Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 25, 1892, Image 5

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    Oregon City hnterprise.
KKIIUY, N(VI',MI!;i( m,
Hum (lKl.'l y i, Nr.uly, , ,., n un
Naliiriliiv, i
Pun (t'Nxil In hi hiiiiio sa'iiillii( l'W
iltiy Willi dm fiiinilv,
Mr Hutyul (liu llurluw toll (atii was
In ttmii Ian! Tui'inlny,
(tru, Oglimliy, i, cu, kmnim, w hs on
tliostli'it mi Tili'silay.
II, I DO ul Cunliy, iHiiin clown on llm
Tilfailay morning tiain nn Imnlnraa,
Clmilii I'arsr ri')nlms In llm ailvont
ul t lrl at liU limns uii tliv lillli, -
Mm. M. J. Wrailii'ifmtlof Aalnrla waa
in tliprlly over Sinnlav vlalllng mlMllvr.
Tuny Nulincr wants soiimtlilnK of
ihjiiimi. Tills lime It U tlis 1'oitlainl m
tiro II, IU1I17 of I'ortlmiil, inllcl mi
Thursday, ImviiiK lii to lly to viait a
Haiimi'l Klmnre nun, ul Aatoria'a (nail
ing hiialnraa mrtl , was In illy mi
John 1'yai It, nl lilalatum wi'ttt llm
last ul tlm wi'rk to v I 1 1 Ma lalhnr in
Wm-lilnutun futility .
Hon. i, V, I'roaMtr, in. of Oawvgo'a
llioat rtnlmut cilbmia, was in to II
cvrtal tlaya II. la ni k.
Tlm Kasl Ortfuniiimi au;(j"a Con
ductor H. 0 irmly of llm I'nlon I'adlW
to aunriwil Marshal ltaiitt,
('. IIoUtii aa inatlli on I it cnar.l
t Acliillia o.k !aat rrlilay n(tht In
I'lactiol 1. Malthlaa, rti;iiii.
Pin Corvlliaiaiult says that 8. T.
Ji'rtvya will m ollcri-il tlm r'ln,rlili
ul tlm On'don City laml ollio.
laii'l llial iinw Door alio ciw at
llnnilrv'a iwat ami juat tlm thing to
allow liia slink nil' to alvatiltt!t
llnnry Wal'lmii riNHla to start tlm
laat ol tlila wk for Unn ruiiuly In-rc
Im will work for tlm Mourn hiiiil) Co.
J. W. A. lifllioiix, wati'lmuknr ami
J lr, Drtgon i'ity. liaa a nic lina
of aoiivnnir s"mis ami all imw ilsigna.
Tlm m holara uf tlm ullii school rn
having a abort tacntimi, school having
)nn ilinniia4 on tt'mlni.lav for tlm
Miaa Flora lli'imi of I'liaaant I'oint,
Marion nullity, will tlm i-ililrt-aa nl
a 11 r social iikly shottly loin' alartfl
Arinorv hall waa haautilullv ihuorali"!
lor llm Tliaiiki!ivlriii ball gin-n hy Co.
V. J. E. Khoadf was I'liml ol arratiK
insnts I'aiikrr John Mvir ia longing to put
liia (ni-linll.irnli.il Harlu's slua-a II '
pvlili'iilly thinka liia fii-t would f I at
lioum tlirrn.
lUvn you ihm'ii tliat ni'ut nnw lenrn
C. II. Cantli'lil la plaring in front of liia
Imuai'? Jt greatly iinprovca tlm ai'i4r
I'ni'u ol tlm noniii'a.
A. II. Himh'ow forim-rly coiimi'tinl witli
theraniwry lnn lina acveriil liia con
imi'tlon witli tlm Korcat (irove cannnry
anil liaa movi'd to 1'iirtlninl.
