Oregon City Enterprise. iS I tltt issues appeal to the reasonlm, faettltie the voters. It Is not a magnetic cam paign. The dismal science of political eoon Put .l.i-.. .ed Every HVldtty. omy " smti,J b-v "' wiiactoi.ttoiis voter MESERVE i tliis year. The tarirt ami money tpiesiion arc brought home to liousvliohl in the ' am) -io sutlers niosl KVIW OF A lKR.SKII ITRUKNl'V. What Paiile! Wfbater Nulit About th Mimey Vuiwllon ami Uls.r. "Sir, lln very mini, of all ol tim, who lias th iIiimsi interest iiiasonnttourivncv, y iiust'iiipYuiis leuis- Ht'MMOS. Ill th Circuit I'niirl of the Htat of Oretnn tor III i oiiiiiynl lUvkmnu. Nellie K. Martin, plaintiff, vs. J lames M Msrilii.slcfciiitaitl To James M Natt.n, Hi tlwtt naute.l tlcfeiiil Hill the name of in sliatc of Orviioii von are re ulrcst lit Nivar ainl answer Ihe coutnUtitt of i hi in i n Herein on Moittlav.lha irumay in I, inui: ami It you tall o l aiiiwor Iho PI,- ..,., 1,1,.-,.., at.. I .l.,i...t..l!.. ,Hia. .1.. I ....I ...I.... .l ,.11 1 .. ... . . I'l ""'". "I.TO " ' ' I'l "'"'' ' tv,-,.,.,.,..., wo,. ... , ... ,-.is.. .--st ..,. n ......ft i.hti'1.s.ccu , nrnyetl lor III lltC t'OIIU'llll Iff . ! Wll; Kltf lie OiFblAT. PAFrR (IF PITY ANfi" fifllTOTY. not stand m the s.mc relation as formerly. I ooon ami night - thrse things conslitule the i crco .ItssoU iti. the l.on.i. of mairlim.ny now .... , ... ..p.iriin-in l.o.l till' lioli' inteot' those w lio n at once bile ami entity : aid ol thai other riif loo, the I'mi lini.s ol all linn's, markctl. mi n i,, ho kiinn ii toreyer l, one stroke ol tin' historian's pell, those ,'iwJv ol other iin'ii 's I'Uinrlv anil I'rv.ngat oi iiiftrown. t :i iinnst. too, mav outlive such iiiiirs rtmisiiKK L WVRENCF 1 l.iiiil. to im.li'rsiaiiil Ihos nsiiiiiva larl latum in money ntatiera, is (he matt who ' " ' ' Utu.lv. not merely the shuiihleringof a Ham- his .lailv Imv.-i,I liy l,i .U.ly Uiil, A i'.Z ANOI-ROI'KIKIVRS. I tw.aii'lwhiiul a hra-w baml dcptvc.aiesl currency e.nhlcn clumscs ol I " odium a orass oanii, prices, paia-r iiionoy lallmu Imwi, m.irii. i ., , SL'HSCKirTION HATKS, On ytar. - Siv montlis. Tlmi numilts, Siscripluni!. iMvahlt' It vtvsmi AivvriiMiifi raiosiitivii on ai'i'iicath'ti. 1 IV Kuli'rril at Ih IVwt OINiV In Onnou City, Ot. stsviui oia lualtt'r. KKUi.VY, iVTOHKK M. J2. The KXTKRrKISK piaraiitws a larsr bona (l.if rircnl.ition than that of t lie oilier thrpf ri'r la th county foBihinwt. KEri MM AN TU KKT. Kor rnPMiU'iit. 1KNJ AMIS HAKKISOX. Kor Vio-rn'iiU'nt. wHin.AW i;ku. Kor rrvsiittMitial Klwtom, J. K. C Ari.Kf- of Multnomah H. 1!. Mll.l KK ofJaokson D. M. ITNNK. ol Multnomah . M. IRWIS of l uioii Mil.nichllu Hoimmi'iit Fuiiil, In one or two Mates thai hav liitliprto U"ii rtvkomvl as siiivly republican the wir's (tarty staiuls a lvr i ham't' of ancwsa. 1" on or two other western states local issti have enterovl Inrp'Iv into party vntvU Hint it remains to Ih seen w hethei the n lional 1'iirties w ill hohl theirohl time rela tions then'. These an Wisconsin ami Iowa, w hich, alter all, nearly every IhhIv Miu-ele to I Mirv lor the reniblicaii party. Inn, broa llv (vakinr, the tnritl issue is briiini! the republicans more streiiKlh than all lo ill uestittns or ilisiitlcctions can take from it, T!i tariif tinestioit is much N'tter umlcr- sbH'tl now than it was two or four yearsat. The practical operation of the McKinley ; law has in a hirire measur tlisarmwl its op 1 itonents and wttu them to its si'pjHtvt, The 1 -ople are heirinnini! tosi-etbat a tariff tor 'revenue' is a t.i upon llieni w hile a pro ; tivtive tariff with the reciprocity fe;iture ! brines the revenue just the same aiul still; t iltH-s mit tax the jn'ople aiui it ileelops the home market, w hich is the lu st market in J tliewort.l. When the votes shall he ivunlitl I nest November it may he saf-lv reckoned that Henjainiii Harrison ami protivtion to American lalvr will be far in the lea. I. ' i'itliia ttittwtittii you ami the pUiiulrt, Dial vliit ; lisie tbeorttv. eiiilttily Hml ottulrttl tit lu'i iitliutr jclilbt. Myrlt ly Martin, aiitt tor mieh ttllior ! ami lurilier relict lo Hie eonH uihy .in ' cpiiialtle ami lnM. aiol (or her eoat ami Uli- tMirteuit-nt in liiu