Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 18, 1892, Image 5

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    Oregon City Hntcrprisc!
Hlranir. AI.I'oNA A MMoNA:
I.B4VR MMn fitV
Mum hmrutmi
' J hi.
In i , hi,
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a im h. in.
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Kll MMW I. ...til...
1'iwlilvnly mi IriMuhl (kr.ii ii the 4 n,l A ,KI
u i'lm'll lrlH
'"' k ii m
'"'I' w. II ki. m.
" u m, 4 1 i in
Tliim Mill miliiH'l In i liati HHIimit iiiitli't
Alliany lirnl (war Ullolli)
III. .ink K tnrioi Miliiiiylil
llntnhlim Ul ()f Ullollll
illl-IN iM'Hi,
(iilmia imf lailuna)
AlUitiy I mim (way aialliMiai
allluiiila Knu. (iliuiutli)
HI a. in
ii a ui.
P m.
Ml m
J 'i i. Ill
Mailt rliuo miii S.illli.i a III , I l III , l III.
Mailt I'liiin ("Ilit H..11II1. , ni.T U(i 111.
Ilia K4IM
Orril'liyiii Kly l aiui. Miillimanil Ulalla
liaitaal tint and arrivp al I; m ililly
or.ni I'lly In Uly . Ullii i'lr k H....I,.. Hr.k.
V ill. hi Ullli. Mullliii u. I '1.I1.111. Iat al III a
111 luxa-lny, lliuilay ami aauiKlay, itl -liirtu
tm lllttitia ta at I Afl i m
KlMftttUKK AMI Knot. Oil Sltinly
I'VfiiltiK Mia, Mike Iiavuran mid Ima
Imiiil o ('UrluiiiM ihiiiI l I Im
tvitittinrn IVillo 1kh in tlii city "the
lmly liwilinl for lr." I lor liiiUml
trimj In k'i lirr Inmi rlm!iiiliill
nut h)iiI lu the Uak. Alli'r li1 urlil ik
1 1 in hi (or lil In the rily olll-t-im
tixik Iht In the I'l'T jail ftuvinn tier
in ili I'tiatmly tif Imr liinlimul wliu
mil ullli' in iiialmin lii'i Iwiil lor iiiiih lm(.
l'rivitiK I. Im (ruin the aim tititnllml
Ilia intlnia over II11 lint utiive mill I11O1I
It llii'Ri In ai'llit r( l that oiill.l tin ilnne
till Mii' rulir. 011I ralliiitf luatlly, "Urn,
lii'lp " Tlx Ilia Iwll ruiiK ami the
llri"ni"ii iiriiiil out hut fouii'l ruttliintf
lli tiirninii the wnlxr on x.-rt Mm
lUvoran, ami (licy ilil not Hunk tu 1I0
llial, Kailv Suniliiy inntniii.' altur pay
In it fur llm liiirnii mallrpiM Mi. I' tin
mrti.l ,i( ur rural lituii a aaililrr anil
avilwrvr mouiaii.
Imam nKra r ()i.nrttKK. Tli
rarly ailvmit ul llm rlilri ' iiiotnr Una
to (iUilnlniiK liaa atl In mnilnii tlia liii-l
iif iruri'aa lwr wliii'li will ulliiiiali'ly
Itrtug many liimruvriiipnla. II. K. Cron
in ruitjiinrlliin lih Mr. K. O, McCuwn
I liavinn .'tiKI at-rr aurvi-ywl Inlo lull
M by liHI. TlirM- tilmka Wyom! tliu
CUi kainaa liii.lk'! a awin-h ill l put
in ami a liranili line ill I liullt !
toniling In an naalnrly ilirwliun thrmijch
tli Iraot fur thn-ilihl uf tnllc lo anil
Ihr nr'iaH ai'riiMcuunly n. Inaihtig to
(.'Uckainaa. The rail am alrvaily pur.
chawil for thl lirani'h ami Ilia mail will
tn itrailml iliirinx thu wuilur o aalol
rra.ly fur onratiiiii In tho parly nprintt.