1). II. Cloait, tlm pni'inplic liriilgn man
o tlieSoiitlmm raclfli', ia fluiug iti
liuini' at I'ark l'liun in aiiug aliupo. Ilia
luat linprovt'iiiont I" a ln-nl tiarn.
Tlm flrat ra ralliol iH'lore Jmlgo Mi--llrliln
In the Marion county circuit mrt
waaoiifl In which liia own lirollmr aa
awmtary ol alato waa ilcfi'inlant.
Tlm Catholic congri'gation at St.
Jolin'a chur!h la a lilicr.il contrihiitor
in church anil public tnitttnra. Father
llillcbranil lina jnut cnumlntoil miaing
$iKH) for building a acwer tlii" l'ing anh
acrlbcil by W pcraona within thn lut
month, Tlm church will contribute
ahout -IIHI lor tbii year work.
Dry Goods,
German Kiting Yarn
Wo have taken all our cloiiku in jiriwH from $5 to $7.50 and rc
lueoil thru) to $.'(.(.)r) your choice, and all from $ 2.50 to W for ifl,!)5
your chosen.
Former prices $2.50, $3, $3.50
dm it 1 to 2 at U5c. vour choice.
Clone out at 50c. Now wo liniHt
Tlm wiHiilaarM wi ll llllcil with tliuno
cmla Hiixiniia to aiivu llm cnimlry hy c
lci'iing an iiiiiilnliiiciii In llm Imnl ofllcn.
For icglaipr up liinir of K. II. Flagu of
Halnm, ,1. W iniHr, J. II. Ilioikcn
lirnuih, It, Cmi'li ld n I T, F. Cowing of
Oli'gnll Citv,illld.lollll Wclih Jr. of I'olt
luml. (IUiith will l,n added 11 a faat aa llm
gi'iiicl I11II11 iii'i' of ili-inocratlc victorv
I) Iniia liinir a,.nii Ing lniii'a nbovc
Mary K11I011, itiiiighiir of Mia. M . Hum
nmra, ilii'd at llm lininc of her inotlier
in tld i'ity , on WcdiiKMlay, at 10 o'i I a k,
agi'd M yi'iiif. From Imr lilrlh aim had
Itci'ti trouble I with imm'rli'ct heart ac
tion ami haa llmiilom been ni! ileli-j
cam. I jii-iy aim lina liad acvi'r.il In'inor
rhagea the la-t of wblch reaultcil fatally.
Tlm aldiiaiilk on Mftiion rlrn't lucka
but nnnbliM'k of cfiinii'lioii from Hevcnth
atieet to ThihIi atieet. Itiearly coin
lellon woiilil be a gri'.it couvc nielic to
the acbiHil cblldien, iiihiiv of whom now
hav to wadu tlirougli llm water and
mud In going to and from achool.
'the Man alHiul town notnatlmtS. It.
lireeii, Mm; Howell and I. F May arv
to be apl'lii anla (or the inatiilllit). W.
II. Hiatlonl la Haul to b ilienming
nl ilial.uraiiig tlm mall and aeVeral other
dcmia-ratiii bflita ar lixtening 10 tlm
gentle whiaiKT of Irienda
1ji( Hntnrday tba tulck mill waa abut
tlowil for an iiiileltnlle aiiial of tune
and tin Wedncabay a Incak down chiim-i)
mill o, 1 to c k.w down for a lew daya
for realra, Manager J. W. (ianong
thltika laith ltiilla will be running in a
abort time nguin.
Hall A llarria, Ihe Fly biilchera, have
reimn'cd tlielr iimrket lo llm building In
town on tlm corner of Seventh anil J. tj
A'luina airei't w lmm they have a well ar
ranged abopin which limy intemt to keep
a alia k ol well aaaoried umata.
On Wadiicaday uiorniiigCapt. (ianong
received at tlm linperml null a fin lot
nl fat toikcya lor ibalribiition among tlm
employee", it being Mr. l.add'aciialoin to
remi-inlxT Ida wnikiiieil III tlua way
evelV year.
