Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 21, 1892, Image 5

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
In Krf i i i)i Mum , wl
Htin.ri Al.t'ONA A IHMiiNA!
. VI ... p,T ,.,, rHri A wt
'". '7 IHI. III.
'"' t Hum., m.
MUtm. Maim in.
' P a mi i, m.
' I' m. iu ii in.
, Imi.liiini
iwUI v vl )f uu Itxiiiht iikn mi tho I unit & mi
n I lo'll It 1 1
in i m.
' 1,1 i in II mi in.
ft II. Ill, Ml l in
1 1 in., im l in i linimn Hill, ...ii u.nlri,
I'ully Him rn . H it t n I
m-wiiihm nukiMN riTt iMtiri n iim't.
.1 n m I r.ii' Milnn nml SukIm ik Hum;
Uri-xmi I lly I" in.
t l- l.rntu 1'iirilmiil Viimliill uln-l il.uk,
i in ; tinnHM I'll y :i . iii.
N.iRtll R.il Nil
AllMtty l-.wtl I H t 1 11 1 (llllt.
nltfmliU I- int.-. tlliiuiiitli j
KiiaplitilK Uh-aI tt, liiUilll
tll til But Wit
itu.ctHir l.tw.l (y atittliMift
AllMtly I m'll alnlliitiki .
V.llfnrtlill I tin jtlntmtfll)
t.i .
a .v )., i
t il a, in
ft mi i in
7 .'.I ill
fcl.ll. rliii Kniiitf Not til. a- m.. U li m , a i hi
Uallx-lnir tului "iiiilli, V lit. , ? ill in
l. t'H'tii
Drmini ( II) In Kly.t'urtu. Miillii-iaii-l Mulalla
ivatvt. al IJ in ami ariUra al I.1 in. tUll,
(lr.i..i. Illy In Kl Mmk I lr M. .l'.llf'k.
t'llluli Mllla, Miillnu alnl I iiIihii. Ira- al IU
ill Ititi1av. 'lliurt'la)' alnl ttalur'iay, alul r
turn nit tnlluwltit ilari al J .1A m
Tiiit Maih Hinhkt liMim. T!m unli--mil
giviiiK Hid I. nut Ni.lt railway com
nr riiflil u( v llirmiidi Main alnt
11 tin oim fiiil ill Hut tt v to llui otlinr ro
vlilna that llm tun k almlt Ihi muialrm tfil
on thn I'alulilinlii'.! uraild ut tint trvi-t. It
t an llii'll ili-ai)fiiri In liavtl Mnin alriTl
iniiruviil tliia i'nn u tlial llm ciiat
rniilil U. IhhwiiimI liy litvlni llm railway
uininiiy U ar lla nlmip. Wlirn tlii'nltri'l
iiiiiriivpini iit irujiil wan killi'il ilia rail
way Intiu'lilaw taint- Into (wulinr proml
livnct lur it al on e tt'alirr.l tliat it
wuiilil Iw mi ihI.I aliin-l with an til.-, trie
callruad liaviunim lliti ).lt ciitli ol it
in atiiue iIhiv IhIow an.l in amni .I p
inaiiv IitI almvp tin. rnilay. Tlm-mlt.
