4 g on City Enterprise. Ore VOL 27. NO. a. OISKdON CITY, OKKCJON, FKIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1802. established iscc. t'AIIKV JullNsuN, WVK.lt. t'uriiar Kljlil ii .t Vain tnrla, tirrmi City, urvgiMt. liKAI.KsTAIKTOHKI.I. AMI .VltlNKY TO LOAN. t, a mm hmu na , t r. rnwtKH, "J JIHH KKMIIItH'tlll ('(IWIMI, A'lTOMNXY A1 I.AW. All I'm In! I'. H .aiil Officii II ktelalty. nifte. nmom Kami iii, I' it laml urTica IkiIMHK, OUKiinN I'llV.- .... i rrin J I.H11KHI1, ATTORNEY AT I.AW amati-ta r.itint riKMinm. Utrio two tliMirt alHiva iHut.ifllre, ori'Muit I'll f O T Mil I lAkl. V, . UfcAl, 'tATa AM l.tl.t AKl- N I', I'W'lil) ul iiiiiiii1)' to nil llic Hunt (ainraMti U ma. A Kmut lllipol liti.tiw.., ttt.liUtirv ami ttit,itrlaii rt.....rl. Kami I'M'I'orljf iH tfai U In .nit I'll It'll:. l'nrMlMitnli'lHH l'nllliily aik,,nl. I0 le, Hon it.Kir t' t . !! iluiiilrjr .1m .Mi.' 1 II HYK, ATTORNEY ASH Cul NsKl.dt! AT I.AW tlltlin mr tiii'CuU Clljr Hank, naums i i,r. - imuux J I' II rtlll II. PHYSICIAN AND M'lilH'MN, 1'aglu free, - Ortgiui 1 i A U C I.AHM ItKI I ATTORNEYS AND ('ol'N'sEl.oliS AT LAW mai! sraKKT. imnnm I tTV, llNKUilX. pi.riil-i iiafraric "I l"t!o, Ijii Mousy, fure flu.. M'ttf a", aii't Oaliaai't llnirrrnl Ijtm )liilftr. J K Kiwi. ATTORNEY AT I.AW. W 114. I'inn m Ail Valium i twi UaJ Kalal n4 Imunnn. t)ffl oil Main HiiiM-i, wi. suih and teiiih, iiaminii mv, im. 11 a. HAM. J yoTAitY rnu ir, rem. estate a INM'KANCK. 1 1 IT. no iii llio l'"l oWo liiliii, ici-smi city. unKnu. i W CI sli'K, M. It E. E- WILLIHMS, W H 0 L E S A L i E :r : NEW STOCK. - Hurst's Buckwheat, -:- -:- Maple Syrups Raisins, Figs, Dates and Apple Cider. WE WILL HAVE SOME FINE DRESSED CHICKENS FOR THANKSCI VING. T I i Y A CAN OF English Plum Pudding, Put Up in One Pound Cans. A N D R E T A I ALL DEMOCRATIC. LnfpHt ItfluniN Confirm Karlicr Iteport. (J. I'liYM' IAN AM M'ISiiKt'S. jljllo ill f nftlallil.J omo Willi if.M.(llic Aurnra. tirrgmi "liv II. M'HtlllAltl'T. BROKER. LIUKH NICtMITIATKII. City and County Warrants laiaglit. INSt'HAKt'K ANlTltKAI. KHTATK. tittle. In (iit..lllr bullillnc (irafuti Cltf Or fj'iioH. r. jiyan, HKAL KHTATK AND IKMUKANi K. rhnlrt I'ltv. rm alii Hnburlian prniwnif for al, t:jiyfl't.roiiinr wurrmiU ami awrurl itlea of ail klinlt ImilKhl anal anlil Tain pant ml biialnraa ill itvnry d rtitliiu IIuihIihI In inr niiu-malilvnla. , omco up atalra III bttlltllinmirlh ( pnalnBo. 1 It IIAYKH, ATTOKNKY AT I.AW, OniuuM CITY, OmuoH Will praiilli'n In all Mm cmwla ol Die alattv Ottivv. ciirtiiif Haiti ami Kllivli airtwu. iioii Oultrl liollae , II n. I'. IIKUWMKI.I.. . hKltaHKK. TKOWNKJ.I, A HKKSHKU ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OIllllKill CIT. OKIIIOH. Will iirantlw III all lltti r.oil o llm Halo. 01 ln. mm Umir to CsiilteM Hontli'y tlrtig tors. rpilE CONMKIttMAL BANK, OF UKKUUM CITY. ipiul, m,m THil TA ORNXttAL BAamimi UtalNKai. I.oam maAii. Hill (llanou iit1. UaltM rnl ItuMlnna. Huva anil anlla iliatin imi all pnliita lit tlm I'ullpn Klulfii, Kuni ami IIiiuk koiik. lliiiimltn riHMU"'d aiilijwt l I'bwk Iiilonnil at aaual rain nttwi"l ou lw l'xll. Hank in-ii (rum a. . to 4 r. at. UatiinUy vtiliii Irom Ho 7 t. H. O 0. LATOltKKTTI!, Priairt(nt, . ,. II UUiALl)a(lJ. Caihlar ANK OF ORBtWN CITV. ' oiliest kmn Mn la it cm. Faliyp Capital, M,(K. rnKalHRNT, vu: rHxaitiEHT, (AllHIItM. JAMAUIIII. tmiii. tmanAH. ail). A, HABhlNU. . 