J. A. Mar ol ht. Helena returned
honm Inat Kr1d.1v alter a abort viait with
j liia litnnly, w bo moved heie a abort tium
line, lie expel la In lie ante to liia "ia
I bifine-x la-low very aoott, mid come up
jliern to remain peiiininenllv.
If you do lint know tlm pieiiaiu ol
wearing a bat lilted til your liead volt
almilld go lo O'Cooliell A til.aa and I
illli-d viitli their new umaaiiring and tit-
J tiliil machine. K-e their new ad.
K. K. SViMniua, iiiaengtged F. A.
Sleight lo wo k in bia gnvry ator to
begin lliicemlier lt. Mr. Sleight will
move into one of the lai ker Iioiiihis on
J. i. Adiiiua aliiN't.
Tlm cili"iia uf l'aik I'bu e ate jnatly
proud of their 11 w K-lnad building and
have raix-il bv nriviile aubai-riplion
money with which to buy a la rue bell
which will kiii b in pi u e in the hellry.
Cbaa. Heoll Ima aaaunieil cbiirge ol the
Woodbnrn roller milla whii-h were
I built by the p-opiielor of Scott'a mill,
near Mitriiiam. The milla ure doing
good W'oik.
Tlm recent rama have brought a bet
ter atngeol water and w ith it a good rim
of ateel heada. The flabcrumn are get
ting a goodly number in tlmir neta.
II, K. Stevena ia having the oldeat
liouae in town painted. It la at the
comer of Main and Sixth alreet.
I). C. Howell ol Springwatnr, waa at
tending to btininena on the atreeta (4
Oregon City nn Weilncaday
MiaaVdluia Smith and Sain'l Oeiber
were married the puat week by Hev. J.
II. Hargravea.
Tlm infant child of S. II. (ioddey,
which haa been ipiito ill ia much belter
dipt. Miles Hell was in town on Wed
ncadiiy. E3 E3
Fancy Goods,
Jackets II
to $7.50 at $2.95 your choid and
Jhero are about 1 dozen we win
well thene dmikes in order to make
L..lL JaSkaasd
I lull, (ii-ri. ('. Hrowiiell contemplu'ca
trip caat In tlm near (nitire.
Henry F. Smith and wilu are ck peeled
lionm from llmi'iiat a'loul licimnlier lat. j
On Tneailny night Kev. I.ncaa ami
luiiilly lelt lor Ciliforniu, their fuliire
honm. I
MiaaMary ('oinei-a led (or Cliilaknliln !
on Monday to cmt Tliu'ikivlng with
her parcnta.
Mlaa Helen Culpin of Portland, waa.
In town on Sunday the guest ol Mia
Mary Conynra.
hlitor H. S, Train of tlm Albany Her
ald, waa In Oregon City on Frlduyaml
viailed our aunclom.
Mis. T. A. Mclirldii luleiida to alart
fur California on Saturday lor a abort
vlail with relative.
Arthur Haigli la planning to vialt hia
old home In New York and extweta to
leave t'10 laat of thia week.
Capt. Apperaon wenl toCorvallia Mon- i
diiy to alleml a meeting of the lioard of
the Stale Agricultural College.
Kev. Tlm). lloyd of tint Fourth I'rea-.
bytnrian church, I'ortlan l, exchangeil ;
pulptla uu Sunday with Hi-V . (iiboiit-y. j
Capt II. I.. Wells was in tlm city on
Satuidiiy Inaimcting the county anil citv I
jail In the Interest ol the State Hoard ol j
Charities j
I. Ai'kermnn haa la-en in the i lly the ;
puat week ailiiig in the cloaing out;
aule at the II real Kuatern. He ia a
genial getitleman to meet. i
! Captain (ian-ing was the proudest j
i lather in the stale lust week, all on ai
J count ol an eleven kmjihI visitor at his
1 bourn', who claima lilni aa papa.
