Oregon City Enterprise. in imirirs. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 4, 1SI2. i Clackamas Co. Demonstration In Oregon Wednesday Evening. IsJl'KTUH Cot'HT.-Ttltl C10 ByaitlSt K. D. Hi Hint (or tho larceny of a luvket from Miss M-Alt( cm, ofoi, Justice Kouts last Tuesday. There wore three' witnesses to the (not tlmt Mica Mo.Vtleo ! ... . klUVP It 111 til orfc.t ta httvrt I ........... I . ... Ultil Utt'iikSt Midi it u .iu i:ihm. utMi-hKtk iMiwwtiHililio! rail v t hut w kh vr . " ' " RcMtor, TrNmirvr, AltftMOr. ftitrvyor, Coroner, iiMiirnm i.. ar... . ... . derk of Courts, - - Vks.K;ii.rl;I,"v,n,K"I,1"""H1,u.v' lnB """'H'CIUO Sheriff, . l W iIiihx , and the ttanihtMit clllhs of lVirtUn.l j.oMWiVJwft j chartered the Alton and cam up in H.V.ti it5 j f,,U ,im'- W'ito wining l the river Mn smyih ! they were not niggardly with thoir lire ! work and they nude tlie heavens iridos. Iforntlhu Bur , nllt wjtn publican tlrv. Okkoo.n city offickks j In Oregon City the Portland etithusi- J. rnntom i nearer irom turlow, Canny, Neeily and J' F KJh!' i "Vo City. Tlie prvHtWion marched ll.It.,r?w ' nP Min ,,v'' two Eighth to Hi t . Honer . , . V . w. H. Unwell rain ami counter mtnniM iacfc going up Seventh to Shively'a theater. There Chief of Mice -AMor, Ctly Attorney Sunt, nl W(r Wvwki. CttjrKnflnw. Si.1n Hmvih. Cttunoi!m-r, O Albrlshl. Jr., H. I. Kl! mul two won tlmt it wns uuivlv mi ex iv'lmni of hvki'tn. ,t y ru, nwv, IU1 l'liullh'(l, OWn OllM, WMK lll'lll I to tho rml jury in tln mini of $iHH) kihI in ilodiull of lail h noiit to juil, i'runk Miti'hi-ll, tho (Mloivil llslinion.tr, Wit Hmil f-M) ilollnrti by .limtioo Knt for mi tumult on II. Ilitmr of the riitriioumi Mo pHr.H t tliMt h.wloltio olio nitihl iiitoxii'Mtoil mul in company with tn uh jivtiotmhl rlmrti'tiirtiiil ntml a roimi. ItitniT ItH'limM to furnish oin for thi'ui tmt Mitchell hiMi! out knilo mul thrvttonmt to rarve the luiullonl. Kor thin amiiKonii'iit lm lino. I an. I in il. fault of payment he s eommitteil to jail. !N0 In ciij h.ll. I. rOCRTS. Otrrnlt oonrt ennvmM rtrtl Monvtur In Siv ' oart to tin. mii-.si nf 1 1 ... .i..,;.... wmfcertuJ Ihlnt Mou.Uy In April. i , . ... Probti wurt in Klon &m M.m.l.y in .rh ; 1 nlr'n Brownell presided at the t0010- : theatre and called about 40 other promi- . ' r"'" '. ' nent rvnuti leant to ihvukv ..t ti... j the stuj.-e. He iutrvxliuvd Senator Mit- da.ll. 1 1 ortland clnlia iiiaiYluHl around inside drancil meets nt Wfitn.tT olch month ; the hall cheeiiliir for Harrison an.t ' TllK Kivkk is tVvoiiKM tn the last ! Keid and then departed for their Invat. I ''" ' Vtoler this year the water in the The rortland rlulw contributed lame i ,lv,r 'x'h'w the falls was .8 of a fool aoove low water inaik. On the Hist of. the month it uas ,;l alnne and on the H:h I :i lift above tho highest of the month. The liver was at the same I staitV last year on the tirt that It was' We are Not Closing Out at Cost ! Nor do wo intend to do so, but wo aro able to soil you anything in tho lino of CLOTHING, MIS ID FHIS1K GOODS, At prices that cannot bo equaled in Oregon City, whother they aro selling out at cost or not. trtr first Ston.lsy of each month. tThe way to hnlhl up Orfiron ehell in a felicitous little speech and the City Is to rive Oregon City people your j senator :ot a hearty reception After a patronage. complimentary reference to Mr. ltrow- ; noil Senator Mitchell pve some atten- SPR Y OF THE FALLS 11 1 ' e democratic jiimhle in rei.MH, CliH-ks at Burmeister A Andresen's. Everyone warranted. this season on the last, but tVt. 1S!1 it was ti 7 feet atove tero. The hiulicst nater of last season as on the :41th of IVc. when it was '.'I feet above nero Wlow the falls The water should be and then passed to the eonsideta- j "hoiil i fivt almve en U!ow the falls tion of the taritrand tinancial iptestions ' order to have a cood na ij;atiii stae ; which lie discussed in a masterlv inun-1 10 Sll!'"' The catch basins for the sewerage sys- nor, notwithstandini; the fact that be I teat are beint completed. , wa siirlering from a cold accompanied' wit!. vic-n.e. , iuwb ni iiiMiran v Warner's Undertaking parlors. tf ! The latest in visitimt canls at the Kx- TEBPKISE OkFIi,K, IiciS tO Sllit