Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 21, 1892, Image 3

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    Oregon City hntcrprise.
FK1KAV, OCTuiiKU a I, i:
Local I'ciitiiiml nti .
I.. K. Ailiuiw o( J i I ll .oro wum In Oitt-!
gun Oty Hiiniluy,
Mlxultm Hut l HhIhiii In vII(Iiik
Ml Nl'Hii' JlHII'K
MM Norn ('oiivimh of ('Iii!hI(iiiiUi in
vixliltiK rulmlvwi mitt fmmtU In Owkuu
M. I'mil ul Aluti w k''"I '
Kvrrvl I litrti iiihu in Oregon CHy Wed
iii'n.luy, Mlnt Amiln unit l.ilhl Merrill trn
vUillntf 'n 1'iiilluini KMluiduy ttml
HiiihlHV .
Mr, nihI Mta, (i. W. Jlt mul Mr mt.l
Mm. I.. K. t'wk ul Hnknr City 'iit
Htintlity In Orgim Uly,
Mr. M. ('. ltliimn, who Itna Wn
v'fitliig hr linithor, Ju.liio Mtllrlilc,
lt(l TiicKiUy (viiliig fur lit-r huiim In
Wuixttitllil, (',
Clinrli IUUit ( Spi lntlol.l , 111,, r
rivixl in Oregon City Inat Tni'mlnv mid in
vlUiiigt iinele', V. O T. WH
limim',. Hull mi ii mneling tour
tlirouuli llio weniorn noiiniry.
Mm Knim l.wrcni' emiin Inline from
('urvallU vullegw In iontl Hmnliiy, Hlie
u tteeiimitiii'd by Mm A unit Suhuh'Ih.
HiiinUy ,Mi I'v4 Smyth, Jim. Smyltm,
Kiul llttrrv Nnuni.'lti ul Portland vlit.d
Julitt Mm, h. Kiilvi'd lioiiiu Imlii
Alrn-k U eik. Ilu un llm
('diindUii I'mlllc Ntvigntiiin -oniuiiy'
nlmiiiiiiliiii I'remiiT whuli rtnked
Hr-rutl orx llildi nml .Mluli II mill Con
Ifiesniihiii Heriiiiiiiii (outing.
A Man Uroiiud to Vtovn u Ui Truck
ur Aurora,
Tliruiiirii tint iirilittleul wmk of tin! b"t 1'rldnV limrnliig the north bound
wtiiipulgn him Ihhiii i rowdi'd Into h j ovitrlmitl twin iliKcovrt)d th body of a
nhort Ke of Ihnti good den of wor k man on the railway twk Jiixl north of
will ho doliM hcforti idrcllon ilay, Kveiy
ii ii'ii i ) t r of tlui Orminn d'dniiiitloii will
n'itk In Oregini City, t 'liit-kuitintt in
lint only county in tint tnii, outnldiiof
Mullnmniili, thai will litt IIiiih (uvnri'd.
HiMiutor M i t.'litill 'h iIiiIh I'liiuea II mt.
Hn will nnnk Ht Hlilvt-ly'H theater on
Wpdiinmlitv nvniilng, Nov, 2.
Hmiiilor )oldi will uddieoii a meeting
at the iunii ilui' on I hn tiiccfeding Kut
ur.lity vvmiliig, Nov. A
Congrniiitiiiitn HiTiniinri will innkii a
ewh Ht J'uhj' hull on tlit) niulit ln.frti
llie eli'i t Inn on Moiidity evening, Nov.
7. 'Mm following h'tii r on the milijeut
to ('ImlriiiHii Hiownell will f"'uk for
llitelf :
Itonnii'miii, or,, (ii lolwr lil,-liu Mk.
Ilitiiwuiti.i. Yptirmteenird tnvor hl lintul,
I Khali emli'uvor to Im prrwnl til the lime
iiitMitiotivl li v von ml "hull ul oiire write
(lie umlnil i-oiiitiilitM' lo mlvintUe tliln ilul
- NiivimiiIht "III " tlinl the Hiiitnieiita
limy Hot Poiilllrt.
