Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 04, 1892, Image 8

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We are showing in large variety choice new styles and late novelties. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots
It gives us loasuio to call at
tention to our now stock. In the
matter of prices we shall continue
to deserve our reputation as close
buyers and sellers. Call and get
quotations on any line of goods you
may incline to purchase.
We carry full and complete as
sortments, sell only straight goods
and guarantee our prices to be the
lowest for the same class of gixnis.
A careful examination of the prices;
ijuiuru nui miure us your inai
oMer it you Have never dealt wit h Gingham.,
us betortv and once our customer',. i ,-. n i
you will alwa vs bo our customer. (,ooJ,;,,-v Dr,'M
Wo extend our thanks to our V; . J" " W " i "
matrons for ast f:,vors ..! .,,,: NHe.niall cluvkApron (..ng-
not iuil to use every otlort to merit i
a continuance of their good will in'
the future.
Yours Trulv.
i. Celling.
Unbleached Muslins.
Best Cabot W, ;V in. wide, K5
yds. for . , 1 iX,
Atlantic I. I., ;tJ in. wide, IS
yd, for 1 00
' Two minutes' lope bruits ttiem to tne
batte Ellis has poiuttj out. Leaving
their horses with the orderly, Berrien,
the sergeant aud the sentinel go crouch
ing np the hither slope, throw them
selves on the grunnd and crawl to the
summit As the vedette has said, the
whole connrry for miles in every direc
tion can be seen a country of bold con
tours, of bare, rimmled hlntTs ami Knrta
of deep, shadowy ravines and gulches
a country bare o"f trees save the ehostlv .
leafless cottouwoods perched bv the
banks of many a frozen stream. Miles
and miles to the north aud northwest
the wild Indian land spreads before their
eyes. Close at hand, tumbling, billowy
and abrupt, he ridges follow or inter-
cept one another in rapid succession.
The face of the land is cut up into tor-1
tuous 'breaks, the deep, narrow beds
of countless little streams, all winding
tributary to the river that flows placidly
- away to the northeast in the broad val
ley from which the column marched at
dawn. Beyond that, west of north.
1 , , ,. a . . '1
victtiij, auai iiy ucuuru in me uisiiiuce,
-1 i -1. i : 1
aurraujr tuwruduuy gmrmg so iace ana
. .. i a , -
?v.. L " A
i f.. u tu,uu'"'8 , ui
jagged, fantastic shapes, a tangle of
rertical cliffs and seam'ed and furrowed
walls, a labjiinth of gorges, gullies, j
washed ont channels, deep, black crev
ices, and broad, yawning, impassable
tmlfs. the storied Bad Lan, . of nX.tu
v, i, . , ,
i ,i . l.i-.T, .
J " '"f. iciicauoauu
bv the Indim Rp'mnil tl, rait J
pine crested summiu in the Black Hills
All the rest of the anrfac. et, west
and south, a frozen sea of gray, glinting
nere and there in the declining rays; and
there off to the southwest, perhaps five
miles away, lies the valley into which
l"J uusav warriors Itaa Kai-
-v. - , g v,
loped so short a time before the valley I
lom-j i,;,.t, i,. . I , , : i
1 JuZ : I',, " 1 rrCh
, ' ' " " "'"e
rade soldiery awaiting their return. I
Berrien srmliea f ..,. In
fnllv thrnnrh no !,., j- ,
ridges are not many, but tb y a e sharp :
and'cleariy defined' i
"Who was it reported that the ad- i
VOtlfO EtllF diimtll ainr.lrriii er.ntU , 9 a.
e,r-v !, 2l ua an ,
"Corrwral Waite, sir; he and two of :
the men -iw n, ,,l.,iw n,t m
ZVt:tAr7' i
ElUs point, miles away to the west, j
liemen ponders a moment.
"Where away would yon locate the
agency, sergeant, if you were going to
take a bee line for it?'
"Out off here, sir."
"And they crossed that line going into
the valley?'
"They certainly did, sir, and Look,
major! look yonder! Another band.
And from exactly the same place."
A little bevy of dark objects dar
suddenly into view from behind a cur-;
tainlike divide and goes fikimining over
a level stretch toward the lowlands oi ;
the valley. Bernen sglassesseem glued J
to bih eyes. ;
l.T .... U J TT'U..
J. V CULJf ll LllUlIi 1IJ tllOk JiXl iy i fl Uill
do they see? What's their hurry? They !
would not expose themselves to our
view uuless there were urgent need for j
"The old road comes in from that di-:
rection, sir," answers Ellis. " W e left it .
a few hours out from the cantonment, :
as you remember, tan anything have j
ueeu seen aioiiKnai. iimi w give noo m
signal smoKeer
liemen turns nan over anu ioojiS
keenly into the sergeant's intelligent l
OR 1
and Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps,
Aurora C, St! in. wiih 'JO wla.
Bleached Muslins.
Loiistlalo, Si in. wide, 12 yds.
First Call. Hi! in. i.U, U Vvis.
1 00!
