Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 14, 1892, Image 8

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We are showing in large variety choice new styles and late novelties. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots
and Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, Grocorics, Etc.
It gives us pleasure to call at
tention to our new stock. In the
matter of prices we shall continue
to deserve our reputation as eUw;
buyers and sellers. Call and get
quotations on any line of goods you
may incline to purchase.
Ve carry full and complete as
sortments, sell only straight goods
and guarantee our prices to be the
lowest for the same class of goods.
A careful examination of the prices
quoted will insure us your trial
order if you have never dealt with
.us before, and oikv our customer
you will always be our customer.
We extend our thanks to our
patrons for past favors and shall
not fail to use every effort to merit
a continuance of their good will in
the future.
Yours Trulv.
i. Selling.
Unbleached Muslins.
Best Cabot W, ;t in. wide, lt
yds. for 1 00
Atlantic L L, oG in. wide, IS
vds. for : 1 W
MuMas sret4. msahbihint mm rmm
"It U my brother."
"We are doiDg first rate, Bess dear,"
wrote Berrien, "and all are hopeful that
with the surroundiiiK of the big band of
hostile in the Bad River valley the
most uncertain feature of the business
is at an end. If they can be quietly
herded in to the reservation and induced
to give op all their arms and ponies,
there will be no further trouble. The
health and spirit of the regiment are ex
cellent, and, while I hope no emergency
will arise, I can bet that if there should
be a shindy the Twelfth will give good
account of itself. Farquhar keeps us on
the alert and there is no rusting. Qor
ham has joined from leave, so that
Brewster, to his infinite disgust 1 doubt
not, has had to fall back to second place.
He and Rolfe are about the only gloomy
spirits in the command, and of Brewster
I see very little. Ever since the episode
of which I told you and her most signifi
cant appearance at the depot in town
while we were being switched to the
northbound track I have not felt like
having anything to do with hirn. How
do you suppose she heard of oar move,
since she left the hop before any one
knew of it? There were a few other
ladies there, I admit, for they were still
with us when the orders came, and it had
cleared by the time we reached the depot.
She, however, seemed to hang on to
him and nobody else to the very last. I
am distressed at what you tell me abont
Winifred, and the more I think of it the
more I am disposed to urge your in
stant acceptance of Miss Guthrie's in
vitation. It will be the very best anti
dote 1 know of a few weeks in St
Louis society if she has indeed, as you
fear, become interested in him. Go by
all means; it will do you good do Win
ifred a world of good (get her some new
gowns, and take in all the parties and
all the gayety yon possibly can), and it
will be a good thing for Miss Guthrie
"Now, this is strictly entre nous.
Holden is worried about her, and in
course of a long talk we had last night
he showed me a letter just received
from Mrs. Holden. Of course she is ali
upset by his having to take the field,
and wants to leave the children with
her mother and come up here to him,
but she couldn't be jn camp and there
isn't a room to be had at the railway
station. The place is just crammed
with newspaper men and quartermas
ter's people. Mrs. Holden writes that
ever since the night of that qneer ad
venture of hers at the fort Nita has
been unlike herself strange, nervous,
.almost hvetericai at time. Sh will
lite V
rfwf fa
Aurora C, 3t in. wide, '20 vds. i
for .". . . 1 001
Bleached Muslins.
Lonsdale, Stl in. wide, 12 yds. 1 00 j
First Call. Hi! in. wide, 14 yds. 1 00 ;
Fruit. 3(5 in. wide, 11 vds. ... 1 OOj
Putter Cloth, 4," in. wide 14
yds 1 00
Our Rest Prints. 20 yds 1 00
Shirting, U-st quality 20 yds. 1 00
Indigo lilue, figured, fast col
ors, lti vds 1 00 1
Good Quality Dress tiinthains
12 yds 1 00
Nice Small cheek Apron Ging
hams. 12 yds .'. 1 00
Excelsior Checks. 10 yds 1 00
Canton Flannelshirting.Syds 1 (K
English Cheviot, S yds. 1 00,
Cotton Flannels.
Medium Quality, 14 vds 1 00
Heavier Quality. 12 yds 1 (X)
Extra Quality.S yds". I 00
Flannels, Cassimeres, Etc.
Heavy Striped Cheviot .'"
