CLACKAMAS COUNTY THE KTERPKISR COKKKM'ONH ESTS SWI'EP THE lhe ws Krom Jicw Em Potato liar - Trsl-$:UMH Land Sale Some, thins About Politics. Nrw Kmv, October 21.-IVtato diitift in it'iis locality is just completed with a very liiilit yield, except in a few fields. David : MeArlhiir bad a tin eron and at in-! formal he lias dug ft 00 bushels of tner cli.inl.ihlo Hlates, lijt'Ii is perhaps one ot the targrol crops tor any on erson in Clackamas county. Win. t;utprlet has just purchased the liVmore rami that was recently vacated by ) I'has. Knoih: consideration Kt,iWt. ! Mrs. Crock and daughter of Astoria arc ' visiting with the family of 11. S. riielpa. i Hie sisters of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kind-; ley arrived here last Saturday from Califor nia, They were telegraphed for on account of the illness of Mr. I iiullev to is vet u . , i ; , . . , , , , ... , ... , , and sutM tn regulation stvle with teacher n a very critical condition. But there are j (rxlnt hopes of his recovery. ! T1' . .. i . . , Tl" escort and the veterans then took Mr. Mtankot lanbv wascalliigon friends , , .. , .... . . .... Pillion at the toot of the ikiIc, bent the in tins locality yesterday, as was a so W . ,i.. ., .11 . 1 , . , . , ' ' I nai! to the penant lialv ant aecurelv (o Med, J. Ranch of Klv. , . ' ,, . ' , ., , . when 11 was run a ttitrd ot the distance to Dr. .ouchero Muhno gave your y,,er .jthe , , very plei,,, eal one day k U-k. He ,, , . ComrSl, c,uki reHns considerable sickness in the sur- ,.,,. ,, , .. . ., , , , .. , , , , 111 a clear vol.1 and without glasses though rounding country (or the last tew weeks. l-t,r,i , , ... ii years of age, read the proclauialion and t barley Hniras ha.) the mistortiine to : , . ; .. , , ., , , , . , ; , then sjiid in aivordaiun with this pnvlaina- lose a verv valu.hle cow oneilav last w'k. ! . . . . , . lose a very valu ihle cow one dav last week The cow was evidently a free trader and : when she saw the granary door wide open she entered therein and partook of a fatal dose of threshed grain. j Angus Campbell of Portland was Here a tew days ago looking after his interests. He I said lie had rented his farm to Sam Oglesby j of Needy. I What has become of the Krog Pond cor-1 resHViident? Revive up, old boy. and let ns hear you croak once more. Remember that Harrison is going to be re-elected and get a iggle on you. There was a tartial eclipse of the sun last ! " Thursday visible in some parts of the coun try. And there will be a total eclipse of rover Cleveland, November 8th, visible ev erywhere. Can any of our democratic friemis give us a list of people leaving America for any either country for the purpose of bettering their condition ? Do Americans go else where to hud prosperity t To what conn- trydo the ,xor and down-trodden of all uuimiris wntr: Ainenca. vvnvr tie cause wages are better, the cost of good liv ing cheaper and the chances for pros'ritv far ahead of any other country. This is not excellent democratic argument but it is true nevertheless. Our people out here would gladly listen to a republican political discussion and we bare been anxiously awaiting some appoint ment. In conclusion, would like to say to every one that success for the republican ticket depends on getting out a full vote on elec tion day. So let every man resolve him self into a committee of one and see that every voter goes to election. The result will be 10,00 majority in the state of Ore-! gon for Harrison and protection to Ameri- j can labor and American industry. Xo for- j eign country need apply. BATCH OF W1LS0.NVIIXE XOTES. A. 0. C. W. Lodtf OrpiBiied.-Penonal Other Neighrairhood Newi. and Wilsomvillk, Oct 2J.