biOi tins siiiiiinoiu i imltltnliist by ttrtter ol lion T a Meliritb'. Iitli ol ibe alKtve rnittliM Ctiilli, liintte oil the Isilt tUy o( Settehilntr. ylj Mil, tit sn i ,t Hik,.Kn, I" H it Is) Aitoine). (,tr t'laliiillf NO I'U'K OK ASSKSSMKS l fob SKW Kits lletliinlut at Ilia a K.i'tiiut-r nt lal 4; IlifiH'o unrlbitrly on weal Una ol Main it. :ul leet -llieuit at rlubi an. Nlea weatttrly Mill; tlieuea at ititlil an Bli'i litirtltei-lyttl: lluiuee at rutii an ales woalerly .v fl; tliniiee at rlubi ail flits Sltulbttily (17 I . thence ai rlht annles eastitrty in tiaciti(lH.ttuuluu K state ill I', V Pttpe , hot ft It', .lamtar ailtl If I', Hlitell W teet nir ilm somherty ble tit lo a M M rillhury .V 7 leel err Hie northerly shin of l l.l liarniau Itittilttm amiib . Lotus it A I flu til Ml ' loi a hot l.ot a block ( -IMi L oi nir Hie I norllieily tubi ol ! loi I l'he mnv either iirev ttn the ea'itiuws ol hiKir bv their ittnt, per ' ci'lil.. or the may Itt'ilul. I " tut the hilwti'in man, what can he I httnut? I'lvytiii; on intNiiiv, be U'cttines the pivv ot all. His properly Is in Ins , , , ,. i...i. I i i.,. i.... r i ' boltee Is heiebv alveu. that the tot bmlna as i. l.7il il ...I . i',. it.. iCi Vi 1 emelil (or e,r In I 'revolt Illy. Ott'il"ll. ' t.1 1 leel olT Ibe lle. ht.1.1, bis ail is hislalH.r. liell.er he , (l,,e ami ,.v.bl to (be ellv Iressurer I ullierly .Lie t tttirks nn bis own an a'l capiial or anolh- t nl, .si, I ,.. .m..l,l. . o.l.l nkut t, i loi 1 .1 1 s Irom lite ltil tibllcaUt.ii ol llil muiee, I North halt ol lot J K' H Kelly tioioher 7. Isti.t. n warrsul will tie lasiinl in i All of Hie stiitlh llie cilv istlteeltir In t'ttlieel saltl assesMtneuts ttv i hslt ot lot 'J soulh ut m 4H v ti j in M ID Mntliiomah lslue Nit, I K .V A M , el 's, bis 111 il'H is still eiirnett b Ills iinlus tr;aiul when the monev of tint emmt Its'onies tleptis-litleil ami tiebdseil, w fioti,'r ' il be atlitlieraictt iniii or pavr wittiiint . cretlit, that innustrv is rttlilH. ol in renaitl. I He then ItiUtis tor a country wbtis nts cl.eat linn out of his hre nit. I wtiulii say to eer owner ttf rtort ,(ti;iiicr .svjon" ot l.uitl in the es. I wtti:l.i s.iy ttM'i'i n an in the Kast ttho lollows Lis own pitta, ami lo et erv niecluit'ic, ntlivin ami lalstrer in eierv eiit.-en in the counirt I wnul.l say to etery iiian, evert w lieie, w loi wishes, bv honest means, tit niu an honest livmu, 'Ih'- wareot woltes in slieeps clttthiin;; win Healiinlhi al th mull wel enruer it lot n, tlieue easterly abtli lha iiorih line ol "ev ent h ! n leel, thence horiheilv hi r I it III aimlits lal tl ; lltitui'e wiiKter ly al r in li I analns 7 li , Iht'liee north erh al ilnhlauitles V (I ; Ihi'tieit east erly alritflilaliultta ;n(l, tht'iii'e iioi ih erl v st riu III auvlei II ti't'l lii alley. Ihellt'e weslerly a bm alley l ln.. ; tht'itce stiiilhiirly alou west line of loi 9 M It , llteneit westerly at r Ik III aliil.i'sl C'lt Iheueti atoll Mala si In ItUi eol ln'iilunllK M A aiullou Nttrlli hall ol lot li Oteiiou i lly i tti i lot a lllts lt 'JA Kslelly A' leet tilf . 'jra ii.l Mi 4lt H Jsmiar 1 1 J mi Mrs Maiatet y Haul llsvf lot! I, .Uhll ai hraul :a H He I II ti 1 1 .1 al titcitoti mnt riitorula uia liailioatl sale ot the propeily assessetl, as billons. ttWNKRs' M tVKS. On'tltui i liy Ml I'tnn ts'siittt-rtos , Hock I, bit t . . lot '.' .. lot .1 l.'l I 1.1 lot It lot 7 lot a block '! -it 1 north lull SIM Ass II. i ol alley j l.ot A iraclioa tlteitoll li K littlne I. t).. psny IIJW'I 'U w'i Lot 1 lot i'l ; , . 4 1 1 ..vifilt 1. iiii.!.'. ithMt,r i,.,...i,.t.. i.t't I fiiui iisn ". " I - , ... '.' i I.vli.mim The follow -inj; subscnption lit is mailt on the plan auwsteil in the Kntkki'KIsk a few wet'ks turn to raise t tO.rt' for a monument to Pr. John McT-ouchlin, the father of t're pn. one-half of w hich shoul l le by pipuiar subscriptions ami one-half by lecislative appropriation. No one is employ H to solicit siibscripti.ins. The tibicct is to show- popular anil spontaneous movement in favor of the enterprise mi that when the legislature meets next January sometliin); tarjsible fun be prventetl to in. luce that Uvly to make the re-pure'i apt rttpriatittn. Thus