PLANT OIIOWTH OY EUCTniC LIQHT. rr.if..rllll.1i'ir.,i.rlm.iin wllli r.l.e. ll uu l...r I'l. Rplnmli, Mo. At th Cornell iHriniit atallim, ltliara, N. V., in tlio wmlorof Hull -HO, a finvhiK Imiim wan .llvldnl Into two com- .i NORMAL VrtNAI'll I'l. NT. Jmrtini'iitn. mul unit waa trrHtv to onll nary cmiillilitua atuillKht by ily mul ilarkncaa liy nluht-miit tint othrr ami lllit liy ily mul li lrlc Unlit liy iiIr-IiI, In thU lioiiMt muiicnm H-rliutita wrw iiiiwln to nutit thn otTift of tint nlw trio IlKlit on plant growth, In rfjmrl tumli In Hi American, to which tlinnk art dun fur tha 'tita her ir.wiit.i, tt U tnlil that tlitt K"itrnl I'lTiH t of tli iiakel ilitrlc litrht waa to icrt'ntly haatcn inntnrtty, mul tint nearer thit planta irn-w to 1 1 it ll!it Ilia icrcator th accelcraUtm. Thin tt'iiili'iiry 'M jxirt u-nlnrly marked In th leaf plant vmtlvti, aplnarh, crea mul let tiKKt, Tint planta "ran to mhI" brforo a lb I leave were formed, mul hear thit Unlit tli leave wi-rtt mull mul cnrltM. Till! U Well IlIlM- tratetl, I ml 1. The rut, which ant tiiaila to theaame arale.ahowKoitnil DnU'h spinach when seven we. k oM. Kl. I show X an averae I'lwit vVVCiU ,., from the tlmk or '4fJ&LZ normal homw.ainl AtiLOlvV Kl. 3 oi. from -VIVV'-V th liKht hotliw KI'IKAI'II I'l .ANT. wltllltl aeVcii f.t (Unurn wild naked !!. of tha lamp, i"" I'ni'i ) The awl similar c ipcriinrnt jtiHtlfliHl tli ColK'luitlona that whiln thn nuked ' flertrio IlKht ha a dama'inK influence ! Upon thn plant Hear tt, electric Ught promote amimilutloni it often haatnn Krowth and maturity; it 1 capabln of pnxliii'liin natural fliivor and color In frulta; it often IntniMifle color of flow r ami aoiiietime inrreaMMi thn protluis tion of flower, and that erioil of dark He am not necNiaary to thn growth ami development of plant. I'rofeoaor llailny Minvn It i only nnemwary to overcome thn tlinicultli, the chief of which am th Injnrioii Influence upon plant near tlm IlKht; the too rapid hastening of uiaturlty In aomn; and, In hrt, th whole aerie of practical adjustment of condttloua to individual cirvninntanee to render electro-horticulture a (ncx-eaa, Dehnrain, Fremh xierimnuter, aay that the Injuriou ray from thn electric light are itrvatly modi fled by a trait parent glaa. l'roftwior llailny' expert liient with an electric lamp, protected by an ordinary white opal Klte, gave maulUl much lea marked than that of tli naked Unlit; in a word, the Injuri ou effect were lnaaelieil by the line of the Rlolie. Lettuce wa greatly benefited by the electric light. drape packed in well baketl aawdrwt will keen aoine ttina. Hone of Varlnn Matlna. Kvnry nation ha it prejudice In fa Tor of the hureeauf their own country a .... . v. w,.u, . ui. up to that tmUrd tyjat. In Scot lud j they think the C.lydeiUl8 the Ut draft bona, while Urn LnglUh are equally a. ure that the Hhire i. the great model draft hormt for the world. Acroa In ( Uelgium every one jn-aaant to the king and uueil believe that the Belgian draft hoi, la beat ot all breed, whil tho Frenchmen think there ia no draft homeaouUi.u. of France. America ; And much to admire in each of thane breed, which are being no extensively imported and cmsmmI upon our native mare ami from which thn American draft home is liein evolved the beat of ill. Western Ancnl'ini-1. BHRGHINS. tflaverM AND FIXTURES, N. B.