V. Ls i vIWi M .10 VjU L i I 1 nionarv ronsumption. . The Duk brothers, tiivrg and THE ENTKRl'KISK rORKKM'OSW- rxrsswKKP tub hf.i.i. ans art t tat again in thirold home oh Mill orvk. They ar making shingles of I Up well known excellent quality Chrjnlhmmi ud Pumpllm, That ws a very pWasant and amvcs tul (iKlliorini! at tht Baptist cluuvli on Friday evening. Th andienot room was wtill tllloil by ttn apprtviativti Mr. J. V. Itatv.the etheient Ml cute "",' . i u Huliumm. keeper, U makinjr the usual autumn re-1 f '' ,f voniiu, ttrvatly enjuyed the moval baok to hi ranch, H baa been at-! following well executed exercises. ITOITR 0 RA STtrroan, Nov, a Klet-tion day Is over There were fe.rty-,evcn republican, forty democrats ami ten peoples party voles In ; flu-ted several with bilious fever but t' is (Tualatin) precinct, j i, convalescent. Henry Kmhase has put in an order at the j Cherry vilte polled l otes-republican Jahy mill for the timbers for a barn ! '.HI, democrat It, populist S, prohibition 2. 4x?i0lii. Station) is noted tor larjse Urns, j Mrs, Hammer continues in poor health. frank Pitman who was hurt by a lo ten j Oscar Starker is no belter- his strength days a!o is able to he around again, j still declining. 1 ,MKKti. Ceo. Saum is having his mill ard (traded, j Sir. Saumis a rustler. He started in as a j (ttwete Notes. f"7,r T 1 , 7 ' . , I ' H-Kvery republican was ! ,.. ..y um,m, mm ail Sloes, ms uaui j vm. mm,,( iUr)riw, w,.r,,1 tomg repeatedly wash away, and friends , (,f r,,,( ,il1K , M ..llrrah oeMi-ting linn; mil tacmg all ms lauutes lie is now the owner of a large mill whieh does paving business ami he is on the road to m CAN BY 1 I'KOONAM. Tableau The Floweret the Family Hesitation l'earl Mcldruin, olo Mis. K. K, William. Cornet .silo Neil Ibwa. earthly prosperity and happiness. Wk I ns. Ajneiiltiiral Cellece. J Coax Al l ;s, Nov, l'mf. John M, ItUvss, , l;te of Topeka. Kansas asstin e.1 his duties - preidei t of the aiii ieultura' c.vle,e ith : tl.eoet'in: of the fall term, and the school is already tivini; ti e t-eneftcent etlivt of his 1 W e tlirisltiotK New studies have Uett ' a Med and new systems a lopted which; g e.-itiy eii'ia'.iee the ,Hai;!y t f work done. Ttiert was risent-y or;aMieil a nip.inittg department hat tng tor it object the fc'iuling to each cotfity null nes cvmcernin); the Sv'.iOvd as will ! interestuij; to that section. A Clackamas (xuuity atudent is to rite oc t isionally for the KjiTKKt-Kisi;. There aie now 247 students enroll for t! e fall term, every county in the state ex cept four being represented. There are nine attending frm Clackamas county, tire ot w hom have appointments trom the county entitling them to free tuition. Three of these. Miss (trla Kohbins of Molatla, 8. V. C t-toof Cams, and lister M. Leland ol Cr eson City, have entered the printing de partment Aeoxnupanied tv A K Smitli. Vocal Solo Mra K. K. Channan t Kecitution McKelsey Thomaa j Tableau Sunriae, Noon, Sunset and; Mu) tticht. tor Harrison" yet as they don t despair lor, Kolloin the literary exeiciseaan! i the next tour year. L,li.,r,,,.,, .i.. ..i . I parlora where a l'rofusion of i'hrvsitiitln- j The furnace will start the first of next i : n oii.h. Superintendent ti'K-on Is in Vie- mums ot all shades ami varieties were Aro still soiling goods as low as any houso in tho State. Wo have not tho spaco to mention prices, 11 m , m a v s. iwr .mi; out wo wouia bo pleased to havo you can andox- amine our Stock. Wo aro confident that our MODE -:- OF -:- DOING -: BUSINESS ! gives us the advantago in buying as well as in selling toria, K, l . lookti'g atter the iron ore. , The family of W. is expect from i ' M i nnfl Wft riT t,w, 4-U U14- Tl.ev will reM.ie petn.a-'l,irfi'ti an eiatiorato and handsome CiV. WU hlVU UUi UUOtUlUUlD LUU UUUUUU. the east shui. ncntly in Oswego. John l'avts, who l ad li s 'oot severely burn by hot iron at the pipe foundry, is improving slow ly. Mrs. .1, C. lliiines, ha leen in t!ie si. k list (ttite a while, but is