Ilmt liaa Impii iatalilialn. fur Malnalrtf t
ia li (rut kIhivh llm irt'Hriit nMnlway al
IlriiiiMlil.in'a mill ami 'M dul bImivi low
ttati'r in I he river. At Filln'iitli alri'tl a
tilt u( 1A (if I la ri'i'iiri'il to liriuk lliv
wrtft up lu raili. Al tlx niiil.lln u( t lie
lilnck liei-tmi Klfti-rnth nl Kotirltt-ntli
irm'la Itll ol mt will liavw u I
maili-; at thr north aiilu uf Kiiiirtpf litli
1 Vliml OH will Ix mirnaarjr luit at tin
iHiiitli alilu il la ii to uraild A 1',-loot
lilt ia ii.jiilrr.l in the ini.litla ol tlit neit
iilia k aoiilh wliiln ImiI'i aiilm ol tlm liliM-k
am al grailn. Tlit next till ia at Tliir
tiThlli. Tlie tonlli aliln ol dial a l reel aa
it rriwMia Main will li ntiaeil olio loot ;
atTwelfili llm Itll lll tx4i, d-ot. In
the nililill ol tlie Mock U'tweiin Twnlltli
ami Klovenlli a 12 lift Itll ia rrtiirt-tl
On tlie north aiilu ol Klinenlli llm till
nill I alMiiit 12 Irot Iii In on llm aoiith
iilo ol that atn-ct it will Ihi alanit nu
(.Hit. Tim II rt rut lifitlna in tliv miiMln
olTi'iilh atrwt. IliMwi-i'ii Kiiihth ami
Ktivoiitli a rntol alillli niortt than om
(iMit wilt Ihi mailt. TIiitb am alllit
il" ami lllla at varloua oilier itai( Imt
tliey are liniiniortant elrept tlie 2 let't
till oiMi-iit the woolen mill.
l-KNaKi. Thn Oit'Kon City TrnaHirta-
ion company a-wmla 2t),(KH) a year in
Oregon Clly in wk'''" ami mipplleii and it
paya the i lly a renlal ol $t!0 a year (or
tlie team ol the foot ol Klglith "Ireet
wlierii llatlot'k ami wartihonm aru. it ia
tirely a li'iirtH to have the improvement
at the eml ol thn at rout ami tlie cotnan.v
hail to tuilM ita own atriicturen, ol rourao.
Theoomiany imea alimil I'M) ronls ol lire
aiihI a month which ia all (tirnialiod
licru, ltuttlorl Hnm. Imving tlm preBent
t-ontract. Hie city IiihI week mmlu a
very ttitrt'eiihlu Improvement tiy pulling
a pipe at tlm mouth ol tlm Seventh atreet
newer no aa to rontliict tlie water and
Hpwii)-a that formerly Mowed down over
the rocki at llm bout lmidiiiKi and wiia
nut at all timea aurtienlilu to the olfucto
toriea, in a cloaed channel out into ti e
river. Ity tlm opening of (lie next tour
iataeiiHon llmOretfon City Tmimportation
conipiiny will ho jirepured tnlmndlea
tmicli larger biiHineaa than formcily and
do it more aulitifuctorily nil round.
Tuk lloAiui til Thapk. -The special
meeting ol the hoard of Initio called laat
Tuesday ufterimon was not iiiut'h better
attended than the regular meetings
penally are. 1 here was some dismission
of tlie threatened diHiiicmlini meut of ton
county uud a motion was iittopted that
the board was opposed to having any
portion of the territory of Clackamas
county ceded to Multnomah. The adver
tising matter, which, It was understood,
would involve the expenditure of !100
or f-100, was put over till the next regular
meeting in the hope. Hint there would be
it larger iitlendiuico of members to con
eider un appropriation of so lurgu a sum.
