Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 11, 1892, Image 6

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    Oregon City EntcrprisciTIIE COUNCIL MEETS,
Clackamas Co. Directory.:
corsrv officers.
Clr of Courts,
Sheriff. -Rfoorilor,
flohnol Supfrtutviuletit
J. W M,-l.lnim
li,H. F. Norton
I". W, liAtiotiii j
S. it Kmi'.shv i
J. O W uncivil i
1. r. Hr.l).-v !
H. S litlwon j
KiohuM s.-ott
H'ornelius Hair
Chief nl Polio -Ametuor,
OitT Attorntr.
8rt Oommlntonrr.
8np't. of W mer Work.
City Kninrr.
Cminollmm-C. O AlhrU-ht. Jr
1. I.. I'oner
,J.. .l.'L,r,,'.,ra
F J. luis
w it. Howell
N . linwiinmn. W A White, J
j iwk.v j,
W. O t onueil, J. Ci. IVrter nj T. V. KU'
Council meets flnrt 'eilneJy of eneli mouth
In cut hull.
Circuit court convenes first Mondey In No
vember and third Mon.Uy in April.
Prohnte court in session first Mou.Uy In cch
Commissioners court meets flrsl W lnesUy
trier first MomUv of eneh month.
gW Th wy to builii up Oreiron
Cltj Is to rir Orctton City people jour
Clocks at Rurmeister A Amlri'son's.
Kveryon arran!ol.
The catch basins for the fowemise sys
tem are bein comt'leted.
Latlies'anJ lietits', robes at Holtran A
Warner's Undertaking parlors, tf
The latest in visiting canls it the Ks-
tebi'kisk Okfice. Prices to suit vou.
J. S. Courtney M. D., physician and
surgeon, room 5 and 8, Chartnaii block.
Those contemplating bor'ow ini should
ascertain terms offerevl by C. O. T.
School deportment cards one cent
each, good for term, at the Enterckisk
C. O. T. Williams is now
prepareil to
make verv favorable rates or. good farm
,0n- '
Fiurmeister A Andresen have an ad
vertisement in this paper that it w ill pay j
yon to read.
Take vour babies to One New
babies to One New York
,, . ... , .,
gallery and get a good picture while you
have the chance.
. 1
tsend to the Kntekpkise otttce lor your
legal blanks. A single one or a hundred
furnished at Portland price.
Buy your paint? and oils, windows j
and doors at the Park Place Store, j
They are cheaper than elwuhere.
Wedding stationery, the latest styles!
and finest assortment ever brought to j
Oregon City at the Estkbprise office. !
The cheapest place'Oregon Citv to !
bnv watches and iewelrv is at Red- i
house's, No. 2. Commercial Bank block.
An elegant assortment of dry goods
and domestics at the Park Place Store.
AW goods fresha and marked at our
usual low prices. ,
Miss Lula Iheker entertained a nuni
ler of her friends in a charming
manner on last Thursday evening at the
residence of Jas. P. Shaw.
Marriage licenses were issned last
week to Minnie Dills and Benjamin
Faust. Hattie Ackerson and Adolphus
Mayers, Annetta E. May and Henry A
Hornshuh, and Emma Brown and J.
C. Bowman.
If yon have neyer been at the Park
Place Store, just call in and see their
choice assortment of fine dress goods,
millinery and fancy goods. The assort
ment is new and fresh and bought with
a view to please.
I will sell good, healthy Silver and
Italiiin Prune Trees, fromtwo to three
feet high, at three cents each by the 100,
on a credit of twelve months.
S. Mathew.
Canby, Or. tf.
Sewer Connections. j
We are ready to make all sewer conner-1
tions at the uniform price of 35 cents per
lineal foot for 4-inch connections and 40 !
cents for 6-inch, all complete. Apply
immediately to Pore & Co.
H. Z. Hu rk hart
Buys city bonds, school bonds, county
and city warrants. Office 240 Washing
ton street, Portland. Residence, Ore
gon City. 10-9 tf
A due bill tfiven by Carlton & Rosen
crans of Canby payable to Win.
Klaetscli. All persons are warned not
to buy the same. W. E . Johnson.
Before buying your winter supplies,
call at the Park Place Store. They
have one of the best assortment of dry
goods, clothing, boots and shoes, mii
linery and choice family groceries in
Clackamas county at prices that tell .
PrjKB Mine. Johnson & Warnack
will deliver pure, fresh milk to all parts
of the city both morning and evening.
Good pasture, pure water and healthy
Wanteb, second band grain sacks.