Willi kiml rigiird. Minn-rely youm,
lll'.lll HrlltlAKS.
There khoild li H l,ug Htteliditnce ut
everyone of thee iiu'i t iuu-t Theie ih
no danger of the petiole learning too
miti'll hIioiiI the urr.it (jni ie joint Involved
In llim riiiii)iitlgn nml tliev will !' heller
nhle to form rttiionul rnnHiiKiotiN iider
hearing the iihjtel thoroughly din
ciDiiieil hy men who know whut they am
tulking ulmiit.
tint hrlditn over khiihllng river thin
idn of Aurora. After the tiin Intd
luiHiM'd over th hmly It Woiiud mid Ir,
Jinwupof Hiilem, who will un the train,
iiiude mi exuiiiiniilion of the remitinii
which wert) found to m rold and to lwr
evideiii'O of luivlnu U-en deitd some lioiir.
The body tliioittd by ths id of
IIih truck mid Orotioi Iloliimn wan riotl
lled of llm otfiirrt'iice.
The coroner mid Dr. Yenrgitin went up
on tint triiin to exmniiie Into the
mullet They found tlmt two train" hail
evidently tun over th body uriu nolng
iii and the other down for It had bn
ilrngged a diatance of atiout 40 varda
alotiK the Iratk mid when found waft
about midway between the nd of the
coil me It had been draped over,
A jury wan iiimniotied and It afr
tained that the duueaited watt a (ierinaii
ithmit $! yea in of age by the name ul
Cbtiti. Kortiit, lie bad been almut
Auroiil noine titim ami Thurmlay iiihi
he iitwned hl wittch there for I'-.
I iirchiint'd two ll.ilH ot whit-ky and
ataiteil down the track. That la the
hist wen of him alive. One of the
bottle loll of liijiior wan found on the
trat k near the body. The fragmeiita of
the other were altto found.
W , II. II. SaniKon w on (lie train
77i uvonfll teo,
wllh Calacrh, la
to trtop It wlllxnit
turiny It, TIm
i.Ioiioii, Irrlla
IinK tniir, atriiiig
CHiiaUn aolutloiw,
o crenriw," Uainia
ami Hi" liku may,
rliam, llintn
for a tliua Hut
tliev iimv (irlva
Jllio lilmTum to tba
Tlx) wrong way In full of ilnuxer.
Tim riirbt way l a irovl ima, It'i with
Tr. Hajjo'a (JaUtrrh Iti'nietly, It niraa, ier
fmrtjy ami ruuiiiiitly, by Ilu mild. aouUj
luK, cUwinuiK bii'I beuilriK proiarrtjea, Urn
wimit eaiMi of Chronic Catarrh. It haa
provwl ttmilf right, tliniiiiil of Uiiua, wba
vttrytlilng abM luta failnL
Ami Una makm lla protirlfira willing to
prova tliat It'a tlw rlht ttilng for you, no
matter bow Laul your caaa or of bow long
If Uxy can't cure your Catarrh, they'll
pay you Vm In mab.
Thny mean It,
Tluiy'ra eartain of tlieir mwlldna.
You pay only for the good you gefc
J. W. n. R6DHOUS6,
AVatclunnker &, Jeweler.
All Work Done on the Prem
ises and Warranted for
Twelve Months.
A l.lttle (ilrl'a Kxperleure In Mlfht
liumie. Mr. anil Mra. Ixiren Treacott are ketiji
era ol the (iov. J.ightliouae at Hand
Deni'h, Mich., and are bleaaed with a
diiuubtiT four year old I.uxt April ahe
waa taken down with Meaalea, followed
with a dreadful ('oiifli and turninit into
a Fever. Uoi'tora at home and Detroit
treated bet, hut in vain, ahe grew worae
rapidly, uctil alie waa a mere "handful
of lioiiea." Then alie tried Or. Kinii'a
New Jliacovery and after the line ol two
and a hall hut ilea, waa ceinpletelv cured.