I K. fl . Flaxg of the Marion county
j lemiicrat called laat Friday while in
: town on buaineaa. Our old friend Flagg
iMi-nia to he itiH-idedlv In the lead Id the
I race (or the registerahlp,
j (iro. II. Hi uiea of l'ortlunil waa in
i town Tuesday accompanied by Mr. Iten
aon of San Joae, Cal. Mr. lliincs w as
looking nn the pitrtii-ulurs of the
I Mrtaugiilin monunieiil tnoveiiietit. 1
I Charles linker, a nephew ol C. O. T. j
I Williams, who has I hi-11 on a visit to
j relatives hero, look the iiioraing train
' n Tneadav for S.tleui here ha intended
topping otl to look ataiut for the day,
'. tlasn take the night ovi'il.itnl 10 return
I lo his home in Illinois
j The pleading announcement of the
(engagement of M ia JenMe Hixsua, of
iHeatlle, ami Mr. Koawell L. Holnaxn of
j t liia city ia at hand. Miss Hixsoc is well
and favorable known in Soaltn) and ia
I a daughter of one of Caliinrnii'a early
1 settlers. The gnann ia one ol tleenter-
prising young mi-n of this city ad m-eda
i nu iiilrixlu .1 iun to our reader!. The
wedding will is-cur next month,
Sent Ohsceue Literature.
On Tliurlay of laat week iH-juty Dia
tricl Attorney C. II. Ive leumed that
lioh tiaiilner was using llm U.S. mails
fur the purpoi ol sending nbaivne liter
ature, and be called 1'oatmaater Hands'
attention to the filet that a p.n lnge bud
juat la-en handed in for fKiatisg which
contained ohneiiu mailer. Mr. Kanda,
as directed by law, exainineil the pack
age and loiind it to Im a hook, contain
ing a letter, both of which were iilmoene,
and. as directed by the poxtul laws, he
went on Saturday and consulted the U.
S. attorney, Fierce Mays, who examined
both letter and honk and iinineJ lately
drew up a complaint and sent papers to
IVputy I). S. Marshal J. 8. 1'urdom, in
structing liim to arrest (.iardner. Had
the state court dismissed liardncr lie
would immeiliately have found liimscll
in charge ol the United States authori
ties coin routed w ith a grave and w ell
founded charge.
Card of Ti:auka.
We desire, tlirougli the Kntkrphihk,
to tender our thanks to the many friends
who so kindly aided and comforted us
during the illness and following the
death ol our daughter Annie.
Notions, Clothing Furnishing Goods, BOOTS fflD
room for Christmas goods, Toys, Ktc.
We nave a big bargain to ofl'er to you in DRESS GOODS
All our fancy uladu and stripes in Flannel ond Henrietta a former
prices 2Sc, 35c- and 50c. er
bJLAUK CLOAKING 1 vanls wide, at Due., worm An
extra fine BLACK LADIES' CLOTH worth $1.50 at 95c. per
yard, 1 J yards wide. RED ALL WQOL FLANNEL, eztra
heavy twill 35c, a good quality at 29c, 27 Jc. and 25c.
I'aitles indehUi.l lo the undersigned
will please call promptly and nettle 1
either by cusli or note.
J. W. Noams, M.J),
Oregon City, Nov. Ill, 1HI 2. 21
II. llurMiMrT
linys city bonds, school bonds, county
ami city warrants. Ollice 2M Washing
ton stim-t, 1'ortliiinl. Hnaiileiice, Ore
gon City. UMI l(
Tlioaccoiitc inpluling borrowing should
ascertain terms old-red by C. O. T.
Btasai Lsiodry.
The Trov Steam laundry, ol Portland
haa opened an agency in Oregon City
with F. A. Waddock at the post ollice
con feel loni-ry and cigar stand, where
bunille will be received and returned
at I'ortlaud prlcei. All work guaran
teed to he llrst-class.
To Eiobtsga.
