Oregon City hntcrprisc. KHIHAY, (t 'To 1 1 1'. it 14, hu: l.iicul I'i'i miuiil Null's. ) I' Mutliwin In uuIiik to NitMtiirva UlllTII III' Will llk'llltt. J l( IIim'ijIb (if tin. SI. IliOi'im Mini Wild In (Irt'ttmi I'lly hntui.ny, Mian Nclli,. hiuulU of I'tirlluml Id vUlt ln Mi Miillm 1 IoIiiicm nt Kmmi Turin . Mm. V. A.ItWM mill ilniinlilcr uf Clifiiriiir vImIiiik nt W.1I. I low ll'. AtlitniKvn II. K MoUlmi mul I,yil, ll Uwknrof iWluwl nrln Ori'KWi City 'runitilny , Mm. ('. W lliklmm uml l.itatitr witrn nil from t'orlluiiil vmitniK (ili'mln Hultiriltty Uuiimnl I'lller, NkhIIIh ruilhilit, l a iiiMt o( lila lrttlit'Mii-litw Miijur (.'Illinium thla wm-k. Dr, uml Mm. J, C. I lull .J Clut'kiuili NVl'H) KtlHllllllIK III llllNIIIIIIIH t 1 1 1(1 (lll'Kllll l ily Inuil nllliii Wi'ilui'mlttf, Mr. nihI Mm. (inutun Hill of Sun l''miii'ii'onro vlnilinu Mm. 1 1 1 II 'n pur it 1 1 ( h , Mr ami Mm, KuiHMtn, nt Curna. Ml I'Ivk Wurmii ri-lurnml In I'url Iitml ll'iiuluy nlliT MiiiiiliiiK a dw tlnva hiiii lii'ri'iiimiii, .mihn wiuiiiiH Wllliunm. I Mr. mul Mm. A. J. Apnriii mnl j tlitiitilitiT, MIhh l.uxini, uf Mi'.MiniivllUi . wem vi-Iiii-k irii'iiiU mul rlutii'ii in llim fit v KrliUy In Mmnlny. j Mm. M. (', llumnr.l mul MIm .Iiuii'h, ( 1'nriin worn in Ori'itmi ( Itv Tin-mliiy. i Mm. lliiVMHtil Iik Kniiii luCuntliU in Vinil Iwu wt'ikit Willi liii'iuln. Mr mul Mra, 0 riun,'li'r nm imw Iih uii'il ui Vnltiinr, liliilio Mm . SnmittliT ri'iiMitly vtn thr.iwn fimn it wtttiiui uinl iinui m rinililv lnjuit'.l Willuin Urtmiilli'l.l, wln unit to Altckit UM Mirtit to (Mi'tiiM in ttdltnoii IUIiiiik mi tin' ( liilritt, rltirm'i Ut .Mini tiny mut in ipnli' cunli'iil In ii'iiiiini u;iv Irntii tlio inn tlirru lUliiiiit uroiill lx. K. V.. Ilnliitll, ul t tri'tcmi City, wlm nn. o iii'iiflilmr ul iiiuh in MiiiiiKniiii, Init.ti' im h lt'iiiint, tlmuli iiiilii n II inn'M'ili'i mil liicl I'riiUv. I In wmiM liku tn unit K'"HI "I n k uml if t it i 1 1 rmirli. liiti'Nnii Ij'h.Iit. I Mr. mul Mi" V. Palmer nn.l Imiiilitnr, Mia Myrtle, liavti ir.tiitt tn t-mi I tiiiiriw ii. Aflcr vimiinu (ili'inln III t'alifutliU nlmul ln ri'k tlii-v xil! ri'tuni tn (lififim I'lly ainl ii'ii'iiin mum1 time liflnni tfnintt lurk tu tlii'ir Mirlii Ijiin 11111111-. llt'V (i Win. t illiimrV ol tin' l'lt"t'iy: ti'riilll rltiiiili tttli'inli'il thn n lintf ul tlip I'milum! ri'N tm y t Siniiiitiitir Lmt Mmiiluy mul lin mul A . K liiinlit nun niit In Allmtiv tn tttii iiil tin' tin dun NMi'iil 'I'linrl.iv n i U-1 ii 1 x (nun tlin I'lirlliiinl ni""lnli'r N. I., IuiUt ul I 'ui v il!i, a iii'ihi'w n( M i)'T ( 1 1 .i ' 1 1 1 it n ii hi I iiivi'iilnr n inn niliulk'n'i'ii'i f fnr nikili4 llm t ulr u nf Ifnlil itml mKiT iim', uN vmiiinit nt Mr ( 'hnrii'MD " liini Snii'liv, ni'i'niiii uiii'il r y In wilt'. Mr. ami Mm. I.chIi u( I'mi Uml itk nIw kiii'nIn ul Mr. Clmrii.iiii'a ; (iniiUy. ; IImIiki h limw skii. llni iluy lint ni'i'li Will .l''iitiiiik' ilmvc il'iwii inln lln river in fmut nf tin' li'tiniiiifi pliiro, Iv-, n Jinlk'i' .MiOilruiii'a, fur llm hhkim' of vmliniir tlio Hiiifiin. It una .I.