VOU. J. S. Courtney M. D., physician and Burgeon, room 5 and 6, Charmati bloik. Those contemplatint; bor'owinii should ascertain terms offerevl by C. O. T. Williams. School deportment canls one cent each, uooil for term, at the Entkrpkise otfice. C. 0. T. Williams is now prepared to make very favorable rates on good farm loans. when he beiran, on a.wnnt of the late- i ness of the arrival of the Portland clubs. Mr. Mitchell arrived Wednesday after noon and was a ituest of Mr. Morey un- j til his departure Thursday. " PKOPLK't PARTY MKKTISU. j General Applegate faileil to put in an i TlIK MlsaloX l.AMUMi Kot'TK t'llll-! tain V. S Waud lias lmI tbo stouinm ! He held the vast audience Sa'rm in cminiisM.ni, -.l ,, I, n... ! tillalxmt U o'clock, it bavin hwn late tr riv..r n tho ,.,.. r.... -;....i.....i ! hy the Maiuanillo a short time mjo. In. i stead of making daily trips, however, j the Salem will leave Mission at 7 a. in ,. Mondays, W ednesdays and Fridays and ' leave rortland on her return trip on the ! siuvee.liiii! days at 8 a in The samr transKvrtaiion rati-s the Maiiianillo' ptiearance at the populist meet in it t i will be in eltoct with the Salem Shively's theater last Saturday nudil. j tp'tiii Waud likes this run and is do- the time previously arranged for tbe j '"If his hest to keep it Harry Taylor is joint debate which had !een declared j terser The boat went up last Sunday off to accommoilate this meeting. Mr. ,0 l '"'r rH" U'Ren of Milwaukee occupied the time Straw Task -The steamer Kl with an orthodox people' t'trty se.-h j W0)H llK,k SlH) tm,. t)f ri(w ,t cmm rnrRK meetings. ; last wi't k and brought them down Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walker of Green i Satunlav niitnf this .-u s..n.i.. to the ( n.wn tairr mill lint tl, t.n rointhave a young son born last Sun lil,,b will" speak at Shively's theater. '. attai-ned and the mill m.tiiied day morning j ,-ext jonjay nibt Congressman I "' lh fjl t "' ' refused to accept the Take your bal lea to fiie New York ' Hermann will deliver un address at freight on its arriial here The K I wood allery and get a good picture while you I0iH' 8 l,a"- m,t k"" ""a ,1"'rc W"H M,1.v have the chance. ' I Every body should attend. "en on the straw when it loaded it. But on discovering the situatiun i We are solo agents for Oregon City and vicinity for tho Brownsville Woolen Mills, And we havo at all timos a full lino of thoir coiobratod MEN'S, BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING On hand, which wo will sell at the samo pricos as sold by tho company in thoir own storo. In hats wo carry all lines, Including Stetson, Knox and Dim lap Styles for Men, And tho largest stock ovor seen in tho city for Boys. Don't forget that we havo tho largest stock and cheap est prices of any house in tho city. The The city council met Wednesday even ing early and adjourned till Friday night on account of the Mitchell meeting Wedding stationery, the latest styles and finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Enteki-kisb office. l.ie.i. FIELI'S Af his home in fanemah. Friday evening.Oct. JS, of dropsy, Thomas Fiulds, uged 5 vears. 7 ! months and 6 days. Mr FielJs was a native of Kentucky, ! having heen horn in Hickman countv. The cheapest place in Oregon Citv to; March l"-', 1!7. He came west witli buy watches and jewelry is at Red-; bis parents, crossing the plains in 18,5.', house's, No. 2. Commercial Rank block. j Hnd the family settled on the west .ank An elegant assortment of dry goods ' o t!ie Willamette opposite fanemah. nd domestics at the Park Place Store. Thomas followed steamhoating on the All goods fresh and marked at our ' "I'lf river, starting in as rahm hoy and usual low prices. j working his way up to captain. He was in tins business about nine vears. He O CONNELL & GLASS, One Price Clothiers and OREGON CITY. OREGON. Matters, went over to Caiiemah and discharged tlie ! caigoat a place convenient for reloading', ami it lies there now j Kkadino Kox Mkktiso. There will '" he a ptihlic business nircling of the Free ' iKi'rrrMijiT h e leading grocery house: vemher li, at the ro jin on Main street. All memoers and those wishing to join . are earnestly requested to come, since tliere will