ouivalescent. laid Nelson ai d laniily aix- exjxvting to ix'turu Kast next u.outh tor Mr. NeSou s ' health. Mr, and Mrs. IX S. Hussar I s ent Sunday in Miiwimkie. j ISev, I'lapp has lieen holding a series of display, Owing to the late storm which , 'thresh many gsiidcn into tanglod ' massea, the exhibit wasa suipits and j exceedingly attractive, there Ixing not! less than ItHt varieties shown. The, judges had much ilitliculty in awarding! the prise owing to the ninny line ex-' htl'its. Their decision wa as follow; j Chrxanthemums First prine, easel! and picture Miss l.ouis Andrew ; second prio, swing with doll, Mis lKirotlivi meetings at the Congregational church, was assisted bv Kev, Jones. Mrs. Jennie Wooilrutf spent a few days with her sister in I'lai kauias last week. Mrs. Pausou of Cortland has orgauUevI a a class in music for the iiano and organ. She is an accomplish musician. He! Chase; third p.rie, chrysanthemum pillow, ixty-flve. varieties, Mr. S. H. Oaliff; iliininutivo display, F.iuory Noble, twenty-five cent, 1'umpkins lhwt ex hibit, W, K. Johiieun, Smallest pumpkin, Metta Finley. 25 rent Miss Mary 1'latt is visiting Mrs. Ike Aus-f tin. Trot. Seaman s danring s-IhhI Is pro-! igressing tinely. About twenty-five cou-j II. A. Andreas and Miss Kmma i ,w. P'e attend. mice, of Oregon Citv, will araduate at tbe Pwf- ln'. leader of the MctMH.li-ndoftheft-lioolvear. " ttan band is instructing the O. C. tind. A bulletin issued bv the botanist is being The Ml,e '" ive " "ertain- .ii.t iw j n,.,, .i.i;.. t ti.. ,iaia mem in tne near intare. who wish it. I'll election day the students were ae-c- rvl the privilege of voting for their fa orste candidate. In reg ilar style the bys a 1 girls pass b-foe the judge ami ci Tss to ueHVit tlieir ballots. I lie count stood, Harrison b. Cleveland f. Weaver,1, Eidwell ti. laterary work is now ma le ob igat ry on all students. Four societies have been O'ganii and are to compete for a prise ofter by the resident of the college. From Willsburf. iVtium im, Nov. 9. Our precinct went St or g for Harrison. Muddy Ijiue will he no more as the -co M.-s. A. V. Shipley left for Chicago last week. Mr. A. R. Shipley of Corvallis visit his old home in iswego hist v.eek. There was a wheelbarrow rule bet on I tie election lotukeplai e last Sunday. The r publican toik his heeiharrow to tlie tryst- ing place but the democratic hero, W. V Todd, fail to appear. The baud bovs will give a Thanksgiving night at Prossers's hall. All arc are invited. Thanksgiving will soon be here with roast turkey and pumpkin pie. Sl'CKKVt. The following are the name of the pupil who were neither tardy nor ab sent during the month cniuuiencing (Vtober Mill, and chwed November :!rj : Ko Hullml, Alma Homer, Ktifu Horner, Frank Kirk, Frank Nicholaa, Johnnie l.ee, Willie Ie, Alonio Tar ishi Ijiwrence Tarish, Charlie Mvera, Venia May Held ami Zona Mayfield TtN.NtK AMiSoi'KtK M vxnci.n, Teacher. We have just received a largo bill of Shoes bought at 34 their value and aro selling them accord ingly. All Sugars 50c. per 100 lbs cheaper than heretofore. Highest Price Paid For Country Produce. Carlton & Rosenkrans, CRNBY OREGON, HABKHIOl.ST & COMPANY, 1M Front Street. j HARDWARE I rortlaml, trrgon. lexier -IM.m.iiut. Nerlhwiru Aseut. fur ATKI1VS SAWS Une .. tlretit.nl TitnlWiHali . litiler lne- -i;or steel, titwt II Mm'.hly Ohvim.k, Nov. Sohaol Export. 4. The fullowing 1 W . - ' tll tlLl,..,.d ..f l,a.a ! 