H was given out, however, and generally
untlerHtood that action would bo taken
on this subject at tho next regular ineot
iiiK, even if there should be. but a bare
quorum prosont. It wua doe mod high
time that steps in tluit direction wore
being taken,
I,Ai) Ofifun Ciu-oiiH, Hnvnral
cliaiiK" are almnt to he matte in tlm
Oreunii Cily tuiiil nlll.'H, Aa now ar-
litni.i Ihein uie atiiiill n liiliniiliilioiia
lor the pnlilio and iinni'i f"ury Inter
Miplion In tlm ili'p,ili li of liimliinaa. In
the Ihi U" f"Hit room a ai'inc am feet
w lite tlie entire leimili of tlm mom will
lie act oirior llm puliliu and a writing
talilti will he put next llm window an
that thoae who ilealie to muke out their
nwn pit pei a may do ao witlimil liuvinx to
UO In aoiiieliiily'a nlmi olllce to di tlm
ork, That will -ilmi he llm ulllie of
Itcillater Appt'iaoii. There will lie mure
loinii lor the i-iiiiiiiimtloii of plala and a
clerk ciiii wittt mi applicant without tuk
inn tlm time of Die rtw i itor fur u.ilnipor
Iniil liiitllcra. Ol cotiiae he will liiiv.t to
aitHWer tili'ilona reliillve to land titlea,
etc., hlinwlf. lieceiver I'H'ift will
have the olll. e now occupied hy tint leu
ialt r and llie intt'iiiiediiitit ullireia will
Ik. occupied hy the cleika The lulise
room at the rear mm' held hy
llm receiver will Im ilcvnteil to tlm
heiiiliK ol eoiiic.ra ami It will ufl'iinl
lunch mote room mid ia iiiumi conven
iently aituniei! fur tlittt mm vice III. Hi llm
mm liacil at preaeiil.
( ulniiihiia Hut
t'anhv a.'li'Mil and
ill iniliy.
Ili.i iia intend to
celehtalii the 4tHMh auiiivetaary ol Col
! iimliiia in an appropriate munner. The
lulltiw illy la the itin,-i.iui lor llm tiny:
i CiuiliV and two or mote adjoinlng
' achmila wHI meet piomplly at fanhy
at hool hoiimi nt li .Sii a. m The color
i IliiitnU will meet and eacorl tint (i. A.
j li. men and duuetora lo aeala ol honor.
0ielitlit B'l'lrva hy ptini Ipitl ; a.iliK l y
achiHil, The puplla w ill then Ioiiii in a
I hnl low a.piate on the achnol giotiuda;
raiaiiiK of llii- hy veteralia; tla aatuteliy
pnpili. and veterana. They will then
) march in a body lo Kuljlit'a hall where
' llm lolliiwintf pnntrnni will lie rendeied :
lt.uillhK.il l'lr-l'lint a .eaff
I ... Mm. I., kninlil
(l.lc In fdlttllihua Mia II. Kiiluhl
Muni " Coltiitihia" tS liu.il
j A.l.lreaa Mvonll.K of Knur Onliulca
I Itiv. M. iar.lncr
I Muni Hntr Ni atmlril llaunpr School
I Ailtlrraar Uaililii ( itieii
j HiinK K. Iiool
j Kaaaya I'ttpila
KotiK - Itfd, While ami llltiv School
All will then adjourn to the achool
' hoiian w here a collation w ill he apread
j to lie followed by a game of lane ball and
, other athletic airla in the afternoon.
Ti'uclitr' Luaniiiialloti.
j Notice la hen hr nlven that for the ltr
1 1 mhm of makinii an examination of all
m'raotia who may olb-r theitiaelvra aa t un
j didatiHi for teacbera of the achmila of ihia
county, the county tK-lioolaii'ieriutendeiit
thereof will hold public, examination
at the court boiiae In Oregon City, begin
nlnu November V, INti'J, at 1 o'clock p. in.
Thtate tltwirlnit to apply for atate certill
cateaor alaiediidonina will apply Noveiu
ber 10, imii, at l o'clock a. nt.
I'atetl thia Mill day ol October, lSti'.'.
II. S. Oiiihom, School Sup't,
Clackamaa county, Or.
i.Nbi.meoi.iVitoAitii or health.
Afler the Animniiiu and Alum buklnic
I'o w den..
)liidianaHilia Stntrtiel, lec. '.'it )
j The atihjecl of pure Itxnl, and eape-
clullv the adulteration ol bakinii kw
I dera by the ue of anunonia and alum, ia
! vauaini no little di-tctiHaiou.
The lenialatiirea of New York, Minne
sola, lliinoia, (imirgia, Klorida, ele. have
, . .1 I I, .
