Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 28, 1892, Image 5

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
t. 10 MTMHr H
In KtrrK-tDlMHKII 9, tWi.
Hlaiiir. Al.lll.NA & IIAMUNA:
l.aiva .. it,, , ,4V, ruKf t-A mi
' ' J Wl. 111.
. 111. Iimi. m,
13 i!"ii, 1 J mi in.
J : ! m. a 1.1 ,,, ,,
i im. - , Uli
Nu, Uintiiin
I'lwllitulr im Iti.ijhi i.knii im ii mi't .1 ;i
i iil
i May
) ' III
n mi m.
Hill,, I t Hlr.-.'l III
liniio wiiii, ,m Muiiir
.... :
Albany l.'iil iw.y I . ,11. )
l NllluruU fc.r'. nlirniiifii
l(tii..tirg liNt iwnjr autloiuj
mm din mi
lt....lt. ,iir lwn, at.il, in.)
Allny ,M'. IW, .LII..H.I .
i .llti.tltl.. tU.. llitoiitfio
UIW il.n .,ni. N-irlli.tt . in
WaIIk rtttv ,li( Nuiilli, V III
i in
i . !
! !' !!! I
"i v m t
7 I
li. H'l I..
On..ii I'll rln Kir. I nfiii. Mnliiin mill Mnlalla
kiin i tJ in mitl urnii'a ut I; m iUii,1,
llirj.n, ril I.. H, Mink I'lmk MxHitMWllnu.il,
I'lllull MUL, M'lllln, tl. 1 nil. Hi. Irat. l III
in luxa.Ur. 'I liut'ilny l.. ftliir.My, .H'l r
turn, nit ion.
..ttllK .! HI I ..,'. .
Orrgnil ( II; hunt iilen.
Tim ii wMli'r kIh.w 4 Id .iiiila entolleil,
Tin ' In". I I'lillilien I'oiitrihnU'it nnuu
1linn I0 to tlm fiunt for ( 'i iluiiilnm Puy
T tin utinlv of J 1 1 v i 1 1 v mnl
hynlnir forniit purl of the woik of tint
nt five gmilm.
Three pupil ol the eighth urile Imve
been viveit n opir"uiilty to CHimplete j
Ihe hlifb m biKil eonrw In two year by
pkiwIi'K all the eianiinaliona of their !
own cUk ami takinn a part of the ninth
Urt'ln iil.jiM'l. Thi privilege apnliea
only to thiaw having the
At Hie Niiinniiig of
bel tmi.ing.
the afternoon j
m.i..n I'nl I'rinvtle given a bot ami j
nairm tive talk mi American Literature j
aa a genetal eerrie. I
A non reanlent pupil having entereil
the g'ailuatlng elaa thla
Ut haa b.n liuii-Ba.il
inure than U I year.
week, ita mini
to nine, (our
A I.awvkn IX Tm.ii hi.k. I-'. l, llruce,
young lawyer, occupied a bunk in the
(utility jail laal night, lid waaarrealetl
at a lute hour by ConalabU Connor on a
warrant aworn nut by Trams A Stowell,
whoi-harge him with obtaining money
timler falae preteiiaea ltruce gave a
bill of aale of a bagatelle table to the
firm, (editing u) It waa afterwanl
aarertaliHHl that he bad given three
other bilta of sale for the aamn table,
ho Frame A Stowell fteri.le.l to proMM-ute
him. Ilia bail wa lltevl at which
! waa unable to give. It i umlcraUxid
that several other rhaigea ol a almllar
Datura will be preferr.il againat llruce.
Oregonian, Tuenlay. Thi ia the young
nan who rut a rather wide awathln
Oregon City laat year, llruce wa
arroaled agitln Tuexlay and not
Uiiug able lo raiae the bund of
,MH) riipiired be waa put in jail again
and if the eoinplainta again! bint turn
nut true he ia In a fair way to land in the
ix'iiilentiary. lie I not an attorney at
K.hi.v Ohkcion Fmi'It. In a pwr
lieforo the Oregon Horticultural aoriety
recmtly, Seth U'wulllng of Milwaukee,
the originator of the lainoua Itlack Itn
piihlican cherry, gaveilhe lollow ing alwut
the commencement of the (mil Imainea
In thia date: Ilortlciiltura In Oregon
ln'gun in Salem, Henry county, Iowa,
In March, 1KI7, when my brother,
lleiideraon 1'welllng, pluntcd an aaaort
inentof Ihe principal fruit apple, H'ur
jieachea plum and cherriea loaded them
Into two wagon and started w ith them
acmaa the plain to Oregon. He alao
hinted a few black walnut and abcll-hark
hickory nut which aprouted and came
up on the way. At our next meeting I
hope to preaenl the M-litty with gavel
made from the wttod ol one of thomt
biatorlc hickuriea, whicli lutely fell a
victim lo progrea because II happened
to be In the path of tint Kant Side
Kleclrlc Ituilroad company' line from
Portland to On.uon City.
