Oregon City hntcrprisc. KKIIUY, NOVKMIH It 1H, Wi. CHAT AHOUT TOWN. Mm, A, Merrill il I'oilluwl U vinitinu Itur ilminlilmn in to ii, TIiumi('uiiIimiiihiiK liiirrowhiK hIiuiiIiI MHirlHln Icrum u,nl y (!, o, f. Wllllmna. Oil NiivmiiImt IHIi ll,T, Klly u, I), C. Uluuri'ttit worn hihiIii(ihI nuliirlcn tmlilli' ty llin itovnriHir. V. II, IImw klna luujiint tnvl Inin lila iu't riMti- ( dm eurtnr of Jm If Kllll KIKl KltlVKIllll UllTVt, Aclilll(. lA)ifn K. 4 I', him iltvMml to ulvti mi liiviutimi inKiiinr4lu hull on rulny dvnnltiK iwmilliigNw Vnum, IUv, (i. W, tiiliuiii-y Iiwn tiinvnl to 1liliui on 1 1 m ixirtifr of Ninth ami Wnnhlinjl.Hi juDl iiimlu vacant liy Mr lUcb. Murk llnwnll' nw ruttHittf on !Uv milh atrwi liwtr Ji'frwwm iliwt In In cIimhhI, Wlmn ilmiti It mil l, viy nut ami cunvi'iiiiMit , L. W, lvl lm Uknii a Hwiilon with Hamilton & Wmilitiiirn, tlin I'mlt I'lar innrrlmtitii, mul will nolirit urih'ra for tlirro In tlilnelty, lt nlit til tWiiKHTai'V tlit ! tt'Ully clmitcM',1 HtcKiutir to I'ortUntl Ui all thtt ilt'ino r mi tlirru In rnllfylliK tlioir ll victory Itrv. W. I. M..lv will nolo Pnllm wt wttlt to nmtUl Ut, V, V, CroM in Miripa of nii'tnlnit tot lirld in Krv, t'ruan' cliurrh tlmrw. Mm. K. II. Clmriiian aunt a Ikji ol ImniWmni! Orrtfnn lluttor to frinml in 1 milium tlm other ilay, ju( to aliuw wlmt thin rltiun woulil irtliir in Nuveintx-r. T, I.. ('Itanium In liiiililiiig a aix-twil walk along the ct ilt uf lila lot on JfTiroii dtrirt, That atrwt In hwoiti liiij iitiltt tlioroiiKlifnrx fur w.ililraiiit. Tho O. C. T. I'o. U Iwt-wimt tirtvl wailing for the government to jlart light at the ('ln-kamaa ri!l, o linn ilni-el : llghta tlieie w hii'li they mam tu in at their on tl tHne. J, N, (iridium went un the river ye tenliiv with it erew tu hring il.iwn ill" Win. M. Hong which will mi I'nrlUii.l n. S.iIimii, He will act limtml ilt, J, M Taylor Ucollivutiiu utrawHerrieii fur Ttiiikglving Hint lot Home Hue HH'iiiil'ii in Ilia ui .Ion in keg, A lew iUt Htm-e he pi. ki'.l axuitQ meunming incheii ntunil. The ln.liei ol the rrrwtivlerimt ehurcli will give c'e Inir on Wvlitely even ing Novemher Si, nmler hliivety Im l in the ohl ice eremii rlom. K'i !lciit re(relinient mill g'l time. It coiiiie. tioii with the generul Tlmi'kh giving ilntner nt Hie ltiHit churi'h on Nov, !N, (.niiily tnhlen wilt tm pre .reil. Thiwe ilcniring nocli w ill ileJO confer with Mm. I'arker or Mr. H, W. l'orter. Hev, (I. I.ii-n eiH i to move to ("ui Iforniit early next wwk to Im'it'.e l halt IVrimiiiliiici, whero he will Ih hIuIIoikhI. Mr, I.nrmt linn mu le ninny warm frieml (luting lua aiay here an I they wlh hint I'alilornia'a minnieat anillea In hla new home. The imlille are anxioualy waiting for demon! rat ion on the part of Meade I'oet. No. 2, (i. A. U., w hlch will call that Wly out for parada ao that they can to een In line of march with tho-w cane flrtga, of which this meniliera are quite proud, flying In the lreee. T, L. Charman ha very neat cement walk completed from hia hand mime realdenoe down to the new atone fence which lie la having placed around hia premie". He av that he delayed building hln fence to determine w hetltor he could erect a neat atone fence or would reipiire a 10-foot hoard incloHiire, There