Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 28, 1892, Image 3

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    Oregon City hnterpfise.
KKIDA Y, ttlTitllKIt , mil'.'.
I.IICwl IVlntltllll Nllten.
Mm I' . 1 litufuMl u( HniiiUa In
Mix Mumltt Cliuiinuii,
Mr, himI Mih. J, T. Aiiimiti Ku'Dl
Huniliiy In Mi'Mlnnvlllu.
Mir. Frank Wiili-r of l'urlluml tun
vUlllnn In (Iri'iiiiiil'ltyTliiirmlMy,
Mi. Kli'lmnl Wlllliiiim iiikI tlaiiulitcr,
Mlm Curiiti, wero vlnlting Mm. J. W.
l lmnti TunmUy,
Mr, kml Mri, Cull Van Clvu ul Al
Imny ro vlillii Mr, ktxl Mm, K. M.
Muck ovnr Htiinluy,
Minn Mliuilf Jmigor will Ih'uIh (our-
IIHIIltllN llTIII III K'lllllll III till" KrilHIt ill-
tril l t WIImiii Villi' iut Muiulny,
J.J. liirx, hither of Mm
A. K.l
1'uikiT, Hirivi'il (ruin Sli'rllng,
Hi'i k Hint w III iiiukti iiia homo
titli lilnj
tluuulitxr Ihtp.
Mm Wlllia M llrldo of Knttl la vlait
lux lur aunt, Mm. T. A. Mcltrliltt. Cai
Um mid Mm. I.nni', thti latter a inlr uf
Mm. Willi Ml'llt, I'M! ViitlllJ lll'IM
ov.-r .innitt). tll ,,rvn, t, t-,,.r h. In wliU-h tlm
l!V. (iilnmll lukir, Mm. I ('. i clulilri'ii mi l Cutliulii! K lillila of Anier
I'ritdiH, l. f. I.ntoiiii'tlu ami liiiv. J. II. i, .Hitl Tht' ni'W Hug m
lUryrvuvr atti'iiili-il Hie IWitll alalr i Mrm in thtt church a(li-r niumi and it
convention at I -iixli-n o t nrk, i u,i tln-ii hnl-ti il to the to of tlm atitlf
rt'tiimiiiK MmnUv, ; thul lml hven cnu-ii-il on tlm ai lmol
I'i'i'aiilflit iiM.-y.. A, firil uf tliM I'.ant liil It ilny or IwoU'loii'. At 0:.'t0
Side railway compiiuy w.i
hui.ilie Wedlli'udiiy. II
rokd will in oKruti.n lo
In town on
ihlnka the
( iri'iion I'ily
hy the tltal of lleceiuher.
Heprvwittatlve V. A. Hitncroft
familv of 1'orth.ud were vlailing fiienda;" enouttn in n.e acii-a. lining
In Oregon Citv Sunday Mr llancroft I At 1 :.'(0 o'cl.a k the .r.aeaion formed
i. nuking a at eclulty of examining into ; ' l" "
Ihe aaaeaemeiit l.wa of Oregon with , j 'ncd hy the gland army poat headed
view lo having then, n-lormed. l-y the hand. The 1'ark 1'la.e aclead
- -- joined Ihe line al F.leventh atreet, Ht.
Ihed ijidm'a achool at Ita m-hool liouae, the
JFIillMF. Al the home ol CO. Al-j Weal Side, Mount I'leaaanl and Falla
bright in thia cily, Stiiuluy, (Vtolar
1 !'.'. Miaa Ann Jerome, agtxl WI
yearn and tl luoiilha.
Miaa Jerome waa a aiaternfthe late
Captain (ieorge Jerome who waa well
known here. She waa horn in eaalern
New York, came weat acvcral yeaia ago
ami lived with tclativea in I'otllund un
til about a year ago whenahe came to
live with her nune, Mia. CO. Albright,
where "lie had a comlorlable and pleaaalil
home. She hud Uvn ailing and a d.a'tor
waa railed aouie dava ht-foie her death,
An examination revealed the fact that i
her heart waa (really diaenwd and the I
familv waa tAld that ahe waa likely loi
dieal any moment Kaltiitlav night j
ahewaaala.ul the houae and retired aa
tiaual. Siimlav morning ahe waa not :
diaturbed aa It waa the cuatoin to let her !
