Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 25, 1892, Image 3

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    Oregon City Hnterprise.
In Krrm t Ort"a a, ihiij.
Slianiara Al.lHNA ItAMnNAi
ivt (imhiion fitv. nvis r.iti.ai
.''"' ' '7iwa m,
,'it. in mm. in.
. -'J!" I' "I. hi una.
J .Ml t. . H h ,,. m.
(WW. in, -4 11111, in,
Nil n lh'lni
fiwlllvvlr HU ImuhIiI aa nil I ho 4 ml B.MI
ii I'ltw'k lrli
' 1,1 ! in. ii um m
'"' Ii I", 4 mi i iii
1 linn rnnl mililni'l in i hmiiia tlm mulr
Al'Pl.M III A I'i'l.Kd. Not the
Roldi-n "warty daya" whim (W'g.n -
1 old for fahiihiua anina haa the (rult
I'i iii- ii fnw i hmin liili n It now la. Two l'l-
lum n liox or nix
prirn llutt would
Not KiiKiuirr hut . Kur
many yi'm now thn Imalm-aa u( thu
NoilllllTH I'lll'llld Ht tllU pllll'lt llaa lll'I'll
Iruimiirli'il in fitilxlit nIii'iI,
I'i-nii ku l h-y put on broad fn-n mill
a lllllo pulut, hut llmt ili.i'n'l t'liiinllliilit
' It ii ImlliliiiK lit (or a ninwiiiir di-xit In
i liy llm l.n ol HiU, Tim waiting mi. in
U amitll, Illy vmililiitud mid dliiy, Itulli
linlli'x bihI ni'iilli iiiun nr i'.owiIimI liidr Ori-Kon Jtliw Iiiiiiim at Hiu liix rod appln
llm onii amall ruiiui whlih ia nut provided iimirI lonk to lirr In u rln or her rf-piila-wild
a hlniiln i'oiivoiiIimii'k or ilwnnt ar- j Hon an A fruit producer will he dealroytd.
Ilil ul fin nit urn. Tim Ori'iimi City hiial-: It paya to rala a i!-k i. t two ilollniH
niaa In hourly ii4iiiti'r trull))' ami It In buahtil, hut iiiiImm tho auverul iet inn
In i tin I'Muiiu'li In Juatlfy tl in company In ho ilfatrnycd llm iini-i l fur liiturn nop-
dollar u harrnl Ih it
nnikii llm lukoln or
MliimmoU liirmiir; wluiro apple inn nut
ho uniwn, 0inu hia pyim I" "tonlli
iiiii t unit i'Iuwi Iii piirwi willi a hiiiii.
nuntii mini.
Allialiy IjMmI iway alallnu.l II fl a in.
I alllinnia KnrK. m.rn.ulu . a in a .
II...H.IHK I ', i W K r lUlliilla) . II ft p ill.
anira hhI'nii
lliiliilri l..ic. I way Mmlnlll) . HI m
Allan) I ih 1 1 y .U., . . ri IM h ill
alllnmla l.aiim Ihnmallt 7 M i. in
i nHiinlliiK ii n tliu c i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) 1 1 runiluilK of
1 ft iliTi'iit ululion with niMniMtn wiililnu
jtooiiiKv un iiiiitilliiii( Hint will Imi
rri'ilil to I In- i,ii'p,
liKAIlV Cult Nkw M,i IIIMCIIV vTIi
('row ii I'.imt Cuuiimtiy limn Mn'ii imw
WHlwr wIhhiI In iIhi'k ami tit mill In
liimy nmkliiK mHr nuniii. Tim turn
wliwl in en 1 1 1 1 If i, iliivrloiiiK 4H) liumiA nli iliinumli'il liy tliu I ruin
1 I'.
, i in.
Ualli fliiio (mm Nnnh tan
Mailt rlmn iilii Muutli, m , u. in
llm ui ma
Orvtmirilf In Kly,'aril. Milllnnanil Mnlall
laatoa ai U in an.l arrival ai l; m ilallf
( I'll j in ll. Mliit.l'lart MnailiiwHronk.
powi-r Willi forty fool lirml. It
mlilml to (tlvtf morn Kiwer for drivliiu
ni'W tiiiii'liiiniry wlilili hit lii'i'ii or
HiiiihI iii Hit! i-t. Thin inm liluioy will j
tin miili'il to llm in un nfut'i ur of uy
grnilii of iuM'r, tliim iiiliiug I lie mill In '
llral-i'Uaa I'ondllloll for lliiiHiiil W I'll I
j ply of itiiliia lmikft tfliHiiiiy.
Mahkkt Hki'oiiih. TIik KsriiWHiiii!
