CLACKAMAS COUNTY Mrich Whoat Bomr Sowa in thf VI cinitjr ef Miilulln rr'iHrtlons for Yards. Nov. 21. Cleveland !-"riy Kulir tin! Anothor historical vnt, cslll a democratic victory, ami tli farm ers, the " mudsills" of ll country, ar plowing away, making use of this splendid fall jut as though "Nothing hail Impelled to sumclxxly." Much wheal is heii.g sown in the foolhilU of this vieiuity. T!,e following gentlemen are tvariig o jmt out lu arils: . John l. Jordan, ten acres; P. J. Ruling, nine sores; Roht. Adams, seven acres; J. J. Herman, fifteen acres; Krank S-haisman, live ares; T. A. McKid.ian, live acres. Vai:giian, Rontons I'o, have moved t- cir cork packing out tit to the Moody com bieaii.'n, where they pay the high est market price for hogs, Inch is a great convenience to farmers. Nathan Moody came hon e from Oregon City !at week here he has been working in the county cletk's ottii-e for a lew weeks and courting some in the meantime. Prof. W. A. Shaver's school is nronn-ssing nicely; nearly fifty scholars are enrolled. llerhert Kohhins has taken Miss IVlla R.lliius's plai tn the store of Kohbius A Son. The post office has been laboring under difficulties for a spell, the help being too at'-tll for the amount of mail distributed. Just think of the wrangling that will take place in congress before another year rolls by the vast assembly of democracy ail trying, each as a factor of the body poli tic, to serve the people We shall see what w e shall see. THK FRKK RKAIMM) KOOS. tieneroiu Support being Pledged by Prominent I'll lie in On Sulimiav evening of this week at S p. in. a meeting will he held hv the Library and Free Heading Room Association at the Free Reading RiHint optoslte the Uvermor hotel for the purpose of electing oftlocrs for the ensuing year, Noeniler !'.' lo Novem ber 1', as well as enacting such laws and regulations as may t deemed necessary for the good intended by this association. Let it be mentioned here aU, that there is perhaps in our city no other institution that deserves the moral and tinanoial sup port more than this, because it has been es tablished lo not onlv give an opportunity of enlightening our minds with good and in structive reading matter, but also to prevent many a one Iroin seeking recreation in place hurtful alike to soul and body. Hence every one w ho lends a willing and I generous hand to maintain and uphold I such an institution wiil incalculable! service to the intellectual and moral well Nil g of this commimiiy. And indeed, mattv of cur fellow citiieua. by their ftiuin- cial aid. haxe shown that tliev cherish such hcautiful principle and like to see them ; taking linn r-n in t'ie hearts of our com- ; mumtv, The following gentlemen, meinlx-rs of I lie association. uaxeptegeit inaiii ' lain and support a libi-ary and free reading 10 mi by a monthly contribution of one dol I lar: IV t l.atourettc, lr. V. K, I'arll, Ceo. Kim-arson, K. K. Priggs. Rev. A. Itillc i brand. Rev. ll. Sykes. Wm J Sheahan, T. i V. Sullivan, Jainc Shaw. Capt. J. P.Shaw, Uieo. C. Brownell, Kd. Caulield, N. Ung. Jas. Lovett, U U.Ouarnett, K. J. Louis, W. II nntley, Clyde Huntley. J. V. Meldrum, F. 8. Kelly, E. M. Rands, tieo. A. Harding, Hoi man 4 Warner. Thos. Charman A Son, H. E. Cross, Chas. Meserve, A. tiregarson, Peter Raber. RK VI, KSTATK TR VSSIKRS. Sttinmitrjr f the UwtU KKoil In Ihe I'uuntj Recorder' Otlloe. The real estate transfera Involving more than 1 1 each tiled in the- recorder's oilier last week weit a. follows : Win Shtilta and wifo to Henry liuitler lh t of llio 1104 ' ",B no'4 of :ni, I -I , r I e $ J U Myers and wife to William Weim the w lv of the ne'4 and lie e's of the nw of 2, t 4 , rS HH Voter Nelson and wifolo Fuvlei ick Johnson the s1 ol the s' o(thne4ola 84, t 5 a, r 1 8iX Peter Nelson and wifo to Krick Chrislopheraon the ti1 ol the aw l4 of the tie1 ol a ;!4, t 5 s, r 1 e, 2d acres 2o" Lawrence lloriwhuch ami wife lo Win C" llornschin h, a tract U gintiing on the a lino of '. 1. 1', No 7S in 1 .1 s, r 2 e, 4ti 10 ch west of the so comer, the nee north 47 7;' ch sou'li SI do;: 4 1 nun east U S4 ch, thence to the south hoiimhuv of said claiiu thence west 14 It to (dace ol la-ginning containing 70aoe. i I 1 EIOSElElAfilS HT CHNBY THK STATU NORMAL. Utermtiag Iteau from a Popular limitation. MosaorrH, Nov, 21. There bas been a gra dual increase of the attendance at school until the number has reached 32. More are expected at the beginning of the second term which opns on the 2Sth of the pres ent month. There are 110 new students fr mi Clackamas county. The public Thankgi ing dinner to 1h gi en here has proven such an att-a tion that the Clackamas county students have decided to remain. Thursday