real aa long a he cho-e, A little after,
Ho'clock, however, Mra. Albright went i
to Miaa Jerome' room Ion if ahe j
allied anything and found her dead, 1
She had evidently commenced todieaa.i lieu, A. Harding waa murahul and lua ; work aa he could aa conipenaation and
and feeling euudciity aick, lav hack in ; aide were lieorge liinearaon ami I'harlea I that Ihia lalair came under (hat arrange
ldandtbe.l. She had only la'en deail 1 Meaerve. There were more than TOO j ment. Will Walker and C 1) Latour-
few Hiinulea w hen diacovcred. ! achool children In the line, each one : ,,i appealed for the plaintiff and Irigg8
The funeral occurred fiom the real- j wearing the iairiolic badge, Nearly fitkl j A Hinearaon for the defence. The trial
dencv rueaday morning at 11 0 cha k and j
the remuina were taken to Hiver View , tanco lo the theater towilneaa the aer
cemelery and t!eaaitvj tteaida thomt ofjvicea.
her lamented hmther.
Money to Iahii.
On inaide Impioved Oregon Cily
property II 7, ItiaKiuRT,
The Odd Fellow are now building a
new outaide atairway to their hall w hich
will (hi covered by an awning. In exca
vating cellar and lining up their build
ing up alalia and down they will have
eXM'iided about 'J'iOO thia year.
W. A. Huntley ia preparing to move
hia book attire lo the atore next door to
the Coiiiintnclal hank, lie will oien in
he new location November 1. The
l'oatal telegraph ollica w'll move with
Track laving hua been resumed on Ihe
electric motor line.
r ig g
Dry Goods, Fancy Goods,
Cloaks and Jackets !
A lino fur trimmed clonk, Mack and other colors, at $7.50. A fancy
trimmed, puffed hIcovoh, $4.75. An all wool heaver, all colors, S'4.00.
A plain wwhtnero, different colors, $;i.50, und a pvd quality, fancy
trimmed, $'2.50, nnd still another quality at $1.75, $1.50 and $1.00.
Jackets from 50 cents up.
Now all these earmonts aro worth
us we hoiiuht them at our own urico
All wool Henrietta, all colors, 50c. All wool ladies' cloth 50o. All
wool dress llannels, fancy and plain, 2Kc. and 50c. A very line cashmere
that sells at !15o everywhere we will sell at '2'21o. Extra quality black
velvet 40c. A double fold dress goods at 8o a yd. A very heavy
cloaking, 11 yards wide, 75c, worth $1.50.
Satin dumaBk table linen 55o.
no tut'.
Nervlep or rrliNln ii ml l'lilillo Nrlnmln
-Mm 'Until 700 Mmul ( hll
il re ii In I, hie,
Tin) wi'iillicr IiikI Krlilny Hun all tlmt
rinilil Ihi ili'niiml for it ivli'hrulluii. The
ami not Miming lint ixir win tlm kv
OM'rmt with rliiuilii. It wiih linn
autumn 'Itiy, In I he inornliiK tli ptill
of tint (riiion City ulill M'liool t
Miiiihlcil i tint uairil lutiir, There mi
ftiuxliitf of jMitriolii! ulrn, tliu crumuny
of hhIiUIiiv tlio fluu mill llnn tin-dilfi-i-clil
cUmm puniM'il to llii'lr M'BHilive
rixiiiia wlifra llinrn wit oill oxer
I'Ui'ii iirnirinl to the ot'CHitiun unci
ulli-il to tlm cijiiri'litiiiiioii of tlia
..I .... I.. ii... I. ..!...! ..--.I- ... -
with ri'au. in i hit u
...I 1.. . .1 .1
pitrlmentR varioua j
other nmri'iMlimia were had. An hour ;
, " - - . .... i (. . llui'lltfe IK.I.fl I..-
jof linn work che.l the morning aeaaiun J. . M.K'ully and A. HCroaaa-
and the pupila were li-mU.cd till after- j mn) pxpcutoraol the laat will and U-Ma-!
""") i ment of A. A. McCully, dm-HMt-d, va W.
i Kt. John' ik ImkiI t at the nmiitl mi i,den J. Ward jauit to f jrceclow.
I inoriiltm hour and held nmitiie mora. lllllrlllw aiftirina the i.iivment of nolee
oVIih k the m hool 'o -i-i I lo 1'ope'a hull
where uu iiileicxlliiit protrram auitahle
to the oivanion whh preiieiitiMl. Thia
purt of the cvlchtution waa conducted
in I'ope'a hull hi'iuiiM- there waa not
View w-hala at Seventh at reel and Cane
mali m liiMil al Second atmil. The pro
rioaion luaiclied up the weat aide uf
Main atreet and down the eaat aide to
Seventh, thence to Shively'a theater
wheitt Ihe general program waa con
dlli'tea. The bund plned a piece and then
I'rof. l'ringle, aa i luiirmuu of the joint
cuinmitliv, made a hiicf inlroductory
iaddrefa. lie waa followed by Siiarill-
teldeut (iihaon who aake of the great
achievemeiila of ( olumbtia. The aild-
icnoe atamling gave Ihe a.ilule lo the
(lag and aang "Amer ca. I hen Pmf.
