Oregon City hnterprise. I'KlhAY, NoVKMHKIt II, Hla. Hull of II r. Tim lullnttiim minimi of (J inl rt't No. 4:, Iiiivk Immmi iimlliir ulmrnt nor lui'ly ilmliiti (In. M-.irilli KMilinu IM. :'Hlli IMIC; (irim SwhIIV.;,!, Alliu AikIm'WN, ifni!M Mimw, Nnrn Ciinln, Miiy An lr, IMIla l-.ly, Ih.l.Mi HUim, (HI Flltcn.ft, 1 .11 1 n llnhblim, .,, Um.llu, Ni'llioSiriiri. Kilml TImhiimiii, 1.1111'lln I'li-n ti, Myrlli. ( iiriln, Kd.llti 'n.,,,i. k, Currol rrilirii'k, RchhIb (iroiit, Williu Tlionmuii, KliiuT Ituvull, lUrry Amlti-vm IU.. iiir.inl, Fn.,1 lluinuii, (Jcorii.i Hiiiiin,,iilln.r IMivhII, IIIriii'Iiii M.CoM. K.lln'1 MrC.r.l, Dlni'V IVry, Viol iVirjr KIU WI.t, KiniiiH Mllft.plt nml I.rti'r I i nil. M'll I.IK II NKIN, , W'lNMK (iMUIAM. 'IViuIhtk. I'll ( lll7Hllllll'llllllll MlUM. TIhmm) lm Iiuvh klixlly c'tinii( to tiring t-liryamitlii'iiimn (cir llit nlmw ut S thn ilnmlt mi 1- riilny iviiilii I lllhl Siilili.lnv nll.TlinuM ill plnunu r-j ruMKn iIhmii in luiinU or in I'lcci'M, or j In llownr I'i'lii. I'li'ifM 1'iiti tin cinli'H, ilimri'it, rnwKi-n or in otlii-r .Ifniim. j pruin for tint l't ililuy ( llui'l uikI Uiki'M Hiiiikill. rriiU IhhIv ir.tK for llii'iil iliKiUy, ami Klllll I txt lllli'klIX Til" jlhlp'K ill 111' Mm. V.. K Wiliiiuim, Mm. I-. I!, icninli. mi uiiil Mr. Mi'Mm A iiiiminil rlilirliiltiiinihl hiiiI i ( rt-Ml i m 11 1 rt mi l iiiliiy I'vi'iiiiiK, Kiili-rtuiiiimiii to cone llll'lli ! Ill K ll'l'llli k ! Miirrlcil. lluliNslll ll-NHY.-At t'triix Or. Nov. il. HirJ,y Hi'v. ti. Win. (iiUmi'y, Mr. ll.ii'V A. Ilorimlmli itinl Mi A. K. .Miy, Iwth "I Urn kniiiM county. Oitr ( midlil Ailiii i". It i m-lilnin ilml 'K'iir in tin. roll ul Bi'liiliinl .lvimr ur luimly lini ruil. lull tun ll in limt tt licit n lii-l mIiMIihI in riillinu tin. ul t.'iil i hi ii( our tunny mitia.rrilM.nl l mi itrlu'lu u( lnii lumil." V fiM'l iiitilliv in nuyiiiif lliul .M....i'' Iti'M'uIrl liriiu'lv rniitiiiiin In. mi nrtiiiil ini'iil 1 1 1 it 1 1 iiny tiii'.ln im it Iihi) i-vi-r Imi.i onrifiHi.l lorluim l.i tt'i( I ni' Irml IhiIIIi. vtill tnnkt' yon im riilliiiuitu' uk tin' Hiiu-r. Kor umIi. t v nil iliuunl-l". I'llrinu llm I'.' inoiitlm lirnmoiOK (l. l i'Imt?!. Isnl, mill IMoln.r :M, IS'C, tli rri'mni'iy t Noiili Yumlull inmlii mul limikrU'il :h ii.' iHiiiii. U ol Imlli-r. Tint lii!liit niiit int'iii'il (or linn hiillrr in tin' I'orilmul innrki-t, mi.1 nny una inn rtiulily ki'ii wlmt IxMirlil I'lr.iiiirn l to liuinliiit l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y . J. I.. Ihitlii-i' li:y Imi'lioit cnitim. mil' com ini'ocf iloiiiK m il UVilncnilay or Tlitirmliiy in I'tintlilU conii'v, dm inn n loil ('iMixirtiiiKol live ID inrli tl'iKK1 III vitrli I'lo . Tlii'M' ilo w ill turn ovir "Ji (oi't nt i-vrry ml, an. I tniHii l.ir nl t tin' :inn' into nit Iwk! (Iihwii liy liorM'a, Tim kiiiiio I'liinn wurkiiitf tlin cotnliiniHl linrvi'xli.r InHt I 'oil liivoli'il mill tlirchlinl uvur lliKKlj nrri'M wlili'li iivitiiu'ihI '.ll IoimIu'Ik nr cro, mukiiiK wnwin't uik ol INI,' (NKI IiiihIihIii. ul Ire. All I'l'mon ItuU'liliil to I lit ll r in olj Fii'liU A Son will ili.mM) cmII am) a.ljnHt