Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 21, 1892, Image 4

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
lHibliwltett Kvery Krkiny.
tine year. -
S'X mouths, .......
1 hive months,
SiiVeripttoini payable Ir. tdvanoe
Advertising rates given ou application.
Entered at the Post Otrio hi Oregon City,
as second class mailer.
The KNTKIil'RISK guarantees a larger bona
ll.le rirvnl.itt. il than that of the other three
papers In Ihe enmity combined.
For President.
For Yiv-rtvidtfut.
Will ri. AW KF.IP.
For Preideutial Klevtors, j
J. F. CAPI.FS of Multnomah
H. l. MILLER oUaikson i
V. XI. IH'NNK. olMultnomah 1
U. XI. IKW1X.. of I'nion
MoIniE'din Monument Fnnil. j
The foi!oain suhsenption ht is na.leon
th plan su.cwsto.l in the Fntkrpkisk a few
weeks airo to raise Ito.rtV for a nioiititiient
to Pr. John MoUiu.i;liliu, the father of Ore
gon, one-half of hich shoul.l he by nul.ir ;
I'mis.iitiiii'iij aim iiiiT'iiau u nKisinturi
. . .. , , . I
appropriation. o one ts empUnel tot
... ... . .. '. i
solicit subscriptions. The object is t, show i
... . .
a popular and spontaneous movement m
, , .. . ... , i
favor of the enterprise so that when the '
. . . . . . i ..
legislature meets next January somcthinir
.. , , " i , ;
tangible can be presented to uuluiv that
... k....-:.. -...J .. I... If l... ..I...:.-. I
ho.iv to make the re.uirea appropnation.
Thus far the subscript ion are
Thi Esterpriss,
Thomas Cbarnian ami wife,..
Oeorpe A. Haniing anil wife,.
(Jeorge 0. Itrownell,
tieorge F. iiorton
S.Xl. Ranisby,
P. F. Xlorey".
C. H. CanlieM,
H. E. Cross,
Kev. Ft. Hillebraml,
J. P. Shaw
J. W. Noble,
XV. C. Johnson
E. M. Rands
C. O. T. Williams
D. C. Ijitourette,
X. O. Wal.leti
. SO.ort'
.vtui i
. m;
. 5.00 1
lm.ta) !
JO ill
A Queer I'nrte rstan.llnt.
A corresponiient w riling from .Mink says
the understanding of the present owner
ship business in Clackamas county is that
"the county court let the contract for $1500
then ordered $12,500 paid lor it and then
finds out the books are of no account.
Then they must hire a lawyer and another
man about six months at we don't know
how much eipense and after all is done the
books will be worthless."
It is very clear that ople who arrive at
this remarkable understanding of the case
do not read the papers to any gixi pur
pose. It is also clear that they have not
taken pains to get reliable information from
any source about tins matter.
The contract was let for $1500 "and the
further sum of fifteen mills on the dollar
the assessed value of all real projierty dis
discovered by said second parties not on
the assessment roll of 131.'' The payment
was upon tbat basis. Then it was dis
covered that the work was incorrect. There
upon the court had a conference with the
contractors who obligated themselves in
the sum of $10,000 to make the work correct
and to pay out of their ow n funds a man to
be designated by the court to supervise the
examination. No lawyer was employed
by the county and the man who was named
to look after Ihe county's interests is, by
special agreement, to be paid by the con
tractors. If sufficient property not previously on
the assessment roll is discovered to bring
the cost up to $12,50) does it not argue very
strongly Ihe extreme necessity for having j
the work done? The examination now be-1
ing made doesn't cost the county a cent.
As to judgment of the value of the
work, that should lie reserved until the
books shall lie completed. We cannot tell I
what the job will be till it shall be finished.
It is unjust to assume that it will be worth
less and any criticism at this time is pre
mature. Many people of exierience in
such matters claim the job will he worth to
the county all it costs.
The Promise and the Fulfillment.
Last week's East Portland Chronicle pub
lished the following editorial statement:
Good roadi are more necessary to the pros
peritof Oregon than even the opening of the
Columbia river to navigation, and the people of
the eastern end of Clackamas county realize
this when they approve the proposition to ex
tend the boundary of Multnomah county to the
Clackamas river. Multnomah btiihlii good
roads, and tbey know it would be but a short
time after the boundaries were changed when
good roads would I made in that section, and
tbey would have better access to the Portland
This declaration by an editorial promoter
who has probably never seen the wagon i
roads in the eastern end of Multnomah
county, receives beautiful confirmation
from a Gresliam man who has a letter in
the same par from which the following is
taaen :
Borne persona In this section have taken ex
ceptions to what was said a short time ago in
The Chronicle about our roads here and the
way they have been neglected, not only this
year, but for several years. In proof of what
has been said, if It Is doubted, let our county
commissioners take a ride over thla end of the
road leading to the city and they will find great
holes wbere Mumps have been blown out by
giant powder, and In some places just room
enough left for a wagon to pass along without
getting Into one of these hole, an.l aa toon
the ratny season s.M In TIIK SOAW HKKK
WILL BFOOMK 1MPASS AP.1.K, and no move
made to tlx them tr winter travel, but ll the
work that l being, done now ou the road t, ll l
claimed, where II will benefit the Bull Kun
pipe line. Our supervisor la paying uo atte
tlon to the road hew, and yet w mnt not com
plain, he says.