will he meeting of the Heading Itoom AaiH ialloit on Hatuidny evening next at Ho'i lock at their roon, uiinilii the l.lvermoie, for the election of ollicera and mil li other liuninnwt mav come up, All lntirelei In the enterprl are invited. The iiieeling of laat Tlillinduy evening wan adjourned to get out a fuller attendance. A. ll. 1'utrow who haa lor 54 year hi'eii working In woolen mill and who for the lat twenty odd haa tieon con nected with the mill In thl city a hoa in one of the department, haa retired audi putting in hi time ahout hia pleiiKant hoiiMi and ground. I'rof (I II. and Mr. iMniii closed uix-enaful elgliMnolith term of achiMil on the Wet Hide hixl Krlilay and on Mon dny went to Mink where both have an engagement for the winter, ('apt. J T. Apperaoii went to Halein TiM-ailay to atiend a iiiiwtlngof the agri cultural aoclety and wa honored by re election to the prealdeucy. liev. Thoiuaa Ilovd of I'ortland will preach at the 1'reahyterian cliurcli of tin city on next Holiday morning and evening. That winter art-tie arranged In C. (i, Hiiiitley't aliow window la tuatily gotten upandliaald to he the work of Hunt ley' "MJtige man" In the other window, K. I'. Hand jr. ami II. A. Hand left on the Monday afternoon tram for 1'oient drove where they wilt atiend the I'ai illt' I'nlvernily during the winter. Senator F, A. lUncioftof Multnainiih county waaiu tau ytwterday confeiring with our Icgialatora relative to deaired Itglablloii the coming aeaaioti. The party who ttaik ilk timl.-rella front the Pu !))teilii church Nov. t) I leapectfiilly Invited to return the aame without delay and ave publicity. ('. McMillan, recently of I'ortland ha ii-iifil up a neat gnaery tture In the building tin aide ui Mra. Iliirmeiater'a old ataml. Mra. L, N, (iallp and daughter of Kockford, Illinoia, were the gueata ol Key. (i W. l'arkcr'a family thl week. Mian Hum u i ii ii the ipulitr caxhiei U'.tl ht mouth to date from Nov. 1 at the llnvion atoie, hit bt-i-u nl home aevcral dava au k. THE COUNTY COURTJ amount of exponae lnciirre(i ordered drawn. . J IB. Warrant for W ordered drawn JH'XKKOI'N IIOAKH A('(i:'TKI AM)'n'v"r"f Wm.4o.ie for clearing and (I It 1) Kit Kit ll!'i:.l,l). in. ii oi ll, l Mi l.aijgiilin et al lor the improvement of the mad In dialrict Nn. 1 omaidereil. It appearing that the mini of I2'i.'i Inul Ih-cii h.lIiI into the I county treaaury by the atilioner to aid In proposed iuiiroveiiieiit and the fin In the matter of the Muunke road, , thur ., of ,75 1(1 ,B,M,r ,1(ivin( ,, Tim Tmiliilln llildge ( mpleled-r M ailu l lihlle hi IM.Irlct ti. .' -Illll Alluweil. 1 reMirt of viewer and remonalraiice filed J. H, Itlaley, Frank Jaggar ami (.., j. llahcia k aixinlinl appralaer of dama ge, to meet at Aurora on Wednesday, Nov, IV) at 10 o'clock a. m. Kxii incurred .M.10 2. lteM)rt of viewer of the Oregon City ami Apiwtrnon mad filed, approved and road ordered 0ned. F.xpenae Inclined fUl 40. 