Oregon City Enterprise. IutHHeii Kvery KrUloy. MESEUVE A LAWRENCE, FFBUSHKHS AM) rROI'RIKTOtta, crnciiL pater or CITY and county. Sl'HSCHII'TION HATKS. One year. ..... ix months. ..... ti . I on Inns uioiilhs, Subscription a-tyahle lr vtvaoce Advertising raiei- given on application Kutered at the Port Otoe In Oregon City. Or,, as second da matter. FKIPAY. NOVEMBER 11. l2. The KNTKRl'Rl.K guarantees a lanrrr bona flde clrculati.m than that of the oilier three iiart in th county combined. Ai.iE.NT FOR THK KNYKKPKISK. . 0. W. Vnwr iiev Kmht W. S Kmixau liary A suiter it J. TruUincer K 8 Hramhall Chas Hotmau W. Newberry Henry Miley Hamilton vt Vihturn - Mr, ti. A SheMiM Cl''ktn. Tnion Mills. -Aim. !Utj.low BrHvk, Now Km. Frk Tim. iriow. Mu'tiuo, 1 uuevuie A'iMr. (TTtlle, Kicie Creek, 1tT1ti.iCU. 8vmd l iirrinsviUe, i'riorryville, Marmot. T. M. Crot - J . O. U4lV HmM . - 0. T - R. M. Kt N. M. Momiy . M. Martmau F titesy L J Penlua H. iliwni I. ilin U..Uh J, i'. KUivttt b, UtKiM'h J. Currin Mrs. M. J. Hammer A.iolph AsvhnH The 1' residential KlertioB. The rltvtion results in the cltniee of a demorratir aiiministratioti lor (lie 1'iiiteil StaUs. If Ihe ilemoi rats shall set both l.ranclm of coiijsrww as well as the execu tive it will I a fortuiiau. thine for the re- uhlicans. Then they cannot charce re Viibltcan 0itioii as the cause of their I .ilitrtt t,. fMrrr ,tit their d,tatrii:e. As a ni UteV of fad. howe.er. ,h, ... i jnon 9ut'v'jj hira moment that the ileai- j ocrats will ever ttttempt to put in operation what their national platform advocates. I They dare not supplant protection by free trade or tariff for revenue. They dare not I remove the ten per cent, (ax on state bank iisues unless they provide some other means equally efficacious for keeping them out of circulation. They dare not inanen rate a " free ailver" era: indeed their candi date was ooiifesoeiilv opa.sed to their plut form on tliif question. The democrats had the advantttje in this rswct. The republican platform was un derstood lo mean what it aid : the deino cralic platform waa understood to mean anything else than what it said. The records of the two parties justified this understand ing of the matter. Of courso it is easier to take the negative or non-committal side and all opposition to the plain and distinct ut terances of the republicans iu their platform and in the letters of their candidates Hocked to the democratic omnium gatherum tie cause it was such a graceful sprawl and didn't mean anything anyway. The republicans also suffered from the dis affection of disapiajinted office seekers and machine men. The refu- of President Harrison to surrender an, art of his ad ministration to political buzzards had its effect in alienating certain factors having an important bearing on a close election. But his sturdy, re3tctfiil, vigorous, Ameri can administrtion will pass into history as one ol the strongest and best the great American republic has ever enjoyed. Our Glorious Climate. Now that the political campaign is over we crave the privilege of calling attention to tbe glorious climate of Oregon. Nature has been behaving herself beauti fully of late. The summer drouth was wet down early and at judicious intervals since there has been sufficient moisture to pro mote farming 0ierations and not enough to impede them. The soil is in admirable working condition. A large acreage is be ing sow ti in fall grain. The potato harvest is under the most auspicious circumstances. The roads are still good and everything in vites the farmer to make things snug and cosy forthe humid season. There is poetry in all out of doors. The breezes sing a symphony, riie leaves cariiet the lawns and w alks and such deciduous trees as still cling to their foliage are vieing with each. other in blushing and whispering those wonderoiis tales that only fairies understand. These sunny days and moony nights would "drive the poeteicsoul delirious. Truly there's no place like Oregon for climate, politics or religion. Op.f.';on republicans did their duty man fully and they have reason to be proud of their triumphant victory over trickery and fusion. Salmon Notes. Salmon, Nov. 4. Messrs. F. Allen, John Wilson and Joseph Hchlee are out from Portland on a fishing and bunting trip. They are stopping at J. Mcltt tyre s. Messrs. J. Kitier and R. Koseman have just returned to Portland after a few days vist to Mr. W, Rosalky of this place. Several wagoti loads of machinery for irrigating ditch at Clear .lake passed here Wednesday the 2nd. Master Wm. Stone has returned borne. He has been working for