Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 21, 1892, Image 8

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We are showing in large variety choico new styles and late novelties. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots
and Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, Groceries, Etc.
It gives vis nloasvue to call at
tention to our new stock. In the
matter of prices we shall continue
todeseive our reputation as close
buvers aiul sellers. Call and set
quotations on any line of goods you!
may incline to purchase.
Ve carry full and complete as
sortments, sell only straight goods
and guarantee our prices to he the
lowest for the same class of goods.
A careful examination of the prices
quoted will insure us your trial
order if you have never dealt with
us before, and once our customer
you will alwavs be our customer.
We extend our thanks to our
patrons for past favors and shall
not fail to use every effort to merit
a continuance of their good will in
the future.
Yours Trulv,
i. Jelling.
Unbleached Muslins.
Best Cabot W, .'G in. wide, It!
yds. for 1 00;
Atlantic L L, So" in. wide, IS !
vds.for 1 00 1
KKJli.1. mr acufc n a ss ht mm rws sv I
'T saw Heam last evening, just in
from a teD days' scout with Lane's
squadron over toward tiieWakpaShicha. j
He aked after you and sent cordial re
gards. There are two other fellows here
who were on their honeymoon tonrwhen 1
their regiments were ordered to the field. !
It reconciles one to being a bachelor
The major pat the letter down and
pondered long, perplexed and annoyed. j
He had known Rolfe bat a short time, j
and had learned to know him mainly
through Uolden. He knew him to be 1
resolute, positive, even aggressive at
times. Be admired his soldierly qcali-,
ties and respected his ability. Bat when !
finally he rose from his desk after stow
ing that letter away old Kenyon ex
pressed himself about as follows: "That
fellow needs a wife. He is too much ac
customed to having his own way. I'll
be hanged if 111 do any detective work ;
for him or anybody else. If Holden
wants his house searched, Holden can
say so." j
Two days later the major had the '
mournful pleasure of escorting Mrs. and
Miss Berrien to the train, and as it '
teamed away eastward a man who had
stepped from the day car as Eenyon
placed his fair charges on the sleeper ,
came forward and banded him a note !
addressed in Rolfe's characteristic hand. j
"I know who you are," said " Kenyon. j
"Yon will find me at my office in the I
garrison when you get np there." And
topping into the waiting wagon he bade ;
the driver go ahead, leaving the detect- j
ire to come np in the poet stage. 1
That evening he wrote a short letter
to Rolfe, and the gentleman from Chi-1
cago indited a long one both of which ;
would have served to surprise that j
calmly superior soldier not a little had !
they reached him in due course of mail, i
which, however, they did not. It was !
eome time before he saw them at all, for i
when they were unloaded from the !
mailbags at the wintry cantonment
Rolfe. with Berrien's battalion, was j
miles away. I
Getting no reply to his missives and ;
little encouragement at the post, the :
strange civilian suddenly departed after i
three days' apparently aimless stay, and ;
the next beard of him was in the shape j
of a letter from Louisville. Could Major i
Kenyon procure for him anyhow, any-1
where, a photograph of Sergeant Ellis? j
No, Major Kenyon couldn't, and was I
very short in saying so. j
And now December was come, and i
the air was crisp and keen in the valley
of the Pawnee, the sunshine radiant and :
sparkling; but far to the north the win- j
try winds were howling about the flimsy j
cantonment and whirling the snow
through every cranny and crack, and I
the long nights on outpost and picket j
were bitter cold. But through it all I
the various battalions of horse were sent
scouting in turn around the reservation,
and more and more the young warriors
dribbled away from the agencies and j
were next heard of welcomed with ac- j
lamations by the savage hosts in the
fastnesses of the Bad Lands, and every j
hour increased the prospect of sharp j
fighting in the near future. But all the '
letters to the anxious hearts at home
were full of hope and cheer, full of
prophecy that everything would soon be
nettled. The renegade bands were all
"located" and being slowly hemmed in.
The Twelfth would eat its Christmas
dinner at Pawnee after all, they hoped.
And in St. Louis Miss Guthrie was ex
erting herself to see that her charming
guests were having the loveliest kind of
a time. Dinners, luncheons, cards, thea
ters and dandrur parties followed in
Aurora C, oti in. wide, 'JO vds. j
for t .'. . . 1 00 !
