Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 04, 1892, Image 7

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Chairman ILrrll,, i.r llm I sUmlly i'i
Illlttee, Ilea, fur Mime), lle.,ll Ilia Pad
Tlmt III rur.,.,.,i N,n..i.nr. ArAII
Irjluii In llul.i. h I. flir Mini,
Chiiii'iinm llitnl!y' uppniil fur lummy
im llm Kiimii'l llmt llm llcnioeratle party
oascutlnllv mor: iluil II represent no
lliiiiui'liil Interest, Imt only n k pnliir
ciuiM', Is u t'liiinu'ii'i latli' lilt of elTront
try. Tim iimi l'l of llm United Htut In
liii'oiiiiunilily liin richest in llm world.
Tlio Ili'iiiiK iullr parly iiioiiImth nearly
olio. half of tint voter of tllll United
Hliitiw. Tim Issue In Noveiulior In to lie
tllH'illllll III lllllf H lIuKI'll llolllltflll Htllloil
iihiii n mimll H'Hriiliiii of the tolitl
vote. These are tlio wull known condi
tion of tliH mniwlii, mill iiiuilly well
known In It tlmt tlm oiutHTntU! Mirty 1
tlio rrHiitntlvif tli Krtut lniNirtiiiK
intoiest, nml llmt every great tnnnufiui-
tiiilnn concern In ull tint ureal civilised
state of KuroMi I vlliilly Interested In
llm hiiociwi of I Im IIi'iiiimthHo party. In
no t'limpnlMU since free trade became the
prluio object of Hin Democracy Imn there
been any lin k of money In tlm Demo
cratic campaign barrel. (Vrtuinly tlinra
In no lin k tiuliiy, when nil tlm newspaper
organ of England, France, (loriuiiiiy,
A imt riii nml July urn dully urchin "i
tliKir readers the iluly of particiiatiiig In
tlm American political halt to by Rend
ing money to tlio Democratic luttloiuil
committee, nml iy writiiiK letter to
friend mul relation In tlio United
Htato. urging tlii'in to act with tli
Deiiosratlr party against tlm interest of
tlm United HtntiM hihI In favor of th
Interest of Kumpn.
It In undoubtedly trim Unit Chairman
Ilarrity mill hi associate feel that they
are engaged In an tip hill tank. They
ought to fool mi. They have midcilakcu
to make a campaign among tlm Aincri
run piMipli) iy tlm iianof weapon utterly
offensive to tlm ronntry. They argue ia
favor of their candidate ly rliilimng
(hat tlm American people urn a imt ion
of Iik-i m j mm 'ti I ; of people who cHiiniit
lo for tlii'iiou'lviit: wlio cannot supply
their own necessities, nml that flu -fTm t
to make America self sustaining lieco
artly impoverishes tlm people. They
ar deriding every suggestion tlmt Amer
icans run anil ought to lieooino tndoptiud
ut of other countrie. Ignoring all the
fact of record an to tlm result of tlm
Mi Kinlry lull, tlm furl that It low re
duced lu ill Ion by more than seventy mil
lion of ilollum; that It loin lm riiil
prixllli'lloli; Hint It bus tnt-ri'aiwl Imtli
liuport anil export; t int it liaa placml a
laritr piTi i'titaKo of iiuporU on tits fnti
lint than liav nvir li n IIutx U'forn
miili-r any tariff: that it lm rnlarKiil tlm
iipportnnity of Aim-rii-mi workiui'ii to
flinl lonpliij Hu nt; tlmt it lm Itirrt-ivi'il
waic i;i'tirritllv throii;:lioiit tlm ronntry
lIiioriii( all llii'M' ili'iiiiiiiKtrutnl furl.
tli"V luivn luiiliTtiikiMi to uluiw Unit tlm
1 1. mill v u in a rtilliotiit ruiiillliiiii: tlmt
vi'i Imily la iliKt,itiiy p'ml , ami i
t i:i ; It pt 1 1 or by tlm -i;n u of tin' iii'
pu'.ln Mii p.uty t'i ilivi-ru.'y in .1 iir.i i' . ..ml
ton; !! I l'.i lil,;ll it,uii!;iii i'f ! ri
r ;:i w . ! It l tlir.iip;itri'tl j 1 1 ll'v
oi t'.it m iiiiH miii' puty winrli 11..:; t
pi nplil Hhil li'.lVl H II l li.ll.. 1. 1 II..;. .Ill II
ill. 1... I I. I.ll III' lll'.l'l IH'i'!. I. i l l'
W. ill I II II IV.'llll. 1114 III. U til.t lli.lli'
1 "II lii;.;l.. to tin4 iaipii.ii t nf liii- p :. 1 v 1
o;i;i.i -ittiiii. l.ii' 1 1. lum i'.irv r
no'hiMj tuont ilijuuii'l or ii;i;
iluni 11 pr.ili'l.
