Oregon City Enterprise. 1 1 1 EN DERSOX HANGS. ! 7:HT"y m,,r,,,,,,! M for t,n" FRin.VY. XOVKMBKR 2 1SW2. Clackamas Co. Directory. Clrk it Courts, hrriir. . RisMnter. Ttmhu rvr, Sohiwl Superlnton.lenL coi-nty omi'll J w Says the Jury CompostM! ofj Twelve True Men. i lit"!. F. HoricHi l 8. SI. Kstttst't ! J. 0 Woihcrvfl J. F. Rrai.-C H. 8, viibon ' SilnT Smyth K. L. llOJm.SII I kiehsnl seen jt'oruWius Bir AMI KAKBNrK nmim:i VKKUON CITY OFFICKR8. HNSIKKSO' IX JA After a brief conference with ,n H(. tornev, Henderson separated fi out Inn mother mii.I was taken to lux cell whore j llP spoilt ft llil( hut almost sleepless j night. W. T. Whitlock Mini Peter Neb- rn ert on watch nil night by order of , J ,,,, lM,,rt ,mt lll'i li would m( talk The .e,.,iern Trial rr the Murder or, ,., ,() MV wM 0(tll t' Cy, Juter Sciiteuees to he j trial. iVsed on Saturday. , Thjsistli flrd conviction of murder I ! the rtrnt degree that lm twr W-vn had 111 (. lHvktiiiH county. KMwnlrr. Ohlf l MIC -AmmiVi Trwllref. Ollf AlloetH'. !Mrwltmnil!t!iMM Blip tof Wsier Wkk i Kntllier. Ootiticilm-f . O Alhritht. Jr. T. W sullltMi eight yearn ago has us much interest ecu J Vpimlom ' ,mH' bot trial in OlavkHlllaS Count V j, R l!Koaw j a was evinced in the trial of Win. Hen U.F.CroM. jderson for t he murder of A y. Piitvr, The w. h. HrtlwU ' ,ri' ' ,,rirf p,,p ,,lw hrtng hut lit 8i.lnj myih. te oontiadietorY tvbhmce. After the 11 I. V tlU- l ... .- , . . . . nn nwuneti mere ens no Nvt inc tho ttiaU of Kitmctier Ufvnman. W A Ml. J J. C.wkft J. i WlttlWWH W. O'lVon!!, J. 0. Porter and T. V. Ku- dU. A ttM IS Jail. Jdllltm Wriulit, a ilnfin in the Men leioi) cw, ci)ie on tlii hIhihI drunk w iirvmiplly M'titciicevl ty Juiltt MeltrUlu to SO ily in j:iil for coiiteiiit o( court. He will enjoy TliHiikNtlvlnc Whiml the W with Miiiplo time (or i Ion mreMiorm ot Ur U) l rvuel hv i mwiUtiou ml otHrui)i p. HATS FITTED TO YOUR In eiij hU. !ilh ! W)!1, o thut ltopther the tiil ixu- sttmiHj I'Ut une tiny, the forenoon of which a taken up in tccttrini; a jury. At 8:80 p. ni. the raw was piven to the COfRT. Ctieult court ponvtnw BMt Monily In Ko- vuiM.ad IhiM n..n.iiT hi April. . jurv tnKl wo ho(lnl la((r Jlu, Ml.itria,, Prolate eonrt lmehB Hrl MhUt In each I .... ... . . aKuiih. roii1atnneremirt mm first Wetuewty ahrr Itii on.ly ol rrh momh. ' Tie nay to build up Oregon City J to plre Orerou City people your patronare. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. was sent for to hear the verdict, and at four minutes past eleven the verdict, "Guilty as charged," was read to prisoner. Notwithstanding Die fact that the cir cuit court adjourned last Thursday even tug and did not re-convcne till Mommy morninij, the week cUwinu Welnesday evening haa witnessed hnportant trials. Sundiiy ewninji Jud-e Mcliride went to Salem to exchaHce benches with . . . . tu, jiuiw'e le. II. Iiurnett ol tlie l liml ill. ! liict as each had several eases docketed HEAD. mm using 'Tho I.vniis Tatt'iit Hut ('utifonmitor" wo PERFECT SHAPE AND Fit Guaranteed nro jrt'nit'(l to givo you a PERFECT FIT IN ANY OF THE RKVIKW Of TM TKSTIMONV. Clocks t Burmeister A Andresen't. Evervotw wwrranted. Henry Lis took anwition in Hunt ley 'i book store on Monday. If you want In buy lots in Bolton ap ply to C. O. T. Williams, agent. J. S. Courtney M. D., physician and urgeon, room 5 and 6, Charuiau block. School deportment can! on cent each, good far term, at the EvrKurKisn office. I to Hesderson he said : "So, Billv I wont have any trouble about this." A moment later ami he was writhing 'in aconv from a mortal wound. Henderson liavinjr drawn a knife C. O. T. Williams is now prepared to j Kwa h sleeve which he plunwinl into make very favorable rates or. good farm siuter's bowe's, tnttina a gU out of l"ns. which the intestines protruded. Siiter Take your babies to ?he New York attempted to strike him w ith a chair but gallery and get a good picture w hile yon ; was prevented by Pimick the barteniler. 