1 oo
1 00 1
1 00
1 00 1
Fruit. ."l in. UU It vds. . .
Uutter Cloth
4 in. wido I t
Our Icst Prints, 20 vds.
1 00
Shirting. Wst quality ".'0 yds. 1 U
Iaigo'l5lue, figured," fast
or j; Vvj
ors, H vds
1 00;
1 00,
hams, 12 vds.. .
1 .H) .
Fxoolsior ('hecks, 10 vds.
1 00
i Canton Flannel shirtinu'.S vds 1 00
j Fnglish Cheviot, S vds.
1 00
Medium Quality. 14 yds
Heavier Quality. 12 yds
Kxtra (i"!,ll,.v' s .V('
Flannels, Cassimeres. Etc.
Heavy Striped Cheviot
We respectfully invite you to inspect our stock and prices. I. SELLING.
"That road has Own a twnuomxl lor
wwks past. Everybody to the e.st of
ns uiw wkea ivint,'e at uii runway imig
: d,
. meet us, for tiistauce. Ih apt to keep
i the road? i understood we were to
strike for it in the uioruing arid follow
it in."
- AKaiu u.rr.fii KaZm itmg ami earnest -
, IJ tnroiiga tne bimvular. " I hey are
, certainly heading for that road and
riding at full swd. Uow many men
have you at this front- he .nnekly
Iut o.- -11 ill 1 ..a la.
Mw.-i, c.fiiu, on, mi umu, uui vini
more are luut witlun call over on
onr left Hank, loader u th. rt.lg-
uere uiy men are posiea. Ana tills
points to their left rear where lies the
low crest.
'Just keep a good lookout here. ser-.
KeanL ' wl" muVB O1"" over this way
aud thea n,le to ,h9 lt ft Hulik- -M-v
' bovv- orderly. And. thinking deeply
over the matter as he rides, Berrien
spurs into a lively canter across an in
tervening dip in the prairie. "Some
mischief ahead," he mutters. "Tli"V
are not speeding np that valley for nuth-
ing. We may have to saddle mid gi t j
over there."
Xut two hundred yards has he ridden !
when from the point which he has just
quitted there conies a sudden yell of ;
warning, followed almost instantly by I
two shots in quick succession. Then !
bang! bang! another two, and, as hoi
whirls aVwiiif tha Hrs-t n)iiu-r tlo.f it.tu '
. . . . r-. .
. his k tart let! irazeisElliK hundAimiA lilm'b
" i
uuiw luuiii iu cm iu uiuiunb lit. 1110 j
ed9 ' shallow ravme some disUnce ,
out in front of the butt,
w ,1 i Vu , ,
! "Il?' tbe 0rderly-
i, 1 1 v L.uia ia aiiicu.
Berrien's heart bounds.
There, face
downward upon the sward, motionless,
"'u '"" ',
' ' . few ft1 froni the Pngag, !
ueaiu eiricaeu nurse, lies me serjfPHUl,
A. ...,1. I . .
li .rMn rinmiuil fmm ki.
on carume ui
hanJ- At tne 8111116 instant red, glitter-
ini Tnht wi,hr paint-
I, cheP,e'7. two. J'0U11K Indian
K! !TJ
ravine, and rifles in hand, coupsticks
advanced, race madly toward thestrick- J
. en trooper in eager effort to secure the !
i trophy of their prowess, the coveted ,
i . a u ..n. - . . !
ecuip ui Liie laiien loe.
.X- i.- ,, . . !
our caruine, man: yens uemen to
K overly. -Quick! Shoot that lead-1
erf And nnttiritr stmrs t, his nf,rH,,,r :
er: And putting spurs to his snorting
I I.l e. ...... . '
"' recaiess oi me laci mat ne is
w OI" wu" revolver aim mat tne ,
rae f uU ,0' !"dUi- the, Vfct"
"C " . : M O
; mat one oi nis men lies prostrate and
i helpless before them. They are almost
hetpleM fe thfim Th are aUamt
l, t , ga,lopM 1
Tod- They are within twenty paces of ,
hiia whe' t a r? 01 fht' ths I
t 7 Vi i " ;
tlia rtiiriia .ar.a frtm ll,. I.fr...n..l
that aimrtio I ..aatly intolto ah rr,.' and white hi. ZTlXXZ tZl j
. auum mm, mr; mil wuuiu IIOI auv Hru u anta.-.iii st um nis,i. ''" 'l n-HliKletl r..n.,l i lllll.b.,r,t i. . I
t'tachmeut comins from the tfeneyto' i. .....I .it i!..r,i.. i ...i.. .,. ' """" """' ?.'. !