---PLEASE CALL EARLY TO OXEN IN HARNESS. An llluatrated Account tif llm Maniiw Osen Ara Worked mi Soma Karma. On iniiiiy Vtirinoiit farm mimt of tlm work I mill thnm hy oikii. Unit fro qni'iitly a fanner with a yoku of on'ii ami oiin lmri'lilli:ln"il aheatl. Miuijr of lln'w oxen urn hit(li tirade llcvona, imt iartltmlarly heavy, hut active, fiwt walk er ami very Intellluwit. IilnhoriiliiK I put prurtlt'txt iiini li in New KiikIuihI state, jotrt l uliirly wllh workiiiK oxen, a tlm horn am iiemlml In keeping tlm big ox yoke in place, Th'y ant cut off at thn emla ami lltiln lira hull ant K'reweil on, There urn hunilreil of Jtiht mu ll oxen to Ini foiinil on the hill furm of New KiiKl'imt. In Main ami part of .New Hampshire mortt llerefuril ar imeiti they arn heavier thn thn l)evoim, with Im-Hit iiix'kn ami nhnnliler, hut not o iM'llvtt ami aniitrt, Tlieatt workinic oxen artt llimlly mil. I for hw.f, Thit titrin fin rliilin that they mnkn aweeter and jiieler lt'f than thit lnr.y, miiiHTtJ anl- main, whli'h tlo nothluK lint eat, liwp am! Kr"w fat. Theiw work lli oxen allow Krenler troior- tlon of lean mi nt. l)oe their -XiT-cImi niiikit thn beef toiiKh ami ulrniKVl Who can tell alxxit thi? AM " '- Tint fauioii "Koaitt lleef of OM Knff laml," whtrh lout lieen luailii a theme for mU, orabir ami utatetnuen, ranio in lireitt meamirM from oxen wliii h ilhl thn farm work while they were growiiiK into beef. Nobly iraiw thn irw!Ut Intef M thn nl'l beef waa liraiiteill A Manitoba fanner write a follow to Hural New Yorker: "My team eon it of thriii teer, which in tin conn try are worked in huruew. My collar arn nm.le of Hiilar, with a tiut haiun (trap at thn txittom ami a pleen of woimI arnwi the top, hiiijfett in front of thn hame, on im h carriHn bolt; I uha KihhI leather line ami bit in their mouth. Tin Mummer they worked on thn mower and rakn ami cut aixteen ai'rea with a heavy binder on rouuh Kruiiml. 1 believn thi tiiam I Ih'IUt for any fnrtner than hurw whlrh are not Irirlly tlrt rlniui. Kom may aay that Cattle wero ut intemlMl for bit, but if they look iiiMile th miiiith of a ateer they will learn better. .Minn can eat, drink and ruminate quite well. Of rout-mi I feed Krain when workinn liard, but when idle they ant cheaply kept." A pirturu of thn collar ia nhown at Kit!. 1. Thin i front view, A A repreneiitliiK inortined hole for the trace, keyed in front AHMDUi MR OXKW. Fig. how the head and ahouldersot an ox with the collar, trace and liuo in place. Hm-ching and "bully UihIh" am never DaeJ. The trace honld draw from a point about half way between the point of the ahoulder. We do not know what breed of atier make tho bent "hnme," but auppone the lighter, active auimaU, like Jerwyaor la-voim, are best. Tlia Rum Hug. Profewtor Hmith, of Uie New Jeraev agricultural exiierimvut atution, tell in bulletin inaued that hi experiment with hot