0 CAttrtKI.D OHAtLII H. CAOrilLU. lit bmlnem traimanUui, A ftoilorikl titiiklnjt bmlnem tranaac lMnnaltt iNiied iiMiioi tn check. Aiiirnvil ullla ami uotm (llaoiinnttid. Count) anil Hy wartanU bnuRlit. Lnana avle on available loourity. Kitnliaug boimllt anil aolil. Onlltwtlaof ail promptly. liralta anM ivallanle In any part of th worlil. Tclagraphlc inliangei old on Portland, Han f ranolmvi, Ohli'MJKun' Naw York, Intarcat !l I on time (IviMwIta. ub Ar.uu oi THE U)KDONCHEQlIK BANK. THE GROCER- SEVENTH STREET DRUG STORE. DR. L. M. ANDflCWS, Prop. A Full Lino cf Fresh Drugs and Medicines. Ptttont Mtiillr.inort of all M.tkeH, Notions, Optical Goods Full Slock Of M.v.hina Oils. Quit and Cheapest. Fino ri'l(ftiuiM)f IVrfiiiiii-ry and Toilet Snaps. Ami Ix-ad-ng I'.iiiihIh of ' ifjr:i . IMII'.M'lllfl tttv t llll I I.I.V I Klilvclv' Ijlm'k. ...... Oirfiin Cilv. Or. KiUtilUtwtl In IftA A live, jiriMltriU rhi-nj, forMj kmio thrtiU(bon( tUo Tirlfic NorlhwtfL DlPANTMKNTtl utn, ihorihtoda TynrMtn. nmanhtu, f ngtlsh, Ojwt. il ihtt year; tin vm(tmi, n trrtn tirtMnituiir. Htmlmu tlnttttrd t ny tim. raulogu fr. THE Oregon City Sash and Door Co. i'lirry ihu Larpttt Stock of Sash, Poors, IIinds, Mouldings, Etc. In Ongon City. Hrinl tfii'H (if I)tHirH nml WiutlowK nuitlt' to uriltT. Turning of all kimfc Estimates for Stair Work and Storo Fronts r-'urtiiriiMMl on Bilifiition. Jtuil(lrt. give tin u call, and hcc if our work .H lint nf tlit fitit, itntl our jiriffr! an low hh tlm lowertt. Priit Lint rHnt on uiilirttitiii. Factory, Cor. Main and Uth Sta.. Oregon City. STOVES, TIN & HOLLOW WARE. All Kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Work Promptly Done. PLUMBING AND GENERAL JOBBING TO ORDER. Mhof n Mill t-. near IrMit, prgon Vlty. llranrh si Oiiwogo. M. HOSF0RD, The CANBY MERCHANT, Solid all rooiIh at a living prioo. Flour and korosone not given away in unity to catoh your trado and thrn even tin on liighor pritw on other g(H)dn. Nono 15ut First Chtss Goods Carried. Tricon an low as can bo had in the oounty. Time given to renuonniblo part ion. LUMBER. OrdiTH filled for rough or drowned lumbor, all first class, at bed rook jirioos, retail or carload hits. J. JONES & SON, DEALER IN Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cablnot Work, Fitting up Stores and Repairing of all kinds. Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed. miCKM TlIK I.OWKNT. Shop earner Fourth and Water utroetB. buck of Pope A Co, Oregon City Rupture, Asthma and Piles. DR'SSHIMP&HOUSER, Specialists in the treatrhont of all fohns of Chronic, Catarrhal, Nervous . i ' , ' i -. and Foinale Disoasos. .... Twenty (20) Years Experience in Medicine, Surgery and Electricity, . All curable cases guaranteed. OtHce, 259 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. fJfCorrespondence Bolicited ( I tVU.AM) til i:i.K( TOKAL VOTtN A rlulid Hnuth and a l.llii-rnl Mice or tin .North It Thi lr I'urtliin. XV.V YOHk Nkw York, Nov. Ill Clminimn Carter, nf llie ri'iiitilicn naiiiiiml trommittofi. ai-nt tlie (iill.miiiK ti-livnim () I'rf ni.lonl HitrrliHin till ninrtiiiiK , "The rrtnrita alinw r nrc tli-ffatril by a iirimoiiiici-.l nmjurity. IMi-itt an only he ailrihulfil in a ri-aclinn nifainat the iinviecaivR jmlitifH o( the repuMIran liariy." Nkw Yuiik, Nnv. 10 TIib lu;et eli'r lion ri-liiriia ali.iw a plurality of -HiM') fur CloveUrnl in Nu York Ktnttt. ! VLIHIONT. j IIiirrion'H plurnlily in Vermont i alKiiit i'loit. ' 1IKIAKAHK. Wn vmoroN, Nov. . The total vole j of the "tali-, wild only two ililriit to j hear Irom Kivea (Tevvlaiitl U,2'M. II ai ri !i 17.i-L'. CTtsvelaml' iluialiiy if iM. j IMHANA. j In!iiaxai'oi.i, Nov. JO The ollii'ial j n-turtia have acarrely liegtin to come) ir ! jet. The unolll.ial rettirna fiom H ol , Vi eoiiiilica, ttilh the other foureMiiuutetl Kive Clevelanil ll.Jrtt plurality. N-tia-uteii ran yet lie given an to the total