ti ENTERPRISE. Vol,. 27. NO. 1. OREGON CITY, OUEGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMIJEJi 4, 1892. ESTABLISHED 18C0. Oregon Cm (AHKY JOHNSON, I.AWVKIt. Curlier Kllit and Main etrcdta, Oregon t'llr, (irmuu. ItKAI. KHTATK TOHKI.I. AM) MONKY TO I.OAN. t. a. MhX'iRKMiM'Mii. t. r. (II W IDII, ltiKKt.NHUomill k CoWINtl, AITdKNKY AT LAW, All (' tdiit l H Land llllli'd a..lalt)f. limrs Klnllla Kail'l I I, I' K land Mm l ti 1 1, 1 1 1 V . OHKUO.1 CITY. f M J I,, poUTfclt, ATrniiSKY AT LAW Urtlim I ibmr. abiivK poatiirnce, Oregon City f (I. T, WILLIAM. IttiAl. rsiATr. AMI LOAN A'il'Sr. A H'1 ", rwldi.ir ami ulmflian ri..i-ii farm fmfrnt lu it; i m li "ii " lerma. Citrei".'rtlttl'tlie im-molly aii.wrw1. Office, Hell gm.r li; Cauflpld .V lluiillo) ltug (( 1 II.HYK, ATTOIiSKY ASI I'til NSI I.O AT LAW Offi. d over Oregon Cltv hank, uawioii iiiv. mmiim JK.C. H HMITM, PHYSICIAN AM Sl'IKiKOX, Eagle Crwk, - - Oregon. (1 II , PC l.ATOl HKiH., ATTOUNKYS AM' OH'NSKUKS AT LAW MAIM rKKT, (IMKIOM CI TX , OHKIInK. Furtil.h Al'irain of THIe. Loan Money. Foro nl..o Mortgaifea, aii'l iranaai't deneral I.4W klii.lrtea. JJ K. CHtisS, ATTitMNKY AT LAW. Wli.1. r(Tii I Ai.l ci rra or Till Htarn Heal but anil Inatiranr. UKw on Mam lrl. tl Ml ! l1 vnih. oaum citt. " 1? M. HASH. J. NOTAUY PUBLIC, liKAI. KSTATK A INM'UANCK. OflW III Ihe I'" HulMlUg. o niii ciiy. (irnnii. (i w. (Teli'K, M. I' . jr. PHYSICIAN AM St'lHiKi'S. Iljite l Portland.) OltUw nlih lr. M Ole.y, Aurora.. Oreg m 11' It. Ht'HllllAHI'T. ' llliOKF.li. LIIANH NC(HTIXTICI. CilT ami County Warrant lKiught. INHI'HANfK ASlT ItKAI. KHTATK. Olnrw In I'o.li.niiT bnllillui Oreioii (Mty Or riMio. r, hyan, 1 KKAt. EKTATK AND IKHl'HANl K. ChuW Cltv, Kami ami Mulnirliaii property lr aid. ( I'y acrlpl, iniiMiy warrauta ami wciirl llvanf all kill. I. li.iiiKllt ami a..il Taira palil ami hiialmoa nl uvury il..i'rlHlna allcuilnl lu lur iii'ii-ri'lili'iila. orncd up ainlra III bullillni tmrlh nt inatnMc. IK IIAYKH, ATroilNKY AT LAW, ORKlloa CITV, Will praclicn In ill tlie rourta nf th alale. OltliT, iM.nwf Main ami KIkIiHi alrouw, uppinile court timiR (i an. c, Hnnwau.1.. A, a HHKKKKII. I ItoWNKI.I, riKKSKKK ATTOUNEY8 AT LAW, Okeiium t'lTV, - OmeuoN. Will iiractlw In all llif cotiria nf Ids alnl. 01 nrt, next ilour ui Caiirlclil V lliiulley'a lru ator. rpilK COMMKHCIAI. HANK, t)K OltKdON CITY. Capital, .... Iiim.uuu TIUNSACTS A (IKNKUA1, UANK1N0 nilalNKHS, ,niia niailo. llllla illanniiiitnit, MnkM i'"t Ircllima. Iluya Hint ni'lla I'Xi'liniiKH on nil points 111 th I'liUen Wall's, Kin-ope nttil IIoiik Koiik. Iiiipoalta recel'Til inihjiii't. lo cluii-k lnti'ri'at nt iianal rales slloivi'il on time ilcpoalta. Hank upKii Irom a. M. to 4 r. M, Siitiinliiy ovonlnm from t to 7 I'. M. I) C. I.ATill'UKTTK, Preaiilent. K K IKiNAl.liHON, Cnalilor J JANK OK OltK(ll!N CITY, Oldest Banklii- Hanse In the City. Paid up Capital, IM.OOO. PKKHIIIRNT, Vl( K I'ltKHIIlKNT, CAKIIIKH. M AN AUKIt. TIKIS. CHAIIMAK. 9KII. A. II A KI 1 Nit. K, II CAIIPIKI.II CIIAUI.KS II. CAliriKI.II. A uimeraHianklna l)nluia transsnteil, liepiwlts rooi'lvcil aulijoot lo nlieek. Approved bllla nml imtus (llanouiiied. Coiintj sml olty wiirriiiiia boiiKlil. l,onna nviile on avnlliilili aunurily. KxehsiiKe lioiiKht nint sold. Collraillonr madii promptly. Drafts sold .ivallaiile In any part nf the world. Tiilonraplilo nxiiliaiiKO" sold on l'orllnljd, Bail Franolami, 'lliloaK.i anil Now York. TntiiruNt. pal I on tlmo iloooalla. Villi AfOiits of TI1K LONDON CHKQUK BANK. IS. K. WILLIAMS, w H 0 E S A L E FANCY GROCERIES, FRUIT & VEGETABLES, RED SEAL FLOUR, PORTLAND FLOUR, HOWARD FLOUR, Hay, Oats and Mill Feed. A Solicitor Sent to Your House Every Morning if Desired. (JOOHS DKLIVKUEI) IMiOMI'TLY. THE GROCER. SEVENTH STREET DRUG STORE. DR. L. M. ANDREWS, Prop. A Full Lino of Fresh Drugs and Medicines. Patent Medicines of all Makes. Notions. Optical Coods Full Slock Of Machine Oili, Best and Cheapen!. ( , Fino KL'lcctiuu of lVrfuint'i-y ami Toik-t Stapn. And It-a5- in lnnnln of (.'iarn. ii( ix to riiti.fi 1,1. v i'ii.i.i:i. Shlvely'a Illiick. tifum Hiy. r. furlland. Orcau. A. P. KiUblUhi U IWA. A ll, t'r1,'1 actMiol. fiorbl7 knuwa Unuuikoat lh Pirlnc SorthwtW. ! DtrAIITMIMTtt Mualnaaa, thonh.nd, (io all (h. frmt ; lw nM-alloiia, no Urm brBlimllia. THE Oregon City Sash and Door Co. Carry the Largest Stink of .