This indicates what the iiorth-ol'-OIncka-mas
splo slionivl expect in l ho way of
irnod roads trout M ulttioiiuilt county. The
I promise of ttvod roads is very alluring halt
I t. .- . I.-.I...1 I . .... u. s.
i.u uiviT n iniitti in".'. in i, . in n !
The nortlwdt'lackamas (HHiple oi'clit to
have mom wisdom llitt to swallow such
The Tariff Sot aK lne.
... m i i ....
t Imirnian Marion Johnson ol Hie hs.
rio a ,sirty, in a letter to tl Fsii-k.sk
twowivkn ai.-o, an.ons .xttor tloi.n-. sai.l :
The larid" is not an iMie Ix-iAoen the ihhi-
I'U's an.l rviihli.an l aities.
The youni: ii'le's party iaini.aii.Mier, W.
ti. Unrleii;!! of fniaiilla ivunly, in hi.a.l
drvw at hall at k .ln,ilte,l that
the .eoile s party hail no ki. k on the laritl.
8till in the n ;t 1 1 . . 1 1 .i I i. .r m of the peo
ple s party s.lopteil at tnmh,i we lihil this
clause :
W e e.it.leiun the pro eellow to Amerleui la
bar un.ler the pr.sent syniem n hlch onsoiir
ports to the pauper an.1 oriinltial elses o( ihe
worl.l an.l er.iw.ls. out our ow linage eiriten.,
aiul w e denounce our present Inerteotlve law a
aaiiist eoniraet lator an.l ilemaiul further re
atrfetion of tiu.leatrabte imintKratlon.
If the phrase " pMtrt'lion to American la
bor' iLh'S not relate to the tariff it is a
trau.l ami has no business in a p4litial
platform in these ilays when it is employed
almost exolusively to iharucteriie a policy
,tf ll. r hi. lili.'A it i.arit'
,, ,. . . ' i . ., .
Have Ihe ix.pulists armtsl at the ivncln-
sion that the tarilV is merely a local nues
tion , . , ,
Ttts number of those wh.wie names aiv
., . . .
pa'ansi on he prooow lsetition who now
' ... .. . ....
"real I v haven t anv interval an.l ilon tcare
, , , . ...
anything alwnt the matter is sti.prtsiHslv
. , , .
numerous. The cow ouestion in Orccon
.. ... . , . .,
I is now "no bicker than a man s haml
; . , ,, .
ami it miuires a si.v-l ass to see it at a . A
, . , , . ,
I cow-restraining onlinance auttiosl to whi
over many who were previously opmsetl to
it ami a year hence there will he mighty lew
citiiens who will want the cows brought
TrtK most pointed, lucid ami concise cou-
; tnhiition to the literature of this campaign
is Vice-presiilential Candidate licid s letter
I made public Wednesday morning. Itilora
, not aim to be an exhaustive discussion of the
political isaues but it touches ti e s)tnts in a
direct ami convincing manner. There ate
no half tones in it. ll throws into strong
light w hat it takes up ami it is at the same
! time comprehensive enough to be (ajpular.
Arrnii tlie democrats have nearly rup
tured a blood vessel in jubilating over the
fancied accession of (Iresham and Cooley it
turns up that (iresham has written a private
letter to a friend in Port Townsend declar
ing that be has not authorized anybody to
state whom he will vote for and Cooley
states explicitly that he is still firmly with
the republican party.
The F.STmriusi has received numerous
complaints lately of the miscarriage of pa
pers in the mails. In some cases the com
plaint is deferred until the trouble is re
lented once or twice. Whenever the paper
tails to arrive on time please notify this of
lice that the matter may be looked into
while it is fresh.
Real estate transfers may not he extrav
agantly active in Clackamas county this
year but it will be observed that the sales
already recorded since the first of January
considerably exceed a million dollars. And
the only place where this information is
kept up to date is in the Kmekphisc
The Challenge Accepted.
Clack am as, Or., Oct. 1". To Oeo. C.
