egon City Enterprise. VOL 2(1. NO. (".. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTORKIl 21, 1892. ESTABLISHED 18(6 Or I'AHKV JOHNSON, I.AWYKH. I'lmmr K.liihl mill Main atr.fte, Cir-nin Cllr, oruiiiiit- ItKAI. KHTATK TOMIXI. AM) MciSKY TO LOAN. t. , nam anNaaucuM, t. r. cuwmu, IUM kKNIIItOI'tlll A COWINI1. ATTOHNKYS AT LAW. All '( nvti.rn I' H lAihl offlm a .tiMtLHy. Ottli'n I4aitl l'. t a laud iiHicn Imllilliia;, OIlKUdN I I I V.. .... Ori..n. U Cold Kit, ATTOKNI'.Y AT I.AW iMutn. or raraarv rrNini. OrflPtlwii tliMir. atxivn (mwUiIDcii, Oreiou City. 1 0. T W II. I.IAN, Kr.Al. fslAlh AMI I .OAS AUKST. ! riruiy vt iii'mt'jr in limit mi tli mi Uvuralile A girfM Uui uf Imalnc. ro.Mt'itra ami iiliurhan I'lt'lHtrt,. Farm I'ri'perlx In Ira.i. In anil mi n.ay Icrina, r(irri'"inlt,ni' irintOy mmwrrril. Oltli'i, lioKitliHir lu i utinhl A iluulipjf Uru .turn, II UYH. ATTOKSKY A NI 1 n IN Si I. OK AT I.AW Offlrr ovnr Own flly f lik. IIRlU.ltl i in. union J C II SMITH, l'llYSKIAN AND Sl'KGKoN, Kiiiiln Creek, - tiregon. (l li 4 li.C I.ATOI KKI-IIl, J ATTxiliNKYS AND Cui'NSK.UHi.S AT LAW AIN HTMKkT, OKKUOH Of V, IlKKUUN. I rurnl.h AI lrM nl TIiIk. loan Mnnry. Fure CliiM M.illt.. ami't ocnirral Iji Nil.lnra.. w H 0 L E S A L i E K. E. WILLIAMS, FANCY GROCERIES, FRUIT & VEGETABLES, RED SEAL FLOUR, PORTLAND FLOUR, HOWARD FLOUR, Hay, Oats and Mill Feed. A Solicitor Sent to Your Houso Every Morning if Desired. (iOOIhS DELIVERED PKOMITLY. A N D R E T A I L TEXTILE FAimiCS. An luereiiM' t lint is Without I'ur-all.-, lu Any Country. I2,!II(.V''S PAH) OUT IJf WAKEN A Gain of l2,772,.t In the Val ue of the Output In Tea Years. Colorado A Hanta Fe. Tlie Kouthern of lli Texas line, several . li indied, had a schedule for increased GOTIIAM'UCMCAGO wages before the officials, lint it m not . "J'hpy 'falk Over the Xf allowed. Tlie Santa Fe operator strut k . .i .i . phone Line. in mouthy with the Texan operators. w TVk- puthy with the Jexan ope I V, Irmn. a... trt.uttiu In Tlf .1 Traill- THE GROCER. MM & MM ARE STILL IN THE FIELD. I THE VOHE A THOlHAM) MILES. dispatchers on the Ham he propose! taking ntak trains in transit to lhe division points, when they will leave i The Canadian Boodle (axes IiUcot their keya also. Decision Affirmed. W'awiixotox, (Jet. 17. The United Klatea aupreme court by Chief Juntice Fuller to lay reaHirineil the jultiieiit of the Mii'hiifan aupreme court, tiiholdiii; the eormtitutionulity of the famouit Miner law providing for a choii.e of presidential electorn hy corn(r(iional diatricU in utead of by the atiite aa a whole. The court holda the 14th amendment to the coiiatitnlion of the United iUte did not lea in Idaho Mm. Ilurriton Mnklne. Xkw York, Oct. 18. Thia afternoon in the presence of a dintinijuiched com pany, telephone service between Kew Y'ork and Chicago waa formally inaugu rated. President Hudson explained to' the aoeemhly, before the tentlegan, that the new conueclion between New Yoik and Chicago in the lonuext telephone line in the world. A coronet solo, "The limit the rixht of the states to fix the . Slar ltfl Kanner," waa then played mode of chooainif elertora. It ia con-, an" l"e l,l"i 1 celed the effect of ihe di cicion ia to Kive , ,rom ('l'" ''r- i part, at leant, of the Michigan electoral ! and the fame iainiliar tune w in repeated Tlie note canm clmr 'America" wua eent ai d and diHtinct. MilkDeliverBfttoallPa Ml Citf FULL MEASURE AND PROMPT SERVICE. 