Theatuln convention o( Chriatian Kn
.leavor aoclntie held lit Kugcini Oct. 14
to 1 tit li waa a decided auccima, both in
point of attendiince and enthuHiamii
diaplnyod. Tlio Cliickamiui county
delegation conalated of Mihh (Jruy and
Meaar (i. II. Heatow and O. K. A.
Freytag of Ongon Citv, Mr. Annie
Jtoad of l'urk l'luce, K. J. (inry of
Milwmiken mid Mr. and Mia. Margrave
of Springwator. Nearly every etiitlon
ulong the route added ita contingent of
I'mil, Fihii. At Humphrey' flah
innrkut nil kind of fi'inh and milt witter
(ImIi, craba, lobaUtra and oyators. Live
and dreHHod chicken. Free delivery to
nil parts of the city,
I.iiht. On September illlth between
(our and live o'clock between Oregon
City and llrown' school honae, lady's
minili pttrao contiiining JI5 in gold.
Finder will ploaso leave at Kntkm'kihk
ollloe. ;!t
l'tntic Mn.K. .loluiHon A Wanmck
will deliver puro, Irash milk to all parts
of the city botli morning and evening.
Clood pasture, pure water and lieulthy
The Morry llniiHt Itt-nl Iim i- lo
III ('(Miilriicli'il.
1'. K. Murny't rilinhi') on tin. lilull'
Ima Ihmui nml.irKuliiK rolialilnraliln chaiiKi)
llila w'bkiiii. Tim lulwt iiml moat no
lli oulilu oiiii In iIiim'Iiiiiikii of color (rum
It limwil to tt ll((lit lllllh, ullllont a CI I'll III
color, wlilrli iiiiiriiviin It u.m'iu .mv.
An nililiiloii Iiiii htiKii Imili on llie
niirlh Mii o( 1 1 nt hniiHn o( a liiiHBini'iit
ml two (nil atoiia In lii-lit covmlnif
1H 10 (i-i't on I In' kiiiiiihI A iorrh on
tin. iioillirnKi iM.rin r of tin' liouan eoviira
an omii uii'ii Hf'J2 (oiil puvml with run-
in lli liiiKKiiii'iit ol tint U'Mlllon
u liyilimilli; tUt vHtliiu iimcblim l 1mIhi
,'.., T. , "... .......
-,n.., kit i-iiTni.i iui .ir.n ii.iiii
lnOHHiient to llUlr, It will bit lUU (nut lllnl
limy Iki uhti (or nftwwninri or (Ikuiiiih.
(n Hie Ilr..t Moor will In. imilor 15x17
1 lititt f 1 It tat 111 iiiiiKihI null uit.l riul (A'iu il
'"l Imvdm mi open llru l. n. On tl...
miiiti fl'ir Ik tmr hull mnl 'ntiy fin- i
lheil llie miniii. On Die wcoiul floor in ,
. . .
I'liuiiiiier tiu miiim hi!) in uia intrior
Ih'Iiiw fiii iiiK Ilm vtinl, tint tilrtir ImlUny
mnl elevntor liiinliiiK, two I'loM'ti) mnl
ImllitiHiiii. Th thiol lloor t'oiiithni two
InuliiMinm mill mi oinn Imleony to tin.
liiirlhwi'Ht. On lint went khlit uf the
Iiiiiim. Ima been ri)..lrili'l.'il nil m IttK'illllI
;nn lower or ohtivlry ("j feet in ill
Hiiieter mnl projiv Inijj llfieeii feet wl.uv
the nmlii roof.
Tint bonne in liuliliil hy elei trli ily mnl
it nmy lt hewlril by (lie Kama Htfent,
( thoiiirh thi Im" not )('t been iletermineil.
