Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 14, 1892, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Clackamas Co. Directory.
01rt of Count,
IVhiwI Superintendent,
J. W MeMmm
iloo. F. Horiim
C. W. il.tiong
S. M. Kutttobr
J. O WethereA
J. F. Hm.II.-v
It. S. ill tints
SMney Smyth
K. U lloimiin
t Kloh.nl Ser.tt
M'ornellut Hair
won hIIovmhI h(
Tl)t follow inn dills
tlio ninuuntu xUWil :
I' ltir, nr dioitt ami niilcnipi 14 SO '
K .,.i!t n i .1 0,1 !
R KU 1 1. V R 01 TO II l. It TKUM. i K Stvi t
i io F Hot ton, oloikV fo
I Soott Hrtm. ritad mill ktri.li'.t myii
Matters Attmlta to, M1ih j Uoiinn ,t Klliott
Lionises (irmitiHl Hill i Soliiove, Muyer A Co "
Hinted. i . Unit's ljtiillkw A Co "
; Mooilv & duglm "
J S Yixl.T "
Al the regular term of conmtiixiionera ' F N Sottlo "
county court for tVtoher hold, the Ittut I' Zimmerman, "
tour Uv of lt week the followuiit ' fry
procotnlinw were hil :
In the Miuvke rtMil mutter the report
of the viewer unit remount rane was
tiled ml exoonse hill of $41 30 audited.
Testimony of William Harlow and U,
Miuvke wa taken and a review and re
survey was ordered. Knos Cahil, Kli C
Maddot'k and (.ieoive A. Kinier werw
named as viewers, to meet the county
lla-th A Jonea "
IVh A Co "
Kiio Cahill " i
Kolert ClendoniiiB "
John C tirant A Co "
C H Thoniiwon "
(ieo A Harding "
V. Parker "
J W Aleldrum
Taitiliin! SusiH'itsion Hrid(je
J II Revenue, paiioor exiHMise
t!H) A Itardinit "
OYonnoll A tilass "
State vs J Foye 17 mt
" vs Henry 1'arrot. . . , 4 IV
" va John 1Vh '. tltt
" vs W (.iutperlet 12 00
" vs Wm Henderson 4S 00
So- j desired channt was ordoied to he made. I Inquest on body K A liain . S2 lift
The esoenstf of tVS was imid. ! S. Miler 41 tl;t
Tl,. l i I ,.-.,, b .u, u,,.l lul.i. n.ii.l wad t Im.'.ill 1 Ml V VTk-Ulttl,,' It'tl't'. Jit 0 I
ordered opened titton the report of the1 J Nolile assessor s per dtetu
Mayor. - T. W Sullivan
Rwonltr. I. U Porter
Chief of Polio - J S pimtotn
AmpMtor. J. K Khoite
Treaturer. F.J. I.oui
City Attorney. II. F. Omm.
:i w.!erivo w. ,v. srs ' pi
Olty Knlneer. - s'.rtney Smyth. , aay, VK-iooer I
Ooaneilmen-C O. Alhrltht. Jr., H. I. Kelly. C. j i"pou report of aurvevor and viewers !
N. Ureenman, W A While. J J. Cooke. J. , s i, i-.w,,,,,. ,,,,1 nntr.l '
. O Conuell, J. G. Porter an,t T. P. Ran-1 ,,,! !- ' '"" nv. ."L'1'T!
dall. joienedand Ihe expense till of $.5.10 :
Council meets drat Wednesday oteaeh month I w as onlerevl iid.
la city hall. I The reports of the aurvevor and view-
- iota on the T. I,. Charman chanw in the
COl'RTS. J.T. Apihtsoii road were tiled and the
Clreuit eonrt convene flrt Monday in
Temlr and IMM Monday in April.
Pro hare cmrt in session first Monday In earh
Commissioner court moets first Weduesday
after first Monday of each mouth.
I.'l SO
4(1 S3
2 .Ml
X 80
itis :w
a ft;
111 7.
4 W
8 W
17 4-
a i8
W 7l
;is mi
87 li
2:1 20
It 87
174 44
2tl (H
3 7ft
13 IV
The nay tt bnlltl tip Oresren
Cltj Is to pire Oregon Citj eole jonr
We are Not Closing Out at Cost !