far tl.e subs'riptitins are: The Kxtkki'bisk Thonias t'harman ami wile lieorjre A. H trtiinj ami wife, . tieorj;e t'. Hanvnell. Ileorge F. HorUm, S. M. Kauisby P. K. Morey, 0. H. Cantieltl H. E. Cross. J.MV' O ."Ml.lSl .'Hl.t 1 1 ."lAl ?.ll ." IKI.II 2.1.1 ' i't.Cm Rev. Fr. Hillebrarnl, ln.Hi I W ti T Whitman, tleortie William funis, John tirwiileaf Whittier, Alfretl Tennyson aiui Joseph F.rnest Kenan hate lelt us this year, the last four in a sjtatv of a very few ' weeks. The worltl of letters is much richer for their services. The three illustrious Americans lelt their impress on Ibeir times ami their names are written hih upon Fame's tablet. They tlitl much tonive Amer ica a national literature ami they were men of Iteaittiful personalities. Tennyson possb bly SohvI above them as a literary izhuus bt;t ivultl not It' ctni artvi w'Mi lliem in the charm of his pcrtU'iil inilueuce. There is some:hii i: in the tpiality of Kniiii-h .txrv at tli.it tiestrt'Vs in Atneriians that reii.mt for the intlivt.lnal that ihey otherw ise woul.i have. It seems incotiu'ruous that the he:irt sons of a pttet shonhl trail betore rt ait there s'ems tin tnuch sor.litl business aUmt it. The Illustrious French phi.osopher carvetl l.iniself a riche by reason ot his un cttniiiierableiletermiiiatinn to know for him self all that coil M I known alxynt the many moot tuestions of stteial philosophy. , ... ..,. , ..,',, iiitro- s K ,wu !, j cv. b'ini! on tlistn'ss m money mailers ai"l thvuee westerly a- tlrive the cttuntrv into puper iiioney, stnhs , , ti ihe norlherly j vour intervals unci your happiness' to the line "I lot . lit. (i ' heart ' lltenee soillherly ! ' l heber.1 ofhunv w.-ltos who live on I m, other men s .iun y:s will r')"lce III such a ti.,., ;,., siaieof things. A st-it'in w biclt alnorU I riln atint-a .ai'tt ; intii their stckeis t ie Iriots ol oilier tnvii's then.- uottherly iiitiu-lry is the vert s tem lor them. A ' t riitht aintles t:oventuieitl that i rtt'liues or cou,itei.an, .ts ! --It - Ihent e Wllllsuis ami strmtoii .hiliu aciiraui la tu hi i in itt , 'js il ; ') in ! itj 10 l oi I lot It teel olT tint ottiherty si.le nt lot 1. ,N l) Vt allien, lie.t A llst.lnnt, t'iaia Mo rey N II W sl leli. Ilea A lUttllni. I'lata Mo ley N il Wat. leu. lieo A lUnllii, 1 iata Mo ret On tiers same a bit 4 l.'t In i VI teet urT the northerly sl.le ul : lot a i All ot lot 7 .oillll ; ot nreseiil alU v i North hall ol loi 7 r male I' lien A HattllliB. N t Wsltleli, t lata Mo ley Mrs lanra l't'te Mrs I aura Pope lot llloc t.ol I Pol I ami la.iiiivS in p ices. an. I, in ally ap. r niotiev. is a tjoyrrtiim-iii eva. tlv alter th. ir own l.e.irl. H.!:ce t".-e men are iltiti. tor i hues'.'. Ilet w l : 1 I e t r let w ell elittnh alone. "A eoUtliM.ot iif public alht'.is in whit ti pntt ertv is sii m.iu-trv certain of its re w.iril. iin.l evert mat s, onro m his on n hurt! kin l Its i no it t l .nt the leters.' nrn o on t'h H iio, let it ti"t la' know n lo vali.e ol pro(s 't ton ab i- to s.iv whetlo r lie for tbem t' is sl.o I . I t.'tlav wh n t.t row ; h t lot t rev tti t'l all Iti.e them 1 Hi ot tlutijs. I '.a I ce II la' the lilt Is- PtKk- at rliilit Slut :es Till, thence northerly a I o a M .lu st 4o st tl in . ice ot Itesill tim J. M. Ili s-ilinliii: al si K i-oruei ot sal. I lot .'; (Iit'iit-e nortlirly n "tu nest hue of M-t'tt si "V ft. i.-e w est.'! h at Itrsha r-s-'n aui;le III. II.!' SO tultl It elsat nutit wilt la' li ion V or w.trtlilrss rav s III 11 e m.'T rtl i; . it'-.l - It pft-ss l.ii.or till ,l,,tih;c work sn!l t-rtrn but f all a bvtlis- citethen this state ol tninu's. n o! oi mi e t' em tin- nitisuitinnllton ol ll.etr i-aitnlt buss,' hainel U ehsti-r. TIIK .sSUV HUlUt.rL On of the People, at Ij-ast, nlji-els to I'ailni Ten Prr l ent, nf Its t'ost. Mrs K Htinnei.ter I II tier I'h. Unas t tiArtnati J. P. !h J. W. Noble, W. C. Johnson . . K. M. Hands . C. t. T. Williams D. C. Latourette. Vt liat is the Olijet'tf 1' i.i.V 5.1.1 2A.ii 10.C.I S.lt The leailers in the movement for the dis memberment of uf Clackamas county are either not sincere in their professions or they are greatly deluded mortals. It is always prelerable to believe that men are actuated by honest motives no matter how mistaken Stunt. Oct h.