We respectfully invite you to inspect
permit no allusion to it, aim seems
striving to forget it nil. She ! every
where, morning, noon and night, but
looks haggard and ill. 1 gather from
wh: Holden said that, as you once sur
mised, there was an old affair which
may have had something to do with her
persistent refusal of every offer; but
what that could have had to do with
her fright at Pawnee I cannot imagine.
Holden agrees with me, however, that
it would be a capital thing if you and
Winnie would pay her the visit she
urges: so again, I say, go by all means.
"By the way. I wish yon would run
over and see Mrs. Thorpe as often as
yon can. Her letters have a depressing
effect ou the captain. He tells me the
only insurance he has in all the world is
in the Army mntual, but three thousand
dollars would hardly pay their debts
and take care of them for a year if any
thing were to happen to him. Don't be
alarmed by newspaper stories of the
lighted skies and howling ghost dancers.
Indians will dance all uignt on any prov
ocation, and our fires light the skies
quite as much as theirs. Sergeant Ellis,
who volunteered to push through with
dispatches to Buller's command some
where on the other side of the Bad
Lands, got buck all right this morning
and says he had hardly any difficulty m
working a way through the hostile.
That fellow, 1 think, is going to make a
name for himself in this campaign. He
is always ready for anything that turns
i up.
I "1 hear that Brewster and Ridgeway
: have had a row and do not speak. Some
of the boys know what it's all about, bnt
won't tell me. Do yon know? Now,
unless you wire to the contrary, I shall
address my next care of Hon. Warren L.
Guthrie, 8t. Louis."
Then Kenyon got a letter. He was
now commanding officer of the post, and
was unremitting in bis thoughtfulness
and attention to the households of the
absent offk i. It was Rolfe who wrote
to him, and Kenyon was well nigh at
his wits' end in the endeavor to conjec
ture what it all meant
"You remember my saying I could
find that stolen picture if I could but
have authority to search one room at the
post It is my conviction still that the
man who goes by the name of Ellis was
the thief. He had a lock box at the post
office in town, number twenty-three,
and letters have been forwarded to him
here by the postmaster, two of which
were not addressed to Sergeant Ellis or
to G. B. Ellis, Twelfth cavalry, but to
Ralph Erroll, box twenty-three. When
he returned from detached service this
morning the Bergeant major handed him
his mail and asked him if those addi
tional letters were his. He turned red,
then pale, hut said yes. Both these were
from Louisville, as I happen to know;
both were addressed in the same hand
that of an educated woman and there
is no doubt in my mind that this Ellis or
Erroll has a screw loose in his record.
Brewster knows something of his past,
but refuses to tell. It is of vital impor
tance to me to find out who and what he
is, for 1 believe him to have been guilty
of a crime beside which the theft of that
picture is as nothing.
"Now, 1 want you to do something
for me. A man will call on you within
a few days, presenting a letter of intro
duction from me. He is a detective
from Chicago, He has certain inquiries
to make at the post and in town before
going to Louisville, and it should not be
known that he is a detective at all. Give
him every facility in your power. Intro
duce him to the postmaster as a friend
of mine, if you prefer it, and let him oc
cupy my quarters while at the garrison.
He will want to see the firehonse and
apparatus and all about Holden's quar
ters. Kathleen is there in charge, and
Holden has no objection, though he
pooh poohs the efforts I am making to
get at the bottom of this strange busi
ness. I hope I am not asking too much
rif tutu.
The late Colonel Curtis used to say he
was a linseed meal missionary. He ad
vocated its liberal use In place of cotton
seed meal.
"4-in. Water Proof ,10
Light Weight Cassimere ,r0
Good Quality Cassimere T.p
Extra Qualitv Cassimere. .. , 1 (X)
lied Flannel "Twilled 25
Cray Flannel 20
Brown Flannel 'jo
Cotton Batting,
Pn'st Quality, per pound 15
Carpot Warp.
All Shades. 5 pound bunches 1 25
IV .1 - rt-
i ins, . paK-rs. , u. j
Nevdles, 2 papers 05.
Knitting Cotton, 4 balls 25!
Garter Elastic, per vd tVj
Skirt P.raid. roll, . . 05 j
Ladies' Hlaek Cotton Hose . . 10 '
Ladies' All Wool lilaok, ribbed 25 1
Misses' Hrown Mixed Hose. 3 i
pairs 25 !