E. E. Williams the grocer. tf
If you want to buy lots in Bolton ap
ply to C. O. T. Williams, agent.
If you -want to borrow money
apply to C. O. T. Willi""-
: . . ... ... , ,
,hfiMi or th wT "ii -
,Mr Menu vnionra mm titi
oni Chuinr! (.
There was full attendant at t)u(
ni'will(il mwtintf last Frl.lay n.eM though
'Councilman Killv irot txousoil mid wtMit
horn so.no time Mow the aeaaion
j A COtmnntiication Iroin Judne Mehlrum
relative to th eounty'a hare of th
main atrwt sewer asvssmeiit waa read.
The matter had h,en overl.vk.. during
, cVtoU,r wion 0f ,,, court and the
i.,.i. ..i...i ,i. .,..wi ,f ii..'..
i , , , - ,
K.a.i.r.1 mew,.,,., uuu.
term without extra xns. The ro -
j quest was granted
j A written reiiucet from lieo. A Hani -
I inn ft" t'rmision to lay a crosswalk
on Main street from his drmr store to
l :1 .1... V I...- '
th postoffio was granted.
Ucnjariiin Jaggar asked permission to
build a frame bridge fiom his new resi
dence to the railroad pnvrty, submit
ting the plans, for tlie same, and the per
mission was granted
The chief of polio reported that two
horses ituHmnlod had been sold for $'."t',
of which $4.70 was covered into the city
treasur.y the remainder going for
The report of th city engineer i-erti-f
vinti h the satisfactory completion of
the sewerage contract, and s'ating that
there w ould be a rebate to the property
ow nets on the street of aUmt ,15 per cent
of their assessment for the improvement
waa pri'Si-nted. Kngineer Smyth also
; made verbal remarks recommending the
passage of an ordinance to regulate the
matter of making sewer connections and
suggesting that drains to catch basins
j be opened and that the sewers 1 flushed
once a month or so in order to keep them
The recorder reported five case in
his court in each of which a tine of $10
had been imimsed and naid.
The committee on streets and publi;
' property reK)rtcl recommending lliei
01 i-andesvvnt lights at the
following street corners: On tilth at
Washington Jelferson and Monroe; on
j Washington at Fourth. Sixth and Kighth :
! on Ninth at J . O Adams. Jefferson and
i ii-.j,:..,.,,, . .,!. T--lfit, on.l t..ir..r-
1 ' -v.. .........
j 0ne ,)f ,he two Hmptl near Uie
l, nf th 5ih streot alaira was!
!,u1111 01 11,8 ,,!t,n 8treet gu,n "
. oruereu removeu ana tne one near v.
', C. Johnson's was recommended to he
placed afiout 10 feet higher. Another
, nnpoitant recommendation in the re-
! port was that the lights on Main street
; lie suspended over the center of th
I street instead of at the side as cow, and
that the street superintendent remove
trees that interfere with lighting the
streets to good advantage. The pelitioti
,or li",lt ' 'Wit,h aml Main 8t,ee,s wa8
'versly reported, the report waa ad-
opted a.'ter a little discussion regarding
Hit extra expense entailed in carrying
j ou it9 roviuion!t. cnlv Porter votimr No.
The committee on health and police
reported favorable on the new sewers
and submitted a plan for a city jail which
was informally considered. Then the
committee was ordered tohavesomew bat
different plans drawn and to advertise
for bids for the jail, the whole matter to
be laid before the council before further
action should be taken.
O'Connell called attention to the game
of chance being run on Main street at
corner of Fourth where the people were
importuned to throw balls at dolls or
through a hole for a prize. He said it
was not just to property holders and
business men to allow fakers to come to
town and occupy the public streets with
schemes to get money without paying
taxes or licenses or having any invest
ment of any consequence. The chief of
police explained that there was no or
dinance to coyer this and similar cases
and that he told the faker that if no ob
jection was raised he could do business
but must pay $1 erday for the privlcve,
which he had done O'Connell, how
ever, thought thefakershould be ordered
off the street and a motion to that effect
was unanimously passed.
An ordinance providing punishment
for inmates of baudy houses and one
establishing sewer district No. 1 were
read and ordered published. They appear
elsewhere in this paper.
It was ordered that a warrant be
drawn on the general fund in favor of the
sewer fund for Oregon City's portion ol
the sewer cost. Contractor Riner was
also ordered paid $5,0(10 on his contract.
Clackamas county's bill of $!83.WS for
gravel used on Seventh street was
ordered paid.