Blenched Muslins. j
Lonsdale. St. in. wide, 12 vds. 1 00
First Call. IHi in. wide, 14 yds. 1 00 1
Fruit, oli in. wide, U yds!. . . 1 IX
Butter Cloth, 45 in. wide 14
yds 1 00'
Our Best Prints, 20 yds 1 00
Shirting, best quality 20 yds. 1 i
Indigo Blue, figured, fast col
ors, hi yds 1 (X)
(?ood Quality Dress Ginghams
12 yds 1 00
Nice Small check Apron Ging
hams, 12 yds 1 00
Excelsior Checks. 10 yds 1 00
Canton Flannel shirting, S yds 1 0
English Cheviot, 8 yds. 1 00
Cotton Flannels.
Medium Qualitv, 14 vds 1 00
Heavier Quality, 12 yds 1 00
Extra Quality.S yd. 1 .X
Flannels, Cassimeres, Etc.
Heavy Striped Cheviot ;"
We respectfully invite you to inspect
qmck succession. iDe new guwns were
being made as fast as famous modistes
conld evolve and construct them, ami j
Winifred was rushed from one scene of
gayety to another.
Nothing could have been merecharm- i
ing than our welcome," wrote Mrs. Ber- ;
rien to her beloved Dick, "nothing more
delightful than the round of entertain- j
meuts to which we are bidden. One has i
hardly time to think. As for writing, !
this is the first opportunity 1 have en-
joyed in three days, aud we are home '
from the theater but half an hour. Mrs. j
Holden comes over every day, and we j
exchange such news as we have of the
dear old regiment and the dearer ones
who are our especial property. She is
what 1 call a genuine woman, and I like
her more and more. I must tell you
something 1 learned through her. The
day after our arrival we were in the
library, and my attention was attracted
by a large portrait, apparently a crayon
copy of a photograph, that hur.g over
the mantel. It was of a singularly
handsome young man, and I knew at
once he mnst be a Guthrie. 'It is my
brother,' said Nita. in such a sad, con
strained tone, 'taken just a few weks
before his death six years ago.' Of
course I conld ask no more, but Wini
fred and 1 both noted how utterly her
face changed, how unspeakably dis
tressed a look came into her eyes. We
could see then why Mrs. Holden should
have said she was haggard aud ill, and
yesterday Mrs. Holden tcM me some
thing of his story. He was barely twenty-two,
the idol of the family and im
mensely popular in society. He was as
sistant cashier in one of the big banks
here, and one day the sudden discovery
was made that in some mysterious way
quite a large sum was missing, money
for which he was responsible, but he
could not account for it; neither conld
anybody else. The matter was investi
gated thoroughly.
"They had detectives everywhere, and
absolutely nothing could be brought up
against young Guthrie. He never gam
bled, never dissipated in any way, was
a model son and brother. Nita was wild
with indignation at his having been
even suspected. Mr. Guthrie offered to
make good the sum twice over if need
be, and to bind himself for all his
wealth to establish his boy's honor, and
for three or four days all was excite
ment, and then, in the midst of it, poor
Jack was found dead in bis room, a
half empty bottle of chloral by his bed
side. The world said suicide, guilty con
science, etcetera, bat Nita and others
knew that he had not slept a wink since
the discovery of the loss and was crazed
with misery. They have always main
tained, it was an accidental overdose.
But it nearly broke Mr. Guthrie's heart,
and it was three years before Nita would
go into society in St. Louis again. They
went to Europe and staid there ever so
"What makes it seem probable that
he was unjustly suspected was that the
bank dismissed its cashier, Jack's most
intimate friend, a man two or three
years older than himself, and a devoted
admirer of Nita's. It was even sup
posed that she was engaged to him.
He had no wealthy friends to stand up
for him, and Jack's death made it ap
pear as though there had been guilt;
and yet such a sum could not well have
been made away with except by the
knowledge or collusion of the cashier
himself, and though proofs were lack
ing, he was discharged the very day
poor Jack was buried. No one knows
whatever became of him afterward, and
people settled down into the belief that
this Mr. Worden was the real thief. But
now comes the strangest part of it all.