J. C. Hackett close to the Clackamas hatchery. Puoobkss. Roll of Honor for District No. 25. Molalla, Nov. 7. Those whs were nei ther absent nor tardy during tbe month of October are: Aurora Dickey, Maud Rastall, Victor Dickey, Carrie Baty, Lizzie Feyrer, Annie Feyrer, Fritz Feyrer, Sam Rastall. Ewika MtfLLAa", Teacher. , KMIIY. For th Kmerprt.) My honsa) is left imlo me deaolale; ! Out whom 1 loved hath sought the unknown short: Sh heard th summon and she could not wall, Hill left n.y h Ntrl no nor. Oh Christ, In thin own (rami Infinite mercy, To w hom sinner never cried in vain I Thou -aho d.vst lu all thing! Ihe hest end wortl I ,. j Help me Linear my pain. I know that kindred hearts ma (row Hill kinder, And tender smtlea Illume the pathway drear: Hut every hour will tiring a sad reminder Of one w ho la iM here. i The inn ati'd .hlnea hrlghlly aa of yore, f And in the sunlight .llil iter rimes t.lootn; Yet .he who .miles upon the earth uo more, I. lying In the tomh. ! When inthe springtime all the Wrt were sing I Int. i The pale, aweel lulierose, he love.1 m.t and ! best. , Came forth and hU.as.uiie.1, each white hetl j aeemeil ringing 1 A dirge for one at rest. Fir lhvt who iht'r nuy t n rvrnlinr IVrvhunoe no knowlU f a il(ron?'pAli.; Hul all my heart litl WHlIt iu voUlt yenrulim To f her Uce f;4Ui. My house I left unto me tleolate" Our Fjlher help me a Ihe year roll on. ThvuiEh hHko( hv-svvii with her. lo work atul wait " Thy w ill, uot mine, b done" j lURTHl MAHTVN itHMN. Urvftoo City. Oretf.m j Ontrwt (Vim it litipro.lnc Ckntrvl Point, Nov. ".Mrs. PayM IVh- ; loan, ar., is on the u k ttii wet'k. They have Mnt for Martha Hiutoti of Kat Tort land to attend. ! lieo. Hlanchant hit Nuchl 2!- arresofj f W" t.iit.ri-rUt fur 11 iwr ,-r- titnerHriel fur jti ier i r ; .a.(Uiwn. mul halnmv on lime. ,y.o. usN.Mii .a i Km mi, mucrpivumi farming. It ! Kaliiiaii' NiiiiltAiiM i iih.Wtft.inir It. t. ta-tmnsre!meiH"e is umlerjroing a change, two spacious porvhea are U ins' atttrhtnl The Central Point, I, O, li. T. meet eerv Weilnestiay exenintf at the M, K. I'liurvh. The Itowen fantilv fntm tinhhle a i.rni- rie are sin.iiii (he winter on Frank Poii'htv's farm in this neighborhood, K. N. Foster has Iradeil cord woml toj. M. Kindiey for two head of cattle. I so. Utter List, , IX 0 November 10, WC: IViiimm. John KeynahU. Thoiniw I'uil. A h Kiley, Mim r.tnma Heii.ierx.n. W A !inimons, Z Harms. VV A ividth, loin lolinsoii, the Butcher Smith. T J Johns.ni, K 0 Vanderbilt, Mr l.awerv, James V.kI, Mrs Z t' Morland, Julius Woods, Mrs busan i'ottstain, Mrs Sadie nah K If calle.1 for, please say when advertised. E.' M. Kim, p. M. I'liurri: Fain. . , ,. ,..... , , : will pn.mp.ly at Ihe prowr time r..placeand re llte Ittdtea of the i resbytsnan church . More the street and pavement over auch wu. ira nninrin tn oieo two f.ira f,,r ., ! ''i to aa gixal atate aud w.lldltli.n a he found are preparing lo give two lairs lor the . u PVU. lo ..penlna the ..me. and that he benefit of their chnrch. Tite firnt a cake fair will be given in Sltively'a hall on Wednesday evening Novetniier 23, the evening before Thanksgiving at which i.akes of all kinds will be sold lor Thanksgiving dinners. A number of Older for various kinds of cake have already been received and any (.ereon desirous of ordering any kind of cake lor their Thanksgiving dinner can have ' it made ready for them at this fuir sending their orders to either Mrs. Wm. Giboney, Mrs..!. V. Mackay by or Mrs. H. 8. Straniie. The second fair will be held near the middle of December at which all kinds of neat fancy Work suitable for Cliriat-1 ma presents will be on exhibition for sale. ."School .Notes. With Prnf Prinirle nreaent the liter- ! nun I rot. rringie present lite liter ary society held its find regular meetinir ' , . . j iait rrtuay iiignt. itie program coir sisted of recitations and a debate. ! There were three debators on each side and the subject for debate was the old one: "Resolved that war is an evil and should be done away with." It was de cided in favor of the negative. The pupils were highly elated over having a holiday on election day and are sorry it only conies once in four years. Politics abound in school and one can learn the politics of half the ;eople in town through the children. I't pti.. Extensive Ir!n Purchase. Sa.v Antonio, Tex., Xov. 6. It is re ported here that C. P. Huntington, president of the .Southern Pacific, has just completed the purchase of an iron mine and extensive steel works at Durango, Mexico. The price is not known, hut It IS believed it will run into ' ., , . .,, , ,, , i