Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 21, 1892, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Clackamas Co. Directory.
Clerk ot Court,
School superintendent,
J.W Meldrntw
1 c! w! )'iii''n
j ohIvii
j. r. Bradley
II. s. Olbaon
Sidney Smyth
K. I. Ilonnaii
t Richard Sou
ICoruellus VUir
Comic laslouera.
Jlayof. T. W Snlllran
Bonmifr. ' AV, t'."
Chlf I ol IV1IC - - J S-t'imtora
auwuor. J Khoailvs
Trmr, - r J- ',,,ls
nm Mtornr. - H.k.trMaa.
8uu'imilMlonr. . I-. Holnj
a..n'i .-,1 U ir U .ukl W. H. Ilowttt
w h Howell
City Snclnw. jwney smyin. ; Ultjir I'lieamiH'e on tlie tair tfrouiuia,
Counellmen C. O. Alhrlcht. Jr., It. U kUy, l , . n.i
SOrwnman. w Ahli. J J Oooko. J. , hilt they (!t r lil of the ir!ites, Thei
ii i .,1.11.11 J (1 I'urter and T P Kan- i . i 11 i i ;
dall toner ana i. r. Ran j lWIHnlodtion liftdbeen ilien'aiHsl by
vi-Umtnrft.tn'.larotachmonih!hulilinilof an itiMitlon to the pavillion. i
t ..-w.,, I . .... ...
Clrenlt court eonvenea tlrst Monday In No
Twmner and ihtrd Monday lu Arll.
Irobat court In aeasion 8rst Monday in each
Oommlaatonera court meela (lrt Westtiemlay
aftr nmt Monday of each mouth.
ffThr war to biilhl up Oretton
City Is to rive Oreiron City people your
Clocks at Bnrmeister A: Andersen's. !
Evervone warranted. I
. , ,rv: T" .. ,
J. S. Courtney M. P., physician and
ttirjieon, room 5 and t,
ChlirillSI. block.
Those contemplatints borrowing should
ascertain terms offered by C. O. T.
Full stock of lubricating oils, best and
Jhe cheapest at Se.entli street dn.g
School deportment cards
one cent
each, good for term, at the Entrrprisk
Take your babies to the New York
gallery and get a good picture w hile you
have the chance.
Who keeps pi rk prepared paint?
Why! Charman A Co., City Drug r.ore.
Sample cards free.
C. 0 T. W illiams is now doing bnsi-
new for himself at the old stand next 1
Amr r runtll.l .1 HontWa ,lrlu, j
door to lautieiu ttuntiej a arug
Keen vonr i-anarv bird nea tnv nv
tuing clean, pure seed for sale by Char-1
ntan & Co,
druggists, at ten cents a;1.
An elegant assortment of dry goods ;
mnd domestics at the Park Place Store. (
All goods fresh and maiked at our f
usual low prices .
Redhouse, the jeweler, No. 4 Com-
o.erxial bank blix-k, will give f"0 reward
for a watch that he cannot repair and;
make run correctly.
Now is the time to prepare your win-,
, , . t !
dowsand Charman & to.. C ity Irug ,
store, havo all sires of glass. Special ;
sizes cm without extra costs. j
The ladies of the M
E church w ill j
serve a dinner in the parlor of the church
on election dav, November 8, for which
.,, , - . . I
they will charge 2o cents apiece.
The best dav's work at baling clover ;
ftay tuis year is rvpoiieu iroiu ciiauuru.
Gross Bros .
working for Case Bros.
baled 16 tons and 700 pound in seven j
Corw in S . Shank, formerly of Canby,
who has been studying and practicing
law in Seattle two or three years, is now
member of tbe law firm of Pratt &
Shank in that citv.
This week marriage licenses were is
sued to the following couples by County
Clerk Hurton: Mrs. Anna Ttier and
Louis Hohenteitner, Mary Marrs and
Alonzo Wickham, and Gertie M. Caroth
ers and C. D. F. Wilson.
J. II. Kellogg is finishing a new cot
tage on Twelfth street between John
Adams and JelTerson streets. It is a
frame structure about 2x3f feet on the
ground and two stories high and it pre
sents a neat appearance.