The president of the bank was a widow
er who, for two years, had been a suitor
of Nita's, a persistent suitor, despite her
marked coldness and aversion. Four
mouths ago rumors began to float as to
the stability of the bank; then came a
run, a panic; the bank had to close its
doors; immediate investigation into its
affairs was made, and then came the
discovery that the president had been a
heavy speculator and had unquestion
ahl jwed the funds of the bank to cover
4-in. Water Proof r0
Light Weight Cassimere .10
Good Quality Cassiinere To
Extra Qualitv Cassiinere.,., 1 00
Bod Flannel Twilled 2."
Gray Flannel , 20
Brown Flannel 20
Cotton Batting,
Best Quality, per pound 1,"
Carpet Warp.
All Shades, 5 pound bunches 1 2"
Notions. '
Bins, 2 papers 0.
Needles, 2 papers 0.!
Knitting Cotton, 4 balls 2."j
(Sartor Elastic, jn-r vd O.'i;
Skirt Braid, Mil..." 0!
Ladies' Black Cotton Hose .. I0j
Ladies' All Wool Black, ribln d 25 !
Misses" Brown Mixed Hose. .'! '
pairs 25;
Infants' All Wool Black, rib- ;
U'd. 2 pairs 25 :
Ladies' Black Cashmere 25;
Missus' Black KihU-d Cotton, j
2 pairs 25'
Misses' All Wool Cashmere. I
his'losses. They found his body in
the river four days afterward, floating
down by the old barracks, where Jon
and I had such a happy winter twenty
years ago. People say now that it was
President Percival himself all the rime,
aud that he threw suspicion ou young
Guthrie brcauso he knew the father
would eagerly pay any sum to cover the
Ions and hide the shame; but Jack's
death balked the scheme.
"Do yon wonder now that Nita is
sometimes overwrought and nervous!
Poor girl! who knows what she has suf
fered? Who, to see her iu wx-iety, would
dream that she had ever suffered at all?
Do you supoe Captain Rolfe did not
hear all about this when he was here so
recruiting service?
"Now you ask me to tell yon every
thing about Winifred. Is she happy? Is
she getting over ber disappointment? 1
do not know just what to say. She is
always bright and apparently joyous in
society; always grateful for every kind
ness and attention shown her; but she is
rarely alone one minute from morning
until late at night, and I cannot be sure.
She never speaks of him; aud in all the
whirl of social gayety here, and the at
tention she receives on every side, I
think, I hoi, she may forget her girl
ish svntimeut. Time will show."
Time might have shown, but time was
not accorded. Coming home late one
night from a delightful dance their car
riage stopped outside the mussive porte
cochere of the Guthrie homestead in
stead of driving right in.
"What is it, James?" asked Miss Guth
rie. "Another carriage here, miss. , I think
it's Mrs. Holden just getting out."
"Jennie here! Why, how odd! She
went home half an hour before w
start ed."
It was Jennie, with a grave, anxious
face, at sight of which Mrs. Berrien
fairly sprang from the carriage.
"Von have ill news, Mrs. Holden.
Wbat is it? Tell me at once."
"This has just come from my hus
band," was the trembling answer as she
held forth a telegram: "Major Berrien's
wound serions, but not fatal. Mrs. Ber
rien must not be alarmed. Do not be
lieve sensational newspaper reports of
disaster. Wounded doing well."
Pursuant to his orders, Major Berrien,
with his battalion of the Twelfth, had
been scoutiug the open country that lay
to tho northeastward of the cantonment.
So alarming had the situation lieconie,
so significant if not actually defiant
was the manner of the Indians whose
lodges were pitched all over the prairie
around the agency that the command
ing general had caused intrenchments
to be thrown up on every ridge over
looking that threatened settlement. Ad
ditional troops, including a strong force
of infantry anil detachments of light
artillery, had been sent to the scene.
Hotchkiss and field guns were placed In
position commanding the Indian camp,
and night and duy the earthworks were
heavily manned and sentries and out
posts guarded every anoroach.
lie lliizxliiga.
Ground cork is the best packing
material for bees in winter. It never be
comes damp, and it is a thorough non
conductor. It is so chean that its cost is
practically nothing, says The American i
, . - T 1 I
lxsv journal.