tbe millions. Ibis will be the largest iron works on tbp American continent iron wonts on liie American continent, j contro 1 nir not on v tbeoutnut of Mex rn : but the entire South. The Premier Binki Again. Tacoma, Wash., Xov. 8. The sunken steamer Premeir. whbh collided with the Willamette off Whidhy island, was raised yesterday and sunk again today. A small steamer, which was taking wood, struck the Premier's cable, causing her to turn oyer In sinking the carried the ii . j i .... i... small meaiiier uown, auu me miter crew had a nairow escape from drown ing. Business is booming at the court houfe this week. Ciicuit court is in session, the commissioners are holding their November term and there is a county teachers' examination in progress. This conjunction of events does not often occur, We got Clackamas county . There is no use disguising the fact that Gee. C. Brownell is one of the best political organizers of his age in the country. OKMNANCK NO, An oritii.Ait.iM .iioi.i,u.ri u.... ii w in ahafl make connection Will, ti e , diuanc No. Is", and pre.orll.111 the manner ..I making such cnnneciiou with all p.it.li,. .ewe... and certain pciiallica lor nun coiiudl- wuhIiiihi lor tum-e.mti.li. Sii.ri.kw I ti,'.i , n., .....uh lf ,, . t-i?; MhH.e-1 iif:!a;hVi.w' hii ra line ol i.U ka and JI and iiioh.,ti.i u til, ; N.i n. a ui hlVk i 1. i' It It "the. Si- a That all nro.iilv owner, wlil.ii... Uewerdi.trlVi an. h M.T n.., r,Tio . i,, I u rZ! X lrjjlI,l?l . .. J (lint Htt t orrti rumlrtet, mm n(Shi- ; iy i ill on y , m it i (I mt iu m ttuvtitig or rhi j Ui(t lo nuke mit'h M'WfrxKi roiincnioii witlini tu Www- iiNintM, .lmlt, itoii eoiiv umUmi (hens. I ; lfort ihoi tly nn'onU'r. rttni In m.v mmii , IrxN th ill) ton tlolU.i nor t soiHHf iMK otte hittittrvit i lUnr ui f ttimorvltoti ot tK ooon ; ami toh tUy uoh nt'imt aiitt n.-hi-i hwtl iintlnuv Atur utiit w iHt hl tm itvoiiusl a vii 1 tiin-l nul rirate orti-tite HiK.' .1 U lll.ttl K.O.r.l.lllt.. Iii tar I .a.k.l I iff lhttsiiitilwt.m itf iltM ki.t Htnii. ; all wvmmv owiu'tn witliui naul ni'Mttr htrti( ar MS) n Ins 1 to i'loi nthl itroirU (111 wlilt s alt rtvv vatiltit ami ouftM,ii wttlitii Ittv -m.. j ami hervaltor it shall (hi miUw hil for any irot fri) ow ir to llt r make iii of any titHkol or privy vault. ainl nit trona vtolattiiK the ' ro ltoii ol this Mviion nhall. tiou cmv 10 j llrttoii tltenf, lt tints) tn any inti not W ; than iru t.r morv ihau otie huiulr-! tlollark at j the ttiftcreitoti t the ttmri, aiil aoh Uv j linnaiM'e of siH'h violation after aueh eoltvte ' li h.ll 1. .! - t. .Il.n .. j vU jko. 4 No ivutuertlon nhall N male with an ptihlle eer or ,)ram within the titv of or oin'H without lh iiritten mrmiio of the euy -luuuH'r. ami ewry emiiieeit.m or oeiunv m-.!etnto auv p.ihhr ivwrror .Iralii without fr,milUm,Mehei-etut.re(.-'rltl lor toeti ..... lii or eoitne'tMui, iiilijivi th mtoii or teraon tmkiti( the Mine, ami the owner or o a iter of the irvmlie tireotitit IU to a ati ally hereinafter remlwM . ami eat-h tlay tti4t ait) prraoa hall, Mtlhont neh permission, eon tliiue to luethe o"raui into Mid nrweni shall he con interest a Hprate oiltMte. hut' i. Thl l-ll Mtltfltioaap Is hrnri ai.l)..t. IU rHIU mn I1'"-" " nT eeni HftV r ,)r .llilK , h . , ewerff or dratna, ami lo nmk iMnt.eotioiit hall le urantr! m the etpreaa ltdUtou that the ow tier or tenant for w in e lienerli mteh eon i nM'"n h e'h UOHSlllnt - WhUi Phall tn eou.hier.iioti of the privilege thereby (rained. hoUt the eitv nl Orvon i ny harmlena lor any Iom or damane thai tnav lu I any way reanlt Irom or te oet-aaioned by any eh irauur ronneiunm Mil . tt. 1 he tvuneetiott with ami opening tn many ewer or dram rmiM t male ny a per I .on authoriitst am! aimroved ami ikrum. h the ell v council and Done olherm - Sk . , No person shall he anthorued or U i cuel hy the city council p, ,io the work of ; tntklitK tsmncctUktis with any of the pnhllc aewem or drauit, or their lateral connections, j until he ha I urnlhel said council w uh a satis Mctor) cerunrate. ain'iietl iy t ieai two rvpnta t.le 111..011. it he be a mawn or .ewer builder. ..riworep.iiaoiepoimiM.ra, n ne te a MtltntM'r. j to the ettect that the appltrnit la known l.v j tlieiu tn l a person reiiurly educated to the I tmioiie. and ,tialtrtd lo perform the dune ! which he undertake.: and prevloua to helm I aulhoriied or tren.vd r.y .aid eliy roiiucll the t party applying- .hall (lie a l.uid Iu the oltire ul i the elly recorder lu audi sum aa may te de.lK ; lialed hy the .aid city eoiinrll. not I..., how ever, than ri.e hundred dolt.ra, with two