Now is the time to paint as the rain
had laid the dust and Charman & Co..
druggist have the only pike prkpariid
paint on the market and thirty-two ele
gant shades to choose from. Sjiecial
rates on lartre quantities.
Articles of incorporation of the First
Congregational church of Oregon City
were filed in Salem last week. The in
corporators are Dr. H. E. Ferrin, E. B.
Andrews and others, and the value of
church property is placed at $17,000.
There are between seven and eieht
hundred bales ot straw on the river bank
here awaiting shipment to Oregon City.
We predict that the time is not far dis
tant when no straw will be burned in
the field, but all of it shipped to the !
pater mills, tbUfl Opening another
. . .
source of prom w me grain raiser.
Sewberg Graphic.
The Holmes liusineHS college or Port
land, Oregon, In now a day and boarding
school, so that parents who send their
sons and daughters away to a business
school, can feel that they are surrounded
by a school atmosphere and home in
fluences. Everv young man, and woman
as well, should have a business educa
tion. It fits them to do business for
themselves, and a good book keeper or a
stenographer can always find employ
ment. Send for catalogue of the Holmes
Business college. 2t
THE muhm FUR.
List of l'remluttis Aniirtlctt t F.xhlMtora
this year.
. . . . i I .
The lttto Creek Ian-held at Marqtiam
thi mur miB.J tlih.st ever hold
I by the association. Compared with
j hist year's fair the improvement is not
I marked because last year im an
i B1,uu".v K00' e' (or farm crop
i a tut it was not ititiiciiu to got it Hint-ma
eient display of products the toil.
The live stock exhibit tlii
year was
probably the best ever uiada) there, tint
this is saving pood deal for It. In the
department of domestic arts (he usual
high degree of excellence Was Manifested.
The manager of the Ktitte Creek fair
were conn lied to i)el heroically with ft
5 v'' u' fakirs and gsmblets who made
. itie weatlier nug vear was not all that
couU have been desire,! but the tx
tion Jid ft catisfactorv biifint'jxi and the
, . ...... ,,,,
fair of IK't.ti. 7aiut 8, IN"'.' was a uo-
cess as may I jinlcnl by the following
list of premiums awarded :
Clydesdale stallion, tiorse Uitllf, 1st.
r., .iiUi.,,. w i uh.i.. m
Stilllon any graJe, r'miik Murray. It. U w
Souihwiok. .M.
BriHHl maw. havln foaled one or more colla,
ttm M.er li: Henry liarih. .M
Colt under eight mouths old. Win Moaer. 1st.
Henrv Harth Ai
Yearlmii cit. ileiirv Barth. 1st: Jawh Voris. -.M.
1'wo yeamoul eoli, ,)atvt Voria. 1st; S T ltolnrt.
Colt, three yenrs old. James i!e. Island At.
division a I'Arri.it.
i Jersey bull. ST Hohart, M.
i ,,ailoav bull, T Simii. i.t.
I '' uf u" " L skirvlu. lt and M.
; Hnek sheep, M M KobMua. it; J T K.wa. .M.
! Kwe shet'o. it M KobMus, Isi and '.M.
Lambs, any grade unuer etlil nioutna OKI. J I ;
Koaa, 1st. i
Aurora goat, buck, John Haugh. 1st. .
ee. " " 1st.
kida. ' l.t
Boar, aur age. J T Ross. tat. I) A Rulings, M
Piga under aix tnoutua old, t Truman tat. J T
Rosa, .VI.
division n- rot tTv.
Trio chli kena, brown Leghorns, Mrs. 0 A Rid
in. 1st.
Trioehiekens, white leghorus, Mlas Ann liar
re tt, 1st.
Ttio ohii-keus, Plymouth Rm-ka, MraO A Rid
iuga. 1st.
Trioehiekens, Wyandotts, Misa Ann Carreit, lu
Pair of turkeys, Mrs li A Kidiuga. 1st.
fair of geese. Misa Auu tiarretl. lat.
Pairol diieka. Miss Klt.e Koboiaa, lat; Mrs U A
Rulings, id,
Six largest carrots, E Skirvtn, 1st.
Six largest mangel wurzel. K skirvlu. 1st.
t hree largest umtktus, M M Hobbina lat: 8W
liaiuea, id.
