Oregon City Enterprise. FRIDAY. (H TOliKK 2S. IS!'. Clackamns Co. Directory. COCNTY OFF1CKKS, Jmlt. . J. W Mol.lnim Clr of Court, Sheriff, -Rvr.1r, TYwurtr, A nm ir. 8.-h,oil Superintendent, Snrreyiw, Corouer, Comikiifionen, r . Morion f. W. tlnnont s. H JS ' J, f. Krs.ii.-v stllnev smh K. U Volition t KIchsM Scott XWnellut Kir 0KKG0N CITY OFTICKRS. Ktrnr. Recorder. Chlet ol Folic -AMetmor. Trenrer, City Attomer. -Street OommlMloner. T, w Sutllmn 1. K Khoite F J. I.0111 It E Cnwu. C. Holier fintiX of Waier Works. W. H. Hovre roll Oity Knptlneer. ?,',,,'"f.!'",!t,.h,' ; Counoilmen-O.O. Alrirlrhl. Jr., H. U Kelly, tM pf. Ureenm.n, n .v wnue. iwip. j. .W . o umuell, J.O. Porter and T. V. Ku- U11. Council tneetllrt Rncnly ofencn mouih la city hU. COl'KTS. Circuit court conrenes rlrt Monday In So nalei nd thirvl Monday in April. Pwtmte court tn session Urst Mvuidy in ech onlh. Commissloneni CMirt mi-els first W'etnety after Orst Monday of each monih. T" The way to build up Oresroit City Is to Klvr Oregon ('It j people yonr patronaxf. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. Clocks at Rurmeister A AnJtvson'. Ereryontf warrantci.1. Ladies' and Gents'. roles at Holiran A Warner' Undertaking parlors. tf The latest in visiting canls at the Es TKKrKiss Okfick. Priivs to suit you. J. S. Courtney M. P., physician and surgeon, room 5 and tf, Charmati block. Those contemplating borrowing should : ascertain terms offered by C. O. T, Williams. School deportment cards one cent each, good for term, at the Extkhprise office. Be sure to attend the Mitchell meet ing in Oregon City next Wednesday night. C.O.T. Williams is now prepared to make very favorable rates or. good farm loans. Take your babies to the New York gallery and get a good picture while you have the chance. bedding stationery, the latest stvlesi. , ,, iu. . l ... be held id hnest assortment ever broucht to j am im.fi n f i I a. IK. PvTrDtmiur l?iiH. 1 . C. 0. T. Williams is now doing busi- nesa for himself at the old stand next door to Cautield A Huntley 'a drug tore. An elegant assortment of dry goods and domestics at the Park Place Store, All goods fresh and marked at our nsnil l.i rrii-M T ,n-rr. T V.i . Rev J W. Elnilgeof Portland r ........ .....c. v...,. ... ill 1..19 Kiiy r-aiuruuv 11. ..k aim ou.juisv morning. A general invitation is ex tended to the public. The Presbyterians will give a historical rw.ii.Kla in tliAip -Knrr.H Vrirltiv AVftninu .... . , , ' . of this week. A very pleasant and 1 profitable evening is expected, and the members and friends of the church are invited to attend. There will be a rousing big parade in Oregon City next Wednesday night and Senator John II. Mitchell will make a speech at Shively's theater. It will be the demonstration ol the campaign in Ctackamaa county. Don't miss it. A block nsed to hold up machinery at the Crown Paper mill fell into the wheel pit where some mea were at woik this ! Thursday moining, striking Sam Sprague I on the head and inflicting a quite se vere though not dangerous scalp wound. The steamers lone and Iralda collided at tne moutti 01 the w ilamette river in a dense fo this Thnmdav mr.rnin a dem tog this tburs.lay morning. One man was killed outright, another drowned and several passengers on the ! Iralda were badly injured. The following couples were granted marriage licenses by County Clerk Horton this week : Genie M. Carothers j Mr. Simpson at one time was managing and CD. F. Wilson, Mrs. Khoda A. j editor ol the Overland Monthly, pub Hume and Ira Dodson, Minnie Boylan, j liHtied at San Francisco. He was also and John Gamble, Sarah Ellen ; employed at a larve salary by the Ban Trullinger, and Edward W. Paine, i croft Historical Publishing Company, Maggie Allbee and Ben Brock and Mrs. i and has held other responsible and im- Ann Foster and J. W. Jones. Last Sunday night buiglars entered C. 0. Albright's meat market by remov ing a back window and pryinn open a door. They took the cash register from the salesroom into the office where they rifled it at their leisure and got 11.33 for their trouble. The register was un locked so no damage was done. There was a rumor that thieves had gone through the Southern Pacific station but there was no truth in it. At the close of his fourth year