Stiange mude a ai'e h, "The Kml,
White and Ulue waa auug, and Captain
Shaw ke on tehalf of the (i. A. K.,
paying a graceful tribute lo the Hug
There waa niore band inualc, Mayor Sul-
livan epoke on ladiulf of Ihe Catholic
K nluhla, the aong '.Murchiiig Through
Oeorgia" waa given and the audience
waa diamlaaed.
people tried ami laiieu to guin aiimii-
Itnruieiater ift Andreaeu are moving
their cluck and jewelry aloro lo the Odd
Fellow' building formerly occupied by
the poat ullice. That building haa been
put in excellent order for the (hm and
they have good location.
A NH'ial achool meeting will Iw held I
at Poe's hall next Tuesday night to
elect a director to fill the vacancy made
by the removal from the city and resig
nation of M. A. Stratum.
The alrnctuie lo protect the aide of the
channel at the upper end of the locks is
completed and a pier ia being erected out
in the stream. The work w ill probably
be finished thia week.
Company F, O. N . (i., will give a ball
at Its armory Thanksgiving night .
AND GOOD BARGAINS I The Biggest we have ever opened or ever will open again, as we cannot always get these Goods as
Cheap Ourselves. We have a special sale on CLOAKS this week, at prices that you never heard of before.
douhlo and three times the amount
from uartics that have cone out of
A cheaper 45o. Turkey red, fast
New Ciimw Kllcd Work r Jurtlre
inn) llccorili r'n Court.
fttHil . A. I,nlliii va l,ii!lmr K. iray,
.It-Hit M lloliomb and (!! K IM
comlij nlt to urM-l'i murtfjtujfw
1'iirliiK tlm ytiimit of it mile for fliift
nimlii Mitrrli 'i IKtKI, dun IK) diya llicrt
udi'r. The dri'iiniKlunria alliwcd are
Unit ilitlnllir t-ndornt-.l for dcfmidiint
(irity nott'M lo Hie value of I .'Mi wliudi
he had lo my afli'r tliey were lo(i)( over
due. To repay liim (day gave plalntiir
a noUi for f 125 ami to aeciire Ittt payment
inort(4ed ferlain irniiila wlili'lt Jean
M. and Cwil H. Ilolioml) now claiui
some interent in. A. W. Llewelyn at
torney. IMHI'j, tiuia Helnilt va Caroline
Minltr, j anil Ut ilixaolve mariiaKO con
tract entered Into in New York in lfl4,
cruel and inhuman treatment being al
iened. There are four children which
,t,ijraya he la wIIUiik to provide for.
u 1 1 .... i .. ...........
aiiiotintiiig to .'i(M). (j. (i. Williuma,
attorney .
(ienruo Ilurger waa la-fore Jnnlice
FoiiIh Tiiciida.v charited with uhhhiiU on
J, II, Way. Iturifer wax hi'riin(( him
elf on Ihe Mrcct in the company of
thiee loone and ilmoideily
femulea the
tin v before. Way made Koine remarks
ahout Ihe matter that did not auit Iiur-
geramtthe latter whacked the former '
over the head with a cane. The female ;
declared in court that WaV offered fori
the auin of to fail to appear againrl
lliltger but they declined to put tii that
auin. Itiirger waa fined Ii") and coeU.
The fine waa paid.
The aauie delectable outfit waa before
Itecorder Porter for diaorderly conduct
and the lour weie lined (10 each which
they paid.
F. K. I'endleton made complaint be
fore Juatii-e Fouta auainat Frank Jaggar
charging awatilt with a dungeroua wea
nin, It appeared that there waa a dis
pute over a deer w bii hJaggar'e doxa ha I
run dow n and Pendleton had ahot, and
when I'eiidletou advanced threalingly
toward Jiiggar the hitler "warned the
foimer not to approach him or he would
ahiait Jiiiiuur w.ta diacharged.
Juatice Fluier Iixon of diatrict
, 5 waa the only people' parly man who
waa elected in Clackumaa county laat
I June. Th'a week he opened an ollicm at
j the rear of Fountain hoee company' ;
j riami, umler the council chamber, and j
j hia lira! caae waa lt K. Parker va Ieaac j
J-'arr for 144.75 allcgiM tube due on 34-
dava work btilchering. Thedefcnae waa
, ,. ...
that Parker had la-en boarding with
Farr for ten year with the underaUnd -
ing that he was to do audi chorea and
hegan Tueaday morning liclore a jury
and it waa finished Wendesduy noon.