-i'iht t ) i it ii liti III. I fli iil.ilfil nn mill tlti'i'iir-' runt awi'pt tlm Imrwa Imin llirir fii-l i ami tnnk I licit) ilimn Hiri'itin. llntS i linrra T' ilnmni'il mul Mr. Ji'iinmi. Im. I i nlialili'ml'lii illllirillt V ill i; 1 1 1 1 1 1.' ; notion'. Tnw imliii lit aniitli, nuiiM' K avrat, U-! illK I'N'Hli'il ill Hi llti hi rulilily. .m iim'iiiu fnr IIIiiik Wi'iltii'a.liiv lit ttii Ori'iinn City i Inn. I nllii'i', lint lluTi' mm tint i Nincli' M 1I it-Ht i-ri iri"MMitiil. NnveiiituT it). tnwnnliii L1 mul :l nnrtli. rniiK 7 i'l , mill :i mul 4 nnilli, 11 "Kt will Ii iiiiiii'il, mul li''i'iiilM'r It). Irm tinnal , tiiw iiMliii 4 imrtli, riniK V wiwl will n- ceivti liM-nllnn, tlii'iw IhIIit hII ln'iiiK ill , ( Uliiii'oiinly Tin' anmll ii'iiiili'nro th'lntiifinir to II. K ('rnaa, nt tlm rornir nf Twi-lfih mul Jnlin A. luiim atri'i'tN ii iih liti'ti ri'iiti'il for iu'IukiI rmiin mul Mm. J. N. lira Iihiii Iihn Ihh'H hiikiiki'iI tn tcarli, Snini' Lt or 'i!t iiupila (mm tin' HI li ttm.lt' anil I!S Imin the ir!ninry will nn tn Mm Uriiliiini'a pnhii, Hint rt'li'iiviiiit I lit' riNima tlmt nri inniit crnwilivl. J At luat Cliairmnt) Uniwnill linn jr-1 vmli'tl npin HtniaUir Mili lit'll tn nim-hk in (in vmi t'ilv Novrmlii'r 8 nt Slnvt'ly'ai tlicntiK. rliti'kaniu" ciiiiiity ia tlicoiilyj enmity tn tin' atntt) iuiIhhIii of Miillnmnnii ! wliiirn apt't'i'iiiia win iio ioii virtn ny Kvry iniMiiU'r of tliu Ort'iton ilt'lt'ijatinn thin'yenr. Anil iuiw it ia nnnniinii'il Unit tln Ni-vmith atrt't't injiini'tioii iiit' will Im' niipiilinl In tlm Hiiprfnni' court. Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions, Clothing, Furnishing Goods BOOTS ID SIDES. We have bought and just received another big lot of goods from the east at much less than manufacturer's prices which we have now ON SALE. A few articles we have at awfully low prices, besides lots of others. READ IT. LiicliuH1 ami nien'H (iwHainfrs nt 4.V., never wna known to sell for less than 7.r)0. to $1. Men's and Ixiys' vests 2.rx, 3.re. and 4.'ic, worth from 1 to $2. Muck velvet ribbons J of an inch wide to 2 inches wide flo. per yd., and J inch 2e. per yd. Extra heavy seamless ladies' hose (.black) 2."c, worth .r0o., and another quality ladies' black hose for 10c, best wo have had yet. Ladies all wool hose flOc. (heavy.) Men's heavy duck junipers 2.ric, worth TiOe. Ladies' umbrellas, all silk, fancy handle, !fl.7.r). Men's soft hats 65c, 75c. and $1, and the beHt $1.25, worth $1 to $;).f)0. DRESS GOODS. All wool ladies' cloth, all colors, 500, All wool Henrietta, all colors 50o. Fancy stripes