Oregon City hntcrprisc. MlllUY, NiiVKMIll lt 4, iwii!. I.IK'Ul I't'lMllllll olin, Minn A1111I11 IIiiiiiiIh,.v n rrcovtirinif Iroiu a I1111K ait-Kit ii lyplinlil fnvur. Jinltti' Mrllililii lum I. m Ikmmc 1 1, iH wni'k mul h liulil t'oiirt mut wwk. Major Climinmi In cuiiIIih-.I to tint Iioihb by nullum attack 0 rlumiimtlmii' Mm. Sarah J? l-'am-luir li'lt lor Hiattl WimIiimiIiiv to v'ult a moiitli mitt lnr m llt-nry, Minn (irara 1') Wllliaina rittiirm-il lut I'rlilay from Mi Mliiiivlllii, liavlnu Wi, kih-ikIIiik ft month with lrliinl ami ri'la tlvKH In that town mul Ttirimr, Mini 11111111I1 mul liiili'M'inli,iii'ii. Mm. Mary McCarviT li'lt Wmlm-wlny lor Ht Jnwili, Mo , nrn dim will npi'iul a ytmr allli rvlutlvim. Sim at riiiiimiilm Mr mul Mm Umttiratif I'ort Iniul who win vliiltltig In thin i-ty Um Siimlny. CoiiiiiinmW Norlliiii mul if i,ri yut of Cni'litln mul ,lra. Hliaw in II. In i lly Ui 1'iiiluy mul Siitunliiv. Tin. Miiina. Ilroviii of huu l-'imii iiH'o w lio rt IiiIiu'imI with Jui n'i Itr.w. in tlm f hcijiiii 1'ily wixili'M null. ui In tlm cHy tills wix-k. Kititor tiiMiritii II Snmll o( (In- lluki'r City 1'i'iinx'inl n in Hiimi City I11M wiik. 11m m it m Hulking it iIi'iimiii tiii t.lroiifti Wt-nlcrn ( lii'ifun nnil Wunliiiiytnii mill Kt 1 i -. I to vicit liirii.U lnri nml Hik ovrr tlm tow 11 11 litlliv Kit (', Mml. In. k wm in I'oriliin.l Tin' ilny fur tm-ilu nl nititnin. Ilia allini'iit in tirniioiiiii'iiil m iitlirn mul it In m ditI mm llmt liin Iiiimi.Iii Imm to limk tiin to rrti'Kinrii I1I111. Tin1 ninu'lim of liin r'Kht hK mi.! mm mtMlrnmi mohkIoiiI in.nt ilimtroy tlm iimIiiIiiiimi ol thixm iiu'iiiIktii mul bin riiinilrimni o nt'iuii mmkb of mill't'riiiK III utllii-tiuii in tiiutlrr ol t'oiiililiirulilti Niliritii.li' for bin Irli'inln, Scnutor mul Mm (iorloii V. liayen nml lilthi ilmililiir rt'tnrn. UhI Sulnr ilny from two wm-kii trio in Mulio Srimlur llityp wmi uvit to Itoino on li'Knl bimiiii'Mi Whilii lit WuH tlmrw Hi'initor Mittlii'll mliln'iimHl the Urgi-H iMililkul inri'liiiK i'Vit lii-lil in tin- inli' ml Sni.il.ir llitM- wsn ro vtt iltxl iimn tiitiniki' d-w rt-tniukii to ilui mi.lirii.r whiiii Ivii'iM-.l liiin t-iitbiinuiiiiriillv. ltiiiim in l-oiiiiihiK H.liii hIIv nml ullii-r- w,.. lii-r.-lnn.Ui.,,. l'--P.-v.-ry.,,,UMllK,kV un.nw l-uiinh. . Monro Tlm ..,.-t tit mi t it fill 1 .BIjH1( (,;u k,,,,,,.,,,,,, UmM nun ..n tlm ti.k.-t U M.Coimt-ll for I shot kh-v, on Mli.-I.l m,.l ti.-ou.. Itovt-riiui, but lil u(t iniinitih. Mr-!wBa(V llrtV.lt wmi fttvolahly itiii.irm-i witii! -r.w;.k. ...,i i . ......... what lie aaw ol the young atale and uiistititi'd in lla (iraiiM-a, Clirjraiintlirniiiiiia and Ciimpkliis A ii. 1 y u nt I h-iii 11 in mul pumpkin fa willle given Friday evening Nov . II. and Saturday aftermain fnuii 2 to 5 o'cha-k at the Oregiui City I'.aptist church which promises tu be the most novel alluir of the season. Three dollars will lie given lor the best chrysanthemums, arranged in any shaa, and for the largest pumpkin or sipHsh. H-aiby iiriiea also he given for the poorest displays. Fvervlssly is cordially invited lo exhibit the above named