892 A! I'M I. SELLING, OREGON CITY. OREGON. We are showing in large variety choice new styles and late novelties. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, Groceries, Etc. It gives us pleasure to call at tention to our new stock. In the matter of prices we shall continue to deserve our reputation as close Imyers and sellers. Call and get quotations on any line of goods you may incline to purchase. Ve carry full and complete as sortments." sell only straight goods and guarantee our prices to 1 the lowest for the same class of goods. A careful examination of the prices quoted will insure us your trial order if you have never dealt with tis before, and once our customer you will always bo our customer. We extend our thanks to our patrons for past favors and shall not fail to use every effort to merit a continuance of their good will in the future. Yours Trul v. I. SKLI.IXG. Unbleached Muslins. Best Cabot AV, St in. wide, 1(5 yds. for fl 00 Atlantic L I., 30 in. wide, IS vds. for 1 X wmh 1. 1.. j. . ueeiwcon BMM.T, mum . COSTiyrED.J Meantime tbe mam body of the boa tiles was still ghost dancing and howl ing through the wintry night far over to the north among the breaks and chasms of the Bad Lands, so strong In numbers and so secure from assault 1 within the lines of their natural fortress as to laugh to scorn all premonition of disaster. Runners had gone to every tribe urging concerted action and united revolt. Every day brought new acces sions, and all that was needed to enable them to bid defiance to the encircling force was the arrival of the great bands that had broken away from the reserva- i tions along the Missouri, followers and I would be avengers of the old chieftain j Sitting Bull, who had died in names, a rebel to the last. Brule and Ogallalla. '. Tncpapa and Minneconjoo here were the warriors, re-enforced by many a new grown son, who bad fought the white soldiers summer after summer, time and again, in the bloody days of the decade past the Brules especially once restrained by the wisdom of old Sintogaliska, now ripe for any deviltry and well nigh unanimous for war to the knife. Without noteworthy incident, Ber rien's command had circled around to the east of the sacred lines of the reser vation, had spent a day or two explor ing the breaks and ravines of a dozen little streams flowing into the Wakpa Washtay, had located trail after trail of travois, pony and lodge pole tracks, had scoured the wide valley of the main stream, but without sight of a single warrior, much less a war party. , The still smoking ruins of two ranches told, however, of recent visitation, and the hoof marks of cattle mingling with the pony tracks pointed unerringly whither the spoil had been driven. Meantime, while nothing could be seen of the wily red man, every hour gave new proof that their own movements were closely observed. Signal smokes went puffing skyward on almost every side, and the night sentries declared that twice just before dawn of two successive morn ings they had dimly seen shadowy horsemen darting over the neighboring ridges and had heard the thud of nimble hoofs. Even in the faded gray of the bunch grass, even on the hard frozen ground, experienced eyes could find cor roboration of the story. AlrrutHt in the fore of the foremmt Sioux hU revolver blaze it challenge. Daring Indian scouts were ever on their flanks and front and rear, making no overt move against them, but keep ing the hostile camp fully informed of everything that was being done and watching restlessly for opportunity to cut off every straying charger, to cut down every straggling man. Knowing all this full well, Berrien had given strict orders neither officer nor trooper wag permitted to leave the column by day nor the bivouac by night; and now its mission accomplished, the column Aurora C, Ili in. wide, 20 vds. for Bleached Muslins. Lonsdale, 3(5 in. w ide, 12 yds. First Call, 3ti in. wide, 14 yds. Fruit. 