water proved aatiafactory. Heated to I'ii degit. or hlglicr the beetle were inatantly killed, but great difficulty waa found in reaching the inaecU with a aufllciently high U'iiiierature. The bagging of grapen ia highly rttcoinmeuded. The author HUggcat in conclusion that ti1B fRrUK.r nhould, flmt, prevent the brtHxli1(( ,)f , j,, 0W1 by usill(( , leavi,wt land only forgraaa ,d Wpiug a little light land a ,Kai. hie in xl, while thorough cultivation in jjay wi d(,lroy , ()f , . t)lilli pJlMlt , ft(W ntvis llf nk' wmlllJ the vi,.yHr,U to HttriM.t tlie firat hordea-a few row bul.tor sainea will BIiwer thenumepnriHwe; third, use early or!(itfl bil)omilItf varietie of grui and itiuiulato tho vintsi by fertilisers to force the blossoms, and by inducing a heavy bloom get a surplus which will tnd tome thinning by insects. Keep it man with a collector constantly at work at Uut rn a ilav for three week. Sir RETIEING FB0M BUSINESS! a Great die i in mi are llninn for Main. I havn a bonne ami two lot wit I) ooil barn nl tin) huad of Nnvitntli utriict ; city waler- aervicn. Will anil cheap. Finn chance to fet a nlen liomn. Anothur Iidihib nd two lola at tint curlier ol ninth ami Monroe will be aold on naity ttirm. Kxrelleiit loiiilioli. Very ileitlratiln proimrty. Alitoa biiHiuen lot on rlnvitntli alruvl for Huln. For iurtber Information apply to K. I'. Kl.l.lOTT, Viola pontollicl), ( inlriil Aililitlnu. Hprclul attention I culled to tint hcniililiil, Mixlitly and heultliy locution lor houiea on reaHoiiublH term to pur c'lilHeix nhiiiK to hxatu in Oregon City. Hplenilid water and other attrac tion in Central Addition. Finn ub ui Imii pioiierty in Irui.t o( live acre or mom, one mile and a i mir ier from town, hevernl amall but val uable (urn in for alu cheai ami on natty term. Apply to 1. H. Jakkky With W. Cary Joliimon. Fihii, Fool. At Humphrey' flith iiiHiket all kind of fronh ami null water llaii, crulia, lolmter ami oyxlern I.lvu and dreaaed chlckena. Free ilelivrry to all pait of the city . !, O. T. William i now (loin biiai nean for himnelf at the old ttuml nrxt door to Caulield A Huntley' drug lorn. r t. WIIITK. W.a.WHITI WHITE BROTHERS, I Practical Architects $ Builders - Witt rer I'iftiii, vivvmitiiift, wnrklhK d- Iiim MimmmhI ttfilhih kIvhu to miNlrru eot Ue. ft-ttmiiti'i furutalteii "tt nmtlirmloD i:Uon oraUlri H'lirit HKuH , DR. L. WHITE, DENTIST Ovor I'aunrM't Urmr Mltire, 0We'tv (mm tlm In! inlMhnfearh mnulh ArllfW UI leettl ell rithlier. flrtl elrnt. IS. liiiiil Itlllugi Irion J nu. All wurk xiiruitHl. wood turning scrllawing BOXES OF ANY SIZESKANUFACTUEED Pmtiei deairing Wood Turning, I'at tern, Bracket, or Shop Carpenter's Work Will IteKulted by Calling on Me. Doors, Windows and Blinds TO ORDER. Or. U. BESTOW, C0p. the Congregational Church W. S. MAPLE, Blacksmithing and Repairing. Having one of the best shoers in the state in my employ, 1 make IIOKSKHOEIXG A SI'KCIALTY. ALL WORK ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY. Shop opio8ite corner from Tope's hardware store. ORECON CITY, ORECON. ICalnltllNhrd C.I. J Drayage & Expressing Freight and