3. Iteport of Fldney Hmytli, iiierin tendaut of the Tualatin bridge, recom mending acceptance approved, and war rant ordered drawn In favor of the Pacluc llridge comnany for 4:M0, the coat of bridge and approachea 4. Proposition of the Portland Water committee to pay 40 ier cent of the cost of a bridge acroa the Handy providing aid bridge dia not coat to exceed $WKX) wa accepted theie being a strung peti tion from resident householders lor such action and the clerk waa authorized to advertise for bid tu be opened Dec. 8, IHltt. ft. J. W. Itorr sujiervlaor ol road district No. o4 reported toe preBeriee of Canada thistle In that district and A. II. Manpium wa appointed commisnioner ! to extirpate the thiatle In accordance with an act of the legislature. 6. lteort of county Judge on the im- i provemeut of the Hoon' Ferry roul ' approved ami V aiimpriated tu con tinue said work which shall to done ' under the iiervision of the road atiper- ' visor. 7. Application of Co for aid to , maintain company ami help defray ex jietntee of the same granted, and clerk I unified to draw a warrant for $i the Unit of each month beginning w ith No- vemher. J H. The allowance for the maintain ' ance of Itotiert Foster was mcreaaed to J. W. n. R6DHOUS6, atchmaker & Jeweler. contributed, it wa ordered that there be apropriated the further auui of IViH to lie exeiidcd under the direction of It. H. .Mcl.autihlin, the total expttnee not toexceetl f 710. 20. Ordered relative to the Hock Creek bridge, that Upon the tiling of the favorable report of the iiperiiitendeul of construction, Commissioner Hair, the clerk shall draw a warrant for t'!U7 in favor of I m, Beott, the contractor, 21. It piearing from the report of J. W. Koot siiirvisor of road district No. 3 that there had been exK-nded under hi diiection the aum of I4-1K.M In excess of the road tax and to prose cute the work being presented there wa epprnpria'ed the aum of $100 to to ex pended under the direction of J. W, Kooli. 22. Iteport of W, W. Irwin on Im provement of Oakley Hill road approved and exMtne warrant for $1(12.72 ordered drawn. 23. In the matter of submitting to the circuit court without controversy the claim of W. T. W'.itloeg it wa ordered that the clerk in behalf of the county certify to the court a statement of facts relative to the claim. 24 HheritT autnoriiod to accept from J. K Holm til in full payment of taxes on lot in Kellwood, it appearing that aid Holm did not own the property aaseseo for the balance of the tax at the time of the assessment. 2.1. Milage and per diem allowed as follows: C. Hair four day and twenty eight miles $14. HO; H Hcott four day and eighteen mile $13 .80. The following bills were allowed ami warrant ordered drawn: I . Clerk ordcrtd to notify M. J. ! Snyder, sujiervisor of the road district The official icIUMi fur Oiegun are not yet in, hut the state I sitfely republican by about 7lKl plurality. Mra, CO. T. Williams is having her cottage at the corner of Central and lOih street neatly palnled. Itev, Hykea will preach al the West Hide church Holiday afternoon at 3 o'clock. ltnv, Alonii Itodgcr of Forest (irove will fill the Congregational pulpit Hun dny. Ileal etaie truiiKfcM liad tu Ixi omitted this week. They will appear next. Attorney J, W, liupcr was in Halein on Tuesilay on legnl liuiiut-ss, liev, Molltiy will preach at Oraham's church on Hundiiv at 3 p. m. To Eichssgt. For clly or iiibnrhan proiierty, a ranch of 425 acres near Salem, 2-'t) acre in cultivation, new buildings of all kinds ami line improvements, new