I will Dii'lintvor in Hiu fulnrn lo yh Hit
! imicli'ra Diu'li wi-i'k n lirinf miniiiMry of
tli condition ol tU'li) in tyiini-clion
I wild a conrian mid voiruct nmrkid t
' purl, mi 1 1 1 il our funnum friuudii limy
j kiii imihIuiI lionci-rniiiii prii i.a ami ititi-
City la rapidly liiiiroviuK an
jcmitiir mid will eontinun to doo m long
ti eon uiimia t un li given tniiiluyini'iil
rulnn Mill.. Miiiinn aM ..Inm, lii.. ai . fmiy mill on llii-oitat. Tlitt llrfw lutti-liin
' i-niy mm xMinruaj, anil If : . i
'"i"' " linniwillM navf ai I ila fl m
KltlllAV, NOVKMIIKU 2ft, IWtt
Tim Mu tiKi.Avmi Kor lu-itrly
wwk ial Ilia rfcilplii of tlio mail ul tliU
ollli liav-i lawn vnry Irrfuulnr. Tim
lliiKKi ii I'im Klkw OtT. )n fnndtiy
Win Klmrnig, who for diiio tinm hia
biM'n woiking for tlm roiiiiy on Ihti
1.. . I ,! lf
.ryU,x,MHtdlM.ut K..l,r.uryll.l. -'-.
ill r.,..ir .vBrl w. k. lo g-t It I n bnmrU .m flw out of the
l-l..., I,l by Mr. h fln.1 Ilia t'rown "l,n , " lji'ry w from the
mm will t w,di t.mi,.,Hi witb uw tNi.t ! P"wJ-r y''"' "iy '""i " '-
...lmn.,. for turning out good ,,,r. " Mo,,,U, 1,8 couM " mo ol" on"
- - - ! ftiid the otlmr wan not iiiiii'Ii bottttr.
I.KT IH Kl OK With HlM lirontKH't of II. m.a brnuilit 111 lotrn on M.mil.v nwl
IIdIimhii AWarmir, Undiwlukcra and!
Knibalmem, Ori'XonCity I'.auk liuililinif, I
HitimiiI, noUi and ordir hooka at th j
Kmhiii'Iiihk ollliii,
Mi'fdiiiiiii'n rwHitliing jKiwdi-r" furl
li'ntliiiiu buliii-a am) fnviriflh hildn-ii, j
now only fifty renin pm kft. Anrpt
liimn hut Slrriliinin'a. If !
Central mldilion loOirgon City in lot I
and IdiK'ka to unit pureliaatir. I'ropurty j
ohrB,, terniM eaay. Sen L. It, Jannky, I
Willi W, Carey Johnaon. tf
Itiinir your inlui-e to llm I'ark 'm i
Hlorn whei you mil ulwaya gel the heal
marxi'i priin ami your gwila at liio
an um llgiiii-g hi though you puid cnah
Illmik nole, reielpt and order bfx,ka
at thti Kktkxi'kikic olllre.
C. 0. T. WILLIAMS wil
lean you all iho monpy you
want on improved farms at
the vury lowcnt ratt-s. Bjwcial
rates given on largo loanq.
No Building and Loan Asso
ciation tut straight good.?,
After thirty years residence
in Oregon City I feel safe in
refering to the public in gen
OtTICE Next door to Caufield it Huntley's drug store.
Hefore buying your winter anppliea,
rail at llm park I'lare Horn They
havn one of the heat aaaoitment of dry
gomla, clolhinif, tenia and ahuea, mil
linery mid choirs family gniceriea in
Clarkamaa county at prirea that tell.
I'uaa Milk. Juhnaon fc Warnark
will deliver pure, Ireah milk to all parta I
oi um riiy uolli iiKM-mng anil nvening.
(iool paitture, pun) water and liealHiy
cauavof thia Iimgularity and delay waa !jii""plg on to an tilw trle motor at our 1 ai comfortahln aa poaaihle.
Ilia aevurti atorm of laal week wblili
rauavd nuineroua land alldea on thu
t'liion 1'arillc III llm Cam adixi. Taaaen
gutaand mall ara now trauafuned by
boat fftiui thu eaat nd of lha alldea lo
Portland. A paanenger aava : ' Tlmm
ar aeyeral ateaia pluwa at work, but
they ara making nu headway. Aa fnat
aa tiia track la rlnarwd them an other
alidea autl thn road la blocked g.iln No
eltivlno aurk can be dona tinlil Ilia
arth hardena. The cmiDany will proh
ahlv build a leuiioiary track around thn
-olailriirlion and run train in llila way
until the track aalx rleared. In Ilia
opinion Ilia latiilaliile waa raiIKe I not a
very door williin ft month lha thoug d
of climbing lha bill lo tba reaident Kr
tioiiofth town beCuinea h-aa invlllng.