For city or suburban properly, a
ranch of 4-5 acres near Kalem, 200 acre 1
in cultivation, new buildings of all kinds
and fine improvements, new agricultural
machinery ol every description, also
stock, hay, grain, etc. F.veiytbing nec
essary (or fanning. The best fruit laud
in the valley. Inquire of A. S. IIhksskr,
4t Oiegon City, Or.
Ilucklcn's Arnl.-a Salve.
The Beat Salve In the world for Cuts,
Hruises, Sores, Ulcer, Salt Klienm.
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chspeil Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Krup
lions, ami positively cures files, or no
pav rcipiiml. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
I'rtc 25 cents Hir box. ror sale by U
A. Harding.
All persons finding themselves in
debted to us w ill please call and settle
their accounts as soon as possible or else
the Bccouiila will he turned over to our
attorney lor collection.
MAYXB4 Ackekman.
Ilune fur Hale.
I have a house and two Iota with good
barn al the head of Seventh street ; city
water service. Will sell cheap. Fino
chance to get a nice home.
Another house and two lots at t In
comer of ninth and Monroe will 1 sold
on easy terms. Kxcellent location.
Very desirable proirty.
Also a buaineaa lot on Seventh street
lor sale.
For further inloniiation 'V B
p. vimi, viola postollice.
Central Addition.
Special attention is called to
beautiful, sightly' and healthy locations
for homes nn reasonable terms to pur
chasers wishing to locate in Oregon
City. Splendid water and other atti ac
tions in Central Addition. Fin sub
urtian pionerty in tracts of five
acres or more,' one mile and a quar
ter from town. Several small bin val
uable (arms for sale cheap and on easy
terms. Apply to L K. Jannv
With W. Cary Johnson.
Sewer Connertiens.
We are ready to make all sewer connec
tions at the uniform price ol 35 cents )x-r
lineal foot -for 4-inch connections and -40
centa lor U-inch, all complete. Apply
immediatelv to l'ope A Co.
Fish, Fish. At lluinphrey,i fish
market all kinds of fresh and salt water
fiaii, crabs, lobsters and oysters. Live
and dressed chickens. Free delivery to
all parts of the city.
Buy your miints and oils, windows
and doors at the Fark Place Store.
They are cheaper than elsewhere.
Wedding stationery, the latest styles
and fiaeat assortment ever brought to
Oregon City at the Entkrwuse ollice.
An elegant assortment of dry goods
and domestics at the Park Place Store.
All goods iresh and marked at our
usual low prices.
If vou have never been at the Park
Place Store, just call in and see their
choice assortment of fine dress goods,
millinery and fancy goods. The assort
ment is new- and fresh an.l bought w ith
a view to please.
10c. pep Skein all Golos.
yard at 25c. A very heavy piece of
J. W. K. R6DHOUS6,
If you liavc a watch or clock that docs not run and keep cor
rect time, give me a trial and I will do the square
thing by you. If honest and fair dealing
will capture your trade I will have it.
Watches Itegulated Free of Charge.
No. 4, Commercial Bank Block, Oregon City, Oregon.
See Our Complete & Elegant
Canh bought it low prices will sell it!
Our Specialty To please our customers.
Our aim To save money for our patrons.
Our intention do better by you than
any one else.
Farm, Dairy and Mill Machinery.
Engines and Boilers,
Open and Top Buggies, Carriages, Carts,,
Harness, Whips, Bale Ties Barb
and Supplies
of all kinds to
New Market Block, - - - Portland, Oregon.
Ladies' Kid Gloves.
First quality, undressed, very long, $1.35 worth $2.
Ladies' Shoes.
We have a lot of ladies' full
used to sell for $l.io we have reduced to $1.25 for this sale.
Watch maker & Jen eler.
Has a nice lino of Watches, Clocks
and Jewelry fcr the Holi
day Trade.
Souven i r Soons a Specialty
. --
stock calf shoes on hand which we