Tbey aHy Or. King'a New Oiacovery ia
worth ita weight in gold, yet you may iret
atrial taittle free attieo. A, Harding'
After all, the mild aL'em iea are the
beat. I'erltupa they wotli uiore alowly,
hut tliev woik aurelv. Or. P'erce'a l'leaa-
when the body waa diacovered, he went Bt ppiiHa,,,, an c'tive agency but quiet
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Watches Regulated Free of Charge.
No. 4, Commercial Hank Mock, Oregon City, Oregon.
BuIds, - Fertilizers,
Poultry and Bee Supplies, Etc., Etc.
Theie w 111 lie inuaic at all thean meet-
on the Hound ill Colllaloll with the collier li"K' and everything will be done to
Willamette. He narrowly eneaied de- provide ample and eoioloitable accom
atrtn thin on that wcaaion j I'ttiona fur lar-e crowda.
Mr.. Klla Iligginaon waa vlaiting! apeclal Invllatluu la extended to the
t.i i. i.. .i el,. LM.l.in ladiea to attend theitemtH-liiiKa.
) Next Hutu dav mght
! lUtker of I'urlland, I.
; Chairman llmtrnell
laddreaa a iiuhllc mivilng
lake, never ahock nor dentnue the aya-
tfin anil half their power ia the mild way ;
in which their work ia done Smallest!
rheal,totake. Oteadoe. Twfciily-I
live ci'iite a viul. Of ll triictfita.
Jury. That jmy lound the rather re
maikahle verdict that deceaaetl fame to
lua ilcath on the railroad track au'd
"aullioriwd the pror autboritiee to
exmniiie into the manner ol death"
which it waa the particular duty ol thin
jurv to do. The remaina of the
Meaata. l.ydell , ,,, Wlro (.,H.tl.a In a box and
I.. 1.. ''"''"r and j jlU,rrei j,, l)lB or,.go, City cemetery j Chilhlaina, t'orne, and all Hkin Erup
ol Ihia city will i u.i..iUu I tiona, ami wiaitively cures 1'ilea, or no
! pav reipnretl. It ia guaranteed to uive
All tlie
1 : Haluralav inorniuii.
Hunilay. Hbe left New Whatcom on the
ateamer 1'remler and waa nmcli ahaken
.... 1 iI.m ....llt.l.iii I I.iaI m-riM'Umt Him
' - " t.i i ll ,l.... tl .
ahli. on the Hound. Mra. Ilignlnaun ; - "., ...
1 J Tl.aa iii.t1..ka.,liiia W ii ( 1 1 a.l .1 w lilolil id I lit
left holiday afternoon to vlait rnlativea . -.r1 niwa ol the new aeweraire evatem under
ii i i i ,.i..i -i..-, .i,.. .,,,1 i tine named for the iolnl debate on tanlT ; ' ''M " l" np" "twtraire ')""""
andlriend. In 1 ortland a lew dity.a.id thehlutrbaa bee., laid. Thi. includea
then return bnme. Mf ;roVB WW feet of aix-im b ,,,, 3021 feet of
JmUe Mehlrum a family are inovlmj tlli, w,.,.k ,, ,,, j ei.l-inch pi,M, 5'.':1 of lO-inch. 57 of 12-
from the farm tollrem I ity Ibla eeg. . iaw,i,,i Inch heaidi-a IHl) feet of eitrht incli and
Ilucklen'a Arnica Halve.
The Ileal Salve in the world for Cut,
Hruioea, Korea, Ulcers, r-alt Kheum,
hever Korea, letter, t.liapiait llauila
They w ill occupy the reaideno next lo ; fcw ,,,,, K,i,lllV ,,,,, jtM leet ot 12 inch iron at the outlet
T.A.I'oi'" ' Waleratreetwhi.il waa, ,,.,,,. Illlkr , ,w,llll( tt(,,lr,,gw.(, ; on Fourtl, and Kahili atrceta. Tbereare
recently vacated by Alex VV arner'a Umlly ; ' . . . M .w. c.,1,,,,1,.. . 11 man holea in the a.atem, 14 lamti
iwrlect aatialaction, or money retunueii.
rni'e J.i cents per box.
A. Harding.
For aale by U
itiovltm to roftland. Judrt Meldttlin'a
move ia mainly to make It mine con
venient lor the children to attend
achutil In thia city.