George E. Hilton says he believes in
handling hives arid frames less, "but if
either must be handled let it be the
One apiarist leaves the packing until
the bees hang out; then he takes it off,
even with the top of the brood nest.
An Ohio beekeeper unpacks his bees
just before the swarming fever.
A member at one of the bee meetings
said that he uses chaff packed hives and
keeps the covering over the top until
about the middle of June. Another
member said that when the hire got
full of 11 ts bee he unpacks it.
. ;.
Dress Coods.
IKmble Folded Cashmere, S
yards 1 00
Henrietta, lit! in, wide 25
Plaid Sorgo, M in. wide 15
All Wool Ladies' Cloth 52 in.
wide, black and colors. .
House Furnishing Coods
White or Colored Marbled Gil
Cloth, per yd
Turkey l!ed laiuack, 50-in.
er yd 25
Scrim, for curtains, 15 yd 1 "0
White Crochet Quilts." 75
t'nhlcaohcd Linen Crash, 12
yards 1 00
Turkish Towels, large sie .. 12 J
Furniture Cretones. It yds... I 00
Men's FurnlshlntjCoods.
Men's Blue Flannel Shirts. . . 1 U
Men's Knit Shirts, lace front. 1 00
Men's SuHnders, heavy.,.. 25
Men's All Wool Seatnlos
Sucks 25
Men's (uting Flannel Shirts :!5
Men's Turkey lied Handker
chiefs, large sue, ;i for. . . '!"
our stock and prices. I. SELLING.
Notion kou rrm.ic.uio.N
land uitice lit Oregon Clljr. On-k'oa.t
Sfl-l. 111. t't.' i
Nivtlee t. hereby flven that the followlm
Daniel .enter ha. fllrd untie, .if hi. inlcutiiiti
to make rlui'.t prii.t In .uiinort ul hi. Claim. Hint
thai ..lit proof will I tn..e before the roister
mii.I reeelverof (he lulled Sutra laud ..rhee .1
Oregon t'lty, Ori-aon. on November S, stj. vU.
Ira Coper.
Homestead entry No a.'?, lor the S. K of
See 4, I' U.llll! lie name, the folio lu
Mtllie..e. In prove hi. roitfliiuoti. real.ti-nre
upon mul I'tiliivAilon of ai.l l.n.l. li Mm
V ItnlH'rt slot S K New of Santly po.t om'e.
Oregon. Jnme. W iHMinlim. anil t.'u.rlv. t a.
aa-ly. of Kail Crek twist oltlee.
il-llt J i T. Arrilaw, HenLler.
Soril'K KOK IT IU.lt;. THIN
(.ami nifte at Oregon Cttv. Oregon.
Sept in, Iv.' i
N. tie 1. herehv given that the fotloa-liig
j nanieil M'ttler ha. flle'l nolle of hi. tiilenHnu
! to make final proof In .npportof hi. claim, at it
that .M proof will lie nia.le Wfore the Itegi.ier
i anil Kcetver of the I . S IjiioI omce at Oregon I
! City. Oregon, on Svemhcr Inrj, via:
j ,l,.hu Mcver,
' II, mie. I.'.. I entry ;tC4 lor the W , of N K ',,
, V. of V W t4 ol See -M. T. t S., K J .. lie
: none, the follow lug wtf iie.tca to prove hi. cm j
, iinnoii. reatilen-e upon aul cultivation of .ai! !
Innil. via: John Sender.. 0. Coleman. Kiolotl j
' Oantenlteln. ami lioltletj . all of H.iely I
, pot ort'ee. Oregon i. T. AtrKa.o,
t-M. Hi'KMcr.