7 , Pi.rlUnd, Orguii. A. t. Aaarranaa, Prtnrlpal. K.tbll.hr4 (a laM. A tlx, prarUral arknil, farorablr kiMiwn Ibruafbout Ik. 1'arlflc NorUiw..L DlPASTMINTSI ualnaan. Shorthand, Trorllln, ranmanshlp, InallaD. all lh jirar; tin n .ili.ii. no Irrm brninninaL Kluikau adaiilt4 nl any unt. Caulofu (ran. Wahiiinoton, Oct. IU. The cenaua of fice today made public a bulletin (riving atatiaticaof the textile induatiies of the United Htutea a a w hole. The increaac in HilV manufacture aim-e 1RH0 ia the moat atriliiiiK, being 112 72 x-r cent, in value of Its products. Cotton manufacture ranks second, be'ina- 'Ml 51 er cent, and wixj! manufacture third, beinK iO.IKI per cent. The aveiaue Increaatf in the en tire textile industry ia UK 61 percent. The relative rank in the importance ol the in duatries, however, ia reversed: wool inanulai turea in all brandies atandinit ' yute to Cleveland. firnt, w ith grim prtxlucta valued at :!:i7,- n ian'moiia 778,54; cotton maiiufiu tnn-a second,! w ith proilucta valued at 217 ,OSI ,7-4. and ailk maniifnctiirea third, with products ! valued at H7,2!,4.ri4. The actual in creuae in the value of products wan (70, f.15,1) 1 in wool, f 7.",K!i ,(H in cotton, and MOift.W in silk. The combined Iriitnutri..ii t.,,l a iir.ulttl in tl.a ..ruo. ent wnsos vear worth .;!,(m,702, as , 'ore' b,,ilt ,' hie?h ,,uiky i,U tortfio- i said Mavor Washbu.n impressively, -'on compa.ed wi'tl, t product in lHSOof W.!111 U'e ",a '"""""f ', American Invention which shall sup- S7ii nn i.i,.ra. in iun .r. f ti( . ; 1"H w ",c ' to" '"ncu i plement the telegraph ana enable rt.e 772. m4, which from any point of view, it The opinion wan Bob. ft Boimer'. H.- Bnlkj. j New Yokk, Oct. 15 Koliert Bonner, j while aaiiaiiel the bicycle sulky ia a j decided advantage in speed trials, has iconcluled that it wat capable ofimprove- menu The arnalineas of the wheels was ' an objectionable feature. He has. there- leceived in the same way. Then Mayor Grant spoke to Mayor Washburn, of Chicago. "The city of Chicago gice's the city of New York," aaiJ Mayor Washburn. "The city of New York i turna the compliments, and wishes you all success in the great celebration you are to have this week, waa Mayor Grant's reply. "The city of Chicago extends greetings, and congratulates the nation," is staled, is without parallel in any conn try. The increase in the amount of wages paid for the combined textile in dustries ia even more marked than the increase in the value of Ihe products, be ing 64 "1 percent. In the combined indus tries, 04 77 per cent in wool manufactur ing, f".K )r cent, in cotton and 115.10 in silk. The total sum of tll2.3!5,5! or lowered to mike a Horizontal slialt neoul- of Ihe continent to communl tor either a tall or low horse. The new j cllXe lpre tUey now reRort to post and vehicle is constructed entirely of tubular j telegraph." Mayor Grant, in conclu steel, including the thills, and is both j j0,1( llia,e a graceful personal expres lighter and stronger than wooden run- j o( ngret at jljls inability lo attend the ninggear. It is Bonner's intention to I dedication exercises this week." use this) sulky in Sunol'a trials for the world's record (HUH, ATTl'KNKY AT LAW. Wiu. I'a.mi a in Au. furs nr tiu staxa Km I tntaic anil lw.uranes. ommun Mnln Sirl, hl Slilh nixl Svvmlh. uniniiiH I ITT, n, 1.1 M. HANI'S, J. NOTAUY l', UKAL KSTATK A l.rit.Nt K. (im. r In Iho V "t limrm llillitlli, tl-rgnu Clty,urrtti. (J. i w i t sh li.M l. IMIY.-U I AS ASK MlttiKoX. (Lntrnt I'.irt'.nu.l ) omr null 1'r nt.ulf.r, Aurorn. Onuvn yy m iii'tis-r, UKAI. FSTATK A INSl ltANCF. AGKN T. NOTAUY PUBLIC A COI.I.I'.CTOU, AI'VlillA, OHKiiON. Mmirt txud u A l't(c.l Swuillf. rpiios. r. hya.n, KKAl. KSTA1K AND IKHI'HAM'K. 4'kolrsrUv, fnrm amt Siiburtinii iniiwT tnr nl. City Mrtrt, iHtiiiity wnnwm. anil Mtirt llmiiit nil klinU bii-lil and anlil Tmr fhl nml hi1iip n( very il..