-Miss Grable, of Portland, is teaching the school here. A grand time was had Columbus Day. Mr. and Mrs. John Epler mule a business trip of a few days in the metropolis this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bish 8eely have returned from Washington where they have been spending a few weeks with Mrs. Seely's sis ter, Mrs. Moore. The A. 0. U. W. have organized quite a nice lodge here, and were visited by a num ber of ther Sherwood brethren last Saturday evening. The United Brethren church is holding a protracted meeting at the PleasaHt Hill school house with a good attendance and trying to raise money to build a church at Wilsonville, to be finished by the first of January. Miss Kate Graham has just returned from a visit to her father in southern Ore gon and rejorts snow in sight on the moun tains. Willie Graham had the misfortune to break one bone in his right wriid; which renders him quite helpless. Mink District Votes a Tax. Mikk, Oct. Zi.Al a special school meet ing in district No. 80 last Saturday, it was voted to levy a five-mill tax to furnish the whole school with patent seats, as the meeting which voted a two and a half-mill tax a short time ago was not lawful. Itwas also voted to allow the use of the school house to the debating society and other en tertainments. Farmers are busy sowing w heat. A larger acreage of fall w heat w ill be sown than last year. Fritz Sch wirtz has rented preacher Jones's place for a ti umber of years. W. D. Hill has retured from ForestGrove. He reorts a new girl in the family. The peanut as a crop is a failure in this locality. James Martin bought a new organ last week. Quite a number of the members of the German Reformed church went to New Kra last Sunday to attend the harvest festival held there. Mokk. I Home foi Sale. i I have a house and two lots with good barn at the head of Sevenlh street ; city water service. Will sell cheap. Fine chance to get a nice home. Another house and two lots at the cornerof ninth and Monroe will be sold on easy terms. Excellent location. Very desirable property. Also a business lot on Seventh street -for sale. For lurtlier information apply to E. P. Elliott, Viola postolTtce. TIIK SIlin.KY SCHOOL CKl.KHKATKS. The Onwrvanea of Columbus Uaj- with. Pa trletle Spirit, iVwmo, Oct. it.-School district .1? (the Shipley neighborhood) divided to eelvbrato ' tv,'amlm!l ,1,,.v ''' ""furling new Hag vvfr mrir ecuooi 111 acconiance wun in tH.h-inl program. Committees of vet. trans were detailed from the Lincoln, llar Held and tioorgv- Wright Hvts to assist In the ceremonies. On the '.Mill an excellent pole between i and TV feet in length was erected in the yard in front ol the school bouse. On the '-1st at an early hour a large number of spectators were on the ground. School assembled at th usual hour and w as busied with prelinunaiies until the arrival of the veterans at lii;IU. At the entrance ot the yard the veterans were met bv a color bearer ami guard, ot pupils detailed by the teacher whw is herself the dnaghter of a veteran. The coloruard consisting of two Ivys and two girls with color bearer in the center with folded Hag then escorted the '. v.lrtr,it .ill, lu..,,,it... .li...ii.' .. l...u ; ,K .hll.. ,,..., .... "... .. . uou 1111,1 10 snow our love 10 our counirv let the Hag of this nation now he unfurled over this school. W ith one motion of the Ind yards it was release,! from its folds and a beautiful 1 2-fret Hsg was given to the breeie. Three cheers for the Hag ol a hun dred and lirtei'n vears were given with a will. The school then in the arc of a Is rye circle facing the Hag. gave it the military salute at the same time repeating in con cert the pledge o( allegiance, when a re cess was announced and a most bountiful lunch was spread upon long tables in the vard. At 1:30 p. m. our teacher, Miss Will- oughby of Oregon City, gave us a well , planned and well executed program. Chris- j topher Columbus liorlan read the preiurcd 1 topher Columbus liorlan read the prepared address in goKl stele; exteiniKiraneous i speeches were volunteered by Rev. K. M. Jones, O. Eaton iiml A. J. Thoiupson. 