Wlmn ioinilrlfl a ihU1 rar will Ik
run far (lUilalone anrviro ami will inuko
frtHiufiil triiw from Fiml lrtiit In Ortmun
City to Ihr Mill of tint nwil In (ilailntonn.
A 1'aimriHoi Ohiikh. Tlia A.O V ,
V, of Ihi i-lly ia in a niorr inMiru
conilil ion than Dvnr liofnrti in it hinlury
ml i now urowliiit faalir than any
tll.M Biu'r,! luiliMflitlMrv nr fralitrnal I
am'U'ty III thi city, Hocordor Oi'o.
Calill who ha wtvin! in that fit parity
lor ni'arty three year InforniiMl a rt
portor that they now have 103 iiumiiImm
and thi'm will I nint uioro uioinhpr
addfil at thu next mwliinj. Tim ordvr
in thn alula liaa 4-1IH1 uiiuiilNira I nrinn
tlui year junt rhwint: tlii'nt lia Ihhmi
thirty-aix dnlh with hut wnlin
iiiniinl. The nlwtion of olliwr lor
tho I'li-niim yiar will otvur at thior
llrt tnintiiiu in IWt'inlirr and 'ln
iiiHlallation at their Unit inimtitin in Jan
uary. Tho order la ilanniii a public
Hkvkhki.v Scai kkd On Tmwday aa
Mr. K. C. llttckfl waa proiarln the
hath lor Iwr hahy he wan aovewly
waldi'd. Sh IihiI jiiHt poured the boll
nt water into the bath tub and to'd
away to get cold water when the child
either It'll or not into the tub. Ilia
shrill acreams appraiaed Mra. Ilaoket
uf the accident and ehe rimliod to lift
him out of the tub, but tho limine!
underdo! Iilnu held the heat and before
it could lie torn away the aide and one
ttrm were badly acnlded. Help waa
iiuinudiutely Runimoned and the woiiuda
ilreHHed, but with an liiimiie bliater on
one able the child did not rent much
Tuemhiy iiIkIiI, beinir ill Krent pain.
l'Vluniitely the akin l not much broken
and the accident I not likely to prove
I'i'miiinii tiik Motoh. Ueo. A. Steel,
ninmiKer of the l'oitlund and Oregon
City motor line wa in the city Monday
looking after the work on his road which
la rapidly neurlnu completion, llo ac
companied 11. E. CroHg down to the
OlmlHtonfj mill where hn wiiihod to see
about gettlnu out aome timber needed
for th brldgo. Mr, Steel mild that with
no delay In getting the timbers needed,
the road would he inside the city limits
by the llrat of December. Thi will re
quire aome rapid work, but Mr. Steel
baa domonmrnted his ability to push
thingHuid he generally docs about as
lie say, bo the people of Oregon City
may expect an electric line in their own
ballwick very soon,
, V 1 ! t ' ,M I
A Inli.ra.llnn and rrultalili Maatuig Hold
Mundiy ttrmlug.
Th iniwllng of llm board on Monday
lilglit waa not a large one niimerlcnlly
eiilidilcred, but liuportiiiit liiiaincaabcar
lug I'I'iin the coiniiiiinlly's adviiiicuient
waa traiiaacliid.
The cniiiinlttee on advmtlaliig made a
reKirt upon the cut and atyle of a
pamphlet In U Uauml by the lioard.