...v uuu.v .,wu, ,uo u,uil&r;v4 UIUL' n i., nr., .lll ,llleili:y III lIllllllllH
zle, the foremost warrior drops his being taken out of the Hepubliean col
riiie, whirls up a clinching, convulsive 1 mnn. It would be as vain as for Iiepub
hand and topples headforemost out of licans to calculate upon carrying either
the saddle. Scott, the vedette, echoes of the Virginias or some of the gulf
with another Bhot that kicks up the dust j states, in which the People's party is
close under the second pony's flashing now so strong. There is still one other
heels. Its red rider veers in broad circle contingency which might materially
to the right, and in the twinkling of an change this situation, and that is that
eye the feathered war bonnet bows low j the twenty-four votes of Illinois should
over the pony's stretching neck. Ber- go into the Democratic column. Fig-
nen s Duiiet wnizzes harmlessly aoovc, i
and tho major himself, borne by the
fiiuh of liiu litilf vnul1uii.l .it,,,.! ,1,.ul...u i
on ymt zm ow kne(jHn( f(jr ;
Bh(if und uwh crtwh iutii th mtnt r.f !
' " -
little knot of yelling warriors Jimt
bounding up out of the gully to the res-
?rVken comrade. "Bh.
j my wife; Winnie," are the only wordB
I he has tlmo or thought to mutter, fur
! instant death seems inevitable.
But all the old h'trhtintr instinct is nn-
pennost, and almost in the face of the
foremost Sioux his revolver blazes its
challenge, ana Horse ana pony meet in i
tremendous shock, and the lighter steed
goes tumbling and rolling over the turf,
There is chorus of yells, shots, soldier
cheers, thunderinit hoofs. There Js &
ftlll Ii MHIItl 1 Pfal
1 VU
. i-in. Water Proof
Light Weight Cassimere !
Good Quality Cassimere
Kxtra Quality Cassimere
lied FlannolTwillod
Cray Flannel
Hrown Flannel
Cotton Batting;.
Host Quality, vr pound
Carpet Warp.
All Shades, , pound bunches
Pins, 2 papers
Needles, 2 pa rs
Knitting Cotton, I balls
Carter Elastic, per yd
Skirt liraid, roll
I.ailies' lUaek Cotton Hose . .
Ladies All Wool Hlack.rihl.od
Misses' Brown Mixed Hose. ."!
Infants' All Wool Black, rib-
bt il, 2 pairs
Ladies' Black Cashmere
Mioses' Black UiliUd Cotton,
2 pairs
Misses' All Wool Cashmere
visl.mof jtiittoriiig stwl tn front of hit '
eyes, of hid.vtts tiittoJ fV, a sml.ten
souse of mumble nn.l uttitmimr fall i
sni.rb leap of a bi? black charter over
his own jiroMratu form, of a stentoriiin
cheer from half a doien trooper ttmmts, '
ami the next minute Brewster U knwl- i
; ing l.y Ins side, raising the honored rrur
head in hi.s strong mmg arms, and the!
voice that thundered in Kittle cry but
an instant agone U trembling now u.. he
call, for a canteen of water and bids his
ca is for a canteen of water and bids his
half stuuned commander not to strive to
.-WVve Kct twouf eir ,, n ,,t .
be whisH-ra. breathh-ss. but well know-
ina , i, , ,.. .. ,.
"The rest got away aud left a bullet hole
iu your shoulder."
TO rk continued. J
Will Taka No Mara t hanrra.
G rover I htlieve 'b lilieral pensions.
Won't you vote fur r.ul
O. A. It.- Not much! 1 shall never
give yon the chance to kick me again!
New York Recorder.
I.ana'a tmbarrtualng rilsht.
Mr. Dana does not believe there is the
I'ut fvar rif u f, in-. 1,111 a,,. I i.a L.
i that negro domination is impossible even
in ih:r: of r
; not wish to make rmucrtttl0 TotM by
' ' " V. V.'.IUIIM ItlHI, HI I kfU W
support the Democratic ticket becanse
Ul(wt of the sulmeriljers to the paper are
Democrats. He took up this cry m-
cause he was bound to tind some other
U. l ,..-:jt i :. m
mnuo nmu in luiuinnii me uiviniiy or
ft t i u . , ,
v-iccmm. oc iiueern uie wnoie ining
when, in answer to a correspondent who
amrms mat tne alleged majority for
r,..,.. LT..11. I.. , . . . .
"""-- -.,. ... nm.mtiia is a negro
..e o..vs umi us ioiik as ine ne-
groes vote for the regular candidates of
the Democracy he sees no objection to
their voting. Milwaukee Sentinel.
r-lgnre. I nwnrthy of Compilation.
' "J"!", l"MllallV-l,ow-
ever remote, of the Democracy carrying
KlTH; fnra' NB,rk8
' '" a.y ,.,
tin,,, iu tl.c r.tl.f n,... I... .......... . . r...i:......
urea which wouiu ue based on any one
"' such possibilities would lie hardly
WnrtliV iJ ..,. ir.il..li. .n 1 111..
A Cniialn of Apology,
The Democratic campaign has been
one of apology. The leaders of the
party are apologizing for the free trade
plank, for the wildcat currency plank
and for the rest of the hodge podge
adopted at Chicago, Only on the "force
bill" do they let themselves loose. know-
ing that the "force bill" died two years
ago ana is not In a condition to strike
back. Albany Journal.