parce i delivered to all parts of the citv. nig BARGAINS. News and no Humbug I Going to Sell their Entire stock of Merchandise REGARDLESS OF COST, FOR CASH ONLY. AVOID THE RUSH. MAYER & ACKERMAN. A BOUT HARD While many of tho merchants are grumbling about hard time and a few in our initial are selling out PARK PLACE STORE still continues to increase, owing to and extremely low prices. Our Hoot and Shoe Department is complete, and our shoes are nok - ehased for tho same money clwwhere. OUR sc. are stronger and better than those er yard. Come and bring your 5 gallon Best Pearl Oil for We do just as we promise and in all purchases. HAMILTON & CRASH DOWN COMES THE PRICES. Furniture, Window Shades Carpets, Etc., Etc., At prices never before dreamed of in Oregon City. Holman & Warner Undertakers tt Embalmers. ANDERSON WALKER, Pai9terai7dfHou5eDeeorator PAPER-HANGING AND KALS0MIN1NG. I carry the largest and best assorted stock of wall paper ever brought to Oregon City, and will sell at Portland prices. Let me give you figures on your work. Shop on Seventh street, near Center. ' TIMES ! at font, the trade at the VrVrVrl our elegant assortment of goods d to wear longer than thosc'por- PRINTS sol'.' at most stores for Oc. and Tc. can which we will fill with the Only 65 Cents. can undoubtedly save you money WASHBURN. BHRGHINS. Society Directory. '(KS...ON CITY OAKI) Alt TKkltV""" Meetn it HmiiM on Second Monday la fti month. Vl.llor welrfmn. . K. IJONAI.IMO.M, IUKVKY K . ( HfiSS. Kfri-urjf. frei'lMil. CAMlV llOAWl OK TKAlJK. Mt at Knlchia Hull. Caiibjr. on (trt and thlr.l KrWtajr ot i-arh month. welrtmte. H. J, O a mkim.Ki S, Wm.Kkioht, Frea. mi;ltnomaii iiiM.Oo.T AT r" a a' m;"" Ifol.u Ita rfirnlar rommtmlrattona on flrat n4 third Maoir.laya o( ( li monlh at 7 :'M r. . brethrvu Ing'tod atau'llnx ar liorlo.1 to attend. J. T APPXKSON, W. M. T. . RVAN,M!CTetarjr. OKK'.ON Uilii.K. No J. 1.1). O. K. Mt trmtf Thnra.lajr aven ..a at 7 M o cloli r. M. In tha Oi') Kallowa' Hall, Main atrwi. Mttmlira of I lie OMur arc InilK'.i to atwnil. bjf Or.ler ol W A. Mifllrton, N. (I. 'I hoa, kyan, Serretary. FAI.M KM-AMCMKNT, No. 4. I. O O. f. Mwti flr.l and tlilrl iuwUyaof afh month, at (i.l.l Pellowa hull. Mrmlwra ali'l vl.ltl'ij patrtarcht, rortlialljr Invited to attend. i..K.Jaar. J W, o Osnai u Brll. Chief Patriarch. ohw kw Uiu.v.. so n. i. o. o. r Mwa at Odd Pmlow'a hall, owo, every Saturday avtunig. Vlnltinir brethren made weli-ome. 0. W. FKOhrtKK, H. (i. J. r. Kii.r. Seg. MEADE POST, No 2. O A7 k.. DKPAKTMENT OK OKKOON. Meeta drat Monday of each month, at K. of P. Hall. Oreiiou City. V'liltlni comralea made arelcrtma, OII.MA! P4KKKR. Commander OKI. ( KOOK POST, No, 11 . A. R , De an nieut of Oreiton. Meela In aehool home at Needy nu Drat Sat urday In each month a: 2 o'clock c. m. All comrade made welcome Jaffia Srooi.a. J. Kaarrauea, Adjl. Corumauder. Plli IRON UjIm.K NO. Ii5. A. O. I'. W. Mwta every Thtiraday evenlna at Odd Fellow hall, Oaireito. Vl.imn brethren alwaye wel come, j. (r. CaarBKU. K. STaafaa, Recorder M. W. M.H.ALA i.01;k. No. 114. A O C. W Meeta aecond and Kourth Saturday