Nor do wo intend to do so, but wo are ablo to soli you anything
in tho lino of
At prices that cannot bo oqualed in Oregon City, whothor thoy
aro selling out at cost or not.
surveyor and viewers, and the expense
of $10.70 was paid.
Siiorvisor F. Weise of road district
No. 5 was au.lioriie.i to proeure luuilfr I
and spikes with wliieh to re-deck the C
II S (iilson,e.liutioii!tl meelini;
II Stvaitjlit, court house expense
K I. Newton
H Dye
W lianoii)!. sheritl's foes
7 (H)
2 (V.
11 (Hi!
133 87
Call at Huntley's and get an Ocloher
fashion sheet.
bri,lre in his district.
Smt..rvwi,r S I itd tiin of r, VI 3 itis.
l,;..l., " ,.,rt..l l,. II,.. It.u-V I a. ! M L.vroi kki-ik U K ri KN K II. C. D
; land bi idiie was d.im.ro'u. The matter i Utnrvite returned last Friday (ruin his
! w.is r,.f..ri.sl to tho iionsoholder in the eastern tn;. lie went W illi las mother
tieo Stowoll, plats 2'x) (HI
j vicinity of the road who have power, by
i petition, to have the location ol the road i
n ,n .lT..J.ir.la .....ri-.l ! elmnse.1 so as to avoid passim: the dan- :
in l ,i !;.,. .,1 11,., I'.rb I1.,. al.,iu ' SO TO US pi.tlt'
The sheriil' was ordered to pay over to
No. 07. 00
the cost of
to ( hic it'o from which point she went to
her old home in Kenton, Mich., where
she will spend the winter with another
sun, II It. I atourette. w ho Is vict presi
dent of the Commercial hank of (his city.
Mr. l.atoureite went from Chicago to
Washington, from theie to Hallimore,
taxes collected bv him. less the cost of tnence lo I Vlroit ami to f eliton w hole he
Those eonlemplalini: borowir. should I collection. " j sl)irii aiu! reansl. Of course lie found
ascertain ttruis offered bv C. O. T. In the matter of tne improvement of l'";',"'lll '"'I'd in favor of Cleveland
Williams. ! the Harmony road the people bavins lu" s Oemocrat. himsclt. Ihe money
tubacribed and (aid the sum ol t477..'H ; "'rei seciuc.l t.) have syniptoms o(
t3ti7 50 of which had I ecn paid into the I '"wei'ii'if, and it promis.'S to urow easier
coimtv treasurv, 4I- Wlwas appropri- I " " u r . eue
atedfrom the countv fundi and the I h"'iit from OrcKonl ity a little ne-re
I county jinlife was atithoriml to let the I "un "m'e '"'
contract to W. H. Counsel and to em-1
' ploy Altrel Clark to 8iiH'rintend the
The clerk was directed to issue a w ar
rant for $12 a month from Nov. 1 for
me suppon ui vooeri ros.r, a I llu neat and cosy place to spend all evening
Mll ... t ... a ...... 1 nt.;l . ...a.. ' - ...i.i i 1 loene mis ciiargc Ol nil1 riHUII Klllill
Htei. niio n jwu j'miiic kihic luu ; ,,0, a IIISl rneieil '.o tieinilini l.,n'
J. S. Courtney M. P.. phvsician and i (he clerks of school districts
Burgeon, room 5 and 0, Charinaii block, j and 74 the amounts of the
Full stock of lubricating oils, best and
tlie cheapest at r-eventh street uri.tti
School deportment cards one cent !
acb, good for term, at the Estkhi-rise :
office. i
Furnished rooms and lnard in private J
family. First door bactr of Commercial
bank." tf ;
Take vour babies to Mie New York I
Rkaiumi Koom Ochskh. The read-
I itii! roo n opposite the l.iveruiore ho-
tel is now oiH-n to the public and it is
well patronized It is well supplied with
hooks, piiin rs and pei iodicaU ami is a
Wo aro solo agents for Oregon City and vicinity for tho
Brownsville Woolen Mills,
And wo have at all times a full lino of their celobratod
On hand, which we will sell at tho sarao pricos as sold by tho
company in their own storo. In hats wo carry all linos,
Including Stetson, Knox and Dunlap Styles for Men,
And the largest stock ovor soen in tho city for Boys.
have the chance.
Who keeps pi rk prepared paint?
Why! Charman A Co., City Vnif s'ore.
, Sample cards free.