their Hicoiinlit i in ii it'll iut fly hh llm en nitiKt 1m wtllinl. Ki''iH'lfi;lly 41 Kiki im A Son .Moiirjr lo lntn. On Innlilo linptovpil Orcuon City j juonTty. II. , lit hkiiakt. j If you want furniture go to llollomy A HiiHt'li oiHailti Knt ollli-f . Yon cun net licclrooin kiiiIm Ur IN TO. Cull mul fK- ininu our Kixxln lu'lurn buying nine wlicrit . II Kot'Mi. A purM colli ii I n in a niimll mini ol iiioimy on the I'nion l'ni'illi! ilock Ownor iilouci' cull ut the Km khI'Hihk. .tlnnej 011 rata)' li-riim ol T. IIIIhiii. . THIS THJ RMAHTS, ODDS AlOtfU 'I'll K MOTOIt 1.1. W. Tim MiiKr Him tTitrk lliHcrlillniior I hit lliiuil, Tl. K..-t S inol.tr Unit In itlfit.lily coittlliK towtinl Oti'Koit I 'llv Tint Irm k .,,,,.. con, ,.. in. poi.non.y .. r..... I. ..... I . ...I t- i... in ..i..... ... t.. .. I ! I .1 1 . I . L I . li'n iiiimui'il H'ri immii lllll IIICKlllllilM river ami tint ulni'lilc ln.n arc mIiiiiik to iolnt ulmiit inllit nor III ol Unit. Tint lirlil! (hit llm Cliii kmiiinirlvi'r in ready for liuilicr work, lint i-vlimlun Imvinii IlKKII Cl'lllll.l"l Hil l llllt'll Willi COIICIIilK, Tim pill) dilviiiK ll.la ulilii llm Cim kainua river in ImiIiik tmnlii'd ami it w ill I ready liy tl io IIIU0 llm other portion of the load ia completed. Tlii motor line la linilt in a aulialan Hal manner and aa catelully a any Mleam ruilway. Tint Irmk l the regular aUndiinl miWiiy iuiiiteIWu Ifetaii.l 10 incliva U Ueeti the rmtt I and llm raila wetKlt W potinda lo llie mul When compleli'd the road will lie liallaaled willi rock and ttravel. tln either atdit ol the track there ia llm loom I linn of Hilea lor niintiiiniiiK the trolly w ild auppoita. Theau mipnrta iliflrh acioHH Ihtt truck from pnln to Hiln and llm trolly wiin cmrylnti the electric citrienl ili-i-nda fioin Ihein direclly over llm track. Ihithe weal aide of llm loud at the lop ol llm polea ate Inacketa (or earryinu feed wirea fur llm iniiiii line w lien carryitiK elci'liic cttrreiita uhii ll will Ui tuitu'd in lo reinforce, the 1 1 mi i ii or trolly w ire ul interval lo coin-prii-iile lor power lout in trnuii:on throiiiiti a win. i-x " "''' I "'' troily wlntwiiKt lie. The polea on llie eiihl aide of the track are owtnd and' eii cli d hv the lieneriil lllectlic com pany. They "atii of cedar, -40 feet lull, net in tho K'oiiml ulioiit nil d-et ami lliey exlend atuive llm trolly wire iiiMiti )0 or I'.' feet. At llm lop will I, atrunu witea for conducting; eliHlrii'ily for litlhtilii; iiirHaea wheru- ever wanted hlotiK the line. It ia under-1 hIikkI that the cilv of hellwood will irel - . im iiifiil oy 1 1 1 in nil-nun. tor iieiierti Klwlric coiiipany will fiirniuli power Iroin (IreKonCilv oroH.rulit,)t the inolor till.. Ill l il IA Mil ll 11. Ml ll'MMl It. III.V fin nili power I n llie eitltre leli(;th ol ' llie roinl. 