Mow would It do for the piofierty
bolder along the Fly and South Oregon
City roaiU lo arrange to build a In k line
taking in both pUcea? l'roHirty out
thai way la already quite, valuahln and
thn building of a good electric motor
line would greatly enhance ita wiling
price, bealdea being ft great convenience
to the reaideula of thorn localitiea who do
uuMt of their hualnena In town. The
coat of audi ft lint) would not lie great
compared with ila beuellla. It would
probably pay oiicrating exiiennca from
Ciikai-kh Talk. The eipreaaion "Talk
la cheap" liaa not heretofore applied lo
long distance talking llinxigh the tele
phone which kaa been oiwratfd by a
monopoly. The recent reduction of
clmrgea at the Oregon City otlice waa
probably Influenced by the fact that the
palenta expire on the Cxh of March next
afier which any one ran engage in the
huHim-a of erecting and operating line.
1'oTAToia AmoVK OkiiI'M,. According
to the Albany IVmocrat C. I'. Rurkhart
brought to ti at otlice a natuial curiosity,
the lira! ever acen by llm writer. It i
. a iMiialo vine which grew up aifftinxt Hie
much l.y Hie tm rut Heavy atonna aa by I ,"" n"1 ",,r u' yT Mil j of liia barn, eight or len feet long,
I.....,: i.i i i . kihi l viiienn m i . ..., .1... ........ i .
iimai iiun ui inn riTr iijmhi me oaae oi um
the hill. The Iwnk bad Uh-ii entirely j ,Mim, M.irrma. The ra n of the
waahixl away by the current. The hllla pant week brought log down the Cl k
are of oa.atnie formation, and having , aium lo the amount of 500,000 feel, and
Vn aoflenml by the heavy ruin, and the lilaUtonn aaw mill waa thu en
having no aupport afu-r the bank had i abled o till il bill the llrat of the week
been waabei, away, a landalid enaued j for the Clackamaa bridge. The com
mid he thinka the ali. In will cunt, nun I pany i piierleiicing a delay in aecuring
until the earth drie up." The top ol the ' the bridge irnna but think it will not
locomotive which waa caught in the 1 reach la-yond next week. When they
alide can I aeen frtun lluiiiieville. i come the bridge will be puahed lo com
pletion in leaa than a week and ft few
day later the iron raila ami the con.
atrurlion engine will reach the city
limit. The pile are in place for the
Abcruethy bridge and un Tueaday the
A Hoau t" Mo-xt llmm (i W. j
Steele In ft recent communication to the J
rlmuilier of commerce of Portland aid :
that the Huglle-Kail A Saddle-Truck j
1.' ullu ....... ...,.u ... II.. III.....I. l I
. ., , , , piledriver crew were at work by lining h
' ' 7,7 " """'i I ton eiullli
anil uie aua-a ioh wiiii no oMneii in ft
few day. A direct prooaltlon ha been
received from llila comnanv oirerimr to
nler Into an agreement to build ft road ! ''IM-,I"I(.
Wk Want Tiim, In every neighbor
hood in llila county to aend in the coin-
Of rou ran we refer
On il, all grown bIhjvc the ground, are
about a dozen ii utora. Some of them
were grown a high aa Hve feet fttrove
the aoil, and are regular "apuda,"
though of con rue not very large. Can
anyone account for the Ireak.
Ktawh thm Our. Complaint come
to the KsraaetiiNK from varion parta
of the county alatiug that Canada thi
tle are gaining foothold along the
public highwava. This tuiatle i great
peat to faruiera and tinder no circum
stance can they afford to permit it to
become apread broad ci. IVuVt wait
for the law, or your tie igbbor, but atamp
it out.
Waktki,, aecond hand grain
K. E William the grocer.
IT yon -waul la borrow mosey
ly I 4'. O. T. W llila aaa.
Ixiiingea, chair, etc., upholteret at
llohnan A Warner'. All work guar
anteed. Ke air all your old lounge for
little money and they will be good
new. a
!leutirul Nnlmrxn Heme
One mile and a miartcr from town,
good board walk paat the land. Acre
tract lo auit purchaaer, term eaay, the
fineal aubiirban pniiy offered for aale,
yet on the market New proponed
motor line from Portland. High and
ighlly. See I.. It, Jaskky with W.