vole f the jieople'a or prohil.itioi tamliilaiea. iKMANAmua, Nov. 12. Senii-ofliria ti'turna fiom all connliea exiept on Kive Cl.Vflanil a plurality of K103 ; Craw fon I county, not rejiorteil. gave a ili'irocruti,i plurHtity of 1K3 in the taut election. Complete leninm mill ehow ilcmncralic plumlity of at out ttflX). j NKIIMAgkA. ; Omaha, Nov. 10 The Harrion lelt'itoig have uniloulited'y carried Ne j hrmka by alibnt 2-"f 0 plurality ovei Weaver, Crotinae, (tovemnr, and the 1 wltofe n'pijlilican stale ticket U elected ' hy I2.0IM pltiralily over Van Wyck, of 1 1 he ieoplea party. j MINNKKOTA. 8t. I'ai I., Nov, 9 Minnefota hue eiiuHcii all of the nine llurrimn electors j five by 1(1,1100 and four by 8000. The ; fuaiuii electora actually ran tiehind the democratic electora in St. Paul and Minneapolia. Sr. 1'aii,, Nov. 10. from returns re' ceived up to II o'clock tonight the Cilolie flKOrcs that the Minnefota conKresnional delegation will consist of four rebtibli cans, two democrat and one populist IOWA Pes Moinkk, Nov. 10. CongreHaional election itives ten republicans and one democrat in the second. No pluralities can lie given on representatives. Iks Moisks, Nov. 11. Finures from the congressional districts show republi can were elected in the 1st. 3d, 41b, bth 6th, "lh, 8th, mh, 10th a..d 11th. Hissorai. Kansas City, Nov. SV-Indications are that the republicans have elected congressmen in Kansas in the first, second, fourth and seventh districts and at large. Fusionists have carried the llf'.h and sixth districts. The third district is in doubt, witli chances in favor of Hudson, fusion. The legislature will probably be fusion by a small majority. WYOMINO. Cjikyknnk, Nov. 9 It will require tho official count to decide if Wyoming is for Harrison or Weaver. The major ity will not be 100 either way. Chair man Vandeveleer, of the republican stnto committee, has conceded the election of Osborne for governor, and Clarke for supreme judge, CoLiMiti's, Nov. 12. The republican state committee received ollioiul returns from Hamilton county at midnight, which are the last to be heard from. It shows a gain over estimates for Taylor, republican, for secretary of state of 79 and makes his plurality in the state 1.054. Plurality for the republican electors is 872. Younotown, Nov. 12. The Falcon Iron and Nail Company, which has been engaged In putting in the foundation for a large tin-plate plant at Nilen, 0., has de cided to complete the work already laid out, but will riot finish the improvements until tha policy of the democratic ad ministration is determined. If favora ble to the tin-plate industry the works will be started, otherwise it will be changed to some other industry. .. KANSAS. Toi'kka, Nov, 12. Chairman Simpson of the republican state committee issued a bulletin this afternoon conceding the election of Lewelling, the entire popu- I list atntu ticket, and a majority uf legia littive raiidiiliiliit. Wichita, Nov. 0 Jerry Kimpson was j re-elected to coiiKrens lit the seventh Katiaas district. wiwonsist. Mil.WArKKB, Nov. 11 Corrected re turns received today from all but five counties, taking the republican claims of tliciie counties, show Ihat Cleveland and Peck have carried Wisconsin by a little over. TOO plurality. The official count will not change these Azores materially. MKrHit r or ioi.imhia. Wasiiisotok, Nov. II. The demo, crats are claiming they will have a ma jority over both the republican and teo pie's party in the senate ol four votes. They cluiiK the late returns gave them the Montana, Wyoming, Calilurnia and Colorado legislatures, and tlmt the eo p!'s party bus carried tin- legmliitute of Kansas. MAsiiixii-rost, .ov. rremili-nt liar- ; camp lign committee. limey hu t iin,n nii.in.iiiiii. pun. i,; nun.