36 in. wide, 11 yds Dutt or Cloth, 4" in. wide 14 yds Calicoes. Our Best Trims, 20 yds Shirting, best quality 20 yds. Indigo l!lue, figured, fast col ors, lti yds Ginghams, tiood Quality Press Ginghams 12 yds.!. Nice Small chock Apron Ging hams. 12 yds Shirtings. Excelsior Chocks. 10 yds Canton Flannel shirting, S yds English Cheviot, 8 yds Cotton Flannels. Medium Quality. 14 yds Heavier Quality, 12 yds Extra Quality, S yds Flannels, Cassimeres, Etc. Heavy Striped Cheviot 1 XM ! l oo ! 1 tv 1 IV 1 IV i oo ! 1 IK. j ! 1 (V1 1 00 1 00 ' 1 00 1 (V 1 IV l tv I 00 1 00 We respectfully invite you to inspect naa started on return niatvn. ana up to , this time no casualty had occurred. So ; long as the isolated battalion was mov-1 ing toward the hostile camp, nvaring ! every hour the overwhelming array of ; the enemy and separating itself farther j and farther from friendly supports, no bar had been put to its progress. But ' now the Indian scouts could see that it ! was turning back, probably in the hope ; of regaining the cautouuieut unuio-j lested. I It was a sunshiny Decern tier after-' noon; the air was as clear as a bell, the clouds that obscured the eastern sky at ; dawn had long since drifted out of sight, j and in all its broad expanse the pule j blue vault of the heavens wore not so much as a feather of vapor. Who that , rode ia the laughing, chatting, jautity i column that sparkling day could realize the change a few hours might effect on t the sileut, breeieless solitudes around ; them? At noon the sun was so warm that many a trooper had stripped off ! his heavy overcoat and turned up the 1 flaps of the rough fur cap. Except in I deep ravines hardly any snow was to j be seen. The dull gray snrface of the i rolling prairie, wave after wave, lay basking, and the leafless branches of the cottonwoods overhanging the frozen i pools were glistening, sparkling lu the : lifegiving rays. The advance guard j after breaking the ice and treating their horses to a mouthful of water at the j stream, had moved on at brisk trot, and : now the stalwart riders were spreading out in extended order as they breasted the slope. Out to the west, full five hun- I dred yards, the wary flankers could be ' seen, some crossing the stream farther j down the valley, while other comrades : appeared over the barren ridge behind. that no sneaking foe might crawl np un- j observed and send a lung range bullet ! from ita shelter down into the swarm of I troopers at the ford. So, too, the flauk- era to the east and the sturdy little knot i of rear guardsmen just popping up over ! the divide so recently crowed, all told of j ceaseless vigilance on every side. Ber- nen has not ridden the Sioux trail a score of years for nothing. He takes no chances where the security of his com mand is concerned, and has small onin lon of the leader who subjects tntan M needless risk. I And now one after another the font ; troops nde into close column on the j northward bank; the men dismount, un- j saddle, and presently, with side lines in ' hand, each trooper leading his faithful steed, the four herds are guided to the separate grazing grounds already chosen ' and "pre-empted" by wide awake Bubal- j terns or sergeants. There the side lines ; are carefully adjusted, the bridles slipped off, three or four men remain in sad-1 die as herdguard and the horses are left to graze. Rich with nutriment is that crisp, dry