or I more auretie. tn be approved by a. Id city cum icil: e.mdliloiie.1 thai lie will Indemnify and I save harmleaa the city l Oregon t'lty from ali i !" or datuaire that may Ik. occa.loued In any wise by aeculeut r the want of earw or .kill u j hi. part in the pr.e.,iillon ot .urh work orlrtat , may t tvcaaioned by reaaon of auy otH-ulitg by i him made or ca.i.e.1 to lie made In a atreet, lane, j alley or aveuue market place. ..r put. lie vrouud ; in themakiua of any public or private aewer or ; drain a. afore.ald : and colidtlloued a'.ao that he will colli.. rill In ail repei'(a Inthe rulea and lllationi whl. h may from time to lime be e.tab li.lted by .aid city council in reiallou to putting In junctloua and lapping of the .ewer, and drains. 8k h. It .hall he unlawful for any person, so authortied by the eitv council to make con. nectiona wilh aewera and rtralna. to allow hi. name to be u.ed for the purpoae of obtaining .aid permlla. .r ot doing any work under hi. authoiity. under the penalty hereinafter pre acr!ted. It .hall la the duty of earn and every person so authorized or llcen.e.1 by attd city council, to record hi. name and that of the Arm, lu c.e of partnehlp tog.-tlier with Hie I''1"'' "' huiiiea In a ImniR or r .r.l ,.. ... I II' kept by the city engineer, and alw. to Immedl ately notify the engineer of any change of I either thereafter by recording liie name, firm, ! and place of huiiuaaa aa theretofore lu aald 1 record. I Skc. a. Karh perum an llcen.e.1 who .hall lmakacoutl. - etii.ua with the .ewera or dratlia. hall keep In repair aud giaal unlet the whole of thn work executed hy him until the aaine la ' accepted by tbe city engineer, or auch other perwui aa may lw Ue.lgualcd for that oirpo.e. which aciep.auce ahall lie given in wrillii! ' and ahall not be given until the eiplrailon of oue year afterthe completion of the work. 3r.e. 10. All application! lor permits mint be made. In writing by the party employed to du the work, aud must be accompanied by the sig natures ot me owners ana leuanu tor whitae benefit the application Is made, or by his or ,i,eir authorized agents or atiomeya. and must sl"le lo..-atlou and number of tot, numiieroi feet front, name of district, rianie of owner, the niuntierot bulliliuga to he cotinectel anil how "'.'.'"'iJ '"""fJ'l.T and the water eionets, sink., ami other fixtures to tie connected with the same, ami .uch appli cation shall be filed in the om.-e of the city en gineer. Sac. II. At least twenty four houra notlre miml he given at the city engineer's orhce tiefure any street or public way can be opened lor the purpoae of laying a prlvale aewer or dralu; no work t.f laying sewers or draina can be commenced or continued without the jH-rinlf is on tin-(round In thehaudsof the drain layer or of one employed by him. Hue. 12 After the permit haa been i d notice in wrllitigmui.tliiallca.es be left In the orlice ol the city engineer by the person who is about to make the connection with any aewer or drain, stating the time when such wwrk will be reaily for inspection previous to making siu-h connection. Hue. in No drain pipe can be extended 'rom work previously done and aci-epted, or new connections at any time lie made with such work unless previous notice o' at len.t twenty four hours is given tothe ciiy engineer. Hkc. 14. Ill casj it shall !,e ui-ressnry lo eon necta drain or sewer pipe with a pul.lie sewrr when no iutictlon Is lelt In the same, the new connection with thn public sewer can nnlv he made when tin oincer ot me oily Is present to see the whole ol the work ilotie Hkc. In case a waler or gns r.lpe should c",ne ""' ""' "' 11 "ew,T "r drain, the .pirs , Hon of passing over or under the aaine miisi . Im determined bv o'-.e of the ollicers authorized v 1 ""'',''' Jn no case c.in the pip., layer be al iwe(1 1 deriile the nunstlon himself. BK,:- '" whenever it is necessary lo iiisturb a wihkIcu dra1!! iu i dual use. It tnusl In uo case Irt! obstructeil without the speirial direi!tioti of I .He uiiy eiig i iierr. no nyv oiaiii carl III: 1H1U ' above the bottom ofa wooden drain whether iu I actual use or not unless the pipe la made to i rest either on puddled eirlh, brir-k or stone. ' . and In no case will it be allowed to l.