.Mr. lliimtv I1a111111. il to pi.. 1
1. '..-ill.
N'lf llllll IllH IllUni IlltlM III tllll llllltll'll' of
IxKKiiia 011 tlio U"i l i'oi'lii ri, liiiiHun
inU llm iiiiuti'rly. If tin' oonilition of
liin riiiupiiigii lutiit riiilly riiiiina tliia
liiiiiiilitttini'xliiliiii'ii,iifliT nil that ha
Ui'ii iloim for it hy tlio lniKirtinK Intor
Ddt, ha mimt lw nuiliiiK a vaxt auui of
inonoy. Tlm haipy ilnyn whtm the
Di'iiKK-ratic party I'onlil go Into a cam
IwIk'ii "'i of tlm iiliH'tornl voti'a of ton
liitiwniiil having only IokuIii Now York
anil Iiuliana aro piuit, Tlio Di'iinwrai y
I fon-fil now to llglit for Ita lif, not
only in thin ntiilo, in ConnocthMit, Now
Joriuiy nml Inillnna, hut in Wont Vir
ginia, VirKiniA, Ti'imoKM'ti, North Caro
lina anil Alutiiitnu. Not una of ttue
atatoR couhl It holil for aix immtha with
out the cointuWion of Ryuti'iimtio frauil,
anil now the iiih'i-khIiIi' of the Diun
crutlo rainpniKn roipilre not only the
upiriHHiim of luillotH, hut a vaxt c Inline
of hrihory. H in for tlii work that Mr.
llarrtty inioiU inonoy. It lit In onlor to
carry out hiit phinti for the annihilation
of the Karinnra' Allianre In thi aouth.
n n a n
mm & A
and for I'oliPiiiiHtiiiu.tiil'ia rKKiHiratum
ami fnle votluif In pivotal iiorthorn
lulin that Mr. Ilnrrily now ninif" a
uii'iiilli'iiut aoiiK. 'hit Im will Iiik In
vain. Ilia htHiilln fund will lie a InrK
mm, hut he 1:1111 ilnHiml iimn It that few
iliillnra will roiue to it from hiimiiik the
In ily of Dim Hipln, What he ohtaim he
will obtain from foroin liiHiiufiu'turiTu,
Now Vol k iiunirti'r, ami from inonoyoil
nliilitMinmi who anplre to political ilia
tlnclloii. Now York Trlbuim.
It la a
llrrul lam fur Hrpulillran !
Mlu II 11,
Tlm pruetlili'tit In lil lottir of arcnpt-
llll'e lull lll'Vliti ll IK lullrll II ! 1 t-ll t ii ill to
rii liriH'lty iih to pi'iili'i tlnn, nml Im pul'l
a IiIkIi trlimtii to Mr. llluliii' for lil I'liii
lii'iit Ki'rviri'n in mlviH iilliiK Hint gri'iit
mlliy. Tlm two (pn-ntiuiiH are linkml
toKi'tliiT In tlm UipiililliHii mil I' nml
pint foi 111 uh iiiitloinil miii'H of rounli
tuti 4niortiiui'ii, Tliia la IhkIi'hI. not
UiKii'ly Ihh'uuiu! tlm MrKlulny act la the
biia for ri'i'lpria-lty, hut alo Ixtbiiw)
I in two Kiiria urn Inlii U'iilly In. 1110
I'lnniia. Tlm Auirrlniu protiH'llvti y
li'in la Imai'il Uhi llm liivyluK of itutli-a
iimn whut Injuriously couintoa wttli
llm pi'iHliicta of our fill liin, tiiim-a, nuiir
rii' anil fui'torli'a. Il ri'imivi'a, on the
uIIhT luiii l, o fur 11a imaililo all ri'lric
tiona iihiii the iiiiHirtuilnu of wluil la
imt pimlin'1'il In tliia louuiry. Ui-pub-llcnii
ri'ripriH'ity la wholly In Hue with
tlii'MM nnlnml prim-lilia. It la Krounilml,
aa tlm pri-alilout cli'iirly iloiiiuuatriiti'a,
ii)iii llm fun iiiiMirtiitiou of notiroiu
M'tniK (inxl lu te in I'Xi lmiiKi) for the fn-e
or fuvori'il intriMliirtinii of our rxporta
into fornitiu i iMintrlra. It ilia-a not in
volve the narrillce of protiHtiil Inilua
trli a on uitlmr aiilo. For luutuiil ailvau
I11K" iliilira whirh are aotiri-i-a of rvvi'iiue
only are eitlmr roH'li'i or ri'liuiil on
pllhor hiiinl. Hi'i lpria ity In nuiicom
mlng priHliicta la a very ilifTiTiuit tiling
from KiiKHah frie tntil. It eiulaMlii-a
the fuuiliiiimutal principliHi of protin'tive
The pri'aiih'iit'a liiininouai'XiMMitionof
reclpriM-ity, after full illaruaainii of the
Iwnt'llta i-onfi-rriii min the export traile
ami of the apprvlmuaion whirh haa li'ii
rit lloil alirmnl by the ailiuiuiatratiim's
(liploinaliu aurcoiwa, lava bare the lie
atriictive temli'iu'li'a of Di'iniK'Nitio ail
iry. "If 110 othiT Iaauo," he anya, "wore
liivulvivl in the riiiiipiiiK'ii. thia alone
wmihl Klve it iiiouii'iitoua iuiHirtiiiiri!."