(iiillnii nlteu4vt l ir nnu-rnalili'Uta. ODtiy ii p xaira lu uiitMliif nnrlh nt pnalnulcs. (IT. 1IAYKH, ATTOUNKY AT I.AW, OnaiiKN i'itt, Onaimn Will practice In all tin- (oiirln ot tlie ttt. OffliT, cnnicr Main ami Klulilh mrei'ia, opiuinile court hnuao ukii. c. iinnwNKU.. IKOVi'NKt.l. A HKKSSKK a. a. lutKHHan. ATTOHNEYS AT LAW, Oaaiins City, osiwios. Will nraellre In all (liixwurta of the atate. (II flex, next tliHir to ( Hiillol.l A lliihlU'y drug atnrfl. rptlK COMMKIK'IALHAMC, OK (IHKUHN (IITV. Capital, 1(K),00U TaASRAt'TN A (IKNKHAI. MANKINQ nlialNKa. f.nniia mail. Illlla (llacniiiiti'd. Mukna eiil Ifctluna. Iliiva mot aclla roci'linuae on all pnlma in I hi' I'lilli'il Minima, Kiirnpn nml llnna Knnii. )itinallH rccet'MMl auliJiM't In clii'rk Intorcat at uaiial niten nltnwnil on tlmo tlcimalta. Hank open from u a. M. to 4 r. u. Hutu rilny uvciiIiiki troni rl tn 1 r. M. II (J. I.ATIU'KKTTK, I'roiiilenl. K K HuNAI.DHON, Cnahter JANK Or OIIKUON CITY, Oldest Mln House la tlie City. Paid up Capital, f1,000. PHKHIDKNT, VICK I'llKHIIlKNT, CAaiiian, MANAUKII. Tlloa. CHARMAN. 0KO. A. IIAHIMNO. K. o CAuriai.n CIIAUI.KH It. CAliriaiiD. A joneral hankllil bnalueaa trainnctod. -Dciioalta runelvert auh)w!l lo check. Apurnvod lillla and nntva dlanniiutdil. (Iminf and ell y warrant. UniiKht. I.iinna mide on availaulo iiiourlty. Kxclianae bUilit sail mid. Collemlnm ninde prnmpllr. Jirnltn aill svalUole In any tiart of the world. Teli'iiraplitq saoliaiiKea anlil ou Portland, Hao Franolano, llbloaa.iand Nw York. Internal nail OS tuns diipnstts. i Sub AmuIs ol TH Jt tONhON CiIKQUK DANK. THE Oregon City Sash and Door Co. Carry the Largest Stock of &ish, Doors, Winds, Mouldings, Etc In Oregon City. Striul sien of Poors nml Whitlows muilo to tinier. Turning of all kinds Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts Fiimifheil on application. lluihlcrH, give us n cull, anil nee if our work is not of tin- best, ami our prices us low at the lowest. Price List sent on application. Factory, Cor. Main and llth Sta.. Oregon City. Eiquiiiai Have Arrived for the Fair. Bostos, Oct. 16. The schooner Eve- i was psid in ihe combined industries as lena, Cap'ain William M. McConnell ! wages to 4HK,!I21 employes. CHOLERA II (HIS A. Rcpsrtli Spread Abroad that Earop.aai Bar Poiitaed tho W.lli and Rivon. J. W. SCHWA1V, STOVES, TIN & HOLLOW WARE. All Kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Work Promptly Done. PLUMBING AND GENERAL JOBBING TO ORDER. fahap an Nevriilli (., Hear Ike pel, Oregon fit)', llrsmeh nl Onwego. M. HOSF0RD, The CANBY MERCHANT, ydln all gootls at a living price. Flour nml kerosene not given uwny in order to catch your trade ami then even up on higher prices on other goods. None But First Class Goods Carried. Prices us low na can bo luid in the county. Time given to responsible parties. LUMBER. Orders filled for rough or dressed lumber, all first class, at bed rock prices, retail or carload lots. J. JONES & SON, DKAI.KK IN Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cabinet Work, Fitting up Stores and Repairing of all kinds. Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed. lMtM'l'.N Till: I.OWISNT. j"Hhop corner Fourth and Water streets, buck of Popo & Go's, Oregon City Pah Fa.tN'cisco, IK't, 15. A. Hankow ccrresyondent of the Shanghai Mercury write under date of August 29th : "At Kanchen, 4K miles from Hankow, on the Han river, cholera is raninit to an awful extent, And hundreds art) dying daily. ISome evildispoaed persona, balers of foreigners, have spread a malicious reort to the effect that some Chinese are traveling round in the pay of Europeans, poisoning all the wells and rivers, hence the awful numlwr of deaths. Consequently all strangers are put in prison, and many have had their heads cut off and entrails and hea'ts thrown into the river to propitiate the river god. Feais are entertained for the safety of I!ev. Mr. Lund, belonging to the Swedish mission. In returning to Hankow, as it is known be will soon, unless he gets letters sent to warn hun, he will be in the troubled districts. II he passes through the city tlie chances are that he will be killed." arrived here vesterday with the Labrador expedition sent out last June to secure Esquimaux exhibit for the world's fair. W. I). Tincent and K. U Taber, who are in