-t drain , pipes rest on W'ood or other perishable materials. Hue, 17. All conii.'Cilons miulo with nubile i sowers shall be under the supei llucndeliCe anl I '1irr."",., '""'""""I ! so eh serv omi a. .me I, boot - t .ha i K , by the applicant. ilvi' 1. ! ,.r.ur,lti n.iv ulrmtl nr r.ol.lt, u., all materials lor pat lug and ballasting must be remov removed wnn the least possible injury or loss 0, the Hme , ,, tK1,t,er ,ith the xeavaluil materials Irom the trenches must he placed j where they will cause the least iiriicilCHhlr In ! convenience to the public. As liitle aa possible of the trench must, be dug till the liinclioii I piece Into the sewer is found, ihiIcsm it Is first determlne.i to make a new opening Into the gewer. Whenever the shies of the trenches will not stand perpendicular khcetihg and braces must be used to prevent any unneces sary caving, am! In no case shall the, work be done by tunnelling but shall be excavated lu open tre itches Hue. 1. All openings and obstructions In any street, lane or slley, must las carefully guarded at all times with siilllcleut barriers, and during the night time shall be Indicated hy colored lights, aud such other precautions shall betaken as shall he necessary toguard the public against accidents; and at all t'mi-s the work shall he so done as to cause the least Inconvenience to property owners and the gen eral public. Use. 21). No drain from any bouae, afore or tenement whatever ahati lHeiint..led with any piinne sewer in im. eiiv ninerwiM. tnau t.v 11 'Vr"V:,rr'V:,'.',1.".. ,.Vm,..,".":r"J ,',," ! , ,,, , ',, , " " 'V" i 1 .. L i.. ' All Utl ItlUM 1H itH It) i V" "V VI?'" . wMi'U HI MM l At UV1M IhU'P Mitt) tlftll fvt "-'i. . i v, h . , ,, I tr a.ttanl ; and lite owner, ot the ..roperi y M'",a , v" ,""V;h ''""" V ""T '"T I.r ll.e end. of all . I lo he lin- i medlaiely ...mnivted nllh water el.et.. .ink.. ' " 'al.'h Iw.ln., .re n. he .reurelv IMII I1IH 'V l'-l IIIBKIV' H lllir I'"' lo I itr4iiu.. w Ui'M lh IttrwuU rM ! Pl'H HUst (tlltt Mrt Vrt'llt" Ni' H I V Ul( ; run U outitsMtHl w li tt Iht uttUt- M'wcm itn1ra ! iiiitwu'iil tnily it Udtrr In linr lm' l ht ; t.imtccf urn tlviivvlth lt 'rry rt irviu trtinloo M all nnvle itintit or ewer Unit ; , be haul burned Vrtek, nil tilaed r eeitteut i ; pipe, or oal iron mul the eitv einttueer hll ' iiivnle III all eaea htrh ol1 Bthl maierii ltH ainl i.o mnierlrtl nhill le u-el tn - ; l,r,v,f ilratn or newer mile previously an f triu'kt by the etiv engineer or hi altwtil t i hKi- ; The luhte of rery drain, alter tt I UhliititHl he left motih Mini pel leiily rlean j throiiiihtvtit itx entire length I ! - Th hrk rllllit over drain- or ew i er. alter they are lui. nt't-l I pitiblled. ami, I loneiher w Hh ihe repUrtu of b-ttut ami pv Inc. miil In done wlihiii 4 hour atter the; ; completion of that part of Ihe drtnor teaer i ;lnm ulthtnthe pnhiu hihay, anl done o ' 1 to ittMke them at lent n hI they w err te fon thev wwre tluturll, nt to ihe natiliietlon j , ; ' ' w,li, !w ,u,ul iSMn.ii.lr lor any mW- Tm"" PUl,m,,nl of r,.U"tl ?' I,v,m,, A" V'T ' .m"l"1 l .fr;" ;,i,t, m,,u '"'' ! he a-ttitaei i.-ii ot il.e rlty e.. I 11 taV.i. rluil I nroireiwl Irot i t liinv and lujury to the allUt tlon of (hp n , j eoitipatiy. jKt J7 Nn phiiw from ateam eiitflite eau i ; he rttiitttvtetl wkttt any prt ate ilraln or wumi i tlmt lstmiuHiet wlih any puhiietiratn or aewer, atitl no Mow ort from tean( ran Im so ikmi- j iteetet without special aertiiUsloit front Iheeliy ! eiiitiiieer. liratu or tewera laid wlihln lha elly ; Haul In and In mi hotie ir atrteia where no iitthlir aewera are yet lanl, ntut t loneae i enntniitto ttte ath've legulaUi'ii in tnerv par 1 tlrnUr. ami ihe owner or agent o the proiwrty ; ! miiol prtnH a permit from Ihe elly engineer ; 1 1) connect the tmewith the luttiiir sewer or i atu to aooti a the n.e -hall W lottit past the rH-rty (nun whleh salt) ilraln la laid, aueh ' , information ihaelly h- wtih re4r0 to the f xiitioii ol putottons will be lurnl)iel lit the 1 I ilrctn Uyera. hot at the risk ol the tlrain lavera ' I a lo ihe atvntaer ol the same w hen u rhance j h( threetlott t nta.Je In the pipe, either Hi a hor filial or vertical .iireetmn l nrvea tiittai he SI.', -jn anv .ewer lull I made etrep'ln a. herein prnvld.! I.r. and any ieru,ti who .li.ll make ur eriiiil ..r .'.it... t.. made a connection w uh .neh .p. er In a mai.ner c. 'litrarv to Hie provl.lon. ..( itu 1 "ii.tni'iou .t.all t nne,i in any annum tr.a til. ti ten dollar, nor more lli-u one hundred d.iUar In the dt rollou ol liie court, and l.ati liu'iir a Itirltier penally of ri.e dollar, lot each d.) (hat ..it'll lorblddeii isuineellou .tiall eon tit.iit. after notli. Iiom the elly engltirrr to remo.etlie .sine, ali.l any per.oii abo.ti.ll tall lo remove any prUate drain coiiurellog with auy public .eaer In the elty ol tireg-ui i lly. wliii'h I. cu.lru.'ted contrary lo Itie pr.v vt.iou. ot thi rtiatrr. w itlou ten da after Ih lug li .lined by Hie elly engineer thai itie ..me 1. unlaw fully made, .hall Incur a penally ol rive dollar, for each day thereafter that .iicti forbid den connection .hall continue. sgc jy. tt .ball Im. unlaw fill tor any p.