Carey Johnaon if
To buy dry goods of all kinds, men'g and boys' clothing,
ladies', iuiw;s' and children's cloaks of latest cut and
sujxrior quality of goods, children's gchool shoes,
mackintoshes and rubber goods fine groceries and pro
visions in fuct anything you want to wear or eat, is
The finest line of
to Mount Hood fur Kl.l'.'iO ier mile. It
guarantee to Hrforin all the aeivice of
a commoii carrier, and alio that ald ser
vice ahall be aaler, faaler and cheaier
than other road furniah. The coal of the
road ia placed al Mf),K1. The Bicycle
couimny haa atilncrilied $.173,(klll, and
to gooil wide awake corrvniuiidenia who
will make it their bunine to know what
their neitthhor are doing thai in Inter
eating to the public and reort the name.
Kenidti furniahing imereating nading to
the reader of the Kni kkciuhk it adver
Uaea the community from which the
communication la written. A wide-
there are caall nhiH-rlptioii auioiintinir
to LW.IK). Till leave iL'TO.tHill lo be ! wak Ci"lm corrwpoiitleiita who get
provided. It i deiitl that cummiUeo
of reprcaeiitatlve men le apKiinled to
all the new fur the county paicra con
tribute standing ftdvvrtimiinent of the
Intelligence and proerity of a county.
Il your auction ia not ropnmented in our
coimider the anhject and lake Kuch leia
a mv be deemed ncceHaarv in the
preu.iae. The matter wk teferaHl to lu' J '" 0" ritt It up,
cniumittec of five.
the week Ja. l.owry of Itedhind
I All Aiioi t J i t. v Foi ktii. Aci-ording
hint of j l" ')l"l"l,,'l ropuhlloan crented a
wua in ' couuiieiit and wrath among
town for llm puriHmc of milking com
plaint ug iiiiHt W, J. Johnaon, the Ked
laml iioaluiitNtur. It seem according to
Mr. l.owry that they got into an alter
cation concerning the recent election,
which becoming limited led to the call
of nume and "thn lie" was punned, fol
lowed by JohiiHnn' drawing it knife and
l.owry a ul ii k He niiya Hint Johnson
then drew it revolver and threatened lo
shoot It i ui dead, if he did not Immedi
ately drop the stick and Iciive. He
mid that Johnnon declared that he
would kill him if he ever showed his
face in the olltce again, lie believe
Johuaon'N conduct wn unbecoming a
poatmiiNler and Hint he should coni
phiin to nn inriH)clnr.
Nkkiikd Imi'iiovkmknts. To meet the
IiicreiiMed (leniitnd for work the Kntkk
I'iiihk Ima added nm of Palmer A Key's
Intent Improved ipiartoMiiediillll job
prertHO, milking three. flit-rluns prraHes
now in Him Knticiii'Iiink presi room.
From it small beginning Iho KntkIu'kihk
job department has grown until this of-j
fire now bandies the greater portion of
the printing used by the county olllciuls,
bunks, factories mid business houses
of Oregon City and vicinity. It la our
uini to give its good work at ft low prices
us can bo had in Portland or elsewhere
ami we ask the full putroiingo of the
business men of Oregon City on the
plain business proposition that by patro
nizing each other we help build up and
simtiiln our local Interests and thus ad
vance the prosperity and growth of our
On Tiiosk Muddy Shoes. Bud the
artist, can be found at Farnswortli's
burlier shop, second door from post office
whore he will polish or oil shoes In the
neatost manner.
some unthinking democrats by olVeriug
to make a cerium w sger. Il was that
one-half of tho store in the United
Slate will he closed up four month
after Cleveland's inauguration Not to
be outdone by a be.tton man there Is one
democrat in the DiHpatch otlice who will
go even liettiir. lie will bet f'nH) to
$UH) that every iiutionul bunk In the
United Stules will bo closed four
month after the day Cleveland is in
aiigruted. It will be July 4lh.
Tiik.Mii.ino Mail. As the schedule
now is, mail for Mink.CIarkes, Meadow
Brook, Union Mills and Beaver Creek
leaves Oregon City on Tuemhiy, Thurs
day and Saturday of each week, return
ing every alternate day. An applica
tion tuts lieen tiled to have a change
made which will jiermit the until to
leave hero on Monday o that the wrier
can spend Sunday with his family. This
arrangement will supply those post of
fices with tlio Kntkhi'kisk one day ear
lier than now.
Kokmkhi.y of Tins County. -The
Salem Journal of lust week notes the
marriage of Mis() Alice V. I luyos, form
erly of Clackamas county and John II.
Starr, The bride is a sister of Senator
Hayes of this city and is well known in
the county. Tho curouiony wits at the
homo of II, K. Hayes, the bride's father
and was solemnized in the presencu of a
few relatives. Senator Hayes and wife
were present.