Infants' All Wool I'dack, rib- 1
bed, 2 pairs 25
Ladies' lilack Cashmere 25!
Misses' P.Iack Kiblvd Cotton,
2 pairs
Misses' All Wool Cashmere
.sor tcK or final sk rrt.FMKN r.
In 111,' (.utility Cmirl of t'Ui-k.ituaa County,
Stat of Oregon,
lit th matter if the estate off
Siomirt J Oakley. ,teree,l
.Vmre I hervtiy itiveii. Out the iniiler.ltrne.l,
aitiiiniMri,r Hit the ill aiinexe.1 of mod
I!,-. has t1l h lh final aeeoinit aa m.li tlniht
itratr. ait. I tho JikIcv i t hM court hu tK,sl
Mili'liiy. the Tlh ly of Novemter. fi. at to
orliH-k a. ra lit the county court room ill Ore
troll City in l tat-kamas county, Ureitoii, m the
tone mill pi,- to hear ot)c,'ftou to alil f.ual
account ami (or (tic tellieim'til ot tlir .atne.
KKt'HKS HttlllT.
A'lmiti'.trHtor with the will anHexM ot lite ct
tate ut Samuel i Oak lev. le,'cae,l. i 1-10 1
In (hoClreuU Cour of the Stat, ot Orctfon, tor
the County ot l lacltaimu, .
Thomas l. Miller, plaintiff. )
Mary K. Harlow. Martaret 1. V Suit In K,"lty
I'lllalHirv. Henrietta M. Kelly
a lot J I, PilMMirr, ,l,.fen,l ta j
I To Henrietta M Kelly of talit ,Wfrnlnu and
I to al, peraona unknown elalnitnir tw havltiff an
1 liiterct In the property 4ucntMt lu lha com-
it the nam of the State ot Oregon, Ton aea
; herehy rciuire.1 to appear au,l ati.wer the com
' plaint flletl atallial you In the altove entitled mitt
within teu , lay-, (rout the date ot the terylce of
thia tummon uioti you. If erve. wHhtn thii
. county: or. II aerved in any other county ol this
Hate, then within twenty ,1a ya from tha date ,,f
, the aervice of thla mnnmona upon yon And If
: you fall ao toaiiawer, for want thereof theplaiu
' will take jtiilttmenl ngaiunt you and apply to
' the court for the relief demanded in nald coin
, plaint which li a auit for the partitioning
. anxnitf the paitlea thereto, plaintiff and defend
! anta. ol certain real eatale annate in t'lackani-ta
' county, elate of Oregon, to wit: The K. 'a, of the
! donation cialltl No. In iecllotlf i. X and
I T 111 ,owuhlp 1 noiith. range 1 eat of the V II-
lantette incrMiAu, auld etlal half being the wife
artion of the donatlou land claim of the lale
Samuel Miller and wile: alao lul acrea off
: the S. W Corner of the late Samuel W. Shall-
uon'a donation land claim, know u on the mapt
I and plata and anrveyaof the I nitcl State a
claim No 7U lu I 1 S., K 1 K of the Willamette
j Thla aummona la uhlUhetl hy nider of the
lion, ltyal rt. team, unite ot Ilia circuit
! court of the atateof Oregon for the county of
Atuiiiiunian, uateu septetiiner it, l-ir.
8. Hi'll.iT.
9--H: Attorney lor plaintiff.
In (he Circuit Court nf the ute of On-ifoQ for
i mcinmitu rotmty
Louiss Dmii'l FIiutltTi
v. 5
John Pnzlel.defentliinl'
To John deffmUnt:
In the nuiii ttt the atate of Oregon you are
nerruy rei)ireu to appear mu1 mmwer the com
plaint filer mx in t you In the above entitle!
tilt within Un iayi from the date nf theaervlrtf
oi inia iiimmnui upon you, u nerved within thl
rotiuty; or, if ierve'1 In any other county of
thla mate, (hen within twenty ilaya from the
due of the nervlce of thin nuinmona upon you.