1 NolU K roH ri ltl ICATtoN '
IjiiiiI Oltlee at Oregon t'lty Oregon. I j
! How si i-irj ( ;
Notice I. herehy given, that the following
name.) .ettler lla. illeil nolli-e of hi. Intel tlon to
make final prooT In aupport of hi. claim, ati.l
that .ahl proofwlll be made tiefore the county ;
clerk ol Washington county at lllll.'inrii. Ore
gon, on Novemlicrll. iri. vl
K. Ittch.nl Hci.lcr,
Homete.l entiv Nn 7.''-. for the W. of N K
of arc. 7. T Is, It I W. Mr name. Ihel..
low lug wltncc. tu prove hi. cotillniioil. ret
'lencc upon anl cultivation ol aahl 1. ml. via
Kml Ko lr, of Scholia Kcrrv, t'hn. Illrlch, of
; Tlganlnlle. V, Kr.-hmg. ol Scholia Kerry, F.I
Arnleo, of Meholl. Ken v. all of Oregon
i :-ll 4 J t Airman. Itrgl.ter.
! Notice I. tierehr given, that !ha llli'ler.lgneil
; hft, ly nnlerof the county court wl t ho kam..
county. iregon. been aplioluteil executor of the
I eatate of Sarah A. I'artrtilgtt. ileceaacl. All per
ou having claim, agalu.t .ahl e.tale are in,- '
tlflcl to present th. in to me properly vcrlflo.! at j
the riftli e of my attorney. H K lroaa, at Oregon i
i City, Oregon, within aix month, from the date )
I of thla notice. Wii.uh Ursa. a, j
r.g'r of the e.tateof Sarah A. Fartrhlge. ilec il.
Oregon City, or.. Oct. , IsW. lu. 7-114 j
In the mailer of the e.lale of Johu (Hover, ileo il. I
I hereby give notice that 1 have flleil In the '
county caiirt of (iackamaa comity, Oregon, my
account atnl vourher. for Anal aetllcmeut a.
ailtnlfllltrator of the e.tate. of John tilover. ie
een.cl, anil the court haa appoltlteif Tuenlav,
the .St h ilay of lieeemher. Is'Ji, aa the time for
hearing anil aettllng .ahl sccrvunta anil theei
ceptlon. thercui If any. O. J. Tki'Llinukh,
Hi 7-10, Art Aittnlni.lrator
Notice, la hereby given, that the tttnleralgueil
ha. been appolnteil ailmlulsirrttrlx with the will
anuelcil of the dale of W W. Bullock, ilu
ceaacrl, by Ihe. county court of Cliickum.
county, Oregon All persona having claim,
agalnat aahl estate are reiulrel to prevent them
to Hal! administratrix at the law oStce of C. l.
atol l. ('. llourette, with the proper vouchers,
within klx month, of the dale of thla notlco.
Kvni.Y II. He i.i. oi ' k, A'lm'x.
pati'i! at Oregon City, Oregon, Oct. S, IMix
In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for
the. County of Clackntnsa.
Nellie E. Martin, plaintiff.
v.. S
.lame. M. Martin, defendant.)
ToJami'.M. Martin, the above named defend
lu the name of the Kfate of Oregon you are re
quired to appear and an.wer the nomplalntof
the plaintiff herein an Monday, the ntlidayof
April. lsn:i: and If you fall an tn atuwer the
plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief
prayed for In the complaint, tuwlt: Kor a do
crec. dlsHolvliiK tho bninla of matrimony now
exl.tlng helwucli you and Ihe plaintiff; that ahe
have the care, cu.lody and control of her minor
child. Myrtle Ivy Martin, and for auch oilier
and further relief aa tn the court may hciwii
eiiiltable and lust, and or hor coma and till
biiraemcnta In tnU .till.
Thla .ummon.lN niihllahed by order of Hon.
T, A. Mcltrldc. Jiioge of tho above entitled
wmrK, made on the Itith day of September, IH'j'2
10:14-11:1") Attorney, lor Plaintiff.
In the circuit Court of the Stale wf Oregon for
the County of Clitokainae.
Knactta Klkcherncr, ulalntlfT, 1
Joseph Klkcherner, tlcfendanl.)
To .lo.eph Klkeherucr, the shove nained il
fendant: lu the, inime of the Stain of Oregon you are re
quired to stipesr and anawer thn coinplalnt nt
the plslnlllr herein on Monday, the 17th day of
April, lil; mid If you fall ao to sn.wor, the
plaintiff will apply to Ihe court lor the relief
prayed (or lu the complaint, to wit: Korade
cree dl.aolvlng thehonda of mntrlmony nower
l.lltiK between you ami the plaintiff, mid that
ahe Imve the care, etiatody mid control of her
minor child, llntllel,. Klkcherncr; that .he n
aumc hnr maiden name of lto.nl la liavldaoii,
and for inch other and further relic) a. to the
court may accm equitable and JuH, and for hor
coat, sun diabtiracmenta In till.. int.