1 dam-e on ' "xliool during the pal motilli Uing I CrOSCOllt N eilgOS (warraiUotl.) HA S Proof CIlAUIS. neither absent nor tardy: Hoselvn Uob- Aroatlo Filt'. HojM. Crescent Ned Sannysiile Items. StxxifsinE, Nov. 17. Jasper Ivis and p'e got up asiilstnplion and sign fJOO i family who have been living at Harmony j ' d Multnomah county will give a like amount; thus enabling tbe supenrisor to grade and gravel it the full length. Win. Wills is building a neat lour-room house to rent near the school house on Willsburg height. Rev. G. A. Rookwood has measured oflT 1 0 feet sjare for a church site on the hill. The Willshurg and Sellwo electric sta tion was bum to the ground Monday n;ght at 11 :30. The old saw mill was fitted ui about one year ago by the East Portland Light 4 Power company, and was leas by I'. H. Johns sometime ago. The origin of the fire is not known but is supposed to have canght from the engine. Tbe loss is .about $3000. No insurance. W. Kink Doings. Mikk, Not. 6. While Rev. Staub of the Cernian Refomi church was picking pears he fell from the tree striking on bis head. He was nnconscious for a time but other wise not hurt. Henry Hornshnh return from Xapier Tiile, Illinois, where he was studying for the Dinistry. Sickness was the cause of his Coming bome. We hope the Oregon cli mate will bring back his good health. The new seats for our school house have arriv and improve its looks and we hoe the comfort of the scholars a hundred per cent. Born to the w ife of E. Gunther a daugh ter. Monk. Items from Seedy.' Needy, Nov. 8. Farmers are all busy plowing and getting ready for the rainy season. No reports of selling hops in our neigh borhood. Geo. F. Horton and family were visiting with J. B. Noe a week ago Sunday. Miss Bansdall was visiting fnends in this p!ace last Friday. School is progressing finely nnder the management of Prof. Winches and Katie Thompson. James Riley has leas the Jacob Koop farm for five years and bas set out a six acre hop yard . Jared Karstctter has also set out a small bop yard on the Jones Thompson place. Malosey. From Xaple Lane. Maple Lane, Nov. 15. D. Finn has left us and gone to Portland. The young people of Maple Lane have Organized a literary society which meets ever Saturday night. Last week we wrest led with " Married Life vs. Single." As two of the judges were married men the decis was, of course, in favor of married life. The literary part was very good though we expect to improve on it in future. The next question for discussion is " The In dian vs. the Negro.'' We have plans in op eration which we hope will result in secur ing an organ for the district. The ladies will give a dime sociable Wednesday eveu iig to start the ball rolling. Mr. Franklin is building a house on his place in the Walker canyon. A. Htrack and Frank Kellogg are cutting lot of wood on their places on a CXI cords contract. 0. 1. See. Cherryvtlle. CHKBBYvru-f, Nov. 12. Horry to learn that Henry Bebee of Sandy Eidge, but for- have mnv back on their farm Mrs. K. N. Sumner has gone to Dayton, Oregon, to spend the winter with herdaugh ter, Mrs. R. A. Morse. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Welch, Justin Welch and Mrs. Addie Coukling went to Front Dale Saturday to visit their sister, Mrs. K. Hickey. They returned Monday. Mrs. L. Heckinger took charge of the store during Mr. Welch's ahsein-e. Mrs. F. M. Sumner has been having a se vere time with inflammatory rheumatism. Mrs. (.'has. Moll has been quite ill, cans from a slight cut on her hand reuniting in blood poisoning which broke out in two places near her shoulder. B. Gage of St. Paul, Minnesota, is visiting his brother, Fred Gage, of this place. He intends to buy a part of his brother's farm and make his future home in Oregon. Mrs. 8. H. Christian has returned from Dayton where she had been spending the last few days. Mrs. Ella Coalson and family have moved back here to live. In the paper of two weeks ago there was a mistake about Mr. iiyfrs selling his farm; he was talking of selling but hadn't sold. Handy and Vicinity. Sasuy, Nov. 14. Bert Jonsrude, while training a wild horse near Pleasant Home, met with quite an accident. The animal became frighten and ran away, breaking his own leg and severely bruising the driver. John Forrester has his new house com pleted and will give a dance for the young folks next Thursday. The infant daughter of Ed. Audra died November 9, ag eight months. Salmon fishers are now reaping their har vest from the Sandy. George Hoffman caught fifty-sii in one night. H. Frey and family have moved