Remember the speaking at Sandy
next Saturday, Oct. 15 at 1:30 p.m.
It will be worth going miles to hear.
C O T. Williams is now doing busi
ness for himself at the old stand next
door to Catitield & Huntley's drug
It will pay you to call early and secure
one of those school suits at the Park
Place store. They are selling like hot
cakes. '
Keep your canary bird healthy by
&sing clean, pure seed for saie by Char
man & Co., druggists, at ten cents a
Eedhonse, the jeweler, No. 4 Com
mercial bank block, will give ."Kl reward
fora watch that he cannot repair and
make run correctly.
is open fi dim Jl.30 a. m till 10 p. m. The
election oi permanent olliccr has Iwen
set (or the first Thursday in November,
(he third of the mouth The addition i
writing materials and a few other con
veniences remains to be made.
of the ow ners of the steam engine that
damaged the Spring-brook bridge and
of the owners of the engine that
damaged the bridge near Mrs. I.ihlerg's
house, and in case of their refusal to
pay to begin suit againsl Iheiu for the
A warrant of 14.40 was ordered issued
for (he keeping of Fred Karsprig from
,-rpi. in iu -i ai 1.HH.O liiiu-r U4W oc j noon at 4 o clock am!
ceased to be a county charge. ' t,.. party attended the
Don't forget that we have the largest stock and cheap,
est prices of any house in the city.
For choice family groceries, vegetables
fetd etc., go to the Park Place store
where the best aiticle is sold for less
money than eleswhere.
Now is the time to prepare your win-
The monthly allowance for the keep-1
ing of Fred Kieckel was increased to ,
from October 1 j
! John Lewis was appointed constat le
for district No. 11 !
Henry Kohler was granted a license j
to sell liquor at Harlow. j
j The bill of (t4 48 for repairs on the
! Scott's mills bridge was ordered paid I
. and Marion county requested to stand
1 half the excuse as it Is on tho county !
I line. j
i The contract for constructing abridge1
across Hoik creek on the liyland road;
j was awarded to I. i. Scott for S!7. C I
i F. Royal bid so much per foot and W. '
, II. Yoder bid $:!'J5 for cheaper material j
Lester M Leland receive,! a nomina- j
' tion to the state agricultural college at !
i Corvallia. !
I A warrant was directed
Superintendent Gibson for
Mrs. 1'iU'k's P.iRrv. Mrs. L. F Pope
gave a dinner party to a number of her
young lady friends last Saluiday alter-
in the evening
Poilland exnosi-
tion Those present were Misses Net(ie
Cochrane, May Keliy, lUtt.e Warner,
Mina Kelly, Neita llrrlow, Hiidie
Cochrane. Ktta Pope, Azalie Cochrane
and Amy Kellv.
The One Price Clothiers and Hatters,
Fish, Fish. At Humphrey's tish j
market all kinds of fresh and salt water i
isn, i-rwhs, lobsters and oysters Live )
and diessed chickens. Free delivery to
all parts of the city-
issued to
70. being
dowsand Charman A Co., City Drug ! iev due for the districts reporting to
store, have all sizes of glass. Special j him.
sizes cut without extra costs. It was ordered that Ihe clerk notify
..x... j ii. i ! 'he Ea!" Side Hallway company to grade
i.iiiimii ji. .,iwuv ui .nuiaua ami .'iii- Main street. Ml wank e. in th manner
Ella Granville are making copies of the j
assessment roll for the secretary of state
and the slier, ff. The work will take
them fully a month. (
specified in the order granting the right
of way.
Tlie assessment roll was examined,
corrected and approved and it was or
deied that the clerk mak two extra
copies of the roll, one to be transmitted
to tlie secretary of state and one to go
to the sheriff of Clackamas county.
Lewis Hohenlimter of Oswego was
. , . ZZ . 1 granted a saloon license.
Bishop H.J. Becker, D. D., will preach In tlie matter of the Oregon City and
at the United Brethern Chnrch in Ore- Cuttimr's Mill road it was ordered that
gon City on Saturday evening next at pon the payment of the sum of $40 into
All the f!Ountv treasury, the oennlH atom 1
the route having performed extra labor
to tne value ol HU, the county appro
priate $1J0 to be used in extending tlte
improvement from the end of the Parker
W. A. Huntley is about to change the
location of his book store. The latter
part of the month he will move to the
store next to the Commercial bank that
is now occupied by Mrs. Rich.
i : jti, ana on J-unaay at 11 :uu a. m
are cordially invited to attend.