Brownell, Ch'n Hep. Co. Com., Oregon City,
Oregon: I Dear Sir We think you have
shown the white (lag as you have not ac
cepted our challenge, but in behalf of the
(.eople's party club of Clackamas accept
your challenge in the Oregon City Enter
prise of Octolier 7, 1M!I2, to joint discussion
of the projiositiotis therein named. Discus
sion to be at Shively's hall, Oregon City,
October 2!l, at 7:30 p.m. We are to have
two sakers and you the same number.
We respectfully suggest the following ar
rangement as to time, ic, : You are to open
the discussion in a one hour and forty-five
minutes sieech or speeches, and we to fol
low in two hours, you to close with a fifteen
minutes reply. Makiom Jomnsox.
The time suggested by .Mr. Johnson we
think ought not to be accepted because it
would be abusing any audience to keep it
listening to speeches till midnight. Four
hours is too long a time. No matter what
might be the merits of the debate the people
would be tired out long before the last
Sieech should be given. We think three
hours long enough to sit at one time, and,
if possible, a shorter time should lie ar
ranged. This, however, will doubtless, be
amicably adjusted. The Kstkhpuise is
speaking for the audience, the welfare of
which should not be forgotten in the
premises. Kmtok.
Why Sol llirsch Keslgneil,
g,, jr!l(;, ja9 resigned the oflice of inin-
inter to Turkey in order to build fences
which, he hopes, will place him in the
I'nited States senate. Sol's ambition is
worthy, hut his discretion is poor. Pendle
ton Kast Orcgonian,
Letter List.
The following is the list of letters remain
ing in Ihe post ollice at Oregon City, Oregon,
Outob.TiiO, m:
Austin A
Andrews, perley
Haker, Mrs Ella
Harbor, ,1 A
Jtaker, I) M
Christlnsou, Foullna
Davlea, E I
Henderson W A
Henderson, Anderson
lagar, Peter
Jones, Jim
Jones, Mrs Emma
Kim, P
Newman, Miss Pearl
Pohl, laac
If called for, please say when advertised.
E. M. Kakds, p, h.
why thkrk ark two im:s.
lioasnu for (ololirHllnif the 12ih
mill tlio 21st of October.
A poinistont and anxious liuititor'
wriloa to ask liuw it Impiwns that aonm
cilioa tvlohrato Ihe ISlli of tVtinVr vthilo
outers tiMotiiHio uu to comment-.
orate llio discovery of America,
Tito answer may l given f tiltv aa fo.
Tho ancient Molilalia divided tlu
yoar into twelve lunar months, allot tiat-
! ing ol '.''.land :it daya, i:h II vo extra
; lm at thy oinl of tlivar. Tlit nionllia
I 'it n'cnlaUs! HivorUint! to 'Im i lianoa!
ofiiuMiHx.n, ami llio or aivoi.liiin toi
tli M'HMina. Julius i'.Mjiar iniinovotl tli
j !.....
M,",,KK, l" ,H'l""t' "'4 u'l'uui ""'.
"ml Mi ',,' Hinsl rnado tlio Jul-
ian raU'tnlar, wlin Ii iltviiloil tln inonllt
as at irwlit ami mailii overy fourth
oar a !ut year innaiatittK of iititl ilaya;
; hut as thou-ar is in rvalitv onlv ;iii,' ilava.
I j ,,.,.., ,;,,,,..- an.l ,W sm-otnla Ion.
ineasuivil by tho earth's revolution
around the sun, il will ho aeon that the
Julian calendar lost II minutes and 10
seconds every year, in the year irS2
I'oiH' Uregory Mil noticed that the ver
nal ectiinox was 10 days later than at the
time of the meeting of Ihecvmncil of Nice
in :;.'", so he invcn'isl the calendar which
lxara his name, ta'iug known aa tho
titvgoriau calendar, ami decrtHHt that the
; oth of Oolober, l.W, I callini the loth.
! The change was immediately adopted hy
, the Catholic nations, hut not hy I'.ng
! land tint 1 1751, when it was tiiH'essary to
i nuke cliaiiL-o oi tl ilava
tiivgory also
decreed that no hundred vears until the
year 2UiO Ihj euusidered a leap year, ami
from then only every fourth hundredth.
This method practically keeps the. revonl
of the year ahaolutely correct, as it will
not alter a day in NKH) years
It will lie noticed that Columbus' dis
covery day was only advanced nine daya,
havini occurred in H;2, while- Washing-
! ton'a
birthday was advanced from the
I Hill to tlio rM ol H'brtlury, la..
t Another itllereslinij fact to x iioled la
that the year although iliviaihle hy
I (our wjU not v,.Hr. Jf j.ol, u.
, v0r Jr,,.J ,y ,, rite to Olne
newspaper to
out, ami the matter
will he referred,
this was. to the cv
clopiedia editor.