1 The brick 1111 rbop at Milwaukee loox.iM! leei ia nearly 1 onuileled. The aide of Milwaukee, in hunt 'o ,1, c. e : date double tracka, only one of wlncli I m laid for the prenent, however. All the i biiillfea are built in tliia way, the de ilfti lailin llltiniately to douhle track Hie whole line. For a time awilcbea will be uneil lor the pHKiiKH ol traiua, there ha'ality ao proaM'roita aa thin lall. There I film Iwulielween Milwaukee and tbia.iaany amount of line luncliirrai and cily. At preaent an electric cur niakca apletnlid water ; aheep, cattle and bom-x rrfiilar tripa la'tween Milwaukee ami J are rollinif fid, all iniinenae iuatitily of Kiiiley'a croxainif every -M mluitlea. At j hav baa la'en put up for winter, which Milwaukee truni-fer ii ttiaile to other j w ill Im nr xif aainat a haul atorm ; t lie cata itottiK to l'orlland When the 1 nlieiincn and atocknien have money, road aball be completed tlirouli Iruina I and aie all happy. . W. I.. Pavia, of NewiKirt, and K. 8. The cylindrrR lo npat the Claeka- j yiif o( Sulem, have IhiukIiI the Silver niaahridm. ate id 51(1 hu h aleel four j ,,, Tr'imne and w ill publi-h the same dvt in diameter and the two on the : 11.., fir.. A H M..fonl.l ihn north bank urt U2 feet tall nnd on the aouth aide IBi feel. They are tilled with cement and roarae snivel from top to iKittom, which filling ia Raid to incieaan in Imrdneaa for aeven yeaia The apan acrotia th liverwill bn 2IUI leet. The contractor baa Rome dillicully al)iit KelttitK timber faat eiHiiiuh to keep the work itoiitK but; eecla to have the bridge coinplcled thin month. About 1M1 pilea ate beinit driven on tbu Clackamai data between the river ml this city. Those piles re , oblained from Meldmm's and Jenniug'i places rbielly and are drawn by learns around the wagon road over the river. In some places the track will be 30 feet a'ove tho ground and moving swiftly along at amli a height alatve terra firm it will be something like flying line of the eliccta of the motor line ia to increa'MS the value of real estate along llie line. Alieady large signs greet the view at ".Milwaukee Heights," where the ground la being cleared of lot of blackened logs and stumps, at "l'ri- CLOSING OUT SALE OF WEEK (Inuil'i )i'M)l,' "Onk drovn" ml otliar lluei.ii. Wood pilim by llio "iilit of tlie roml r ciinvurlwl Into mnl mrkii inl cviiry "iilinlcr of omit fiiviirml ntlcki IioIiIh tin) run I of Home city !mnlim mull TliurH urn nillllV viil.ni'.M of ;.,,.... t,iu, WI)IM" 114r(lv px,.ct til Ilml III a wcllnii llm oltlitHt wtltl' d ,(f , N,r,lWl.Ht. llll'K'itl. Ait attniiipt waa iiimiIh to liurn llm court Iioiiwi at Aaloria Tliiirwlay even init ('oiinty 4'lmk TreiM liunl aaw llm mail aa lot wua prepaiiiiK a pile, of ahav iiiK and kindllnya, hut waa iiiihMc eiilier to cuU li or recoKtiiiii him. A roiiipleltt ayaUtin of lifrn'on liylita ia to lie CBtnlilixlied alotiK llm l'pM.r Wil lumelia river lirtwcen l'ortlaml and KtiKtiite, provided tint r.exl CoiigreMa call Im induced to make ikK) uripiopiia- lion for tht Mrctj. In thin week'a laaiio of the Sprinullel'l Mcnni'iiKcr appeara treMpaxa notice ;tiiiinel lv 1'iirty lwo (armera In Spiin- i Held, Jii"Mr and I'avla preclncla. The farmera do thin, not no much lo protect ! th yame on their fnrtna ua they do lo ' protect their ntock, which ia juit anil rijjlit. -j'l8 yH (lty ,i.ri Mriiifac uriti Couipaiiy, recently organized at a