to Port land where he will go into the poultry business. School Notes. Ohf.uon City, Nov. HI The literary soci ety met last Thursday evening instead of on Friday, Its regular tune for meeting. It is called the Philomathean society, the name meaning "lovers of learning." The new constitution and by-laws were discussed and adopted. The program consisted of a debate, read ing and two recitations. The debate on the question, Resolved, That all heathen Chi nese should beexpell, was decided in fa vor of the negative. New pupils are constantly corning in es pecially In the eighth grade, making it necessary to take some into the high school room. Pupil. bins, Albert Elliott, Hubert and Clyde Engle, EateHa ami Nora Criawell, Han nah and JAnnie Nelson. The following persona were vitlom at the school : Mr. Or White, Miw Ellie Bobbins ami Nora Elliott, ami Mr. T. B. Houler. Ansa Thompson, Teacher. Thmkigmng Froclaastios. "I do hereby appoint ThumJav, the 24th of November, aa a day of public thanksgiving to Almighty God to l ob served by tho people of this common wealth in return for his grett mercies." Sylvester 1'EXXOvtR, PyGiso. W, Mi Pkidk, Governor. Secretary of State. Boll of Hnor for District No. 23. Moi.ai.la, Nov. 7. Those who were neither absent nor tardy during the month of October are: Aurora Dickey, Maud Kastall, Victor Dickey, Carrie Baty, Lizaie Feyrer, Annie Feyrer, Frita Feyrer, Sam Kastall. Eloiva Mcllas, Teacher. Sewer Connect Ions. We are ready to make all sewer connec tions at the uniform price of 3.') cent per lineal foot for 4-inch connections and 40 cents for 6-inch, all complete. Apply immediately to 1'oi-e A Co. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Land Office at Oregon fltjr, Oregon.! Nnv IS. Isici j Niitlee U herehy Riven, that tho following named settler nan flled notice ol hl Intel il.ni to mskellnsl pru.il In support nf hlaelaltn, ami that il prool will be miole before the register snd receiver of the I'll He. I ritatei Ijhii) oilice at Oregon City, Oregon, on December 2, ln vis: Jefae ItHmmer. Homestead entry No.WXl, for the S. W. ot S E 14 snd 8. S. W. i He. 30, T. it ., K. ' K. tla mimes the following witue to prove his con tinuous rcKliience um ami oultlvmlnn of unlit land, vli-C. K, Resity, J. w. Ilesttv, II. W. pr ker, Chsrles Hhsoks, all of C'herryvllle. Clacka mas county, Oregon. J. T. Aitkkhon, Kegmter Loggt rs and Wtmil ('hopimrs S'cialtiiM, Oregon City Agont, WILSON 4 COOK NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Omca at Orcoon City. Oskoos,( Nov is. IW2. 1 Notice Is hereby given that the f allowing men named Mettler has I notice of )l Intention I Bought a Mim, I The Oregonian of Monday reKrts the buying of a mine in Lower California by the Oregon Iron ami Steel company and saya : The company baa been searching lor two years for a mine, and has at last de cured just what It wanted. It Issituat about 131) mile south ol San Diego, on , the coast of Lower California, in Mex j ico The mine ia a short distam e from i the Wach ami aliotit .'tis) feet alsive the (water. The ore, which is equal to any j ! in the world, yields lio per cent ol mg : uetic iron, is free of phosphorus and ad i mirably suited for the maiiiifiictutit of I Bessemer steel. Tho vein is. alout It) feet thick and crop out lor a tlis'ance of 1200 feet. The purchase covers 6. acres. 1 ho deeds were made in Span ish, according to the code Napoleon, and are ornamented with revenue stamps to tbs amount ol $4M. The Tepuatete Iron Company, which was or ganized here a few days sinco, with a capital ol fiOO.OOO, will construct a wharf ' and railroad about a mile long to the proierty, with large ore hunkers near the shaft. .There will bo no need for much mining for a while, aa there are 100,000 ton of ore on the dump. The ore is equal to any found in the Lake Superior region, Spain, Cuba or anywhere, and it is convenient lor shlj meiit, and cheap transportation ny wa ter is assured. The ore used in making lieBHcmer ateel in Pennsylvania