,.,.,,. ,.n. ,,i.-.. , .,, IB
a 1. . .. . j
tng tlie attention of physicians and 1
lioarils of liealtti throughout tlie country.
Our ow n city hoard of health ordered an
examination of all the baking powders j
to lie foil lid in this market; inetructed I
lr. I.ali to make an examination and
analysis anil reiatrt the result to the
City chemiai hr. Lata transmitted to !
tlie department of public health a lengthy
communication, in which lie gives the
result of his analysis of the several
brands of baking powders that are on
sale In this city. In bia report lr. Lata
I says that baking powdeis designated as
I luting tree from deleterious substances
j limy Iw recommended, us their health-
fulness cannot be questioned. There
loi t is us follows :
The samples of baking powders you
have sent to our laboratory for, invosti
galioii as to the purity and licalthfiilness
of tho various brands I havo sujoetod to
a qualitative examination and now report
the following result:
Atlantic A l'uciltc contains 11111111011111
and alum,
Hon Hon contains alum.
Culiiniet contains alum.
Crown contains minimum and 11I11111.
Karly Hising (Ktnpire) contains am
monia and nlum .
Forest City contains ii'tiiiiouia and
Kenton contains ammonia and alum.
Dr. l'rice'B (roe from deleterious chem
icals. Queen contains ammonia and alum.
Koyul contains ammonia.
Kegal contains ammonia and alum,
ltui'kollmn's contains ammonia and al
um. Soafunm (made by Day, Indianapolis)
contains ill urn.
Dr. hull says : " Physiologists of high
standing conpidor ummoniu and alum
delotcrioiis Biibstanuos, unfitted for use
in foods."
Mono)' on ciinj' teriuw of '. O.
T. WIlllaiiiN.
Htiiiiiuary of (he lleeila Filed In the
Couiil; llcrni'der'a Olllce.
The real itatnle triinnfcra InvolvliiK
more khan $1 each Hied in the recorder'
olllce I ii hi week weie aa fnllowa:
K I Athtnitn and wile to Cair
Ker' I 7, h HI, Milwaukee. .. f 000
Wallneii W I'xrter and wife lo
JtilliiH M Norria pt Churlea
Walker I) l,C, ilcr WW
Itii li.ird A hhoenborn and wile to
.) ! ii ,- '.() acrea 100
John A 'Hi uvcr and wife to Wul-
lace W I'orler and w ile 21) acrea 700
W ilhelin Wt-lai- and wife to N O
W'alden I lla III, I 1 a ii.'i t 2 a, r
2 e Hint I I a 2, I :t . r 1 e l,aV)
llettrv Swift and wife lo .litniea II
It.iveaa a1, a M, t 4 a, r II e,
;i.'0 acrea IW0
SaniH to anniM h 17 O 1 .V S Co'a
llrxt a lditioll lu OawiK'i 2,110
Or.-uon i . in A Sleet Colo F W
Wanker pt Jtoliert l.avcr Il I-
C, Id III ant-a 8.IHK1
V, V. Cliiinnaii el al to J W llromi
h'.j . I.4H 2oo
Aitnet M It tlte and tnnilnmd In
W II iiiimhatdt ft i S Mow lull I
Il I, (', Ml acrea 2,100
Olive W Manpiiiiil lo Jiuncx K
Manpuiiii pt Alfred M,ii'iiuiii l
I.C, It I acte 1KI
A I' M nr. pi n hi and w ife lo .Imiiea
K Miir.iniin pt Aided M . r iiiiiu
I'M, li ol an acre .