I.. J. Ounnaway, ol Plainview, Nob,
arrived in KoM'horx laat Momlav. He
waa eiTtimpatned try lour laiuiliea. 27
jutraoiia, who expect to make their home
In Ootiglaa county. Mr. Immiawiiy
rametothia atate laat July, and Icing
ph'aacd with the ui Miiudinita went
buk (r bia family, with the aloe
' holea at the dead enda, 10 catch baaina
olle. . !
All persons finding themaelvea in-!
detitinl to tin w ill pleaae rail ami nettle
their arcouuta aa aoon aa poaailile orelae i
i ne accounia w in ie iiirneu over 10 our
attorney for collection.
Maykh Ackkhman.
( Ht Treaaorer'a Notice
Nolice ia hereby K'ven tliat there are
i liimlaoii hand aulncient to pay all out-
aiaiitllng warranta intloraeil prior to Nov.
!2i, 18H1. Interest ceaaea witli date of
thia notice
Oregon City, Oct. 12, 18t2.
tf F. J. lvot'ia, City Treasurer.
; aftertiiton. There waa a uoo.1 uttenibin.'e
an4m.ich ei.thiiala.ii. waa ..nmileated. I ,,ri,k Unk- The linlah-
Tlterew lll U. a a.li.e! ineetina- at ' i'1" ot ,l,' ,,u,r cceaa,.rle. cleamng
Hai kamaa atal ion Friday evenm Oct. I t,m .vt,,n i 'o occupying the
2 to be addrea.e.1 by Chairman ltrown- i""'""'"" " contractor. It iaa!.e
ell ami othera. i1'''' 141 ,,,e I'f'Perty owners to
. - ! know that the coat ol the acwer will be
j School Vill i. i , iu.iK.ilMirh(KHl ol one-thbd leaa
fl... I...- ......;i ....... 11... t L ll.i.tt ll, .lmulri 1 ..mm v.u'lr uau
iir, ii. i .i,,-r..n. in.. I mill inn a mill conn e'e,l I llltll w aa coiiteiiiiiluteil in t lie '
!,,. i . l i...i, .,..1 ti.,..m I..,. tl. ,ii...in. Fioiii a letter written Hy Mra. Ada E
... 7 .. . . Iluril, of tiroton, K I), we quote:
W e have large noit-reaident attend- l-hed cl. It la ahaohilely neoeaaary, j ,. Wm ,aken wi,h wj wilich
; am-e, miiny troui t Biieiiiali. , nowever, tiuii uie iii-aeaaiiienia iki pain aa j tlil on my I.nnuaf cough aet in ami
I ri.u. i., I H .......i ii..lil,.i tl . -1... i.wl .ml tli,ri ihw ihIiuI,. aill Iwi - i finailv iKi iiiinatttit in Conautniition.
JuMiia. n I -ourl lion.,., Iiaa la-en ,j(,rurv WK.t,.,v eini. ,tm.., ,naialiiig lumted in due total form. It ia impera-
touched up in bright colora thia wwk hy ; (j( mu tlvp ,ml ,,e .. H. complied with. It
rainier Oavia. It baa la en atiKicatcd . The at Ii.hiI ia la-ing trained to aalulc ' c.iniiot vet t told definitely how much
that the lady would In- atlll further beau- J () ()( ro,.juljnn. n,mim and ! the rebate to the pro.ierty owner will
tiful hy turning her nut-brown Ireaaea to Mm vrt.mltH (or t'Hmilm ' la. but it ia likelv to In. alamt one-third,
a g'.llen hue and providing her a puir of , ... .... . ...,t..hr.u..i in tl.i
. i i r... ' ' T.L,.U liltlil .u...,,l.. l.ni. lip K,..tt
mr mo i . i ..,. ,:.. ... i .. i- ....v- w ...j ...
I ..... ........ ... ( t alarrli Kc'iie.lv at Ml cent a lHittle, lo
i the afternoon at Shlvely'a hull. make no ."iO0. One failure to cure would
atrilicd ahem- Intaaeineiita
jahtl extreuiltiea.