: Varl..i v .f s.,nshi I T U.MiItt FTrnm.H -,l
Three eabbAges. C P Thorn m, 1st: F Truman, M.
Pie cilroua. S W tiainea, l.t; F Truman. Jd
0 D h , n , bl , 0
White, lat: J I Riwa. Jd.
; Six largest uoiatoea. J T Koa. 1st: C P Thomaa.
. . ; . -, . , . L i ti , ....v. , ij u
Robbiua. it.
twelve largest oniona, i r jacx tai: r itu man
' Oue-foimh bushel onion sets 3 W tUlni. tat.
i Three largest watermelons. Mary Albright, lat.
Three largest ; musmelus. if
M Robbiua. lat .
six largest tomktcea. Mra Alice Jack, lat; Mary
taf 11 M
! , I. I. .-f .......... I I V.u.
I Kubbl'is. 2.1.
Quarter bushel winter a'ies, 11 M Robbins, 1st;
i R R rimmaa. .'d.
; yuaner bushel .'ail apples, T P Soulea, 1st; J T
Ross. .d
Quarter bushel fall pears, Jnmca Reed, lat; Cy ,
! Quarter b.isiiel whiter feara. II L skirvin. 1st.
t .niu.-e, Mrs j r lr.ike 1st; J B .N.. it. i
Ulspiay ul Irull trees, t Ji'lies, l.l.
division q-raRM proi.kts. (
Half bushel fail wheat, F J Hidings, lat; Wal-
Hi"fm,h'eUhnrn'i wheat, J M uroahouir. 1st; F
Half tmahel w'hite oats, J E MsMuam. lat: 11 M
K Albright, it.
t riobtmis ii.
I Half bushel black oata, II M Bobbins, lat; F J
,,K,i;1'u-, .,.., ,. , .,
Half bushel barley. H M Kobhlna, lat; F.llla Rid-
inga. m.
Hall bushel buckwheat, Jacob Vorls, lstaud id.
Half bushel . heet, s w liain.. 1st.
Quart white beans.Chaa Helm, lat;C PThomaa,
f"'orea r "u'"' ' ,ru"
Six ear. Held corn, w 8 Jack. i.t; . F Tr,.m.?n 2d.
Six earn aweet com, Mary Albright, lat; b eikir-1
Quarter bushel oniona. 9 W Gains, lat.
Quarter buahel timothy aeeii, J t Maninam. lat. j
Oiiarter bushel clover seed. S W (iaiua. 1st
Display of grain In f heaf, and gras.-e, properly
arrmged and labeled with their true uame. F i
J Ridiuga, 1st . H L Skirvin. it.
division Hf lowers,
Piaplay of flowers Dot to exceed twelve boxes,
Mra E skirvin. 1st; Mra Alice Jack, il.
Display of fuehalas. four boxes, Mrs Alice Jack,
lat: Mra K Skirvlu, 2d.
Display of geraniums, four boxes, Mri E Skir
vin, lat; Mra Alice Jack. 2d.
Display of begonias, four boxes, Mrs E Skir
vin. in, Mra Mary Jack, 2d.
Bouquet of Green Bowers, Mrs Mary Albright,
lat and 2d.
BouUet of dried flowers and grasses, Mary Al
bright. 1st: Mra. E Hkirvln, il.
Display of peppers, Mrs E Skirvlu, 1st
Qullt.hand made, Mrs Mary Woodcock, lat; Mra I
Marv Jack. 2d.
UjI cabin ii i It, Mra S E Woixllngton, lat.
Crazv mult. Mra I D Larkins, lat.
Pillow shams, Misa fvy Murley, 1st; Misa Kate
Adams. 2d. i
Crochet work, Mrs Bela Scott, 1st; Lilly For-j
Kuit'lac'e, one yard or mure, Mrs Altha Niehol-'
rmZl;i.ut, Mis. k-.,Ri
Haugli. 2d.
Java canvas tidy, Mra E Skirvin, lat and 2d.
Crochet tidy, Jennie Perdue, 1st; Sarah llann,2d.
Knit tidy, Mra E skirvin. 1st,
Ijice kuit rlbon tidy, Mra Mary Woodcock. 1st.