Tkaciikks Musr. On Saturday next
the Clackamas County Teachers' Associ
ation win meet ai llackamaa. An in
teresting program ha been prepared
and the cilitens of Clackamaa ara mak
ing aiieclal arrangements to make the
occasion a pleasant one to the teachers'
AtiAiN PosrroNKD The election of
otlircrs for the reading room association
did not occur on Saturday as it was
deemed beat to wait another week for
the completion of plan lor its future
conduct. This week Saturday is set
for the election at 8 p. m.
In order to meet every demand
for Fine Perfumery this "sca.on, we
have bought a complete line of
IUckswker's Goods, thereby be
coming their agents.
These odors are put up in almost
every conceivable shaped bottle,
and each one in a separate eatin-lim-d
case. They will make the
most stylish Christmas gift imaginable.
Mr. Scott, of Scott's Emulsion,
asked a leading druggist of Lon
don, England, for a bottle of the
best perfume made, and the drug
gist nanum out ana sola hi in a
bottle of Ricksecker'a Golden Gate.
Our prices for all these odors are
the same as for the more common
kind, though we still keep a full
line of Palmer's, Wright's. Lum-
borg's and Steam's. Come in and
look at them. You are always
Sui-ceianr to
Caufield - & - Huntley,
Prmorlptloi DraggiiU.
?loar(s! loaKs! loak;s!
All of the latest cut and of a superior class of goods,
H ot-hinrtT HlnrhtnrtT
Direct from Chicago, and the most complete line
ever brought to Oregon City.
Mackintoshes and Rubber Goods
pine Groceries,
All fresh and of superior quality.
One Price to All And That the Lowest,
Beautiful Fruit Farm !
Plant aft Orchard.
Walliiur AJarrish. the Oswo nor. Forty acres, level as a floor, all
servmen, oiler the finest selection of 'l'ftrwi, well fenced ir.to five fields,
fruit trees eversold in Clackamas conn- B0 ouse 26x26 feet, splendid
ty prices within the reach of ,n. well of gcod W'ater and force pump,
Call and examine samples of their trees K "a and out houses, several
and get prices at K.
Oregon City.
T. Barlow's store
Money to Loan.
On inside Impiovcd Oregon City
property. H. Z. Bchkiiaht.
Justice blanks, real estate blanks, and
all other blanks at the Kxtkkckisk of
fice. Portland prices.
hundred fruit trees prunes. aPDle.
cherries, etc., small fruit in abund
ance, several sheep, hogs, cows, two
young horses. Everything in first
class condition. For particulars,
apply to owner, Milton Stingby,
near Currinsville, or see L. R.
Janney, with Y. Carey Johnson,
Uregon City, Urcgon.
Oregon City Iron Works for all kinds of Machine
work and Casting.
To Traction Engines, Threshing Machines, Har
vesters, Mowers, Etc., promptly attended to.
Are equal to the lowest to be had in Portland.
Shop on Fifth St. near Main, Oregon City,
J. ROAKE, Prop.
To new and larger quarters is in answer to the
demands for moro room for the better accommo
dation of our customers; more room to display
the goods we nave, ami more room for new lines
to bo added. It
Cai.vks roa Montana. On Saturday
Frank Arnot of Montana, pitssod through
town from up the valley with 550 calves
which ho was taking to Montana. Ho
is said to have purchased 2000 head in
tho valley paying from $4 to (1 por head.
Those driven through here were in good
That anything in the Book and Stationery line
can be sold as cheap or cheaper than in Port
land, a fact we are daily proving; it means that
tho best goods are as salable in Oregon City as
elsewhere; it means that there is
For a good Book Store and we are going to run
such a one. Our whole stock is being largely
increased and we shall try to meet every demand.
Special orders for goods not iu stock will have
immediate attention especially new books,
tiive us a chance to quote you prices.
Oregon City Book Store,-
Three doors north of postoflice.
W. A. Huntley, - Proprietor.
P. 8. We make specialty of the subscription business and will
save you money and risk.
Manufacturers ol and dealers In all styles of
(JOMBiplATlOjl tf BE AMD pitfnTT FEMCE,
Both rough and dressed for lawn and division fence, also
Hartman Steel Picket Fence,
And Wire Panel Farm Fence, also Expanded Metal Fence.
Call and see Samples and get Prices.
Shop over Bestow's Sash & Door factory, . Oregon City, Or.
Special Bills Cut to Order
Mill and Yard on the River, Foot of Main Street,
HENRY BOYER, Proprietor,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Fresh Beef, Mutton, Pork, Ham, Bacon and Lard.