IM regon City Enterprise. VOL. 27. NO. I, OIUXJON CITY, OUKCON, FRIDAY, NOVEMI5KU 25, 1892. ESTABLISHED 1BCC all 0 CAKKY JOHNSON, LAWYKIt. Cnnur K U lit ami Main eirfta, Oroimi City, Oroxtm. It K A I. KSTATK TUMKI.L AMI MoNKY TO I.OAN, 1. 1 mH mtKumii'iiM. T. r. rowim, J JMOCKKNililOt'lllI A COWINU. ATTilRNKVa AT LAW. All Cm Iwd.w I'.a Uml dtfli' i.vrtalty tlltlOR luuine llllul ir, It lud uitli-a liiiiltliut, OttKtioN CITY. (rfim. J L I'OIU KK, ATTOHNKY AT LAW iini-Ti or ra.iraatv rinnnnnn. Ulr Iwn itmira aim Hiurllc, Orrjuu t'lly 1 0 T wILMAat. HKAl, KHTA1K XnII WAN AUKNT. I'lealy nl moaer In loan n Ihe niual tavis-alil ti ma. A iM lt i,f bualn..., rml.lnirv ti.l aulmrliau Farm l"riif In tract. t aiill im a.r Urine. ('tff,tntiil..ik itmmt'lly ah.wpr.Ml. OAW, Weal ant lul'aHlrhl aV Huullar drill nu. ( a iyk, Jt AITtHlNKY AND ('Ol'NSKUMt AT LAW iilllr over Oti 1t Bank, oav it, paauoii jyi C. U 8MI1 H, PHYSICIAN AND Sl'UGKON, Kagi) Creek, - tin-gun. H i u v latoi itrnK. ATTUltSKYX AM CwCSSK.LoKM AT UW MAIN at-HKKr, OMROO 'ITV, IIRR1IOH, FurnUti AblraMe nl Tula. Vnma Uiry, Ton rli Horta.. altil transact Uwurral 1jw Ru.lnraa. K I KtmH, ATToHNKY AT LAW. Aiu, ri-rn n in Au. foi n w tin htt Km I rlt a ad Inenmar. Offlc on Main Mti. bel- mull auj svnlh, i iTr. urn. y M KANIW, NOTAUY ITM.IC, UK A I, ESTATE A INSl'KANCE. ' (m. In iho oiltdo limHItu, or.a city. !)... (1 W iTmii K. M !., IMIYMl IAN ANH KrtSJKiS. tljllr ol I'orlUuil.) omcewllh I. M. (? Aurora, droitim. Air . lit KiillAlll'T, IlKOKEK. 1.IIANH NICtJtlTIATICIl. City iiiid County Warrant bought. I.Nrtt'KAKl'K ANlTuKAI. ICKTATK. ! In PiMtomi-e building Oriii City Or. rMioH. r. hyan, HKAt, KHTA1K AND lNHt'KAKl K. Cholrai'lty. Tarin and Suburban urnperty lor aid. t llyaorlpt, ciHinty werraula ami am'iirl tirm nl all kltlila Until hi and aulil Tsivaualil mI builnma nl every iKm rl tl.iu MUimlml ti . uoii-rixlili'Utt. Ulllm up atalra III bulMIni north ol aitnmi'. (1 E IIAYKH. ATTOKNKY AT LAW, OaION I ITT, Orimkk. Will praotlf In all the cimrta of tli alatn. Offra, rorimr Main nml Klghlli airot'ta. iwcialta court Iioiino .!, ?. A. IKRR. -11H0WNKLI. 4 DltKSHKU ATT0KNKY8 AT LAW, OltKUON CltV. OKKUdN. Will iriti't)ri III all the fionrta of tbn atalp. 01 flOH. noil ibmr in tlaullBliI A lluntUiy a ilmg ainre. rp 11 K CO MMKltt'IAL BANK, OK OHKllllN CITY . Caiiltal, Hi,00i thanhacth a (iknkh i. iiankino iiuhi nkhk. Umiia llllla iltirnmitt'd, Mnkra cnl Iccttntia. lloya anil a.lU oxi'linnitt' on all piitiim til the tMiltt'n Mlal.'N, KiiriiK ami IIiiiik Kontf. iliiiiNtta ri'i'i'l'MHl aiilijool to I'boi'k lhtttri'iit at nniial ralca allovvnl on tlim doiioNlta. Hunk otii'ii from A. M. lo i p. M, Snt u i il 11 y ovunltiK" from 6 to 7 I'. . t) C. l.A'i'lHHIKTTH, Proanlfiit. V K DONALDSON, Cnahlt'r JANK Of OKKtlON CITY, Oiliest Mlln Hense m tie CltF. raid up ciipitni, friiyHio. PIlKHItmNT, VICK I'ltKNIDKNT, (AKIIIKH. MANAIIKII. Tima. ( II AHMAH. OKI), A, IUHIHNII. r. (i c'AnriKi.n CIIAII.Ka H. CAUriKUI. A Koni'mlliiuikliii liualiicaa trmmnotnil. IK'lioKlta rm'i'lvi'ilHiiliJiHH to nhnrk. Approviul hllla and notna dlaootiutud. Count; and city wnrranta liniinlil. I,oniiH midn on available numirlty. Kxi'liai'Kf IioiikIiI and aold. Colltwtloiif made promptly, Dratta aold Aviillaol III any part of the world. Tuluxraphla exnhniiKa "old on Portland, Hnu yranolaoo, llhlimif.ianil Now York. liiturcut naU on time dupoHtta. Sub Ai'Oiua ol THK LONDON CHEQUE BANK. v E. E. WILLIHMS, W H O L E S A L E - NEW STOCK. -" Hurst's Buckwheat, -:--:- -:- Maple Syrups Raisins, Figs, Dates and Apple Cider. WE WILL HAVE SOME FINE DRESSED CHICKENS FOR THANKSGIVING. try a can of English Plum Pudding, Put Up in One Pound Cans. THE GROCER. SEVENTH STREET DRUG STORE. DR. L. M. ANDREWS, Prop. A Full Line of Fresh Drugs and Medicines. Patent Medicines