J'm ennf fc
hVr tonie deal
ers nlivuyn. They
wnnt to aell tin
medic I n a that
I vi vi them tho
largest pnitlt.
- i v hat you want
'Jg to huy Is the one
V inafc m you
th nut nwul
Which one is it t Fometimeii, it may Iw a
matter of douht Hut in the case of Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Pmn-nption, there'a no
room fcir doubt. It's a nutllnr thai can be
With the facta before you, it's an iniult
tn your intelligence to have something else
ottered as " just as g'l."
And here's the proof : Among all the
medicines that claim to cure woman's pecu
liar weakness!, irregularities, and diivwses,
the " Kavnnte Pmcnptioa " ia the only one
that's ffuaranterd.
It it doesn't do all that's claimed for It,
If it doesn't benefit or cure, in every caw,
you'll have your money Iwck.
There's strength and vigor for every tired
and feehle woman, health and a new life for
every delicate and ailing woman and tf
there'! no help, there's no pay.
Just arrived from New York over 100
Boys and Youths suits at the Park Place
Biure. j ui iiiiiik, ie can Ben yuu a ,l , ,i i . i, i .
good school suit for your boy for' only j l?hTTfl,e. '.w
1 1 .25. Come and see them.
lend jl a fill made hy hiiuon a contract
previomlv conpleted. W. If. Sniith was
appointed to superintend tlie job and C
D. Latourette to collect unpaid subscrip
tions and gravel instead of crushed rock
was authorized to be used.
The petition of George Moore et al for
viewers to locate a county road was
granted and County Surveyor Smyth
was ordered to survey and A. 8. Lawton,
W. B. Partlow and C. C. Williams to
view the route, to meet at the place of
eginning Thursday Oct. 20.
An appropriation of 1 107. 50 for the
1 I .
W.Rich has sold his stock and '" T V.i.L ' T' ' " TT
F. A. Waddock who has i "I": ' .1: ' i ' r V. "",.. .
uuiiic a uiiuuie mien ine ciiikiois ui ujau
locality shall have paid a like amount
for the same purpose to the county
treasurer was made.
Thomas Armstrong was authorized to
purchase 3000 feet ef lumber and powder
use and caps to the value of fo0 for use
on the roads in his district.
W. T. Whitlock's proposition to sell
his safe to the county for $l.'i0 was ac
cepted and warrant ordered drawn for
the amount.
The boundaries of Needy precinct
Just opened at the Park Plaoe store
twenty cases of boots and shoes which
we are selling equally as cheap a; you
can buy at any bankrupt sale. We. buy
direct from the manufacturers.
Now is (he time to paint as Ihe rain
had laid the dust and Charman & Co.,
druggist have the only pcbe prkparhd
paint on the market and thirty-two ele
gant shades to cnoose from. Scial
rates on large quantities.
fixtures to F. A.
opened up in the front of the postolfi .e,
using the north side of the; room. He
has added fresh new stock and has an
attractive tobacco and confection stand.
Mr. Waddock was formerly connected
with the Willamette paper mill.
j City and County Warrants lioiight.
Office In Fontnlllee building Oreoii Oily Or.
The ladies of Meade Relief Corps will
give a drawingrxim entertainment at
Pope's hall the last week of October.
A program consisting of vocal and instru
mental music, recitations and Mrs
.farlov'a Why Works will be rendered
. ' ... . ... ,... L.I...I l ...., .11 . L : ..
after Which games Will he introduced, j werueniaoumiBu an iuno ; uegiiiiuug ai
A pleasant evening is
who may attend.
promised to all
The Holmes Business college of Port
land, Oregon, is now a day and boarding
school, so that parents who send their
ons and daughters away to a business
school, can feel that they are surrounded
by a school atmosphere and home in
fluences. Every young man, and woman
as well, should have a business educa
tion. It fits them to do business for
themselves, and a good book keeper or a
stenographer can always find employ
ment. Send for catalogue of the Holmes
.Business college. St
se cor s 12, i 5 s, r 1 e, thence north ;J
miles, thence west o miles, thence south
to Bear creek, thence down Bear
creek to Pudding river, thence up Pud
ding river to Butte creek, thence up
Butte creek to the south boundary of
s 11, t 5 s. r 1 e, thence east to the place
of beginning; polling place at Needy.