The water on the untK'r river haa
rained only about four or live Inchea and
the Iwata cannot run up much almve the
Yamhill. The Modoc and llm Klwood
are doing a gotal buaineaa, however. Tlie
lloag w ill not atart till the water geta up
to a good atage,
The new walk from Keventh atreet
down lo Ninth auiieracding the old "Hap
tlat alide" will lie completed thia week
and It will be a greateonvenience to peo
ple who have occaalon to travel that way,
Mr, Huinmera, near Kilverton, think
he baa Iff HI catllah In one of Ida Hah
jMimla, which have multiplied from HH)
he put in the pond laat apring.
A due bill given by Carlton A It own
crana ol Canny payable to Win,
Klaetach. All pcraolia are warned not
In hnv the aniiie. W. K. Joiinhon.
The tivercrowdiiig ol the achiail baa take the profit from i0atlea. Ilamak-
been partially relieved bv placing the , Profeaa to rure " cold in the head "
, . , , , , , ,, . , and even chronic calarib, and if thev fall
eighth grade and few Irom the Oral grade , . .. . , . - ver-tt.ntideac.-
In the Croaa hotiae which haa been
prepared with the neceanary acliool
furniture. Mra. J. N Graham ia the
new teacher. The eight grade Ht ill con
tinuea to meet in the principal's room
for Mil call and lo attend motning ex
ertdaea. The claasea In algebra, general
biatorv and phyaical gtography from the
eighth grade, which have recited in the
vice-priiicipal'a room, will now recite in
their own room, the removal of the eighth
grade making thia poaailile. I'l Tit.
I have aome money to loan on im
proved Oregon City property.
If yen wnnt
burrow innni'y
llllii mo.
Not in newspaiier wortla but in hard
caah ! Think of w hat confidence it takes
to put that in the paiera and mean it
Ita maker believe in the remedy, lan't
it worth a trial? Isn't any trial prefable
to catarrh?
For hale Cheap.
Lot household furniture nearly new,
including cook stock. 0. W. Ru n,
tlth etret between Center and Washing
ton . tf
l our doetora gave me tip. aaving I could
live hut a abort time, 1 gave uiyaelf up
to my Saviour, determined if I could not
at.ty with my friends on earth, I would
ineel my absent ones above Mv hus
band aa advised to get Or. King's New
Oici-ovcrv for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all.
eight buttles; it has cured me and
thank liod I am now a well and hearty
woman." Trial bottlea free at O. A.
Harding's drugstore, regular size 50c.
and fl.OO.
Wantku, second hand grain sacks.
K. K. Williams the grocer. tf
Receipt, note and order books at the
Kntkhckisk ollke.
The finest line of cigars in
City Seventh street drug store.
Boats roR tiik Exposition. Here
after on Sat unlay nights during the
continuance of the Portland exposition
the Oregon City boat will make an ex
tra round trip leaving Oregon City at
ti:;!0 ami l'ortland at 11 :30. , Kound trip
tickets including aciinltaion to the ex
position SK) cents.
For several years past a gentleman in
Nashua, N. II", has been in the liabit of
taking Ayer's Saraaprilla to tone up his
svatein preparatory to the heated term.
He finds that this medicine relieves tlie
tired feeling so prevalent during spring
and early summer,
II. Z. Ilurkhart
Duvs city bonds, school bonds, county
and city warrants. Office 24ti Washing
ton street, Portland. Residence, Ore
gon City. 10-9 tf .
Open & Top Buggies, Carriages,
is, M Carts,
niinnmin minuhnri
'. v.J A Cvv 'i--
'.4- V
L7f '
. v.
Largest stock and most complete assortment in the Northwest.
Also, largest dealers in
Farm, Dairy and Mill Machinery.
New Market Block, - - - Portland, Oregon.
Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions, Clothing, Furnishing Goods BOOTS fflD SMS.
We have bought and just received another big lot of goods from the east at much less than manufacturer's prices which we have now ON SALE.
A few articles we have at awfully low prices, besides lots of others. READ IT.
Ladies' and Children's
Cloaks, 50c. up.