City, h ia a cruw of men workiitu bIio.'i' llm fulla. who are pntlini; in a aolid Ihhiiii lo hold oi;a next winter. I'm Immiim ia atretiKtheni'd ly a aolid piel alilU'lilii ill 1 1 if mi'l'lle of tha creek, coil-iatiliK of a wimhIcii ftiiuin tilled with roi ka The delit of lloiilaa .ouiily la I:;:',1h.'i a'i, and alill ita wtirrutita Hell at pur. I.iiiie coutily'a warinntn nell at a diHcoiitit of from two to lie percent, while ila indelitu Ineaa ia not over 7J, IHK). Ilenlon coutilv'a iinlel.tedneKa ia tntlv i'AM tltM. vet Iter wurtunta Mellala ,. , ..i.i'.i., , ..... ... . ...... ti. Ktltleite (iitard and the Corvallia (iazette i...,i. u 1.. u 1... ii,;B u a.. ,, . . ., , ' , I eihaia the lloiicliutg iiiwra may tic iihle to enli'bien the public. The Wallown Chieftain aaya Hie country Iroin aalea ol rattlu Una year ta fiiO.OiK) ; Iroiu wimiI aalea about "0,()iKl, ami ui'.'lh ; "A ctirelul ami coiiwrvalive rhtiina'B ol inoney from all aotinea unikea I lie actual amount ol cn-di hroiitthl ... it- n ... 1 ... 1 ... ......... -""- " " t1' I' eaptla " 'I be An1i'lna Herald rvpurtH that ai-clion of lite i-utintry now cuveied with heavy robe of lx'uutiful uteen itraaa, and thai never were the people of that former editor, haa gone to Itrownavillu where he will enpin in buaincaa. Mr. John Debrick, of Lane county, rect'iveil a thoronulibred buck from the Kaat the other day. The expresa chatvea are and the Btock ina(ns;lor, w ho hail to iiiHnH'. the animal before it cnnie into the slate, has bill for $10' ItrownA Hunter, of Inland City, have a contract with the government to aiipply -100 tons of baled bay to the garrison at Walla Walla. They began making shipments last week and will continue until the whole amount is de livered, lira ml Komle is the hay renter of the Columbia basin. An effort is being made to get wagon road .from HeceU ligbtliunse to the Yahats. It is only few miles ami ex cepting around the cape will not be bard to build. Already, a good horse trail is built around the face of the cape. When this little piece of road is 0en there will be a wagon way from Coos bay to Newport. HT THE BOSTON STORE. Let'a reaaon touether. Ilitrn'aa firm, one of thi lareat llm country over, the world over ; it haa Krown, atep ly tp, Ihrouult thn yeara lo Kieaineaa and it aella pulent tneilicinea ! ukIi I "Tluit'a hiioiikIi !" Wait a little Tills tlrni paya the neani.ern koo'I money (extieiinive work , Una udver ifiitari j to tell the people Hint they have faith in wlmt II, ev m il, an mm Ii Imlli that if I Ihey can't la-nullt or cure Ihey don't 'waul your money Their unnraritiw is, not imlc mute and rnlative, hut definite j ami aliaohiie if thn medicine Uoean't help, your money ia ''on call . " Hnppoae evety aick mun and every , feelila wotiiun tried llmae medicine and found them wottlile-a, who would I the lone,-, you or they? Tim medu liiea are )r I'ienit'a "fiolil en Medical Ittacovery." for IiIikkI din eanea. and Ilia "Favorite I'reacriplion," for woman's mi ttliar ilia. II they help toward Iii-hIIIi, tliev coat $1 IX) a hot tie each! If they don t they coat nothing! .Now