On motion of O'Connell a committee
of three was appointed to confer with a
like committee from the board of trade
in the matter of revising the Oregon
City charter. O'Connell, Cooke and
Porter were named as such committee.
The report ol the water commisioner
was red and ordered published. Here
it is:
To the Honorable, the Mayor and City
Council of Oregon City, County of Clack
amas, Mate of Oregon.
Genti,kmbh : In conformity with ordin
ance number one hundred and tighten
we rcspcctlully suhriiit this, our seini-anniiai
report of the business transacted by ilie
Hoard of Water Commissioners of Oregon
City, for the six months ending November
1st, mn.
I We Iiav Initl ihirltiR Hi mild lx numtlu
i (It luiiiilnol ami wit'iitj-luo tii't nf W-1
' liioli linn pi uno thoiisauil rilil limulm)
mill fori. v-vi: lit IWt of four inoli ami imkIiI i
liiui,lrvl mI ebiUt.i two (ii'l o(tlinv-fnmili-1
moli, i n ;i k 1 1 r tho tolal number of ttvi laiil
llnv ih.msaiivl lour luiiitlml ami two lii't.
, Tin' ix inoli I'll wa Uul on Monro frvm j
, ,irvi fn.m M.mr.H.
Hie i lly line on I ho
east, at the oikl ol anl Nnenlh stnvt
jwlinv we have isriulltiil a number of
, t'M'l' rvili..K outlo th city to connect
Willi ,ni il innin, tin y iaHi In alliance one
yi'r' water rent, and enterinn Into an
itLl,im,nt til .tliM.rv lint nil... Mil.t tiu.tilM.
,Kms ol , Cltv jl( ivlimvllll,
I ....... ......i.w. iv. .,..i.t -I-, ..-n )..
lion ot your lionorabl IhhIv toaK'lillon
. Iliat umU'Riiaml has been 'rntrl to
I '" 'r your consideration rcK-anlmu
j11' bri',Ki' ,f "r 'l,h ,
M,h,,m ml Tl.r i.
1 '" l",r,i"" 1,1 '-,v' " l,,l",r
, irn suumh .Hat ii gitton, nnv uaw no witirr
j ,,,,!,. aurirnt a art of the vcr. and who
;,, v,.rv .., ,(,, ,, tr wrvio
j should tie extended so that they may have
'the bent-lit of ilie saiu. twin to the
' delli ol said siiloh.lt is nnrotii ahl (or
" to exlciid the mains mio that sei tion
j unless some means of crowing said gulch
is proi ided, and we would, in theeienlolt
your lookini! favorably on suoh a projci't as
hndciiig said gulch
irticteil iii such a mam
IhmIv to haie it iHiustrtic
nor as wvuld allow the
stiiit! of a water j
main on such structure. j
j The pumps an' working satisfactorily ami i
havogtien very gvHnl service during the
' p.ist s;isoii.
I The receipts for the past six mouths
s amount lo $J,l77.s' an itu'iruse of nearly
'i. over the priH-isltng six months.
! imsri vi. sr t rt vihr.
Collections for the six iinuiths ending
October ,lst. s;rj:
! t'lillrctisl during the mouth of M.iy $ 'ts ii
! " " " " J line :txl .
.'SO 1,1 ,
Total amount . . -',7? sil '
The same has Uen aid to the Oily!
Treasurer r J. Uniis. '
Warrants have Iwn drawn on the Oily j
Treasurer dnrinir the six nionths ending j
OctoU r llst, IS;".', to the amount ol pl.:ti
in favor ol the following parties and persons
and fur the specified purposes:
Oregon Iron and Steel Company,
pip, reiliu-ers. tees ami sleeves f I list 4' i
, ,.., wrk: .. al
ill ii
" "'
work on same lor pump
i.l !m
11 no
lot !
. t". N Oreennwiii, haiiliug Irei'ht.
,' T'"' Oregon Ootirier, printing rweipl
' (,,,. ,v Company, 3i'l iiin.is of
! "I Company, supplies, ,i,,
tees, ulngs, ri'-,etc.
Vmv ,v r..mpany. lahor, tapping
mains, laving pii,tc
W. H. Howell, salarv as Stineiin-
57 no
iTO 1X1 '
P.'. l !tt ,
t i; i
SO 1i I
ten lent lor mx imtiitlm
T. K. Kna, eomiHMMon on cIU'0-
T ltilwrrs diMk! ditrlu'H, Ihviok
fit'tinr1 Hnmhtati, luiiitn-r ...
