Oregon City Untcrprisc. SCHEDULES OF TIME O. V. T I'O.'NN'I'KAMKIIN. In Krrtir (HTutma a, IwJ. Mlnmr Al.TtlNA A IUMONA: tV imn.lliH MTV. I.KtvK Mltri.Allll 1 III. 7 Wl III. u n, in. ii mi , in, rjaupiii, IJiiiii 'I m i, in, ,1 in i, in, im i in. lain m, Nil w.y Uniting. I'u.lllvply mi Imiht liken mi Uik 4 ami S mi lVtW'l (l(i HI'MIAV. u m in k ml in I '! III. II in) III. ft mi N m. 4 im in I I mo until million in i-limitf wHlntiit unili" Mit'lllHKN I'AI'IHC IIAII.WAV. H.iHIII h'H Ml Alti.ity I.mI i wy lilinil i MlKm ill i Kmtn. iilirimiitii l(ifciiiiirii UkimI tw.y iniinu) ill'lll K'U HII. Idiliiifit ln"l iwiiy iiiiiImiib) AllMiiy liu'tl !ttny ltMti.i ulllnrnlit t.iii (llinulil V t in n i.i m I i "I 0 II in A IK) (I III J l III Til MAIM. MnlU oliiftv kmIiir NmiiIi.9 A til , a tll,Hl hi. Mull' iiu .rha Hiilllll. V In., 1 .11 i III. a 1 1 ' aiM'tna, Ortiii I'll y In Ply, ( arm. Mulliiiiaiiil Mnlalla Ivawt al U in. mi'l arntf al i'J in. il4lly llri',iii illy lu Kly, M Ink .("lark M."fllriK.k, I'lilim Mill., Milium .ml l iillmi. I.'i. l llln til lnp4lay, lltnrk'Uy ami Matiil'lay, ami ro 4ilrni mi l'lliiwlliil ilava al i M . Ill KHIDAY, NOVKMIIKH i, Wrt. TIIK (01 MT IMH'KKT. LAW null, 4K.',:l. Jiilm K. UiaU')' vt I'lirllnmlA Wlllmnntlf VIU-y rullftar roiiiuii v. Jul in win A lilltMimn ii'l Mik O'Nmll (ur iliiintlir iml ItruiiAiiKli, Knntun, McAr (Jiiir A llmiuiiifli (ur iti'liimUnt. KM Tliuiiinilnti Kmly v Tliuiimi 'liAruiaii. J.iliiinuu A Mloniitn (ur j.laliitiir. 4nW I, A. Notml vii I. lol in ii A Co. (ino. I'. Hruwnt'll (ur Uliitiir 4si,l. . Mmklor v A. Smith nJ ilt. II. K. CruiM (ur plaiiiliir. 4711. t'rv l'liAniiAii vaO. I'. I'Arktir. 4H(I. 4IKII tlfir. 1, V A I) 41U.1. Shurry A Hall Ji'w A. ('. J I', l,o.itn v (i J Trunin . I. I'urlHr (ur ilinlilT mill C. I' I.aluiiri'ltn (ur ili'd'UAAiilA A If X hi-k t Mar Inn mid Mary J oil ii nun W'lu-r S. IVrry (ur pUiniiir. 4!H Ali riwk va A M Klulilry. WaIIit H IVriy (nr pUiiillir. 4li Id Jaiiipa lliimplirt'.v v A M titillilny. 3. W. IW h fur ;.lniitt!(r aii.I C. I), A D. C. I.AliiiiiPito mid (ieo. C. llrownttll fur diiffmUnt. 41117. K. 8, Junno va Mrlon l'lillliH. II. K from fur pUinlitr. 4IMH. Jumt Huinplirvy vi Miiiitva " KAiiillf eul J. V. ltfAi-li for pklntitr Ali'l (". I). A 1. ('. I.Atoumtta mid (ieo. C, IlriiA imll lor (ItifunjAiiU. 4ua). M. K. I'rrrln va A. M. hlillilnv. W. C. JuliiiAun fur pUinlitr aihI ('. 1. A 0 U. Ijitoiiititto aihI titH). C. Hrow ni'll fur I'm ilefi'mlmil. 4'il'l. 1'i'lnr A. WhIha va A. M. Nliih Iry W ('. JuliiiAon fur pUiniiir aihI '. U. A D. (', l.AtonrvltM mul (imi. C. Itmnll (oi ili'd'iuUnt 41i:m. T. CliArtnmt A Son VA II. K. Nondiill. C. 1. A 1). C. Iitoiirette (or pUiniiir. 4t48. Kliirki'iiAtcin A Mnvor vi llonw A WAumir, 4Utll. Mitrx A JorKiiiiHt-n va Ciih llroiiKlilon it aI SilvvHtonu Mnrpliy A Itrodla aihI It (iiltntr for lOulntiir. 