Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME O l'. T I'll H NTMXKUN. Ik Krrm r hi tiiiikh H, iwj mmmtn AM'UNA Jk lUMo.NA: I.MVII tiHmioH titty mi in, ti. in. M ' i m. V. III. ft mi . in. N hnv UihIihh. i.mk nmri tan 7 '. III. I" . III. n m in. n ' p III, i wu m. 1'iwliltvly uii lividii uuu mi h I mnl ml u'l'lm'k lrli SCNIUV. v i i in :""' m li i in. ,. in. 4 on i. in. llnincaKl aulilKi'i in Iiiio whli.mt ui'ili' NIM TMKHX I'V IKH' RAILWAY. Kimtii am uii Allmiy I..HMI I y Ulliiu.l 4 .iii.hhU t irt. i ihrouif In llioKhma l.uc'nl ;, inil.iln ill f II Hi it Nil lliFhur jul I nay Xallniix Alli'Oll I ihmI I May alatliili' alltntlilM K tOtt (Itiiuugii) at m. 4;i a m. M fit p. III. m a iii r. iai ii in 7 .! I' m 1 1I K MAII.a M 1 1 a rime guiiia Nurih. II a. in Alalia '!" g.iiiif a, .ulli V a in aina am taa 9 ! m , a i I K l in. lir.ia.ii. I ll) in Klr.faiua, MMlinnanil M'.lalla imvaui ai ll in ami atilixa at li m .1.11, j itn.ii:nft.,)f. Unit I'lara Ma.i Hr. ! . in.... Kina, kiuiiii.i a it. I I dMii... It.ttii at lu a III lur..U) IIHH..U) ami nalunlay. ami re Inn.a mi lollntttiii ita.t at J .iA tt, HUKAY, MIVKMIIKU II. !.'. j llia.'ii' AtOin I'.atAiiiiaiiiiu III ajKKaa II.M aa. j Aiihb Ij'litn.l ami ImaUm! in -Koiirlwiiyi.araaiiuUt(m,iWr Mra.C. '" w ' 1. 1 ft a, ii . ,, , . . , . . ! r 1 4 IIJII arrra II. 1.. l,.t..,,..i..r .,a..N.,l a rli k ami ; u,ja,i t,,. ami t. Wil- Ji.i-lry nluiili.limrnl at llm roriwr nil lam Tl in pi a 1, I ft a, r I h :iiclillt rniil Main tUnvta Ihw HI rNl.lit't 12 'tv ji.ihwry now U. Tli-n-ntaUaallmii IK J"';" t'"'""'! '"lr,",,1A',':i,,r'''''' .,, . .. .. i 11 ami 2(uln 1 ib'.: Iloliuea liitintli AIi.t a li' iii.inlln i. alurp. al I.) OriKoii City waa imivpil lollifiilaiti wIh'ik Wili'lmrl'ai MuKU!.-na IUrriitxTtf.T ami Ima. barU'r 'i"i iiuw i ainl lalrr. wIihii tin.; l'ml Id Mary llnikrr I 4 b II r-'iil aari..llM,ii. l2lo IKainoiilliJ . ('"''rJ"l' ' , . - . ...... . , , ,, . . 'iJiiii' MIw.mhI tdT It A liel.ii. katDiia.'ii.n, until (l.la lall MIw.xhI .7ft ol an ai r.i aa itin IimmxI ( John ). M.H.ni Thin i Fratina M Hukr In Jnlm HkWit waatln. wji'II known lliiiini-iiir alaml ! ''"'" (or alH.nl 111 v..,r. Tl.r l.a.l.. l.tiUt t S"?f 'l""1' lu J'?- 1)Vi!li"'." . ..... . . , r horliur I ai're b A llarluw a iltliltiK Ibat Hiiii'. Iniwi-viT, lai. ttio , al al In Harlow bni'k aliirxla-yoml Ita rifarliy ami iillicr I'll S Calklna Id A H MnwumiiT 4Miartira bail lolxt fotiml. So llm nM'iil wow .-..,oi. in ll, (Mil IVIIowa a (.ulhling ! t".""' ,"1!',K ,i',r"1"'" :l" , , , ;K.Ini (iiln mnl mil- to frank . oi'ic int. IMwioiui't. and lOTiiti.iiy waa ul'laiiii'il at a iriilal of 7l( a month, 1 1 1 r ! i-r I v In nilvaiuu on a llvt y.'ura Iram Tbia roni'Hrvil Willi llm rflilal iii llm llrl kI.iik abow a botb tin. (ir.iwlb ol dti'iioii City ami ol lliia artli'iilar Imaiiiraa bolliti'. Mr. lUirilifialiT iliivl ill I. iml ami bia willow inn.liirli.il tbn btiai linaa al.um till tin' llrxl of laat January wlifii a partii.'ialnii waa f.nnnvl Willi Willliam An.lri.a..n ami tin. linn baa' aiine la-vn Hurineiater A Aiulreai-n. The