articles, bringing them not later than 4 oclo. k ,.. .... Friday A dehgh-lul program will be given rrioa, et.nuig. a.ii.i.s. ... ceina. - saliirnay aiternoon ui renia. (ienuine pumpkin pies, sandwiches, eoU'ee and pickles w ill 1 set veil Friday evening and aip corn Saturday after- noon. ju,j(,r All person indebted lo the tlrmofl Fielda & Hon will please call and adjust j their accounts Immediately as thn es-1 tale must be settled. Hespectfully Fiki.iis & Son. It Cl'lttc M11.K. Johnson id Warnack will deliver pun', fresh milk to all parts ol the city both morning and evening, (total past uro, pure water and healthy cows. npmrii-7 JJkw all il "id Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, MORE BARGAINS Cloaks and A lino fur tritninwl cloak, hlack triimiied, iiilui(l sleeves, if Li 5. An all wool heaver, all colors, $4.00. A plain cashmere, ilillerent colors, $.'1.50, ami a good quality, fancy trimmed, $2.50, and still another quality at 81.75, $1.50 and $1.00. Jackets from 50 cents up. Now all these garments aro worth double and three time, the amount as wo bought them at our own price business. Dress Goods. All wool Henrietta, all colors, 50c. All wool ladies' cloth 50c. All wool dress llannelH, fancy and plain, 2Scand 50c. A very line cashmere that sells at 35o everywhere wo will sell at 22Jo. Extra quality black velvet 40o. A double fold dress goods at 8no a yd. A very heavy cloaking, H yards wide, 75o, worth $1.50. Linens. Satin damask table linen 55c. It K A I. KNTATK I It A NsKHtS Kn in itut ry iif Hi ii llpi-ila I'lii'd In ( iilinfj Kccdi ilri ' Ollln-, (he Tint rnil i'liili trmmfi-ra Involving iihiiw limn t t-,ti-l i III.'. I In ih,, ri'i'uiilrr'n nllli'K Iuhi wi'i'k wmu at follow: lli-tirv A Sinilh ii nil wile. Ik I, A Hliwi umlivlili'il ' 111. R ', I II , r II i Km"Ihm k M u i ii 1 1 1- i k hihI alfii to K (! Iliii-kitlt Irart in (iouiKO AU-rni'lliy i liilin Wlllmin Hum Ii uihI wltn to A, J Hirry ft wl pt MurjjHint UuiiM i :;i n hithm. ; Willaiiii-tlii I .mi. I C o to A 1) Hill 1 7 mill Nli 4 I'm k I'laeo J A Tliaytr aim wilutu Allre M Wan! ' I 1 an-l 2 b H7 (nu place tiltnn) Hiiiiie t.) Kllimr J. I.aikui( ami ll.' I 7 Itll'l 8 Ii 117 tifiili('llv It A 4i mul wifi tu Alliv I! Hiank I 5 mul tl Ii 'i IWa itil lu ('anliy J11I111 V Wilmin to (iimluv lii'iii'r mul l-'mtik KUiiImt ay-4' a 10. U , r lie 40 HutKH lUnii'l Wlllitiiiiii mul wilti to I'lmrltw K Muir I 1 b Kit i. fill City J II Laln-r ami wlff to J C All x amler jit (too ItriH'k !!.(' fk'i ti airea Hmni- to I'iImih I, I. aim t (iurg Unitk l 1. 1' :'H .ft ai-n-it Miiirgiit J W ati'ii i iiy 1 1 mul lm liitml tu I' l IMrkiTiioii I 7 mul H Ii 4 t'ltiiKiiiuli ... Jiiruti K Kliui-raml unfit to hoililu 175 5(J l.tMKI 3'Jft 175 m :i:'5 773 I UK) 3.:to : l l.onii-ll lil'-j K w tl . 11 111, t 4 , r l I I ... I . ..... ') HIHI Ii w l,tli I! I Kill. .11 nml wit., to J J Ki-lly I ."wiii-I II b 4.'i Cuiiuly ml to llri'--mul City ... C 11 lli.yiiinn.umiriliiiii, t- .lu-i-i li K K 11 u ll n 11 11 bi-'.j h ;, t ! k, r 1 1- " . lM-Knii 1 .11 11. 1 1 u 'o I'ruiik II Klliott I :'' miil :'ii Ii 1. 