4n.M. William TsrrAiit va Ort'iion Iron A Sliml i-oinpuny. troniiut;li, iMu Arthur, Kunton A HronniiKli for plaintiir aihI Williuma A Wood for dilinilunt. 4U.V.'. V. II. Amtta v L. X. Hownr. i. (i, Aiiikh (or plniiiliir. 4tni. KitiI llarkircAvtm liy HoIiIimi llniriiivtA. niiArillaii, vh. Kmplre M((. coin piny II. K. CroAA lor plaintitr. i'M'Di II, K. CroHA VA J 11 1 i II M CAinplipll. II. K. Cnwa (or plniiiliir Mini Iliu'lnt and Walknr (ur ili'fi'inliint. 4H71. (iiir Wileharl va C. H. Mc Cord, 41MHI. 1'ortlnnil Trimt coinpAiiv et al V(l. It. II. Miller. Willlamn A Woml for plniiiliir AiidO. I). A I). C. l.iitonrutto for ili'lunilnnt . MHI7, 1'. Knill va J. S William. Nmitli, StriiilnA Wait for plaintill', und W. 0. JnliiiHon for di'dindunt. 5010. John K. Court noy vi John Wutxlur. U. S, (iriint Mtirqiiiini for plain tiff. Will. Schwab l!ron. va Stewart A Kniuht, Tilumn Ford and W, M. Kaiser lor plalntlll'aiid lirownull A DreMHer (or (lefeliilunt. MM. Thomas Charm in and K. It. Chariiiiin v Hohert llnulie. II. K. CroHA (or plaintiff and S. Iluelat (or (li'Iundaiit, fiOiri. (iiiHtav Fiieilrii'lm vh Umpire M(. company. Urownell & Pieamir lor plniiiliir. 5010. J. K, Wltala va Kmpiro Mfg conipiiny. lirownull A Droaaor for the plniiiliir. 5017. William JuIzbo va Kmpiro Mfg conipiiny. llrownoll A DrosHor (or lilainliir. 501!). tl. W. 1'roHHor vs Jeremiah JohtiHon. lirownull A lromwr (or plain tiir, 50''(). II. K. CroHsand S. M. MdOown vs F.mpire M( conipiiny. II. K. Crohn for plaintiff. riO'.'l. (Ieo. II. Williuma vs Frederick MoHhlieru-er, C. 1). A I. 0. Latonrette fur plniiiliir and Hrownoll A DreMHer for (li'fi'iKliinl. NK.'2. IIhiiiIIIiiii A (unlilinrii v Kin pro Mff cuMii'iiny. ('. I). A I. ('. Im liiuri'ilii (ur iliilnilir. MM, J, r HuutcliH-n vi!. I'. II. 10 CrtitM for litinlirr .mil C I). IHk. ! A U. i (). I.ilimrit (nr iliiliiiluiit, M'M. (I, (' Jiiliiimui vii Jolm mill Muiy K llaMkiim (1. I'), Iluyi'H lor iiUiniiir. W1. Jiiliiimui M;U. .liilinmiil .Mm II. M:iii Hunkiir. mr Ml III .luliiiniill W. W. KmtililtiK vh .Ii-rrinlkli It. CiIiihi for pluintiir V, W. NlHlll!ll v JlT lull H. fit r.m (ur iln!iillfl' hihI ll.niily (iirliii'iiiUiit J. H. WllliitniM vm t'l.itrli Jiiliiimui A Mli'iniiii (ur I'Uin- It, IiiiiiiIha vk M n r I-hi anil Mry V. C. JiiIiiiauii (ur i.liilnlill' mill II. K, CriiHamnl l'iiili', llmlrvit Alli'ii (ur ilili'iiliint, M4.'