8ofa or chair cushion, nrHzy work, Misa Kthe
Robbins, 1st; Yrs Mary W ooilcoeli, 2d.
rj'.faor chirciis!nuri, worsted, Mra K T Ji Thom
as. 1st.
Crochet aklrt, Jennie Perdue, 1st.
Crochet chair acarf, Mra Liza tiaurety, 2d.
Table senrf. painted. Misa Lulu While, 1st.
Table acarf. embroidered, Mrs Bela Scott, 1st.
1iunge scarf, crochet, Mrs I I) Ijtrkina, lat.
Rag carpet, Mary Marquam, lat, 0 W Mar
itiam, 2d.
Homemade rait carpet, Mrs 8 E Worsting
ton, 1st.
Crochet counterpane, Miaa Ina Morley, lat
Mantel lambrequin, Miaa Mary Malijliam, 1st;
Mra Bela Scott, '2d.
Hand trimmed apron, Miss Rose Morley, lat;
Mrs Sarah Hand, 2d.
Banner, Mra Bela Scott, 1st.
Splasher, Lulu W hue. 1st and 2d.
Corn husk mat, Miaa Elbe Kobblna, 2d.
me Rob-
Vlw raff. rriBChine rnnde, .Irn Alif;eJHf:k, IM
airn r, n i j iionm, u
Pillow cases, hand Hewed, Mrs E B T Thomas, 1st.
Table acarf, knit, Mra K H Skirvin, lat.
Java canvas chair scurf, Mrs E HkTrvlii, lat.
Photograph case, Misa Kva Scott, lat.
Picture throw, Misa l.ydia Hcolt, 1st.
Iig cabin tidy. Mrs KT H Thomas, 2d.
Wall pocket, Mra Mary Marquam, 1st; Mrs.Bcla
Siott, 2cl.
Display of needle work, Misa Kate Haugh, 1st.
Work basket, Mra Bela Scott, lat.
Tied tidy, Miaa Joaie Cobb, lat, Mrs Bela Hcolt,
Tied bureau acarf, Mrs Bela Scott. 2d.
Loaf of bread, hop yeaat, Mrs E Skirvin, 1st;
Mra Alice Van W'ay, 21.
Soda blaculu, Mrs E Skirvin, lat; Mrsllela Scott,
Hop yeast biscuits, Mra E Skirvlu, 1st; Mrs Bela
Scott, 2d.
Three )l. Misa liU Uarrtitl, ll
TnkM. Mri Mary VWxslcivk, In; Miss Ida
tlarrett, '.M.
Two pouuda fresh turner, Nr R It Scoll, lat:
Mra Minnie I'liomi.siui vl.
1'wo pomida honev, Miaa Ami tlarrett. IM.
Assortment el Met am, .Mm fc I H lunulas, mi,
Tim. imiids dried atdes, Roy i.ray, lat; .leiiiile
j ivrdue.ad
t Tluiud. dried (dnma, Mr. K Skirvlu, 1st;
Mra it v Kldiiuis. 3d,
Two unda dried poata, Mra K Skfrv til.
Roy tiiav. 'M
Three itla'ssca lolly, Mra Mary Marutiatn, tat:
Jennie Ceclne 'M.
Aasorinieiti of Jellies, Mra Mary Albright, l(.
Jennie I'enlue, M
Four varieties of canned fni(i, Mrs K T rlThuin-
aa, I.I Mary Albright, -M
"Tv.V''" WVyrt' Nr K T T'.
1.1 Mury Albrliitil. -M
I Aaaortiiieni of prnmn, Mra IS T B Thomas,
lai: .vary .amnttiii, .m.
Aasornneiii IriiU huiler, Mm K T II Thomaa, Im,
Two pounda lacked butler, m Allr Jack, IM:
Mr K M Sll, M.
Mvimon -woHm.ir T and omn amkntatium.
lil-lv ol an. (V. Until t nil. atrr I'IiiiUiw.
ilmunn. lo, Mi H Jolivm Ut: Mim Auu
IUhiiIi. At
Pmxm ilvisom. Vlw KiW B Aiturm. lat
I lni-ly l li'ihiT, hair, ivihvrt, wax work,
. no.. Mis l.)illa Bvtitl, lt; Mia Alloo Van
Hav. S.