- T" tiik Hi'iri K '-Is it ,. , " , i not tune the olln nils who represent the rK.m eneiiela comes the news that ; ,,.,,,.1,, ,,r t m. K o.-ts .ounty siri'iu'lhen lieneral CresH has at last overcome nil , their vision ol wistloui ami philnsopnt ? hiaapH)neiit. whether constitutional, reaii- i '" ''"' Mornint; nrenouian ol the 'nth a . , , . .. I proisisiiitin troui t'l.ickauuis county lor oil lar or ,rre,-ti!ar, and is now it. .e-,on ol , vr ,, , , 1,n,u. ttl.r the country, and especially of the capital, j Sandy river in t'tiickauuts county. Now Nobody cares very much how the victory then ihe city of Portland ha oth re.I forty pies in these Sonill American tarantula I "'r I' "1' f 'be cost ol thisli. itli;e an. I sta'uls . i bv it or build a temisir.irv brittle, utir countries. Foreiitners would l! ttla.l to see ooiiniy says Ihe a-tple ot' the hs ahty i.l anything resemliliug stable government on I Hie hri.lfe sliouhl raise the ten per .em. the horizon of atlairs. Hut it is the extreme ! V" 'r"Kir "'""'' hv s"."".'11 1" in to matte tne roan stifioin sa.uinni; ten of optimism to expect perfection of cuvern nient in countries swathed in constitutions, but without moral stamina to make them erlective. What Cresa) will do with his victory nobody need speculate upon at the their course may he, so let us give these ! exiiense of his pocket. He will restore or- jaxtple the benefit of the doubt. , der after the manner of dictators, ami keep But is it reasonable to sups)se that Mult- j a lookout from the back window of his pal iiomali county, with many miles of out-; ace upon sedition and insubordination. Ily outrageously bad roads ami hundreds of and hy there will be another revolt and an miles of more or less improved ones that it ! other tight for the mastery. The only thing declares itself unable to keep in repair is it : that we are eonceriicd with is that the I'nit rtasc.nable tosupaisethat Multtiomahctnm-! ed States should not lose sight of practical ty under these circumstances will soon ! interests. build good new roads through sections re-j -mote from the city of Portland? We think j NXT Friday. October 21, it w ill lie P.! not. Some years ago Multnomah county j years since Columbus first set eyes on the made a considerable show in the matter of s,a i,hHt f (hianahani which was to building roads in the country but it has j ,im the harbinger of a new world. It was done nothing lately that woul.i give rea-; ,ix years later that he saw the continent of sonable grounds for supping that it would j America. In Vt he tried todiscover a pas build the roads that the iiorth-of-Clai katnas ' .ou-e from the Atlantic to the Pa, ibp oe.in. peo.le w ant, of course Multnomah county ieo le promise such improvements; that is, those whose promises mean nothing do. There is every reason to presume that the north-of-C'la. kamas people would not get the roads in Multnomah county until they had themselves largely paid for then. They will get ltetter treatment in Clackamas county. Two or three years ago the board of trade of Oregon City tried to have a good road built from the Eagle Creek and Sandy i so as to reach the fabulous wealth of the In dies without doubling the ca.ne ol (l.iod Hope and traversing the storm-ridden In dian ocean. He was nf course unsuccessful in that effort but he lauded on the isthmus of Panama. He died in 1 Vi in neglected poterty at the age of sixty yeari. Now that the Pittsburg grand jury has found indictments against 11. 0. Frick and other ollicers of the Cariiegiecotnpany and the Pinkertons fur murder and conspiracy country down the Clackamas river to Oregon and against Hugh O'Donnell and thirty City. It was well known that the county was not financially able to do this. It was estimated mat the new road would cost about A committee visited the Kagle Creek country with the proposition that if the farmers of that section would ra;se f) the Oregon City people would furnish the balance and have the work done. They wouldn't raise the money. Just now the Portland water commission happens to be under the necessity of having a bridge across the Sandy river in this county in order to get pipe fur the Hull Run water across the stream. So it oilers to pay furty per cent, of the expense if Clackamas will build the bridge. The county otters to build the bridge hut is not willing to pay more than fifty per cent of ils cost. Ami Sandy people object to rai.