The Vi hi'ini'iu'o with whirlitlm Iloiuo
criitic lomlora ut ('hlraKoanil in couKroaa
have ili'uouni'ijil rifi)roi'lty aa a alumi,
ami have !i-iunmtoil tlm n-N-ul of the
MrKiuloy art ami the AMnrli clauiui,
juatltli-a the proaiilout in waniinn ox
portom. ami eapiH-tally fiiriuora, that nn
il.T a low tariff aitiuini-itriitliin thoy will
loae the now iniirki'ta oa'iinl for their
tirplua pnnluota, Now Yirk Tribune.
llpiry Hialir Crlti.
Now that lli'iiry Yillanl la out fur
Cleveland every miner and ranchman
In Montana who opHMt corporation
rule in thia atate and favori the prraor
vation of the mineral lamia ahould vote
for Ilarnaon ami Keid. It ia now eaay
to ee why Mpeaker Criap no iioraiatently
rofumil torm-oi;mxoCouraiiinan Dixon
when the latter wanted to call up the
laud rlaaaitiratiou bill. Criap usl to
be on the railroad committee ami ha
been audi a frequent visitor to the oil
room that he Inu la-come aa alippory aa
a rcaod pig.- Uutte City (Mou.) Inter
A yul.llnj llrowlalila.
It la aafe to aay that Doinoci'atic atnmp
apeakera will have lea to aay in the
future lu roKiird to the manufacture of
till plate in thia country. The report
uiinlii to the treaaury doiartmeut on thia
ubjoct waa a broadaide that compelled
them Immediately to ret ire f or repair.
Trenton Time.
Am Snlwrvat rirlure.
The annual Intereat charge on the com
bined atatu and local bonded debt of the
United Stati'H waa
or capita in IHmO, hut had tallvu during
Uin yearn of protiftion to $1.61
fMT cupitii Iii 1HIHI. Tluit'a the way the
burdona of the hniIii have boon incroaa
ing. New York l'reaa.
reck, a (luld Mnlal Nlallitlolan.
PtH-k won a gold medal at the Pari
expoaitiou for the boat atatiatical meth
od. Nevertheleaa the IVmocratio cam
paign miiniigora have the audacity to
claim that his dednctiona aa to the imc
coaa of tlio MrKiuloy hill are of no value,
Norrlatown (Pa.) Herald.
Great News and no Hiimrmo I
nerman are
80M K 31 U(J W UM P CANT
' ' . I
t'oiuutalnlng of llm Voluntary f aiiimlau
f'uiilrlliulluna of l(-iulillriiiia, While
Ivnurliif Almiliiloljr llm AnwHinmli
Furi'vil frimi tloiiiwrala
Tlii'in la aoiintthiutf alimmt touchliiK
In the millillililii liilinlfoaU'il by our
Ih'iuorriitlii ami MiiKwnuip couU)iiiM
rnrloa for the purity of the elective
fiimcliiae. Mirny of tli-in are lying I
v !
aw 11k 0 nlglita thinking of the danger to
which free government la exaiael by
the 11 of money In olcrtioiia by the
other fellow. Our neighbor, the New
York Tiliioa, ia very nun II nxerclaeil
alamt II. It deplore the fiu't that "the
Iti'ptlhllran inauagor are milking every
effort to W'ciiri) coiilributloii from the
fodoral eiuployoea," but Hilda tome lit
tle conaolatlon in the circmuataiice that
"an fur thoy have imt lawn very auccetia
ful." Thia, however, It aaya, ia not due
to Proaiilout Iliirria'in, hut to the civil
ai-rvice coinuiiaNlonora, who have taken
a II rm ami Imld aland on the atihjoct.