11 Miiilhotii Noi,iI ml to 1'iirtlHliil Hunui to Kii-liHtil , iriiliiiin I 14. I'i, III mul 17 b T:i .Mimborn hj.riinin ml to I'nrlUinl J 11 11, 1- A ( li"c hihI w id- to (H-i.ri.-i' lr..in!lil..n I J b IM'rk I'urk . Nuii.y tliiiiiii.i.r uikI bnlmi.l to .Imni'ii K Crwlonl '4 r't IS t a , r 4 e mul rlmin lit V. ,1 rriMi T U Hil l M A ll.-i'.lrit-KM to J M (4-avnia ir(4 im' 11 II, t & i, r 1 V 40 trri'. 41 n, .VKI ,7.i0 .VK) Previously leported ini Jan 1 l,((.".a,.'ai Total I.OSI.HIH llltrlilaml Itoll r Honor. Thd following are thn naiima of piipiln ho were neither nloeiit nor tunlv during tlm at-houl mouth I'l'inniencing N-plenila-r IL'tl, and cIomM OcloU-r 7lb ill the llichlaud dlslrict : Fililey Nicholas . 1..' a.h wii.a r.i n jt virii. i.ii. '!. 1 Irltrr 1 .1.1. The loll'iu li.)f Ih the iMt ol Idler reiiiaiu- - I iuk 111 Hit- 1 -ml ..Hi. t V... Iu.m I l.lrt. at 1 Ir.-ii'.ii I ily. iiM-un, i Artlmr, lierlriule , Heller, J11I111 r 1 lliiiln'r, f O ' tlm ten, liri.ee ruiiiiii.ifl.an,, I. V t'raicen, I' II i l'r., er. X j KlliiH.avr, I. A hiiiier, l.ti;li Francis, K. V Fiel.la. (ieoO-S ll.llci.lllt.. Joint J.iiit"., Join, 11 M.M.rt, i'lui'' J 1 ,1 ixittr, JaMict Stickler. W in Maitor.!. M Tn lor. Mm Mucnii' 2 W.hsIs, J M If . 11 ! hi I fur, please say when nlM-rli-nl. K. M. KtM.s, i. a. Thanksgiving: Khmer. , v.w Kt,u,H4( jinner in the base- vhmvU ,j Kverv- lualy and their frienda InviltHl. Price 1 :t5 centa, chililrt-ii 25 cents. td Money lo Iaimii. On luside itnpioved Oregon City jproiH'rty. II Z. Hikkiiakt. IaaiT. Ilelween J. N. (irabam'l and the Brmory on the evening of Oct. tortoise shell hair pin. Finder :t a will! please leave at the Kntkhi-kisk otllce, It ! F'orND. A purse containing a small snin of money on the 1'nion Pacific duck Ow ner please call at the Kntkhi-kink. .floury on cm)' term oi 4', O. T. tt llUnum. o AND GOOD BARGAINS I The Biggest we have ever opened or ever will open again, as we cannot always Cheap Ourselves. We have a special sale on CLOAKS this week, at prices that you never heard of before. Jackets I ami other colors, at !f7.!(). fancy from parties that have gone out of A cheaper 45c. Turkey red. fast Ciiliiiiiliini Diijt ( i-lcl.riitloiin. Wlnin i:uif ol tb olll.-liil iroKruinirii lor lh Coli.inhim l,uy i-tihibratlon weie fi-nt to tlm m-liool li'Hrlmm ol Chn kuniH fount y . Hii.i-riiili!ii.h-nt (iilwon to ,i ti .1 i-iirli ti-in lii-r to ki-ikI IiIiii a lull n-Mrt of tlm mniiimr In wlilitb tint ilny wiih nliKi-rvi-tt It In mm Ii t lie re-uri-tti-.l tlmt nil 1II1I not ri'Hioml lo bio ri'iiict. I'loli-KMir TboiniNon, iriiii;iial ol Clui kiiinHN m-liiiol, ri-piirln tlmt tha ilny wnn obiwrvi'd in a patriotic n, miner by bla piiiil, The (MurkmiiHa band fur nlnlind mimic for the ocraition. W. W, Aunlin of Itoviir aaya that Ida xidiool riiliilirulcd with aonita, ntcila ttona and rxIriniKiranvoiia ii'wln'i by IriiimU and patrotm. Cliarh-a Itnthuilord ol llnavtir C'rrt-k ri-M,rlN that Ida pupil taiia patriotic atiiiim, rniwd tha Hair, and liMi-nd to ritcitiitiona and ivailiiiKa y tha pupila and teat-lmri. Miiia Kiln Cur r in of Curriimvilli. re porta tlmt bar pupila tbivotml tha