A nl If vou fall no to answer, for want (hereof,
the plaintiff will apply to the court for the re
lief denuntjeu1 in the complaint to, wit: for the
diftitoliutoii of the oon of tivtrfinony now ex
intlnir between plaintiff anl defemiaut
'lhin Biimmonn puMIhel by order of the
Honorable Iiyal B. Ktcaru Judtte of the Cir
cuit Court of t.ie ntate of orriron (o Multnomah
County, datei 8epieinter l, 1"'..
8. JfrrnT.
:2.t-ll 5 Attorney for Flalntlff.
Land Office at Oregon City. Oreirnn.f
Hept 10, m. i
Noiice la hertdy given that the following
named settler haa filed notice of bin Intention
to make ftnal proof In nupnort of nls claim, and
that mill proof will be mmle Injfore the Kcglnter
and Keceiver of the V. M. Laud Ottiee at Oregon
City, Oregon, mi November!, iwri, vlr:
lavid H. IHney,
Horn eaten d entr No. Km. for the H. F. 4 of N. W.
ViandN K .'.of k. W. of Heif.2li.T.4H..R.2K. He
narnea the following wltnee to prove hiacon
tttiuoiiR residence upon and cultivation of Hald
land, viz-Jerry Ijuio, ;. N, fjtritlim. John I.ar
kiunnnd Irvln L.t larke.all of t larkea poat of
fice. Cli-'kauiaii county, Oregon.
tf:2;t-IO;2H J. T. Ai'i-KKfios, HeglBter.
I hereby give notice that I have filed fn the
county court of Clitekamas cnumy,(rei,'on. my
accounta and voufhera f((r final aettleniiint a
admiiiintratrix of the estate of Andrew hot
aha, de'eaaed, and the court haa appointed
Monday, November 7th IKfi, h the day for ex
amination anr Hettlementofthti Maine.
iMied Sept. iy, Ktt2
A.nnik Kinu, Adm'x
W, C. Johnann Atty. y-2;i,l'.fJt
Practical Architects BwiUerH.
Will prepare pinna, elevatloua, workliin '1"
tallx, aii'l K''llt,atlnn for nil klnrla of IhiiIiI
lriK Kjjc'ial attentlrm Klveil lo morlern cot
UKea. KritlmnteH ftiruiitned on application.
Call on or aildrcHf WHITE IIIIOH.,
Oreiron City, Oftn
Oregon City, Oregon.
Full Stock of Guns Ammunition.
Repairs on all kinds of small machines
promptly made. Duplicate key to
any lock manufactured. Hliop on
Main Ktrcet. next to
Noblitt't 8table.
1 lose 25
Dross Coods.
loubli Folded Cashmere, 8
yards 1 00
Henrietta, 3(1 in. wide 25
Plaid Serge, 3(5 in. wide 15
All rl Ladies' Cloth W in.
wide, black and colors. . . 50
House Furnishing Coods.
White or Colored Marbled Gil
Cloth, per yd 20
Turkey Ked Paniask, 50 in.
jvr yd 25
Scrim, for eurtaimt, 15 yd .., 1 00
White Crochet Quilts ' 75
1'nbleached Linen (.'rash, 12
yards 1 00
Turkish Towels, large sie . . 12)
Furniture Cn tones, 10 yds. , 1 00
Mon's FurnlshlnyCoods.
j Men's l'.lue Flannel Shirts. , , 1 (Hi
' Men's Knit ShirK lace front. I 00
Men's Suspenders, heavy, 25
Men's All Wool Seatulos
! S.vks 25
Men's Outing Flannel Shirts 35
j Men's Turkey Ked ILuulker-
' chiefs, large 3 for. . . '.'5
our stock and prices. I. SELLING.
NoTti K OK 0l'Ai;i IN S SAI r.