Their report I'ouleiiiphileil a bonk of
alxly-foiir mgea, le 4kH, t It cover to
be done In twg colni and to lie of tough
mtllcrUI, Tricea went Mil. milted for
plain work ranging fiom I'.TiO for com
mon print lu:7() for fair ipiiillty of hook
pier, The report provoked a lively
diiH'uaalou a lo what waa deairahle in
a piuiiiihlet of Unit nature. The opinion
eemed in prevail that a Miiall map
ahowing the greater purt of Clacaama
iiiunty and Iha adjacent territory lo the
Columbia at the mouth of thn Willamette
aiiould he one uf the feature, alao that
vlewa of tho mill, Inclorie, mblla
building, thi fall and prominent real-dein-ea
would prove an attractive feature
and it waa und"rato.id that the committee
would lake tlieae thing Into conaidera
tinn in preimrinii the malertal for the
work. The hoard voU-d to have u,,, '
ciinimltlK piepare (he copy and to re
ceive bid for printing ami binding
10.000 ctipiea.
t'poii Invitation of the council the
lnrd apnoliited tbrie member to confer
with a like mimlier reineiieiitiug the
council prepaie audi amendmenla to
the city charter aa may aeem dcalrahle.
Oil motion the preaident, II. K Croat
a named a memlier of that com
mitle and C. II. Cautleld and T. L
Charman were added by apxiiutmcnt.
The ciHiunlttee apHilnteiJ to take the
tiiHeiatary ttept to mainUin Intact ex
iatiug county boundarie, teitorted
ihrough lt chairman, C. O. T. Wllllama,
having held a meeting at which the
matter w a quite fully lin'iiael and a
plan of action formulated. Thi com
mittee reported (biding iiil a mimlier
of the moat influential citlxena who two
yean ago favored county
livinion who,
now rupreaa a lino conviction that an
nexution lo Multnomah ia not now di
alrahle. After di'cuaaing road improvement
the Ixiard adjouri,el,
Uh kaok Ittm iKii. Mr. I'. K. Morey
manager of the Portland (inner! Kleo
trie company, which ia now in control ol
the locka, electric atalion and power of
lb Willamette fall but announced to
the public that the company baa re
duced lock chaigea on straw and log.
Thi will be directly beneficial to the
people of tho upper river who are large
ahlpjiora of Imlli article. The new rate
on airaw 1 'Jit cent per Ion and on log
:10 rent er 1000. The old rale wae BO
centa on each. It ia probable that other
article will he added to thi lil aa soon
at the company can ee It w ay to do so.
Jikatii or Anna Hi'vi-iiky. On
Wcdncaday morning at ll:;IO, Sarah
Anna Humphry, elder daughter of
Mr, and Mr. J. Y. Humphry died af
ter a long and dialreiwing lllne. The
funeral will occur from the Methodist
church at one o'clock on Friday, Hov.
(I. Syke ohViating. Anna, aa she waa
know n at home and to her friends, was
at borne and tu be frienda, waa a bright
girl junt bloeaoining inlo a bcautilul
woman of lovable diKpoaition and ex
cellent character. Her death at the
erly age of 17 year I a aeveie blow to
her parent and intimate friend.
Tahk Plack School, On Saturday
the school board uf l'ark I'lace met and
accepted their new school building
which has just been completed. It is a
handsome two-story, four room structure,
and is generally regarded as the neatest
school building in the county. The
builder, Holden Hargraves, has done
himself credit in his work. School is
now- In progress there under the success
ful suiHirvision ol Prof. J, V. Gray.
Pupils are in attendance from Park
Place, (Hailstone, Kdgewnod and Clacka
mas Heights.
TiiANKsiuviNd Haix Tho time for K
Co's annual ball having approached the
company Is busy making preparations
for their fourth annual party, the Invita
tions for which Are already out bearing
date of Nov. 24th, with tho hour of8:II0
, . ' ,.
for the grand march. Tho committee
on entertainment consists of Limit. F.
H. Kelly, W. A, Huntley ; Sgt O. W.
Yoargaln, Corp'ls J. E. Khodes and W.
Shouhan; reception, Capt. J. V. Ga
nong, Lieut. L. 1 Pickens, Corp'l H.
E. Ferrin, K. M. Hands, K. J. McKitt
rick ; floor, Lieut L. L. Pickens, Corp'l
A. JI. Spooncer, J, W. 0'Coni:ell, John
Ticinbttth, jr., and Geo. Hlnearson.