as pas tor of the Congregational church ol this city Rev. O. W. Lucas insisted upon having his resignation, which was pre sented gome time previously, accepted. He left last week for California and it is expected that his family will soon follow. Last Sunday Rev. H. A. Sborey occupied the pulpit. Mr. Lticaa came to this city from Pendleton and he leaves his pas torate on account of differences with the -congregation. I'OMTK Al, Mr'F.TlMJ. Mitchell, IMiih Hiitt Hermann t'omlmt 1 Hi K11II.V. j Senator Next Wednesday night j Mitchell will make a nwli at hivoly's theater in this city, Preparations are ' boinir made for stand demonstration 1 . i Oil tlmt Occasion The Hlaine club 01 j Portland will come up to attend the ; meeting mid two tlamlieaii club nunthor i in 1W will come from Portland and L,.l. l,a nwi, l.i.v.. tt ill. r.l " v ' v 1 tin. v ; (Ire. Parlow and Canhv torch beater ! l in tHe till n.t a Urp. numln'r from Ort'p'n City ami vicinity. ' Oitv towh iH'Ulvr w ill moot t the Hook !ih) I.iUler IihII. Tli mioKMtilimt sUturdaV iHViiim? Nov. 5 iotltor l)lth W 111 Chiron nicotiiii ' . , . i ! a uictiiuk nt ciiiwiji enuu nip m-ai .iivn- day Congressman Hermann w ill speak at Pope's hall. Henry Me(iinn of Portland made a masterly spewh at Itarlow last Satnnlay niKlit. Tho his celebration of Colniiibii.t Pay and the mask Ull follow inn did not cem to diminish the attendance on ll.w i,,.H.t.m. ti,l Mr M.-liinn was uiven i a rousing reception willi a toiyh luitiade i and other manifestations of eiilhtisiasui At Clackamas and Canby ivlitioalj tmH'tinss will be held 011 briday of tins weelk. ! (iranil Kepublieau Ueniontrntlon. Extensive preparations are heintf mane iiirominom tne sta.c mr ...e mos. nriiiiam ami impressive ueinotisimuoH of the republican Iwrty durinj campaign, aivt tne people oi mis ci-y are , .viv,li.iHu iiivit.i.1 li iwrl i.-l tiill Tllil ' , ,, . ,, ,, . demonstration w ill be held in Portland on Thursday evening, Nov. 3, and will, consist of the most brilliant and imposing : illuminated parade ever witnessed in Oregon, folIoweAl by speaking at the armorv. in tne parade win lie urine:! flambeau clubs, a host uf marching torch bearers, a bicycle brigade w ith illumi nated helmet, a mounted division of prominent citiiens, attractive floats representing the industries ol the stale, tliii,i.t tni.rlita anil uttine i.ltriAi-1 i v ; . .., . , , , features, with a great many bands of ! nd e. ,he t.UfW sre e!!IM,,.,e, I irotn saiem, Aioany, r.iigeue, orii., ; ,, ., .1 1 i Pallas, Monmoi.tli, Indeiiendence, Mc- : ! ... - ...1, . ... .- ... , , . ,, T. 1t, .umnmie, ii:usooru, roresi Mnive, ! - x.... iv.il... v.... 'couver and numerous other plaren tn tliA urm.itv nliiidi will peat ieople and speeches will 1 be madeby Senators Mitchell and llolnli. Congressman Hermann and Ellis, Hon. j H. E. McGinn, Hon. C. W. Eul on, Hon. John E. Caples, Hon. Thos H j Tongue, Hon. H. B. Miller. Hon. M. C. ( George, Hon. H. H. Xortliup, Hon j Geo. C Brownell, Hon. Hufus Mallory, , Mr. D. Soli Cohen, Rev. T. Brown and 'other prominent remibli.uns Mr. ;ieo. C. Brownell is uiakinc arrange- ', h M (of thow ,0 (o froi tliisdty8n(1 wouKibe t)iea,e,it0 have a large crowd accompany him and make ' Portland ring w ith cheers for Harrison ' and Reid. The Umatilla Indian reservation, near Pendleton, comprises some of the best , , , . . farm land in Eastern Oregon. Ihere are 1 250,0tX) acres in the reservation, of which j 74,600 are tillable and about 50,000 are ! now under cultivation, and about 1,0" Ml, OuO bushels ol wheat were raised this year. Of this amount, 75,000 bushels I scic ruiseu uy ' 1111. .at. i.is.r .111.11;, l't. j 000 by halt-breeds, 233.1100 by white men married to Indian women, and the ! balance by renters. Senator Mitchell, while at Pendleton, was visited by three chiefs of the Uma- tillas, who expressed a desire that their 1 people be allowed to lease their lands j for a term of three or four years, until they could get money enough to buy horses and plows and improved agri- cultural machinery, and had learned j . . . 1 "OWHJ,ara'- ine wmuur B"sureu ",em , h , rcpressn, ,,t.ir interests I ........ I. . ... , - ! r " "f " 1 ' Z l will have a vote next year. Sam L. Simpson, Oregon's best and most widelv known poet, has taken a position on the Astoria Dailv Budget portant positions. Peter McKay, an Indian on the Grand Konde reservation, draws a monthly pension of $8 for services rendered the United States government during the ltogue river war of 1854 5. McKay is the only Indian in Oregon, so far as known, who receives a pension for services in war. Salem saloon men have petitioned the council to stop all gambling in the city for one year from the date of the petition. This looks like a queer request to ask of the city officers, as it is supposed by most people that it is their duty to look into this matter anyway. George A. Harding's family was in creased by the arrival of a daughter Sunday morning. Mrs. Honora Whitlock, who has been very seriously ill is now improving. The Western Union telegraph office will move to the postoffice next week. Sli'loiinhllii Monument Fuul, The fiilloninii stttcritiit list in nucleoli tt 1III U!SIIO.I ill III KSTkHfKIKK H few weeks aso to raise f hi.um for a momimciit ,0 'r- 'l,1'in Ml'l-oui,,!iii. father of Or. ; iron, mie-naii 01 nuicii sihuim i nv Kmlnr j subscriptions mill one-half by legislative j 'rrilion. No one is ennlo- U j solicit subscriptions. Tlic object I to show a HuUr unit poutaneoiis movement In favor of the enterprise that when tlit : IcKislaiiire meets next Jmnmry muiieUilng ! Khl I presented to Induce thai I ' ttl W.Hir appropriation. , T. , ... 1. ... - I M ' ' Tit KSTKRI'RlHlt tVVOO j ,.,, -,, , M tieorpf A, Harding and wile, ,V,00 l!tvrv t'. Hroansll, .Vtio , tlwritf K. Ilorton , .. .. M. Kmnsliv... . . M S.00 ; Morey, (Ml. ( aiitleld, 'AVtXI to.mi tOi M 24.110 lil.lKI It, K, Cross . Key. Kr. Hillnliritiiil. J. l Shaw J. V, Snide. V. 0. Jobnson . . K. XI. Itaiiits ' ( O. T. Williams A.rti ' l. ('. Lalonretie :V t , W alden i. 1v l" I ; II. t Stevens ,ii Ore iron. The Wallowa Chiftian savs, the allioiint of inoncv coniiiii; into that eouii' try from sales of cattle this year is iiO- I IHO, from wool sales, alnmt ."it,(HK), and ailds: A can'fiil ami conservative esli n,Htt o( l)loll0v from ull oourva it.uk. the . , . - , brought to Wal- ov, ,X)i,nV no nr capita." year to be n.oiu than (ieort-e M, Miller, of Kiiijone ia send- tng East for siwial material with which j . ' , , I to ,-onstriicl a model of his latolv inven- ceived very encouraging advice from the Smithsonian Infinite and other scien tific sources; and is very confident ol iiccesa. Cards acre out announcing the mar riage of (iranl Mel.uire, of Woodhurii, j to Miss Amies Ouiniette, ol Itutteville, I tor last Wednesday. The marriage ' failed to take place at the appointed tune, and M. tiuirw has been conspicuous i . , ; , . ' , , 1 bv his aKsetu-e. Miss Ouiniette and bet 1 mother, who is a widow, made anxious 1 iiii'ii r i.-b .nun .1 11 1 i if in., i. iu-iri.i.ui , . - out tailed, as far as learned to locale , . him ..... , , M- h. tlen.lri.-k, of Wheatland, is ' thinking of building a boat next summer , to be used for the siwcial purpose ol p I the Willamette river and transput fruit j from his and many other large orchards j near Wheatland, to the canneries at i Salem. j Blaine Will Work Bird. Washington, Vt. i". Postmaster 1 General Wanamaker spent an hour with J ex-Secretary B'aine this afternoon, and ' when interviewed afterward, he said I it was purely a personal visit. A por- '"' "h interview, Wanamak.r con- fined, related .0 politics, and Illa.ne will make up t,y his ,-n what heean.ml .10 by apeecn, wh.le lie nurses the temjKi ray illness in his throat He is evidently greatlv interested in the re-election of Harrison, and is anxious that his tiiemls should know it, and he freely expresses his belief that Harrison wi'l be elected. ' Why Thty Do Not Fate. Tacoma, Wash., Oct. LM. A good authority said that the only reason the democrats and populists do not fuse in Washington is because the people's party has not an executive head with ! whom arrangements can be made. The ( attempt was made a few days ago but : failed. It is reported also that at a very ' recent mteting ol the executive commit-1 tee the people's party pilled down Sam Herreti as chairman and left the cam- paign te the county committees. Neither side would confirm the story tonight. Til. Copper Market. 