-iug even the ten per cent net e--ary to get the uri'ige. I other strikers for treason, there is no room for exultation on either side and the result ot the trials w ill be anxiously watched. Al legheny county will hate a pretty bill ot costs to pay before we hear the last of this matter. STATU PKKSS. I'.oseburg Heview: Houglas county is rapidly becoming the leading niiuir.tr county of the slate. The llohemia mines, Myrtle Creek hydraulic gold mines, and the Kiddle nil kel mines are employing hundreds, uud the quicksilver mines, the Canyonville and other placer diggings in the southern part of the county are coming into prominent no tice. Ihilepeudeiiee West Side: Absolute free trade the people of Oregon might endure lis well as other sections, hut th...y want none While the tax-pavers are how ling about i "' "' one-snlcn protection ol Mr. Cleveland paying taxes it is not surprising thatcounty i 8,1,1 'I" 'Icinocratio supporters ol New Kng ollkials should be averse to putting the j 'lu"!- small sum raised in large lumps in few Oregon City Courier (Calamity): Tid'any places in the cotintv. If every section got '-o.. jewelers ot union square, .ew i ork, H-rcent. ot tne cost ol the tirntge on them. The uestmn is, has it U'en the custom and practice of the -eo le in the localities where hridtres have been buiil at irreat cost to pav ten -er cent? If they have we wuul.l like to hear of it? The 'oi le of our h al it v pav their just share ol t.ives and they are entitled to ju-t as much const. ieratioti as any itther part ot Cla. kamas county. 'I he acisof onrcountv is the cause of thedivis. ion sentiment in the north part ol our county, and if past pra. in e is mil stoppi-d it will materialize to a division ot Clacka mas colintr. It is a unm in- sentiment ai d there is only one wav to avert it. and that is to chanL'e the past pracln-e to more hls-rul. just ami substantial acts, and then the peo ple of t'hirkamas colli. ly will Is- snii-M.-.t with their county. U. i. I'.'. kins. l.OVK. Kor the Knterprise I knew not I. -ve My spirit .Ittelt In hrtirht eontenl, Pile's rosy hours In .litlihtrii-i' sp.-nt, nr. wrt.pi'.-'! in youth s soft. ilremiiftil iium.i1, Home I. leal lancy olten 't.i-.l Till hove drew niith. A sweet. et tortnriinr titire-r l ante with the stMiiKe iinlil.l.leu R'lest; To mlle or wi'ej. I ilh! not tin.tr, Nor ywl cinilil bid the minuter ipi. Ho Utve remained, 'Twas not a Ireskot ph-siiik hour. Henceforth my life woul.i own hl power, And sll my world irrew strsni'ly tiii-.t, hen hte first drew Hie (it his'hrea.t. me still ahl.les. What If Pile s tnoriis are dull nr fair? Its uotitis Isiset with t'hiiuly esri'.' l,ove ht'tnls on rue true. Ii-ihIit evi s, And In them shines earth s pariellsj. Iive will not full. Thntitrh nlyht of dentil nitty Intervene, love's rniilatit smile w ill light the seeue; WeCHnnot part whsle er hetnlu, Kor Love at lasl I. (jlorlhe.1. M. C. Itll-rly nl'titi "I f.-et til. lo .' i'sit r!v t,tp..-eol I't .11 It 1 1-4 S. illt h .ll lot ,t s. nth it ilf tot .1 hi-s'llltltlt mi tin. te.ittl e.lsl i-orner "I lot 4 tlltlteit ""tlllteily on lii.. ttest line of Ptln si to S fl tht'lit-e HI rittht tto wt'st i'I.v sT it . th.'tt. it soii'tieriy al rlifhl sl'irlr .'s tt thetn e ni'-lerly at r'.iiht . Ui:ti-s Is ft . h.-nce northerly nt rtitlit Hinrle i.s S ft-'t, tlii'tice e-.si.