bunch grasp rich and plentiful. The mules of the pack train bray with impatience to shed their loads and join their envied four footed com rades, but presently they, too, follow ing the bell, are streaming out upon the guarded prairie, rolling in luxury upon the frosty earth and kicking their legs in air in genuine delight. From a ' dozen little fires among the bare limbed cottonwoods the thin smoke is curling I aloft, and the rattle of tin cup and plate i and the jovial voices of the men seem to clamor for their soldier rations. In ; Jong rows the saddles and equipments j were aligned npon the turf, each man's carbine and belt at his saddle. Huge rolls of robes and blankets are unstrap ped and spread to air, and all this time, j while the troop officers are looking to the comfort and security of their horses, I .Major Berrien, followed by a single or- j derly, is riding about from point to j point to satisfy himself that the guards i are stationed where best they can se cure the bivouac against surprise. The ridge to the southwest is higher than those which limit the view at other points, and thither Berrien is now riding at easy lope. Rolfe and Hazlett, watch ing him for a moment, exchange an ap preciative nod as they hear from the group of soldiers at the nearest camp fire some brawny son of the old sod re jnark, "Just luck at the Quid man now; ore it's a smart redskin that will ever ."4-in. Water Proof Light Weight Cassimero Good Quality Cassimero Extra Qualitv Cassimero. . . . Rod Flannol'T willed Gray Flannel Hrown Flannel Cotton Batting. Host Quality, per pound Carpet Warp. All Shades, f pound bunches Notions. Tins, 2 papers Needles, 2 pajvrs Knitting Cotton, 4 Kills Garter Elastic, jht yd Skirt ltraid, roll Hosiery, Ladies' lllnck Cotton Hose . . Ladies' All Wool ltlack.riblH.,1 Misses' lirown Mixed Hose. 3 pairs Infants' All Wool Hl.iek. rib bed, 2 pairs Ladies' lilack Cashmere Misses' l'.hu-k HibU-d Cotton, 2 pairs Misses' All Wool Cashmere :o ro 7 1 00 2." 'JO 20 15 1 25 or. o.v 2" o.-! Oo! 10 2."i get through the pickets he hwIs." INol since the days of old "Major Slowtrot," old "Pap" Thomas, has there been a battaliou commander bettor loved by the rank and tile. They know nothing will ever induce him to forget one pre caution for their safely, and reward his care with a loyalty of devotion good to see. Watching him still further, Hax lett notes that a distant vedette has sig naled, and that Berrien, slowly now, is riding up the sloi9 to join him. A ser geant has some question to ask at the moment, and wheu Hazlett again looks out to the southwest, major, orderly and vedette have disappeuml from view around a little shoulder of bluff. Other vedettes can be seen at their posts on all sides, and a few dismounted sentries lying prone where, unseen themselves, they can scan the country to their front. But Haxlett's curiosity is excited by the fact that two men, mere specks in the distance, are huddling together at the crest half a mile away to the southwest and evidently watching something out at their front and motioning to the ser geant buck with the supports. Presently this trooper, too, trots out to join them. Berrien and his party are still out of sight from camp. "Captain, may I borrow your field glasses" asked Mr. Brewster, swinging up to the tire where Hazlett stands. "1 have lent mine to the sergeant of the guard." "Did you see where the major went?" asks Hazlett by way of reply, as he hands the desired instrument. "1 last saw him at the point yonder. He rode around it with Sergeant Ellis and a couple of men, and that vedette must have been calling to him. It seems to me they've been gone some time; so (iorham