Mkauk Post Nominations, At their
n'gnlar meeting last Monday night
Mcmlo Post No. 2, (1. A. H. initiated
three new members and nominated the
following members for the various olU
cos: Commander, C. H. Punchy; 8. V.
C, J. Confer and W. II. Hurglmrdt; J.
V. C. Mr. Poreimis; surgeon, L. M. An
drews; chaplain, C. A. Williams; Q. M.,
II. J. Harding; 0. P., J. B. CaMtr and
J. P. Shaw;0. G., J. Slmdo.
1 ' '
Land Ci.rakino. Contracts taken for
grubbing and stump-pulling for any
number of acres. Good work guaranteed.
Address J. W, LaMab, Park Tlnce.
Ladies' and Gents', robes atlloltran A
Warner's Undertaking parlors. tf
Tmmi.1 roa Nnr VVkuk W, N,
llarnitt, the able proaecutltig attorney
will have hi baud full tho coming
week the grand jury having returned
Hcveral true bill. On Monday Hurt
Hacon and Hob Oardner will he tried ;
on Wcdneatiay M. Unlet tund trial for
ahiHitlng lliuiler; i rldny i net apart for
V. . UrucB alter which I. l.nMahleii
will be tried for alander. Thus far
Mr. fliirrelt lias been huay aaiHtii
by C. II. I've In attending to the grand
jury. He w ill now have to convince the
trlul jury of the jimtlce of the bill and
A HroNMV Kii'miiKNi a. On Monday
Alono (iiMicr, a U. H. inector, rw
luriied from the beadwatera of the
Molulla where he went aeveral week
ago to look over the aurveyt made by
Henry Meldriiin lant auuimer, After
vialling Mr. Meldrlliu and gelling the
imli'a lor comiMtrinon with hi own be
left on the evening train for Halem. lie
found mountain life in November any
thing hut the pleaaiire piflnn-d by aum
mer vlaitoi. Henry exMi t an arly
and favorable report njHin hi work aa
the lnH'clor aeeined to he well pleuaed
with Ita appearance,
Hai'man Ohm Ntitiai.. On Tue-
'l.r lt-v. O, W. I.uca waa called upon
lo join In wedlock A. A. lluiiman of
Portland, ami Miaa Margaret J. Owens
of Heaver Creek. The ceremony was
performed in the Congregational church
In tho preaence of a few relative. Al
wards the wedding party adjourned to
The l.iverrnore where an elaborate
w edding dinner w as served, eight plate
being set. The chief feature of attraction
on the table waa a large beautiful cake
w ith wedding liell attached.
(ion to Ti kkkv Hon. I). P. Thomp
son who got lua start In life in Clacka
mas county haa been tendered the niia
sion tu Turkey, which oiler he has ac
cepted. Mr. Thompson was tendered
Ibis position some time since, but
Minii-ter Ilirscb conaented at that time
lo return for a time to complete negotia
tions then iending. Mr. Thompson
will adjust bualncK matter here ao a
to remain away till sprii.g and will leave
about the first of Iicccnilicr.
Ki'xi'iAi. Coi HisKL. The relatives of
C, Sutnr w ho ws killed a few days ago
in Canhy have engaged (ieorge C. lirow
nell to asaist the district attorney, W. X.
Barrett in the prosecution. The case
has been set for Tuesday morning the
'.".'nd and will attract much attention as
it is one of the most important casea
on for tin term. Hon. Henry McGinn
of Portland lias been retained for the
defense .
Yoca OrroBTi'NiTir. A Thanksgiving
entertainment will lie given by the
ladies of the P-aptist church next Thurs
day evening at the church. An excel
lent program baa been prepaid and
those who attend are assured of a
musical and literary treat. All are
invited to come and finish the holiday
with an Intellectual good time. Admis
sion only 15 cents.