evening there will be an enter tainment in chapel ; ad mission It) cents the proceeds to go towards a fund for obtaining decorations for the balls and chaiwl. A debating contest between the two young men's literary societies took place last Fri day evening in the Eureka hall. T'ie ques tion was: " Resolved, That the Cnited States government should own ami control all tele graph lines and railroads w ithin its bounda ries." The discussion was interesting as well as instructive. The model school department, under the supervision of Prof. Geti has been doing effective work and is filling ademand which has long been made felt. The normal school is contemplating the publication of a school paper. It is hoped that arrangements will be completed so that the first issue will be a holiday number. A young la-lies' and also a young gentle men's glee club has been formed and much is being done 111 the way of music. SANDY AND VICINITY. .7:i7! Previously reported siino Jun I l.lOti.t'ioj Total. ,.fl.Ul,M2: f HERKYVILLE NOTES. The Mount Hood Road Closed to Travel on Ac count of the Snow. Chebrvvillk, Xov. 19.Cherryville is ettling up fast. Those who went off in the summer are returning and preparing for winter. They ali come back thinking there is no place like home. The friends and relatives of Charles Be bee were shocked to hear of his sudden but expected death November 11. He w as a promising young man, aged 18, but the dread disease, consumption, laid hold on him and claimed him for its victim. His remains were interred in the Sandy ceme tery. His sorrowing parents have the sym pathy of the entire community. The travel across the mountains has all atopiied on account of the snow and bad roads. Miss Minnie Flinn has returned after an absence of several months. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Trullingerhave moved into the cottage on the hill. Mrs. Hammer and Mr. and Mrs. Shanks are spending several days in Portland. Grandpa Parker has been on the sick list lor the last few weeks. We hoie for a apeedy recovery. School is progressing nicely with twenty Bcholars enrolled. Several Sick Reported-Neighborhood tiosalp of General Interest. Sasnr, Nov. 22. William Welch and a neighbor drove a tine head of fat cattle lo Portland the past week. J. J. A. Tien has returned home from fishing on the Columbia. Miss Lillie Ijirkins has returned to rusti cate with her sister, Mrs. Bosch, for the w inter. Jas. Roach was brought down from the summit house last week, and was very sick and out of bis head when taken by here. He hail been engaged in driving teams in hauling two steam boilers over for the irri gating ditch and had been exposed to severe rain and snow. Mrs. Chas. Bailey is very ill. C. 8. Chase is happy once more, having been appointed constable for this precinct. Stafford Notes. ST.trrRD, Nov. 22. Notwithstanding the excessive rains of late, plow ing has not yet come to a stand still. Geo. Saum has been working on Zack K.!- ligson's house the past week. j F. P. Urson has been clearing away to j make a new bridge across the Cedar creek on the Oregon City road. A grand ball at John Mayes's hall is what j the supple youth is lo"king forward to with ; which to top on" Thanksgiwng dav. Case Bros., butchers, have just bought a large band of tine beef cattle. Wboon-nhoop:" is the password now, and it seems to be pretty well passed. Frog Pond literary society meets next Sunday at 2 o'clock p. in. A grand pro gram including a paper edited by Ueda Sharp and Ed. Carpenter will be the main feature of the day. The democratic political powder has most all been burned. We Cits. From Maple Lane. Maple Lake, Nov. 21. The literary soci ety held a very pleasant meeting Saturday night. The society will meet again next Saturday niirht. The question fordiscussion is. Resolved, That there is more happiness in pursuit than in possession. Last Wednesday evening we held a meet ing to devise ways and plans for getting an organ for the district. The ladies formed an aid society with Mrs. A. M. Brayton president, Mrs. O. Dickersou vice president. Mrs. Sliortledge secretary, and Mrs. Matitz treasurer. A committee consisting of Katie Mautz and Elsie Brayton have raised about $16 by subscription, a pretty good start. The aid society w ill give a dime social and musical entertainment on Wednesday of next week. Refreshments will be sarved free. Frank Watson of Oregon City spent Sat urday and Sunday with Myo Brayton. O. I. Bce. PUBLIC SCHOOL NOTES. Literary Society Prospering-Eiamlnatlon this Week. The Philomatheaii literary society met as nsual Friday evening. The debate 011 the question, Resolved, That the Indians have more right to Amer ica than the whites, was decided in