Try Thin. It will coat you nothing- and willatirely do you uihhI, If von have a Conli, or wlihaiiy Irouhln wiili Throat. Cheat or I .ii n if m )r. Kinn'a New diacovery for CoiiHtimplion, Couxha and Coldn ia ituuratiteed to vjive relief or money will he paid back Sullerercra from I. a (iripMi found it jnnt the thin- and tinder i itn line hud a aiwedv ami rlcct recov cry. Try a aiunple Iwittle at our exa!nae ami learn for vournclf juat how (food a tliiiiil it ia Trial ImiIiIh fr-e at (i A llurdiiia'a Irti Store. I.artie ait 6(te. j and fl 00. . ... 1 lniiikifliliitf lliiiiter. The Imlien of the Itaptint church w ill lliie a New K.iiiiliind dinner in the tuine inenl of llm chiirch at 12 o'clock. Kverv- ! body ami tl.i'i' fiiemln iuviled. I'rice i .'!.") cetiln, children 25 cent td i Iliicklen'a i nil a Salve. I The Heat Salve in the world f ir Cuta, ! j Hrttiwa, Snrea, I'lcera, Salt Kheiim, j (Fever Korea, Tetter, CbapK-d I lamia, I j Clulblaina, Corna, and all Skin Krup-1 jliona, and Miailively cure I'ilea, or no: j pay required. Ilia KtiaranlcwJ to (rive 1 IM-rlii-t aatiafaction, or inonev refunded. j Wii 2") centa per box. Kor aale by U 1 A. Iliirditii,'. .Xollcc All orona finding theniaelves in debted to ua will pleare rail and Kettle their account" aa aoon aa KiRnitle orele the nccounta will lie turned over to our attorney for collection. M.VYKR Jt ACKKHMAN. Money to Loan. The um!criKned I" ent f r the Kitii- j table Mortgage cotniany and baa plenty ! 01 inoitpy to loan on improved farms at 8 per cent, and taxes. Only 5 peri cent, need be paid Iwfore the end of llie time, tlnly those having well improved larma need apply. !21-4t V. II. Uyk. Do Not Climb the Hill!! STOP AT George C. Ely's POSTOFFICE STORE, Elyville, - Oregon, Where you can get the highest cash price for Butter, Eggs and Other Farm Produce. Full line of new goods at prices lower than Oregon City. LiOAST We have money to loan on improv ed farms in the Willamette valley, on five and ten years' timo At the Lowest Rates Interest. Write or call on J. O. BOZO R T H, Agt. Manhattan Loan Co., Room No. 7, 245 Morrison St., Fortland. j. w. n. RSDHOuse, 111- f m I f . 1 n. v.' , 'im Silt Watches Regulated No. 4, Commercial Bank F. W. MILLER, Sbbqs i liUUUj UU1MMJ Poultry and Bee 171 SECOND STREET, PORTLAND OREGON. SE3STD FOR IT WILL PAY ANY ONE WANTING AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Farm, Dairy and Mill Machinery. Engines ami Boilers, - "..,"! t r FARM AND SPRING WAGONS, Open and Top Buggies, Carriages, Carts, Harness, Whips, Bale Ties, Barb Avire.BimlingTwine and Machine Specialties and Supplies of all kinds to CALL ON OR CORRESPOND WITH MITCHELL-LEWIS & STAYER CO. New Market Block, - - Portland, Oregon. CANBV NURSERIES, MILLARD J. LEE, A COMPLETE LINE OF Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery, Etc., WHOLESALE -A.3STID RETAIL. CAN BY, OREGON. Wntclimaker & Jeweler. All Work Done on the Prem ises and Warranted for Twelve Months. i si act i on G uara n toe i . Free of 'Charge. IJltx k, Oregon City, Oregon. Supplies, Etc., Etc. CATALOGUE. Proprietor. Fertilizers,