-rU st riK'U aintles pt (i. Thomas t'hanuaii bi-ctunlii at Ihe s K eoruer of lot I. Iheuee liortlu.r- ly alon Ihe west line of Main si js fl. ; them e wester ly at rum aiuiles s? tt lheuet notuh' erly at ritfht ill itles . ft . lh.tiit-e essterly at rltilit angles s7 bst-t in pint r of hctfluulli llh'ltlu'h A llrtsterlek I ol 4 I'o 1 1 1 a n d Klniirllii Mill. Co . l ot " " heirinnlti at the a K i-oruer.tf lot?; Ihrtlee liorthelly Aloliti lite easterly !lli....l lots 7 i s to Kuiirtli slreel ; j tltetiee al rtnlil an Kit's Wl'slorlv Isift, tlieiiee at rnrhf au ; IIrs st.iuh.Tl li.l it - f. ft. thenee south I eisteriv to a point on southerly tiotin- .hoy ot lot 7 41 tl I tn. in si K corner ! ol lot 7. thelli'.. ' esslerly on line of I l.tl 7 4' fl. to place I of lieifinnlu l llt'irllinliitf at the S. W Corner of lot I 7: thence norther I ly along the enst : line ..f t nter st tn 1 N IV corner lot s; tiienee easterly at nuhl aintles 411 ft ; tiienee southerly st rlllbt anw'les li'il leel: thence south e.tst lo a point on the south boundary of tot 7 411 feet westerly from ihe H K. cor nerof lot 7. thenee westerly alotiir tin Ill Hue of lot 7 -si ft. to the place of Itctfllitiintf r i" 5i. 4,. 'js ;si j HI feet ..It Ihe liorthetty side of 1. 1 ;i ,lll leel olT the oiltlieriy tide ot loi J l.'t 4 lot J lot 11 lot 7 I..1 s block . lot I I..'. 1 '..I 3 loi I lot 'I I l.'l 7 l. t s lit-x-w : lot t . l.'l J Is.l 1 l.'l I lot t lot I. lot 7 lot S Hl.S'k S" hst I l.tl i loi I lot I lol V lot II lot 7 list S 1 lol 4 lot i lot 0 , . I lll.K-k.sl- ..t 3 I lot lot a lot 6 lllisck John St-hraiu SophU 1 'hnrtttatt Steteiis. ,ltir. liar slum ami M.uey JticiiNr. tUrtlitiij ami Morey ink ot Oregon i lly J"llll W elt-h Mr. V 11 llsrtlitiii sit-.i ti.. .I-H'.r. Har- tlitte sii.l Morey Mt s A l tia.e .late II. .hi l i M t strslt.-u Mis. K..i.t bars-'i ihit.ouih line of Hevelllh .1 ,St teet Wtl. telly of the north east eor a; a,-i : nerolloi t Homihi 1 wesletly on south line id se.etith l . ,s 40 It., Iheiti'i. al ' llchl aiittle. south. I rtly liy fl . thenee It 1 .! ' ' "st1" lim.' j en.lerly 4tl t.-ot . iht'tiie al rtkiht an I '4 HI ' '"' ""'"'er I) 1 1 Ml John W, toiioiu n. inn , tt, eortier of l.ttM'k 'JA, tiienee ea.ierly on south llua sif Nttveuih .1 1 SI II lltelio.! ai ris-hl aiiiiti'saiitith eiiy ll.t l . Il.eio-o l risthl alleles we.letiy 1VI fl to Mslii .1 Ihetu-e a loint tlaln st o lint I'lN.-eotlirijluuluil ot. A Mint 4 and ' Hut alle, .1, -11 , eati.il and 1 : tt tut southerly l.te of lol. Jainl Ve.i'epl porlloii ow tit-tt !) ureoi. ,tj 1'i.lifor tils Itallroa.l libs k . -.si lee! ,.tt easterly r-.s III rn.l ot lot t 4 ns i (eet oil aeslerll w .at end of lot l IIJ ': I...I J I .1 1U f t I.l 111 V ".I vi VI 4 .1 I. '4 IV i 4 m 111 Utl uncid Ils m ; M sortition r-.tsie li'tl.i. I'aurl. Id st PatipsPail.lt M M I h.rtti.u I laeksiiia.eoonty St Paul I'arl.h nt v.. I. 'l p) I I . ' 'at 1 1 ! vo l.'t IK lo. :. . 41 i 4 . lei r.l 111", k r Noltll Itslt ot h. I I .So.ith hsilof lot t nil, I tiae ot o S '-' 7 I.-.-I oit the Wesl.'li) .te of lol .' .' tt-i't oft .outlier It si, ,t of i I..-1 ,1 I 1 Art htilahoptV i, r... l.'l a " " " 1 1 .' l .. il.. vai Triutisot llaptl.t eh tl l.'l 111 Areliltl.hoptt II t.ro.. lol t, ,-i j .y at 4.y litMirae HrotiKhton 7 74 Arc lilil.hop llt.ro. a .. r. lol ai tiesirgis liroiiif htuti tleorije A Hardlna; liahetle Svliititr : Nstith half of hit l ake I'omrr j H.iiuh half ul loll Arehl.i.hoptt II i.rosa I I ssl 4 . tt II Ol.Ks. tru.let' j feet urT mtriber I ly .nir of lot a Mrs II I. Mllu II feel I. It a, other i I) .Itleol lot a II E I'hariuati lot 4 ! Uti ,t II feel oft anuthor ly il.le of lot ti K K I'h.rman ' ft s.tr tiorllutrly 1 .e of hit n Mr. II I. Mllu I "I 7 An hlnshop Vt i , South half f t ; ! W est uy It otT the j north half of lol s Allien Si hllllnn I has! til leet otf i north half of loi s l.iikoi'ottier lll.tek 1- 17 fe.t .. IT lha astir i licit ly aitle of lol i .1 teet ort norther ly .i.l.. ol toi ; li.'lmiliiij i a tv eorller l.f hst S Ihen.-i. ea.terly 711 b-et oil aoiilh lUl.t ol lot S llit-li.e lul "I I norlherly at ...hi arifiea Si liset. Ihetu-w at rlifhl alia; le. westerly 711 leet lit Uain al 45 lit , Iheltee aoultierly lit place ..I lienlli 41 l i 'O'1 Kit i.l Norlherly J7 7 tret ul r.l olT hst a. B7 U IHsK'k J tail I Ml an .NoMIl halt lot J si mi Hotith half I. a I V, 4., , U t. I l.u r, li Js s; ll i' aieten. , i;.; m Mrs Jane fonley . rat nft A arly .V. Ill ll.t I J.a.-r V. It I otttui en-. it! Hank tt barlow A Pat Id lol t l 1:1 pi t'otittnerela) Itsttk ... UJ -sl II A 1 JtiU'st . , 11.' l-l II I aieteli. .' l II ll.t.. Ul Ml J Johu.ou 7.i ..I A H lirnhaut .V, ,t M A Stratlii .11 V! y v iiaiiisw v, i. K II t I.