-.-, mi- heen riurgHi with givmir out tl.e seen-1 a morning us It nothing hail happened iiti'l Si-emeil the liM.it disturbed of anv- hefora Cleveland is inaugurate 1. as he has often declared that Cleveland aiiouid never have an opportunity to appoii.t his succeswr. In that case it is probu ble that a Justice will be selected from the Pacific Coast, and Senator Dolph, of Oregon, is the man most prominently mentioned in this connection. The president', plans are now j.rt-tty well formed, and it can be staleO authen tically that when tie goes out of tl e White House on the 4th of March he w ill return directly to Indiana, and tuke up his old home at Indianapolis and re sume again the practice ol law. Mis. McKee and the president's grandchil dren will also make their residence in that city. Bockleti Jtrrj'i riot. ToPfcKA, Nov. l.'J. The binge.! Seiis tion connected witli the late K !.-., ' cami'iiigu Wits made public today. It is ja public confession by L. r. Haivev, I as?i!.tiit secretary of the people's pai ty of the coiiiiniitee, arid to defeiid hiniM-.f expofo.l a plot, arranged iiiToneka. In lsly around the While lloiife. A I have an attempt made lu pkiiai (riend said he would lay down the cares of ollice w ithout a Mhgle perHorial re gret, ile.declined to talk to reporters alsiiit the result . Jerry Simpson. Harvev says the parties to the scheiiiC ere W. C. Jones, chai. main of the democratic state commiltee. ; llriedenlhal, chairman of the ieople'a party, and Jerry Simpson. Tlie object was to create sympathy for Simpson and aid his election. EM. I AMI. I.i.vnoN, Nov. 11 A numls-r of Wi'Mi tin-plalH nianulacturers, whoeei works are closed, are giving notice of a resumption ol work. The news of the letiMH-ratic victory is received with great ' iiatisfitciion i the iron and tin-plale' uianulHcturiiig districts ol (ireat Britain. I TKXAS (ialveston, Nov. 11. rtill returns I rom the state confirm tne election of I ifog by Irom TiO.OOO to 75,000 plurality. The next legislature, ImjIIi wnute me deiiKXTaiic. A Lsrg. Stumiliip. i Nkw Yokk, Nov. 14. Il is asserted ! tlmt the White Star steamship line has i srluallv let a contiact.to a ehii-builil- j ing firm of P.elftist, Ireland, for a steam-; er to lie antlv tlMlii.,! tlie (litiuntie a Iti.'li 1 i. i. ,i i i i tiied, atid Fourth avenue was in a wild o ... i."v iniK.:. ui.u i uinu tricui.irii .. .. Baloom Opcaed U Iisui. Fort Scott. Nov. 12. The victory of the constitutioi al amendment prop osition in this county was assured yester day and simultaneously several euloona opened in this city. I'abiaet Prdicuoa. Ciiicaoo, IIL, Nov. 12. The Henl.l ;aay William C. Whitnev will be Clev. house and J Uml-, secretary of slate and Oo. W. Cable of Illinois, secretary of the navy. K:ot at Hoirnn-ad, HoMrSTKAO. Nov. 13 Not since the , famous tjii of Julv have bullets been ! plentiiiil as this aliernoon. Inside i f twenty minutes over fifty shots wertj Great Eastern. The new vessel is to be 700 feet long, which is 2,) feet in excess of the Great Eastern. 10 Th Vot. by Btatet. The following table shows how the vote will stand in the electoral college, according to the latest intelligence. Dcm. Hep. Pop Alabama 11 Arkansas 8 California 8 Colorado 4 Connecticut 6 Delaware 3 Florida 4 Georgia 13 Idaho Illinois .24 ludiana 15 Iowa Kansas Kentucky 13 LouUiana 8 Maine ! Maryland 8 Massachusetts Michigan 6 Minnesota Mississippi 9 Missouri 17 Montana Nebraska Nevada. New Hampshire New Jersev 10 New York 30 North Carolina .'