ami eheokH,lIon'riotta, 28c. Double fold twill dress goods lOo. per yd. lied medicated flannel heavy 39c, a cheaper at 25o. Gray shirting flannel IHo. M no heavy Site. Napped shirting 10o., 11c, and 12.Je. Checked shirting heavy 10c. Unbleached muslin extra quality 5c. Host bleach ed muslin 12yds. $1. A good heavy cotton flannel, bleached and un bleached 10c. Sheeting 2 and 24 yds. wido 20o. Good linen toweling 7lo. nor vd. A fine checked linen larco size heavy cotton towels, linen bath towels, 85o. a pair. Best gingham 12 yds. $1. Good quality calico 20 vda $1. Fancy tidy towels large size 29o, and a smaller 20c. A MR. THORH TALKS. Hi' Ciiiiii' (it Tiiki' an lu (im chI In Oi'I'kimi City. AT HIIST IT W AS AN Af ( IIIKM'. Now II ii Hut (iit'iil Tliliiir In View To kit Hit IJiruliut hii'lurjr Tbwii In Hut W'cHf. " ()ri.Kii City Ihin (imt nf tlm lineal of rliiniili'it," aiii.l Cliiirlua I'. Tlmru to mi KNTKiirHiHK inun day or two uun. Tliu lit'waiiniir man u liylnn In nut frnm Mr Tlioni aniiiiilliing nlmiit liia iiiInhiiii to ()ruiiii City. Ilia well known tlmt 110 w limit it men ' I In kuIIiiik the I.Ik .kt tnllla fri'rlt'.l liurti mul tlmt Im la a mall uf kimhI ImniiiiiNa ni'ilini'll iMiaacaaiiiK couiiiH'liniia that uivu hia iii.ivt'iiiuiii nun ti niKiiillniiifii lliiin llunw ol lh aver MKii .r.iii.i'l.ir. l int ri'iMirlur una k IIIK for llifnruiiitlnll funriTliiliK hia nlijnt'l hurtt. " My tlenr n.r," nmh) Mr. Tlun, " you lmv rt'iilly ili'liilnlnl i liiiiulu. 1 wna thin n a mil when 1 lirat alnirk (lr i'K.iii t "it v Imt now 1 mn (.it mul mrtlv mi. muh tu mul miylxNly, Thv auliilirioua iiunn nf thla t'llinittt' In" " What tin you think of ri-nii City' ItiiliiHli lul irnHii In?'1 iiitt'irtiiii'tl lint iitHNniir until , unwilling tn Ihi c.i' tin. ki'il liy it n V rliit'n.llr,il I'lllifvrlc i.ii tl.it wi'iillmr. " Can vuu lull iih mivthiiiK tlntt wiiul. I iiitint'it tlm , ul, Ii.' r.vur Iihk yniir I'llnrta In imliitt -iiHUl in iii.iiinliu turiiiK here or w lutt iiinvcint'iita you hiivtt in view in tl.ii ilin't'tiiin'."' " 1 Lute hIii"iIiHi'Iv Imlhiui; tn nay," a.ti.l Mr. Tltiiii'. "To tell the truili 1 I'.iiiitt up hurt' ti't'.iiioi' I 1 1 ii . I in.iliiiiK in . 1 1 1 1 1 1 : i r lii tin it . . . I tl.H Heenii'.l ii K'hi.I pi l. n In Wiiit fur miiiii'lliiiiif In mrn up. 'I'tient nrit llinneflHt' iHiailhliiliea liele They tn ii Niiiiti'titiiii lie reali.i'il. Il.iw Hiiulltlllitwillhe.tif t'liiltitt', (t'H'll.U nil ninny thiima tli.it iiinke the I'lili iihtliiui liiii'erl.ilil. Ihlt Hu i.illat.f the Williiin I'lttt art' linlllitl In ht tht' rcll'iT til nne nf lint tfleilt.'M llllllllllll. Ilirillk' i linilllllllilil'N 111 I ( if ii iii ii 1 1 v Aiu I tlier ' wi'im fVf i v it'tnt'ilt tu U'lieve llnil Ihn wuik nf ilevt'l npliieii! will he punlie.l vi)jul"Uiiy fimn Hint lime (mill." Coiii't-rniiiu liia unn cniinet'liiiu with tint ill' vc I. hi ii' n t nf tint ( lit'un City w li ter puller .M r. lie ire uul. a.ty iiulliinif. " Thf Biii'i i'NN ui luv ellurta In (M'l Hie iult mnl piiH-r in.limiry lia ali'il Lent." Hitiil hit, " waa kn iii eiileiitiil na wunl.l U my tiinllUK a pilrae ill rnuMitiK tlif atiwl ." Hit Hutu telui"il the c i r.