charge, report a very successful issue of their undertak'ng. They have aboard tbe schooner fitty- seven native Esquimaux, all of whom will start for Chicago Saturday night. In the party are sixteen men, twenty-three women, twelve of whom are the wives of men in the party, and thirteen children. Boodle Caaei ia Cauda. (Ji kbec, Out., 4M. 17 Today the grand jury tendered a verdict of "No bill" in the case of Hon. ex-Preniier Mercier, for malfeasance in connection with the Hereford railroad subsidies. A like decision was renderei in the casi of Ernest 1'acaud, Mereier's political manager, for bribery in connection with the same deal. The indictment against ex-I'rovincial Secretary Langeliea on like charges will not tie presented to the grand jury this term. The ex-premier, however, will have to stand trial before the court of queen's on a charge of mal feasance in connection with those sub sidies, which it is alleged he diverted from their proper use, and a true bill w as F.ilir. of a Bank. Pokt AvoKi-Ks, Wash., Oct. 14. -The j ,ouml ''onnection absolute collapse ot the bank of Port Ho 3op for Mri. Haxriioa. Angles, B. F. Schwaitx .president, is , NEW York. Oct . 18 A Herald special .Rupture, Asthma and Piles. DR'SSHIMP& HOUSER, Specialists in tho treatment of all foniis of Chronic, Catarrhal, Nervous and Foinalo Diseases. Twenty (20) Years' Experience in Medicine, Surgery and Eloctricity. All ourablo casen guaranteed. Office, 2o9, Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. jJsflrCorresponilence solicited. Hon-Ualoa Miser 8h.t at Wallace. Wallace, Idaho, Oct. III. A myste rious sflsir happened at the Gera mine last night. Walter Graham was with a half down friends who were drinking and telling stories in the saloon, when a unit) with a white cotton mask, which stretched from his face to bis waist, en tered and said to Graham : "I want to see you a minute " Graham unwillingly approached tho stranger, when the lat ter drew a revolver and ordered "hands up." Graham obeyed, whereupon the man in the mask deliberately took a shot. The bullet tore away a knuckle on Graham's hand and ploughed through his shoulder. The assasain escaped with the shout, "we've got you now." The all'uir is wrapped in mystery. There is no clue to the assassin. Graham is a non-union miner. Tlie attempted assas sination is considered the first of a prom ised series growing out of the enmities caused by the late C'iir d'Alene riots. More Lands for Free Entry. Washington, Oct. 15. President Har Hurrison this afternoon issued a proc lamation opening to immediate set tlement the surplus lands on the Crow Indian reservation in southern Montana, aggregating 1,800,000 acres ceded to the government unii"r an agreement made December 28, 1800, as modified by an agreement made August 27, 1802. Un der the terms of these agreements all the ceded lands, except mineral lands, must be disposed of only to actual settlers un der the provisions of the homestead laws, except those contained in' section 2301 of the revised statutes, which givos to ex soldiers ami sailors the benefit of the time Iheiy served in the army or nayy of tlie United States. Telegrapheri ara on a Strike. Tockka, Kan., Oct. 17. All the tel egraphers on the Santa Fe system, nmn boring 000, struck this morning in re sponse to an order from Chief Ramsey, of the Order of Railway Telegraphers. Tlie source of the trouble iB the Gulf, continued today. The institution has been known to be in severe straits for from Washington says: No matte, how horefully the doctors' statements are sometime, and consequently there is j ,ade lo sound everv dav. there is never very little loss arising over the failure heie. The two principal losers are the Western Washington Development Co., $200, and Sheriff Gould for about the same amount, but as the depositors were few, there will be no loss to merchants, and the