The pliiiol.liiK mnl nil the fltlliin" Hiv
II ml i'Iumm In every reupwl. The Im-
piiiveineliti. will cunt tthoilt f.'.L'INI mnl
'will not lie entirely coinpleteil (or two
week yet. The whole work wn in
ehie ol While llru,, Inke A Voniler
Aha iluiim the imintiiiK, I'eler K. Well
Um pUnlerinK, V. llnrner tirn'k work
anl Muiiheail Murliunl tha phiinliiiiK.
lr. I'nine la binliling 1 bonne in Snnwl
that will ilo ilone In alnint two month
mm J will coal nearly fL'HKI (ieoiue
Mii.r hit the eoiilrai t.
Another renhlelire to coat nlnjiit K)
la being built In Sunaet by Whita I'.ro.
for tiiHtrgu Walling. Work haa jnat
Ikm-ii begun on thin limine.
lr Taylor ia havir.g a cottatie to coat
alamt t7iK built In Hunaet.
A. H. (irukmn rotianlering the mat
ter of buihliiig a ilwelllngon bia ;roa.rty
in Central aiblition.
Woikliien have left Ihe otitaiilu work
Ion the t'tiaw) houe ami are engngeii on
: the interior. It ia not nearly coinpleU'il
Kuinniary ot Ihe Deed Filed la
Coyiitj Itecorder'i Offlre.
The real elate tranafer Involving
more than tl each tiled in Ihe recorder'
tlice laat week were follow
T 1. Charnian ami wife to Mr (
II Joliaon I 7, H and b 5. South
Oregon Citv 800
C O T Williaiiiaet al to I' F Moiey
pt F A Col lard 1) I. C, 4(1 lit re 10,(MX)
lleruiann l'eierin, wile to Her
mann i teblachlilgger 10 acre . . IKK)
F 1 Hall to Annie It Hall cement
mill property in Orenon City 3,0(10
Same to name praHrty adjoining
cement mill 1,0L1)
COT William and wife to M A
Miration nl I I h 2tregon Citv 1,500
J It Wert in F.va I. Iyt 1 6 and tl
b 114 Oregon City 1,000
I) l Magone and wife to Anna
Kkatrom pt It F Whitten'a 1 I.
C U) acre 8(H)
Oregon Iron A Steel Co to I' 1
Sal.piiat 11.2 and 3 b KS O I A
S Co'a tlrwt ad to Oawego M)
riiu'Ui t.iltiert and hualiand to
Siman K Crookshank pt 5 t 2
, r e HO acre 2,lkM)
I) W Welch and w ife to K N Foeter
tv of e'y John Tuttle D 1. C
I.SH acn 40
Charle N Khoade and w ife to
John M Cross ae'4' a '.'li t 4 r 5
tt KU) acre 300
OcoA llnr.ling, tiuaten, to David
Close I ft I) 4 "town of Kdge
woo.1" DO
Nathan Weinstein to W I and
Hattie islx-k n'u s :i(l, t '.', r 2 e 3o8
Ilenjainln Wolferand wife lo John
lleim 40.fS acre l.'.W
Philip C Humphrey and wile to
A M Comlill 1 and '.'h M Itool's
ad to town of Maralilleld 2W
William N (lithenssnd wife to Wil
liam Kohl 80 acres 2,400
hiuia .In. gar and wife to W ill nm
N (iitheii 80 acres 1,30'.)
Michael Ihtvorcu and wife to
Amies Jane Crookitliank 40 acre 2
Ague Jane Crookahauk and
IhihImiiiiI to Michael I'avoren
mid wife 120 acre 2
Michitel Piiviiren and wife to
.Inme CrtHikshank in acre. . . . 1,000
William fWlow and wife to Antino
Zeith !'8.K7 acres 000
Carl Knoth and wife to Wilhelm
(iiitperlttt pt Andrew Vickers
I) L t; 105 acres 3,000
John linker and wife to Francis
HuVer I) acres 700
II 1" McNnrr, trustee, to Oregon
bund Co 141 mid 42 h 71, 123
mid 24 t) 14, I 2(1 and 27 b IA
Minthorn ad to Portland 384
W T lhirney to John W Prnpt-r
nel4 and ii se1 a lit), and nv. l4
and n8 siv ,l4'8-Hi and so '4 a
II) , t 3 a,r 3 e 0,250
J W Draper and wife to W T
ltiirnoy 7.02 acres 350
Previously reported since Jan.l 1,015,401
Total 1 ,058,5(15
Monde Post Attention.