'in which he had been interested tx-lore j . imittrf ml Ihrt lwmh Jii.l.t lluri...it On the ISHh day of last Seplentlw a j l.me (lown (nM SlIn Mo)(Uv Uf and remained till Tuesday nixht. As Cianlner ami Bactvi were convicted under him he will return to puss sn-1 tetice on Saturdttr. Judge Mcliride was in his accustomed place on Wednesday morning when rvu.-t convened and im mediately took up the Henderson trial. BACON AND lilKOSk CO.VVirrD On Monday morning Judge Burnett fall,! lliA ruMH t,f t), StdtM ll..p. ) been trouble enough and walking over , T,w rW , , duri , ' . i ,1,. . . it. .. i" i iv jut ictiriuK m ru'diiig Aiirr lv t Latest Stvles of Stiff party was in Susbnuer's saloon in Canhy pUying cards, among theM hving Win. Henderson, thefc'fenlant, and Cy Suter, tlie munlrd man. A dispute arose, relative to the game, ami Henderson charged that Juter clieated. The game was broken np in angry disputation, friends tried to smooth over the trouble, Hwt for a time without success. Finally Suter seemed to conclude that there had Many oojoct to still' li:Us Ik'i'iuisc tht'V uiv w uiit'omfortaMo on tint l nl You don't havy to wait now for a hat to hhapo itm'lf to your head. Wo for vm and mako it lit as easy as a soft hat. Hats. whilo now. xhajio it In Still" Huts W Carry nil Styles, Ilnnghig in From 81 Up to ilio Host Silk Hat for Price bars the chance. Dora Bonnett of Milwaukee was visit- At the same instant Henderson made an other pass at Outer's hack but failed to reach it. Henderson then ran out of the saloon, went to Dr Chas. Kirght's otlii , ir.g her sister, Mrs. T. L. Chaimanthej j and told him that a man was in tlie John Tint nf tin. Tmr Rtpam litnnHrr ! l.,- k..n n . i .....i. . . . l j . l U t . lie IIICIl It"'. IU 1IJ ot r-ortund, was in town last weeR and : wuo(ig in which he probal established an agency. , i t t . . , , , i , , ., , Send to the Entirpkise office for your i1""1'1 wl,er he was at once recognized leal blanks. A sinirle one or a hundred I nd arrested Sim-e then he has lain in ing out several hours they returned a sealed verdict, which proved upon open ing to be "conviction of an attempt to commit rape." 'Tuesday morning the trial of Gardner began The testimony I was more definite in regard to his con j nection with ttie crime and he was con victed of rape. kkview or riir raiMit. On the l'tth day of last March atsmt nine o'clock in the evening while Mrs. Newman was at church Jtrrt Bacon and Bob Gardner entered her house and the room wuere .iiyriie anil lierta .e In Soft Hats Wo Have a Lirjro Stwk, and Can Fit tho Purse-as Well as tho Head of Almost Anv One. eiot i i We nro constantly mMing to our stock of- liing and Furnishing Goods. O'CONNELL St CLRSS, y wandered j man and the baby were sWpmg. Tak-jTlie O H e Pl'lCe CI()tllierH LMU HfltterS a. .. ind Ilia l.al.v fv.w., tl.u ...... ..I It ....! ' furnished at Portland prices. the county jail. County Treasurer Witherell continues to improve slowly. He usually mana-; ,. .. : , , l .. mnfton "raft i!..ntil hu iIia iVMirt I. .1 J At the opening of the trial Henry Mc Ginn moved for a continuation which ges to get down town each day. Laramie Mayer of Seattle came over Sunday night on a short business trip. He went to Salem Monday morning. JIRY AND WITNESSES. The jury consisted of the following well known citizens: Knoch Midlam, John Daly. W. H. Savage, Marion John Jacob Miley of Union, was in town on son, C. A. Holmstrom, J. A. Jones, John ing the baby Iron) the arms of Mvrtlei thev threw a chloroformed handkerchief over her head The cr) ing of the baby j awoke Berta and she started to rush j from the room. They thieatened her w ith death if she left or eiicd out and made her return to bed where she buried herself in the clothes. All this time tlie chloroform hail lieen kept over Myrtle's face and she was pretty well un der its influence. While in this condi- " ! lion they attempted to carry out their OREGON CITY. ORECON. Monday. Mr Miley is one of the sue- j Forsythe, Joiin I). Rusk, Charles Hett cessful farmers of this county and makes farming paj In his report the county stock inspec tor of Marion county states that be ex amined 44,025 sheep; that 2TS8 were afflicted with the scab. I foul purpose