"If." aaya The Timea, "Mr. Iliirnaon
wore man enough to iaaun an exiH-iitiv
order aualaliiiug the comuiliwionora, and
declaring that no eiuployee ni-ed give
money to the party, and that any one in
the MTVice indirectly appealing for
inonoy would be dinchargod, the black
mailora would (toe in iliniiiuv." Ib-re it
will lie wi'ii, in addition to Roliritude
for free government, the purity of the
friiurhlae and the weak conacionca of
the voter, ia an exhibition of tender re
gard for the aorely lieaet officeholder,
who, iHH'aiiae the preaidont (Iixi not U-
aue an executive order for hia protection, (
ia h-ft to be the prey of the "black- j
mailer." !
The dialiltereatedni'aa of tliia view I
Pliareut when una coiialdera that Tli
Time believe we cannot have pure au4
hoiieatgovernuiout uuloa Mr. Cleveland t
la elected. The election of Mr, Cleve-
land would mean and the meaning i j
plainer than ever amre that gentlemaa
made hia bargain with Tammany at the
Victoria hotel dinner that every office
holder would lie out of business and
looking for place within three month
after hia Inauguration. In thia atate of
affair our neightair ia allocked at the
thought that thoy or any of them ahoul4
contribute money to the Ropublicaa
elm'tion exiMinmi for the mrjsise of de
feating Mr. Cleveland. For imeh contri
bution must lie made from British an4
mercenary motive, and are conatijnent
ly inconsistent witlc pure silitlra and
honeat government. And any indirect
niggeation to them of a contribution la
till worae; tt I blackmailing. 80 if
Preaidont Ilamaon "were man enongh"
he would uae hi authority to preveut
any govemuieat employee from contrib- (
utlng to the election e ik'Hm of hi I
party, beranae it U ubveraive of great j
government and generally Jenioraliriug.
The idea that an ofllcebolder can aot .
from any other than mean and aelfUfc
motive, or cannot tie animated by a i
clean ami pure ami juttnotlc a purptaie
aa the uouoniceholding citizen who cum
tribute to hia party f inula, ia of course
quite inconceiible. And of course, toe,
there can be lait one uae for money by
the Republirana to brib the hone
Democrat who are eager and anxious to
vote with their party, but cannot with
stand the temptation of a bribe.
Now wouldu't It be a well to omit
just a little of the rankest of this tort of
cant? At the very moment The Time
ia rolling up it eye on this subject and
reading the pteaiilent a lesson on what
be ought to do "if be were man enough"
the Democratic paper are pubhahing!
the fact that Mr. Cleveland has sub-j
scribed f 10,000 to the fund to make him
self president; the former members of
hia cabinet, who naturally hope to get
buck their old plan's, hare sulwcrilied
10,000 each; Mr. E. C. Benedict, who
has recently bulged into public life with
his yacht, and who knows a good thing
when he sees it. whether it ia a gaa trust
or a chance tor the treasury pomouo.
liua irivon tin .oho. nml evorv iIhv now
niune are apiearing of $.1,000 and $10,-
OHO sulwcrilier who either have held
office under Mr. Cleveland or hone to. '
Then, too, The Times knows, as every-,
body else does, that there ia not an oflice-',
bolder under any sort of Democratic ad-'
ministration, state, county, municipal, 1
town or village the whole country over, '
from the governor of a state down to
typewriter or scrubwoman, who ia not
assessed not, mark you, solicited, but
assessed with delilieration and in cold
1,1, .,..1 f . il- . I. - ,.f il... TVnmrrntio
do, that tlmre ia not In thia great city
iK'l'"K ". liquor aaloon or dive
iimi. uofn 1101 y inuuie 10 mat. iiinu,
ami that the itroat moneyed corporation
of the city which are in any way di
rectly or indirectly dtmlnt dpon the
KihkI will of Taiiuiiauy Hall are ul
jm li'd to llm aiune mineoze for the aame
What aenwi la there, then, In thia oily
Kitinimin about bliu;kiualliiiK ofliceholil
era or thia hy 'merit ical cant about the
iiae of luoimy to corrupt the franchlae?