. Jiwfii llHilifitu v K. Mimlicr. (', 0. A U C l.n'iHiri'iln lor iUiiitilf. iVMil. Cnl . Iluwi'll v I. It. lirtti'ii. II. K. Crimrt (ur liiiiitlir hihI llnmiii'11 A ll'fAMir lur vli'fiimluiil ,'iiifi.l. TIiiiiiiaa CliHiimin A Sun va I). W. Tm ki-r. . Ilm-liil (ur iliiinliir. fto.'i.'t. TliuuiAA t'lmniiAn 1t Hun v A. Ciilt-M-r. f. ). A l C' Ijiiuiirtilli (or iliilnliir. ftii.'iil. TIiuiiiaa Clirinmi A Hun va Cliiirltm Wflah. C. It. A D. C. l.ntuiir- tin (nr pUiniiir BtifiH. Willlttiii (,ninn v I. T. May and C. I'. MuttiAin. H. lltmlat for plain- tilf tmi. Annie I Krr v J. II. Kel luKii. II. 1'. Croa (ur plainlitr. MHiA, 1'urtland Trimt company va It. II. M. ItnhhiliA, WlllittlliAA WixnUfur plaintill' Alld IlroA iiell A I'o-am-r lur die (endant. fillial. I' rtl lid Truit eoinpany va C. I. Mm rill. WilliAiiiA A WimaI (or plain tiff and llrowiwll A llreaarr (ur du (diiiIaiiI. 50(17. rnrtlan TruHt conipAny vi Anna KuhliinA. Willlin A Wu-i-la fur iilaintilf ami ItruwiiHll A limawr (or dtt- Icii.ImiiI. j 50i8. rurtUnd Tnut (-miipany v Sainuul li Aikein William & Woml! (or plaintiir and lirownull A lirtAstr lur delnttdiiiit. ftiNiil. rurtland TriiKt cumpaiiy v N 1 Storvy. Williuma A Wood (ur iilulnlilT j llrowimll A HrvAKer (or ded-ndant 5070. J. I). Cook v Marion and Mary j JuliiiAon. Miller A Millar lor plaintiir. I 5071. (iilxin Mi Alliiiler va Holicrt I Vouiik r-t al. May, Huntington A Wll-, aoii (ur idaintitr. 5075 John ItoimiiAth v Uo WeUir. C. II. Iye lur plaintitT. 5070. Slate va FrAiik Landura. 5077. K. A. Ncatun ly K. I.. N'awton guardian ad lilein, v J. H. Crumbly. 507H. Stale vi Nathan Minxly, Stone wall Vaiife-han and Tl.aJ Stipp. ltrow nell A Iror (ur delmnlant. KtJCITY CAAKA. 4 C'Ji liwl of AiwiKiiiueiit (ur bene fit of tlrwlitur, L. 1'. Huwanl va J. (j I'iUliory. 45H4. II. It. May v OriKon City Fruit K.vaMirator M(k cuinpny. 4(141t. In the matter of te aAiKnnienl j of Hot Ii AuHtin, 47211. C. W.Iiryant et al trualeeaol tlieM. E. church at Uaweu va Oregon Iron A Steel company, llruiiaiittli, Fen ton, McArtbur A Brouauttb and Miller A Miller (or plaintiff and IMnh, Itelliaiter, Mallory A Simon (or defendant. 4745. Klita Dickinon va John M DickiiiNon. Caplea, Hurley A Allen for plaintiff, and G, E. Ilaye for defendant. 4748. Hunch, ArniAtrong A Co va Francia Hunter et al. I. L. I'orter and G. G. Gammun for plaintiff and villin, Starr A Thomaa for defendante. 47Stl. Walle Vivian va J J Pedio. L. I.. I'orter and C. D, Latoiirette for defendant. 4821. In the matter of the aasittntnent of Green ltro A Co. ' 4S42. F, W. JilKechnie va I.imie B McKecliule nhriaon A ldleinan for plain tiff. V' 4HI7. L. G. Young va l'earl Richardti. II. E. Croa fur plaintiff 4851, Jennette IIiikIics va W, M. Wallace. W. C. Johnson for plaintiff. 48,"i5. Thumiixine Eudy va John E OIIK er. Jolmaun A Idlemnn fur plain tiff and 8. lluelat lur de(endant. 4S58, Thomaine Eudy va Samuel ami Catherine HniiiHilen. Jolinnun A Kllciiiiin tor plaintill. 48H2. A. M. Parson va Rebecca Gardner, A . 8. Jlreaaer (or plmntiff. 4808. Jiimei lllllcer va John E, Olllcer. S. Ilnulatnnd MuUinn, Sears A Nimon for plaintiff ami Johnson A ldlniiuin fur defeuJant. 40011. tn the matter of the unniKn mi'iit n( liiHolvent ilebtor. 