and tin On the 6th of December the Y. P. S. C. E. of the Congregational church will give a conundrum supper. Don't guess what it is but go and see. The name of Wisdom, the druggist was almost a household word in Oregon Last week he stabbed himself five times with a pair of cissors and is supposed to be demented. Homer, son of John Kruse, of Wilson ville was in town on Wednesday on his way home to spend Thanksgiving. Homer is taking a post graduate course in music at the Willamette University and is proving a very talented Musician. He also teaches some classes while pur suing his studies. Kand Ntrlcklln's Arm Broken. Dr. O. W. Yeargain was called to Highland on Saturday to attend Rand Stricklin who had been kicked by a horse. He found the bones of the el bow broken in several places in what is known as a multiple fracture. The bones were iet as well as could be and on Tuesday Mr. Stricklin was brought! to town. On account of the complex nature of the fracture he is likely to be troubled with a stiff arm. The accident occurred while Mr. Stricklin was help ing to break a horse to the saddle. He whs leading the animal when it turned and forcing him intoa corner against the fence kicked on the elbow. Motlce to Builders. Notice is hereby given that bids will . be received by tlie undersigned acting for the city council up to noon of December 3rd, 1892 for the construction of a city jail for Oregon City. For plans and siieeifications call on White Bros. Tlie city council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. W. A. White, By Order of the Council. 2t man, S F. Marks, Thoe. Daniels and Wm. Ranch The following witnesses were sul- prenaed : For the state, W J. L. Thomas, A. B. Diuiick, J. L. Shank, J. L. Ball, E. N. Foster. J. N. Tracey. For the defense, H. Kellogg, James Wright, H. Miller, Lew Shanks, Ray Fisher, C. R. Noblitt and Stingley. While the opportunity for lengthy pleas was wanting, there being no ques tion of law involved and but little con tradictory evidence, the counsel on both sides made the most of the case. Prosecuting Attorney W. N. Barrett opened for the state with a clear and concise statement of the case which he presented forcibly and efficiently. Hon. Henry McGinn, one of the best criminal lawyers in the state, alone conducted the defense H is plea was a strong pre sentation of the few facts favorable to his client and was delivered with forcible effect. Many in the packed court room believed after his speech that the verdict would not be murder in the first degree. Geo. C. Brownell had been engaged by the Suter family to aid the prosecution, and he made the closing speech, which was a careful review of the testimony and a fluent appeal for justice and the maintenance of the law. Judge McBride in bis charge to the jury left the question of evidence entirely to the jury, but instructed them plainly as to their duty under that evidence after they had considered it. At 8:30 the jury retired to weigh the evidence which two hours later resulted in a verdict con demning the prisoner's neck to the halter. At the conclusion of the trial Judge McBride went home, but was sent for at 10:30 and returned to the court room evidence went to sho the success at least to a partial extent of their dastardly purpose. The evidence was more conclusive in sllouitlLT thtt lir.Mfni'f III (nritnwr tlittn rif K Carl, i ..... ' ..... ..... .'.nun, aim me i u i . in ino ia.ii?r case compromised in their verdict by de claring Bacon guilty of an attempt to commit rape. The penalty for this is the penitentiary for not less than one nor more than ten years. Gardner in being convicted of rae, will be sen tenced to not less tlinn three years and not more than twenty vears in the pen itentiary. They will be sentenced Sat urday morning at 8 :30 Before Gardner's trial his attorneys and the family tried to get him to plead guilty but he would not. W N. Barrett and C. H. Dye ap peared fur the state. In the suit against Bacon C. D. Latourette and G. C. Brownell were retained by the de fense and Gardner had C. D. Latourerte and W. H. Walker. w