The jury was out till tl o'clock when a
verdict for the defendant waa found.
The verdict w as irregular in specifying ' ginning at least in impure blood and
that ilrnilant should nav hia ahaie ofltiieweak tone of the svstem : that the
the costs but otherwise it will probably
Sewer Coiinertleiia.
I am ready to make all sewer ronnec-
lion at the uniform price of 35 centa per
lineal foot for 4-inch connections and 45
cents for (i-incli, all complete. Apply
immediately to Peter Kaulfman, fore
man on the work.
2t K. V. Kinkh, Contractor.
JONF.S-FOSTF.U. Al the residence of
the bride in Oregon City, Or. Oct 2ti,
18112 by Kev, 11. Win. liiboney, Mr.
J. W.Jones and Mra Ann Foster.
Notions, Clothing, Furnishing. Goodsi
color 2.rK!. A hoavior (jimlity nt S'w
very c
heap we will sell at 10c, loc
!15c a pair,
A medium weight cheviot CJc. a heavy 8Jc and the best 10c. A good
quality muslin '20 yds. for$l. Linen crash, 18 in. wide, 8je. Tidy 15c.
Wo bought a few fancy ehenile tablo cloths, a very fine article at $1.75
and $2.50.
Regular 10c gingham we will sell VI yards for $1.00. Calico 25
yards for $1 .
Ladies Underwear.
All wool crav $1.15, Half wool 75c. White and gray, the fleeced
merino 50c, and a lighter weight 45c.
Men's Underwear.
A fine camel'i haireccru $1.25. An all wool gray mixed $1. Natural
wool $1. We have a few red flannel shirts left no drawers we will
ruouuv.m ix iiia.
TU Wbrrla more ap.wlf In th
Drugoii a Hmylm.
Ill Mn My t'w Ki i.ror of (.lilnaand ttvt
"Honnf llimvcii" l unjoyln:: train of mirs
Intum rtttl."'nul mrH. pr.jM'iitil t'l him hf tim
KrviK'h aymllintii of mpilallut who wih to
lj.it ;riiiuci for hiiiluiiift rnliwnya,
In t;ln. Ilu.y will wniiiiur at Ita atenra
eniflna ; und li.u ll tlioiMtin I i l'tri; l!ht.
will, h am ii'iw in;; InTxIuwl lnt; thu
bollmit of Clilnean wiiictiiiiru, cannot hut j
turn tln-lr eym Ui oir civilijiUoii. It will
nut he Ioiik it" a nuiUiruil ulvaumneiit will
m niwlo In Ilia H iMi'ti ul iiHilicirui, whli b
lua for an many ivnturii miiuonul a hlot
uion tl-ir clvlhaition.
Tlm mlwloruuin are doles mucb to dlniel
the niyntli lmn and reverent ii whic h tin
I'hliittiiinn lioliln for the omi-oi'tioiia of
annluw, tib, biiirda, elf., preml hy th
native rli1ir. 'I In-y rnnniiiiHtiHl (UueUrd
rmnoliaa which bava jmiK Iwen favorably
known In Ammia and Knrow, aui'b aa Dr.
l'lenn'a (Joblfn M.lliid I)iwi-y, a rwnlv
for al) cam of lihjmt'Uiintt or Aumira, wbi.'D
bna luul ynam of uninUimiptnl aumwa In the
United HliiUw, and numlMra Ita etirna hy the
term of tbouaamla. 1'hla la a juilnt gained for
th futura welfart of the Iroonieo tuiplra.
II Khould lie In Krery lloune.
I. II. Wilaon, 371 Clay atreet , Kharpa
liurif I'a. aava lie would not he without
)r, King'a New Diacovery (or Conaum
tion, CoiiKlia and (.'ohla, that it cured
Ilia wile who waa threatened with Pneu
monia after an uttack of "1-a (irinpe"
when varioua other remediea and aeveral
phyaiciana had done her no gocid Kole-rt
I'.arlatr, of (.'ookHport, l'a., claitna Dr.
Kinif'a New lliacovery haa done him
more k'kh than anvlhiiiK he ever uhihI
for I.iiiik troulile. N'othing like it. Trv
it. Free Tiiul I'.ottlea at (ieo. A llHnl
dinif'a Drug Store. Ijiryf. twttlea 50 eta.
ami II.
HikL li-n'a Arni;a Kulve.