Comrades are request od to meet In
the post room Frlihv evening nt 7 o'clock
sharp, to meet the department olllcers
and escort thuin to the camp fire in
Pope's hull. Uii.man Pakkkk,
K you want to buy lots in Bolton ap
ply to 0. O. T. Williams, agent.
Flint linlnita of Urn M-hh
th Armory Hull.
Ai'l.llU IihIh No, !W, Kiilnliti" ( ')'
tlilaa, gavn tint llrht ball o( tli season
laat Friday night ut tli armory. Tim
nnmlinr iirewiit M not lnr M had
ntii'iiili'd imtviotia bulla ot tlio nlir but
tint nixaMon v.aa not liw nj'.yable.
There waa fili.nly ol room In the bull.
Ilm niuln t koikI, iIim wtiathcr junt
rlulil, mi i-xi nlliMit iiMr w wrveil t
l,lvi'rnior' Binl I'VBrylliliiK pal with
Hutu hilib. I.lulil ll'if ni .lnk ''
lli pruvitiliiiK rolorii In Imlif t'odliinntii.
TIiith r wvfrnl In null morn mih
ihii-il culorit nin! I wo or llitfi) In rl.
i'lm iri'trniii h roinKin'il ol ill nnm
bi m mill there with tint rimtoiimiy
triiH Tim M'Mir iiimntucm wer K. K.
triin Ilm Moor nmimiccrii er r.. i
Willlmim, V. .1
IiiiI", Jow'ih l.yni'b, II
.1 Tli.irnil. Iinll.ll Miller Hit. I K. I
IIoIiiikii. Thow. irei...i.t iin hi'leil the j
(oliiwni lilir uii'l tieiillionen :
. W. Siirrlit T. W . litrke
p ji,i,,r.i of M.-uiile.
,M e-ari . 'mI Mi'mlnn'e -
II. Iliirkliarl,
1. II l.ntoinelle
liin.ea I linrna
It. I,. WII.ii
J H. 1'iir.l.mi
I,. I'll keua
T. A. I'oiw
I',. K. Willino.a
I, I). Mhiinller
J, J, ('mike
S. N. liiHlituti
K. K. Cliiirinuii
llniiie CiK'tiraiie
Velio Harlow
Kti 1'.. I
K.luli VA Uliart
llaiiie l'i)rav
Mamie Cliariiiiin
Liuiai. t'.H'lirnne
l.iira Miller
Miua Kelly
Lulu I Meter
Mamie I'..hi
Maine Warner
Vera I'jNh.iry
Wlm. mi William
Annie tiniliaiii
Alillie l iaiirKI.e
lillle lliikiiiiin
lllnlie Hlinw
l.ornna A. kerniaii
Nellie I'liaae
Miilatl l.ni'ii
Nellie I'daae
Minnie Acki rman
Hoplne Mcliraoi
('..rni lia Mr own
A Hie I'Iih kenalein
.Mamie liiirkln
(ura Ilm. ling
llnra ( lie
MaifKie Hraaael
I.. II. Cowing
IIiiUtI Iliornr
A. J. Iwlliwaile
Kit lN'ktiin
V. 8. Ketiv
W. A. iluttllev
Itnlpli Miller
jalllea Miaw
Kml Miller
N. I.anit
liiia flicker
William Kerua
Maj. Keniuily
Herman J.mea
K1 New loo
lr. I.ravea
It. I.. Ibilinan
Jiwpb Lynch
Ilarlev Hleven
K. M. lUn.la
T I' Itamlall
V. 0. llm.tlev
Will A.kerniatl
(I. W. YearKnill
Clnia. Waile
( Iih. Miller
J I'. Uiv.lt
Will (iiilena
M. Itii-eiil.ailiu
l I,vii.fer
K'l Itnieiiraon
Arlliur W aroer
hvcrelt tlickman
l.ullier hieel
I-. J. Ixmia
Juror for llie Jfovemtie r Term.
The following jurora to aerve at the
Novemlwr term of circuit court have
lieen draw n :
Name. Precinct. Occupation.
W W Irwin, Harlow. farmer,
fhuiiiaa lUiiiela, llver Creek, "
t'harlea llellinau, " "
1) W Howard.
JtiM.pti Knight,
(!e.irg l.airlle,
J A Andre,
Marl. m Jiilinaoil
J A KorlH-a.