Homo mail mw).. Mt Allin Vau W, Hi: Mm
R Hotihina. Jvl
WViau.ft I urn Mini fNMft nrT! Vt
or aim.
l'""' 'V',,,yV" ,LV'J' IVrl K,,,,",
1 rt'aani Mollolnou. l.
i ii.u, v...i i,i.,-,ui.. ivrl Ki.iiuaa. iii:Ti
o.tti,,,,, ,; iv.rl ki.iiu..m.
! 'i', ivari Ki.tmtim tt. Trai Mi hoUou, u.
Two hiiihI Iiiiiut. K.wlyil K.il'blin, ll
j thw la.,. ot Jelly. Auu V.fclet, tat; Carrl
, Tl"''r((,, lir)MllirV( ,,,.,,,,,..,.,
Vrlil l raimnl Iruu. Kwl) Koiamia, tat.
! IMviatiiN Mr4Ni V woHfc. kkwino, kStrriNii,
f tiw, roa iiiki... i nokh rirrKKN VKAKor ua,
.... ... ..... .
! Knit laif. 1 ri..to Mi'liolsoii.
, Nwiieal raa.t areaa, Trea.1 NtchutaoB, 1.1 anil
I -'I , , . . , . ,, , ,
i l'rH-ht lace. 1 resale .Nii-holaou, 1st; I lirUllua
I Thnniaou. '.M
Nel.t made afroll, 1 re.sie Moholson. 1st
I Ncale.t Ulow i-ii.es. Irvs.ie Nifhotsoli. M.
i Tldy.amsene w.wk. le.a Urklua. isi.
' i.ivi.ion sriHM faohi its ano mk. hash At
i wohkn roR aov s i: niikm rirrhas kahs or AUK.
j ,,,,,. vegetal.!.... Willie Mi-holson. Isi
; l'ltree eirs ol o.iii ooru. t ilhe Hrowu. 1st, I'heu-
dore (iln, .'d.
1 Urgesi rmnokm iviey A lema, 1st.
1 l'ist.iay hi nim. noj usrteu. isi, narris i,m
j tVjlL ,:,..,. , ., k,.,
guart colored beaua, tlaaner White, lat.
The Ctt.es In Circuit, County mid Jus.
tie Courts.
StVVi, Thomas Charman t Son v S J
Criteser; suit to enforce the payment of
a promissory nolo for HVi 4M made May
lSSti, due in months after date.
C. H. A 1. C. Ijitoutvtte attorneys.
.VVVt. Thiw Charman i Son vs Chat.
Welsh ; suit to enfoice the payment of a
promissory note for 1-1:1. "3 made May 15,
ISSti, due six months af.er date and
$111.37 on a hotik account. C. IX A 1.
C. Latouivtte attorneys.
5(167 Thomas A Evans v Susie V.
Evans; suit to dissolve marriage con
tract entered into in Sedan, Kansas,
Oct. hi, ISfsii, adultery with D. C. I'ark
er U-ing alleged I'laintitf wants the
custody of a three-year-old daughter.
W. M. Pavis attorney.
,V")S. William Quinn vs I) F May and
O. V. Mattoon; suit to enforce the pay
ment of a promissory note for $100 made (
Mr'' I'1. t due one yenr fiom date, j
Will II. Walker attorney
.Violi. Tho Clackamas Creamery vs
W. W. and M. J. Watcnpaugh; suit to
collect $14'l alleged to lie due (or the rent
ol the creamery building just south of
Citv as a residence. C. I. .V
I C. I.uto-ireite altorncys.
,WiO Join) Kelly vs .Julia Anna
Kelly ; suit to dissolve murrmge contract
enteied into Julv 14. 1SH1, ilessertion
being the cause alleged. Hrowncll &
Prcsser attorney.
Captain Jiiines Evans, who lives on
the west aide near Wilsonville.was before
Justice Fouls charged with larceny of
cord wood from Edward Seol last Mon
.i.... ,! . t) n .i..r i... i i.:... t.
was ft liirv tna and the defendant was
i arouitteil and thn costs flinoiintinir to
o- (oh, airulnst tll i-onilihlin-
WAI.KEK.-In Oregon City, Oct. 10,
.1S!2, Ann Eliza, wife ol K. B. Walk
er, aged 54 years, 5 months and lOduys.