-n in nn't't nf hi lirt vinil In Uieiiii Citv. It wtia in April, 1st; e h,i. If. n i x.niiiiinij; nearly fvery wilier i-uwer, t;iel an I Mm 1 1 ' . went of tlii Citmiilu in. ii ii I ii i lix mil dually cunt' tn I'.i lliiul Theic, w hen he iiikt I lur iil'-iruuil inn ahitul tin Hi",' in Citv ii' . h w in tu!. I I l.iti Hie I.e. el lieiit waN olilv I I or 1 l lei t nil I Hint it wita nut a very Kieut "llnir. Huki'Mt, he cmiiK UP on Hi" Itnal tuitt Suiuhiv. I in litikt"! Willi C:iptiiiii . r 1 1 1 in 1 1 an. I i rr l Cliaruinu nil the h.mt. lie i l.in.l". nn Hie weal aiilen! 'lit' river mill C. (I. T. Wihiiiiua waa tint next man he met. Fi nally Mr. Kaitthiiin nil. I a lew nthi'iawfii! ovni nml tint emtipiitiy walketl up tn the In lit mul limkt'il iiliniit. After reiiuiiniiii; auiiie ilava Mr Tlture ina.le nn ntr.niL'i' iiieiit lur fill HI hnre (Miwer lur ten yeara, the arrniikti'inellt Im-iiiuT nin.llll.nii'.l nil the niuvfH u! a ileal fur the cinn.ih.l.i ti in uf the ws er iinut-r inlereala w hii li wna auhiieipieiilly ruiiatliiiinaleil. Tlmt na the lH'iniiiiiK nf the wuik tliut 10 t.illle.1 in lint eiei'li'.li nf the pulp mnl pii-r iiiiIIn on the we-t aiile, whii h lire aliinlltf I lie In-at of their kin. I in the ('unn try .! r. Tlime ia n nalive nf Sweileii. He calm-In New Vuikin IHti7niul Ul ve.im Int er emaTil the culitiiieiit tn S in Frilii'i"t'n where he Ih-cm inler'att'tl in tlm paper 1 11 it n uf it t-( ti r 1 UK hii'inc. In Sweileii he itiew up in the nn.Ut nf tlif in iniii.u tiir of pulp mnl n tlmtniit r-'httive uf hia. II. ti Kiiincke, waa the tliM'uven'r ur in vimtur uf tlm lii-aulplinle inicea. In Jitnnary, 14, he mul A l Keniintuti, the paper imin, went to Kuri.pe tn tm y llm patent nf tlm newly tliacoven'il pn ceaa fnr thia countrv Tlm patent hail nut Ih'i'II Inmieil when lliey left mul the netful iiitiniia nil that lia.tia vri'ro.Tuiupli'tiMl one iiieiit. hut Mr. KeiiitiiKtnii preferred to nleep on (lie nuiller hefum aiKiiiiiK the piem. Tl.nt iiieiit Mr. Krnnckecaliletl to Ann-iira mul nm-erluliH'tl that the patent (the (liut'xtnr mul auine other nppliimi'ea, lint Hie proceaH, weie patfiite.l here) ha.l Ix-cii iaauetl in thia countty and the next day the Invcntor'n price had donlilid mid the deal fell tliruiili. Mr TliorB ia intereated lnrKely in aev er.il iniHirtnt hiiKiiifaa inat'tuliniia. Ilia tiitt'iit Ilea in orKiinixiim on a fiuuiid Im am iiiuniidicturiiitf cnnceriiHuf Urni capi tal. " When 1 mw tint Inre