of all Makes, Notions. Optical Goods Full Slock or Machina Oil, Beat and Cheapeat. rincm.'ItM"tion of lVrfunu'ry anl Toilet i5oajis. Ami Ieal- iiiK Hrandri of Cigars. iki:h iiii'iiom iti:i i i.i.v 8hlvrly"a Murk, Oivn City, Or. THE Oregon City Sash and Door Co. I'arry the Lurgent Stock of Siisli, Doors, Ulimls, Mouldings, Etc, In Oregon City. Sjicml oijun of ItxirB anil Window nrndu to order. Turning of 11 kimU Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts Furnihlidl on nudicat ion. iuild-rn, eivo uh a mil, and r6 if our work 1d nH of thu iHtt, and our prirwt art on a'iiiciition. Factory, Cor. Main and A. TOT. SCHWAN, IlKAt STOVES, TIN & HOLLOW WARE. All Kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Work Promptly Done. PLUMBING AND GENERAL JOBBING TO ORDER. Mh Nririith M(., near IM-pnl, M. HOSFORD, The CANBY MERCHANT, ScIIh all (joodn at a living riot Flour and keroxeno not givon away in order to catch your trade and then even up oa highwr priweioti other gwinls. None But First Class Goods Carried. Tricon an low an enn he had in the county. Time gim to retxinKibie jiartiett. LUMBER. Order filled for rough or dressed luinher, all first class, at tied rtx-k pricett, retail or carload lots. J. JONES DKA1.RK IN Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cabinet Work, Fitt ing up Stores and Repairing of all kinds. . Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed. iiti i.M Tin: i.owi:nt. jflPSltop cornor Fourth and WhUmt utrootn, bark of Popo & Co's. Oregon City CANBY NURSERIES MIU.AKI) J. LKK, A COMPLETE LINK OF Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery, Etc., WHOLESALE -A. IN" ID RETAIL. CANBY, OR1CGON Rupture, Asthma and Piles. DR'SSHIMP&HOUSER, Specialists in the trontment of all forms of Chronic, Catarrhal, Nervous and Female Diseases. Twenty (20) Years' Experience in Medicine, Surgery and Electricity, AU curable casus guaranteed. Office, 259 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. Correspondence solicited. A N D R E T A I low an the lowext. Trice I.ixt aenl IHh Sta.. Oregon City. KK IN rrria -l(t . Ilranrh RlO.r(o. & SON, - Proprietor. A iSEVEKE STORM. KullnmtlH lllockudfd Whole Mountain Sides Sliding. AX AVAU.MIIK IX WASIUMTO.I I'ullllrHl I'oliiU tNtitlirrrrl After the Kmj-llif r.iif reunion Moll (on. vlrt Labor In Jcorflii. 1'uMTi.ANn, Or.. Nov. 22. Superintend dent lioxter ol the Union racific, who ; Iim tieen at the landiilide at Keed'a ranch (or (lie pat week, hua CJinpleted arrmigeiiienlii for tratiHfo.riiif' paasengera and Ireighl without inconvenience or de ly. Stnginga have Iwn hnilt down to the river, and the ateaiuer Itontia make, the trun(,T from Oneoiita lo Iioiineville I in about 2(1 minulea. Mr. It-ter haa! ulo arranged for rinht-of-way lo build a : tri It around the alide. Materia! la on the ground and the t-ark will I coin- ! pleted by Wednea-lay night Mr. liex- ter fay. he haa had 20 yeaia exierienre ' in ruilroading, hut thin landalide i Ihe , blggeat one he haa ever aeen. It aenda ! down a miuia of atufr about every hour, and give a grand display about twiee a day, when huge tree, and bowlder aa big aa hux-t'ara come bown w ith a noiHe that la deafening. In Older to get men U work, it was ntvefwwry to atation aeuUiea within hale of each other clear up the aide of the mountain, and when ever a alide atarta, warning waa given by shouting from one to another. Ihe debria hai pawwl clear aeroaa Heed's ranch lo Ihe river. The new track will have to be built acrom the flow of mud, but it apreada out aa it approaches the river, and it ia tbougtit there will be no ; trouble about building the bridge. ivaluok ia Waihmjtoo. FaiKHAVax, VaHh.,Nov. Ill An ava lani'h came down the mountain on the eaat aide of ijik Whatcom tins morning alwut 2 o'clock, sweeping the houne oc