be most Important business to j come before the association on this o ca- I sinti. ! The ladies of the Baptist church give I 'The MostComplete and only first class notice thai they giving dinner in church this year will the serve a Thanks-1 basement of the ran on the steamers Alliance, Union and The ship St. Kathnrine arrived in Portland Wednesday from New York with rails for the completion of the East tide motor line. The traci ;s now laid to the biidge across the Clackamas. For t:ie I.aiues Thos Charman A ! Son have received the largest invoice of I hosiery ever carried hy that firm of the ; (J T ? ( ) ( I-T I r Gazelle. He had an interest in the old People 8 Transportation company at this celebrated Smith & Angles' mako for time. In 1858 he formed a partnership f ladien, misses and children. Also a with Jacob Woitman and opened a gen- j full line ol Smith i; Angles' black dress eral merchandise store. G. M, Stirckler, I lining and dress shields warranted not to whose daughter Mr. Fields married in fade or crock. it 18W, bought Wortman's interest in the .,. ... . ... , . , i.iiii uiggn, who was commiiieti io me T. Tscharnii? has twinn thn prortinn ofatwo-etorybrick building 34x34 fpet 8nd ,bt00'ne "le ProP"e'0' store in I8ti9 and about five years later Field purchased his father-in-law's s.iare Two vears Quality consider ed, our prices are on Fourth street immediately back of the City restaurant. Mr. Hannigan, the restaurantenr for whose accommoda tion the building is being constructed, has charge of the work . We publish elsewhere a notice of a chrysanthemum and pumpkin fair to be given at the Eaptist church F'riday eve and Saturday afternoon of next week. This promises to be a fine affair. On Friday evening souvenir bouttinaires will te given to the gentlemen attend ing. A good time is assured to all. I'nrrlnsnlle Boll ot Honor. Our school has been in session one month. The enrollment numbers fortv ago last May he took his two sons, Geo C. and Ed. T.. into partnership. Mr. Field's sickness began about eight years ago wit'i heart disease and asthma and finally developed into dropsy which caused his death. He was entiiely help less the last two days of his sickness, hut prior to that time his condition was not considered critical . The funeral occurred from the family residence in Canemah last Sunday afternoon Rev. G. William Giboney of the Presbyterian church, otliciating. Tlie hurial was in Canemah cemetery. The deceased left a wife and the two sons who were associated with him in husiness. He was a man of sunny county jail six mouths for larceny was I released last Friday, having served his I always the lowest, 'e rm . j mmm InijHirtcrs mul ileiilers in Clioice Family Eitriig Selected Teas, run Coffees '& Spices. Butter & Cheese from best dairies Fruit and Vegetables in Season. Business Conducted On Business Principles. One Price to AIL Positively no con nection with any advertising scheme Home fm Sale. I have a house and two lots with good barn at the head of Seventh street ; city water service. Will sell cheap. Fine chance to get a nice home. Another house and two lots at the cornerof ninth ami Monroe will be sold on easy terms Excellent location. Very desirable prowrty. Alsoa business lot on Seventh street for sale. Forlurther information apply to E. P. Elliott, Viola postollice. Cor. 7th & Madison, Shively Building, Oregon City. nine pupils. The following is a list o( l'Pition who was much esteemed by the names of those pupils who have been neither absent nor tardy during the past month: Anna Covey, Ed Currin, Lillie Currin, Ollie Currin, Ida Hear kenrider, Anna Hearkenrider, Blain Huffman, Blanche Huffman, Alice Smoot and Grace Smoot. Ella C'ibki.n, Tcacl i er . Sewer Connections. We are ready to make all sewer connec tions at the uniform price of 3o cents per lineal foot for 4-inch connections and 40 cents for 6-incb, all complete. Apply immediately to Pore & Co. Special School Mekti.vo. A special school meeting was held at Pope's hall last Tuesday night to elect a director to fill the vacancy caused by the resigna tion of M. A. Stratton. There was a good attendance and the meeting was called to order about 6 :30 o'clock by President Sands of the school board. Rev. G. William Giboney and Charles O. Albright were placed in nomination. Geo. A. Harding and J. W. Noble were appointed tellers and the ballot resulted 48 for Giboney, 13 for Albright and three Mattering. Giboney was declared elected. all who knew him. Call .Hurried. j WILSON-CAROTHERS.