volnine of water fulling over the na-ka lieie," citid lie, " I could nut real till I hiiw aonie iiihhI iinii iimde nf the power. It hint um to ane it KuiiiK to wnattt." It may lip pre- toweling, extra wido, 10c. Pair of finish, 25c. Large size Turkish JyL J3Jl 0 , tint Xfa R&r -allw tsJy l 0 Ttfr JLL. UJ. LL !1tm o niimi'il tlmt It n nova lilill to nun no little nf tint tremendous power ul now nd Hint Im Iui'In nn IntereNt In utllizinu tlm wnatiiin force, tin left Tliiirmlny morn ln lor Kun Fninclaco mid tlm Knat. While hit will not any that ht) tma in view anvthlliK looking to thn further unh of Ihl" wnler power, it ia iiiideralood oulaidn Hint li ia etiiiiinlNHinimd tn do ((rent thliiKN for Oit'iinii City. Mr. Tlmrw dnen nut travel with n hraaa hmid. Hit in tlm lll.ett inudt'Hl uf luen and let" the remit" of hia win k aliuw fur tliitinaelven rnlher thnn lieruld expected nclilevemelita. lie In a K"imI mnu to huvu iiitKrealed In Ore lion City, HK(Oltl) OV TIIK AtTKOS. The ( Hea In I Ircull, County and Ju. lice Cnurta. BOM. (iiiHtuve Frli'drlik v Kinpire Maiiiifiuturiiin company and F. W. Hurry aaaignne; null to recover $lotl.lk) for liiho' pertoriiii'.l liy liimnelf anal on "iKiii'd lalior I'liiliiia of J. K. Wilzi 7H.IMI mid William Jet.ke Hi5.i7. II K. Croan attorney. . K"i 1 . M.ihale Ann Tifter v Small I,. Murk, I'yi'iD (. l'oie, I'avid 1. l'oai, Krneat F . I'oiKt, I'militl K. l'o), Hardy M, K. l'am, and I'lnrcnico Kloyd; anil for partition of real eatutu in which pliiintiU'cliiiinK an entatii of inlieriliiii. e to tint extent of all undivided one-lull II. K. Cnwa ntfoiney, ftufiL'. r Faulkner v J. I). Fnuk tier ; uit fur diwuilution nf iiiumaKf con tract cntiTi'il into June 12, 171 at 1 'ny lon, Wnali , nn. I for thu cdHtody uf a , .laughter 111 yeiim of it jjt- and a Hon auud I 14. Iliowitell A IireNM-r nllorneya. M '':!. Thomita Charinnn fi Son vn I) W Tinker; nut tu enlurce the piiyiin'iit ! uf n pioiuiK-ory note in.ul.' .Mairli I t, j !'l due in three liiulitlia fnr Hut "lilil i ul K'L'I 87. K. Iliiclnt, it'ttir tn-y . j .'iii'il. F. F. Cappa va liclpin A ami ; i tt-r 1 1 1 it i'it.p-, niiiiorH, 1 1 v their Kiiurd an, i ThmiuiN F llyan ; auit for piutition ol iio t'tin retl i--i.it" in which the plaintiir clniiiih mi t'Hliitu uf inlu'ritanoe to tlm entetit uf nn tllldiv ided lltllf ilitt-ll-tt. I Itiowiit'll A I'rtntNer, ulluniev. I Ciiliinilni" l, .y I'rnur int. Futlnw iliK " the iii'.'ritiu iindurdcruf j mmch lur the joint cclehratuui of Co- liimhu" I inv in Ort'Kuii City, F'riiUy, Oc- tnlter 21: Tlm priMt-sHinii will (unn on Twelfth ' atrt-i-t at the pilhhc nt-hunl Iioiik mid move nt I :'M i.. in It will he c(iiii"ni-i of the Ht'hiinl i-hililri'ii from I'nrk I'luce, We-t Side, Mount I'lea-ant, Falla View , j t'nlieiniih ami llicfon Cily The line uf I Match will ! from the bWiihiI hutiw to 1 Main, im the uml aide nf Main tu the : " l.axiii," mnl down the cant end- i.f Main ; tu Si-venlh, then tu r-luvely'n theater, j where the fulluwinii pr. Kr.im will he. oh I Nerved : : Mtiie W'iIIiiii'c lie Ct.nitt llaml I'li.ir.i" Anu-ririi Schn-il t ' lliir.