1 The school sandwiched in many giiod pa 1 triotic songs with their recitations and declamations, all of which were received ,,, ,,, .. ,h.r,.. ,h. ..l j success seemed to be 1 countenance. written on every 8rCTATOB. WILSOM'ILIJf HOLD EN WEDDIMi. Anniversary of Mr. and Mr. Seely'i Marriage -Srhmil Notes. Witsos-YiLt.I, Oct. L'4. In the quiet little village of ilsonville there was a scene of merriment all day Thursday, Octolier 31, it being the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Seely. Thev were both I born in New York. They were married in j Illinois, October 20, 142, and crossed the plains to Oregon in ISol. Alter living lu Canhv six vears and in Onvnii f'irv m,. yeafi they ,,1, i.ViK.ville. Mr. Mrs. have Kven Hv. illg ,ml one , ,! Uo daughters dead, fiflv grlnt chillrell aild tllree gttllt Krmd children. About one hundred and twenty guests were at the wedding to whom an elegant dinner was served at 2 o'clock. The pres ents were manv and valuable, among litem being a large crayon picture of each son and his family. Alter dinner the party repaired to tbe lawn in front of the bouse where sev eral family group photos were taken. All join in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Seely many happy returns of their wedding anniversary. There are forty-two children attending school. Tbe entertainment given by the school children on Columbus Day proved quite successful. There were about thirty visitors, and at noon large and small gath ered around two well laden tables and did ample justice to a bounteous lunch. T l A LATIN XKWS. Barn Burned to the Uronnd-Fersonal Other Notes of the Locality. and Tcalati.1, Oct. 23. The members of the Kirt Congregational church of Tualatin are making preparations for a protracted meet ing to commence about the last of th's week, to lie continued a week or ten days. lr. Tilton's new farm residence is rapidly nearingcornpletion and will be quite a credit for this section of country. The barn on the furm of Mr. Morgan near the school house, now leased to Mr. Bradley, burueJ to the ground last Friday with all its contents. It is not known how the fire originated. The ball and fair at the Butte grange hall on the 12th lust, was largely attended and pronounced a decided success financially and socially. Milton W. Smith and family and several friends from Portland spent Sunday last with Mrs. Hwcek of this place. The quality ol onions grown in this vi cinity is rather above the average this year, as is also the acreage. This is a great un ion growing country and a fair prolit is re alized. There was a social dance at Melvin Ba ker's a few evenings ago. Yergain Watker, an extensive potato grower, was seen in Tualatin this week in quest of potato diggers who seem to lie un usually scarce this season. Items from handy. "1 . . ' V ii.c v-uinainrii j'uncu inioiio licit; UJ worK on the water ditch north-west of Mount Hood. Ojiite a number of United States soldiers I have passed through here to rusticate a few I days in the mountuins and spend the time j in hunting and fishing. J Miss Annie McAdam is out from Portland : spending a few days with her parents and will go hack tomorrow. Mr. Failing, jr., and companions of Mount Tabor, were out enjoying the good fishing and now have gone up to Wm. Welch's for a hunt. John H. Wewer's saw mill is in good run ning order again, hast week his engine broke down. XIUVAt'KR IS HOONINO. Motor Line Rrlntrs Prosperity .-Tli Big Slie.pi, -Improvements i the Town, Miiwukkk. tvt, i.W-Milwaukee basal last awakened from her long sleep, and is not the tnet little village It was so long The electric motor line has brought with It activity which shows Itself on every band. At the present hour we hear the noise ol the saw and hammer all around us. The car shop, which Is a brick ItMsJUi feet. Is a structure all can look iisin with pride, Car pentcis are now very busy putting on the roof. They have been repairing car In the shops for the last six weeks with tempo rary naif over a part of the building, J. II. Hound Is building three ivl. laces oi' four rooms each. They will cost! when completed aUuil t'J.JUO. Twool tliem have lievn rvtitcd and r not yet lno-llilrds ! tinished. ' The foiiiiilation (or Mrs. Sargent eight- j room house will he completed