the af firmative. The society adds new members nearly every meeting and promises to have a large membership before long. The schools are well filled, the total num ber registered at present being 4fil. This Is examination month, it being the last month in the first quarter. Pipil. Currlnsville. Ckbrihsvillb, Nov. 21. The new bridge across the Clackamas has been completed, though the road leading to it has not been repaireu. . .... Messrs Douglas have their engine in this vicinity and will begin running a cnopper in a few days for L. F. Marrs and G. J . Cur rin. E. Williams has been at Oregon City at tending court for the last two weeks. i optsvii.i.K BOLL Or BOSOB. Following is a list of the names of those pupils who have been neither aDseni nor tardy during the month : Joy Currin, Ed. Currin, Lillie Currin, Jessie Currin, Amy Currin, Nora Hale, Lester Hale, Effle Shank Xad. Ell Ccbbis, Teacher. The Toledo W rrkl) lllailo. The moat popular and best known weekly tiewaper printed in this coun trv is the Toledo Blade. For more than twenty years it lias had a circulation of 100,000 to 200,000, going regularly into every state and lerilory in the Vnion. From fifteen to twenty-live tons of print paper is consumed in each week's edi tion, and it is regularly mailed to more than half the pontollioea ol the CniteJ States It ia a peculiar fact that the Blade is the only weekly newsaer published that has regular subscriln-ra in all parta ol the United Statea. It ia edited with special reference to the wants of all people in all sections. It ia also made to interest every memler of the family. Besides all the news of the world, it has setial and al.o't stories, wit , and humor, poetry, catnpfire, farm, Sun- j day school lesHon. young folks, poultiy.j puxzlea, household, answers to correa-1 pjiidents, etc., etc. As a special feature 1 f ir 1SI Mr. Kohtnson l ke, editor and proprietor ol the Blade, has just tailed lor Japan, and will contribute aserieaj of illustrated letters oil the manner and , customs of that peculiar country and its : people. These articles will be com-1 menced sometime in February or March, and will be worth to the reader ol the Blade many times the subscription puce. Kverjr reader of this paper is invited lo send tor specimen copy. - The publishers ol the Blade would be glad to send a specimen copy to every reader in this country. Subscription price of 'he Blade, one dollar a year. Five dollars in cash will be naid to any person send ing in a small club of nubscritiers. Write for agent's terms, giving particulars. Address, The Wade, Toledo. Uhio. Last year ; Her eyes were rheumy, and red and weak, Her breath you could smell it afar, She bad ringing and dizziness oft in her head, And the cause uf (t all was catarrh. This year; Her breath is as sweet as the new meadow hay. Her eyes are as bright as a star, And the cause ol the change, she is ready to say, Was the l)r. Sage's Cure lor Catarrh . Dr. Sage's Catarrh Itemed y w ill pos- itivulu rnra ptitrrh in the liMud. no mat ter how bad or of how long standing. L. ll .1- ruiy cema, oy an uruggisis. 4 MH-resKful Worker. Work cannot be successfully con tinued unless there is an active mental interest in it. If the mind is not clear, bright and buoyant, then the work is drudgery and the worker is a machine An occasional dose of Muoro's Revealed Remedy will put the body and mind in such harmony that the hardest tasks will seem play. Aro still soiling goods as low as any houso in tho State. Wo have not tho spaco to mention prices, but wo would bo pleased to havo you call and ox amino our Stock. Wo aro confidont that our MODE -:- OF -:- DOING -:- BUSINESS gives us the advantage in buying as woll as in selling and wo givo our customers tho benefit. We havo just received a largo bill of Shoes bought at ?4 their value and aro soiling them accord ingly. All Sugars 50c. per 100 lbs cheaper than heretofore. Highest Price Paid For Country Produce. Carlton & Rosenkrans, CAN BY ORECON, IIABKUIOHST & COMPANY, 151 Front Street, HARDWARE iwi.n.i. or.. NoMhwvairru Afrnu Utt ATKI1VS IM.muu.l. Uoee ( Tulllci.Hiih lister Uuee Sllrar Slel. Saw. 'v'u'1 ' 1 ..t ytf-.i..Aj-. J'yv Crescent Wedges (warrant-...) A S lVx.f Chains. Aro.ido Files. H... (Went Meol Loggt rs and WimmI Chojii'rs SjK-i'ialties. Oregon City Agent, - WILSON A COOK THE MESK.YT HOC, ..'