Thla summons la published by order of Hon.
T A . Mcllrltle, Judire of the riboveentltled court,
mude uu the tilth day of September, Wfl.
HHotv anu. ii Dkkshkr,
10:14-1! :18 Attorneys tur I'lalntlflf.
Men's Knit Cndershirts and
Prawors, jior suit 75
Men's Heavy Seamless Socks
ti pairs 50
Men's Celluloid Collars . , 15
Men's Extra Heavy Blue
lVniui patent buttons,
patent reinforced stays . 50
Children's Wind Mats 25
Men's ti.md Wool Hats 50
Men's Good Quality Stiff Hat 1 50
oots and Shoos.
Men's Calf Boots 2 50
Men's Buckle Oil Grain I 5(1
Men's B. Calf, lace or congress 1 75
Ladies' Bright Pongol.v patent
tipped I 50
Ladies' Whole Stock I'nlined
Button ... 1 50
Ladies t il Grain Button, riv
eted 1 50
Ladies' Whole Stuck Ctilined
Laced hlines 1 50
Misses' Wliulti Stock I'nlined
Laced SliiH'H , . ... 1 25
Child's Whole Slock 1'nlinod
NDI'ICK KOH I'l Hl.li illoN.
I.asu orrns t OKroos i itv oaruod.i
Sept . aJ I
Notice l hereby tlve'i that the t Mowing
llattiil settler h.s ftir.1 notice ol hi. Inteutloli
to make final oroof lit suppott ol h: claim, and I
that .aid proof will lie tna.le lielore tlie register
and receiver of the 1 uttr.l Slates I and O'tlce at
Oregon t ity, orcs-on. on Novenilier lu, vu
l.areine l.un-1.
Homestead enlry No H lor the N W t, of
N W , of see II T I N . K K lie name. Ihe
following wtluesae. to prove hi. cotillloloiia
restdeto-c upM .lid cilltl v atloti ol .aid land vl.
eetcr I'A'tlsou, Aug. ist Paulson, of Latourelle
Killls, and Iheod ue Italics, Kratik J'lU. .lid
Ned l'auloti ol I'urtlaiid. all of Oregon
s .-w- ll 4 J. I. ArrttaaoM, Keglsirr.
Notice I. hereby given, that the uud'-r.lgurd.
administrator ol theeslaleof Joseph Meal. il
ceased, has filed his final account a. .licit ad
iiiito.iraior w Uh the clerk of tne coiitiiv court
of t'Uckainas county stale of I Wegon. and that
Monday. Oie 7th day ol Novemlier. lair, haa
been appointed lv tlie lion. J W. Meldruitt,
Judge of wvl.l court, lor the hearing ol otiJeC'
tloli. to such final account and the .elttrineiit
thereof lu the court r.aint of said eouul) coull
for t'lat'kama. county, .t.te of Oregon
John tiastuv,
Administrator of the estate ol Joseph vveal.de
S llueUi, All y tor adm r !s ja-10 il
lu the Circuit Court of the iaio of Oregon for
the I ouiily ol Clackamaa.
Klniiia llcrgaian, plalutltt, I
v.. 5
Joseph llcrgiu.u. defendant
To Joseph Bergman. Ihe ala.ve ti.med defvnd
In the name of the Stale of Oregon on are re
ii'ilrcd to appeal and answer the coti'l.UlliI of
the plaintiff herein on Monday. Oie i;tli da) of
April, la'ja and II you latl .o to aiower the
plaliilllf w III apply tn Ihe court lor tne rebel
praved for In tlie comi l ilnl to w it Kor a de
crec ilissolv lug Ihe hotels ol mill i Imoii v now
existing between you .ttel Oi, plaintiff, and that
she have the c.re. custody alol control ol her
tilllior childre I, In Wit Itrauvllle J Bergman.