says 1 can ride out and find out what it means." "I'd go with you, Brewster, but my horse is out at herd. Take the glasses with you, anyhow." Brewster's big black is led up at the moment, and the lieutenant quickly mounts and canters sasily away. Meantime, old Berrien, who has noted the signals of the vedette referred to, has joined him, with the brief inquiry, "What is it, Scott?" "Why, sir, 1 was posted here by the sergeant, and he had no sooner gone than 1 saw what I took to be horsemen in the valley several miles out yonder to the southwest. The major can see the whole country from a butte that lies perhaps three hundred yards farther out beyond this ridge. But here comes the sergeant back, sir." It is Ellis, cantering briskly from the advanced position Scott has designated, and coming to them now around the shoulder of the bluff a little to the right. That Ellis has seen something is evi dent; his face shows it in an instant. "An Indian war party, major, per haps a dozen, rode from behind a long ridge over to the west and down Into the valley of what 1 take to be a branch of the Porcupine. That butte hides a good deal of the valley; but we can see it from there, though." "You three men coma with me," says Berrien quietly. "We must look into t.hi." TO BB CONTINUED. Apples are being exported in large Quantities. Oregon alone will send to market this season 50,000 head of beef cattle in un usually prime condition. The breeding and handling of fast horses is a proper branch of the live stock industry, but it is one that the average fanner should let severely alone. It is a business that should be engag-ed in only by men of ample means, who are able to stand large losses; but it has a tempting aspect when we h:arn that a single horse farm near Lexington, Ky., hud an income of about $200,000 last year. This amount included the sale of stock and the earnings of five stallions. Nebraska Bute Journal. The goose has become such a thor oughly domesticated bird that it will now thrive without any large body of water to swim in. Yarded geese may be made quite profitable with good care and Hose 25 Dross Coods. Pouble Folded Cashmere, S j yards 1 00 Henrietta, 3ti in. wide 2.V 1'laid Serge, 3(1 in. wide 15 All Ladies' Cloth 52 in. wide, black and colors, . . 50 House Furnishing Coods. White or Colored Marbled Oil ! Cloth, per yd 20 Turkey Kt .1 Putnask, 50 in. jht yd 25 Scrim, for curtains, 15 yd . 1 H White Cr.H'het Quilts.' 75 rnbloaohed Linen Crash, 12 yards 1 (XI Turkish Towels, large size . , 12 rurniture (. retones, 10 yds. . . 1 tv Men's FurnlshlngCoods. Men's Ulue Flannel Sliiits. , , 1 (V Men's Knit Shirts, lace front . 1 (V Men's Suspenders, heavy . 25 Men's All Wool Seanil.s S.x'ks 25 Men's Outing Flannel Shirts 35 Men's Turkey Ucd Handker chiefs, large si.e, 3 for. . . 25 our stock and prices. I. SELLING. .NulIiX run I't 111 li AlloN. I l-aii.l Oilii-e Hi Orvitmi city. ir itnn, Sct'l 10. lvj. i I N-.tlee I. herel.y -iven that tin. fell, mine t name.) .enter ha. flU-'t iintuv t( hfi ln!nll,'ti u luiU (Int.! tmM.t lti .uithirl i.t In. rimtn, nn.l lhl !! (rm. wtU li iiit.lt. iM'for lht rril.ter ll'l rreeOvrVf tin I ltltr.1 Sl-Or. Utlil erti,- ml j Oregi.u I'lly. orrgu, on NnvcmlHT s, I vj, v I ' lrt'imj,or. I llomt.tciit mlrv N. ..'7 tor llii. S, K. ',nt' rU II.HH Hv name. Hi Mlttlii wiuiim'. 1,1 roYe hi. riHittmiou. trul,'iie iilH.n an-1 ritlmau.m of .41,1 UikI. li Win j l KelHTl. atnl S K N.-W of Siui.ly tie.l 'ftlr i Ori'Koit, Jiuii. W li.Mntin,. .thl 1 iiarlt'. 