The ("ahell mine, in Kaslern Oregon,
has Ihh ii sold to an English syndicate
j the Wide West mine Inn ng purchased
j by the same patties. The CaMI mine
! was held at $J"a),0K) and the other at
Pr. August C. Kinney of Astoria, an
nounces the discovery of coal along the
ocean beach, which, he believes, have
been washed from an extension of the
Onion peak vein either down the
Necanicnni or from Rome blutTside near
Tillainojk head.
The cannery on the I'miapia is get
ting a large number of tish, and il is
stated that the river is fairly alive with
I. W. Miller of Summerville whose lit
tle girl was loat six weeks tgo is still
searching. 11 does not believe the
child was lost, but that she was
J. K. Love and party of The Dalles
have located three rich hales ol silver
in the vicinity of Mount Adams. Mr.
Love was bo miles in the w ildernesa
beyond Trout Lake. j
Another shipment of liwts and shoes
just received from Ronton at the l'ark
I'lace Store, We can sell yon shoes
cheaper than elsewhere.
When the hair lias fallen out, leaving
the head bald, if the scalp is not shiny,
there is a chance of regaining the hair
by using Hall's Hair Henewer.
Land Office at Oregon City. Oregon,)
Oi l. l iKri. j
Notice la hereby given that the following
named settler haa filed uoticeof Ida Intention
to make final proof In upnort of hlarialni, and
that said proof will be made before the ICegbuer
and Receiver of the V. S. land oltice at Oregon
City, Oregua, on beeemlier 1, law, viz:
Kmll o. MtKschmau,
Homestead entry No. t'il, for the N. E.'i of
see. Ti,'t 3H.,K. it, He namea the following
witnesses lo prove ma continuous residence
upon and cultivation of said land, via: liana I
JohatiMin, Henry Melnke, Henry Johamuin,
i nristian sr-neei, aunt oeorge po.t ottice. Clack
amas county, Oregon. J. T Ai'er.Rsiis,
10 -.'l-il :Z Keglater.
Land Ollice at Oretjon fity. Oregon,)
Oct. l,i, Isiii
Notice la hereby given that the following
named settler has fl led notice of his Intention to
make Anal proof In support of his claim, and
tnat said proof will be made before the Keglater
and Receiver of the 11, H laud ollice at Oregon
'Ity, Oregon, on December s. law, vl;
William J. Kvnna,
Homestead en'ry Nil. mn, for the K. i of S. K. '
8 W. H H. K. H. K. Va "I H W. ol see. 'I, T. 4 H
K. 2 K. He namea the following wltueaaea lo
prove his eoiitmnoini residence upon and culti
vation of said land, vis: Kerry lliickner, Thomas
Flynn, John T. Kvana. John W. May, ail ol
Mink post ollice, Clackamas county, Oregon.
10:1-11:25 J. T. AerKHsoN, Register.
Land Office at Oiieiion Citv, Orkuok.i
Oct. Pi, KMi (
Notice la hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make lluai pn of In mipiiort of Ida claim, nini
that said proof will be made before the KeglNtcr
and Receiver of the C S. land ollice at Oregon
City. Or, on Nov. Its, law, via: Henry Ilubola,
homestead entry, No, Hue-I for the nwVi of nw'i
of sec IW. t .1 a, i' 4 e.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of tald laud, under sec xm, K, S: Carl Howell,
A. I). Crane, Hamiiel il. Kaney and I). C. Howell,
all of Hprmgwater, P. O., Oregon.
J. T. Aitkiison,
10:1-11 2T, Keglater
Notice Is hereby given, that the undersigned
has been appointed by order of the county
court of Clackamas county, Oregon, executor of
the estate of Elizabeth Wilson, deceased. All
persons having claims against snld estate are
notified to present them properly verified at the
otllc of my attorneys, Hrowneli 4 Dresser, at
Oregon t Ity, Oregon, within six months from
the date of this notice.
Frank P Wilson,
Kxecuhirof the estate of Elizabeth Wilson, de
ceased, i
Dated Oct, 15, 1H92. 10:21-11 :18
mi mm r-m mm m
IJJ V JUL 11 i I
OlTirK Next tl.utr to CantieM A- lluutlev's tlrus,' store.
DR. L. M. ANDREWS, Prop.
A Full Line of Fresh
Patent Modlcinos of nil Makoa, Notions. Optical
Full Stock Of M.u.hinn Oil. Beat and Chenpent.
Fine selection of Tei'l'innery and Toilet Soaps. A in!
ing Hramls of Cigars.
iit i:4 itiri io tut ri i.i.i
Shively'a Uhak, .....
Fruit and Ornamental Tivos, Slirulihcrv, Etc.,
O.wt.go, . . U. V. prouer
laiiiiv, i,. K ma hi
1'lai-aamaa, - . W H Hnnyali
Mtlwaukuv . liary A W L.ttiKnr
I III. HI Mill., I. J t rit!lliii.
