. l per box. 8for W: ent by mall. Why mifTer from thin terrible dteae when a written guarantee In given with alx boxen to refund the money It not cured. Hend .tamp for free nample. Ouar ante lumied by WoouiRDCUBKg A Co, whole sale and retail drugglata, aole agenta, Portland, Oregon, UBWTTIST. Over CauAcld'i lirug Nlore, Office day from the Im to 1st la of eanh month. Artificial tenth on nil, her. firm ('Ih, lift. Oold rllllugH from I'J up. AH work guarauieeil. MOODY & VAUGHAN. Police S MO L ALL A, OREGON. Leaders in Low Prices. AN DIS R SON WALKER, Paityteradj-loe Decorator PAPER-HANCING AND KALSOMINING. I carry tho lament and bent HHnorted stock of wall tHier ever brought to Oregon City, and will Hell at rortland prices. J,et tne give you figtiruH on your work, Shop on Seventh wtrect. near Center. Their stock in complete in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Notions, Etc, Country Produce Handled. VOI R UMH HEALTH thimiilaoii Hid i iiiiillliiiii nt viinr atoiimeli aim liver. J lienu inuko your lilnml K'"l or liuil. MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY l the greatent ol natural ton inn for th ntnm- anh and liver. It regulate both unruly and perfectly, Are you bllllona? Are yon cointlpated? One TciiHpoorifnl of Mooi- h Ho- vealwl Kenn dy will give you Kellef. 0. It, Heeiio a well-known Hcnttle ilrugglnt. nay Moore'n Revealed Kumedy cured liini of novere billion headachoa, lfc.8oM by all drugglita. Cooke's Stables, W. H.COOKE, Manager, Hucvemur In I!. t II. Co. Comer Fourth and Main Streets), OKKCSON CITY. Tim LKADINU L1VKKY HTAHl.R ot tlui Citv. Kiii of ailV fli.ui'rlitlim. fumiHlunl un short nutlea. All klntln of Trnt k mid IVIiviiry Husi. ihihh promptly atturidml to. Ilornna Hoarded ami Fed a'llii torinn. on reaHon- 8. HUKHT, KEAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AtiENT. NOTAHY PUBIJO & COLLECTOR. AURORA, OltRaON. Money Loaned on Approved Security. WOOD TURNING ' -A. 1ST ID . SCROLLJAWING BOXES OF ANY SIZES MANUFACTURED Parting ilMHlrinif Wood Turning. I'at torns, Brackets, or Shop Carpenter's Work Will be Suited by Calling on Me. Doors, Windows and Blinds TO ORDER.. GK EC. BESTOW, rOpp. the Congregational Church