In a dav or two, ready for the carxiiters, C. C, Mullan has the contract lor the building. It will cost near Mrs. Ross is having a wing and new roof added to her house. It will Improve tbe property and make a nice home when tin ished. Chas. Kisher is building a new pottery. Most of it will I of nriek. What we want is more such enterprise!' here. Chris Fisher moved Into his new house lasl week. It is built on the Rogers tract. J. (i lion net is having bis house painted. Mr. Walkcrof Oregon City has I he contract. The St. John's Kpiscopal church is being j painted by contractor Lew is of Kast Port land. Ir. Hickman of Clackamas is building a new house on his laud a mile from low 11. Clias. WeUler has completed the addi tion to his house and no has a very com fortable home. Oureuterprising butchers, Nureen A Dalil, have moved their shop to the store building formerly occupied by Legrand Hros. J.Oshom of Portland moved into his new house south ol town last week. C. Kerr has pan-hased K. Lehman's blacksmith shop w ith one lot, .VU'JiU. He intends to remodel the shop and relit with a new forge, etc. Mrs. J. C. Kintnel of Newlierg Is visitini! her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. lloesly. Rev. J. It. Wilson. !. P., of the Portland a "adeiny, delivered a sermon Sunday even ing in the St. John's Kpiscopal churen (or the lament of the Christian Endeavor soci ety. Very appropriate exerciser were held at the school house Friday morning in honor ol Columbus s discovery day. Sings and recitations were given bv many. UTTtR FKUM CURKrS. folurubui Iter In the Selieoli. Death of an Old Lady.-Other Kute. Ci.AKKrs, Oct. 2S. Our school celehra'td the Wth anniversary of .Columbus's discor ery in an appropriate manner. All the people and visitors wore the national badges, the red, white and blue. The proceedings were closed by a spelling school In the evening, Mrs. 1-eicthweis, an old and highly re spected lady, died last Friday at III o'clock p.m. Mrs lirthweis has been living here fifteen or sixteen years. Her husband died about six years ago. She leaves four grown sons and one daughter to mourn her loss. She was buried beside her husband in the Catholic cemetery at Oregon city on Sun day. Our friend and neighbor. Mr. Tinnerstet, has sold his place lor to a Herman from StatTord. Mr. Tinnerstet will quit farming and go in the saw mill business ex clusively. Harry Card rs going to the Normal school at Monmouth. We wish him success. Phillip Iitchweis of Clarkes was married to Miss Callahan of Molalla last Friday. HoR.i( KT. Sunnyside Items. St'Stivsiin, Oct. . Jasr flirt is build- j iiig a two-story frame house 2ixLli that will cost about 70o. It will be done in a month or so. Herman Piper has just completed and moved into his new dwelling which cost about $). Fred Gage has let a contract to clear four acres of land to Marvin Hubbard at JVian acre. The work is now in progress. Fred Maston ot Portland has begun im provements on the 15-acres tract he pur chased of F. M. Sumner last spring for $U). J Another acre of land is being cleared and ! three acres will be set in orchard this fall prune and peach trees, cliielly the former. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder CONTAINS NEITHER AMMONIA, ALUM OR ANY OTHER INJURIOUS DRUG. The Wisconsin Dairy and Food Commissioner says In his Annual report for 1890, on page 82: 'The National, Disfa.HATiinr says of Carbonate of Ammonia: 'It is Irri tant, and If Ion? emu limed, even in dopes which the stomach will tolerate, It Im pairs nutrition : in dost n( live loie.n grains it Increases the fullness and foreo of the pu'.sa:id ciu-cs a seme of lightness in the head. It it me 0 our molt power ful mtauuiia ai.u certainly liiuutu not be tued in the preparation 000U1.' " On paye 85 the report fnrther states: "The result of exiicrimcnts would Indicate that the In lirnad made from Alum linking I'owdur. hate a dicidtd effect eren on atlrong and health! Umach. The weight of to.Hiriiony la decidedly u;;aln8t tiio UHOofALOM. The