alioii itiiiducli.d by C. A. Naah baa been 4'onaoliditted with the bllaiueaa ill the p location and a line ol mimical mer 4'haiiilia addinl making a (lock thai 1 ireafi anil complete In every namct. KiltN at H ii.i.hi mii. At an early hour ll la a liamlaoum alore and a credit tojTueaday the Willaburg A Scllwood elec- the lOWII (,(, 1M.,.r bollae at Willabnrif waa Ck.. i, r Tot I'lai'imi ClH. V,.,,,a. oitiutv juat Ix'gan to entliuneaa the cam paign cloacd. I Jiil Saturday night Sen alor iKilpb delivenul a moat excellent a'.H'h lo a crowded hoime al Sbivelv'a theater, V. II. lye pteaiding. He ia a apcaker whom it is a luxury lo liaten to, At I'ope'a ball Monday night Congreaa- tnan Hermann wound up the campaign lu lilting at t ie The bullae w aa over flowing. Mr. Hermann made a telling l-ccli ileuling with the laauonin a practi- nl manner and illuairatiiig Ilia iini in a happy and forceful alyle. ilia addreaa waa eiilhuaiaatically received. Senator lfityea preaiiled at Ibu mwling. At the cIomo of Mr. Ileriniuiu'a ieecb aeveial local ax'iikera were callinl for ami brief reaiMjnaea were made by Menara. Ilrownell, App4rHon, rattiet, llayea, C. K. Chirk, Tranv, Dn-aaer and Mayoi Sul livan The meeling liiated till pant 11 o'clock but everylaalv waa giaid buiiiored and the apeiikora found an audiuiice. Ohkuom Citv Hook Stohk. W. A. Huntley moved bin bonk alore from the Kelly building- on the went aide of Main street to tlni Commercial Hunk building nearly oppoaite luai week. In Hid new locution be Ima ample nccommodiitiiiuH for bia expanding luminemi. Mr. Huntley commenced buaineaa In Oregon City somewhat more than a year ago, occupying the atiuid next to Citulltild A Huntley's drug atore. The demand for larger quarter diovehilillo the Kelly building about year ugoiiud now lie linn 10 go to the new brick store, to find room for his large stuck . Originally bis trade. wiih chiully in pmiixlicnln but lie has added to his atiilionary linen and put In 11 good stock of scluiol booka and mla rullaneoiis voluineH and notv Ima an en labliHliment Ihut would be a credit to any tow n , He deserves aurceas and he is achieving it, I'.i.ki'tkic Station Imi'iiovkmknts. A new UOO liorae-powor water wheel was put in the electric power liouae about two weeks auo and two more one of 750 and the other of 200 horse-power will soon arrive and bo put in place. Dy namos will also bouddtid. The improve ments will equip the atutioii for running 1(1,000 Incandescent lights of 1(1 candle power, and 1,000 arc lights of 2,000 candle power each. Its water wheel capacity will be 3,17fi liorso-power. Moat of these improvements ar to furnish ixjwor for the Kast Hide motor company However, provision will be made for the reputation for thorough scholar ..i..t.... 4w,m pn 1 wwi ineandeacnnt. ship which Paoiflc university has al KlyinB Orogon City 1,600 Incandescent j lamps instead of the present 750. woe trio power for running machinery will also be furnished here Sooik I ,tm t;s',ATKj;KAH,:"H- Hiimniiirj or I ho Drill I'IIkiI hi ( oiinfy lti)'iirilir' OrtliT. Iln Tim n-iil tmliitti trunHfiTM Involving mom limn f ciirli lllml In llm rnijonliT'ii ullli'ti IuhI wiM'k wnm h4 (iliwn : l'" I'll Hfvmk to J I) D.ivia (.i liw'4 1M t :i a, f K n Mil hi ikh f 1,1100 II U ltol,l,iii,. hI lii I) I) KoliMim lt D l.V fit). 