Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 18, 1892, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Clackamas Co. Directory.
Clrk rttCoimn,
jeheol supertntftHlenl,
J. W
litv. F. Morton
0. W. li.nonc
J. O Wrihirvll
J. K. r.liy
H. 8 (iiiwn
M.lnv Mnyiri i
K. U Hoimurt
RlehsM Sc.!
Mirnr. ... T. W ShIIItihi
Rw.ir.ler. - L. U lmr
Chtt ol IVUe -Aiww.tr,
City Attorney.
Rnp't. of Winer Work,
J. a. Pu Mom
J. K FruL
T J.
it r ivui
c. itotwt !
Sh' i
Counoilraen-t'. O AlhritM, Jr., H. U kUy. i
X. i!rwnmi. W A White, J J. Cook. J. I
W. O'lVwnell. J.U. Porter and T. r. Kn-
Oennril mHtilnt Wdnoty of ch month
la eitf halt.
Olrenlt court crtTno Brl loo.ty la N.v
Tmtr uJ (hiM Mon.Uy in April.
rmbtw court in lon flrt Mou.ty In ch
Commlloiiir eonrt meet first WnlnfMny
after nrsl Montlajr of each month.
"The war to build p Ore?o
City is ta rlf Ore Ron flty people your
J. D. Ritter of Needy has been made a
notary public.
Clocks at Btirmeister
Everyone warranted.
A Andresen's.
J. S. Courtney M. D., physician and
curgeon, room 5 and 6, Charman block.
A dauuhter was born to the wife of
W. M. Butts of Tai k Flaceon November
School deportment cards one cent
each, good for term, at the Estkrpriss
C. O. T. Williams is now prepared to
make very favorable rates on good farm
loans. I
Take your babies to fhe New York ;
Mllerv and wt a ffood nictnre while vou i
have the chance.
The ladies of the Bapt:st church ad
vertise a Thanksgiving dinntr and a lit
erary entertainment in the evening.
c i , p....-.-. m r. !
gal blanks. A single one or a hundred
rnished at Portland prices.
, ; : T7T . .
H. H. Johnson' assisted County Clerk
Horton in his multefarious duties of the
week, ll looKeo quite natural to see i
Hex at the desk.
The cool weather of the past few days !
indicates that the mountains were re- j
ceivinga deposit of snow which was
creeping well down into the foothills.
r 8 j
The people of Canemab have de- J
termined to have a good road to their j
cemetery, and are eubscrib'.ng liberally I
to a fund to put it in proper condition. ;
chase of the Empire Furniture plant i
-which if successful will result in start-1
ing the factory within 60 days with good :
The people of Green Point have reason
to rejoice in G. A. Steel's decision to
span the Abernethy with a 40-foot bridge.
The building of this bridge is a volun
tary act on his part and speaks well for
the liberal management of the road.
. Williams of Currinsville who is
attending court here made a trip to
Salem Saturday. Upon his return he
was particularly struck with the beauty
of our free suspension bridge and
aayg that it is the handsomest bridge in
the state.
On Monday the connty court took a
trip io Eagle Creek and the upper
Clackamas bridge, their object being to
inspect the roads and bridges. They
returned Tuesday evening fully con
vinced that good roads should be built
from Oregon City into that section of
Clackamas county.
The first store on ths West Side was
raised last Friday by A. R. Doolittle who
recently returned from California. The
building is to accommodate a store in
front with living rooms above and in the
rear. It will be a great convenience to
the people across the river, who are now
becoming a goodly community. Suc
cess to the new venture.
Many water consumers have noticed a
lack of force at their taps since Monday.
The cause of this was the stoppage
of the big pump which required new
gears, and which Jas. Koake has been
busy getting in place. It was intended
to put in only a partial set at this time
but the mesh of the new wheels was
found to be different from the old so a
full new set is being placed. The big
pump will start again today.