The boundaries of Iwer Molalla pre
cinct were established as follows: be
ginning at south bank of the Molalla
river on line between s 8and 9, t4 s, r 1 e,
thence south to the s corner between
s 28 and 29, thence east 4 miles, thence
south one mile, thence'.l miles thence
north to the Molalla river, thence down
In the Circuit rourt nf the Htate f Oreifou for
the County lif clneksmnii.
Kimetta F.lkeherner, plaintiff, ,
v. 5
Jnweph Kikeberner, ilefendHiit.l
To Jneiih Kikelairner, Ihe above mined tie
feielsnt: In tlie imme of the Slate of flreron vnu uro
oulreil i hmm-ht mid aimwer the eninplmiit nf
the plalmlir herein on Mumluy, the i;ih ijny uf
April, ami If you Ml so In answer, the
plmntltr will apply to Ihe court for the relief
prayed for III the complaint, tn wit: Foraile
eree dlnivliu( the bonds of matrimony now ex
latin between you and the jilalutlir, and that
ahe have the eire, euatody and control of her
minor child, llattle I,. Elkehemer; that the aa
siime her maiden name of Koaetta Davldon,
and for inch other and further relief aa to the
court may aeem eiiltable and Jiot. and for her
cota and diHliurnemeiita In thla auit.
Thin NUininoua ia iiibllH)ied by order of Hon.
T A. Mehrlde.Juilireof the above, entitled court,
made un the lath day of September, lw.
10:14-11:1) Attorneys for Plaintiff.
The Most Complete
and only first
Quality consider
ed, our prices are
always the lowest.
IjAlft RMRTOfl,
IiiiMirb rs ami dec-lcrs in
Ctoice Family Einri
Selected Teas.l'urc Coffees & Spices.
Butter & Cheese from sliest dairies
Fruit and Vegetables in Season.
Business Conducted
On Business Principles.
One Trice to All.
Positively no con
nection with any
advertising scheme
Cor. 7th & Madison, Shively Building, Oregon City.
TREES reliable.
true to name.
free from all pests.
that are warranted in every particular,
that we are prond of and that you will lie
proud of if you buy them.
Special prices tn "first buyers" from new localities.
Catalogue free, (KnifJiMh or (ierman). Kend for It.
208 and 210 Second St., kuHTLAD, OH.
In the Circuit Court of the Htste of Orciroti fur
the County of CUckftmaH,
Kin ma HerKmnn, plfltiitlfT, i
vh. 5
Joseph T!TKmHti, dHfeiifltint.)
To.lom;ph Jtergmmi, the above tiFiined rfeftnfl
h Fit ;
In th(f name nf the HUte of Oregon you arc. re
q'llrerl to H(iienr And mmwer the efiinplaliit of
the pmiiitift herein on Monday, the i7tli day of
April, H'J3; and tf you fall no to anrtw-r, the
plaintiff will apply to the eonrt for the relief
prayed for in the complaint, to wit: For a de
cree dittKolvlriK the bondH of matrimony now
exMiliiff between you and the plaintiff, and that
Hhe have the care, custody and control of her
minor chlldre.i, to wit: (jrauville J. Herman,
Melville Hertrman, and Ardin Bergman; and lor
mien otimr and furthor relief kh to the court may
aeem equitable, and for her coats and dlaburne
mentN In thin milt.
Thla aummoui In published by order of Hon.
T. A. McBrlde, Ju'lfe of th-) above entitled
court, madeou the 2.1 day of September, WL
Bhowwki.i, a Dkknhkb,
10:14 11:181 Attorueyi tot Plaintiff.
WM. ANIiltKriKN,.
I have a full supply of money which
I wifih to loan on good
Of 40 acroH or more on tho
inont favorable tcnriH.
Successors to Mrs. C. II. L. Burmelstcr,.
Watcher, (Jloc, ilveware, JeWelriJ.
Repairing a Specialty.
Miiln f4(rM l, 4r-Koii t'llj, Oregon,
Call and hoo mo
1'ontollici! building,
at my alYuw,
bciforo going
Correspondence Solicited.
, Local Agent of the
Jarrls-Conkim Mortgage Trust Ibww.
Special Bills Cutto Order --H-
Mill and Yard on the Itiver, Foot of Main Street.