07. HHI mm ... Ml Martin (ilnity mn HIH Id John KnliliT n'u iiw1; ami n i. I " " ' i . w w nr. .... , ! Clnillra II llllri'l In ,l.y.nt ( ' How ! fit 'y intmtt In irm-t In Omuun Illy at Ninth mnl ll.irriaun I alrwla I. ft ai ri-a Ji'hii ni'k uii'l wiln lu Willluni IUilii I lb 1 Hmlim i A O I. mnl id a I, .MhvImt " a !ir. I 1 m I u I lii ........ KHft ll.'.ll :iih) aij li 'j a I'll I I a. r II ii.l'tl urr.-a . Miiiic, n Jiilitiauii ami wilt, in Chaa J Klrliiii.in.l ami I.iiiUIk Himly I lOChi liaiiiaa I'nrk I .(Kill OAC li l( Co In W II lluki.r li '4 a4 1, t ,1 , r 3 4i, 4'l ai'li'a llil ! W H IUkir ami to J T llml- illi.ni n i.4 a i4 a I, I 5 a, r .'I I a. w Mi'ica : Stale of tliiini In Animal. Mr liirw a1, a :m, I ft a, r 6 'AW a a S.IIIII1 III J,lH T (' Ml'lill-W 41 1 4 :HI 12 a. r ft IMI m ri-a !Jiikt C Mi l.ri'W mnl !(. lo (itH) " ' I' l.i'iil ni4 ami a1, a ill) I 'I a, r ft a. 4HU arn-a 2,-Mio Wimlaiir I Hinl mill In .ii,vriii.'iit I i lu J I. liraliuiu I ft ami li li 17 I Will.la.ir ) J"lui A Tvaek ami will. In T M I ( tnaa il ll".i'kmli Jnlinaun l I, 82ft I 4.'al 1.700 41.1 oIKLoiiii-t ftilO 700 ;im 1 ,ft00 US") Ja. kaon w ', aw '4 a lit, t ft a, r 1 rami another trm-t of 2 arn-a making a tolnl of H2 acrea .... i Andrew Km ka.ni and wile to 2.000 Michael I'emlli'lon e and e1, a Michael I' '4 a 201ft ar.1 e liKI a 2,000 'iitllttton and wife lo Atiguai rrickaon p'Y aw 1 a 10. I I i r . a, HO aco liciijamin Alhy and wife lo Con rad Wolfe ' Jann-a M Tbomiiaon an.l wiln to " ' w IW-rr I 10. 11 ami 12 l 1ft ii I M il l llrnl ail lu nnwruo i mi 24.H7: ! I'revioualy reiort4'd aince Janl, l.Osl.nlS Total $I.IIIU,OtlS - i burned to the ground. Some one ! heard in the building at a late hour, and Hhorlly thereafter it waa diwovered to lie in flamea, and, before anythiuir. could tie j done, audi headway hud Ih'cii guined that tlm whole atructur" went up in atnoke. 1. II. Jonea, leaaeeof the build-, j ,u' 0I,B "' ,,,e lieavluat loaera by the fire, ia confident that it was of incen - diary origin. The Kast I'orlland Light and Water company lost alxiut $4,000 on the electric plant, and Jonea figures that j he ia out nearly $4,000 personally. The I building, which ladonged to the Wills ealale, was not worth over fl.000. So far as known, there was no insurance on either the building or its contents. Skcond Cam1 or I'sASa U. UllhousSn of Maple Lane has quite a number of Hurtlett pear trees beating their second crop tills season . The first crop came on in due season and then came the second hloaaoming ami the putting forth of new fruit by IS or 20 of the trees in his orchard. The ticcs are about ten yeara old. The second crop of fruit ia not so large as Ibat of the first harvest but it is of equally line flavor and isquite a racily at this season of the year. PA01P10 UNIVERSITY. Th luititotloo Optined With the