Notlc la herehy given that the uiidcralgued,
guardian of the pcrvo, and ciate of Itoherl
s,n nee. a minor, will, under and hy virtu otau
order f the county court ot Marlon ctinlv,
Oregon, made and el tered of record oil the '.I'll
day of Seplriuhcr, A ti. IrM. tell at pnnltc
auction al the ea,l door of the county court
hot -e In Ihe etty of Oregon l ity. in rtackamaa
county. Ill the at'tle ol Itregoo. oil Saturday the
IMh da of Ocloher. A I'. I"VJ at U 'clck A
' M ol al, dav. to the highol Iddder. for t utted
State gold com, to he paid at the lime ol lale,
the follow lug de.t'rlU-d real property and prciil
j If, belonging to aald nmmr. lo w It Ihe "ninth
i hall of the aotith eal .purler of aectlou Ihree
t:ll, InT .1S.H I K of the Willamette merlil
Ian, iMMItg narl of the donation laud claim of
j Knt.ri II sconce and w tie containing ao acica
' ol land, more or !ea. aitnale in I tackaluaa
- County, atateof Oregon. i' tl MoVSTos,
! ttnar.tt.in of the pcraon and eatale of H"l'rt
1 sconce a minor.
hand th;. Septembers, Ins-.' (KltWIUlt
NOITt'K TO 1'He.IiirilllS
Ktate of Mary I ark, detcaed
i Notice l herel'V go en by lite nnttvralglted.
executor of ihe aliove named etate to the red
itora and all peraona havtng claim ai,atnt aaid
deeeaicd.lo prcaclil the aaine with Ihe proper
1 ,otlchera within atx monik from the date of
, thla notice to the undersigned at theomceof S
, Hiieiat ou Main aticel. Oregon City, t Urkamait
cotinry, alate of Oregon Al.sls Jl hit.
Fiecutorof thelat will and (eatameut ol raid
Wary l-ark. dece.,e,
1'ale.l thla I tlh day nf Sept l-rj In-Ill It
i .SnijrK Koll ft lll.li AtlitN.
1 Ijiud othce at Orrffon dry. Ori-ffiq, I
ei-t. lo. (vi.
Notice In hereby wlvi'it ihat the follow lt(
itaiiie! eitUr hat I1U1 notttv of hi .mention
' to inke fltn.l pnMtf lit vm.port of hu ctano, am)
thit nld proof will be ni4 tr b'f.rr the rifitt'r
. and retelverVf the I niri-d Htttte land offirt at
j Ort"ou City, Ureit-'ii, on Novi'mlMcr , vl
! Ira Co-.pvr,
Homestead entry No tn, fr the . K. '.of
?.'C. 4. T a H . H S V. lie name ihe follow tn
. wlllii'e to prove hi root itniotta rrldeiH'
upon and rultivation of mi1 Uu 1, vli W in
, P Koberu ainl J K New of Handy tw-"t rh-o,
i Oregon. JriiiH-w V 1)itik'ta nd t titirie Caa
, !-. of K-ttfieCtT-'k poHt oll,-e
J V-'J-IU J T. Al-l'KtitoM, Kt-KlataT.
Ijtini office at Oregon City. Oregon, f
H pt, 10, 1V2 1
Notlre la hereby given that Ihe following
named aettler haa Hied notice of hla Intention
to make final ph-of in iipportof lilaclaim. ai d
that aaid proof will be made before the Hegia'er
and Keeelverof the I. M I.ind office at Orrfuu
City. Orenoti, on November 4. iwi, vli:
John Meyer,
Homeatead entry 7U7i for the W. , of N. K
. Ki ot N. W. of Hee. i. T, 'i H , K & K. lie
names Ihe following wttueae to prove hli cn
tinuoiia residence iimui and culltvatiou of ai
land, vli: John Rentier, rt l Coleman. Hndolf
Oanlentmlu, and Ootlteh , all of Haudy
poal office, Orvgou J, T. ArrtumH,
l-and (Ifllrc at Orriron l ily On-rrnn. j
Hvpt Ji. ttl
Nutlre la h-rcl,v given, that tlm followlii(
nainerl at'ttlpr haa fllfl ti,,tl(-r ,,f hi. Intrrtlun to
m.ie final ,r,K,l In kiipMirtnf hla claim, ami
that aalrl proof will be intole trt'tora tha county
clerk if Wn-hltiitnti county at lllllaboro, (irt
Koti.ou Novumhcr II, :
K Hlchartl llii.l.T,
llomaateail entir No. tor the W. 'a of N E.
, of m-n. 7, T. 2 8., It. 1 W. Ilcnamra Ihotol
lowlnt; wliuitaci-a to prove hla coiitlniimia rur-l-(rncp
tipun and ctiltlvallon of anltl land, viz:
Prcil Kli'lr, ot Mchiilln Kerry, Cltaa. I llrU li, f
Tlardvillc, I'. Kra-hltni, ot Hcholla Kerry, T.