cupied by Warren liurgeaa and wite inUi the laVe. Tliey were aleeping when the avalanch started, and when they woke up they were -600 feet out from the shore oi tli. lake in a ila of debris. Burgeaa had his kg cruslii'd, but managed to i rescue his wife sad swim with her to ahoie. They lay an the shore without clothing in a terrific storm for seven hours. Hurtets' injuries are liable to prove fatal. The lake ia covered for sev eral miles w ith debris of the avalanch. It swept every vestage of timber and im provemene from Bnrgess' ranch . Eitra Sanies Talk. Xkw YttitK, Nov, 18. SjK'aking of the prosetl of an extra session, one of the prominent democrats said it would all dciend-on undeveloped conditions. He hud Kfrsn Mr. Cleveland and is satistied that it ia not possible lor him to tell yet what will be done. The financial affairs of the government may be in such shape aa to make an extra session imperative. It appears probable we shall find not enough aioney in the treasury for Ihe needa of the government. We shall have to see what congress does at this session. If they do not repeal the Sher man law relating to the purchase of silver and take other action aa the situation demands, we may be swamped. Upon these things deiends the calling of an extra session. la Their Old Pl.eea. 1Iumkstkai, Pa., Nov. IS. The me chanics and day laborers who have been out on a Btrike in sympathy with the members of the Amalgamated Associa tion at Homestead, held a meeting to day and voted to applv (or their old places. The meeting had barely ad journed when there was a perfect scramble to reach the Carnegie mill odices. The laborers were given em ployment, as were also a large number of mechanics. There were not enough vacancies to go around, however, and many acre turned away. The Tildes Will 8oit Bettled. Ntsw York, Nov 19. The trustees of the estate of Samuel J. Tilden, report that a Battlement between them and the relatives contesting the dead states man's will has been arrived at. The original idea of establishing a library and reading room in this city for the education of young nion, to be known as '"The Tilden Trust," is now actually in ninlit and needs only olllcial indorse ment. To Restrict Immigration, Puoviiiknck, U. I., Nov. l;!.--0ne o( the most prominent republicans in the Kust says the restriction of immigration will come before congress early in December and says that Senator Chand ler has prepared a bill with that end in yiew, providing that emigrants make a three months' application to the United States Consuls abroad. Mr. Lease for Senator. Wiciiata, Kan., Nov. 18 It is said that there are 35 members of the Kan sas legislature who will vote for Mrs. Lease. She at least will have a great iiifliionie with them, tml to prevent ilicir iioitiK U Jrry SimiHMin or dem ocrat alie will hft canili'lalo herw-lf. Wlien alie a aaked if it ttu potwilile (or her to gel enough vote", he naid : "Anything i pwnilile with God and . the (armors of Kansas!" A L. Williams, of the Union Pacific railroad, said today: "I see no constitutional reason why Mrs. Iase should not he a senator. There is nothing to prevent It but the popular idea that a senator should be a man. I hope she w ill he elected. 8he would keep the senators pretty busy if they send her to Washington." Mrs. Murray A. Lease said this after noon : "I have never announced myself for the United Ktates senate, but il any fight is made uon roe upon the ground of my sex, and it is claimed that I am ineligible, I will most certainly enter the race and make a test case of it." TELEGRAPHIC HI MHAKT. Hclix, Nov. 21 The official an vasn shows that Misa Klla Knowles, populists nominee for attorney-general, has a plurality of 318 votes over Day, democrat, and 4Wt over Haskell, repub lican. Haskell stated during the