Brightest Froipeoti. Foiikst tiiiovs, Oct, 21, Pacific uni versity and its preparatory department, TuiiUtin academy, opened the full term with twice the number of students that wero registered nt the samo time last year. All the apartments in the ladies' hall were engaged several weeks lioforo the opening of the term, and "it has been found nccoasarp to finish olf the rooms In the upper atory to supply the in. creasetl'demand. A dormitory for the young men was added during the sum mer, and most of the available rooms there are already filled. It is sigmllcunt of the fact that the people of Oregon and the adjoining states appreciates thu advantages of a thorough education, that this large in crease should follow the adoption of the new courses of study which go into ef fect this year, l'ucillu university is the first institution on the North Pacific Coast to introduce the elective syslcin of studies, which lias proved so successful elsewhere, and which allbrds opportun ity for more advanced work in the vari ous departments, The new curriculum, ''ip ways held, assures it a place among the the four or five leading colleges of this coast. COUNTY PRECINCTS. 1 UK NATIONAL KI.KCTIOX LAST IlKSIIAV. Kciilnri'a if I ,orii I liili-rcal Alli inlliia' Ika Kti'iil llfiiil'llran In MaJ'irlly. No Mut wi-iiIIiit coiild bnve bi-mi I unlorB.I for ulertioii iliiy than k i-m- lJ.iyi.il laat Tnca-lay. At H" H'"'K inirra in una 1'iiy woia waa orgnn in i iiihiiI m'Hmiii, In iriM'inii No I Calaiai.t Iidkii Iioiikh waa tliu voliiix plji'ii ami in No 2 it waa at Fountain boao bona... , .. . . ,, i ,, . In tin, foiiniT l-r.-' lii. t tbo H jinlli. a I'oiiBiati'd ol J. W. '(;niiiidl, Itobiot Ki'll.iml and . W . Mvi'iiaml WallniK Colo ami lauau Ai ki'inuin weru I'li.rka. Of llm. '(.'ft votiia i-aat tbfra aix with thrown out aa lining luiproMrly iirvpari'd, one of wbii h waa a prohihl- ! tiun bnllot w bii li tliu votur iiihiIm Illi-gal : liyainniiiii bia name to it Tbiit board ; ...l..l 1IIH v..l. In ... I.our anil a half m iiiiim-diati'ly afli-r noon. l(i couiilinu ! 'I'inla-r 1Mb. Now ia llm time to j lb Il'.'ft ballota w..r.) bamlM in one j 'X your irmt tf j 2t hour and tin ininiit(a, w bii h ,ia 4'on-1 Jnaib e blanka, ri-Hl ealale blanka, and I aid.'iod vnrv rapid work. Of Ibi'im I'U all olbi'i hlmika al iIih K tkkihii.I of 1 '. .. ... . i ..... I ......... wi-rii ri.puiilicaii, it iiiMinaraiic uii"-" ....... ,.. .... . piopli.'a and 10 prohibition. l.lrny nllrr. In prin iiul No 2 tli Ixiant ronaiated Slrayed fium the rMnn at Mount ol V. O T. Williama, (i.A, UuidiiiK and ' l'lraaaut about July 1, iM'.tt. a anall bay i C. lloU-r. Willi Max Ilowi.ll and , , . . ,1, A. S alkrr . l.oka. The mm.lH.r of tml - I Iota iat tbnoi waa ,'WI of wbii h 2011 were ri.publii-aiia, 31 douiot ralii:, 1.'12 people' ami 1ft prohibition. Two wi-re thrown .nit Ihmhiiho not ftiotitb naiiir were ratiri'lli'd lo make tlii'iu Ii-khI. Con- Kriaxiuau lleriiiann vot.'d in; lliia j.n- Many non-ieaidenta votml in town, there being none oilier than ,e toral til ket in the field. . ...... ll