Same lo anuie pt Allied Munpiiiui
It I. C W acrea
Olive W Mttripiiitu to A It Mm-
iii.tm pt Alfred Maripiuui I
I, I' 4' of an acre
Slime lo.l itiieat' .l.it'iuiiii Ml) a
Jamea '. .Miiiipuiin and wile lo A
It Manpialii '.'oof all lu re
Milton A htiatloti and wife to K
t and ( Imrlea II Citillleld I
and 7. h tl, (Iriy.in City
Win It Wade and wile t Jamea
II l!"H!eaali 4..1 and 0 1 larnell'i
ad u Oreion Cdy
T J llnxlcrn k to Jamea II It. K(JT-
faa nw ' ae'4 (III t 4 a, r 3 e 4')
OrcKon Iron A Steel Co Kobert L
11 oiiix'k I It', o .ai i t o tin
flrat ad lo 0wen
: Same lo a imetl h .Mi anie ....
i John Amleiai n to William Clark
im'j lie'j ae'j
a 14 t 4 a, r 2 e
l 10 acrea
Ui .ra to II S
llelloinv I 8 b 40
j Oreuou City
. deoC Klv and wife to Martha
1'ie'ce .'.'H ol an acre, .........
John Slipptu KliXitlmthCathe-iiit!
Miller and linahuiid ami Klla
Hkcen and huahainl 34S 41 acrea 5
tieorue W llolcomh to II I. ami
Jennie (itav )' laoin C'raulield
U I. C 7 aeiea 500
Caroline F Adama and bnthanil
to lieorue lloraa et al n'j net'
a ;t4, t 4 a, r 1 e, 80 aeiea 2,700
William 8 May to A N Mtinwy 1)5
acrea 1,800
Thornaa Jonei to Mary J Jonei
120 acrea 5
A'lutti 1. Wallinx and w ife to John
II TheaHiiiu pt F A Collar.! D 1.
C 40 acrea 2,,r00
I'oriUn.l .V Willamette Valley K
It Co to I'orttand A Yamhill K
It Co lailmad doin 1'orlland to
Iitihd.e in Yamhill county 10,010
Samuel Hampden ami wife to II
1. I.Clark e'.j I 3 and 4 b l.i!
OienonCitv 1,000
Frank T Collinaet al to II L L
'lark c1, I ;i ami 4 h 1:111 Oregon
Cily 1,000
Charlea Moran and wile to C
Kleinamith nl e' aw '4 and
n wi, ae'i s 17. 1 4 a. r 3 e . 3,200
F'rank W Sliuli' mid wife to O F
Ilibbnrdand wife I 1 and 2 U2
Iv Hit'a ad to Mtir-thfleld 1,500
O F Hit-hard ami wife to Martin
IvalK) 100 acrea 2,200
rreviously rc'iorled since Jan. 1
An occasional bottle of Ayer'i Kaasa
parilla tha's more to corrtH't the tendency
' ''' ,l,e ,'.1o,k1 t0 "Cumulate humors, and
auraci-..,.... .,. .,,,...., ... know n
tun nivalin miiiiiu UUll llt'llllliv,
n tun utvnupi miiiiiu UUll
Prevention is hetter than cure.'' Try
Try it this month.
Flslli Fm.riTuidirey'i flab
,URrkBt -,,,,, o( Rm, mU w,er
r,u; t, i.j.ui.... .....1 ......... 11
and dresHcd chickens,
ull parts of the city .
Free delivery to
A teactier ot experience
tike a school to teach this winter.
Address I.
A. , care of Kntkhcriss.
Lost. On September SOth Is'tween
four ami live o'clm'k between Oregon
City anil ltrown's achool house, ladv'B
auiiill purse containing $15 in gold.
Kinder will please leave at Kntkhi'sise
ollice. :tt
I'iirk Mii.k. Jolinsim & W'urnack
will deliver pure, fresh milk to all parts
of the city both morning ami evening,
(iotttl pasture, pure water and healthy
cowa. '
When The Face
Is'ennstantly enverett with eruptions, the
need of a tikml-piirlHer Is plainly liiillciitt'tl.