-raon In po.M-.4b.ri of pratiil.e. Int.. which a plu or oilier .luiliectlon with the piiblle .ewer, or dr. In. haa boen laid lor Ihe pnrpoae ot carrying olt animal refu.e Iroui prlvl.-a. or water e.wl., slop, from kttrben.. or for other purple. , lo allow the Mime to remain without good and N.r. fv.-t flMurea ao allaclieil a. to allow a .illllrl.'U ( wafer to be ,. applied aa to proarly carry .uch uiattcra ami to k.-ep lh aauie uu..l- tnteted. Kaeh day the same arw Mrmllted to re mam without flxiurca ft,r .upplvlng aald water shall ue dininied a dl.tluci aud M.arate .itfen.e. sgc. IM No butcher's orT.I or garlMge. dead antiiiala, win. I. aloiie. .(raw. or other artlrlc, or oL.trtictlolia ol any kind whatever, .tiall l placed. Ihrow n. or ilepmlled In atiyralchha- ,, u.wup ,l,.t.h ilrulu It. ll,M ..,v Btiil .... ........... ..'...r..,,,tli ,...i., .o,., l,.iro lion, or aiibataiice. to Ik. blace.1 ... a. lo Ik- ear- ried In'n auch .ewer or ba.ln. .hall l- .ublect to the penally herelllatler preaerllanl for an. h olTene; and any per.oli breaking. Injuring or removing any portion ol any catch ba.ln. man le cover, or any portion of auy .ewer, or ap- rpurienaii. v. iinii.iiuiiiiiK iq a... i.i.ooer ... lllet or outlet of auy .ewer or ilraiu, .hall tw ublect to the penally hereinafter pr. wrllel. Hk.'. 31. Any .er.on authorised orbc'eiiaed lo make c inne.l,;?n. with aewer. or drain, who hall tie guilty ot auy violation! of the provis ion, of this chapter, .hall tw Immediate ly deprl.ed of hi. Iti-enae. and any peraou gitlliv of a v'o-latlon of any of the provla- loll, ol thta chanter, .hall. up..n eotlvlrtlou Ilnreol In thn polli eeoiirt ol the city of Oregon 1 "' where a fine ha. not Iweii uherwle .. pa rately provided herein, I nucd In any ama of hot fe.ft than tell dollars nor exceeding one hundred dollars, at the dlmretlon of the court. age. ifi. .Ml moneys collected under ami by virtue of this ihaptf r shall be paid over to Ihe eitv treasurer, lo Imi applied towards the pay ment ol an Insla'Ctor alol such other expenses as may be Incurred hy the provisions of Ihia chapter. This ordinance Is published hy order ot Ihe city council at a meeting held Novemlier i, Mi. U 1,. i'oaTga. Heco-.ler OKHINANCK NK. -. Oregon t'ity does ordain as follows: That If any person shall keep or stt up a house of 111 fame, brothel or bawdy house, or le. an Inmate of any such house of ill fame, ttrothel or bawdy hon.e, for the purpose of prostitution, fornii-atlou or lewdness, within ttierorporal limits of Oregon ( lly, such ht siiu, upon cotivl.-tion thereof, shall be pun ished by Imprisonment In the city Jail for the term of thirty day., or pay a flueo! not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollara, or ttolh fine and Imprisonment. All ordinances lu coiillti t herewith are hereby repeal r Thlso dllistU'o Is published hy order nf Ihe city council at a meeting held November 4. la'.rx L. I.. I'otiTrH, Kw-order. NOTICE full ITHI.ICATION. J.ANt) orrn a at Oiihuon ditv, ongooN.i OCt. .V I KM.'. ( Notice is hereby given that thn following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to mako hunt t.n of in siipnort ol his claim, and that Shin prool will be maor riciorethtt tteglster ami It. -reiver of the I! H. land oftl'-e at Oregon t:ity. or , on V... an, !', via: Henry I Is, homesteitd entry, No. for tho nw'i of nw'4 olsoc !W t lis. r 4 e. He names thn following witnesses lo prove his continuous residence upon ami cultivation o mid land, under sec ami, it. : i;hh Howe A. H. f.'raux. Hiimurl i H alley mid I). J. Ilowvll, all ol Hprlnic rfaler, I. o., Oregon. J. T. AcrKitsoN, Itegisier I0:'21-ll :! KOTU K KOK I'I'lll.lt ATloN. Land Olllce at Oregon liity. Oregon, ( ,,,, i hiirebv irlven that tlii. followlnif nsmed Settler ha. nll SJlti!!! h!.ln!nnl! 5 '" "'i1 '.".'"I'l-nrt of Ills claim, and j that said proof will be made before the Register mid Receiver of the I1. H land oltire at Oregou i City, Oregon, on liecemher a, lsif'2, viz; I William .1. Kvans, Homestead en'ry No. Wi, forthe K. tfnf f4. K. i s w . K. , H. K. of rl W. fcoiMW.. T. 4 H It. 