following powders contain either ammonia or alum, or both: Royal, Calumet, Forest City, Pearl, Unrivalled, Echo, Crown, Chicago Yeast, Bon Bon, Star, New Era, Snow Ball, 2iJt Grape Crystal. CHNBYf CARLTON a R0SMRANS. duplicated in tho State, SEE THEIR PRICES: 5 gallons best Pearl Oil, - $0.65 21b Arbuclde's Coffee, - $0.45 Extra C Sugar, per 100 lbs, $5.40 Gran. $6.15 A PROVEN FACT: All other goods sold at propor tionally low prices. A trial will convince you. 11 t IIAIUGIIOHST 1M Front Street. Lanee tieiter -Huuo'U.I, Crescent Wetlges (warranted.) tt k S l'roof Chain. Arc.ttlo Files Loggers ami Woxl Cliopj'ers SjHrialties. Oregon City Agent, ...... CUlil MM 8 DAY AT IiAXAM'l'H- Th Kork Creek School Celetiralea-Other News of that Section. Pamvmts, Oct. '.'t.-tirran M ( Murray ol Woodstock was with us Saturday and Hun day. Hob Mi Murray of Mossy Kock, Washing Ion, who spent his boyhood days In this vi cinity, is visiting with friends and relatives here. His bride accompanies him. F.d. Pedigo and coudti Frank of Palouse, Washington, is visiting A. W. Cooke. F.d lived here till six years ago, but says he hardly knew the place, the Improvement have been so great. Columbus Day was celebrated in a royal manner here. Through the iennsU'iit ami untiring efforts of Messrs, A. W. Cooke and Austin Newell, two of the patrons of Kock Creek school, a Hag and pole were at last obtained for their school. It was decided to raise the pole Columbus Day and Damascus pupils were invited to join with those of Rock Creek in the celebrating. The Da mascus pupils with their teacher, I.. T. An derson, were assembled on the grounds by Ha. m., butnwing to unavoidable delavs the flag was not hoisted till 11:1ft a. ni. Mean while the pupils of both schools bad lieen drawn up in line before the flag which they saluted, the command Mug executed with admirable skill. After the salute all joined in three hearty cheers for our national flag; then adjourned to the school room where for one hour ami a half all were enter tained by readings, recitations and songs suitable to the occasion, which bad been pre pared by lioth schools, lly the time the program was ended all were getting very hungry so the room was vacaU'd long enough for the ladies lo load the tables with Continued on seventh pago. Is booming and Their cash systom gives thorn tho lead, for their prices cannot bo & COMPANY. HARDWARE I Portland. Oregon. Northwestern Asriit. (or - Tullletimth toiler Unee Mllver atmils Haws "'Vs ' P0PE& CO. This old and reliable II tin atwaya kwp in stock s lull litis of' Heayy, Slielf ani Hated Hariware, Tmward, etc. Plumbing, Gas Fitting & Jobbing Attended to Promptly. Es timates Funiisheil. OREGON CITY FURNITURE, boini: mm ' J W 1 U UOTIOITS, ETC., ETO. Second Hand Household Goods Of all kinds, llought and Sold. BELiaOiYiY s& bktxjsch:, CHEAPEST HOUSE IN OREGON CITY. Next door to Commercial Dank. , WINKHKT. WLM5SKT & SCJtllTirjtK, UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS. Largest stock of CoOIiih ami Casket kept Mouth of Portland. Also cloth covered and Metallic Caskets furnished to order. Ladies Iltiriul Holies and dents' Httriul Holies In stock. Also Wagon and Carriage Making, Mono Shooing and Gon t;ral Blacksmithing on Hhort notieo. rSOPTHING POWDERS 'in um I Fnr CHII DRiN CUTTING TEETH. I :vTLiii, ItRMKVB ruVKIUHH HEAT. IMIEVKNT PITH, C0NVUL8I0NH. Ac. PIlEHEttVE A HEALTHY STATE OF TUB CON STITUTION DUIUNO I'F'tiOD Ot TKETUINO. 8m that tha words " JOHM STEEDMAS, CJuroi. 1st, Walworth, Burrey," are ennravod on the Government Stamp affixed to sacb packet. M-Bold bjr all Leading SrutffuUt. so is tho trado of Kilo. ("rtwi'iit Mt'cl WILSON A COOK OREGON I XJ KJ I h. r. HcMiTutta, NOBLETT'S STABLES. Tiivory, Feod and Sale Stable ORECON CITY. L0CATK1) BKTWKKN TIIK llKH)(iK AND Double anil Sino ItiKs, and Bad die hoi-Hen alwayn on hand at the lower), prices. A oorrall connoctej with the barn for lotwe stock. Information rnxarditiK any kind of ?eUerPrOI",,t,y aUumlud t0 hy )ur8on w Horses Bought and Sold. mm 0 ( o