1 at ' sailv.ul MaieCrw. ,.l niluv , t 41-1 :s J r. Arr:n.s. Krel.iiT , Mllll'K KoK I't IH.IC.UIllN. j I jiiiiI oflW al Orrami I'd v. Ofoifen. ( ' s, .i 111, ii; 1 j N-tif I. hireliy l ren that III. (ll,nirlh I natn,-l .eliliT lia. SU'.I ll"li,- l hi !titelirl.ii In mat:,' Anal freif In iiiii.,rt of hi. elalni. rn t 1 th.l ir,K,f will t,' m.!,. lH(.r the K ai.'ir i an, I Ki'uvrr of Oip I'. S l.alt'l Mlttr al Ort'uou 1 i lly, or.'iem. 011 Nivrmh.'r Ivrj. via: ; J'lhll Ml'irr. ll.inir"i.l entry :ii7( lor Ihr V ',nfN f. ',, y , l S tt til Sim- .'.' T JS.K 1 .. Ilo nnii' til'" folli'liiK wltiii'pi.i'. tn jiroir III roll j tumuli, rv.lili.iief upon aii'l iu!Uv ilinti ol . Utn1. vu John liiMilIpr, s h Ciilrniaii. HiiiloM ttalltrnlH'lu anil liutllrti . all i.l S-oi.l) : jwiat otlu-ti. Ori'Koti J. T A rrr Ko . V .'J-IO llrtttalrr. ! N'oiK'K FOK ITItl H A rioN I anil OITire at or'itn ntv on-vmi.! Si'tH ji -tj 1 Notlm I. Iirrftir Klvrn. that III lollowiliK liatiif.1 .I'ttlir tit. hWA ll'illri? of hi. luli'i tint, tn make final riof In .upnrt ni III. ekallti. atnl tliil satit proof will tiff lil.'le hifirf Ihi rininty j rli'rk n( W a.lilnitloii county at Htll.iHirn. on ttoii.nn SoviMiilM-r II I--'.'. il r ISIi'tiant II ii.I.t. ilitmoi(.atl rntiv No T.'MV lr ihi W 's of N K ,ol art-. 7. T. is.. It. 1 tt II,. n.imi-. thcM lowing vrltn..i. in tiroii hi. t-iiiiilinion. ri'i ihlirr mioti nnil I'lilitvatlott of .al,l Utnl. vl Friil Klflr, of Selmll. KiTrv. Ch l llrleh, of TltMrijvlllP. I". Fr-llillit. ol Seholla Ki-rry, F. Arlilt't., of Si-holla IVrrv. all of Orrifn. 1 :ll 4 J T Aii'i:os. Hiiil.tfr. NoTICK OF AI'I'HINTMKNT OF I. XIX' I "lu It. Nmlrp I. nerrtir five n, that ;hi iitiitir.lgnpit ha, hy oriliT ol the county court ui t lark.m.a county. Oree-ntt. been atil.oltitcil executor ol the clue of S.ir.th A. I'arlrlil'o. ileecaaeil. AH er on. having claim. aitalnl anl.l e.tile are 110 tldcil toircent tln-m to me rorty vertne.1 at the 'ftlee of my attorney. M K t'ro... at oreiron City, ort'ifon, wllhtti six month from the ilatt. ol thl notice. William Hk m & n. Kx'r nt the eatateol Sarah V FartrMktc. ileed. OrrKou City. Or. net. tj, lnri. lu Ml 1 NOTICK OF FINAL SKTTI.KMKNT. In the matter ol the e.tate ol John itlnver, ilec d. I herehy five notice that I ha "Id In the county cmirt 11! t'lackamaa county, Oregon, my account, an'i voucher lor final actriemcut aa ailminlHtralor ol the etatw ol John ulover. ile ceapl, ami the court ha atiioitile( Tne.ilay, the .'h day n( Oeeemlier. 1,r, a. the lime lor hearing ami aettlltiti aalil aecoiint ami ihe ex ception, thereto II any. O. J. 1'RI'LI.INIirtl. 10 7-10 is Ailinlnlalrator . ADMIMMTK ATKIX'8 NOTlf'E, Notice la hereby nlveti.that the umlenilgneil ha. tscn niiolnteil ailniltil.lralrlx with Ihe will annexinl ol Ihe e.tale ol W W. Bullock, le cea.cil, hy the county court of Clackitmna county, Oregon All per.oii. having claim, again.! aalij e.tate are ren'ilreil Uiprcent them to .alii administratrix at the law office ol 0, aii'l It. I'. Latourette, with Hie proper vouchera, withlti .lx montlia ol the 'bite of (til notice. Kmii.v II In 1. 1,01 k, Ailm 1. Datwl at Oregon City, Oregon, (let. tl. lwl 10:7-11:4 SfMMONS. Ill the Circuit Court ot the Slate nl Oregon fur the County of Clai-kamaa. Nellie K. Martin, pliiimlfT. 