Deceased was born in Otiio The fam
ily resided in Michigan and Dakota a
number of years, coming to Oregon City,
nearly three years ago. Mrs. Walker
had been sick eleven weeks with in
ternal cancer. She leaves three chil-
lr(-'n- "'e """ Ht-''"' 2:1 -v'r-
The two daughters are aged Hi and 14
The funeral w ill occur at the residence
on Water street Friday at 1 p
in. and
in accordance with Mrs. Walker's special
request it will be very quiet. The de-!
ceased was of the L'niversalist fuith.
KATON-COOI'ER On Oct. l:S, HK by
Hev. G. Win. Giboney at the hume
of Mr. Cooper six mileseast of Oregon
City, Mr..!. If. Eaton and Miss C'enie
Cooper, both of Clackamas county.
by Rev. G. Wm. Giboney in Oregon
City, Mr. Alonzo Wickham and Miss
Mary Marrs.
Sewers Coiiiicclluns.
I am ready to make all sewer connec
tions at the uniform price of 2"i cents per
lineal foot. Apply immediately to l'eter
Kauirman, foreman on the work.
21 R. W. Riskk, Contractor.
Why pay if 1 .25 for coal oil when you
can get 5 gallons best for .05 at Hamil
ton & Allen's, Clackamas. tf
City and County Warrants bought.
Office In Postofflce building Oregon City Or.
We are Not Closing Out at Cost !
Nor do wo intond to do so, but wo aro able to soil you anything:
in the lino of
UJJU llill u
At prices that cannot bo equaled in Oregon City, whethor thoy
are selling out at cost or not.
We aro sole agents for Oregon City and vicinity for tho
Brownsville Woolen Mills,
And wo have at all times a full lino of their colobratod
On hand, which wo will sell at tho samo pricos as sold by tho
company in their own storo. In hats wo carry all lines,
Including Stetson, Knox and Dunlap Styles for Men,
And the largest stock ever seen in tho city for Boys.
Don't forget that we have the largest stock and cheap
est prices of any house in the city.
Tlie One Price Clothiers and Hnllers,
The Most Complete
and only first
Quality consider
ed, our prices are
always the lowest.
Cor. 7th & Madison, Shively Building, Oregon City.
I have a full ttupply of money w hich
I wiwh to limn on good
Of 40 acres or more on the
uioHt favorahle tiTiiiH.
Call and nee me at tny office,
PosloiTice building,
before going'
Correspondence Solicited.
Local AKcnt of tho
JarTls-CjonlclIn Mortgage Trust Coup?.
Beautiful Fruit Farm !
Forty acres, level as a floor, all
cleared, well fenced into five fields,
good house 20x20 feet, splendid
well of good water and force pump,
good barn and out houses, several
hundred fruit trees prunes, apple,
cherries, etc., small fruit in abund
ance, several sheep, hogs, cows, two
young horses. Everything in first
class condition. For particulars,
apply to owner, Milton Btinghy,
near Currinsville, or see L. H.
Janney, with W. Carey Johnson,
Oregon City, Oregon.
I in MtrUTM ami tlci'lcrs in
Choice Family Groceries
Selected Teas.l'un' Coffees & Spices.
Butter & Cheese from best dairies
Fruit and Vegetables in Season.
Successors to Mrs.
Watched, dloc, pilverware, JeWelPiJ.
Repairing a Specialty.
JIu I ii NlreH, Oregon City, Orcuoii,
Special Bills Cut to Order
Mill and Yard on tho River, Foot of Main Street.
Manufacturers of and dealers In all styles of
Both rough and dressed for lawn and division fence, also
Hartman Steel Picket Fence,
And Wire Panol Farm Fence, alno Expanded Metal Fence.
Call and see Samples and get Prices.
Shop over Bestow's Sash & Door factory,. Oregon City, Or-
Business Conducted
On Business Principles.
One Price to All.
Positively no con
nection with any
advertising scheme
C. 11 L, Bcrmelster,