waaaipuet eleetioii thongli a large vote waa xilil. Once in a while a knot of iK-onle would rolleet and tiaten to ko- )lv'n pftiiy or !nlu!,tiun entliiiHiawtH " ; laying down the law to old party kep- ira. Hut everything w.m gixxl naturi-d. j The Mite from tne variuua prreineta of the j ; iiMinty mi fur ai beatd Ironi at the hour ofj ninK o preaa waa aa follow: I i. ritKClNCTS. i l Urcgun I'tiv Oregon Citv No. I No. 2 Mi '.ifl : 41 S7 IMi Sj 7.'l 121 ! ni sl Hi. Hi ti 27 i 47! a' 12 II: 12i .Vii 2l! it?; it.' 1IH 4."ii 71! H-.j 12 K ftxi 1H 2:t: 4!l 47! Ml ! Kly I tin. -in ah . . . I'anl.y .... . i........ i. .. 3.iNeVa,.: i I 'lai kamua .. 30 Oanrgn i I.oit Mulall I NwmIv i Milk l rack Manpiain I M illion v.' "" 'v,.:,Jn ; Tualatin llnion. . . . I Canyon Creek , t'liai-ailea j! " " "I1.1", j (iafii'ld" .'. I Milut.. lit: Total iiuMoi U ll: MAKKKT KKI'ORT. Ileluw l given the Oreiton City Mnrki-t lli'IKirl, corrected Nov. In from iiiotntion liirniKlied the Kuteki'Hihr by local mer clianla: (IK4IN. , Wheal, vallev, ir bushel $ 70 1 Oai. per bushel 40 3 Itt Country brand 3 Hft rrxn. Sliorla, a?r ton 10 00 trail ll! 00 Clover hsv, haled 10 00 Timothy hay, baled 12 00 I'HOIUCK. Potatoes, er UK) lbs 7S Onions, " 1 Ul Api'les, green, per box SOtitOO Apples, dried, per lb Multcr, er lb 25 Kkks, K-r dox 20 Honey, it 111 US Primes, dried Plums, " MKATR. rU'vf, live, per lb '2 beef, dressed 0ft Million, live, per bend 2 00ii2 ftol Pork, live per lb , 04 Pork, dressed, per lb lift Veal, live, pirlb 3)i Veal, dressed, nr lb ft(ii(i Hums, per lb , 12 Huron 10 Sunday Services. KIItSTCON0KK0ATIONAI.CHrKCIl.-Kav 0. W. Lucas, Pastor. Services at 11 A. a. and 7:.H0 r M. Sunday Srhool afler moriilun er vii'o. Player meelliiK Wmluenlay evoiunit at 7::i0i,elock. Prayer ini'i'llng o( Youiii) Henplr, Siwlely o( OHrlstimi Kudonvor every Siiuday o 011111K at :;'Hl rnit. K1KST BAPTIST CIU'KCII.-Kkv. Oilman Parkkb Pssior Mornlug Service at ll:Siiinlay School at H-lft; Kvenluir Service :M; Keirular eraser moellim Wednesday eveillnij. Moniltlv Covenniit Mnetliia every Vi'eiliicsdny eveulni prei'wlinn the Srst Siiuday In the mouth. A oorulal Invltntlim to all. ST, JOHN'S OHt'KOH.CATHOI.lO.-Kxv. A. lliu.aiiKANii, Pas'.or. On SiiiiilsymsHsal Sand t(l:.K) a. M. Kvory second and fourth Sunday oermioi serinon aner tne s o ciiHix iiikks At all other masses KntilUh sermons. SundHy School at 2:mi r. M. Vespers, aioloetlcal stilijecia, ami Benedtetlon at 7:30 p. M. MKTIIOD1ST KPISCOPAL CHl'KCH.-Kav Kiiw. OiTTKNa, Pastor. Mornlin service at 11: Sunday School at 1-J;tr; Kveiiinirservlee at7:80. Kiiworth Leniriie meelliiK Siiudav evenlnir at :S0; Prayer Meeting Thursday evening at 6:81). strangers eordtnlly Invited. FIKST PKKS1IYTKKIAN CHl'RCH.-Rxv. O. W. OinoNxv, Pastor. Services al 11 a. h. and 7:80 a. H. Sabbath School at 10 a. m. Young Poorde's Society of Christian Kndearor meela every Sunday evening at ii:80. Wednesday ovenlng prayer meeting at 7:80, Seats tree. KVAN0"5!,ICA!.C1H1KCH-GKRMAN - Ana. Krnst, Pastor. Preaching services every alter nate Sunday at 11 A. M and 7:80 P. M. Sahliath sehiM)) every Siiuday at 10 A. M. (John llarrlsberger, Sunt.) Weekly Prayor Meeting every Wodiiusday evening UNITED BKKTHRKN ClItTKClt -Rev P. B. Williams, naator. 