The residents of Falls View are just
completing a walk from Seventh street
iid to that siiihtlv suburb which will
place them within easy access of tlftj j
city without the trouble oi a sieep cnmo.
Th walk is built alone the ridge just be.
yond Mrs. Broughton's house and across
the gulch on a substantial loor, onuge
and out on Jackson street to Seventh.
They are proud of their achievement and
wonder why it was not thought of a year
ago as it has added 100 per cent to the
convenience of the place.
- A Qoodl Btc of 0wi alitdic.u-i - TU
" ,
tir.nd Jtry Rjort.
4,Ms. I.uther M. lVeth vs S.tnart &
Ku.scl) ; distillled.
4,V0. L A Nobel vs l.lsttnan A Co;
4S7U. Oary Chapman vs C F 1'arker;
! continued for term.
4$0. Showy A Hall vs J A Cox ; no!
; prt,,,.rv on dockrt.
on dockrt.
Alex 8tvk vsMarion l'hillips;
set for Friday.
4tl7. KSJnif v Marion Phillip;
settled and dismissed.
4iV!y. T Charman A Son vs
U ,
Netulall; service not complete.
5011. Schwab Bros v Stewart
Kniulil : continued bv consent to April
f0lt. O V l'ronaer, vs Jeremiah
Jontison ; settlinl
W20. 11 K Crone and S M McCown v
Kmpim Manofacturini; Co- disuiisMsl
without piejudii-v.
5021. Uco H Williams vs Frodtrick
Moehbervrcr; n-ferre.1 to C II Dya to take
tcslimony and report at January term.
5042. Joseph lleds vs K Mooher;
default and judgment.
5lM4. J Matbewson vs Kmpir M(f
Co ; judgment for pltf.
5053. Thos Cbarmsn A Son vs D W
Tucker; default and judgment for pllf.
50o5. Thos Charman A Son vs A
Criteser; default and judgment.
MV'iS. William Quinn vs D r May and
0 P Matton ; default and judgment.
ft0(4. AmusLKarr vs J H Kellogg;!
dismissed at plaintiff's cost. I
50t. Portland Trust Co vs R and M !
Robbing; dismissed without prejudice!
with the permission to w ithdraw papers.
501. Portland Trust Co vs C P .Ver
satile as 50t".
50t!7. Portland Trust Co vs Anna
Robl ins; same as 50t!5.
50tiS Portlaud Trust Co vs S Atkins
same 50vi.
50t!). Portland Trust Co vs N Story;
Mme as 55.
6ii;;. E A Newton vs J 8 Crumbly;
continued for term.
Thos Charman A Son vs A and
Emily Smith ; confirmation of sale.
4D12. Jennie Woodruff vs W II Wood
rutf; default and decree for plaintiff.
c K K , uk testi-:vUilfr:I1(N
mii d ( v.mi fnemls.
j ( cj , J D. P. Thompson who lm. just
. . . . turned from Europe was in town the
Cochran et al ; continued till Thursday - , , .. . . .. ..... . ...
Nov. 17.
' Tk. v l II..- r..... I? :
low et al ; James Shaw, 11 II Johnson'
Keni. Jairar aniMinted relereeswith or-
bm .f p Rijrt vg (Jeo rhilli)g et . !
t MeUrm, V W 11 Samson and
r , ... , . ,
r red Ely appointed referees. i
50tW. John Kellv vs Julia Ann Kelly :;
divorce and order for $."0 alimony. j
5tK12. Louis SohulU vs Caroline:
Schultz; order for $7i alimony. !
Grace L Morse vs V N Morse;
de,(tt"11 n1 div ",n,d-
507!). Anna L Kruse vs Berend Krnse;
divorce granted plaintiff.
50S2. II Straight vs Cy Straight;
personal service, default entered
4i0. Thos Charman A Son vs G C
and Mary Watson ; sale confirmed.
40, J C Hackett vs Marion Philips :
sale confirmed.
4903. State of Oregon vs Bert Bacon
and Robert Gardner ; trial set for Mon
day, the 21st. Defendants agree to try
cae together.