Alma. K S llrailihall ,
Mr.t.iW Hroott. - - t'liaa ltilnal j
New Kra. H.H Newl.rryj
ll ny ilia, .... It.-iiry Mil.-)
Park Place, - Hamilton A Wa.lil.nrii
Harlow, .... lr. O A Hh.-..ar.
lila.t.n.ne, T M i'r.aa '
siar!..rt. J o tiage I
Milllno, C. T Howard ;
t'arna. K M l'.ir '
Molalta. V M M..-I)
ttar.iuam, t. M llartlnall
l.illtevllle - ll J.-lilitlii. !
Aurora, - - f oley i
Orvtlle, I. J IVr.lna '
Kagle Creek, - - - II. Willwrn
Suiinyaide, -. - - John WrUli
llaina.ciis, J. C. Kill. .It ;
Sandv, - V. ti.gtsch i
Salio'on, - - Mrs. W. M. Molnlvrr
Ctirrinsyllle, - tleo, J Currin
Cherryville, - - Mrs. M J. Hammer ;
Marmot, - ,Vlol.h Awhotl
Springfield Republican,
The KeiiresenlntlTf Journal of .lew
Established in 1H2-4 by Samuel Howies.
Piihllahed DAILY. tU'NDAY asnWrHKLY
The Kprtiigfleht Republican laemi.hatlrally a
i.a..T lor inn people ll ptimtuha. all llio
thai la newa tn ttie tyroaocal ami htahcl
aen.e, lltiafTiM'ted by partisan or pcr.oii1 pri'tu-
dtr.. It ta enterprlalng, alert and Intelligent til
the performance of Ita dilttea to the publlo. It
has Ita own decided oplubilia on public ijnra
ttous. and these oplntoiia are expressed wtth
vigor and ability, bui they are not allowed lo
color ua newa coiumna.
Waaatarted in IsH. and I. the obli-at daily paper
in the state outside of Hoaton It haa alwava
kept abreaatof the tllnea, and haa bai'n nutck
toavall itself of the boat modern aiipliam-ea for
the enlargement and Improvement of lia newa
aervlre. It la now regularly an eight page aliact
wnn aeven wiuc columns to the pige. and aup
plemnntal pagea are frequently added as the die
niandaot newa or advertising reoiitre. It rov
era the newa of the world with dlaerlmluatlng
care and thoroiighueaa. New Kuglaud hap
penings and llltereata receive apeelal altemliin
and liberal apace, and a large force of apeeUI
reHirtcrs and correHM.tidtntii are eon.tantly
employed In gathering the local newa of Vveat
ern Wasaachii.etta and the itelghbiirtng conn
tlea of Connecticut, Vermont and New llainp
ablre for Ita readera. Ita editorial p ige la broad
lu range. Independent, elevating and lnterentlng
in quality. Ua literary department la of a re
markably high order, lla Hiltilcal eorreapon
deuce la fiiruiahcit by Independent, well
informed and capable writers. It puhllnhca.
moreover, a great variety of luteremlug and
valuable general correspondence and selec
'a1 publlnhed s7s In reap-mae tn a real
ii.iiHit: I1UIIO.U.J ill nciu'rii m aa.neilliai'iia lor a
first class, high toned Holiday newapaoer. Since
that time p. has la-eu constantly improved and It
haa been twice eu'argc.l. Fully four fifths of Ita
ntty-aix columns or space la devoted lo reading
matter ofahlgh order, embracing news, special
correspondence, a full page of editorial matter,
a department of hooka, niithoraaud art.aflrat
rate weekly story and a weekly sermon, sporting
and theatrical newa and notea, special artleles,
original and selected poetry, etc The HCNtuv
Rki'CHI.H an la a thoroughly wholesome, excel
lent and Interesting lournal, Weil adapted to the
tasteaaud wants of the Intelligent New England
la now more than its yeara old, but age only lm
provea Ita quality It continues to be what It
has long been, a remarkably faithful and com
prehensive record of American life. Iia weekly
review of the news Is very carefully compile.,
and Its twelve broad pagea contain lu addition
to the news, a wonderfully rich collecilun of
valuable and entertaining reading matter. All
the best features of the Dally anil Sunday Re
publican are rijiriHluced In The Weekly In
lull or but slightly abridged, and arranged with
admirable aklll and Intelligence for the con
venience and ple-isuro of the reader The re
ault la a weekly news and family journal which
far exceeds lu Interest and worth any similar
publication In the Culled States. It Is a paper
that New Kngbimlcrs at home and abroad will
And of apecial value, mid which Americans
everywhere can appreciate and enjoy,
Daily: 70 cents a month, $2 a quarter, $H a
ricsiiAV; 50 cents s quarter, 12 a year
Wkkkly: ra) cents for alx months, II a year.