4U12. Jennie Woodruff vs V. II. Woodruff. Will II. Walker lor plaintiir. 4l:i2'tt T. Ii. A. Sell wood et al vs 1'. J. lltmnemaii. Urownoll & Presaer (or plaintiff. 4!Hltl. E. A. Hansen vs Murion John- son et al. 41)10. T. S. MeOunml vs Frank E. Wilson. 41)50. C. II. Jewelt vs Lizzie N. and Martin L. Howers. Stott, ltoine A Stott for plaintill' and G. G. Ames for defend ant. 4l),"ilt. A. Kanne et al vs William City et al. Cuplen, Hurley A Allen for plutntiff and Hayes A Pressor for defend ant. 4!)fi(i. Hunk of .Oregon City vs J. 8. Cocbriin et al. 0.11. Dye (or plaintill' and 0. II. McDoukiiI and Durham A I'latt for defendant. 11)58. lloniy Chapman vs Charles D ml Nnlllii M. Miir.nr. Millur A Mlllw (or ,lnliillir. 4itl. T. It, mi'l Mry K. Wortlilnij- toil v lltinry TlifimiK. I.. I-. lnr fur iiluliiilir mill K. Mumlonlmll mi'J A. H. DrrAMir fur iliifi'ii'liinl. 4IKi:i, (1, W. Iliirirliiinl v 8 . Cllli liymiilJ, Coin, (,'. I. A I. C I.ntotir ii Un (or plniiiliir. 4IMH). W M. Uiunpm li va 1'ttul Hum iiAi li. t'Xi'ciiliir, t hI. V. H. Ilmiiuiin ftr pltti ill iff mill JuliiiAon A Mlenmii 'or (Ind'llildlllH. i MM. C. Viitnli-mlifl v TIioiiiaa Jiim-A -t kI. W, 0. JuIiiiauii (ur pliiin lilt' mnl llruwniill A Iln-AH'r (ur ili'luinU ant. Willi. Ilu HuutiliiA v AHii-rt II. HiiKiflii. Iliuwiii'll A Drimwr lur pluln till'. MK'KI. J. A. Juiii'A va Mury K. Hnknr. 0. D. A I). C. .Aluiirntl (or plulnliir. fttKM. W. T. iliirm-y vi H. V. K. i Juiii'A aihI Hunk of Orison City. 5mw. Iiui'A A. Hi-Ail v Junict lirail. I,. I.. I'uili-r (or pluiiitiir. 5u(ili. Aihia It IIavia va TIioiiiaa T IIavIa. ltrowni'll A JlrcHwr lur plaiiilitrj aihI C I), A 1) C. laUniM-ttD (or lis J f 1 1 I it nl I Ml:). Jiiiiii'A lluiljji'S va Mr June FUiirlii'r ; WIS. Jaiiipa Aliraliiini vi Mury ml iMaiiuii JuIiiiauii. V, C. JohiiAun for j ihUiiiiiir .ml II. K. (Vuaa ailI C pl Hurley A Allen for defendant. . , I MWi. Judith Weiniuandul v I.ncy J. Arnold. C. I). D.C. Utourelte for plain tiir. I IWKM A.E., Latonrell. eiBcutor. v j Liii'v J. A.iiold. C. D. ft Ii. C. Uluu elle (ur plaintiir. 6.l'.'H. Willamutte TraiiApnrtiiliun A jm k Co v Aurie M Drai-r and WT lturney. Bruwnell A I'reaner and Dulpli, ItellinKcr, Mallorr A Simon fur plain tiff and W. T. Hurn-y lur deiondant. I WVtO. Konelta Elkell ernttr- v Juaeph I Kikeltwrner. Brownell' 4. )rear (ur plaintitf. 50111. W. II. Woutiruff v E. M. WiKjdrun. Urownell A lrt!r (or plain liff 50.;'.' Nellie K. Martin v JumeM. Marliil. Itruwntdl A Ilreaaer for plain tiir. 501U. Emma llcrnnian va Joteph ltvrKiuan. Ilrowneil A lreaer fur plain tiff. 5(5. John C'olry v M. I'. and ViniiniaQuinn and E. J.CuAbiiiK. Will II. Walker (or plaintiff. 501141 iieornti Uuot v O. II. and Ka '" By land. il. E. Cruaa fur plaintiff and W. C. Jolmton (or defendant. 