Wet beds will cause paralysis in the
legs of hogs.
(o'li'M' ;
IIU I D.BH OLfiyil lill
Hose. ,
Dross Coods.
Pontile Folded Cashmere, S
Henrietta, oti in. will.. . .
1 1H
'-;0! Plaid Serge, :U in. wide
All Wool Ladies' Cloth ,p2 in.
mo, iiiaoK nun colors. . .
House Furnishing Coods.
White or Colored Marbled Oil
Cloth, )er yd
Turkey Rod Painask, .r0 in.
l'r yd. , ,
Scrim, for eurtainn, L". vd , , . 1
. 1 White Crochet Quilts
0.".' I'uhloaehed Linen Crash, 12
0,'i ' yards
i Turkish Towels, largo sue
1 00
I tm
Furniture Cn tones. 10 vds.
Men's FurnishlntfCoods.
Men's P lite Flannel Shirts.
Men's Knit Shirts, lace front .
Men's Suspenders, heavy . .
Men's All Wool Seamless
M-n's Outing Flann. I Shirts.
Men's Turkey Bel Handker
chiefs, large size, ,1 for. . .
sotti K nut i'i HitcArtoN
I ami ortl.- at Or...n t'liy orr.. I
.. ,, , . . l' J" (
N.SIr U hrrrtir lvrn. Dial Ihr l,.ll,.wlii(
llimleail ri.t. y ,N.. T.Hft l..r lh W , .,f S K
',l.n. 7. T s. tl I H II.. m,i,,., nr
InwIliC Willie. .r. I ,r.'.. till l..,HltMI')M. ff.l
1.IH'.' U...il an. I rulll.all.Mi ..I loti.l ,i.
r't,'. KU'lr.
I S.-tl.iil. ,'rrv. lit.. rlrli. ,.t
n..iHti, .,1 s. h. .11. Krrry, K.
"'" "' -h.'U Krr... .u ,.i or.,
. J .''""'."'"
N"1l. K ok .U't-oiNiMKAVor KXKorroH
t ''" '""y ctv.. u..i :(,. ,,.. r.i....',l
V' ZtiXwZl
,',;,,',v. r. .T " " . . I?.V -w",T;
"'".if.Mii I'artri.icv i .-.-.-. t Allpvr
..mi, .Hsu..! .si. i r-tsti. ar, ie-
Hf. lii.r.rm lt,. n, i ipf ,r,,,f,lr rrrir),..t al
Oif 111b l mr altornrr 'I V. In... i nr. ...
t Ity, ll'f. ii, lilitii .in in .,i,i,, lr. in hf ,!,,
' 'hi t. wmi.i.m iiKims
K r nl th tslf ..I Ssrsh r'urtrl lio. .I. f '.l
iiri'smi I tiy. or,, mi s, iir.' 10 4
NolU K (ill FINAL SKITI K.Mt .N't
In Ihf mattrmf thffisti.,il J.,lm ilLivrr. ilve .t.
I hfrfl.y tiy li. Hire lli.i l,,,. sir, in
rnitntv rw.iri .f ru.-kmiM. .'iiiiiity. orfaun my
i-roiint. ml v.Mirhfra f. .r flu. I M'iOfnirnt .
Niltieiil.trater ol ilm v.r.in n( Jetin olnvfr .le
rf..r.. ami tha iM.irt h.. ai.M.ititf. l up.. , v
Ihr Mh ilay I'l lfff iiOht, 1. r.'. The tiinf ,.r
hfrm an. I .fdlliic .!, a. rniiiil. ami ihari
rrptl.ni. iliprrtuil any 0 J. I in 1.1.1 skk
AI'MlMSI IiArillX'S MHIrK. '
N.illra . hf.fl.v (Ivrii. III. I llif nii,lrrlirlif,
ha. U'rli iltit,..l s.liiiim.Tsoli a lit! Oif will
atitifS..l f thf e.utf w w Mtillnrli. ilf
"'""I. I'y Hi emmty ."inn nl ri.i ham..
iMiniey. Ilri-iri.il A 1 1 prrx.ii. havlnv rl.nn.
.ir.lni.t ..I.l f.ute nrLifnlrr.! tn .rif nl Itifin
I.. I ..l.ninltrstrl .t ihr Uw ,,mr of t '. i.
.nil Ii I' Lutiitoftts. with ihf .ri.'fr vn.irr.fr.
witliltt.Utniiiilli.nl ttir .l.ia nl no. imi rf
KM1I.V II III 1.1, a a. A'llll K.
I.ni.il .1 nr.Bnn i ny, ori(iii, Oi l 0 Iwi
II) 7-11 4
In the Circuit rnurtnl thnsinia nl Or. .m nr
thf I'liniilyiil I'l.ekatn.a.
Nellie K Martin, plnlmllT.