Arnlc, of Hcholla Kerry, all of Orriinn.
::w-ll:4 J. T. ArrttttmH. KcKlator.
Notice la hereby Rlvan, that the iinrralvucI,
ft'lrnlnlatrnlnr of the tatp of Joapph Wat. ft
cwmmkI, haa fllixl hla final account aa aiirh al
mlnlatrator with the clfrk of the county court
of Clartkamaa county, atatfl of Ort-Koit, ami that
Monday, llio 7th ttnv nf November, Inw, haa
bn aptM.lritO'l by tho Hon. J W. Mnblrum,
jixlire in aalrl court, for (he hearing of ohjMC
tloiia to aiich final account nn) the aHttlrmfiit
tlicrt'of lu the court room of huh! county court
for CiflCkamaj county, atato of Orriron.
John (rai!am,
Ailmlnlntmtor of the cntatc of Joncph VVcut, 1
ccaaed .
8. iliiulftt. Att'y for mlm'r ftf;23 10:21
In the mttor nf the enlatn of John (Hover, dec d.
I hereby ilve notlre that I have riled In the
countv cwtirt of Clackainaa county, ureiiori, niv
accounta and yonchura for flnal Mcttlcmcut aa
a'linirilatriitor of the nalalu of ,fohn (Hover, do
ccnaed, and the court haa Appointed Tucaday,
theMthday of November, imii, rh tho time for
henrinfr and aeltlluit: auld accounta and the ex
ception thereto If any, li, J. TKt'LM no nit,
10 7-10:2M Admlnlatrfttor.
Notice la hereby kIvcii, tluit the underaltrned
baa hee ii Hpiiolntcd admlnlntrHtrlx with the will
annexed of the ckUU) of W W. Ilullock, do
ceased, by the county court nf ( lackiunaa
county, Orcffoti All peraona hnvlnir clalma
atrtaluat aald eatate ar required to prewent them
to HHhl adrulnl-trulrlx at the law o III re nf O. I),
and I). Lfttourette, with the proper vouehera,
within lx rnontha of the date of thla notice.
Kmii.v II. Muixock, Adm'x.
Dated at Oregon (Jlty, OrcKon, Oct. (1, IhW.
Notice fn nereby Klven, that tho underalgned
hah. bv order of the count v court at Clackamaa
county, Oregon, been appointed executor of the
estate of Harah A. FartrblKe, deceaaed. All oer
aotiM hKVlnR claimi AiraliiHt aiild eatnte are un
tined topreent tnem to me property vermes at
the illlre of my attorney, H K. (Jroaa, kt Orint
City, Ort'itmi, wltlilu all montha from the da
ol thla noiioe. v i iji an naaHAX,
Ex'r of the etat or Haralt K. rarinniro, doo a.
Oregon Ultjr, Or., Oct. 0, Wit. 10:7-11
Men's Knit I'udcrshirts nud
l'rawers, per uit 75
Men's Heavy Seamless Sock
(I pairs! 50
Men's Celluloid Collars 15
Men's Extra Heavy Uhio
Penim patent buttons,
patent reinforced (days . 50
Children's Wool Hats 25
Men's Good Wool Hats 50
Men's Good Quality Still' Hat I 50
Doots and Shoos.
Men's Calf Hoots 2 50
Men's liuckle Gil Grain 1 50
Men's It, Calf, lace or congress 1 75
Ladies' Mright lKmgola patent
tiH'd 1 50
Ladies' Whole Stock I'nlined
button I 50
Ladies Oil Grain liutton, riv
eted 1 50
Ladies' Whole Stuck I'nlined
I.aeed shoes . . I 50
Misses' Whole Stock Culmed
I.aeed Shovs 1 25
Child's Whole Stock I'nlined
Nolli K Knit fflll.l"' TtnN.