agricultural machinery of every description, also stock, hay, grain, etc. F.verything nec essary for farming. The beet fruit land in the valley. Inquire of A. 8. Iiikbnkh, 41 Oiegon City, Or. Slum Lundry. The Troy Steam laundry, of Portland, ha opened an agency in Oregon City with F. A. Waddock at the postofllee confectionery and cigar eland, wltere bundles will to received and returned at Portland prices. All work guaran teed to be fl rat-class . Buy Your Wood. K. Parker la prepared to furnish dry fir wood in any part of town. Leave or der at F. T. Harlow', store. 4t at the l'per CUckamaa bridge of ' tiirw.utiiiMl itutit.r tu shUI tiri.ttt fi mil ! "f i ' " l I II ana their removal overhanging tree required. 10. Allowance for care of Margaret ' King Incrrastd to $S (sir month to dale j from N'ovemtor 1. i II. Heport of Judge Meldrum upon exienditure for statjoiHtry apjiroved, , and the aum of $M) armroprtaled to be ! emended in like uianiHr as required by ; future needs of the county. i 12, Pacific lltidge company ordered i to remove the ohl structure at the Upper Clackamaa bridge and cover with galva- ; nied iron the chords of the new bridge. ' The sum of $M allowed for removing old j '" !",,'-.h"11 p At Hi.ike hull rem , hriilgo ami )Kt cents per foot tor iron j m-ntity lirrirrfir rleeiinn I... . 1 JuiIk ami clerk ul elections ; iwiri iiit. i 13. Warrant for $4!S ! ordered ia i sued to Judge Meldrum to pay city ! sewer aseessuieiit. 14. II. II. Johnson and 1 W. Kin i nard aoinied to examine the property j map of Clackamas county and report on ! the same at the Iecenttsr term. (len F lltirton. rlerx'a tees..,, Hi.tnejr Hrayih. iirveyinx .. atttntoii. Pygrrt A t' . reeordi urexeuL'lty W ater vt'orka, court honne ril-ui- h n ilw.ti. bnard and med. atiend. St. ViinM-iir h.iftpltAl, care ol ptier (nt liiiwe1) tvis a) Janin Ijilillaw A Co , ma4 eipriiM. T Artniriii.r-d rx lmitalleweit) 13 15 (tU'lMutte Milt to. tiad exllive .... hmyllt...,,.. " ' ...... faer M J II Martin A na " Iiavii ami Anitiler M " W 1 lnn eiiun hi. me exprnM. 12 90 alluwetl f A Mewls, road eipeime J Jnueti A Hon. emirt lioiiKe rxpeuse . . . it H Ullrr. curl h,.ii! upturn K seott, rtal expense Wllwn A I'mikt, court bouse (i M 16 allowed . . W A Hmiiiry, court house rxpeuas . K Cltniileuuiiii, Jr.id expert .Mm tiae " Hardiif A Son ' We.tlall " " V W 4nisK. aherlfTi fee .. . Enterprise, prltiifnx and alalioiiery . JTKlllle road expense (VCntinell A ttlans. ptuper accouos . . . 11 J t.ivi"m..re,eleciiou expeuiie (not allowed ) H 0) H C I'uvls, wttuetKS ctretilt court K A Melnls, eleellou expene All Work Done on the Prem ises and Warranted for Twelve Months. Sut Lsfact ion G uaranteed ,. Watches Kegulated Free of Charge, No. 4, Commercial Hank Block, Oregon City, Orpgon. FURNITURE. See Our Complete & Elegant NEW STOCK Cash bought it low prices will sell it! Our Specialty To please our customer. Our aim To save money for our patrons. Our intention To do better by you than any one elm. CALL AND SEE US. RELLOMY - &-BUSCH. I lioie vi N MimkIv et al " w in Koop " Krank Jauaar Jury fee. Huter luuttcitt Kxu ittittc-Kt fwa, i ha Kurlln. SiaU' v r Ii tlruce K Mitchell 175 70 X! 5 M t'J 15 M 51 -,0 4 55 10 00 aa w tl w eo :h t n 1 to 7 KD t as 31 S5 ai ua X ( 107 V) tl m m 10 lu ur .ys to 2 "0 7 tt 2 It! lfft HO 7 'M 1,-ffl :0 It'. 