4'.m. State vs Henry Kohler; ar
ranged and plead not guilty .
5089. State vs Wm Henderson ; trial
set for Tuesday Nov. 22,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas county.
To Hon. T. A. McBride, judge of the
above-named court :
We your undersigned grand jury for
the November. 1892, term of said court
respectfully submit the following as our
final report :
We have carefully examined all crim
inal charges presented to us and have
disposed of the same in such manner as
we deemed. warranted by the evidence.
We visited the city and county jails
and find the prisoners well cared for.
The county jail is in good repair ex
cept we think the cells should be moved
so as to make roon for extra door at the
entrance to the jail. The door is there
and by hanging the same the security of
the jail would be greatly increased.
We did not deem it necessary to em
ploy au expert at this time to examine
the books and accounts of the various
county officers as the officers have only
wen in omce since jury jsi, iw anu
we could not without continuing in ses
sion longer than we deemed necessary
make a thorough examination of said
We have heard no complaint against
any of the county officers and from the
examination we have made we find their
books well kept and each of said officers i
efficiently performing the duties of his!
respective office
We recommend that the county court
cause the lock on the safe in the slier- fact you find the bargains better than
ifP office to be repaired. That they you expected. We nave your confl
furnish a fee book to the sheriff to be ' dence and we want it. This is the foun-
left in the office at the close of his term,
and that the recorder's office be moved
Ucrosstha hall so that the recorder can
have easy access to the vitittt ami lave. '
personal M,erviiin of nil the records
. .1 ....... ... I'. ...i .. . I
belonging in hi oll'uv.
And now having vomplcted our Isbort
, we ask to be discharged ;
I tik'OrtllK I.KI..K,
j A. W.ukkh,
J. C. Thaoy,
Jons- IIhhiin,
Wm Yohciial.
liKoKKK It. StKI.Y,
D, D. Mugone filed supplementary
! report stating that when he signed lus
, name he did not know tlmt the clause
"we have carefully examined all crini-
inal charge, etc." was in and protest-
! ii'l! his dimitreement with that chvuoe.
Louis JaKttar wa11 "P from l'ortland
on Wednesday.
Rev. U A. Roekwood of WUlsbnrg
was in this city on Monday.
Ned Townsend of l'ortland was the
liiiest of Clyde Huntley over Sunday.
Prof. Alex Thomson principal of the
i Clackamas school wasintown Satunlav.
Mrs. M. I.. Moore was in town the
AmI of t ie week visiting Iter son L. It.
Henry Wilbern of Eale Creek was
transacting business on our streets
Joiin lieegle, ethlor ol tlie .Mist, was
! ( s, , Monday and call.nl
Miss Lillian Fuller of Portland was up
this week visiting her uncle and aunt
Charles Burns and wife.
Miss Anna Merrill was ill Sat unlay
and Sunday and took a short rest from
her work at the posloltice.
Dr. C. B. Smith of Eagle Creek was in
the city on Tuesday busy as lie always
is whether at home or abroad.
C. M. Idleman one of Portland's Wat
' attorneys waa in the city vestenlav at-
tending to important legal business..
K. P. Rogers the energetic passenger
agent of the Southern Pacific was in the
citv yesterday attending to business.
Judge McBride and wile spent Satur
day and Sunday in Portland where the
Judge was combining business with
Senator G. K. Hayes and wife went to
Salem on vesterdav's train, he to attend
to business while
Mrs. Haves went to
Mrs. S. I. Meldruin. j
M'8 J
B. I'pton and son Ralph of I
nd former residents of Clacka- i
iOrelown a
I mas county are visiting relatives audi
nwting old friends in town. j
Kev. J. Sunderland, secretary of the'
. , ,. .,
Baptist roreign Missionary society for j
the Pacific coast, wcupiett the pulpit at
the Baptist church Sunday evening,
Major Thomas Charman who has been
gnoiiKly ill for more than two weeks is
; we are to I10t, convale.-cinir. and
he hoiies soon to be about his business
i ... ,,n,.i ;
II. Z. Burkhart of this city made a
business trip to St. Helens lust Friday
to confer with Judi:e Switzer who is
looking after Mr Burkliart's interests
in Columbia county.