1 va. J .lamp. M. Martin. defendant.. ToJameaM. Martin, the shove named ilefeml aut: lu the name ol the State of Oregon you are re quired to appear Htid aiinwer the comptnlnt of theplalntlfl herein n Momliiy.the 17th day of April, IHtti; and If you tail no to atuwer the plalntlir will apply to the conrl lor the rellel Jirayed lor in the complaint, tnwlt: For s de cree iliiaolvliifr the botol. of matrimony now exiNtlng between you Aiul the plullitllf; that h have theenre, ciutody and control of her minor child. Myrtle Ivy Martin, and (or audi oilier and further relief tta to tlie court way accm eiitltnhle and luat, and for her coma and ilia buremcnt In tnl ault. Ttila Ninnmoii la tiuhli.hed by order of Hon. T, A, Mcllride, Judge ol the above eMltled court, made on tlie Ititii day of September. lhU'2 IIHOWNF.1.1. A IIKKKKKR, 10:11-11: lx) Attorney for I'lalntllT. H1IMMONS, In the Circuit Court of the State el Oregon lor the County of Clac kiimaa. Knactts Klkebernur, plaintiff, ) va. Joaeph Flkeberner, ilefetidntil.) To Jiim'iiIi Klkubertier, the iihovo natneil ile femlHtit: lu the name of the State ol Oregon you are ro uulrcd 10 aptieHr mid atinwer tlie complitint of the plHiiiill! liernlii on Monday, the I7tli day of April, IWi; and If you full So to ittiHwer, the plaintiff will apply to the court for Hid relief prayed for lu the complaint, to wit: Foraile cree dl.Holving the honda of matrimony now ex lilting between you and the plaltilllf, and that .he have the. cure, ctiatody ami control of lior minor child, llattle I-. Klkeherner: that alio n- nine her maiden tin me ol Komi la Jinvldaon, anil for inch other and further relief an to the court may accm equitable and Jut, and lot her com and dlbiirHineiitliillilaiilt. Thin aumtnona It published hy order of Hon. T A. Mcllride, judge of the ahoveeutltled court, made on the lllth day of September, 18W. Bhov, nkij, A Dbkhhkh, 10:14-11:18 ' Attorneys for Plaintiff. Men's Knit 1'mlershirts and Prnwers, nr suit "5 Men's Heavy Seamless Socks tl i.airs! , 50 Men's Celluloid Collars 15 Overalls. Men's Extra Heavy lUue Uenini patent imttons, patent reinforced stays . 50 Hats. Children's Wind Hats 25 Men's G.od Wool Hats 50 Men's Good Quality St ill' Hat 1 M Boots and Shoes. Men's Calf Itoots 2 50 Men's lluekle Oil Grain 1 50 Men's It. Calf, lace or congress 1 75 Ladies' Uright Pongula patent tiped 1 .50 Ladies' Whole St.K'k Cnlined Hut ton .... 1 50 Ladies Oil tirain Huttnn, riv eted 1 50 Ladies' Whole Stuck I'llliued Laced shiH'S 1 50 Misses' Whole Stivk Cnlined I.aoed Shoos ... 1 25 Child's Whole Stock Cnlined Sol li'F. FiHt I'l lll.li A riON I. isn ticrti t iihxu.is l it oagiioji.i ...t i feu i Notice l hereby lll.l thai tile I llowtllg lliiir-l .ctller ha file notice ol hi. Intention to make Sua I oronl 111 .iipp-iil of h: cUtm, au.l lliat "Oil pr.Mil will Im. ina.lc In-fore the te later aiul reedier of (lie 1 nltr.l stale, lool oitu-e al o re on 1 uy, oreou on Novrintter lit, I'-W. via l.aa reti,-e I 11111I, lloineitea,! entry No '. lor the N tt' ,ol N tt 1, otiee 1 I S . K K He 11. me. the fotl-'i not ltnr""e to prole III. eoiillnuoii. r,-"l'leto'e il-ou a tl.l eiiltl , al Ion ill .al'l lalot Ml Peter i'auUoii, A.g'i"t l',iil.ui. o l.ttoiirelle Fill.. .0,1 1 tie.i-b.re K-l(e.. Frank Ji'lvl. ami Nrl Viui"iu ol porliaii'l. all of Oregon - II I J I. ArroM. liesl.tt r. SIMMONS til the I'lteiill t'oiirl ol Hie Htale ol Oregon lor the l oitiity 1. 1 1 taekama.. Kliima llergmaii. pHltttlff, 1 Jo,'h llergitiot. ilefeli'latil . To Joseph Itelgliutl, the ativ e ti.metl iteft n,l ant III til" name ol the Stale of Ifeg.ill you are re ,'llreil lo Ni,e-,l an t au.ner the ciiii,! .hit of the I'Ulitnrl ln-relii on Motol.y the 17lli ,ay ol April, l-et an-t If yon fall to aii.aier the .ltiitlrT will apply to the e,oirt b-r lue rellel irayi-,l lor 111 tlie roiiivUlnl. 10 wit Kor a te eree ilt",.lvllig tlie leili I. ol matrimony Uow ex 1. 1 1 ng liet ween y oil .u,l I lit pliliililt, anil that .hehaie Hie care, culo.ty ami control ot her minor elillilre:i. to lt oranvllle J llergm.n. Mi-tvllle Hervmntt. aiul Ar.ll. llergm.u, ami lot tieli ollinr lel tllrllter rellel a. to the court may cciti ciiittatilv, ami dirtier ro.t ami ili.bur.e ment. in thl. ltlt. Ihk. .iiitiinou t. pubiUlie-l lit oolcr ol II n T A Mellil.le, Juilge ol On alane eutltlnl Court, malleoli lhe.'