altor noon to appropriate pxerciiwa. Mina Tillin Myaia of Colli, n atata that hi'r pupilN raiwd thi'ir IIhk, wiiii-b wan loiHjwfii ny ainituiK, Ift-italiona ami a Urn h-i-t rvndint!N I K I'arni'll of diwtrirt No. .'id fuya that owliiit to I1111II1.I fiii ihlit-N tlm rt-lt-bration w not hII tlmt lui il-hiicl. Ilowi-yi-r, tlu-y ii "Aini-rlca" and liHteni'd to an udilifaN by tin ti-Mi-l.i-r, followed by ri-i--itatioim by tlm pupil. aptiitii Mmrt't f iiin-riil. Tbo fiini'rul of Oiplitin Mamball II. Sln.it of llii-ili'niiii-r tli klitliiiiiia.who wan i riihl.i-il to ili ull, Ik I i i-ii two pili-i. of wlit-ut at A-ttoria thn rjinl, look plarc at tlm I'lt'iKHiit Hill ceiui-li-rf Mm,. lay the illlh Tlm Ntt-mimr .Mo-l. bxik tlm n-inaiiiN from rorlland lo Wilaonville. A large prut-faaiuii followed the reinailia to the grave a deceaaed waa born and . ,. , ... ... ra.aedlmre and waa well known. Ma of bia loot In-m-in-law were pall In-areri. Alra. llrown 01 (lie Ural apiritilal wa iety ol 1'ortland rondurtitl the aervicea at j the grave, aa.ii.ted by Mm. Flora A. n of Cortland. The rem arks were 11 row very brief but tu the point. Captains j l'ow and 1'attcmon of the pilot's union wt-ie prem-nt at the funeral. The floral tlet orationa on the grave . were profuae and taateful. The pilot's auxin utiuii (ireaenlei!- w- ipi'.ot w heel j almiit two feel in diameter made of; w bite rloavra and the liamia altaril the J boat be waa captain of presented a Moral j pilot wheel nlalidilii; on all eawl witli a Mirtioii broken out and a lloral inonu-1 " venniie. The aame electric ciirienl incut ahoul eight.M'ii inches l.iyi,, IMr ''''"'''Mo dear distant friend the aad tid . ... .. 1 "'a of lb-lit b of loved ones loo often various other floral trihutea. t -pl. . r,..olt H.eculation in patent tioe Slmrt waa horn near Wilsonville in lfW triims. M.Kire's Kewaltil ltemet.lv is and leaves a young widow and a boat of nr apwulatioit but ia sold on positive (.;.....!.. i.i I ... miCT , 'J 1, ,'.,, ., iiib l-w, Si IiiiiiI Mutes. With the aiil of Crof. Cringle the high school pupils have orit.ini.ed a literary eia iety. They met for the tirst time at'-1 iter school and elected F. K. Il.-dk-es, i president , I.. L. Ibiuga vici-ii resident. jSade Chase srtrelaiy and C. Cuiduni treasurer. They intend to meet evetv .. . , 1 .1 . l-riday event ng, and. asthe ini-mta-ra are very enthiisiaHtio, we all look forwaid to an interesting time. The laiya (or some time have looked wistfully at the lawn, and last Thursday they presented a petition asking to plav (. sit hall there. The directors, thinking that it would not be advisable, did not grunt the reipitst. The txiya were dis atHtiited and gave vent tu their wrath on Hallowe'en by dragging some old gates an I wagon on the precious lawn. Pitil. Money to Loan. The undersigned is agent for the Ktjul table Mortgage company and baa plenty of money to loan on improved farms j at 8 per cent, and taxes. Only 5 per 1 cent, need ho paid la-fore the end of the time. Only those having well improved lamia neeit apply. IZl-tt C. 11. Dye. II. Z. ItuikliHit liuvs city bonds, school