... J
.l.me.M Mrtiii.i1i.f-n.nnt
T.iJauif.M. Martin, tha alsiva natitH .If fond
III Ihf name of thr State i,l l ire ifnn ynn are re
onlreil Hi a.prar au.t an.wer the rlllil.ltit nl
theflallltllT liereln an Mntnlay. the ITth.l.y.il
Aurll. IWH: ami II you (.11 .,, to aii.wer the
pNlntfrr will aiiply m the r.inrt Inr 'he relief
prayed Inr In the romplalnt, tnwli: Knr a d-
cnsi lll..nlvln the lii.li.ln.il m.ltlin
'" - - - ' - "f I'iniiii i ii . inai .ne
nave n.r fare. I'li.inoy ami n.itilr.il nl her nitn.tr
I'hll.l. Myrtle Ivy Martin, ami fur anrh other
and further relief a. tn the e.mrt may ..-.in
fitiinnio aim mi. i, anii tor nercfi.taati.ldU
biir.em. nt. In till. ..tit
I'll la ail til moils i n.ilill.he.l hy nrder nf Hon.
T. A. Jlellrl.le, Jn.lirf of the ahnve entitled
Co'ir'., llls.lu mi the l-.-th day of Sfptetntier. Isvj
rlHi.aNrl.l.St llsr...KH,
10 : 14-1 I:1.n Attorney, for PlalnlltT.
In the t:lreiilt Court of the State al Oreumi lor
the I oiinty nl Clai k.nini.
Knaetta Klkeherner, plalntltT,
To JoiM'tm hlkf.Hiriuir, tho tttxivo ntuned d
fetiiUht i
In the iirtint of the HtAtn nf Orenon ymi nrtt t
ciuircil innt'pfiir mid mmw-r th rninplmut of
llit riliiliitl.r heroin uii MoihIiiy. thu I7th lnv nf
April, I : nint if yiti full mi to Miiwr, th
plaintiff will Kppljr to thrr-.tirt for thn-t'f
prHjt'il for In ttu ronipUlrii, tf wit For ft.
vreii illB(t vltiir thi iKiiitlh nf mHtrirnimy now ifx
luttrnf Im'Iuo.mi you und tho plnlnfliT, nml tht
ttho have tho mrt; cuntody nw rontrol of hir
nilnur nhll-l, H-mp , KlkfhiTiiir; ttmt nhe
n'lnH-litir mihIMimi imrno of UoKcttti ImvlilHnn,
nml foi MiK'h other him I further relief hp tn tho
fioiirt tuny m'f-m tfpiituhlr hikI Jmt, himI for her
cohU hiki (liMtmrK(Mii4niN In thin milt.
Thin "iinmioim t pnhllxht-'t hy order of Hon.
i a. mcnrni(t, jtniKo Uicfihovooiitltled court
mndo on the VJtU day of hcitriiilnT, H'2,
liHOW N Kill, A ItKKf fKR,
10: H-U: IK Attornoy ft.r I'UlntllT.
NoricK for 'I!iii,I(;ation
Land Oillce at Oregon city, OriC"n,(
oi-t. ao, inm. 1
NnllrM! I hereby Klvoti that the following
natneil ttler Ima nlvl initici" of hi. I iiii-nt ln to
rmike ninil proof In .nppnrlof hi. rliiltn. anil
tliHt .nid proof will be tmi'Iu liiiforn Ihn ItiiKl.tiir
ami ItcfufviT of the I'. K 1'inil olllnn at (irt'iroti
City, Ort'Kon, on linuHinln.'r 14. Wi vie;
Wllllim K. ll'i'K'.'H.
Ilnme.ti'ail nttlry. No. siKII, lor the N. N K. .;,
N. K. i N. W.i ., Hi, n H. K. i , H W."4- Him-, w, f . I
H., K. 7 K. Hit liiiniea thu IoIIowIiik Wltlli'.Ni'M to
prov lit. nontinoon. ri..tiii'iif-it tion nnu cultl
viitlon of mh Id liui'l, viz: ITii'liT .i!0. -ttll, k. H.
Jerry Itoyl, John 'I' toHnfyru, Kmnk Htonii,
H. I. Hfiljri.., all of Hrihnon, ClHr.kumua ronnty,
OreKOIl. 10:24-12:1 J. Al'I'SllxoN, l(l!Klntnr.
J.ani fllllce atOrt!'"! f)tty, Ori-fron,!
OH. Io, 1HII2.
Ni'tlce la liurnliy trlvnn that thn following
ri ittiiiiil Mflttlor Ima fllorl notlcuof hlaluti'iillou to
itiakii Until proof In anpporl of tils rrlaim, him
that aald proof will hi- tnitili' heforn thu Ki'itlal'T
mid Ki:i'tvor of the IJ. H lanil ollii-ii nt Orugoii
City, Orittinii, on lii'wmlior s, h!, viz;
Wlllliim J, Kvoiib,
llomnati!i cn'ry No. liswl, fnr the K. V, nf H. K.'i
ii W. H. K. i H. K. W of H W. 14 of anc. 2, T. 4 H
R. 'I K. Iln tin tnna the IoIIowIiik wltni-aaiia to
prove hla notitliiiiona rnalilnnrn 1111011 and nnlti
'"'lloti of .11 id in nil. vl.: Ilnrry Jliir-kner, 'I'homna
Flvtin, John T. Kviuia, John W. May, nil of
M nk poat odleo. Cluckitmiia fionnty, Ori'tton.