8ervie.es Hrst and third Sun day innriiluga and the proeedlug Saturday night In each month at Oregon City, at 11 a. m. and 7 p. ni., aad (lie first Sunday afternoou of aauu uiuuiu ai rails view. BUSINESS LOCALS. Iloliimn & Warnor, Uiwliirtakura and K.inbalini.ra, Ori'dnnCity I'uiik buililini. IliK'Hllit, notH ami onlor Ixxjka at the Kntkhi'iuhk olllito. Mi'i-4niiwi'a aiKitliiiiK jkiwiIitk for li'.'tliiiiK Imlii.n anil foveriali cbililri'ii, now only fifty I'imta a puckot. Aiui'iit liinin but Hliriiiian . tl j tnlri, to oieK.,n City in lota j ,m blin k-to auit imrdiaanr. I'ro.wrty cbi'ai, ti'rma eaay. fwe wild W. Can-y Jobnaon. H. Jakxkv, tf , "rini. vi.tir .ro.iu lo mo ram ruiw , Slom wbmn you tail alwava k-i tli4i wat llllrkll ,, yolr H, ; aaiiiu lluifa aa iIioiikIi ymi paid ch Itlunk noic, rm eipt and ordor hooka at the Kntkmi'iiixic ollii. liiilloiny & lliim'h, th liouw furniah- j tra will Hi' 1 1 bhIi bednxmi auita L'0xl'4 la-vt-li'd kIhhb for flu. Aab Chi-val auita j fori IK. KciUti'inli and cliu.ii h aold at ' " lOWWtl prllW Iroin AUKUl l'l 10 '""' ''W" "bout m) xiiih a aix or i "fven vnara old; baa xonie caddie w-ara , n(, hr;n,,( 1H on Uie ,(l abouldr. Any one returning the amne to the un- , deraiuiii'd al Mount 1'leaaant or iciving I information where abe can be found will lie liU'rally rewarde I. i 4t W. W. Watkspakiii. llenulirul Slllmrwil Honif. j '' ""IB narir i.om lown. ; - i P ni. Acre j !trl I'"" '""". "'n eaay. the I lineal aubiirhaii prowtty oflered for aale, ; ytt lw ,11r(H N(,w roOM.(, , motor line from I'ortlnnil. High and "illhtly. See L. K, Jannkv with W. 1 l Curev Jobnaon If Notiik. A teacher of exi"rience would like a achool to teach tbia winter. AddreaaL. A. W., care of KntekI'Kihk. 21-41 I ! Throwing up the Sponge 'jjj I not our present intention, but jjjif you will notice our show window this week you cannot doubt that Sxmre ia the theme we want to enlarge upon. . There is no other article so un satisfactory to buy, and no other sodiflicult to sell. We realize this and have gotten together an assort ment of bath, toilet, surgeon and carriage sponges which range from 5c. to 7')c. If you will allow them to absorb your attention for even a few minutes we will assure you that we will not absorb too much of your finances in return. C. G. HUNTLEY, SiKTeisor 10 Caufield - & - Huntley, Pr.icrlptioi DriiggiiU. Your Subscriptions! Between now and January 1st you will have to renew subscriptions for most of your papers and magazines, .and choose the new ones you wish to put on your list. You can Save the Expense, The chance of loss or delay and all the annoyance of re mitting direct, by leaving your ordet; at the Book Store. W'e guarantee safe arrival of the first number; or of all numbers if vou get them at the store, liut a still safer and more convenient way is to get your periodicals at The Newsstand. The price is the same with but few