5037. Eliia Ilumby va Maiwell Ramaby. Urownell A Dreeaer for plain tiff. 5038. Elisabeth Lovejoy v Portland General Electric company. W. L. Nut tiiiK for plaintiff and J. C. Moreland and Urownell A Drewer for defendant. ., 5041. Mary A Fallowav Mr. C. M. rbillipaetat. U. S. Grant Marquaro fur plaintiff and (i. E. Uayeeand Ilrowu ell A I'reiunT lor defendant. 6048. N. Goodman A Son vi J. C. ' Amanda A. lteaaoner. 5044. James Matbewaon va Empire Mfg company and E. M. Sargeant. II. E Cross and C D. A I). C. Latuurette for plaintiff and W. E. Showers (or de fendant. 5045. Joel 1. Geer vs Willie E. Geer. G. E. Hayes (or plaintiff and C. D. A D. I. atonretie (or defendant. 5047. LouUa Daiiell vs John Daaiell. 8. lluelat for plaintiff. 50-18. Thomas M. .Miller vs Mary E Harlow et al. 8. lluelat for plaintiff. 60411. T. 1'. Burt va Geo Philip et al. U. K. Cross (or plaintiff. 5050. Gimtav Kriedricks va Empire Mf company audF. M. Berry, assignee . II. E. CroHs fur plaintiff and Ira Jones (or detendant. 5051. Mrs. Mehala Ann Teeters vi Sarah E . Mack et al . HE. Cross (or plitiiililf and S. lluelat (or detendant. 5052. Ora Faulkner vs J D Faulkner. Urownell A Dresser for plaintiff. 6054. E. F. Capps vs J. A. and B. Capps by T. F, Kyun, guardian. Brotfn ell A Dresser fur plaintiff . 5057 . ThomuB A . Evans vs Susie E . Evans. W. M. Davis for plaintill'. 5000 John Kelly vs Julia Ami Kelly. Urownell A Dresser for plaintiff and G. E. Hayes for defendant. 001. A. Ending vs L. E. Gray et al. A. W. Llewellyn for plaintiff, 51X12. Louis Sliulls vs Caroline Slmlti. 8. lluelat for plaintiir andC. D A D. C. Ijitourette for defendant. 5003. J. D. MeCuUy et al vs W. C Ward et al. P. L. Willis for plaintiff. 5073. Grace L Mo'se vs WillarifN. Mofsi). Urownell A Dresser (or plain tiff. 6074. Esra Mutton va J.W. Bellew. Urownell A Dressur (or plaintiff and G. E. Haves fur defendant. 5070. AnniiQ. M.Kruseys Borenu Kruso. H. E. Cross (or plaintiff. 51180 . OP. Mason and L. M . Parrish executors Matthew l'at ton's will, vsJ. D. and E. A. Lee. M. C. George for plaintiff. 5081. George Km! way vs Caleb E. Cross. CM. Dye (or pluintiff and II. E. Cross for defendant. CH1MINAI. CASKS. 4072. State vs Isaac Farr. 4!)!)11 . Slate vs Hurt llacoii and Robert Gardner. 40W. Slutovs J. D. Paget. 4005. State vs Ambrose McLaughlin. 4i)!)l!. State vs John Henry Cooke. 4!)D7. Stale vs Henry Kohler, 40118. Stale vs llonry Kohler. BUSINESS LOCALS. Ilolman A Warner, Undertaker and KmbalmerA, Oregon City Hank bulldliiK. linveipt, nuUt and order book a at the I'ntkiii'Kikk ollice. If yon want Vi buy lota in Ilolton ap ply to (J. O. T. William, aip-nt. SliH'dmair aoothinu iwdcr (or tmitliina babie and (evnrinli children, now only (llty cent a packet. Accept none but Steeilumn'a. t( Central addition toOiCKoii City In lot and block to tiit purcbaKer. l'roimrty cheap, term enKy. See L. It. Jannkv, Willi W. Carey