53 711 6 (a) 75 80 75 t It 70 mmm & wm co. HEADQUARTERS FOR MitcMLSWagons, Open & Top Buggies, Carriages,. Ptotoiis, UUi M Carts, . i: ia-a v. ii i; ..a Thaaktgiviig Berricat. A I'nion Thanksgiving service will be hahl in the M K church. Oreiron Citv. 15. 0. V. Itentley apiMtinted to care v.... t r...u..t... at io.qii The sermon will be preaehed by Rev. lot I'alvin Harrington and the mim of $10 per month appropiiated to pay for the aame U. Wm. Oiboney. paator f the Presby terian elinri-b The eolleetinn taken nn It). A petition being presented for an , . : ; , ,a n, ..mlmn f.. tliA f.nlil.lu Imi.iu rt, I ..... as well as fruit and vegetables used us appropriation for the Uribble l'rairie and Molalla road in the Klinffer lane, and it appeuriitK' from the eertitleate of J. VV. Hmith Biitierviaor that the auni of $150 had lieen contributed by private sub scription and expended in improving the road, it mas ordered that $100 be ap propriated to lie expended under the direction of J. V. Smith. 17 P SI Diduo .t.wMnt.,1 natntTa , , i i . ,,) 11. Z. Hiirklmit for mai;iHlerial district No. 18, l . , , , , , , 1U ,, , , ... .,, ,, i fluvscitv bonds, school bonds, county 18. Report of W. It. feniitlt on the j ciy-wftrran ,, offlee 2-W Wasltin- improvement 01 tne mtjiiiaiHi roaa ap-. ton street, I'ortland. Residence, Jre. i proved and a warrant for $:!00.'.!3, the i Ron City. decoration. Notice. Parties indebted to the undersigned will please call promptly and settle either by cash or note. J. W. Norms, M.D. Oregon City, Nov. lfi, 18t2. 2t 10-9 tf AND EVERYTHING ON WHEELS. Largest stock and most complete assortment in the Northwest. Also, largest dealers in AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Farm, Dairy and Mill Machinery. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. MITCHELL-LEWIS & STAYER CO. New Market Block, Portland, Oregon. npijj If? 0 BOSTON-:-STORE! BOOTS I 1 it). Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions, Clothing Furnishing Goods, WE HAVE A FEW THINGS THIS WEEK TO OFFER VERY CHEAP. German Knitting Yarn lOe. pep Skein all Colors. We have taken all our clonks in prices from $5 to $7.50 nml ro lueml them to $;5.!).r your choice, and all from If 2.50 to $5 for ifl,S.r rootvi for Christmas goods, Toys, Etc. We nave a big bargain to otter to you wour chosee. Jackets! Jackets!! Wnrw.r nriiia 2.r0. ,150 to $7.50 at $2.!)") your choice an Ht.ot2 at l).rH',. your choice There are about 2 dozen we will Now we must sell these eloakes in oruer to make tholl iloso out tit f)Oo in DRESS GOODS. All our fancv ulads and stripes in Flannel ond Henrietta a former prices 28c, 35c and 50c. per yard at 25c. A very heavy piece of BLACK CLOAKING 1 yards wide, at We., worth if l.ou. An and extra fine BLACK LADIES' CLOTH worth $1.50 at 95c. per yard, I i yards wide. RED ALL WQOL FLANNEL, eztrau8ed to sell for $1 heavy twill 35c, a good quality at 29c, 270. and 25o. Ladies' Kid Gloves. First quality, undressed, very long, $1.35 worth $2. Ladies' Shoes. We have a lot of ladies' full stock calf shoes on hand which we 75 we have reduced to $1.25 for this sale. THE BOSTON TOME