J CTraecy,
Kli Williams.
John Higgina,
8 F Marka,
J T Drake,
JiiIiii D Ituak,
Uivier Molalla,
llernliart tjuotit, " "
T 8 Miller, "
Jnliu I'riilenx, " mechanic.
J it Wolfer. Needy, farmer.
Win Vorpald, New Kra.
J A Jonea, Drettoii City, miller.
A Walker, " painter.
C 0 T Williams, " real est. bmker.
Itolxfrt Kelland. " laliorar.
I'lioa Armstrong, " farmer.
Inaac Ackermaii, " merchant.
I D Magone Oawego, fanner.
. M Davidson,
(ieo H Seely, l'Ka-aiit Hill, "
John A lloffiuan, " "
Ira Ijtcey, Hprlngwater, "
Teachers' Lxainliiallou.
Notice Is hereby given that (or the pur
pose of making an examination o( all
iwisons w ho may olfer themselves a can
didate for teacher of the schools of this
county, the county school superintendent
thereof will bold a public examination
at the court house in Oregon City, begin
ning November 1), 1802, at 1 o'clock p. in.
Those desiring to apply for state certifi
cate or state diploma w ill apply Novem
ber 10, 1802, at tl o'clock a. in."
Dated this 14tli day of October, 1S02.
11. S. Uiiison, School Sup't,
Clackamas county, Or.
Wantkd, second hand grain
K. K. Williams the grocer.
on n)
tcrmn ot O.
H III I it ni.
Cure is Cure
However It may tie ettwteit; but iiiijiiat
prejudice often prevents people I mm trying
a 'proprietary medicine,' until oilier remedies
prove unavailing.
J. II. Kltclile, Commission Agent, Kingston,
Australia, writes :'
" For yoars a continued seeplle as to the
merits ol proprietary medicine, I was at last
converted hy the use ot Aycr'.s Cherry 1'eo
toral. For months bottle ot Hits medicine,
el which I had come Into possession throiiKh
the kindness ot a friend, remained unoH'iied
In my closet, till ono night 1 was seized with
a violent cold accompanied hy a rocking
cough, ftiving nom qf my uhuiU rmiiis uf
Anarf, I thought ot the Cherry Pectoral, and
determined to give It A trial. The result wns
truly magical. Kellet came almost Instantly,
and after repeating the dose, certainly not
more than half a dozen times, I found my
self thoroughly cured. Subsequently my
daughter was cured of a severe coiikIi hy the
use of the Cherry Pectoral. I recommend
this preparation to all aulTurcrs from throat
and lung troubles."
For croup, whooping cough, bronchitis,
asthma, and consumption the Ix-st remedy is
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mat.
Bold by all Druggists, rrlco 1 ; tlx bottlM, k
Ilolmnn & Wurrmr, UmlerUkem ml
Kiiilwhiiem, Orison City Hunk buililiiiif.
I(i.iwlpt, notH Bin) order lookn ut the
Kntuki'Iiimk olllro.
Kii'i-iliiiiin'i) Hootliinx )ilcrn (or
leelhliiK liuliii'H ami (everiHli cliililrcn,
now only fifty wnlit mckit. Acii't
Ilium but HlcediiiBll'lt. tf
Ci'iitml Kihlition toOii'Kon t'ily in lot
kiul bliM'kH to milt piin liiiniir. l'roHirty
clieup, Utiiih euHy. Se h. It. JaNNKV,
with W. (,'nrev JoluiKon. t(
K.'ImI to the KxTKMTHiaic olllca for your
legal hlunk. A ainglu one or a liuii.lreil
furuiaheil ut I'orllaml price".
If you waul furniture go to IVIIoiny A
Huai h oiiimaitH poat olliee. You can get
hcilroom auila (or tH.70. Call anil ex-
aiiiluu our gooda Iwfore buying elan-
Ijoiingea, cliaira, etc., nt.holatere't at
llolmaii A Warner' All work gimr
anteeil. I(e air all your olil lounge (or
little money ami they will )m gool a
lilank noie, receipt am order book
at the Knthki'Mhk ollicw.
' llellomy A ihiai li, the liouae furniali
er will sell uhIi U-droi.in suits 20x24
Iwveled glass for IU. A all Cheval suita
j for $18, Iledatuada and clmir sold at
: the lowest price from August loth to
l SepteinlsT 1Mb. Now ia the time to
buy your furniture. t(
Jualice blank, real estate blanks, and
all othei blanks at the Kntkhthisk of
lice, Portland price.