.ul ilay ot S.-plemhcf, )vi, liao-i "ir.t 1 ,v l'n-a In II II la' Attorney, for I'laiutirT SIMMONS III ihi'l'!reiil t'eur' of tlie Suie ol Oregon, lor tile Comity ol I lai kallta.. ... Thoma. M. Miller, pialntln", v. M-irv F. Harlow, Margaret J Still In Faulty. I'lll.bitry. Henrietta M Kelly mi l J li I'lll.biirv. il.-ll-iol t I To Henrietta M Kelly ol .alii ilatemliul. ami to all per.oii" nnkiiown elnlinlftg or h-ivlng an tnlere-t 111 lite property ile.crinc'J lu llievom plaint herein; In the name of the State ot Oregon, you are hereby re.illlre.l to u(ipi-iir ami aliiwer the coin plitlul fllelalalllt y oil In the above cut II leil "'lit within tell tli" from the tbile of Ihe "eivlee o till. "Ulilliioii. uioti you, If .erve.l within Ihl. ' county ; or. If "crvcil in any other county o( tin. .tale, then within twenty ilay. from Hie iiie of the aervtce of thl. .itmuiou. iiiou ymt Ami II you fall .0 to au.wer, (or want I hereof the plain -will take Judgment again.! you attil apply to the court lor tin reliol ileui'imleil lu .abl tNitn plaint wiilch t. a auit (or the partitioning among the pattle. thereto. ptalntlrT ami ilefemt ante, of certain real e.tale .ituiile In Claekaina. county, .tale of Oregon, to wit; The K ol the itonatlolt claim No. 'M III aeetlona 21 -.at ami Ti In ,'iwii.lilti ioiith, range I eat of the tt II taineuemerhliao. nbl eaat lial( liellig the wife portion of the donation laud claim of the lale Samuel Miller and wile: alao Mid IKI acre oil the S. W. corner of the late Samuel W. rlhau non't donation land claim, known on the map and plat and .urveyaof the I'nlted lilte. a. claim No. ;u In T. 118 , K. I K ol Hie Willamette meridian 'I hl. aummon I kitliliahed by o'der of the Hon. I.oyal H. Slenrn. )udue ol th1 elreult court ol the atalunl Oregon lor the county n( Multnomah, dated September l, l''.' S. lll'KLAT, I) a U.h Attorney lor plalulln SIM MUNS. In the (Mrcull Court of the .tale of Oregon for Claekiona eoiiuty l.oiiUfl llar.lel I'lallitllfi V. John ialel,delendantl To John lla.lel, ald ilelemlant' III the natua of the atiiie of Oregon yen are heretiy required to appear and an.wer the com plaint filed agalu.t you In the above entitled ault within ten day from the date nf ihc.ervlee of thl .itiiimon ii'tHiti you, K Nerved within thl county: or, it .erved In any other county of IhlNRtHte. (lien within twenty ilnya from Hie date of the Mervlee ot thl Hiimmona iiain you. And If you fall .0 toatt. wer, for want thereof, the platutllf will apply to the court for Hie re. lief denMiiiled in the complaint to, wit: for the dl.oltitlon nf the bond of tii'-trlmony now ex l.tiug between pialnlllf and defendant , Till Niitiiiiioii la ptililMici! by order of tlie Honorable liyil K. Sienrua Judge of the Cir cuit Cnurl ot tne tnte of ( Iregou (o; Mlllllliimah county, diilfd September'l, nvi. H. IlrvnT, 0:a3 II :II Attorney for riiilntllf. NOTICK KOR I'l'HI.tCATION. I,niiil ODlco at OriKm ('It v. Orcirtm, NutlOff Ih herehy kIv(h thnt tin fnlluwtiiK nnmttd Hi'tllfT Iiiin filed imtlri'of hln Intcnllnti to niftier Html proof In mi priori nf hln cliiltn, ami tliHt Nit Id nrnof will f(; niinli' licforn till) KcKUtttr niifl Itoci'fvcr of the I'.N. In f m) nttlei- nt Orcjcn City. Orcmm, mi Hw-emlKir it, wi, vl: Knill O, Mtnrh until, ffnmPHtcad mitry No, mil. fnr llm N. K, ' of nvn. tl'V (1H.,.,' K. HnnniiM'ri tlit follnwIiiK vvltiiiHHi-R lo (irovn IiIh (iii(Iiiiioiin ri'Midi'iice upon mid (Miltlvittlon nf ha I mid, via: Hiiiim JoloniMoii, 1 1 mi 1 y Mt-hikc, llriiry JoIimiimiiii, chrintln Hchi'cl, nil uf (luorKOpohlonU'i'.CIur'lt ftiniin coimtv, Oreinm. .1, T AI'I'KRniin, Jil:2l-ll .lift Hfninter. NOTICli: t)V ATl'OlNTMhNT (K KXKCUTolt. Notlf I hornhy r vn, tltitt tlifl iiihIxTiiIkhM ttHN hfcii DptKihilt'd by order of tho noutity court of CIhckfihiiik county, Ori'ftnii, cxi-ciitor of the (ififnto of Kllnht'tli Wllitoii, dfmr!d, Al) pnrMoiirt hrtvlnn flulniK HKHliiKt Miild riHifitr nrn notified to pri'fttuil thi'ni properly vurlfltvl nl tbtt ollifioof my Hltorimyii, Jlrowmdl A. iJrcHHur, hi Oregon I'lfy, OrftKon. witliln nix nionilis from the uiitu of thin noLl;. Frank P Wiwok, Exenutnrol theentate of Kliiitbeth Wllmiu, de- OeKHOd, Dated 0 1. 15, 18112. 10:11-11: IS Laeo Shoos, , , , , w w . , J 00 Clothing. Men's Satinet Suits, Itost wot k- tuanship ft 00 An Extra Good (Quality Cassi mero Suits , 10 (X) Men's Fancy Worsted Suits, finely made and trimmed 10 X) Ladles' Cloakes & Jackets. Wo have a nice lino w hich wo oiler at exceedingly low prices Dlankets. Gray Hlaukct, coarse quality. 1 "i Grav Hlauket, Wind, old, ' 3 tH Gray Hlauket, w.l 7 It., ll-l ft t We have a full lino of Oregon City blankets and will srll theinat exactly factory prices, which will Ik alxiut 15 to 20 jier cent, lower than anv other house wiltorcau otter. Nut'li K Foil lTtil.lt AfiN, I aud O nice at Oregon I Hy Otegon.l S. pi lo. IJ I Notice 1. hereby given that the follow lua- ; tlailn ,1 wttler ha. rt le. llotlee ol hi. Intention ' to tuake Sua! tiroot in .ii-rMitt ol hi. claim, atul j that ..Id priMit will le made lief,, re the llegt.ler au.l heeel.er ol tlie V lool oitlie at tltegiiit j 1 tly. ttr, (on, ell NovemlH r a, tagj, via; I Havld II I. 010-1, I llomealead entr. No '."" l ,rllieS V, l, of N M l'4aii.lN K W ',"l.VtH.IIII lie ' nam. Ihe follow lug w ltn" lo iro,e hi. cm . llliuoll. re.idenee ilmtl atet eullivatloll of aai.l lMt, via ierry Lane, t , N I rktlia, I0I111 t-Af - kill, and Irvlu 1. 1 lathe, all of t larkea p,it of Ai-e t'larkauiaa county. tHegnri. .'.t lu Jn i ". Arr..e'., llegl.ler. Outral Ad.lllloii, SKi-'al allenlion 1 rallinl In I lit. la-anlil'il, siKhtlv and lienltliy lucatinns (or liom.-a on rea-onaldo terilia to tuir r'laaiira iwliiiiK In lo.u!i" in Ureu-ill Ctlv, Splftt.ll.1 wrtlor and nlli.-r slttac liniig in ( ei.li.il .Vdilttiiiu. lint, anie nt 1 111 11 iiiH.rty 111 itu. I ol tlvtv ore or treoo, otm luilo and a ttinr. Ii-r Irom lown. Svi.r.il amull lull val uable liirina or anlo i lteai itii'l nil tntay tiTttts. Aj.t.lv l I. It. J.MV U tilt W. I'ary Julin.nli. r r whit.. W. A.VYII1TK WHITE BROTHERS, J'tftrtitml .rrirjf .J- BuUditra Mill .fn)ir i'lfft, firvwltolta. Mrurtltiifi it t... (tl )'tM-tl1-Mlili (ir 11 hlttiU n( iMilitl liiiti H 1 n I mtc'Hi'itt iv?u tt uiitrii otrf ut p.ilmt. fitrnUliml mi Rit.lh'..f Inn ( kit un or llrr w Hi t t hHurt , DR. L. WHITE. DENTIST. Over Caufleld'i Inig Store, Ult.'e dava Horn tlie 11 In l.Mh ol eaelt mntilh. Arllfn lal teelll oil rubber, fli.t cla., IIS. Uold filling, from un. All work gilarauteeil, WOOD TUUNIXG SCRLLSAWiNG BOXES OF ANY SIZES MANUFACTURED I'artiMi iltmirinit Wood TiirnliiK, I't ttirns, llrnckntH, or Shop Carpenter's Work Will Im Stiltt.il l.y Cnllinn on Mo. Doors, Windows and Blinds TO ORDER. C3-. U. BESTOW, CWOpii. llm ('oiivirt'ifiitloiiul Chiiri.h W. S. MAPLE, Blacksmithing and Repairing. IliivhiK otio til tlie In-hi hIioith III tlie Htalii In my i)iii.iiy, I tiitikn HOKSILSllOlilNO A SI'liCIALTY. ALL WORK ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY. Shoji opporiilo corner from 'oo'k lmnlvvaro storo. ORECON CITY, OREC0N. I.nIiiIiIUIk l Mil,',. Drayage & Expressing 1.. 1 - - .1 .ii .1.. .. irreiKiu tutu iun:e a uuuvuruu to all prM ot the city. CI. taiii,