Johnaon. tf If you want (urnilure v to Helluiny A liii'ch optiimite ml ollice. You can uet liedroom aiiiIa f ir H 70. Cull and ex amine our good licfore buying elite where. tl j Imti(eA, cbaira, etc., noliolterel at lloliiiAii A Warner' All work uuar aiileed. Iti air all your old Iuiiiik1'" (or liille muiiey ami they will be ood ar new. ltlank noie, receipt and order book al the liM KKi KiHK olllce. - Itellouty A HiiHi li, the liniiHe furnieli era will Kelt uxli lndrootn aiiit 110x24 lieveled kIha fur 110. Ah Choval uit for$lH. Iteilxieiid' and clinir Hold at the loweHt price from AuifiiAt lSlli to Scptemlier 15th. Now i the time to buy your furniture. tf JiiAlice blank, real eul ale blank, and all other blank at the Entkki'Hikk of fice. I'ortland price. Katray Stitire. Strayed from the ranire at Mount rieHAAiit hIkiiiI July 1, WXi. auriall bay mare wei(hiiiir about MOO pound, ix or Aeven yenin old; ba mine middle acara and bran led Hum 4 un the left boulder. Any one rtitnriiinif the Aame to the un derAi(nexl at Mount l'leaant nr (living information wheie he can be fuund will la- liueially rewarde l. 4t W. W. Watksh.uoii. Itcautirul hiiliiirwii llnrne, One mile and a nnarter fiom town, good Ixiard walk past the land. Acre tracts to suit purchaser, term easy, the linent suburban property oflered (ur sale, yet on the market New iroiKsd motor line from Portland. High and sightly. See L. K, Jasnky with VV. Carey Johnisin tf Notick. A teacher of experience would like a school to te'h this winter. Address L. A. W., care 01 E.vTxui'Hiss . 21-4t NOTICE Or FINAL SKTTLEy EXT. In the maitr of tb nui of Wm. CnAii, dee'd. Nmlr tahrhf itlvfn tn all partlFt Interested Id uid eaiai Dial t hare Sled vnf Dual acruunt la iheaalil eaiala with the ciiumv court ol Clack amaa e a ty, Oregou. and that Int JihIka of aaid court ha act Tueailay. rhe Atb dav of Inn-ember, isrt. at lb hour of 10 o'elix-k A. m. of tald day, aa the time for hvariug objenliou) to eald AC eoiiiu If any there be. DAied aiOreion city. OrrD, Kot X 191 C. A. Holmvtaom. Ailmiulalrauir 11:4-12 2) of theeaiaieof Wm.Coad. dee'd. ABOUT SCHEMES. It has been said that were man constant he would be perfect. It will breed distrust to offer " some thing for nothing." We would ex lect you to watch us the rest of the time. We have but one plan we aim to give good value and proper service to every customer all the time. The best "offer" we think of to induce you to buy of us is to give you what you want and charge the right price every time. Our prescriptions, our toilet arti cles, our paints and oils, in fact everything we carry are "one price to all." We invite comparison. Caufield & Huntley, Prescription Drnggisti. Near the Court House, Oregon City. Your Subscriptions! Between now and January 1st you will have to renew subscriptions for most of your