. Several farmer reader of the Kstkki-ki"! have requested u lo mule the requirements oflhehoxlaw a adopted last June. On ar l'" Hill's I'ode will he found the law s.. Hi utile to Clackamas county. II) its provisions It is illeical fur wlne to run al lares. Section :HJ read.: " A person llnd- lnK any swine runninK at Isrue contrary to ; the provisions ot this ai l, and any ron.lalde j of any precinct or marshal of any city of his county where such .urine may lie found. on view or information, shall take up and; routine the same forthwith, Kivluit nolii-e ' thereof to the owner If known, and if not! known hv postinir nnticrs ih-criliinn such animals therein, ill at leait three public places within the precinct, and if the owner does not appear and claim his procrty and pay all charges tor taklnK up, advertising and kcepiiiK the same within ten day from the dale of this notice, the sale of ids ani mals may be proceeded with under the law relating to estrays." The -nalty for the first nlfense is a flue id $.', and for the hccuid H, to lie conveyed into the common school fund of the county. The mode of procedure is to hrinn civil suit ill the precinct wherein surh person resides in the name of the state. It shall lie deemed sulhi'ieut deleiiKU lo establish the fact that the Iioks were at larxe without the know! edge or fault of the owner. Al leuit one day's notice of suit mint lie isiven. Tho bids for compU'tini the Cascade locks according to the present project of conuress were 0ietied last week and range from 1,51II,7,V. to J,3()5,8M2 P0PE& CO. This old and reliable (Inn always keep in stock a lull line of ten Iff al lifactireJ I tt i rrr i mm ri, me Plumbing, Gas Fitting & Jobbing Attended to Promptly. Es timates Furnished. OREGON CITY OREGON Pastry Without Butter. M-hool Report. Following is the report of Stafford school for the month beginning Oct. 24 and ending Nov. 18, 1892 in school dis trict No. 41, Clackamas county: Num ber enrolled, boys 34; girls 31; total number of days taught 20; average at tendance for first week 33; second week 36 ; third week 41 ; fourth week 45. Total number of days attendance for the month 7fi9; average days attendance for month 33; (lays absent 117; times tardy 5; number of visitors 4. Those whose names are on the roll of honor for the month lor being neither absent nor tardy are Eva Athey, Dora Athey, Clara Athey, Emma Athey, Flora Athey, Em ma Baker, Wills Fry, Edna Larson, Teana Sauer, Iver jBergstrom, Mary Woefle, Willie Polifka Don Gage and Manuel Frye. Jessie M. Pai.mkr. Teacher. Notice. Notice is hereby (riven, that all assess ments lor street improvements must be paid at once or else property will be lev ied upon immediately. W. A. White, J. W. O'Connell, C. N. Gkeenmak, Comm. on Health and Police. Oregon City, Nov. 2, 1892. Light, flaky and digestible pie crust and all kinds of fine pastry can be made with Dr. Price's Cream Baking Pow-( der without butter or with one half the usual portion, if pre ferred, or with a small quantity of lard' or other shortening as desired. Pie crust made in this way is more wholesome and digestible besides being more economical and easier pre pared in addition to saving all the butter if desired. One third the flour is also dispensed with, and the crust is rolled that much thinner, the raising qualities of Dr. Price's Powder swelling it to the requisite thickness. Those who enjoy the appetizing qualities of the delicious home made pie will rejoice to know this secret. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is the only powder that contains the white of eggs. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is re ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia, Alum, or any other adulterant. In fact, the purity of this ideal powder has never been questioned. F. W. MILLER, Seels, - Trees, - Bulbs, - Fertilizers, Poultry and Bee Supplies, Ktc., Etc. XVI SECOIVD STREET, PORTLAND OREGON. SEHSTID FOR CATALOGUE. V. V. WINKKKT, a r, sciiirrtiHi. AVIXKSCTil SCIUI'TlIHi:, UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS.'Ht stock of Collins anil Caskets kept Mouth of I'ortliunl. Also cloth covtirod ami Metallic Caskets funiislittd to oritur, l.ailiim Itiirinl Iiuln-s mill tii-nts' liuriul Kolii-s In stock. Mho Wagon and Carriage Making, Hoi-ho Shooing and Gon cral Blacksmithing on Hhorl notice rcjj IV 3k snnsnnssM 3 II vi i 1 1 J ilC SOOTHING POWDERS. Far CHILDRtN CUTTING TEETH REMEVB FEVEtllHH BEAT, Pit EVENT FITH, OONVUUtlONB, fco. prtRREBVE A HEALTHY STATE OF TIIE CON. BTITUTION DUKINO I'EHIUD 01 TEETUINO. Bm that ths words " JOHIt STEKDMAB, Chsm 1st, Walworth, Surrey," are eiiKr.riMl on ttia Oovornmout Htamp sftllwl to tavh packet. WBold bjr all Loading Druggists. NOBLETT'S STABLES. Livery, Feed and SaleStulile ORECON CITY. LOCATED BETWEEN THE BIIIUUE AND UKl'OT. Double and Single Ris, and sad dle iiorHttH always on hand at the lowoHt prices. A corrall connected with the barn for loose stock. Information rrrtnlini( any kind of stock promptly atunulod to by person or letter, Horses Bought and Sold.