LhlruT Xnllce.
Strayed from the ranne at Mount j
Pleasant khoiil July 1, I8'.i2. a aoall bay '
mare weighing aliout 800 fiounila, six or
seven yearn old ; baa some saddle war
and branded thus on the left shoulder.
Anyone returning the same .o the un
dermined at Mount Pleasant or giving
information where she can he found will
l liberally rewarde 1.
4t W. W. Watkmuiuii.
lleutitlfiil Suburban Home.
One mile and a nuarter (torn town,
good board walk past Ihe land. Acre
tract to suit purchaser, term easy, the
lines! suburban procrty otlered for aale,
yet on the market New tironosed
motor line Iron. I'ortlanil. Iligti anil
; sightly. See L. K, Jasney with W.
U'.,m, l,.l..un tr
Taken I'p.
Taken up bv the undersigneu on the
I Mb day of Oelolier, 1802, one stray w hite
' l ..,..!.
l.ny mare, oraiioe.i on ooio Biiouioerv,
nine or ten year old.
Ki'okni Havwaro.
3t Cams, Or.
Notu'K. A teacher of experience
would like a school to leach thie winter.
Address L. A W.,careol Extcrfribk.
21 -4t
It has been said that were man
constant he would be perfect. It
will breed distrust to offer " some
thing for nothing." We would ex
pect you to watch us the rest of the
time. We have but ono plan we
aim to give good value and proper
service to every customer all the
time. The best "offer" we think
of to induce you 'to buy of us is to
give you what you want and charge
the right price every time.
Our prescriptions, our toilet arti-
icles, our paints and oils, in fact
everything we carry are "one price
to all." We invite comparison.
Caufield & Huntley,
Freioriptioa DruggiiU.
Near the Court House, Oregon City.
Your Subscriptions!
Between now and January
1st you will have to renew
subscriptions for most of
your papers and magazines,
and choose the new ones you
wish to put on your list . You
Save the Expense,
The chance of loss or delay
and all the annoyance of re
mitting direct, by leaving
your order at the liook Store.
We guaranteo safe arrival of
the first number; or of all
numbers if you get them at
the store. Viut a still safer
and more convenient way is
to get your periodicals at
The News Stand.
The price is the same with
but few exceptions; you can
usually get them a day or
two earlier than by mail;
thero are no missing or de
layed copios; you do not
have to pay in advance, and
you can change when you
filease or drop out poor m m
ers. Huntley's Book Store.
OFFICE Next door to Caufield & Huntley's drug store.
To buy dry g-x of all kinds, men's and boys' clothing,
ladies', misses' and children's cloaks of latent cut and
sujx'rior quality of goods, children's school shoes,
mackintoshes and rubber goods fine groceries and pro
visions in fact anything you want to wear or eat, is
The fineBt
?loaKs! 51oaKs! 5loaKs!
All of the latest cut and of a superior class of goods,
Direct from Chicago, and
ever brought to
Mackintoshes and Rubber Goods
pine Groceries,
All fresh and of superior quality.
One Price to All
Oregon City Iron Works for all kinds of Machine
work and Casting.
To Traction Engines, Threshing Machines, Har
vesters, Mowers, Etc., promptly attended to.
Are equal to the lowest to be had in Portland.
Shop on Fifth St. near Main, Oregon City,
J. ROAKE, Prop.
HENRY BOYER, Proprietor,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Fresh Beef. Mutton, Pork, Ham, Bacon and Lard.
Postolce Store
Leaders in Low Prices.
Their stock is complete in
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hardware, Clothing,
Boots and Shoes, Notions, Etc,
Country Produce Handled.
C. 0. T. WILLIAMS will
lean you all the money you
want on improved farms at
the v(?ry lowest rates. Special
rateB given on large loans.
No I'.uilding and Loan Asho
ciation hut straight goods.
After thirty years residence
in Oregon City I feel safe in
refering to the public in general.
line of
the most complete line
Oregon City.
And That the Lowest.
Cooke's Stables,
W. H. COOKE, Manager,
Successor toU.H T il. Co.
Corner Fourth and Main Streets,
ol the City. Rigs of any description
furnished on short notice.
All kinds of Truck and Delivery Busi
ness promptly attended to.
Horses Boarded and Fed on reason
able terms.
i i
1 !