Tut Kivsh KisiNO The storm of the
past week ia lieing felt on the river
which ia rising quite rapidly. The up
per river will soon atford ample depth
tor boats to pass freely and the work of
bringing dow n the up river freight will
progress more rapidly and under more
favorable circumstances.
Hint Orchard.
Walling A Jarrish, the Oswego nur
servmen, offer the finest selection of
fruit trees eversold in Clackamas coun
ty at prices within the reach of all.
Call and examine samples of their trees
and got prices at F. T. Harlow's store
Oregon City.
Sot ice.
All person indebted to the firm of
Fields A Son will please call and adjust
their accounts immediately as the cs
tate must lie settled. Respectfully
4t F1KI.D8 A Son,
Money to Loan.
On Inside impioved Oregon City
property. H. Z. Re kk 11 art.
Cheoki Iron Industrie!.
Pitit.ADKi.i'iiiA, Nov. 14. The Press,
reviewing the prosKcts of the iron mar
ket, says the election will check the tur
thor expansion of the iron industiy,
tvltii'lt nlma.lv Ituu a at.ui.llt fur luii.no.l
,, , , , . v . ' .,
any demands liely to be made uiion it
for years to come
Hait Wait for Two Per Cnt
Topkka, F'ov, 14. Representatives of
Eastern money in vansas say the re
result of tho recent election in Kansas
will stop all investments in that state
until the policy of the alliance is fully
More Now Oaaei.
II.'miii'iki, Nov, 4. There have been
11 cases of cholera here since Saturday
none of them fatal.
A new and complfto treatment, oonstmlnu of
8iiiiwUorloa, ointment lu CtauUa, also In
Box ami IMIla: a pnalilve cure tor External,
Internal, tlltml or blemllng, Itching, rhmiilo,
Keeent or HerciltUry Plios, and many dltmaana
nuil temale woakneaaea: It ia alwaya a great
tiviielH to tit aoneral health. The drat ilia
corory ol a medical cure rendorlni an operation
wllh the kuile mutuoeiiaary ImrcalU'r. Thla
rimedy haa never been known to (all. fl per
box.. flforjV: aeut by mall. Why suffer from
thl terrible dlaeaae when a written guarantee
ia given with tlx boxe to refund ih money If
not ouroil.. Bend atamp for (re aampln, Ouar
auttfrlaaued by WunuAaaCLAaa A Co, whola
ante and retail druggists, tole ageutt, Portlaud,
Oregon. , ;
Ifolman A Warner, Uudnrtaknra and
Kinhahuer, Oregon City Hank building.
Itecelpt, note and order books at the
StM-dman's aoolhlug jKiwder for
liielblrig babies and feverish children,
now only llfty centa a packet. Accept
none hut Steeilman's, tf
Central addition loOiegon City in lot
and blocks to suit purchaser. Property
cheap, terms easy. See L. . Jannkv,
with W, Carey Johnson. tf
Hring your produce to the Park Place
Store where you call always get the best
market price and your 'good at the
Kauie ligmet as though you paid cash . j
Hlank nolo, receipt and order books !
at the Kntkhi-kihk ollice. i
Hefore buying your winter supplies,
call at the Park Place Store. They
have one of the beat annul I men t of dry
goods, clot liititr, lamia and shoes, mil-
lllierv unil ll,ittt lunillv wnuwiua In
I lackamaa county at pricea that tell
Ptaa Mil.. Johnson A Warnaik
will deliver pure, freali milk lo all part
of the city both morning and evening.
Good pasture, pure water and healthy
Waktkp, second hand grain sack.
K. E. Williams the grocer. tf
If you want to buv lots in Holton ap
ply lo C. O. T. William, agent.
ITyau want ( barrow muisey
apply la 4'. U. T. William.
liOiingea, chairs, etc., niiholstere' at
lloliiian A Warner's All work guar
anteed, lie I air all your old lounge for
little money and they will be good as
Justice blanks, real estate blanks, and
all other blanks at the Entkhi-kisk of
flce. Portland price.