All subscriptions are payable atrlctly lu ad
vance, Hpeolinen copies free
Tho Weekly Republican, a 12 page paper, will
be sent free lor one month to any one who
wishes to try It.
Mprlngfleld, Mass
HbikI to thu Kntkupkihk ollice for your
egnl liliinkf). A Hingltt one or a hundred
furnlNhed at 1'ortlund pricos.
C. 0. T. Williamo Is now prepared to
make very fuvomble raton on good farm
0. 0. T. WIU.IAMS will
Iran you all iho monoy you
want on iinprovt'tl fannn at
tho vtry lowost ratos. SjmhmuI
vatt's given on largo loan.
No lUiililin;; and Itati Assd
fiation Init ntraight gootl.
After thirty years resiilenee
in (Oregon City 1 feel
safe in
refering to the
puMie in gen
Drugs and Medicines.
i i i :
Oirgon t'ily,
I Yoprietor.
Having one of the bcl ahm rs III Ihe
stale in my atnploy, I make
ilOKSliSHUIilNC , snmi.TV.
Shop osito corntT front l'o)eV
linrilwiiri' More.
Corner of Front and Morrison,
For (ft'iieral rt'imiring Im Htninlti
without a xer. For lirKt-oliisH, re
lialilo gootlR hi storo in second tn
none. Trvhimt
Oregon City, Oregon.
Full Stink of Guns & Ammunition.
Kepalrsou all kinds of small machines
promptly made. Implicate keys tu
any lock inaliufactur.il. Miop ou
Main Minid. next to
.Vihlitt a Stables.
riiotoxriipliH Ihdivereil Promptly In the
KincMt Stylo of Art.
Fine Crayon Work a Scxi:ilty.
Old Pictures Copied lo Any Si.e. Halts,
faction (itiiiraiitoed.
Oalhirj JIarFoitOfflo, OREOOH OITT, 08.
Southern Pacific Jfoufe
Kxprewt Trains leave Portland )aily.
fab r a.
7 r. M.
J North.
T II Via a.
I Uisjp a.
Portland Ar
OrugouCliy Lr
H. Francisco Lv
Hd.'.A.N .
Above trains stop only at the following sta
tions north of Rosebiirg- East Portland, Ore
gon City, Wood bur II. Malem, Alli.lt y, Tangent
Hhedds, llalsey, llnrrlsburg. Juiictloii City, Ir
vlngand Eugeno.
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
For accommodation of Hecond Clasa Passengers
aiinciicn to r.aprcaa traina.
S (l a. m. I
0:iA. m. I
Mil p. m.
Portland Ar
OregonCliy Lv
Kosebitrg Lv
I Kill' H
I Willi-, at
rt 'JO A. M
ALIIANY I,Ot:AL (Dally, except Hun. lay,)
IS .no r. m.
fl uti e. m.
U:IHI P. ,
Oregon City
7:M A.
f.(K) a .
West Hide Division.
Mall Tralii, Dally (Except Monday.)
7-:t()A. m.
Pi: in P. M.
I ri:tlPH
of Oregon Pacific Railroad..
Exprcsa Train Daily (Except Sunday)
4:40 P.M.
7:l(il', M.
Portland Ar
MeMlnnvlllo Lv
I S:4.'ia.
For tickets and full Information regardlnir
rat is. miiiia, etc, Gallon Company's agent at
Oregon City.
Manager. Ass't 0. F. and l'ass, Agent
Suntloy Sorvlocs.
Klllhl'I'UNlMIKtU l loNAI. CIII'MI'll -lt
0 W. 1,1'm, I'a-i. ir Hiirvleea at II a ami
f tai r a Hiin.lajr McIhhiI alter Mioriitna aer
VIihi. I'layer ineeltllii W inliieailay eveiiitia at
7 taio.ebM'k Prayer attuning of Vouna Puniilr.a
Society ol t'hrl.iiau Ktt.leavor eveiy Htiii.lay
avpiiiuM at a ,mi irnniit,
filial' IIM'llsr l ltl'ltt'll - May tluitaN
Pn. am I'a.lor llornliia Mervlee al II Nun. lay
a..b.il at l-'l ', K . on l on service tt.ni, Ili'inUr
prayer meeting vtt.lni.iay evenlna Monthly
t'li.eliatit Mi.t.lln( vviMy- Velni...ay evi.iliii
.rec..lliia lite ni.l Huti.la)' III the month, A
eoriital tin liailon In all
HP liill.N N i lll'lti'll I' VI tint H' - Itav A.