-iiitoiia u: gi l..l......ii.vnaltleu l.'t It) M K Hallow li; al M A Slrail.ui w sj A II Hraham -tl iff 44 an il w ! ll'l ' I l;4 i I t l K.tate J la.trita Mr. K K t al.twelt K.Ule J Mader . Mrs K K Caldwell . F.niie J bitius SSJ pi iroaa 1 1 .' 'al I's HI ;w vi . , Z Ml U 111 m 4:. VI I.'. .V, ft Ils Ml II.' tin una l.'l Hi .'4 Mrs Mariptrci yuan: all it wai ted a tax ten times as large as is now raised would tie necessary. This con dition exists in Multnomah as well as in Clackamas county. The Political Outlook. It has been many years since a presiden tial campaign wasastpiietasthisone. There it very little spontaneous enthusiasm from any quarter. The serious illness of Mrs. Harrison has had the etlect of subduing tome republican demonstrations, especially such as the president might have been ex pected to take part in. It is up-hill work with the other parties who are lifting them selves by their boot straps for the sake of appearances. One important reason why there is little political conUgioa in this campaign is that are building a new factory for the matiiifm ture of cutlery. To McKinley the firm gives credit for the step which they are taking to destroy the monopoly in this line of goods until now held by Knglish manufacturers. About 350 well-paid hands will he em ployed, and no expense will he spared in pushing the business to a success. Pacific Builder: Bridge timbers such as are produced in Oregon and Washington cannot lie secured in any other portion of the world, Government tests show that Douglas lir will bear a transverse strain greater than oak, and twice as great as or dinary yellow, or white pine. When sub ject to transverse strain the co-efficient of elasticity in fir Is also unch greater than that of any other wood, whether oak, long leaf yellow pine, white pine, or ordinary yellow pin. lll'SHAMl 10 WiKK. For the Knterirlse. Hmooth Is thy hrnw, no chilling wind Hath swept hitiiss thy spirit s irlii.iness, Cii'isiru; Its all harmonious chords '1 u w .ike one strain ol sutlnest.. Thy lustrous eye with beauty honmri As hiith emotions stilly spoHklllK, And richly swell thy irbidsottie voice The snuff ol hove ropeiuiiig. IVhetl evenilur shadows f..ll Hroutnl I heiir serni.hie mnslr- stealing, As ttentle zephyrs t.re.tlillnt soft Awake each deeper f.-ellni;. And as I view those other worlds That hi thtoleep blue diia.nee shine, I feel tluit throiiuh their si very rt.ys 'I liy spirit Kpeiiks In mine. The rippling streitnilet's tiny wave In stv.'"re-t tiei't'iits onw ir-l How'tnir, Proclaims tu llnlti rhrotuli .Suture's voice Thus life Is ever lining. Well, let It go! dow n Time's smooth stream We'll glide, our spirits one in feeling, t'nlil at length lien Hps ilui ksome wave. Comes coldly ii er us ste.iltiig. And when we reni'h the streamlet's etui 'I h.il diirk. H nu .l.-'-p. a n 'I rm r row se.i - Together will wc pass its hninula lulu eternity. And then as now shall thy gl id soul In all liHrmorihius numbers move, And thiiiugh Ihe whle exteinled heaven (shall swell the song of " hove." Incounito Letter List. The following is the list of letters remain ing in the post otllce at Oregon City, Oregon, uctooer 11, ii-m: t Arthur, William T 2 Mcl.aiiglin, Win ' Cochran, Mrs James Melioll, Mis M Davis, W II Nobles, Thomas II Fuglcr, J W (smith, K Orillln, Mrs Dan Wallace, W M I.each, Miss Jane If called for, please fny when advertised. E. M. 11 in ns, r, m. The latest in visiting cards at the Kn tkkphisi OnrrcE. Prices to suit you. Clocks at Burmeister & Andersen's. Everyone warranted. block - l.ol I beginning at the north east corner nf lot 2: theiu-e southerly nil west line of Main street Jll ft : thenee west erly at right an gles llki ft. ; ll nt northerly at right angles JO ft :tlieni-e easterly at right angles lit', feel to the place of begin ning Beginning at Hut south east corner nf lot thenee norlher! y on west line of Main street l.i 70 feet: I hem e westerly at right angles JU'i feel. thenee southerly al right angles 111." ft; thence east erly iilrlnht angles ll.'i feet to place of beginning Ile:;lnnllig at the N. K. corner of lot : a; tlunice westerly I along ihe north I line of hit a ln-'i ft.: tln-iu'c southerly ! mi westllneof lol'a -II it It thence