bonds, county and city warrants. Ollice 2441 Washing ton street, Cortland. Kesiilence, Ore Kon Citv. KM) tf BOSTON Notions, Clothing, Furnishing Goods BODTS AND color 25c. A heavier quality at 1 115c and 45c. Just got a lot of towels very cheap we will sell at 10c, 15c and 2tca pair. A very large size at 35c a pair. Shirting. A medium weight cheviot (c, a heavy Se and the best 10c. A good quality muslin 20 yds. for if 1. Linen crash, IS in. wide, 8Jc. Tidy 15c. Wo bought a few fancv chenile table cloths, a very line article at $1.75 and $2.50. Ginghams. Regular 10c gingham we will sell 12 yards for $1.00. Calico 25 yards for $t. Ladies' Underwear. All wool gray $1.15. Half wool 75c. White and gray, tho fleeced merino 50c, and a lighter weight 45c. Men's Underwear. A fine camel'i haireccru $1.25. An all wool gray mixed $1. Natural wool $1. We have a few red flannol shirts left no drawers we will Nriilrmltar Miirrlxiff I lei-nur. Tha followni)' iimiii-d touplra wcro Krantud lii-i-rim-a wed by County Clink llorton during tlm uiontli ol October: t'ttthiiriim '. Whi'idi-r andJ. Ilmli-itc, MiikkIi' K. I. inn anil C. K. Martin. C. Coopi-r and Ji-m-pli II. Katon. Mm. A. Tib-r mid bmiN IlnhHiili'itrn-r. - Mary Maria and Alonuo Wi.-bain. i. M. CarolhciN and ('. I, K. Wi aon. Mia. It. A. 1 1 1111, mul Ira IlmlHon. Miniiiii I'.nyluri and John liunihle. K. K. Trn 1 1 i i,t and K. W. I'aina. MagKiit All.ffand lli-n Hrork. Mm. Ann Koaliir and J. W. Jotma. M.K Ktia kliallnndC. K. Zta-k. Kmily Ki;bnidi r and William Octkt-n May llrown and J. L. CnnniiiKliam. Ili-clHralliina or liilfiitbin. The following declared their Inten tion lo heroine citimia of the United Stulea liefore County Clerk llorton dur ing the month ol October: Henry Widiner, (ieruimi. Henry rk-hlieebeli, German. Michael Huan, (ieruian. Jauiea V. Taylor, liritinh. Herman Hi brader, (ieruian. Kuiil Staub, SwiH. Antonii Zi-itli, Aiialrian. William Mclletli, Kiiglmli. John Walerhoumi. Ilritinh. lluli A. Cameron, Hntinii. tieoritf Kcliiuidt, (ieruian. Andrew Tbu-ny, Swiaa. Henrii h I.utgert, a (ieriimn, took tt rertitlrale ol full ciiizenchip Oct. 24, the only one for the mouth. You've trieil I r. I'ierce'a Favorite l'li'M-niilioo have vou and you're iliap oiiite.. The remilta are not immediate. And dt-l you expect the iliM-n-e of year a to diaappeam in a Week? l'ut a j piin h ol ll:i,e in every dune. You would I not rail the milk ixajr U-cmi-e thn cream , i r-ure to rme. If there'a a (Kmsihle cure ''r I'ierce'a Favorite l'rewription ia i '",r:"1 '' '', liv'n. fl,,r !ri"! 1 1011 gin the one dollar H coals hack :,,,., i( it .lon't benefit or cure you. We wiili we could give you the makers conii.ience, j ney anow 11 uy giving me money bit k attain, in -tit raws not l.ene- li'le.l, and it'd aurpriae you to know- , ,1W. ,loUrB Bre ne4.le;, ,() kt.,.p up ! the rt-lun.l. Mild, gentle, aiKithing and bealinu ia Ir Matte's Catarrh Reniedv, Cures the wu'Bt raws permaueiitly. No expoii menting. It'a "Old Kehuble." Twen-tv-tlve years of succeaa. Specula Ion llangeruu Scarcely a dav paseea without the ! ,1 ..J 1 ovr wi,,.,,e )lwl tlf ,MJ. ulittion in alixk or some etinallv ilanuer- guarantee. I'd not lull to eo to your , -.1,. . , ' or.iiririsi aim asa lor your money 11 no; satislietl We know vou will iro mid 1 tiny another bottle, iliugisla. F'or sale by all llucklen'a A ml 1 Salve. j nrlH,. s.,res, fbvra, Salt Kheum! I K.