is brought by rail from the Lake Superior region at heavy expense on account of cheat) luel in Pennsylvania. The com pany lias an unlimited supply of the liest and clieaHMt luel, charcoal, at Os wego, and can get ore shipped by water much cheaper thnn by land. The securing of this mine will give a great impetus to the iron works utOa wego, aa they can now make any grade of Iron desired, and will no doubt before long put in a plant fur the manufacture of steel. The furnace at Oswego is the P0PE& CO. Thli old ami reliable firm alway keep In tock full line ol Heavy, M aiii lifactai MWOPQ fPillWQPQ Dtp ! lmiunuiu, imiiaiu, uiu. Plumbing, Gas Fitting & Jobbing Attended to Promptly. lis timatcs Furnished. OREGON CITY OREGON Cnrrlnsville Items. Cubbiksvili.e, Nov. 9. A force of nine men is at work on the new Clackamas bridge. T. ire man has taken up land near Cherry- ville. He will leave this neighborhood and remove his family to that place noon. Borne new seats have been added to the school bouse, thereby relieving the over crowded condition that has heretofore pre vailed. The Eagle creek bridge near Linn's mill is in coarse of repair. An Epworth league with a membership of thirteen was organized at Cavanaugh cbapel last Sunday. to make dual proof In support of hla claim, and that said proof will be rnaile before the reglnter and receiver ot the United Htatea Laud Office at Oregon City, Oregon, on OecemberW, HWi, yls; Joneoh Paachal. il t u ?iy "' ' ""'""'' w Usee, only active one on the coast; the pipe . . . ... ... ..niii.n.u liMKJWHIg Wll- nee to prove his continuoini renlilenee upon and cultivation ot nM land., viz: Joieiih Lira hart, M. W. Griffith, Thomas McKabe. Henry Koch, hII of Handy, CUekamioi county, Orcgnu. 11;1H-I2;!j J. T. Aei-KiisoN, Keglnter. NOTICE TO BKIIXiK Ilt'II.DKItH, Notice In hereby given, that sealed kids will be received In the office of the eoumyelerk of Clackamas county up to 1 o'clock p. m., Ileeem ber 8, ISW, for the construction of a bridge across Sandy river on the Hiirriek road In said county. Plain, specifications and diagrams to be furnished by bidder. A deposit of 5 percent of bid required. The county maervos the right to reject any and all bids. 'A O so. f. Horton, Clerk. foundry is the only one on this coast, and probably before long there will lie there the otilv atel works on tho coast. Letter List. The following Is the list of letters remain ing in the postoHlcent Oregon Citv, Oregon, November 17, Wr2: Anderson, W K Campbell, Mr J in le Angelo, Wm ( lark, Kaceti Helen, John Hutchinson, Mrs liaker, llenrv Hinlih, Mrs Mary Maker. Miss lluttie J Walkins, J H if culled lor, please ssy when advertised. E. M. Has lis, p. M. F. W. MILLER, Sssis, -Trees, -Bis. - rate. j AJLUUMJ JJU1UU Poultry and Bee Supplies, Etc., Etc. X"7X SECOND STREET, PORTLAND OREGON. SE3STJ3 FOR CATALOGUE. P. WTNKSKT. . r, Nciiipruui, UiaPowdeK WINKSET Si SCIUl'TlHlli, UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS. Largest stock of Collins and Caskets kept Mouth of Portland. Also cloth covered and Metallic Caskets furnished to order. Ladies Ilurial Kobe nml limit' Hurial Kobe In stock Also Wagon and Carriage Making, Horso Shooing and Gen eral Blacksrnithing on short notice. The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Sundard, pmmm (SOOTHING I IpowdersI ' CHItDHf M CUHING TEETH fl NOBLETT'S STABLES. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECON CITY. BRIDGE AND tOCATEU vravi imsi KKMEVH FEVBIIIHH HEAT, j-uevknt FITS, CONVULSIONS, o. PREHltRVK A HKALTUY STATE OF Tn CON STITUTION DURlNtt PERIOD OF TEETHINO. Ses that th words "JOHIt STEEDMAB, Cham, iat, Walworth, flamy," ara angraved on Um uovornment Stamp afflud to .acta packet. M-Sold bj all Leadlug Druggist. BKTWKKN THE DKI'OT. Double and Singlo RigH, and sad dle homea always on hand at the Iowob prices. A oorrall connected with the barn for loose stock. Information rdKardinii anv kind ol titock promptly attandod to by person or letter, Horses Bought and Sold.