-li A l'lre-i rnpt. H. S. tntwn ii. . n-."i nl n.lilri"-" no. C. Itruwiiell 1 A.lilrt-" U.S. SininKi- 1 .hii.tI ii'lilre-'M''. I.y tin- reprt'.t-iiiaiivi it ul ll.e i ihlti ri'iit I'Uiriutic tiuit Iraitirnal urKanizn I li.'in. i Music . Willaiuttt' t'orut-t l.atiit To (iiiuil Trmptara, j Pit vuu know that Moore' e willed i Keuie ly it the only palent niedici no in the world tliut t.N-a nut contain n drop I of alcohol ; tlmt the mode of preparinir I it i" know n tuilv tu ita tliicover ; that It ia an a.lvMiice in the" acience of medicine 'without a parallel in the nineteenth century; that iih lunprielniH oiler to ( forfeit il,iNtl for any ca-e of dvK'pNia it will nut cure? iiisNtiltltliin Nut Ice. I'.v mutual con-i'iit thn firm of Will ianiH A KurKluirdt iloiiiK tiniincn at Uit'ipm Citv, ia Hub dav tliaanlveil. Ilated this 4th day of (li t I !.'. C. (I T. Wii.i.iamh. W. II. Itl'KtlltAKIir. IluAra run tmk Kximbition. Here ntter nn Sattinlay tUKhta tlurliiK the rontiiuiiini'e of the I'nrtlnuil expo"itiun the Dreunn City hunt will make an ex tra round trrh lenvimt (Irt-Koii City at li:.'U)nnd I'orilmid nt lt:.'10. lioiind trip llcketa including adiniraiou to the ex toaitioti !H) centn. II. . Hut Uni t Huvn city bondn, echnnl bnndn, county ami city wnrrnntB. Otlice 24(1 Wnaliii'if ton Direct, I'ortlanil. Keaidonce, Ore Hon City. 10-!ltl Hamilton fi. Waxlitmrn of the Paik I'lare Ktore are daily naininu inure ciin ttiin liet'anwt they keep one of I lie bent aHwirtiiientH of uoda and their prices are lower than elHewhem. The lieitt market price paid for pro duce of all kinds at the Park Place store K'ti iners, cull in to our store and we will treat von well, nice worked, fancy unlors. liunlimiuin, if 1.2."), $1.45 ami $1.7"). A very fine ladies' black hose, warranted not to fade, crock or stain, o!)c, worth liOc. to 75c. A ladies' cashmere hose 45c, all wool. An extra fine em broidered pongee silk handkerchief, 25c, worth 50e. anywhere. Ladies' standing collars 2 for 5c, linen. Ladies' black silk mixed gloves 29c. Corsets I a Bitr Barsrain I This is one of the best corsets that is made at 95c. worth $1.50. eastern cheaper kinds. Garter elastic, 5c. a all colors. Silk veiling 15c. A tino white and colors, 75c, worth $1.50. Dress buttons 5c a doz. Oxidized silver picture frames, cabinet size, 25c, big bargain. Host quality shoo polish 20o. Nice hair ornaments 5c. Silk lace in colors 5c 2c per yd. Men's overshirts, all wool, $1.25. Men's all wool serge, black with small white stripes, $1.35, worth $1.75. Men's