Ilu.i ann vsn, Pa. itr tin stuti.lny uia.a at a an.l
In .ai a. H kieiy aec.iii.l ami fonrtti suiulay
ilrmaii Bi.rin.in after the a o clock rna.a"
At alt othi'l lila..t.a iigtl.li ai.rtiiiilia Mitii.lay
Si b. io I al i r Ve.ia. ai'iilnaeiiial
antiji.eia. ami lleii.li.tl..ii al I air a.
MKlllnl'Isf KI'lsi'iH'M, i III lit II Itav
Km. 1 1 1 1 1 a si Pii.lur Miitlillig aurilce nl II,
Smi'lav Srtiitolal IJ to eiilna en tre al 1 lt
fiot..ith loaaut lui'iiiina s.m.uy evening at
ti !lo Prayer MriMIng I ltut..ay ev vulng at .Hi.
liangoia eoitllallv Invite. I
Kiitsr piisnvintUN fiii itcn mv. i
V oieoNK v . prt.i..r, any lr-a at i h an.l
? ,iii r a Mal.liaih H,-t,,... at HI a H V.i.ii.g
I'f.. pie's S,a';i ly .it I'lirl.tlait Kn-lraviir MH'ria
evety sim.t4y- eienlng at a ai w p.lnt...ay
v. v ..tit on r.)ir ini.uiiitg at t .10 Seala tree.
KVANOMICAt i llt'lllll til lilt N - Aid.
Kas.r, 1'ai.lnr pn-acliiiig .iirvli i' e. cry alter
nan. s.oi.lay at II A M an.l III P M
sil.l.atli ..-t .mi tory snu.lav al 10 A M lnl.it
llatrl.l..'r,-r. Sttpl ) VVirKl) I'layvr Mi.ettlig
eyery Wt..liie..lay eyellliig
I'MIKM IIKI 1IIIIKS t'lll'ltl'lt - Itov P H
tt II I ln ln.l.il S.fVH-ti. fli.l alot tlttr.l Still
.lay ltt..llili. an.l the , !...'. I lug Nalnr-lay-nlvtil
tu eai li ni'iiitli al ii-..n I Ity. al 11 a m
an. I T p In , aa.l ihe flr.l Hnti.lay allKritiaiu of
t'arti in.. mil al Kail. let
Soiioty t)iiHtti'y.
! ltK.,tlN I II V ItllAMII uf THAt'K
I steels al dint House on Hec.lt.t Muiulay la
j each in. .ulli l.ll..ia Mi'l.-oi.ie
r. r. iHi,Ai.tiiN. tiAiivrvr t imaa
aeeivlary pre.l.tciit.
Meets al Kiilaliia Hall, l auby. on fliwl and
Ihlrd Friday ol each luoiilti lllia wt.lc.tiie.
J (i taninia, Mee K annir, I'lva
.Mi l INOMAII LolHiK, No. I, A. t A A. M
ttobta Ita regular eonimtiitlcaiiona on Aral
an4 third Sattirdaya of each mmilb al 7 .10 r. a.
Hirllircu lug.HHl auii.tlug are llivltril lo alten.l,
J T APPMHsuS, W. a,
T- F. KVAN,sw.reiary.
OIlKtio.N LolH.r. No. J. In o. r.
Meets every riuirs tay even ..a al 7 HOo'eba k
r m In the o.d Fellowi- Hall. Main .treai.
Meinliei. ill Hie Hotel arc III. Ite.j .i allelld
ll) Ulder of W A Ml.llet..n, , 11
lh.. Ryan, Mnerelary.
FAI.Ia r.Ni AMPMFNt. No i, i) o F
Meets flul aud third T.n ..r ...I arh in.iulh,
alllild Fetluws Im! MelllWra aild Vtltllng
pa'.tl.iWi., r.. nil. II, luillr.l I., alleml
i It Jasssv. i w in,,an,
acrilw chief Patriarch.
tlMMKoo Lol iiE, No wi. I. li t) r
Mens al ii.t.t Fellow'a hall, 1 1. .-.,, arery
Haiiii.tay ayeuiiig Vl.lilng brei,,rn iita.ltf
weli.mie ll , FHuaHKH. N. ti
J F KlM.BV. Hee
MKAHK POHT. No t ll A It. 1'H'AlllMt ST
Meets Ural Monday of mrh month, al K id
F Hall ori..,u t il) Vlslllng ciiiia.lea ma.la
OILMAN Pbkri(. c,,mmnler.
IOEN i HihiK Piiar, No. tl ll A It , Pe ari-
uivm nt Oregon,
Meats In aclin.il huilM al Nee.ty ou Sr. I Hal
ur.lay In each mouth al 1 o elurk p tn All
Comrades made aelimia J. ..a Nro.il a.