closing of the bank will not be felt by the community. DeTMted by Prairie Firei. Winnipeg, Oct. 14. The western half of Alberta, a ranching district of the Northwest, has been devasted by prairie fires. Thousands of tons of hay and many buildings are burned. It is feared many cattle perished. The flames advanced so rapidly the ranchmen were compelled to mount horses and flee for their lives. Unless they can find new ranges they scarcely will be able to tide their stock over the winter, and the consequent loss will be enormous. Enropeaa Crop Keporta. London, Oct. l(i. Reports made up from ollicial figures show that, except in Great Britan and Italy, the crop pros pects in Europe average nearly 15 per j in Custer county. The coal lands cover a moment passes for the White House family that iB not filled with the deepest anxiety. Mis. Harrison became so weak yesterday that the slightest change may mean the end. The extreme drowsiness of the past four days keeps up just the same, and it looks as if the last days of her life will not be filled with pain or suffering. Every now and then she is routed to take her nourish ment, and she at once goes back to sleep again. The president and members of the household do not go outside of view of the house. Coal ia Idaho. Boisk, Idaho, Oct. 14. A. B. Scber merhoru, geologist, who baa been ex ploring Central Idaho for World's Fair Commissioner Wells for the purpose of making a geological and mineral collec tion for the Idaho exhibit, and whose discovery of an immense glacial field in Lemhi county has bten reported in these dispatches, reports that l.e has made an examination of valuable coal measures cent better than last year. Italy's wheat crop is 12 per cent below last year's and Great Uriuin is over i7 per cent below the normal yield. The con dition of crop affairs in Great Britain is the worst ever experienced. Will Koto to Washington. Washington, Oct. 15. Ex-Secretary Blaine, accompanied by his family, will JUtke up his permanent abode for the winter at his residence on Lafayette square, next week. Mr. Blaine com municated, through Secretary Foster, his expression of deep sympathy with the president on account of bis wife's illness. Declare! the Strike is Lost. Homestkaii, Pa , Oct. 15. Tlie Nes came out this morning with a lengthy editorial declaring that the strike was lost. The paper is the recognized organ of the locked out men, and the editorial in question was submitted to several prominent strikers before its publication. Will Nominate Sickles. Nbw York. Oct. 16. One of the polit ical surprises of the day was the re ported announcement of Richard Cro ker that he would not be the nominee for congress from tae Twelfth district, but that the nominee would be Genera) Daniel Sickles, an area of 600 square miles. I lie veins have only been prospected on the sur face, but Prof. Schermerliorn is satisfied that some of the largest bodies c! coal in the west will be found and that the coal will take a high rank in the matter. Much Depressed. Washington, Oct. 15. The pre? iden t is very much depressed in spiiits at tlie steady decline of .Mrs. Harrison. He no longer attempts to give attention to pub lic affairs. He denied himself to all callers today, and omitted the regular afternoon reception. Trouble Expected in Idaho. Moscow, Idaho, Oct 10. Trouble is expected among the democrats. Their leaders are trying lo have the populists join hands with them. They have withdrawn their electors and indorsed those of the populists. The Salmon Trade. Victoria, B. C, Oct. 15. Bergoff, who is interested in tlie scheme to take fresh British Columbia salmon to Europe, ii here arranging to build a small steamer to bring the salmon from Skeena river. Accepted the Leadership. Portland. Oct. 14. D. W. Reeves, now playing at the exposition, has ac cepted the leadershiD of Gilmore's band at St. Louis.