I ci, orrt, r at iingoo-t l itv OHcios.f
! !.!'( l"".' I
! Notice la hereby glve-l thai the f llowlnt
1 liattied elder haa fllcl notice of hla tutelttloli
j lo make final proof lu aupport ,f h.'a claim, aiot
that ad oriMif tt 111 be made before lite rcttUfcr
I and recelter ol the I llltrd Mtalea liud otbee at
! Orcfioll 1 lly, Orcifou. on November 1U, IW. VU !
law reni-e I and. I
Homeatead cutty No iae-l, for the N W ot
N U ',ol ,.-c II I IN, I, I He lianica the
I loll.,,, log vvlltieea to prove hla eoullnnoua'
rvl.iio-e u p. u and cull I, a l Ion ol aaid land via
j I'eter t'anUon, Angtt.l I'aulaoll, of l.atourelie
Ka!U, and Iheodore lUllea, Frank Jiitla and
Ned l',i'tl,ou of rorUatid. all of tlregoli
II I J I Ai rtaaoS, IteglXrr
Corner i( Kronl atbl Murrlson,
j For gfiicral ri'iutirintt li" staiuls
; without a tH'tT. r'or lirxt class, re
lialilf goods his storo is swotitl to
' none. Trv him ! v
j OntrHl Atl.lllloii.
! Special atti-iilimi U callcil t.) tlie
! Ih'aiiIiIiiI, nittlitly anl tii-ultliv liHatimia
; lor liomct) mi rcnniiiiiil,)., tcrma to ,iir
o'uiai'ra Kiliintt to Iih tilii in On-ioni
City. Splciiili.l water Hint other Httiai
lonia in t'ci, Irul Addiiom. Kinx nul
i nrliiin inii-rty in iru, tn ol llvi
acrea or liiir, imii ttiilo ami K qiliir
! lor Iroitt tow n. .S'vithI mnall Inn vai-
iiulile diriiia (or alo clicnp and on ray
Mcrtna. Apply to I. H. J.nvky
it It W. laiy Jolmaon.
Blacksmithing and Repairing.
lliiviiiK una of Ilia tx at aliocra in the
stain in my auiploy, 1 ntak
Shop opponito corner from Toi'h
hanlwnro Htorn.
Best 2,'m l.(lltiK mill Mi'tiln in tho Town.
Hot M t ills ut All Itotirn.
DR. L. M. ANDREWS, Prop.
A Full Line of Fresh Drugs and Medicines.
Patent Medicines of all Makes, Notions, Optical Goods
Full Stock Of Machine Oils, Best and Cheapest.
FinoHoloction of Perfumery ami Toilet Soaps. And litad-
inj; 1'randtf of Cigarn.
iiti:N tir i ioM t uti:i i i.i.v rn.i.i.it.
Hliivcly'a llloclt, - 0 Orritnn City, Or.
llmiufaotiiriira of antl ilmiliTu In nil alylca of
Jloth rough and drcHHod for lawn and cliviniou fonco, hIho
Hartman Steel Picket Fence,
And Wire Panel Farm Fence, also Expanded Metal Fence.
Call and see Samples and get Prices.
Shop over Bestow' Sah fe Door fuetory, Oregon City, Or..
Lace Shoes 1 H
Men's Satinet Suits, Ik'hI work
tuanship (1 (X)
An Extra Good Quality Cassi
mere Suits 10 (X)
Men's Fancy Worsted Suits,
llnely made and trimmed 10
Ladlos' Cloakos & Jackots.
We have a nice line which wo
oiler at exceedingly low
Gray Itlanket, coarse ijualitv , 1 50
Gra'v blanket, Wool, 5h. . " , 3 00
Gray blanket, wool 7 ,, ft 00
We have a full line of Oregon
City blankets and will sell themut
exactly factory prices, which will
l about 15 to 20 per cent, lower
than anv other house will or can
Utitr t aiiAKltl i lni( Wlurt,
UftlrUva from the tt to Mh of arh month.
Artlftt Ut it rtn on iul'tr n rt i'U, 111
iiol.l flliiin- from ; ut. All
wora (uaraituHMi.
Hit W.wms i"T?llet Articles.
Al.il a lull .tia'k of
I'artitw ilmiirlnu Woxl Turning, 't
torn, Unit kclri, or
Shop Carpenter's Work
Will lKStiit..il dy Culling on Mn.
Doors, Windows and Blinds.
CJraft 1J1. tllf I'ont'ri'HUtlllllHl t'llllri'll.
i:liiblllirl a3.
Drayago & Expressing
Freight anil purer 4 ilttlivi'rctl lo All
lutrtu of tlm filv.