Washes ami external apictitltins are ot
no avail. The lwl.ion must ho thorough!)'
eliminated from tlm system by stimulating
the action of tin) liver ami kidneys, which
orpins linvc liecoiutt sIiikkIsIj ami lnnH'ra
tlve, theretiy throwing upon the skin the un
natural work of olcansliu the system of Its
Impurities. What Is nectleil Is Ayer's Snrsti
parllla ths best of IiIikhI nioitlclues.
" My lacs lor years was covered with pim
ples and liiimors, for which I could flntt no
rtunetly till I lit'unn to take Ayer's Sarsiipn.
rllla. Thrte bottles of this medicine effected
a thorough oure. I can confidently recom
mend It to lilt suffering from similar troubles."
Madison Parker, Concord, Vt
"1 hint been troubled for some time with nil
eruption of the skin which, till I was induct-d
to try Ayer's Sarsnparllln, defied all efforts
to cure. After taking two bottles of this
medicine, tho eruption begun to disappear,
and with tlie third bottle It left me entirely."
Louis Degenlmiilt. lib Hiimner ave Brook
lyn, N. Y Traveler for (i. 11. Iluek & Co.,
J.llliogmpliors, I 'tl Contro St., New York.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
rmrAHin nv
Dr. J. 0. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mats.
Bold ly DruggliU. $1, alt ft. Worth 6t)olllt.
A Knap: itihhona at one-third price
atllainlllon.lt Allen'a.CliK kamaa. tf
The luteal lu viaitlnK can I a at the Km
tkhi'uikk Okkii.k. l'rltrca to auit you.
I.adiea'aiiil (inula', rohca ut llolican &
Warncr'a t'tidcrtakintf parlora. tf
Holman A Warner, I'ndtitiukera and
Kuihalmera, Oregon (,'ity Hank biiildiiiK.
SteetlinBu'a aootliiiiK ptiwdera for
teething habiea ami feverinli children,
now only lifly tenia a packet. Accept
none but Stet-duuiira, if
Weddini alaiionery, thi lateat stylea j
and lineal aaaortinent ever brought to
Oregon Clly ut the Kntkiiciuhk oflice.
Central addition toOiegon City in lota
and blocka in auit piirclniHer. l'roarty
cheap, terma eiiay. See J,. K. Ja.nnkv,
with W. Carey JoIiiimoii. tf
If you want furnitiiie iio to I'ellomy &
Itiiw li Opoaite Kiat ollice. Yoll can uel
bedroom amla I ir H.70. Call and ex
amine our gooda befoie buying elnc-
where. tl
Iiungea, cluira, etc., iiiholtt'Ve'l at I
lloliu.tii A Warin-i'a AH work guar-'
anteed. lii'i uir all your old lounged for j
1 little moimy uud tliey will be good aa I
jnew. '
j Itlank noie, receipt ami order books
at the Kntkhi-hihk ollice
I lllomy A litiM'h, the houae (urniah-
era will aell aali Ix-tlroom auita .nxL'4
U'Vfled glaaa for lll. Aah Cheval auita
forflH. lWdateaila and cliaira sold at
the low eat price from Auguat 15th to
September loth. Now ia tlie time to
buy your furniture. tl
. 1
I Justice blanka, real eetate blanks, and
! all other hlauka at the Kntkhi-hihii of
j tlce. l'ortlaml (trices.
j Falraf Nntice.
Strayed from the ranne at Mount
I'leaaaiit about July 1, IHic'. a anall bay
mare weighing about H00 -toumta, six or
seven yearn old; baa eome saddle scars
am branded thus on tlie left shoulder.
Anyone returning tlie umii 'm the un- j
deraigned al Mount I'leaaaiit or giving
information w here she can be found will i
la? lilierally rewanlej.