mixed over shirts 95c. Men's working shirts 45c, 50c. , and 55c, all colors, you ought to see the quality for the money. Hoys' shirts 29c and 35o. Men's red medicated ilannol undershirts 95o. Men's gray mixed under shirts 29c, and drawers 29c. Boys' merino 25o. Men's all wool hose, heavy, 25c. More Men's Pants, and cheaper than ever. We can now sell you a good cloth man's pants (no overalls) for 75c, 90c, 95c, $1.15 and $1.45, all worth double and Borne more than that. TIIK IIOABII Of Til A OK. A Mii!( liil JleelliiK Ordered In roiialder tint Mutter of Ailrerllnliik-. Tliern waa not a Urge nlten. lance at the bolt rd nf tinde meetiuK laat Monday nljtlit- ('Imirinnn T. I,. Chnrmun of tlm cniiimltteenn entertainment of tlm Odd rullown excumioii rctiurted that WK) I aonvenlm had la-eri printed fur the i nHion mid dialriluiUnl toKetlmr with iXK) I New Year KNTKni'HiHKa, the whole cont I iiik 1-1. Thn l ouiinilleit report wan ai'i'i'ple'l mid tlm bill onlered paid, Tlm matter of advertialnK wan ready to lai reported by the committee, imt, owiiik to the alim atleiidalico it waa defined laiat to defer tint report until a lamer meetiiiK ahould Im obtained. A call wan aiiined for a atieclal nicclinif to rutiaidur the nuhject of adverliaiiiK in all itnaaHtctn and 1'reniduut Cioan nauied Tut-atlny afternoin at 4 o'clock an the time fur the apecml iiieetinif- All Ai.aiih anii a Kihk. A little: be fure H o'cha k Wedneaduy evening a Hre alnrin waa annulled by the cataract be II and tlm Imya turned out with their II rt llubtinif npiaratiin It waa cmiaed by the lutrniiiK out of a flue in the l'hocnix l uildiiiK tlm necond door ahove the C I i IT liouno. Thiiraday morniiiK at 7:.'iO the Foiininina bell raiiK an alarm. The hiiildiiiK next to the city jail owned by Chnrlea llolda and occupied by Mm. Ka tie Fumtic waa on lire from the chim ney. The Fountain buya had aouie trouble in unrullinK their Imae and wl en tlicy itot it laid the U burnt no the ( atari.i t K"t a utrcani on the flaminif Iioun- alinuat an atHin aa the othern. The lurmtiire wnn all aafcly removed i-Xt:t-pt the hut atnve. There waa iinini nent daiiKcr of tint lire apri-ndiiiK to ad juinitiK Htriii'tiirea and the humt-n were taken Imin Nohlilt'H ntnble in view of the noitxiliility o iia burniiiK. I!tit the llamea ih.l not K't Iteynnd the hou-e in wlii"li they Ntnrled. It waa a cheap Im-trd luiiiae nml tint Inaa ia onlv hIkjiiI UK). ' Cltr Treaiirer' Nntlce Notice ia hereby ifiven that there are fund" mi hand aullicient to pay all out- ainudiiiK wnrraiita indoraed prior to Nov. 2'i, Ifi'.'l. Interest ceaieB with date of thia notice Ort-Kon Cily, Oct. 12, 1!i2. tf F. J. Icia, City Treaaurer. For choice family irect-rie, to Hamilton A Wai-liiiurn, they alwava keep the la-itt of evedy tiling. Why pay $1.25 for coal oil when yon