The Ilent Halve in the world for Cuts,
Itruiaea, Korea, L'livra, Suit Kheiiui,
Fever Sorea, Tetter, Chupia-cl llimda, !
1 -iininaina, t.orna, ami an r-Kin r.rup-
nona, ami pomuveiy curea rnea, or no
pav required. It ia (fiiaranleeil to (iWe I
M-rfwt aalialaction, or money relunileil.
I'rii 25 eenta per box.
For aale by U
A- 'f"ng.
Mmicy to Loan,
The underaigned ia agent for the Kijui- j
table Mortgage company and haa plenty
of money to loan on improved farma
at 8 per cent, and taxea. Only 5 per
cent, neeil be paid before the end of the
time. Only thoae having well improved
farma need' apply. i21tt C II. Uve.
All asraona finding tlieniaelvra in
ilehieil to ua will nli-are call and aettle
their aecounta aa aoon aa poaaihle or else I
the account will I turned over to ourj
attorney for collection.
II. . liurkhart
Iloi.a i'lv t.fi.lM ..lifutl Vuinda iintvl
j n,i city warrant a. Office 'J4it Waahing-
; ton
Keaidence, Ore-10-9
For Male Cheap.
Lot houaelioM furniture nearly new,
including cook atove. U. W. Rich,
tith alreet laUween Center and Waahing
Un . tf
; 1 1. l
A due bill uiven bv Carlton A Hcwen-
(.fiim ()f (.8n(iy 111VHhe to Wm,
1 Kluelach. All -rsona are warned not
to huy Ihe aitme. W. E Johsho.n.
Weie not waiting for the hat a and!
, moles hut fur men and women who have I
.eye and lice them, who have brains and
' reuaon ! There' a new world for them
I auirering and sickly a they are a new
I wurld created from the brain uf a skill-
fill phyaician a discovery lie "(jolden
Medical lislovery."
Years ago lr. 1'ierce found out that
the secret of all scrofula, bronchial,
throat and liinic trouble lav in the be-
way to cure these efTect was to remove
the cause. Ihut human nature being the
nine. Ihe same results might be looked
fur in nearly all cases. So confident waa
he that the' exceptions were uncommon
that he took the risk of giving the medi
cine to those it didn't benefit for nothing
and the results have proved that he was
And "Golden Medical Discovery," is
the remedy for the million! The only
guaranteed Liver, Blood and Lung rem
edy. Your money back if it doesn't
help you.
Impure blood is the cause of innumer
able maladies . Hence, one ol the great
est benefactions to humanity was the
discovery of Ayer'a Sarsaparilla, which,
more than any other medicine, has
saved America from becoming a nation
of invalids.
and 45c. Just got a lot of towels
and 2(c a pair.
A wrv InrivR sizo at
J. iAZ. K. R6DHOUS6.
. ' '' rX?f
f - f ' 'l"k'
V-. . ytw
Watches Kejnilated
No. 4, Commercial Bank Block, Oregon City, Oregon.
Poultry and Bee
Farm, Dairy and Mill Machinery.
Engines and Boilers,
M i.
It , ,jv v . ' " 1
V 1
Open and Top Buggies, Carriages, Carts,
Harness, Whips, Bale Ties, Barb
wireJiiiulingTwine and Machine .
Specialties and Supplies
of all kinds to
New Market Block, - - - Portland, Oregon.
MILLARD J. LEE, - - - Proprietor.
Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery, Etc.,
I close out at 5c, they are the medicated twill flannel and worth 1.J5
anvwhere. A cood and heavy crav
cheaper lor zvc.
Ladies' Kid Gloves.
An extra quality black kid glove at 95c per pair, every pair guaran
teed. Ladies' undressed kid gloves at 75e. Foster hook patterns.
Ladies' black hose 10c a pair. German knitting yarn 75c a pound, all
colors. Boys' hats 25c.
Boots and Shoes.
We have a few lines we would like to close out: That is a ladies' fine
kid extra quality at $1.25 a pair, and a ladies' glove grain, good and
solid build, $1.25. A ladies full stock, very heavy, 95c. Men's boots
$2.75, worth double. Good Year Rubber Co. men's boots $2.50, very
heavy ami best kind they make. Men's rubbers 40c, ladies' rubbers
35c, and misses' rubbers 30c, 25c and 20c. Men's heavy working shoes,
95c, worth $1.50.
Watcli maker & Jeweler.
All Work Done on the Prem
ises and Warranted for
Twelve Months.
isf ad i on 0 uarant e ,
Free of Charge.
Supplies, Etc., Etc.
anil brown merino ;Uc, and a