4t W. '. W'ATKNI'At OH
Beautiful Sulturben Home,
j One mile and a Quarter from town,
j good hoard walk past the land. Acre
j tract to suit purchaser, term easy, tlie
: lineal suburban property otlered for sale,
I yet on the market New proposed
j motor line from i'ortland. High and
'sightly. See L. R, Jaxskv with W.
Carey Johnson tf
Taken I p.
Taken up bv the undersigneu on the
Hth day of October, 1H02, one stray white
pony mare, branded on both shoulders;
nine or ten years old.
KroKKi Uaywabo,
lit Cams, Or.
It has been paid that were man
conctant he would be perfect. It
will breed distrust to ofler " some
thing for nothing." We would ex
pect you to watch us the rest of the
time. We have but one plan we
aim to give good value and proper
service to every customer all the
time. The best "offer" we think
of to induce you to buy of us is to
give you what you want and charge
the right price every time.
Our prescriptions, our toilet arti
cles, our paints and oils, in fact
everything we carry are " one price
to all." We invite comparison.
Caufield & Huntley,
Preioriptlon Druggists. ,
Near the Court House, Oregon City.
Your Subscriptions!
between now and January
1st you will have to renew
subscriptions for most of
your papers and magazines,
and choose the new ones you
wish to put on your list. You
Save the Expense,
The chance of loss or delay
and all the annoyance of re
mitting direct, by leaving
your order at the Book Store.
We guarantee safe arrival of
the first number; or of all
numbers if you get them at
the store. But a still safer
and more convenient way is
to get your periodicals at
The News Stand.
The price is tho same with
but few exceptions; you can
usually get them a day or
two earlier than by mail;
thero are no missing or de
layed copies; you do not
have to pay in advance, and
you can chango when you
please or drop out poor nv ni
ters. Huntley's Book Store.
To buy dry good-) of all kinda, incn'g and Vxiyg' clothin g,
laJii'', DiiMWD' and ctiildrcn's cloak of latent cut and
8HTior quality of goodn, children' chod shiw-fi,
tiiackintonlifH and ruhU-r goodn fine groceriim and pro
vinioiiH in fact anything you want to wear or eat, in
-The fineat line of-
All of tlie latest cut ami of
Direct from Chicago, and
ever brought
Mackintoshes and Rubber Goods
pine Groceries,
All fresh and of superior quality.
One Price to All
What Cash Will Do !
15c. all silk ribbon, for 05e
Fine dress ginghams, worth 10 to 12Jc, 08c
Best heavy shirting, worth 12Jc, 10c
Boys' and Youths' suits, just in, $2 and upwards
Boys' boots, $1.25 and upwards
Arbuckle Coffee, (advanced), 2 lbs. foi S5c.
Best coal oil, 5 gal. G5c. Jacketed cans on hand, or bring can
Remember hundreds of people sell their loads in Portland
and buy from us when returning. More bar
gains than ever before.
HAMILTON & ALLEN, Clackamas, Oregon.
Oregon City Iron Works for all kinds of Machine
work and Casting.
To Traction Engines, Threshing Machines, Har
vesters, Mowers, Etc., promptly attended to.
Are equal to the lowest to be had in Portland.
Shop on Fifth St. near Main, Oregon City,
J. ROAKE, Prop.
HENRY BOYER, Proprietor, '
Wholesale and Retail Dt-alers in
Fresh Beef, Mutton, Pork, Ham, Bacon and Lard.
Leaders in Low Prices.
Their stock is complete in
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hardware, Clothing,
Boots and Shoes, Notions, Etc,
Country Produce Handled.
.loals! loals!
a sujitrior class of goods,
the most complete line
to Oregon City.
And That the Lowest.
Cooke's Stables,
W.H.COOKE, Manager,
8ueoe8sor to U. H T 4 L. Co.
Corner Fourth and Main Streets,
of the City, Rigs of any description
furnished on short notice.
All kinds of Truck and Delivery Busi
ness promptly attended to.
Horses Boarded and Fed on reason
able terms.