.11 North Dakota Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina 9 South Dakota Tennessee 12 Texas 15 Vermont Virginia 12 Washington West Virginia 6 Wisconsin 12 Wyoming 13 6 15 8 9 23 4 32 4 Total... 277 144 28 Th. Fint Cabinet Slats. The cabinet slate generally figured out by tlie politicians was: Secretary of state, Thomas F. Bayard. Secretary of the treasury, John L. Mitchell, orex-Postmaster-General Vilas. Secretary of the navy, William C. Whitney. . Secretary of war, W. P. Franklin, of New Hampshire. ' Secretary of the interior, Isaac P. Gray, of Indiana. Attorney-general, Representative Will iam L. Wileoo, of West Virginia, or Representative Culbert, of Texas. , Postmaster-general, Don M. Dickinson. Aiiooiat. Initio. FLUi U BUm. ' Wasiunotok, Nov. 9. It is believed that Associate Justice Fields will retire I slate of panic and disoider. Rumors j wer plentiful of erons being wniinde.! j and killed, but the only ones seiiousiy j hurt apparertlv are three strikers Mc- Fadden, Junes and PrilcharJ, all of whom have flesh wounds. Three negroes weie also badly beaten. About 4 o'clock this afternoon two colored men, whowoikin the mill, weie met by a striker and after some words, the latter j knocked one of them down. With j characteistic suddenness about twenty persons assembled in a few minutes. Beth negroes fought bard, but stones began to fly, and thev were being bested, w hen one drew a revolver and opened fire. By this time fully 500 persona were on the slieet, and a panic was started. Three men knocked down the second negro and when he arose he had two revolvers in his bands. He started to run, shooting backwards over bis j shoulders in a wild manner. This out break was the signal for a general out break which was only avoided by tlie prompt action of officers. Baking Powder Ltgiil.tiaa. The use of alum and ammonia in bak ing powders has been carried to such an enormous extent by unscrupulous manu tacturers, anxious either to swell their profits or to cater to the demand for cheap goods, regardless of the stomach of the consumer, that bills have been in troduced during the past year in the legislatures of many states, among which are New York, Minnesota, Illinois, Georgia, Florida, etc., requiring uch inferior articles to be distinctly labeled. Boards of Health and Food Commis sions in many cities and and states have beeu occupied with the same problem, and in many instances have published lists of powders containing alum or am monia, so that the public may avoid them. Following is a partial list of such powders: Royal, Calumet, Her cules, Taylor's Ore Spoon and Forest City. Let every enfeebled woman know it ! There's a medicine that'll cure her, and the proof's positive! Here's the proof if it doesn't do yott Hood within reasonable time, report the fact to its makers and get your money back without a word hut voti won't do it! The remedy is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and it has proved itself the right remedy in nearly everv case ol female weakness. . It is not a "miracle. It won't cure everything but it has done more to build up tired, enfeebled and broken-down women than any other medicine known. Where'a the woman who's not ready for il? All that we've to do is to get the news to her. Tte medicine will do the rest. Wanted a Women. First to know it Second to use it. Third to be cured by it. The one comes of the other. The seat of sick headache is not in the brain. Regulate the stomach and you euro it. Dr. Pierce's Pellets are the Lit tle Regulators. Only 25 cents a vial. . , The latest in visiting cards at the En tkbpkisk Okfici. Prices to suit you.