'kw Yokk, Oct. i4 The closing of the Anaconda mine for three months wi re,itV9 , ,., .,, o( ,)0ut 18,000,000 pounds of copper. The mar- ,a ,., , .,, ,''. ,!, ket ban commenced to respond, audi. '."i-e "erally asked. There is i every indication mat prices win ne oci- ter. It is certain that prominent pro ducers are prophesying 1 J 'a cents for lake brands after November 1. Blaine Back in Wubington. WAHiiiNoroN, Oct. LM Mr. Illaine's home-coining to Washington today from New York was a simple, unceremonious ulfair, He and Mrn lilaine and Miss Hattie arrived by the Ilaltimore & Ohio train at 4:40 and at once hailed and en tered one of the ordinary street cubs, and drove to their resilience in Lafay ette square. Deoan't hike Cleveland1! Hilver Hotlom. Xkw Yohk, Oct. 25. Mark M.(Hrick) Pomeioy, lor many years well known as! the editor of the La Crosse, Wis., Demo crat, has decided to vote for Harrison this year. Cleveland's enmity to silver, the veteran democrat declares, compels hiio to take this course. To Winter In Italy. London, Oct. 25 Queen Victoria will spend the winter in Italy, atliieiitina, 11 miles east of Pisa. Cholera In Hamburg. IIamhiiro, Oct. 25 There were seven fresh cases of cholera and one death here today. Send to the Kntkkpkihc office for your legal blanks. A single one or a hundred furnished at Portland prices. We are Not Closing Out at Cost ! Nor do wo intond to do so, but wo are able to soli you anything in the lino of CLOTHING, At prices that cannot bo oqualed in Orogon City, whether thoy aro soiling out at cost or not. Wo aro sole agents for Oregon City and vicinity for tho Brownsville Woolen Mills, And wo have at all timos a full lino of their celobratod MEN'S, BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING On hand, which wo will sell at tho samo prices as sold by tho company in thoir own store. In hats wo carry all linos, Including Stetson, Knox and Dunlap Styles for Men, And tho largest stock ever seen in tho city for Boys. Don't forget that wo have tho largest stock and cheap est prices of any house in tho city. O'CONNELL & GLASS, The One Price Clothiers and Hntters OREGON CITY, ORECON. THE LEADING GROCERY HOUSE! The Most Complete and only first class GROCERY Quality consider ed, our prices are always the lowest. Cor. 7th & Madison, Shively Building, Oregon City. MONEY! I have a full supply of money which I wish to loan on good CLACKAMAS COUNTY FARMS, Of 10 aori'8 or moro on tho most favorahlo terinn. Call and wo iiio at my office, PoBtoffice building, before going elsewhere. NO DELAY AFTER TITLES ARE EXAMINED, Correspondence Solicited. W. H. BURGHARDT, Local Agent of the Jarvls-Conklin Mortgage Trust Company. Beautiful Fruit Farm ! Forty ooreH, level an a floor, all cleared, well fenced ir.to five fieldH, good hotiHO 2(5x20 feet, Hplendid well of good water and force pump, good barn and out hoimco, several hundred fruit trecH pruneH, apple, cherriefl, etc., Hinall fruit in abund ance, several sheep, hogH, cows, two young horses. Everything in first class condition. For particulars, apply to owner, Milton Stingby, near Currinsville, or see L. R. Janney, with W. Carey Johnson, Oregon City, Oregon. NOf liniKirtcrs ami (Ici'lcra in Clioice Family Groceries Selected Teas,l'uroCotfeos& Spices. Butter & Cheese from fbcst dairies Fruit and Vegetables in Season. ' MK8. E. M Hl'KMKlSTKH. BURMEISTER Successors to Mrs. lilUI.KIII. IS Watches, Clock;?, Repairing tin In Mrr.l, GEORGE BROUGHTON, MANl'KACTUHKK OK A 1.1. KINOS OK FIR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER. FULL STOCK OF FLOORING, CKILINO, UUSTIC AND FINISH ING LUMIiEU, DIMENSION STUFF AND LATH. Special Bills Cut to Order Mill and Yard on the River, Foot of Main Street, OKKGOS CITY, OK. OREGON CITY FENCE WORKS, MaiiufHCliiHirK of hid fjcalcru in all ittylOH of COMBIflATIOli WlrE ARID pU FENCf, lioth rough and dressed for lawn and division fence, also Hartman Steel Picket Fence, And Wiro Pand Farm Fence, also Expanded Metal Fence. Call and see Samples and get Prices. Shop over Bestow'B Sash & Doon factory, Oregon City, Orr IS Business Conducted On Business Principles. One Trice to AIL Positively no con necticn with any advertising scheme- WM. ANI'HKHKN, & ANDRESEN, C. fl. L Bnrmelster, $ilveiWafe, JeWelfj. a Specialty. Orvifoii ''. Oregon.