cam paign that if Misa Knowles should defeat him be would leave the slate. TUX STRIKE ENIIHD. Wallace, Idaho, Eov. 18. The reign of martial law in the Lo ur d'Alenes was ended yesterday. TOO COLO fOB THRU. St. Pai l, Minn., Nov. 18. The peo ple's party of Mini e-ota, hi h lost 42 000 votes at the election of last week, is already in the throes ol dissolution. PATENT INVALIDATED. Wasaixutos, Nov. 21. The supreme court lo.Uv render a decision invalidat- ing the patent granted to Henry Koot. of New York, for the method of con - structing railways now in common The ground for the decision was the fact that Itoot allowd his invention to be publiclv used for two years before ap plying fur a patent. TIIK MOKKTKRY CONrtKEVOE. Loniiox, Nov. 21. American delegates for the International in .retery confer ence, which opens tomorrow in Brussels, left Victory station at ll o'clock thia morning in a special anion carriage. Senator Allison said : " There is no tell ing how long the conference will last. I exjiect it will be a week before we get fairly down to business. An adjourn ment over the Christmas holidays is inevitable " AlU'SING CONVICTS. Atlanta, Ga. N v 22. A deplorable account of the penitentiary system of tlm slate is made public here. The writar In Rneuklnir nf mines whom 1000 connvicts are employed says: Upon entering we found great numbers w ho were sick from having to work in water in caves 300 feet under the ground, where water trickels down upon their heads and where they stand in water from ankle to knee deep all day long. Others are mashed and crippled by the s ate and coal which fall on them from blasting, from which they cannot escape. The gases are so atagnati g that it is utterly impossible for the benighted convict to ever get pure air to breathe. There was a white prisoner who said he knew t ey would " give him hell " when he left, but he did not care if they did for it could be no worse. It is impossi ble for the committee to get full informa tion which is desired by the state ot the condition of those sufferers for fear of their punishment w hen the committee has left. As Iowa Billiard. Di'BCurit, Ia., Nov. 18. Dubuque's first winter storm proved the severest and most disastrous experienced (or many years. Snow began (ailing yes terday morning, accompanied by high wind, and before midnight a blizzard set in, and in a short time telegraphic com munication wasentiielv cutoff. Forged Blaine's Signature. Washington, Nov. 18. I). S. Carrway was arrested for attempting to pass a check for $100, upon which he had forged the indorsement of James G Blaine. He was an ex-clerk of the pension odice. Train Blown From the Track, Kknosiia, Colo. Nov. IS. The Denver & Iadville express was blown from the track two miles west of here today by the heavy wind which has been blowing the past two days. Strange to say, none of the passengers were injured. Yellow Fever Scourge. Nkw York, Nov. 18. Letters have been received here from Cordoba, Mexico, which state . that there have been over 1000 deaths from yellowfever, and that hundreds are dying daily. Alliance Officers Elected. Memphis, Nov. 18. The Farmers' Alliance and Industrial association re convened this morning. The following named were elected officers : II. D.Louck, North I'ukotu, reiJin((; Marion Knt litr, North Carolina, vice-preaiilent ; Ben Terrill, Teiax, national treamirer; Kdi tor T.tylor, o( tli NaHhville Toiler, aec relary. Mr. Mik una, who han reaigned,. ia irrimly diaconiuilate, and lo a re orter aid: "I resigned because it ia being: diverted fro n it original purpose and made a Ui to a thirdparty kite. Thia means that partisan member cannot longer remain in the order." The Btrika Ead.d. Homkstxao, I'a,, No. 20. The great strike at Carnegie's Uomeeteid steel works was declareu off, after