-On Oct. 1!) j 1M2, by Rev. John C. Sylvanus at the j residence of the bride's mother four i miles from Springwater, Mr. C. I). Notice. I will sell good, healthy Silver and Italian Prune Trees, from two to three feet high, at three cents each by the 1IX), j IOHtoflice on a creoit of twelve months. H. Matiikw, Canby, Or. tf MONEY! I have a full mijiply of niuney which I wiwh to loan on good CLACKAMAS COUNTY FARMS, Of -10 acrca or more un the liiont favorable tcrnm. MKS. E. M. HI KMKIKTKK. WH. A.VJiHKMK.N. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN, Successors to Mrs. C. H. L. Barmelster, MMUKIt IS Watche?, Cloc, pilveptoare, JeWelriJ. Repairing a Specialty. .1 ii I it Ntr-ei, Orrii 4'ilj, Ore iron. and hoo inn at my oflico. building, before going due where. You can get 5 gallons of the Rest Pearl fill ,.l It... ll ... ..,.. W-, , f- . . .. r . . ..re i oi r i iui;a muru lor oil y no ...,., ' ' I cents Bring vuir can along. both of Clackamas county. .Li -L FAUST-WLLS On Nov. 2, 1892. at Canemah, by Rey. G. W. Giboney, Mr. Benjamin Faust and Mrs. Minnie Dills. NO DELAY AFTER TITLES ABE EXAMINED, Grand Akmy Bean Bakk. Meade PoHt, G. A. K., gave a bean bake at Pope's hall last Friday night in honor of the visiting department commander, Hon. H. H. Northup of Portland, who was accompanied by his wife. The Woman's Relief Corps prepared a most tempting lunch under the chairmanship of Mrs. F. 0. McCown. The evening was spent in making felicitating speeches, relating reminiscences and the other features that make gatherings of the boys in faded blue always interesting. Wanteo, second hand grain 8a:ks. E. E. Williams the grocer. tf If you want to buy lots in Bolton aD- I ply to C. O. T. Williams, agent. km mirk to at RomcUmea you may liavit to wait The trouhles that have Iwen year fiHJ. in gathering can't awny hi a liny. Kor oil the ihV eaw anil di onlcrs pui-ullar to woiiiiinWid, Ur. riercn's Favorite Correspondence Solicited. W. H. BURGHARDT, Local Annul of the larvls-ConltllD Mortgage Trust Compaq. Rpniitiful Fruit Farm ! GEORGE BROUGHTON, MANITAC'TI'KKK Of Al.f. KINHH Uf FIR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER. FULL STOCK OF FLOORING, OKI LINO, RUSTIC AND FINISH ING LU MISER, DIMENSION STUFF AND LATH. SpeclaJBIIl8 Cut to Order Mill and Yard on the River, Foot of Main Street. OREGON CITY. OR. Prescription Is the surest awl Kixxxliiwt rem edy. You can depend uKin that hut if your case is obstinate, give it reasonable time. It's an invigorating, roaorative tonic, soothing and straigtlieniiig nervine, and a poKitive spociflo for fi.maio weiikness.5s and j hundred fruit trees nruiieH, apple. ailment All functional diiitiirlmni, rin- , . m.1.,. , 11 Forty acren, level an a floor, all cleared, well fenced ir.to five fields, good houHO 20x20 feet, Hplendid well of good water and force pump, good barn and out hoimes, Heveral ful irregu!aritii and derangements are cor retl and cured by It All unnatural dis- cnarges, tKarm-flown sensations, Weuk Imi-jt, aocomiianittl with faint spells and kindred symptoms, are correctwL In every cose for which it's recommended, " Favorite Prescrio- tion," is mtaranleM to give satisfaction, or I the money is refunded. Wo other medi'-ine for wonen is sold on such terms. That proves that nothing elM offered br the dealtf oa bt "Just at good." eherrieB, etc., Hmall fruit in abund ance, Heveral nheep, hogs, cowh, two young homos. Everything in first class condition. P'or particulars, apply to owner, Milton Stingby, near Currinsville, or see L. R. Janney, with W. Carey Johnson, Oregon City, Oregon. OREGON CITY FENCE WORKS, .MiHiiifiietiirem of mul dealvrs In all ulytim of dOMBIflATIOpI Wif AMD pidrET FEMCE, lioth rough and dressed for lawn and division fence, also Hartman Steel Picket Fence, And Wire 1'anttl Farm Fence, also Expanded Metal Fence Call and see Samples and get Prices. Shop over Cestow'n Sash & Door factory, Oregon City,, Or. 4