exceptions; you can usually get them a day or two earlier than by mail; there are no missing or de layed copies; you do not have to pay in advance, and you can cliange when you please or drop out poor nt 111 hers. Huntley's Book Store. Beautiful Fruit Farm ! Forty acres, level as a floor, all cleared, well fenced i::to five fields, good house 20x26 feet, splendid well of good water and force pump, good barn and out houses, several hundred fruit trees prunes, apple, cherries, etc., small fruit in abund ance, several sheep, hogs, cows, two young horses. Everything in first class condition. For particulars, apply to owner, Milton Stingby, near Currinsville, or see L. R. Janney, with W. Carey Johnson, Oregon City, Oregon. MONEY TO LOAN! OFFICE Next door to Caufield Si Huntley's drug store. THE PLACE To buy dry g'xxln of all kimlH, men' and iwyg' clothing, laditB', lninHt-B' and children's cloaks oflateHt cut and HUjxTior quality of gixxJn, children's school ehries, mackintoshes and rubber goods fine groceries and pro visions in fact anything you want to wear or eat, is THE-:- PIONEER STORE, THOMAS CHARMAN & SON. The finest line of STORM SERGE DRESS GOODS KVER BROUGHT TO OREGON CITY. LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S. 5loals! loas! loas! All of the latest cut and of a superior class of goods, MEN'S, YOUTH'S AND BOYS'- HWhinrrT A. Vi ya Direct from Chicago, and ever brought to Mackintoshes and Rubber Goods pine Groceries, All fresh and of superior quality. One Price to All And That the Lowest. GO TO Oregon City Iron Works for all kinds of Machine work and Casting. " ALL REPAIRS To Traction Engines, Threshing Machines, Har vesters, Mowers, Etc., promptly attended to. OUR PRICES Are equal to the lowest to be had in Portland. Shop on Fifth St. near Main, Oregon City, J. ROAKE. Prop. OREGON CITY Manufacturers of and COMBIflATIOll WltE AND piCrET FENCf, Both rough and dressed for lawn and division fence, also Hartman Steel Picket Fence, . And Wire Panel Farm Fence, also Expanded Metal Fence. Call and see Samples and get Prices. Shop over Bestow'e Sash & Door factory, Oregon City, Or. GEORGE BROUGHTON, MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF FIR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER. FULL STOCK OF FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISH ING LUMBER, DIMENSION STUFF AND LATH. -rsgsrr Special Bills Cut to Order? Mill and Yard on the River, Foot of Main Street. OREGON CITY. OR. CITY VIEW MARKET, HENRY BOYER, Proprietor, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh Beef, Mutton, Pork, Ham, Bacon and Lard. THE BEST F MEAT KEPT AND SATISFACTION GIVEN, SHOP ON SEVENTH STREET, AT HEAD OF STAIRS. C. 0. T. WILLIAMS vill lean you all the money you wanton improved farms at the very loweHt rates. Sjecial rates given on largo loans. No I'uilling and Loan Asso ciation but straight goods. After thirty years residence in Oregon City I feel safe in refering to the public in general. HlofhinrrT A y M. A A -ah -a 9 the most complete line Oregon City. . FENCE WORKS, dealers in all styles of