1U:21-U:25 . T. Al'I'KltaoN, ItiylaliT.
Groceries, Etc.
Men's Knit I'ndcrshirls and
Hiuwors, mt suit
Men's Heavy Seamless Socks
tl pairs
Men's Celluloid Collars
Men's Kxtra Heavy Blue
I'enini patent tuitions,
patent reinforced stays .
0 Children's Wool Hals
j Men's Good Wool ILlls
;,! Men's Good Quality Still' Hat
Ooots and Shoos.
"V Men's Calf l'uots
Men's Buckle t Ml Grain
Men's B. Calf, lace or congress
Ladies' Bliuht Hongnl.t puli'lit
tinned ...
I '.0
Ladies' Whole Stock t'uliued
OO ; Button ...
I im -Ladies ( til Grain Button, riv
1 etcd
i Ladles' W hole Stock I'ulined
2" I.aoed fdii.es
.'io Misses' W hole Stock I'lilitied
i l.aetd Shoes
.'" Child's U hole Stock I'ulilo'd
1 r.o
1 sun. k uni erm.trviioN
l.aau onn t i irv o.,1,,s.
Sr. si l',J 1
! N.sl.'o I. hrft.v il.ei Ih.l Ihr I ll..li,
it. mi"! .finer Im. n..- ii.in.-e oi to. intern!.. h
l HiNkf flu.t l.fvw.t in .i)..,fl ,,t d:. rlatin, sn.i
Itisl ,.l ,f,M,i w III tip tn.'tc Xwioiv tt.p n-ti(rr
an. I fr.-rl, rr of Itio 1 iillr.l stslp. I.li I .:t!.',- al
ori'tiuti I It), or.-ij.iu. tm N.nrmtcr I". l.J. VI.
I s runs. I tiu.t.
Iline,ti.l i.it.T N. l.'t !n N W .,.,f
.N ',..1.. .11. I I N . I; .1 K llruaiiiv.lhe
( It.ll.'W Ui wlthr..... t itr.Of. ttl. .'oiinimott.
rt..ttfii.v tiMa rtlel r n It l,s It. ,u .,1 ..I. I l.n. , t.
. Vlrr l'rt. ,,.li. A.i.e,at fiiiU,,.! .,1 I i ..in I
! r'.tl.. mi.l Mir,M.,i. lull,., riaiik J 'l.l. atel
. r. r..i!...n ill Vrlls.ll.alltl.rrill
I ' lit J I Anis.s. Ki-sl.li r
In tl.M I'lrfi.'l ('.,, ..I II.. m.i. ..I n........ I...
I ci.. k,n.
' Hfrsa.an. uiniirT. f I
, .
! J""'!'" Hfrinii.ii.
I " I'll HfiKm.ll.
ttf If ti'laill
ihf t.n,if, .tfi,ii
In th,
.... 1 tn 'if(..r elan.. if .aii-.ii.. suiktii. lf
H.mf.it Oif sto...,f o,f,,i y..ii.r,'tf lull. .,, .,a, ,,. l. .11 l i,,.i. i ii,i
'llff 'I I.I n, tf.f n,. MIlWrt(lf I'l.lMlillIlK
: Hif j'UlMlirl hi-rto .n Mlt ly
..in .n, ...
i A iru, l" mid tl y-.it UII (. rtit-r th I
; pUhtlHT wttl pi'iy t" Vw rnurl f.r Hit rriid
( prnyrd f'-r Hi lUw rnmi-l tint tt. It Kr
I'lt'" iiaal log" Kitt Iniilt i( timtrini'.tiv imw
; matin lvii rii ..it ul ihi pi iioiiif. tu I ittnt
nin." thf Mw, cuatiHiy tl rxhtnd ..f ht-r
minor fhthtrt i, fi It lirNiivuir J Itrftnitti. '
Mi lvlllr lti'rviU4ti. n l Ardia llfrvuiiii ud l"i i
oth oihrr (tirih.-r rrlud na t.iliT.iin niy (
arrin f-iuiMidr, tnd fur hvt cu nd liitmr I
ntrtiit in ihia nli
I hi itllilMila la pnl'lthfd hy t'fd'T lf II 'It
: r A JMrlltldr, Jn-itft nf Ih ' Unrt rulttlt d
.''tut, tiiadf tm i tic Z'd diy id "trpipnilM-r, Ivtj. '
! liii-t stti i. , lnr n I
; I II H It" Attorur) f.-r I'MiitiirT i
i HI'MMoNH. f
In ttir('!rriiit ur' nr tho 4ifi nf (lrrn-m, fur
the futility nf t Ui,ktit'a,
TlmiiiMt- M Miller. pUlntllf 1 I
v. I
J Mtrv K lUrluw. Mtrtftrrt 3 Hull In ..tiliy.