- Sash, Ioars, Blinds, Mouldings,' Etc. In Oregon City. Special nizoH of Doom ami WiiulnwH ttituk' to (ir.lcr. Tuniinp of all kind Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts FurnihliPil on application. ltitililiTH, pive vm a call, and fee if our work in not of tlui Iiest, nml our prices Its low an th( lotvent, I'rice I-int cenl on application. Factory, Cor. Main and a. w. schwaiv, STOVES, TIN & HOLLOW WARE. All Kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Work Promptly" Done. PLUMBING AND GENERAL JOBBING TO ORDER. Khop on Nrrrtrila fat., nrnr lciol, r gM Hj . Itrmirh nl Of.eK M. HOSFORD, The CANBY MERCHANT, Sella all good ut a living price. Flour and kcroncne not given ttway in otvler to catch your trade and then even up on higher price on other giKuls. Jfono Kut First Class Goods Carried. Trices ti low as can ho hud in tho county. Time, given to respoiiHihlo parties. LUMBER. Orders filled for rough or dressed lumber, all first class, nt bed rock prices, retail or carload lots. J. JONES & SON, DKAI.KK IN Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cabinet Work, Fitting up Stores and lie pairing of all kinds. Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed. ikici:n thi: i.hi;kt, f arShop comer Fourth and Water streets, back of l'ope A Oo's, Oregon City Rupture, Asthma and Piles. DR'S SHIMP& HOUSER, Specialists in the treatment of all forms of Chronic, Catarrhal, Nervous and Fomalo Diseases. Twenty (20) Years' Experience in Medicine, Surgery and Electricity. All curable eases guaranteed. Ollieo, 259 Commercial Street, Soloui, Oregon. jflJCorrespondeneo solicited. A N D R E T A I L llto IMorlpal. Tynaorlllna, rinmanahlo, tnlln. HluJeiila idiunted al lai Uin. (Hakniul fnt. 1 1 th Sts., Oregon City. TO HER LAST ItRST.fer Tlie l.iiht Sail Hlghis for Harrison. M TH. IlllllKli AT (KOWM CE.MKTEKY. I liounanili of r'r' ( tlif Decraaetl 1'uy Their i'iecla tn Wriiinutok, Oct. -7. Funeral aer vicei over the remain of Mm. ilarrinou occurred in the Kant room of tlie While HoiiMi thin morning at 10 o'cUx k in tlie piciwnce of I tie family, immediate frienda and many notable in-raoim. Iteva. Ham lin and i'.artlett ollU iated. The aorvice laKted three-iuartera of an hour. They wetu very dimple, but beautiful ar.d im iireaiiive. The caket was fX in the i middle of the eont room and chain l mimed aliout it in a aemi circle. Seiita I were rewrved near the canket for nieiu I beta of the family, ini'inlicm of the calii 'jietand members of the aupreme court. '; Amoiit! the eaily arrivalu weie ex-Secretary ItUine, wile ami duiiKhter, and Mr, ami Mrs. Wiiilclaw Held. The iiietn 1 beia of the diplomatic cor were bIho I early in Iheir aeala. ! iMiiAMAroi.ia, Oct. 28. The funeral ; train beuruiK the reiiiuino of Mm. Ilarri- fn arrived here thia iiiorninu at H :'M j All along the rout, after dayiiht, at all jtheattlioni the xwple gathered to awe ! the train go by. Tiiey seemed actimted j not ao uiuch by curioity as by a deirc j to temify their nyiiipatliy with the pres ident in hia aurruw, and neurly all Mood I Willi bowed, uncovered heada aa the I train pawed. The aame waa true, on'y j in a greater degree, on the arrival here, heie the (leceam-U and her dia' in- guiHht-d husband are ao well knonn. A maaii of ieople gattwred atiout the ! I lion w lien the train came to a atop, and I alt mood reverently with bowed head ' as the solemn cortege emerged from tlie of those who die from ammonia poi ' station and took their places in waiting j soning reveal a dark hue on the mucou. ! carriages. j When the cortege arrived at thei hurch a throng of people tilled Ihe sidewalks! fund adji cut si recta, and stood resct - lullv silent while the cotlin aa carried up the aisle and deposited in front of the chancel. The organ played softlv. Then the choir sang "Lead Kindly Light." lr Haines otfered a short invocation and read a selection from the ccruture. The funeral sermon, horn the text, " Wherefore comfort ye one another with these words," was then pleached by Ir. Haines. Soon after the train arrived, at the re quest of the president, Ihe casket waa opened and tlie Bad ceremony of taking a last look at the face of the dead fol lowed. The features were calm and peaceful aa in sleep. riEE AT MILWAUKEE. The Flni Sifted wits Ungovernable Tory for Bit Boari. Mii-waclkk, Wis., Oct. 28. The fire which started at 5:30 this evening in the Union Oil company's store east of Wafer street, now threatens to destroy the entire wholesale business section of Milwaukee, east ot the river below Huron street. A furious gale ia blowing and driving the flumes before it within startling rapidity. At II p. m. the fire has lapped up everything in the territory bounded on the west by the north branch of the Milwaukee river, on the east of Lake street and on the south by the harbor branch of the river, twenty two solid blocks, tive of which were oc cupied by wholesale houses, factories, disiillerie8, etc., and the rest by fine res idences. This docs not include the vast yards of the Chicago A Northwestern railroad, which covers many acres. Hundreds of cars have been burned. There is no telling at this hour what the extent of the tire will be. The gas works are burned and not a gas light is burning in tlie city, and some portions of the city where there are no electric lights is in total darkness. Half a dozen men have been taken to the emergency hospital all seriously in jured by falling walla. Insurance men estimate that the en tire loss will aggregate $7,000,000. At 11 :45 Chief Foley announced the fire was practically under control. Heavy Armor Plate. Hkthlkhkm, I'll., Oct. 29. The heavi est armor plate ever made is now in course of preparation at the Bethlehem Iron works. The monster ingot which will be converted into armor plate weighs eighty-four tons, and when com pleted will be seventeen inches thick. This armor is to defend the side of the battleship Indiana, building at Cramps' shipyards, Philadelphia. The Wheat Situation. Nitw Yokk, Oct. 30 The American Agriculturist prints an elaborate reyi(W of the wheat situation. It points out that the exports from India are falling offund that Kussian wheat is being held for an advance. The surplus for ex- I port from Australia and South America year's heavy yield in the Unild States " H'lilenwliirig 'l1" "'W :wonii lor our enortnou rxrrt and inenciive foreinn markcl at prcucnt. The rflnrn indiiilea total wheat crop for 8!of 4!H,4:(4,000 biiHh;l. Tlie jmrier claiiim that the Area of wheat hai trf-cn K'tatly under- - tiinatd and tlie total crop r(-jxrtd al from 5 to 15 per cent more than actually harvcdted. AMUO.MA AMI M'RIDKS One nfthf Moot Certain Axenfa fort aus liif Death by Mow I'lilmln?. (New York Hun. Of the number of tho:-e aeekina j Bui-1 cide by following tome form of poiaon, , probably there are few who have nought ; to kill thernaelvea by mean of ammonia. Neverthelww ammonia, altbuugli It j the active airent in moat of the nalta ' aold to women for their guilt decorated and perfumed acent bottle, i poi-onoo ' when taken internally in a concentrated j form. To attest thia there baa been re-j cently in New York several cae, the niort recent lieing thai of Herman Hiiro witz, ol which iH-piity Coroner Jenkine aid that death took place in a compara tively short time after the ammonia was taken. In another