-ver Sores. Tetter. Cbanned ilanda. ! Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Krup- j I"' """ ' , , ".'-v ,urr" . I pa rcoiiircti. it is guaranteed .o (live , M.r(w, ,,1(10,,, or monpv rt.(n.ied. 1 Price L'5 centa per boa. For sale by li A. Harding. Motirt. All uoiiB finding themselves in debted to us will please call and settle their accounts as soon as possible or else the accounts w ill be turned over to our attorney lor collection. Mayer a Ackkrman. Fish, Fish. At Humphrey's fish market all kinds of fresh and salt water fiah, crabs, lobsters and oysters. Live and dresed chickens. Free delivery to all parta of t be city C. 0. T. Williams ia now doing busi ness for himself at the old stand next diHjr to Cautield & Huntley's drug store. Send to the F'sTaw'Riaa office for your legal blanks. A single one or a hundred furnished at Cortland prices. ITyon want to borrow money lll.v to 4 O. T. tt'llllumN. J. W. A. R6DHOUS8, 1 "t jV A 1 I Watches Regulated No. 4, Commercial Bank F. W. MILLER, Sw, Trees Poultry and Bee 1"7X PORTLAND OREGON. szEnsra ifoh, wmm & mm ca HEADQUARTERS FOR- Mtche FARM AND SPRING Open & Top Buggies, Carriages, iti i y . a w t v m s m. lit j- l"i ! ti-7iJ--as-1' 7 - AND EVERYTHING ON WHEELS. Largest stock and most complete assortment in the Northwest Also, largest dealers in AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Farm, Dairy and Mill Machinery. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. MITC1IELL-LE WIS & STAYER CO. New Market Block, - - Portland, Oregon. CAN BY NURSERIES, MILLARD J. LEE, A COMPLETE LINE OF Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery, Etc., WHOLESALE A 1ST 3D IRETA-IHi. CAN BY, - OREGON. close out at 75c, they are the medicated twill flannel and worth $1.25 anywhere. A good and heavy gray and brown merino 50c, and a cheaper for 20c. Ladies' Kid Gloves. An extra quality black kid glove at 95c per pair, every pair guaran teed. Ladies' undressed kid gloves at 75c. Foster hook patterns. Ladies' black hose 10c a pair. German knitting yarn 75c a pound, all colors, Boys' hats 25c. Boots and Shoes. We have a few lines we would like to close out: That is a ladies' fine kid extra quality at $1.25 a pair, and a ladies' glove grain, good and solid build, $1.25. A ladies full stock, very heavy, D5c. Men's boots $2.75, worth double. Good Year Rubber Co. men's boots $2.50, very heavy and best kind they make. Men's rubbers 40c, ladieB' rubbers 35c, and misses' rubbers 30c, 25c and 20c. Men's heavy working shoes, 95c, worth $1.50. THE BOSTON STORE. iitelimaker & .kveler. All Work Done on the Prem ises and Warranted for Twelve Months. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Free of Charge. Block, Oregon City, Oregon. Supplies, Etc., Etc. catalogue. A V Wagons, Proprietor. get these Goods as Bulls, - Fertilizers, 1 1 1