E CAN'T STAND STILL And see the city and country growing up in all directions, trade increasing and everything prosperous. We never have taken a back seat in our business, and in order to keep pace with the development of the country WE MUST MOVE AHEAD. A Fiend Captured. Sheriff Smith, nf Astoria, returned from Port Townsend last week with Is rael Gregg, the fiend who outraged a young girl at Mishawaka about six weeks ago. The authorities at Port Townsend recognized him from his description and took him in tow till Sheriff Smith could get the necessary papers to lake him. A Buiy Place. Why7 It is a common remark that our busi ness is showinfa greatly increased activ ity this season. Customers speak of it. What is the reason for it? Can't you tell? If not try again. Hundreds of new customers are coming to lis, and corning once come again. Why? It is ( ) So we have abandoned the old store occupied for so many years moved into new quarters and I WHERE THE POSTQFFICE USED TO BE. And we have a store as fine as can he found snywhero in the State. Tho more roomy quarters enahlos us to add greatly to our former stock and to carry th very host goods in our line. In addition to having a large variety of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Etc., wo have just ut in an entirely new stock of Musical Instruments and Musical Merchandise. We have as good poods and as low prices as Portland. No Portland ontahlishnutnt has Dancing Academy. Prof. Al. Keser, instructer at Port land Select Dancing academy, at Hi bernian hall, Portland, will oen a branch academy at Armory hall, in this city to assemble on Monday evenings. Those wishing to join the class can ap ply to Mr. Everett Hickman atW'alling's cigar store, who is receiving applica tions and will explain terms. Join at once. H 25 J because you are treated courteously and Henderson was sent for and came rale Bftt vour money's worth everytims and agitated into the room where he j whether yoii spend a dollar or a nickel. joined his mother who had been pacing 1 0,1 rea" ol,r advertisement and you tlie floor. The roll was called while Hen derson visibly paling sat in his chair with trembling lip and hand. Being told to stand he promptly rose and listened to the verdict, "We, the jury, find the pris oner guilty ascharged." At these words Henderson turned white as a sheet and sank into his chair. Other than this neither he nor his mother gave any visi ble sign of the effect of the verdict, For a moment all was silent in the court room, then a subdued murmur of com mentarose, but this was checked when Henry McGinn asked to have the jury) polled. This was done without changing j the verdict. Ho then asked for time to I know that what we say is true You came for the goods advertised a bar gain, tierhaps, and so stated you have never been misled or deceived by us, in J fact you find the bargains better than you expected. We nave your confi dence and we want it. This is the foun dation of our business. There is no nonsense about Bkixomy & Blsii. finoi quarters than we. We are after your trade, and our reputation for square dealing is too well estalilished to make recommendation necessary. If you don't know us you can easily find out about us by enquiring of your friends. Call and sco us at our new store. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN. THE LEADING GROCERY HOUSE! For Kent. A desirable furnished room, business center. Inquire at Gaboon City Smok Stohk. close to Buy Your Wood. E. Parker is prepared to furnish drv file a bill of exceptions and to move for flr wood in any part of town. Leave or a new trial, which was granted by the ders at F. T. Barlow's store. 4t The Most Complete and only first class GROCERY Quality consider ed, our prices are always the lowest. Importers find (leitlers in Choice Family i trace is Selected Teas.l'uro Coffees & Spices. Butter & Cheese from best dairies Fruit and Vegetables in Season. Business Conducted On Business Principles. One Price to All. Positively no con nection with any advertising scheme Cor. 7th & Madison, Shively Building, Oregon City.