caae, that of a child Dr. Jenkins said dealh resulted In five minutes after swallowing the ammonia solution. There are on record alao cases of slow poiaoning from ammonia administered with intent to commit murder. Further more, the api?arance of workmen in gu ano factories, where ammonia is set free by grinding guano, has been noted, and in every case there is an unmistabable aymptom rf poisoning This is discol oration of the skin of Ihe face, which itliiie a blotched, dirty appearand First to take on thin appearance i the skinof!he nose and forehead. Auto- meiiihaane lining the stomach and in- , testines. As an agent for causing death by slow 1 poisoning, ammonia is one of the most certain and moot diflicuit ol detection, owing to its volative nature. This qua! ity has led physii ians to believe that some of Ihe n.vsteriong deaths that have taken place in the history of modern and medufv.il crime are due to ammonia. It is knewn now that months have elapsed between the first syi.iptoms of .immonia ioisoning On the other hand death has resulted in four minutes from the time a large draught ot ammonia has been swallowed It has been found in cases of giadual absorption of am monia in the human system that there is a general elimination of healthy oxida tion ol the blood and a consequent low ering of the bodily strength. In the cases of immediate poisoning death comes with frightful aironv. as in the I case of Harwiu. Blood gushed from his nose and mouth. Statistics in England put ammonia thirteenth in frequency in "he list of poi sons. Alexander Winter Blyth. medi cal officer of health in the St. Maryle bone district, London, cites thirty cases of poisoning by ammonia swallowed for the purpose of committing suicide, or administered with the purpose of com mitting murder, or absokbkd cncoxsci ously in ooon. Of the suicidal cases six weie fatal. Of cases of murder wiih am monia, Pr. Blyth notes two, both of them children. The Inter-Ooeanio Killrosd. Mo.ntkkkt, Mex., Oct. 29. The Hon. Pelfino Srnchez, who is widely known as the railroad king of Mexico, arrived to day from an extended visit in Paris and London. He says he has been success ful in securing the capital necessary for the construction of the Intfcr-Oeeanic road from Pueblo to Acapukt). Work on the new line is now in progress. , Bet for Argument. Washington, Oct. 31 The United States supreme court today advanced and set for argument on the second Mon day in January the cases of the United states against the California and Oregon Land company and the Dalles Military Road company. These are known as the wagon road land grant cases. " HcKinley in Brooklyn. Brooklyn, Oct. 31. Seven thousand people cheered for Harrison and Reid, and listened to Governor McKinley, of Ohio, speak of campaign issues, in Cler mont avenue rink, tonight. The meeting was the most enthusiastic republican rally ever held in King county. Gala Week. Charleston, S. C, Oct. 81. Gala week, us a memorial of the gratitude of this city for assistance of the nation in time of its distress, opened this morning with the ringing of bells. All the ship ping in port was handsomely decorated with the national colors. Receiver Appointed. Montkkky, Mex., Oct. 20. In the fed eral court today Judge Raul appointed J. A. Robertson receiver of the Monterey, and Mexico it Gulf railway, with full power to control and operate its lines, and direct the handling of all prouerty. IN GENERAL Terrible PextrueHoii to a Town in Mexico. THE It Kit ELS ARE ASSIMILATED, More tkan ilOD Soldlera S iln A, Trainman Killed Other Important ewn. Ki, Fahco, Texan, Oct. 27. New liaa jiwt readied here of the total deatruction of the town of Temochic, in Weatern Chihuahua, Mexico, inhabited by a oeotde who are nearly pure Aztec. Mexican troops were Bent out theretwice to compel tiubii isi-ion of the religion fanatic to the authontiea, but each time Ihe troopa weie