Whoever wuuta ail olijort leaaon in that
I1"" ,l'u' ""'X ""k Ht tlie (ftt
ll....,u....li.. ..!.. .... l... ......Ii... -
DiiiiKa'rallc city on the continent; at the
machinery by which the Democratic
party holda control of thia town, by
which It h'iM-a ti elwt Mr, Cleveland
and without whirh he haa no moreahow
than J111110 II, Weaver. New York
To llraafc lli Mulld Riiulh.
The atartling facta that the northern
man la to loam through the incitement
of the Democratic cry of "force bill"
re to lie more potent in the overthrow
of fraudulent nouthern Miuocratic
lnethoda than any force bill could
prove. There ia a nenae of righteouanea
among men that cau la) aronaed to lond
expreaaioii by a atudy of condition In
the aoiith, and when the conarieuce of
the nation ia awake and informed an
irroaiatililu public opinion will do more
to aiuaali the unholy, nnconatitutionaJ
and criminal method of the nouthern
Democracy than any uriny could do with J
bayonet and btilleta. Milwaukee Sen
tinel. A fmrtj of IllTldwl Iaaun.
At the preaent time the fact that half
of the Democrat are aliouting. "Down
with the force bill!" and the other half,
"Hurrah for free tradel" well Illustrate
the position which ha become habitual
with them. The aame organic weaknea :
prevented the overwhelming majority in
the laat house of representative from j
accomplishing anything. That the trait
la not without benefit to the country can- I
, tcu Uut it i not one that
should command the snpiairt of voters.
"Too divnled in pur nine to do harm ta
not a strong recommendation. Colorado
Springs (Colo.) Gazette.
II array ' Hrllllanl ftehitma.
It ia intimated that Hoes llarrity ia ,
endeavoring to divert attention from ,
New York in order to be better able to 1
put into execution certain schemes for
carrying that state, to rurther this
brilliant idea the story about making an
effort to capture several western state
was started, with the exjiectation that
the Republicans will be thrown off their
guard. This ia au evidence of the des
perate strait the boaaaud hi lieutenant
are in. The scheme will not work.
Williamaport (Pa.) Uazette and Bulletin.
A llanklus; I'lctur.
The firat nine months of this year
how bank clearances for sixty -one lead
ing eitie of the country aggregating
The aame cities in the corresponding
period of last year showed clearance
amounting to only a41.3H0.105.2a3
1 the increase in busmen which thia
indicatea a sign of appiotu hiug calamity?
New York Pre.
A Wtaw'l I'lrtur.
1 11 the lust week of Auguat the average
earned by the 60O weavers in two
. .ilmce woolen mill were (11.50
iv. Fr.inkliii W. liobba, a graduate of
:e Massachusetts Institute of Technol-
gy, after a careful study or wages in
iu, in mi, reported that weavers
in woolen mills make there only $3.40
a week. That is the difference between
free trade and protection. New York
L'm of th Scraper.
It always pays to use horse power and
a scraper to excavate soft earth. I have
jt &iui a cellar for a house 18 by 24 by
89 and feet deep excavated. It was
done by a team, a man and boy, a
acraper and a spade, and cost me $9.75.
A similar job done by hand labor cost
over twenty dollars. It i a question if
Italian "sand shovelers" are cheap eren
at one dollar Jier day. A Yankee, with
a good team and a quirk boy, can do
more effective work tlinii a whole gang
of ignorant foreiner-i, writes a corre
spondent in Count r Ut ntleiimn.
their Entire stock of
New Goods are Daily Arriving.
Our growing tral; ilcmandH a full and complete fttock of .
General Merchandise,
Ami wo can chncrfully say to our many patrono that we have
pared no paimt and time to make our aHHortmi-nt the bet and
priced the lowest in Clackama county.
Come and innpect our new and elegant
Display of Millinery Goods.
We have all the latent BtyleB in Ladies' Hats, betide a complete
anaortment of Children's Jersey Cap, Uahy I5onnet, Straw
and Felt Sailor IIat, and trimmings of every descrip
tion. We know we can save you money
in this department.
Park Place Cash Store,
We carry the most complete stock and best
grade of
File, 1 lot Ms, Carpets,
LOUNGES, ETC., in the city, which we sell at prices that
("Call and get prices
tWmd you will find we mean what we say jgM
f aWand will not be undersold.
We carry a complete line
f4olman & Warner,
I carry the largest and best assorted stock of wall paper ever brought
i to Oregon City, and will sell at Portland prices. Let me give you
j figures on your work.
I Shop on Seventh street, near Center.
to Floor
Park Place, Oregon.
before buying elsewhere.
of Caskets, Cases, Robes, Etc.