Melv ille Bcrvmali and Ardls ttcrvrui.u: and lot
such ol lor and lilt I lo-r re Hi I as to I lie Coll I! may
seem eitlltablr, and lor her cost. -Old disburse
tnelit. Ill this .till
lilt, .illunious Is lolbll.licd by order of Hon.
T A Mellrlde. Jii'lve of Of ab.,,e entlllid
Court, lliade on Ihc iUl day ol Sepletnlier lMJ
Baoa m.i i. A I'HKss.a.
IS II II la1 Atlorneya lor I'lalutirr
lu the Circuit Cour. n' the stale of Oregon, lor
the County ul t Iackamaa, .a.
Tin. ma. M. Miller, plaintiff,)
va. (
Mary K, Harlow, Margaret J l-Siilt lu Kill)ly.
I'lllabury. Iletirlella M Kelly 1
and J. II Hlll.burv.deleiuri.. I
To Henrietta M Kelly ol tab) lUlendanla and
to all pcraoti. unknown claiming or having an
interest In ihe property described In the com
plaint herein
In the iianieolllieHlale.il I Iregon, yon are
hereby rruulied to appear and answer tlie com
plaint filed against you In Ihe aleive entitled suit
within ten day. from the date ol Ihe service of
thla .ummoiia upon you, If serv ed within thla
comity : or If .erved in any oilier county til till,
tale, then within Iwetuy duy. from the date of
the aervlce ol thl. .imimoti. upon you Aud If
yoti fall ao tn an.wer, lor want llieieol Ihe plain
will take Judgment niMiii.l y. .11 and apply to
the court for the reliel di llian.lcd lu .aid com
plaint which I. a .nil lor the piirtl'.lofilng
among the paitle. therein, plaintiff and defend
anta, of certain real e.tate situate int'lackamn.
county, sin tc of Oregon, to wit: The K. of the
donation claim No : In section, u r,, jr. and
Ti ill .own. hip 'iaoillli, range I east of the VMI
Iiunctte meridian, ti!l eti.l half being the wlfe'a
portion of ihe donation laud claim of Ihe lale
Samuel Miller and wife; al.ofl'ifs IK) acre, off
thus W. comer of the late Haiuuel W. Shall
nun's doinillou land eliilm, known on die map.
and plaia and aurvcy.of the I'tilted Mtate. a.
claim No. 70 111 T. S., K.IK of the Willamette
Thla autnmon. I. auhll.hed by ooler of Ihe
Hon. Loyal II. yiciirn., Judge of tha circuit
cotirtnf the .talc of Oregon for Ihe county of
.Multnomah, ilaled September 21. IW
0 i't-ll "i Alloruey for plaintiff
In the C'lrctill C'niirl of the stalo of Oregon for
Claekania. county
Louisa IiHxiel I'lnli.tlir,
John fiar.lcl, defendant'
To John haxlel, .aid defeudiint:
In the name ol the .Into of Oregon yotl are
hereby rc.Ulrcdto appear and aiiNwcrthe com
plaint Sled again.l you In the above enlltlcd
suit within ten day. Irotn the dale of Ihe service
of thla summons upon you, II served within thl
counly;or, If served lu any oilier county of
this state. Ihcn within twenty dnys from the
date of the aervlce ol this summons upon you.
And If you full so toanswer, for want thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to the court for the re
lict demanded In the complaint to, wit; for the
dissolution of the hotels of m -lrlinony now ex
isting between plaintiff and delcu.l.int
This summons Is published by order of Ihe
Honorable l,oyal II. Stearns Judge of the Cir
cuit Court of tun state of Oregon fo Mulluollmh
cuuuty, dated September'.1!, law.
H. lll'KI.AT,
B;2et rjl :5 Attorney for rinlnilff.
In tho Coiuitv Court of Clnckiimns County,
Shite ol Oregon.
In the matter of the estate of
Hiiinuel J Onkley, deceased.
Notlco Is herehy given, that the iinderslirtii'd,
aitmlulNtrntor with tire will nniicxcil of salil es
tnte, has filed his final nrc'iuiitaa auch admln
IHtrator, and the Judge i.f snld court Iihm fixed
Mmiday, the 7th day of November, IHM, at 10
o'clock a, m. el, the county court room lit Ore
ffon City tn Iflaekiiiniis ttounly, Oregon, as the
tlrao hiiiI piece to hear objections to said final
niiooiiiit sml for the settlement of the same.