'I K. He names the following witnesses to prove tils continuous resilience iit.on ami cultl- i f 1..., ..la- llu u ll..,.l,..A- Ti........ 1 Flynn, John T. r.viins, .lotiu v., May, all ol Mink post oftlccClHckamasrouiity, Oregon. I":21-ll:'.rt J, T. Ai'i'gKsoN, lleglster. NOTICE OF FINAL HETTI.KVKNT. In the matter of the estatu of Wm. f load, den'd. Notice lahnreby given tn all parties Interested In said estate that I have filed my final account in thesiild estate with the county court of Clack amas county, Oregon, and that the Juilgo of said court has act Tuesday, the nth day of lieceuilMir, Isitt, at the hour of If) o'clock a.m. of aald day, as the time for hearing objection! to said ac count If any there be. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 2, Wn. C. A. HoI.MTKoM, Administrator 11:4-12:2 of tbe estate of Win. Coad, dee d. V WHY .NJ DO ) TUU MlyllMIlT -V DEflTn ? r? NO RtMCDV ON l HTM CAN CURE YOU UNLESS YOU U9C IT I it or voo D r A n flO GOOD TO rtLHL' AiOUT OREGON KIDNEY TEA UNLESS YOU TaltC IT. ;it i.JIchi. Ditairia. iNrkaMuavioN or ,ua .! a. Vl now wot., ana Bmtmt a '0 ait, Vi. 10 Ouicat to .'a Cowia. TI"V IT. THE Springfield Republican, AS IMm:XIRT. HIMI'I KTK ASH Tli KriiroafHtHilyi. juuriuil of Sf llniilitiitl. Kittuhllslit'd in s; 4 hy Samuel Itowlea. Inhahed l'Ali.YIMV tiP WHtfkl.y The hprlnitrlet l Itepuhtlean laettithath'allv a NK laMr lor the peoie II puhllshes at) Ihe ttewatliat Is new In Ihe hroadest a ltd hl(het eiise, (ittafTveteil lv aitlau ir perottal prejit iltee. It Is enterprising alert ami hitelllen in the nerformanee of lia.tullei to Ihe pnhiie It has Iti own ileehled opinion oil ptihjte ijnea lloita. ainl these oinlona are eirfsae with vi r ami ahiltiy. Imii thry ar not atlowetl to color Its hea columns. THK lA 1 1 V HKI'I'M UWH w starir.i iti iii ami la the oMtlal!y paper -.1 u 1M1 In Ihe state ulilshle of tMti mIou it has alw slou It has alwai kepi ahifast ol the times, and has hwrii otiirk all itseltolthe lrst motirn annhaiit e lor the enlafetnfiit and linprmciwnl of lis news iwrv ire It ( no rrtfniarl) an el(hl pane sheet with aeven wide eohiuins lo the pane, ami stift plemetiial paces are lreiiently ad-lid asthe do- liHti'Ui'l liens or abeftlstnit re-tnlre It cov en(liafs and Interests receive sitei-lat attenth.li and llheral spri and t large fori' of aHlat rcorters and -orrrtMideiii are eon(antt)f einplordtn fatliennc the Im'al newt tf Hot ern Ma hutias and i fie nrft;htHtitf eun Ilea t.f CniteMlriit, Vermont and N-w lUin) nit I re for It rralrr etlortal pe Is lnad iu raiiatek liicteitdetii, rr atUi and lnlerettn lit noallly It llter-iiy di'partituMit Is of a re martIy hl.li t-r.lrr lis uEltiral tsrrepott dehre Is In riu sited hv iix Impendent . Hell lltforintsl and raah!e writer It ptttlshe. mteoer. a r't arieiv of liitrrestiiitt and taliiahle gnefrtl corrstondetir and selec tion THK ttCMUY HK't ltJl'AX Was first pnhtUhcd In response lo a real p'lt.lic deinaii'l in vrteru Massachusetta lor a first rlasa hlifh tonel Hniolav newspatfr Htnce that time I' haa laeti ronatantly lmtfove ami il haa heeii twice rti'ar.,-1 f'tliy lour tlflh of Its titty all col n in in of spare la devoted to readtltif matter ol a hih order, rmlrciii nt-wa. s ( la I tMirrespomVitce a full pae of tdllorUt inattnr a ilfpartmeiit ol ItHHika, authors aitl art, a II rat rate werkltr story and a wekl sermon Mirtln and theitrleal new ait I note, speeial artlelea, ortalnal and aelecte.1 wiry. iu The Ml moat Hart nin 4N Is a Ihoronghlv w hoteatitne, atrel tent and liiiervlii. Journal, well adapted to the tastes atd wauia of the lntlllrtii .Sew r rmtaitd puhllo. THK WKKKI.V KKrThl.n AS N now more than m )tara id hm atfe only Im Krovea Its .piality It rotitlnnea to t what II as hum len. a remarkably Uifhhtl and nun prehenslve rieord tn Amerlran life Its weeily review of the newt Is v) carrfnltv PitmnllM, and l( twelve hroad paves c.-iualu In .(ithm Mo ttie tlewa. wondtrfnll rlrh Collection of I valuable atul tlterfalnlng readliia tnalter. All -the t"-l leatnre. ol Ihe I'ally and Sunday Ha publican are repro.ln.-ed lu Ihe Weekly In ! '"II or but .lightly abridged, and arranged with I admirable .kill and intelligence for ihe cu t enienie an.i pi.a.ure of lh reader Ihe r i...rp.iinw. auo laiuny louruai witii-n tar ei'eil. in llilere.t an. I worlli any allnilar piiniicatlou in the rime. I Htal.-s. II is a t,aM.r thai New Kuglauder. at home and atrnd will find ..I special value, and which Americans everywhere ran appreciate ami enjoy. NTH IlllTHlN KATKM. Datl.r: "0 cent! a mouth. i a rjuarter, a a year ht ftv; '41 rents a iiarter. ti a year Witggi.r .'at cents for .u months. II a year. All siib.crliitlons are payable strictly In ad vsiire. Mpeclmrneoples Irew KltK.K Km ONK MONTH. The Weekly Itepubllcan, a li page paper, will he sent free lor one moiiUi to any one who wishes lo try it. Address THK Itrl'l lll ICAN, Hprlugfleld, alas. EAST AND SOUTH Southern Pacific Koute SHASTA LINE. Kxiircss Trains leave Portland Onlly. rloll.h I 7 mi r.". j 7:1ft r. M. S.I.'