i iiiiiiir t, nriirii'iM m immiv I
i mid I i I'lliaimrv, d-r-nd t I
! In llfiirl.iu M Kdlv nf mid dvffn lnif mid
1 tnrtll iifa.H)a l II k ll i t II Cl'ilinhitf r tltvlntf all
Inter! lu itio prupnrty dnrrthed Iu Uummim
i idnhit hf r-'di:
' In the nmne f ttie Mtte uf rrtirnn, von mre
herrhy rcinlrfd tn nppeir iind tiat it (ht imiiii
. pi tint rtli'd tnlnit ymi In the ln.n en til led n.t
within ten drtya fmin the d tie id the vr ir of
thii niiiiimiii uputi ynn, if aervfd within thit
: rutiitiy : or If aerved in nv uilic r rmiiity u thl
j it lo. then withtn twoiity dtya fmm tin iU; nf
! thf Mir v itr nf tit In ninmimn upnii ymi And If
J ymi (till mi in miawcr, fur w-uit thenrnf ttir pUln
i will tk Judirniriii nvninat ymi und apply m
th rutin fur thci relief dcmndrd In ld rom
! plitim whlrh li n Bitlt fnr (he purtllioiilng
i inoni tin' ptllen therrto plnlnttfT und trfciid
ittn.nf reruln rnl ttntn altiihte in t'Ucknmt
run my, fettle of dretrnii, to wit: The I') u( the
dunntinti elulin No. : In nerttonn tl X, t mtd
V In .ow nh I ii -J aMitith. rntie I ent of the W1P
lit incite meHdimi, mtld en at hrtlf hf Inn the wlfe'i
port Inn nf the donation I und vUim nf the Inte
Humuel Miller und wife; ntm ,1 iif, on nrrp ..ft
th H. W.ourner nf the Mt Humnel W Hhmi
tinn'n ilnfiNtlnti land cUlm, known nn the map
mid platn mi'l mirveyn nf the I'lilted Mime n
tfUlm Nn. 70 In T. i H., K IK of the Wlllmnetle
Thii minmnti l (nitdinlied hy oder of (tie
Hon. IovhI it. UtenniH, Jndae nf tht elrrnlt
ronrt of the Mute of Urrttoii fnr the rntiuty of
Multnomah, dated Si-pte mher il,
H llt'KUT
9 ft Attorney fnr pUlmliT
In tho Circuit Court ol thu .lain of Uri'Koti for
('liirkatnii. folinly
I,oilla llmli'l 1'lni lit I IT'.
v.. !
John Iinli..ii.fi.ni.nt
T0.I0I111 liKzh'l, anlil rli'l lant:
In Ilia hniia of thii atato ol On-tron von arr
hi'n-hy ri.iitn-l to appear an.l aliNarr Ihn com
plaint nli-il imaln.t yon In tht atnvi f ntltlfl
unit within ton day. from tlin 1 nit- of tha .i-rvlru
of thl. amntiion. opon yon. If .i-rvi il within till
I'onniy: or, If .i-rvcd In any nthir conniy of
tlila.int". ihi'u within tnnty day. front thn
ilnti' of tho Hi-rvicii of thl. Riimmon. upon yon.
Anil If yon fall .o to an. war, for want th'Ti-of,
thn plnlntlir will apply to thn nonrt for tho rn-lli-f
ili'in.mli'il In lhi I'omplalnt to. wll: for thn
flla.oliitlon of thn horol. of ni':trlninnv now ex
l.tlnit tii-l wiicli plalntltr iilol 'I c fi t. . I n n't
'I'hla aiiiiiiiioiia la ptil'H.hr'l hy orili-r of tint
llononilili' l.oyal It. Htrarn. Jii'luc of thn ('r
imltConrl of tMl-.tatn ol Ori'Boii fo.' Miiltnoliiah
county, diilwl Si-pti'inhiir tt, law.
H. Hi iri,.T.
:2J-I1: Attorni'y lor I'liilntllT.
Lund Ollli'o at Ori'Kon City, (irnoon, I
oil. 1 r., iw.e (
Nntlci) la hcrohy ttlvim that thn followlnx
liiniii'.l aottlrr liaa llli'd lintlnnnf hla Inli'litlon
to inaki. II1111I proof In anpiiiirt of hla claim, and
that anld proof will hn iiiimIi- hnforii thn lO'itUlcr
and ItiiiMilvcr of llin I'. S. laud ollli'c at. tin-uon
t:ity. OruiroM, on In-ci'inhcr M, Istri, vlr.:
Kmll 11 NltniHitniin,
llonicatnad nntry No. r.vil, for thn N. K. 1 ; ol
ace, 'li, T 3H.,ll..1 K. Ilrnnm'a the IoIIowIiik
wltni'aai-a to prove hla noiuluiloua ri'Hiili.uii.
ur in anil cultlviitlon of a4lil laud, vl: If 11 11 at
Johauaou, Henry Mclllkl', Ili-nrv .lohiiuaou,
t hrl.tlan Ki lii-.'l. all of (It'orunpoat'olllcn. t:hu-k-amaa
enunlv, Ormioti. J. T Aitkrhon,
10:21-11 ;2 Iti'Klator.