east erly at rignt. an gles :il fl.; thenee southerly at right angle '.ill ft;theuee eiKlerly nt right angles 74 teet to .Main St.; thenee liiittherly to place nf beginning ... Portland Khuirlii, Mlllsl'u l'K'i. ft Albright Holds I'.'t Hi Isaac Farr n 74 J. bogiis's esiaie and Mrs. i:lara .Moruv . . Ill'S'k l,.t 1 Itegluulllg al li. K. corner ol lot li, i llieiie,- along alley i norlherly 71) laet'; llieut-f at right au I gleseaslerly a'.' It , thenee southerly I 7n II. al right an ; gh's; thenee west fs :i() I ''rlv xi " '" place I of beginning rhartc i beginning at the south west eortier of lot a, thenee east on the norlherly hue iif alley ; ft.; thenee at right an gles norlherly aj ft.; thenee tt right angles easterly 70 ft. , ths'licti nt right angles norlherly:;:! tt ; thenee al right angles weslerlylnn ft. : then.'., south erly in place of be ginning II iHK.'nr ... beginning at 8 K. eortur of hit I, Ihi'tieit tveslerly along (he norther ly line uf Seventh st 1.1 ft. : thence nt right angles north' erl v sl ft. I hence at right angles west erly 7 feel ; tlieueu nt right angles northerly 'ZU feet; theliee nt right iiu- gl tslerly "lilt. I thence somberly 111 feet lo place ot beginning . Mrs Flhtahelh Kiiclm 4 fl t South half lot : North half lot : X (eel otT aotitli .hie of Pa s lleglliullif on easl erl) Hue of Main l .' feel sstlillier. ly (rum the s fr: t urner loi t, l.l,-k Js. lltein a south ,r ly on Main at -.'1 fl , Ihi'tice easterly al rtghl aug.es lilt ft thenee norther ly nt right angle 11 ft; tiienee west erly at right angles to plaee of In-gili-llltig All. el otr.S' at.lt.of lot s S M l.rahaiu 17 i II W !!... e.' 10 II I. l.t lark . , l.tl t,l .... -Js sl Mr. M J Hhaw J li I' ort I an tl rioiirlug Mills in . , w 15 P -rastua ami Itoyat nl Id I. '4 W " r 1 1 a ii it riourlin 'I ll. loi . , , 111 Wt " . I'lUluirr Mi 41 Mr. II I. I.l lark .'al ti A I. Ith hattl.iiii 4 :m ; IU.sk .'al 4-'s I I1 I 1 a 5 It J - Mi. II I. I.l lark A I, Kit-harslinn . W T lliiruey T I. t'hartuali llarlsiw il Apperaoli T I. rhartuall W I. Whim 41 4D 41 40 lli ill W 4 Ml 41 'js .V, 4'. IIJ lal I W ft i.rr oiilherly snieollol 7 it i t. ! i.rr ihe northerly side of l"t 7 Ladrii Itoyal South halt h a N.oili hall lot a tlreaon l ily mis nuiiee Is iuliilBliei hy ur.ler of the i lly coillii'llof llregonl Ily al a meeting held Heii. lemher.si, s:ij. j I.. ,. poai.a. Ileeorsler. W PI al ni i.J in IIJ 10 SO lit 7.'. 711 .Now Try This. ll will cost you mil hi tig ami will Ntirolv do you good, if ynu haft. ,i Cotigh, ur Willi itny Irotililo with Throat, ( hoat or l.unga Dr. King's Now iliacuvisrv (or Coiisiiinpiion, Cutiglia iimt Coltls is giiuriiiili'i'il to givo rulinl or iiiotioy v. ill lni paiil Illicit . SnirmnriirH from l a iriiiti hiuiul it tiHt Ilui thiiiK mill under its nan I unl it speedy and purled rocov cry. Try n siiiiiiln liottln ut our expetiHi) iiml Iciirii for yourMi-lf just how good a Hiiiigilin. Trial lioltlo fren utti. A lliinlinu'H Drug Storo, l.itrgo fi,o ftllp. mid 1 1 .(HI. Miiaey oil .i.j' I'. llllllllls. Ii'riiio ol ', O. Tlio llni'Ht lino of ciyurH in (iri'gon Cily Suviintli at root tlrug Htorn. T. I.. Cluirmaii. K. K, Charmau, M. M. Charmali HIS 00 II. ginning at a poiiil on the west line of Main st. a:i ft. northerly from the H K. corner of lot 4; thence west erly at right an gle) to Main st. .VI ft; thenee norther ly at right angles 'li ft; thence, west erly at right an gles iif, ft.; thenee northerly at right angles 87 4 feel; thenee easterly at right angles HI ft.; thenee . somberly at right angles VO . ft; theuce easterly at right angles 74 ft; thenc souther ly to place ot be- in Inning.. B. Jaggar, II. fj. Ste ven)),,,, 61 97 What Casli Will Do ! loc. all silk rihlion, for ore Fine tlroHH 'uigliamH, worth 10 to 12 Jo, 08c HoHt heavy shirting, worth 12Jc, l()c Hoys' and Youths' suits, just in, $2 and upwards J'.ovs' boots, $1.25 and upwards Arbucklo CoiToo, (advanced), 2 lbs. tot S5c. Best coal oil, 5 gal. 05c. Jacketed cans on hand, or bring can PRODUCE TAKEN. Remember hundreds of pooplo sell their loads in Portland and buy from ua when returning. More bar . ' gains thari over before. 1 HAMILTON & 'ALLEN, Clackamas, Oregon.