.A.M . 1 North. "j Xl A . sT f:i a . M I :IJ r. M l.V bv Ar I'ortlaml Ar OrugotitTly l.v H Francisco l.v Above trains slop only at the following sta liotia tiorlii of Itoseliurg' Kast I'ortlauil. Ore gon rlty, WoiHlhurn, Halem, Allui.y, Tangent Hhedds. Ilalsey, Harrlshurg. Jlllictlotl t'ity, Ir vlng and Kiigeno Pullman Buffet Sleepers. TOURISTSLEEPING CARS. Foraccommnilalloti of Hecr.nd fllass Passengers altacheil to Kxpress Trains. HOHKIII'lttl MAIL (liallyi. a n a. r. 9 li A, M. 40 f. M . I.V l.V Ar I'ortlauil Ar l)regout:ly , Itoseblirg l.V I 4:IHI P.M I T''tr.u a. n .M.IIANV I.OCAI. (Ilally, except Hiiudny.) h M e. m 6 ilii e. M. U:ISI e. M. l.v l.v Ar I'ortlaml Oregon city Albany Ar l.v l.v H-nft A. 7:M A. filSia. West Hide Ihvisloii. HKTWKKN I'OKTLANII ANII (,'OKVAI.I.IH. Mall Traill, bully (Kicept Huiidav.1 7 nil a. M. l.v I'ortland Ar MtifWr'ti I ; - in h. M . I Ar Corvallls l.v I p m At Albany and Corvallls connect Willi trains of Oregon Pacific Kitllmad. Kxnross Train Uallv (Kxccpt Sunday) 4 :40 p. M. 7:Mr. m. I.V Ar Portland Ar McMliitivllle l.v I :'2I)a. st I MIia. at THROUGH TICKETS TO AM. 1'OINTII EAST AND SOUTH, For tickets and full Information regarding ratjs. maps, etc., call on Company'! agent at K. KOF.llbF.lt, K, P. ROOKKH, ' Managor. Asa't O. F. and l'ass. Agent -y h. iitiitHT, REAL K8TATK A INSURANCE AfiKNT. NOTARY rUKIIO & COLLECTOR. 'aukoha, okkuon. Motier Loaned on Approved Heeurlty. AI'I'UIN IMKNT tir AKMINIH I It A I'lHI Ni.llea la herel.y given that lha niideralgnail ha. heeii appointed, hy order of Ihe enmity eonrt of I'lai kaiiiaa enmity nreg.ui. adiiilnl. Irainriif the e.iai ul Moplia Ami Hinmea. .! eea.ed. All pur. on. having elalni. aaaili.l .aid e.tale are Hot I (led In prevent them properly ver llt.d at nil nlllea at NiHdy. Ilregoli, wllhlll IK Innnth. tri.in dale of till, imliee tt W IIini.k.i v, Adinlnl.tiati.r nf the e.late id Hnpha Ann Htuitiee, deeea.rd llaled tli'liiher A Imrj III J" II M(i6iYmiiAX, ' lice Store, MOLALLA. OREGON. Leaders in Low Prices. Tlioir HtiM'lc in ftunjilfto ht Dry (JoikIs, Groceries, ttttnlwurv, Clothing, Ibits ami Slims, Notions, lite, Country l'lulua' llau.llitl. Cooke's Stables, W. H.COOKE, Managor, Hue.-e..or to t' II T I. l o. t'unitT Fourth mul Main StrwtH, OKKCOX CITY. Tho t.K.UUNct I.IVKUV STAIII.K of thn t'ity. Kii u( anv ilca rlilion fiirniahol on abort tiolico, All klmla ul Truck and !Sltviry tliiai. Ili-aa roiti.tly atlnmlt..! to. Ilorao Hoarded and Kthl on rraaoii able tenna. FOR- ABSOLUTELY PURE DFJGS Q A. HARDING. NiiNK llt'T OOMpitint PHARMACISTS tatfLOVlO rise Ptrfsatrltj in Toilet Articles. Also a full sira-k of PAINTS- OILS. KTC. JOHN A. BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER ( 'or in-1 ,, i ...nl mul Morrison, PORTLAND, OFEGON. IS STI I.I- ON KAIiTII. For Ki-iiornl rfiitlrliif lin ntatulH without a tn-iT. For llrl-t'liiMH, ro lialilu ikiiIh liin ntiiro i,a nceoiul to iiono. Trv him ! FRANK NELDON, GUNSMITH AND LOCKSMITH Oregon City, Oregon. Full Stock nf (Inns feN Ammunition. Itc pairs on all kinds of small machines .roniily made. )ii.i ute keys in any lin k tiinniifai iiir.-.l, Hliiii'un Main Hireet, nent In Nol.litt I Mlaldea, NEW YORK GALLERY. l'liitoKniilia linlivcri'il I'Miiiptly In the riiit'Ht Stylo of Art. Fine Crayon Work a Sjntialty. Olil rictiircfl Ct)iii.l tn Any Si.n, Satia. fut'tiun (iiiuritnti'ml. Oillsry Hear Post Offlos, ORKOON CITY, OR. IT GIVES YOU HEALTH. Moore's Itovcsilcd KoincMly. AHlniiniliiiK in iH Eiloi ta iM ,.,lre 0 KliuiiiiiuliHiii, AhIIiiiiii, Miliaria, Illi lioiiHiiiiHH or any other iIihouku HriHitijf froin ilurutiKiitl Liviir, Stoinitch or Kid- nyn It driven nil Impuritum from tho Wood. Mn Chas A. Itnsscl, who Is favoralily known tliroiighoiil the Northwest says: "For dflemi years I wai a constant sufferer with asthma without any relief, except that ol,. tallied hy nonstant change of locality, ' w years ago I tried Mining's Kkvkai.kii IIkmkhv and the hctieflts rncolved from It wtirelhe i gratifying. II gave me relief Irom the first and prevented the terrlhlo distress peculiar to the disease that made life almost iinhearahlo Any one who has ever had asthma can understand the gratitude I feel toward this remedy. He llevlng It haa added pleasant years to my lllo I have uot hesitated to recommend It to all like siius"' "d 'wy" w"n tl,B bvvy ' Sm-To he had of all druggist!, or aenl to lawAaT-HoLHia Dkuu Uo , Suattlo, Wash.