Notlcn la hi'inhy ((Ivimi, that thn undcralKiicd
ha hi'i'tt apljolnli-d hy order of Ihn ninthly
court of ClacKtuiuia couutv, Oreirnn, executor of
thenalatn of Kllziiln'lh Wll.iin, ilei-miaed. All
pnraona hnvlnir cliiluia imalnnt anld eaiiitp urn
liollflnil to preaenl thi'tn prupnrlv vnrllled at thn
otllcn ol my attorunya, llrowlleli ife llrea.er, Ht
ureirou 1 ny, oreon, wllliin alx inoulha froni
the uutt of this notice.
KltANK P VVti.aoN,
Kxeentnrut theoalntn of Klimiliuth Wllaon, do
cnaand, lintcd Oct. 1ft, 1HII2, 10:21-11 :IS
Lace Shoes.
Men's Satinet Suits, lsst work-
mauship tl 00
An Kxtra (lood (Quality Cassi-
mere Suits )0 (0
Men's Fancy Worsted Suils,
linelv made and triuiuied 10 00
Ladles' Cloakos a Jackots.
We have a nice line which we
oiler at exivodingly low
(intv lihinket.enarse iiiiility, 1 ."0
Gray Blanket, Wool, ,",t,. ' ;i (H
(irny Blanket, wool 7 tt., Ill . OO
Wo have n full line of Oregon
City BI.nik. t-. and will sell them at
exactly factory prices, which will
lie about I "i to 20 n r cent. ..ver
than any other hoii.. w ilt or can
I t rulrul .l.llll..n.
I Ss'C.ul attei.tioil is calle.l to llti.
Is'Oihlnl, sithtlv alt I lienllliv I.M'atioua
' I r liuiiH.a 0ti risotifil.. tiuiita .. tatr
i e'laaer sinMhK Io 1.m ! In On-gnii
t'HV. Splrttilid Hitter and other tit It in
; Holm ill t el. tr.il Addllinii. r'llin stllr
i iitbsti piuiH.ity in i r . Is nl h'o
acres or Iiim.i., "tie mill, and aiittni-
ter It. itn t.iMn, Several stimll but vl-
n i
autiie Itiruis ir sate eli-. stt.l ell ey
tiioile I, inns lor sale cliai ami mi
lortll. I'I'I V Io I, I. J.ss.v
Applv Io
Wtiii w.
Cm V J11I111..111.
. r 9
: J'rartifiiil Arrhiltcli .( liuilUrt.
i.l ! I,,., S,.l .II...II..M !. H..U..... .j
, .tfn fc.lltnat.a Itirti .liml
11 u or ddr
"Hill? lUiuH ,
Oir-r l annrlil i inif Htore,
Offli-i. .I.v. from tha I.l to r.th ol mrh tioititli,
Arlir.i tal l,-.-ltt on rult.r. flt.i rUii,
liul.l 11 1 1 1 ii if 'rom I.' no All
work (.iaraiiti.l,
yvisr n .
I'urtit'S di'airiiiK
Worn I Turiilim, l't-
lernii, Hrtu knls, or
Shop Carpenter's Work
Will bX.lt,.. ,y Culling on Me.
Doors, Windows and Blinds
fT(pi. the t!oilireKiitiiiiiiil ('hnrt-li
Blacksmithing and Repairing.
Having nnu of Hie heat aimers In tlie
aisle In my iiilny, I itiiika
iiorsilsiiomm; a si'Mcialty.
all work attended to promptly.
Simp opporiito corner from Pojid'h
linnhvnro Btori'.
J 5?5.9J1L9!IY' orecn.
C. I. Cffllll,
Drayage & Expresr.ing
Kreight hihI puree diillvereil to nl)
purls of lite i-it v.
I.ANti Orpu s at (lititiioN City, ohkii-in,
., ., , , , , Ont. IU. Il. j
Notice la hnrnliv Rlvnn Hint thn followlnir
tiiiined aettlnr ha filed notlco of hla liilnutloii
to make tt n 11 1 preof lit aupport of hla clnliu, aud
lllatai,lil proof will hn luiiiln hnrornthn UnulHlcr
and Itecnlver of the 1! H. In ml nu ut oreiron
City, nr., 1111 Nov, 2S, IXM, vl.; Henry lliihola,
home.tniul entry, No. Stall for thu nw'iofnw'J
of ace !I2, t .'I , r i CI.
He minina thn followluB wltticaae. to prnvo
hla 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r ,n b rcaldnnec upon and tiulllvatlon
ot nint laud, uniler ace 21101, It, H: thirl Howell,
A. It. Crane, Sninunl il. Itnney and I). V, Howell,
all of HprliiKWatur, ', o.,ornuon,
, , J. T. AlTKItaoN,
10:21-11:25 lltiglstgr.
1 00