deleated. The third t;me a lancer force waa sent out, foini.anii ny a uauery o. !" The remit of the battle wa the annihilation of the rebel, and ll.e ki'nf f ni. re than 3fl0 Mexican wldiera The aoldicrs left ( hil.uahua two we. kg ago ai'd for-ned a junction with other from l'inos Altos and Guerrero to the number of 1,200. Monday an attack as made on all sides. TheTeinwhiar with their families took refuge in church, awaiiing the attack. It waa made on all sides and Ihe slaughter wan terrible. Hand-to-band hglnstook place. The soldiers completed the massacre with 3tiS of Iheir number killed audi many wounded. The vi'lage ihe next day preeenied an awful view, ilia streets leading lo the church were filled with bodies, and blood seemed to flow in torrents. Not a man of the Teniwhi ans was left, except those who happened to tie out in the mountains, but the government has paid dearly for ita victoiy. Manufacturing Induitriei ii Portland. Washington. Oct 10. The census of fice 'oday made pntilic bulletins giving itatisth a oi muiiufai turing imlustiies in Portland, O eg.m. In 'SO the data te la1 ing to mai ufiictming industries, this ci was included in the totals for Mult nomah county, and Mherefoie no rom rrative Matcmeul ,i is po:lde. iTha figures for '90 are: number of establish ments reported .504 ; industries 88; capi tal invested. $18,808,028; hands emploved 240; wages, 17,176,733 ; cost of materi als nsed. t12.427.071 ; value of product (24,429,449 The figures for Multnonish county are : etabMimenl., 102; capital, (1,958,025; hands employed, 1,148; wages, (700,878; materials, l,6ti7,246, product. $,807,201. Idaho'i Purvey Faculty. Boisk, Nov . 1 The original surveys ol Idaho, it is being discovered, were extremely faulty. She official engineers, who are engaged in resurveying the line between Washington and Idaho counties, have discovered that about half the famous Salmon MeadoT country, set tlers which have been paying taxes into Washington county, is really a part ol Idaho county. It has also tieen dis covered that between Washington and Boise counties there lies a valnable Bttip of land which, according to the estab lished boundaries, belongs to neither county. The people living on the strip cannot be assessed, and w ill of course refuse to make payment of taxes, A Trainman Killed. Xewi-obt, Or., Oct. 31 Charles Laughlin a trainman on the government works, was killed instantly about noon today. He was putting a rope on the engine and train to pull the latter in on a aide track when the rope caught on a tie and threw him off the car under a wheel. The wheels did not pass over him, but pushed him ahead of them on the track, crushing his breast. Peath must have been instantaneous He leaves a wife, whom be married five months ago. His people live in Ohio. Preparing fer Irrigation. Boiss City, Idaho, Oct. 31. Prof. A. II. Thompson, chief of the western divi sion of geoligical survey, arrived yester day, Plans have been perfected for making a detailed topographical mnp of Snake river valley on 25-foot contours lroni the American falls westward, show ing just what lands can be irrigated from the river. W. T. Griswold has been in charge of thewoik in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington E. T. Perkins will be chief of the Idaho corps. Canal Convention, CoixMiics, Ohio, Oct. 31 A call ti been issued by the chairman of the ex ecutive committee requesting delegates to the national Nicaragua canal conven tion held in St. Louis June 2d, to reas semble at New Orleans, November 30, 1802, to further consider the question of the immediate construction of the canal. Commercial bodies are to send one dele gate for each one hundred members. Tho President Again at work, Washington, Oct 31. The president resumed his official duties today. He devoted most nf the forenoon to routine matters which have accumulated during the past few weeks.