AilmlnMtrstor with the will annexed of the ea-,
itateofSnmttel J. OsMey, deceased. (K:2;l-I0;'21
Lace Shoes 1 IK)
Men's Satinet Suits, best work
manship ftOO
An Extra Good Quality Cussi-
more Suits . ..10 00
Men's Fancy Worsted Suits,
llnely maileaud trinnned 10 0
Ladles' Cloakos & Jackets.
We have a nice lint which wo
oiler at exceedingly low
Gray Blanket, coarse quality. I "'0
Grav Blanket, Wool, 5t. . ' . 3 tK
(iray Blanket, wool 7 It., 11-4 5 iKt
We have a full lino of Oregon
City blankets mid will sell them at
exactly factory prices, which will
ln aU'Ut 15 to 20 per cent, lower
than any other house will or can
Noricr Kolt IT HI h'ATION.
I and otlice at Oregon Ity, tiregoti.l
Kept e. I
Notice I. hereby given that the following
named settler ha. ft led notice of hi. Intention
to make final pritot lu .uptHtrt of nl claim, ami
that .aid prool wilt le made t-fote the liegl.ler
and Iteceoer of the I l aud oillee at Oregon
t Ity. Oregon, nn Novemla r a, 1J, via,
li.v id II loone,
Homestead enlrv No ftl tortlieS K 'sol N V.
'..leIN K i.olS ,ol See ,ai T IS ft i R He
name, the billowing witness-, to prove ,t. eon
tlutloil. residence iih,ii and eulllvaltoti of .aid
laud, via Jerry Iaiiv. I', N Iirklli., John lr
kin. and Irv lu I. I larke, all of i larke. p.t of
flow. t't. kama. rvHiuty Oregon.
V H I" & 1 T. ACiawao. Kegl.ler.
1 hereby glv notice that I have Sle.1 In the
county court of t'lackama. ouiuiy. oiegou, my
aciuutagyoiit vouehcre for final M-ltlcmellt aa
admiulsitalrlk o' Ihe v-.lale of Andrew Ian
.hag. tie. eased, aed the court ha. appome.
M. ill. lav. Novemlwr7lh l 'J. a. Ihe da) fit e
aniliiailoii and wMtlemeiit ol the aame.
Ilaled Sept, In, I.'
Ashii Kixu. Ad in I
W. c.Johuaon Arty Jt.l"Jl
Oiilrsl Ail.lllliiti.
SK'c:! ailraliuii Is cnllml to ttui
ta4iililol, nitlilly and lioallliv lotalions
(or loinu-a cm rvnaiitigl.lsv terms to I'llr
c'liieora wialitnig In ln atei In On'tfolt
City. riU'itli tinlor ami otlier tttlrai"
In.iia In t 'ei Irul A.l.lilion. l ino ul
tirl.an luuin-rly In Irarts of ti o
acres or nunc,' i.no inlln ami a ipmr-lt-r
(mill town. Jwviirnl small bin val
uable (iiruia (or itli i Iichii and on enay
terms. AH.Iyto I, K. Jasnkv
lilt V. t 'atV Jullliaiin.
r r win ik
I'rnct real Jrohlitct ,f- lUtihltir.
vvlll prepare plana, elevation., working de
tail., aud speclfii-alloli. lor all kinds ol build
lug. Special attention given to lmdern cot
tagea. K.tlmate llirillftlltal on application
Call on or addre.a w III ft BKtiS ,
Oregon city, oin
Over Cauflrld'i Hrug Store,
Oltlee .lava from the l.l tolMholeach monlh,
Artificial teeth on ruhle-r, first cln.a, l j
Oold filling, from 'J tin. All
wnrk guarauiecil.
oo T
rioe Perfnmerlcs and Toilet Articles,
Also s full slock of
-A.3STD .
I'ltrtitis ilhsirinK Wood Turning1, Pat
tHrns, ItratikutR, or
Shop Carpenter's Work
Will be Hnltod by Csllinu on Me.
Doors, Windows and Blinds.
tJtTOpp, the- Conjrroj(Htioniil Cliurcb.