In each month, at Adama hall. VI. Hint mem Vr. made welcome o. W. Hoaaiaa. M. W. S. U. MooDT.Sec. TCAUTIN OKANOE, NO. 111. P. of H. Meeta la.t Saturday of each month at their hall In Wllnonvllle. R.B. Hr.NrY, Mtaa Bkda SHaar, Bec'y. Master. WARNER GRANGE, No. 117, f. ot H. Meet fourth Saturday of each month, at their hail in New Era, ('. C. Wllliama, Maaier Mlaa Matfte Brawn. Bec'y BUTTE CREEK ORANGE, No. 82, P. of h. Meeta at their hall la Marquam, aeeond Sat urday In each month at 10 a. m. Viaitina; memWra always welcome. J. .E JACK. J. R. WHITE. Secretary Maater. MOLALLA GRANGE, NO. 40, P. of H. Meeta at their hall at Wrlght'a Bridge on the aeccud Saturday of each month at 10 a, in. Fellow membera made welcome. Rit aax WatOHT, Maater. X II. D ITS ALL, ge. GAVEL LODGE, NO. 55, A O. U. W. Meet aeeoud aud third Saturday eveninaa at Knliiht'.t halt Canby. Vlnluug brothera made welcome. W 8 Gkibblc, O L. Bari.ow Recordeor. Muterworkman CLACK AM A6 LODGE, No. 57, A O. (J W. Meeta flrt and third Monday In each month, at Straiirht'a Hall Vltitlu( brethern welcome. U. S.GiaaMX. L.D. Jonas. Kec. M. W. FALLS CITY LODGE OK A. O V. W. Meeta every aeeond and fbnrth Friday even- fof each month In Odd fellows' buildine. aolouruing brethren coidially invited to at tend, t. T- BARLOW, M. Wr Geo Calivt, Recorder. ACHILLES LODGE, NO. 88, K OF P. viM.TU VYl 'rld"5'n'theK.ofP,haa. Vlaitlog Knighu invited. Isaac AntiaXAH, C. C. K KaoDia. K. of B. and g. ST. JOHN' S BRANCH, No. 647, C. K. of A. Meeta every Tuexiay evening at their hall corner Main and Tenth Street, Oreion City. Matt, j i aria, Sec y. T. W. Spllivak, Pre. NEW ERA W. C T. U. Meet! flrat 8atnrday in each month at their hall In New Era, Friends of the cause are io vited to be present. M as. Caeit Jouxeos, Mas. Eastman. President. CANBY LODGE, NO. 864. 1 O. G. T. Meets first and third Saturday evenUur at knight's hall Canby. Visitinu membera alwaya made welcome. H. C. Gnaoaa, W. C. T. MlLLaau Lie. 8eo MEADE BELIEF CORPS, No. 18. DEPART MENT OF OREGON. S- Jf M Charman, - - President Mrs. V.U Cochrane,- - - Treasurer. Mrs. J. B. Harding. - - Secretary. Meets on first and third Friday of each month in K. of P. Hall. Member of Corp from abroad, cordially welcomed. COLUMBIA HOOK AND LADDER CO. Meet flrat Friday of each month at Fountain euitlne house. Chas. Athkv, Pres. C B. Pillow, Seo'y. Cha. Bitmb, f rm FOUNTAIN HOSE CO, No. 1. Regular meetinr, second Wednesday In each month at engine house, east side Main street, between Seventh and Eighth. I Ackkrmak, Sec'y. Iasci Gardner, Pre. Ed. Nkwtos, Foreman. CATARACT HOSE CO. No. i AfMt. iMHinil nl - . L. . . " " CHI UUUUI.I aract tugme house. W. H. Howell, Pres. . h. tigyrow, ec-y J. W. Q Cosxell. F'rn. 80NS OF VETERANS. E. D. Baker Camo. No. is. aimh n.n a aua tn'rd Thursday evening of each month i a . ntKMA.NN,jr.,t apt. Ward B. Lakton, 1st Lieut. C. F. Bucklrs, 2d Lieut F COMPANY, FIRST REGIMENT, O. N. G. Monday. Regular business meetings, first Monday of each month. OFFICERS. J.W.Ganong, - - - Captain. V. SKelley, - - First Lieutenant. L. L. Pickens, . Second Lieuteuaut.