papers and magazines, and choose the new ones you wish to put on your list. You can Save the Expense, The chance of loss or delay and all the annoyance of re mitting direct, by leaving your order at the Book Store. We guarantee safe arrival of the first number; or of all numbers if you get them at the store. Hut a still safer and more convenient way is to get your periodicals at The News Stand. The price is the same with but few exceptions; you can usually get them a day or two earlier than by mail; there are no missing or de layed copies; you do not have to pay in advance, and you can change when you please or drop out poor nt tu bers. Huntley's Book Store. lioST TO LOAN! i bManaMouaanmi OFFICE Next door to Caufield & Huntley's drug store. THE PLACE To buy dry goods of all kindH, rriftn'n and iKiyu' clothing, ladies', iiiiHwa' and children's cloaks of latest cut and KujMTior quality of good, children's gclirxd shoes, mackintoshes and rubber goods fine groceries and pro visions in fact anything you want to wear or eat, is THLD'.- PIONEER STORE, THOMAS CHARMAN & SON. The finest line of STORM SERGE DRESS GOODS EVER BROUGHT TO OREGON CITY. LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S. 5loaKs! ?loaKs! QIoaKs! All of the latest cut and of MEN'S, YOUTH'S AND BOYS' Clothing! Clothing! Direct from Chicago, and the most complete line ever brought to Oregon City. Mackintoshes and Rubber Goods pine Groceries, All fresh and of superior quality. One Price to All GO TO Oregon City Iron Works for all kinds of Machine work and Casting. ALL REPAIRS To Traction Engines, Threshing Machines, Har vesters, Mowers, Etc., promptly attended to. OUR PRICES Are equal to the lowest to be had in Portland. Shop on Fifth St. near Main, Oregon City, J. ROAKE, Prop. CITY VIEW MARKET, HENRY BOYER, Proprietor, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh Beef. Mutton, Fork, Ham, Bacon and Lard. THE BEST F MEAT KEPT AND SATISFACTION GIVEN, 8H0P ON 8EVENTH STREET, AT HEAD OF 8TAIRS. MOODY & VAUGHAN, MOLALLA, OREGON. Leaders in Low Prices. Their stock is complete in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Notions, Etc, Country Produce Handled. POSIOfflCB Store, C. 0. T. WILLIAMS will lean you all the money you want on improved farma at the very lowest rates. Special rates given on largo loans. No Building and Loan Asso ciation hut straight gwds. After thirty years residence in Oregon City I feel safe in refering to the public in general. a superior clas3 of goods, And That the Lowest. Cooke's Stables, W. H. COOKE, Manager, 8ucoesor to V. H . T. A L. Co. Corner Fourth and Main Streets, OREGON CITY. The LEADING LIVERY STABLE of the City. Kigs of any description furnished on short notice. All kinds of Truck and Delivery Busi ness promptly attended to. Horses Boarded and Fed on reason able tonus.