Iteautlful Huliur'ktii Home.
One mile and a uuarter fiora town,
grxxl hoard walk past the land. Acre
tract to suit purchaser, term easy, the
lines! suburban property ollered for sale,
yet on the market New proponed
motor line from Portland. High and
sightly. See L. K, Jannkv with W.
Carey Johnson tf
Throwing up theSponge
not our prewnt intention, but
if you will notice our show window
this week you cannot doubt that
jSpnnireis the theme we want to
enlarge ujKin.
There is no other article no un
satisfactory to buy, and no other
so difficult to sell. We realize this
and have gotten together an assort
ment of bath, toilet, surgeon and
carriage swinges which range from
5c. to 75c. If you will allow them
to absorb your attention for even a
few minutes we will assure you
that we w ill not absorb too much
of your finances in return.
Successor to
Caufield - & - Huntley,
Frsioriptioi Druggists.
Your Subscriptions!
Between now and January
1st you will have to renew
subscriptions for most of
your papers and magazines,
and choose the new ones you
wish to put on your list. You
Save the Expense,
The chance of loss or delay
and all the annoyance of re
mitting direct, by leaving
your order at the Book Store.
We guarantee safe arrival of
the first number; or of all
numbers if vou get them at
the store. lut a still safer
and more convenient way is
to get your periodicals at
The News Stand.
The price is the same with
but few exceptions; you can
usually get them a day or
two earlier than by mail;
there are no missing or de
layed copios; yot do not
have to pay in advance, and
you can change when you
iilease or drop out poor nv m
ers. Huntley's Book Store.
Beautiful Fruit Farm !
Forty acres, level as a floor, all
cleared, well fenced into five fields,
good house 26x26 feet, splendid
well ot good water and force pump,
good barn and out houses, several
hundred fruit trees prunes, apple,
cherries, etc., small fruit in abund
ance, several sheep, hogs, cows, two
young horses. Everything in first
class condition. For particulars,
apply to owner, Milton Stingby,
near Currinsville, or see L. R.
Janney, with W. Carey Johnson,
Oregon City, Oregon.
OFFICE Next door to CaufieM & Huntley's drug store.
; fflTTTI T5T A
j J. XXiJ r I i ft I i Ti
To buy dry gottdx o? all kinds, men's and boys' clotbing,
ladies', minm'8' and cbildren's cloaks of latest cut and
HUtMTior quality of goods, children's echool shoes,
tuackintofhes and rubber goods fine groceries and pro
riniorH in fact anything you want to wear or eat, is
The finest line of
loaKs! 5Ioa!s! loaKs!
All of the latest cut and of a superior class of goods,
Clothing! Clothing!
Direct from Chicago, and the most complete line
ever brought to Oregon City.
Mackintoshes and Rubber Goods
pine Groceries,
All fresh and of superior quality.
One Price to All And That the Lowest,
Oregon City Iron Works for all kinds of Machine
work and Casting.
To Traction Engines, Threshing Machines, Har
vesters, Mowers, Etc., promptly attended to.
Are equal to the lowest to be had in Portland.
Shop on Fifth St. near Main, Oregon City,
J. ROAKE, Prop.
Manufacturers ot and dealers In all styles of
Both rough and dressed for lawn and division fence, also
Hartman Steel Picket Fence,
And Wire Fanel Farm Fence, also Expanded Metal Fence.
Call and see Samples and get Prices.
Shop over Bestow's Sash & Door factory, Oregon City, Or.
Special Bills
Mill and Yard on the River, Foot of Main Street.
HENRY BOYER, Proprietor,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Fresli Beef, Mutton, Pork, Ham, Bacon and Lard.
lean you all the money you
want on improved farma at
the very lowest rates. Special
rates given on large loans.
No Building and Loan Asso
ciation but straight goods.
After thirty years residence
in Oregon City I feel safe in
refering to the public in general.
Cut to Orders