1'liHrl.M H. ( Huttel'l, drtlury a prw
itii'iit of tlie Water t'oiiunittitin
ThuiDjiH F. Kvjin, salary an Sr
rrtarv tl the Water l,ouiini,s'inii
l'oi'.V Company, lidy-luurrorpora-
tion cim ka
3J to !
T"tal amount drawn ...
jp.; :io
Slav 1st, lsir.', halanre in
hands of the Treitsurer $llni 77
Nnveiiitr 1st, l:r', col
lecled since May lst.'ir.' :M77 so
Total :i'ili S7
Novemher 1st, l -!r"Jt tialaiu e in the
hands of the Treasurer $llVt T,
Ilespectf'.illv submitted,
" Tii"vs V. Kvam.
The following bills were ordereil paid:
Charles. Holds $M, Wineset A Scripture
$15, General Electric Co $KI7 O.'i, Chris
lloberg 4lt, J. S Purdnm H1, F. J.
liiiis ."hi, John Kelly (Ml. Kntkhchikh
171 41. Wilson A CooWr 110 8' L. I..
j porter ami J D. Kenner $.'t.6i.
(hinM to b
tmailer the
great, griping,
otil huhjniMsd lull.
There's too much
for the money.
A )A II,utU tn 1 hat.
"'u ter, tin. They're
big enough, and
make trouble
enough, to do more good.
That's just what Ir. Pierce's Pleasant
Pellets do, more good. Instead of weaken
ing the system, they renovate it; Instead of
Dwetting, they cleanse and reeulate it
niililly, gently, and naturally. They're the
original Little laver Pills the smallest but
most efTei'tive, purely vegetable, erfortly
harmlissH, and easuwt tn take. Only one little
Pellet for a laxative three for a cathartic.
Bick Hiaulahe, Bilious Headache, Conatijia
tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attack, and ail de
rangement of the Liver, Ktomach and
Bowels are promptly relieved and per
manently cured.
They're the rheaieiit pills you can buy,
for they're ffuaranterd to give satisfaction,
or your money is returned. You pay only
for the vmd you get. It's a plan peculiar
to Dr. Pierce's medicine.
I have a full supply of money which
I winh to loan on good
Of 10 acres or more on tho
inoct favorable terms.
Call and see mo
I'cmtollioe building,
at my
Correspondence Solicited.
Local Agent, ol the
lanls-Conklli Mortgage Trust
'A MapiOcel MiiBlSfcMLiis ifCill,
ml Low
V,v uiV0 alV:U'! t'lljoYl'tl tilt'
! '
ions wo c;i ii I io easily
ling ano
Wo are solo agents for Oregon City and vicinity for tho
Brownsville Woolen Mills.
That have we for this
n yourself. Clothicg,
The One Price Clothiers and Wntters,
And see the city
increasing and everything prosperous. We never have taken a back,
seat in our business, and in order to koep pace with tho development
of the country
( )
So we have abandoned the old store occupied for so many years and
moved into new quarters
And we have a store as fine as can lie found snywhere in tlio State. Tlio more roomy
quarters enables us to add greatly to our former stock and to t arry the very liest goods in
our line. In addition to having a large variety of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry,
Silverware, Etc., we have just put in an entirely new stock of
Musical Instruments and Musical
We have as good goods and as low prices as l'ortland.
rs than we.
too well established to make
easily find out about us by enquiring of your friends, (.'all unci see us at our new store.
The Most Complete
and only first
Quality consider
ed, our prices are
always the lowest.
Cor. 7th & Madison, Shively Building, Oregon City.
Pries are what Merest Yon
IVI Ultdt ioll fi'l' SilllillV ltlllil); thtTI'tiV Hilt i-I'vill; OtJI" J'llt-
uinlt'istoml wlion wo iuiiikuhco tluit wo are liettor
1 this season to meet tlio wants of t lie t
iiniisliiiig Goods,
season? Wo cannot tell yon; come and soo for
Hats, Rain garments, Noveltios and staplos at
and country growing up
are after your trade, ami our reputation for sijuaro
recommendation necessarv. II
Importers and dciders in
Choice Family Groceries
Selected Teas,l'ura Coffees & Spices.
Butter & Cheese from best dairies
Fruit and Vegetables in Season.
ratio m tliewav l
in all directions, trado
No l'cirlliind establishment has
dealing is
you don t Know us
vou can
Business Conducted
On Business Principles.
One Trice to All.
Positively no con
nection with any
advertising scheme