Mrs. James Thorn went to Marshland
the first ot the week to remain with her
daughter, Mrs. A. S. Graham. The
Judge will join the family there next
Thursday in time to eat turkey.
G. W. Rich and wile left last night
for their old home in Toledo. It was
their intention to go by the Short Line
and try to meet Mrs. Rich's paranta at
Denver. Mr. Ki'h has the promise of
woik in a railroad office in Toledo.
Judge J . C. Moreland of Portland was
up on Friday attending to business mat
ters. He called on the Entkki-hisk
while in the city. Judire Moreland has
many warm friends in Oregon City who
are always glad to meet his cordial grasp.
A. P. Barton and wife took the Mon
day evening train for Sacramento where
they will join an excursion going back to
Boston. They are intending to visit
their old home in Massachusetts, after
which they expect to locate in Toledo,
On Tuesday Counly Treasurer J. O.
Wetherell who was taken home seriously
ill on Wednesday of last week, was
sufficiently recovered to be about the
Btreets and to visit his office, which has
been in charge of Miss Wethcrell during
his illness.
A Buiy Flao. Why7
It is a common remark that our bum-
ness is showinga greatly increased actiV'
j ity this season. Customers speak of it
j vvnai is me reason lor it ; t;an t vou
tell? If not try again Hundreds of
new customers are coming to us, and
coming once come again. Why? It is
because you are treated courteously and
get your full money's worth everytima
whether you spend a dollar or a nickel.
You read our advertisement and you
know that what we say is true Vou
came for the goods adyerlised a bar
gain, perhaps, and so stated you have
never been misled or deceived by tis, in
dation of our business. There
nonsense about Bkm,omy & Bush.
is no
A Mapisit Stout of i MfictslIiBS Ail
As wo havo always onjoyol t!t reputation for stjuaro iltvalinj; thrtly satisfying our j nit
rons wo can bo easily uihIoisUhmI when wo announeo that wo arc better
prepared this season to meet the wants of the trade in tho way of
Clothing and
We are sole agents for Oregon City and
Brownsville Woolen Mills.
That have we for this
yourself. Clothing,
The One Price Clothiers and Mutters,
And see the city
increasing and everything prosperous. We never havo takon a back
seat in our business, and in order to keep pace with the development
of the country
( )
So we have abandoned the old store occupied for so many years and
moved into new quarters
- -. -
And we have a store as fine as can he found anywhere in the State. Tho more roomy
quarters enahles us to add greatly to our former stock and to carry the very host goods in
our line. In addition to having a largo variety of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry,
Silverware, Etc., we have just put in an entirely new Htoctk of
Musical Instruments and Musical
We have as good goods and as low prices as l'ortland. No Portland eHtahlislnnent haa
finer quarters than we. We are after your trade, and our reputation for square dealing is
too well established to make recommendation necessary. If you don't know us you can
easily find out ahout us by enquiring of your friends. Call and see us at our new store.
The Most Complete
and only first
Quality consider
ed, our prices are
always the lowest.
Cor. 7th & Madison, Shively Building, Oregon City.
f Fits ate ffi Interest 1.
iirnishing Goods
season? Wo cannot toll
Hats, Kain garments,
and country growing up
Pft RM!(T$0fl,
I in porters and duolurs in
Choice Family Gracenes
Selected Teas.l'ure Coffees & Spices;
Butter & Cheese from best dairies
Emit and Vegetables in Season.
vicinity for tho
you; come and seo for
Novelties and staples at
in all directions, trade
Business Conducted
On Business Principles.
One Price to All.
Positively no con
nection with any
advertising scheme