a five months'i struggle which for bitterness baa probably never been equaled in thia country. The army of strikers finally decided today to g ve up the fight. The action was taken at Ihe meeting of the lodges of the Amalgamated association at Honiettead 'his afternoon, the vote standing 10 for and 01 against it. Big Peaiica Soil. Washington, Nov. 21. More than usual interest attaches to the forthcoming annual leport of the commissioner o tensions. A statement lias beien made that the amount required lor pensions the next fiscal year will nearly reach the enormous sum of 2O9,O00,000. The work of compiling the figures, however, is sufficiently advanced to show this esti mate is in excess of the actual require ments. It is now thought congress will be asked to make an appropriation ol about 1180,000,000 for the coming fistal year. The I nt Houie. Washington, Nov. 19 A complete list of representatives in congress elected last week, made up from let urns re ceived by the democratic national com mittee and compared with those re ceived by tlw clerk of the house, agrees Rlt.tnti:illv wilh thn eatimdbHt herein- (orp u howg. 1 r)e,nocratg 222 J IlepubiicHiiB . . . 11'5 j p0.)UiBta " Democrats' majority 90 Will lot Keiiga. San Francisco, Nov. 21 A Washing ton spec ial says : In view of the reports circulated that Justice Fields intends to retire in time to allow President Harri son to fill the vacancy, a corie-ponden t today called on Justice Fields to see whether he had anything to add to bis original statement that the story was news to him. Justice Field refused to admit that he had any present intention of retiring. Old Ootan Boart. Portland, Or., Nov. 22. The late storms which did go much harm on land ' raged wilh terrible violence oflT the- shore. Every vessel which hasanived in the Columbia river or on the Sound tbe "f fi,our or, five h"? " J m'" ur. u""su""r I seas, always accompanied with more or less damage to projierty . The Paoifio Coaat Gun Factory. Washington, Nov. 21. Senator Liolph has filed with the war department a letter in relation to the appointment of a board to examine and report npon a site for a gun factory on the 1'acitic coast. He requests that care be taken in the selection of the officers, that they may not be prejudiced in favor of one sight as against another. Predict! a Diiroption, Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 21. Dr. C. W. Macttne, editor of the Naional Econo mist, recently defeated for vice-president of the farmer's alliance, is m At lanta. He predicts the total disruption of the alliance if at the next election the Southern deligates do not attend. The alliance now, he says, is simply a third party-machine. Freaidental Appointments. Washinunon, Nov. 19. The president today made the following appointments; J. H. Gear of Iowa, to be assistant sec retary of the treasury, in place of Judge Crounse, resigned: William M. Stone, commissioner of the general land office, vice Thomas Carter, resigned. Fasted for Sixty-eight Days. New Brunswick, N. J., Nov. 15. James Still, a colored inmate of the re form school, has completed the 68th day of his fast. Although be has become very weak, he does not show signs of dissolution. Bheda Blown Down. Sivkank, Nov. 19. Soon nfter 8 o' clock this morning the Northern Pacific freight sheds in this city 'were blown down by wind. Geo. M.Miller, a brother of the poet,. Joaquin, is the originator of a flying machine at Eugene. He h.-ts based his calculations on data concerning the re sistance of air as found by the most learned scientists. The machine will have the form o( a huge circular fan, to operate horizontally with the gearing and rider beneath. The fan will have 32 wings, each nine feet long. A cut of the contrivance has been on exhibition in the Lane County bank.