DRESS GOODS. Dress Goods. All wool Indies cloth
colore, fiOo. All wool Henrietta, all colors 50c fancy stripes
i-'ieckH Henrietta. Bno. Houiiio iimi iwiu uiiimh goons jw, it. i u,
inedieated llannol heavy 3()e., a cheaper at 25o. Gray shirting
iu pi..,, l,.,.r ( ii NaniNid H l ninir iue lie, unit i-ai-.
jnu. iiiuu "' "-. : ' . , ,.r' . e . i . .. i i l.
ii i ene ion niUHuil uxiru ouiiui y ou. nt "ini-
- - .. - . r . . . .
Khirtinor hlaw lOo
ed mnHlin 12 yds. $1. A good heavy cotton flannel, bloaeho.l and un
i.i i.,..i hi,, Mi.,iiin.r '. nml 2 vds. wide 20o. Good linen toweling
-?i i a Aa ..iiU,.Jrni1 1 nun toweline. extra wide, 10c. l air ot
law size heavy cotton towelH, linen finish, 25c. Large sue Turkish
bath towelB, 35c. a pair. Best gingham 12 yds. 11. Good miahty calico
20 ydl $1. Fanoy tidy towels largo bizo 29c, and a smaller 20c. A
nice worked, fancy colors, lambrequin, $1.25, if 1.45 and $1.75. A very
line ladies' black hose, warranted not to fade, crock or stain, 3!)c, worth
liOo, to 7."e, A ladies' cashmere hose 4"c, all wool. An extra tine em
broidered pongee silk handkerchief, 25c, worth 50c. anywhere. Ladies'
standing collars 2 for Sc., linen. Ladies tilack silk mixed gloves k.
Corsets I a Bier Barcain 1 This is one of the best corsets that
is made, at 05c, worth if 1,50, eastern prices. Then we have plenty
cheaper kinds. Garter elastic, tw. a yd., worth 10c W ool veiling oc,
all colors. Silk veiling 15c. A tine opera fan with feather trimmings,
white and colors, 75c, worth if 1.50. Dross buttons 5c a doz. Oxidized
silver picture frames, cabinet size, 25c, big bargain. lost quality shoo
polish 20c Nice hair ornaments 5c Silk lace in colors 5c 2 jo. per
yd. Men's overshirts, all wool, 11.25. Men's all wool serge,
black with small white stripes, $1.35, worth $1.75. Men's mixed over
shirts !)5c. Men's working shirts 45c, 50c. and 55c, all colors, you
ought to see the quality for the money. Boys' shirts 20c. and 35c.
Men's red medicated flannel undershirts 95o. Men's gray mixed under
shirts 20c, and drawers 29c Boys' merino 25c. Men's all wool hose,
heavy, 25c More Men's Pants, and cheaper than ever. We
can now sell you a good cloth man's pants (no overalls) for 75c, 90c,
95c, $1.15 and $1.45, all worth double and some more than that.
Shoes I
Shoes III
A heavy full stock men's high top shoes, $1.05, worth $2.50 anywhere.
Boys' full stock heavy lace shoe $1.25, worth $1.75 anywhere, just the
thing for rough weather and good wear. Men's heavy lace shoe 95c.
Men's working shoes medium weight $1.45. Ladies' medium weight
of: every day shoe, $1.25, and a little better article for $1 45, all worth more
money. Ladies line f rtncu kid shoes if l.yo. e have a tew numbers
of tine French kid ladies' shoos on hand (patent leather tips) we will
close out at $2.85 and $2.95, a few cloth tops among them; this is a big
bargain. We also have a few numbers sample shoos left which always
sell from $( to $8 a pair, we will close out at $3.95. Baby's shoes 25c.
a pair. Boys' and girl's school shoes, heel and spring heel, 75c, 95c.
$1.15; this is another one of our bargains we do not have every day.
An old ladies' congress shoe $1.25. Old ladies' slipper, hand sewed and
turned, 95c, worth $1.50. We have a few oxfords left with cloth tops
number 2J, 3 and 3j to close out at $1 a pair, regular price $2.50. We;
also have among this lot a line of girls tanned leather shoes we will sell
at 69c a pair, best wearing shoe ever made.