J. k.a.i.i.aa. Adi. t ommaiider.
PHI IRON LolHiK ho. lij, A ). I. W
Msrtaavera Thursday leuliig al o.t.1 Fell.iwa
hall. K. eu. Ylslllui btejlueo alwaya el-
"m . . J.t'.lAaraai.i
K. Srait as. Recorder m. W.
M.ll.AI.A l.lllMiK. No lit A O tl. W
Meets am-.. nd an.l Fourth Hltirday In each
mmilh. al Adams hall. Visiting mcinlri. mail
welcina ,11 w Uoaaiaa, M W.
N M. MiNinv.
Tt ALIUS ... y viitt. ,Nt). m, p ( ,"
Meets lasi i..., ,.r, iii, ,i,ih at their
hall lu wila K II. II. sty.
Mtaa liana m See'y. Maaier.
WARNER tiMANliK. No IIT,Fitll.
Meel b.iirth aaiittday of each month, al their
hall Hi New (Sra. c. C. W illiams, Maater
Ml.. Maggie lit jm. Mee'f
Ht'TI'K CREEK OKAMiK. haJr h.""
Meet, at llirlr hall In Mar.inaiii sen.n.l a.i
ur.lay In twclt mouth at lo a. m. Vuim,.
meinf.rsalwaiia welcome,
Mol.AI.I.A tIKANOK, NO. . P. of II.
Meeiaal their hall atW rlghl'a bridge on the
eceu.l Malm. lay nf each aontlt at It) a. m
Fellow niemliera made welcome
.. ., . Ki a W aionr, Maaier.
N II. llAHNAl.l, Hec.
OAVKI. LolMlE, No. .VV A O. I'. W
Meet, second and third H.iut.lay veniiiaa at
Milglit .t hall. Canby. Vl.luiig brotln.rs made
W M (lamai.g
) l Ha mow
CLACKAMAH LnluiE, No. (i7, A oT U W.
Meets first and third M.itiday lu each mouth
at mralghl a Hall Visiting brethrrti welcnie
H.a.tliasoN, n.jiiN,..
""f- M W.
f A 1.14 CITY LolUiE OF A . t) t' W.
Meeta every second and fourth Friday even
tful each mouth In odd Kellinva' bmbtlng
All sojourning brethren cotdlally Invited to at-
F. I liAlli.ott, m. W.
oao ( At.irr, Itecorder.
ACHILLES LolHiK., No. lis, K OF P.
i..".".''1" Vl e-rl.lay ntahtat the K. of I', halt.
Islllog knlghta luvlie.l
Isaac A. a ksm a N, (', C.
J. K Ritotika, K of It. and r,
HT. JtlllN'H IIHANCH, NO. IH7, C. K of A
Meeta every lueadav eveliliiii .1 H...I. l.-n
corner Main and lenih Hireei.. urcgon cltv
Matt. Jl .TIN.Hec'y. T. W.ci.i,ii a, Prea
NEW ERA W. (,' T. I'.
Meeta first Hatiinlay In each month at their
hall lu New Era. Friends of the cause are In.
vltcd to i be present. Mita. Caiiky Johnson,
Mas. Eastman, President.
Meets first and Ihlrd Hatiinlay evening at
knight's ball Canby, Visiting members altt ava
made welcome. II. C. (Iii mohk W 0 T
Mil. I. a mi Lkk. Hen ' '
Mra. M M. Charnian, . . President
Mr"T'.V' "''!"'".- Treasure
Mrs. .1. II. 1 1 it r. 1 1 tix. . . Hecielnrv
Meeta on first ,) ,ril Krlday. ,,f ,.,.i
: '" niemuers of i
ii. .hi q.'i.,ii.i, uiiriuaiiy weicomeij.
Meeta first Frl.lay of each mouth at
Fout. nln engine house, ciias. atiikv, Prea
" ''"' H""'y' Omas Hitsrm, S'rm
ltegitlar meeting, .econd Wednesday lu each
mouth at engine house, ea-t tide Main airnm
between Hevoiilh and Eighth '
1 AC KKKM A N, Merry, LaNI'K CIaUIINKH, Preg .
Eli. NawToN. Foreman.
r..!'. "'t?.""!'"'".1 T"""'ly "' each month at Cat
aract Engine house. W II. Ilowaix, Prea.
Jl. II. Rkstow, Hec'y . J, , WoCjnnki ,t F'rti.
. ,.'..'. .",."r N"' ,H- munis every first
suit mini Thursday evening of each nioiitli
CA , lli;RMANN,,lr.,Capt,
W'Atin II. I.awtom, 1st Lieut.
:i r liiM-Ki.ga, 2. Limit
Armory, Third and Main. Regular drill night.
Monday. Regular business incolliiaa, ilr.i
Monday of each month,
J. W.Onnonir, . . . Captain
it o! "y' " First Lieutenant
L, h. Flokous, . Seooiid Llouteuaut.