can Ki't S fllona beat for .lli at Hamil ton tk Allen'a, Clackaiiina. tf WtNTHi, aecontl hand jtmin Hack", j K. F. Wilhaiua the grocer. tf Kt-ceipt, note and order books at the Fntkki'hink ollice. EAST AND SOUTH Southern Pacific Koute SHASTA LINE. Express Trains leave Portland Daily. s.'ti.b I i N.Tlh. " " p. a I 7 is p. a t'4.N IN.rtUn.l Ar OrtrirolilMtY l.v H. KrallfUrti I.T y as a.m. It IH A.M. 8 iw p. a. Lr Ar AlKtvtt irittiit. mop only at Ihp fnllowiiifi ita llcint itcrlit ttl H'wehurjr- t'.nnt l'rtlitn1, lrr li.'ii city. W.MMllt'irii, Hrtlfm, A!t.u y, Tuntrcrit Sitf.1.1.. llHlnfy, llarri.biirti, Jtiuctitta t'ity, Ir vlitg mid Kugciie Pullman Buffet Sleepers. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. Far arC'unmnrtMttin of StT'tnd-riit.KPftimengerp ttUttiiicO to Kiprvni Tr.lni. KoK.lll'Kl) MAIL (Plly. k 0 Tm.TL Portland Ar OrttiroiitMty Lr 4:011 P. a 2:.svp. a ' 6:211 A. M a. a. I 1. p. m . I S 111 Ar Kinobiim Lr ALBANY LOCAL (Pally, except Suudy.) Mm p. j T.v PortTind Ar U-M'a. a. (Kip. M.I L OrenonCliy Lt 7:Ma. m. Wp. m. I Ar Albmiy Lr (,S:0.. Went Side liividon. BKTWEKN PUKTLAND AND C0KVALLI8. Mall Train, Daily (Except Sunday.! 7 .80 A. I 15 t"P 1 Lr Ar Portland Corvallia Ar Lr &:S0p M 12.MPM At Albany and Corvallla connect with traini of Ort'non Pat'itlo Kallroad. Kxnrt'M Train Pailv (Except Sunday) I 4(1 p. M. 7 :2ft P. M. Lr Ar Portland Ar McMlnnvlUe Lr I 8:20 a. M U:4.Sa. m THROUCH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. For tickets nd full Information regarding rat ). map", etc.. call on Compauy'i agent at Oretton City j R. KOKHLKK, K. P. ROGERS, 1 MHiintrr. A't Q. V. and Pans. A (tent prices. Then we havo plenty of yd., worth 10c Wool veiling 5c, opera fan with feather trimmings, J. W. A. R6DHOUSG, I - A : tl .f' i Watches Iteulated No. 4, Commercial Bank F. W. MILLER, WE I XXUUWJ UUlMWj 1 Ul IU1UU1 H Poultry and Bee 171 sjacoisno street, PORTLAND OREGON. SEND FOR, IT WILL PAY ANY ONE WANTING AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Farm, Dairy and MillMachinery. Engines and Boilers, v&v.-w icy fSk Vs 4'' ' ? f,v."S i . - , - - y J " j J ll'W'WrW l'. FARM AND SPRING WAGONS, Open and Top Buggies, Carriages, Carts, Harness, Whips, Bale Ties, Barb wire,Biii(lingTwine and Machine Specialties and Supplies of all kinds to CALL ON OR CORRESPOND WITH MITCHELL-LEW1S & STAYER CO. New Market Block, CANBY NURSERIES, MILLARD J. LEE, A COMPLETE LINE OF Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrnbhery, Etc., WHOLESALE .A.2STID RETAIL. CANBY, OREGON. I Shoes! Shoes!! Shoes I! I A heavy full stock men's high top shoes, $1.65, worth $2.50 anywhere. Boys' full stock heavy lace shoe $1.25, worth $1.75 anywhere, just the thing for rough weather and good Wear. Men's heavy lace shoe 95c. Men's working shoes medium weight $1.45. Ladies' medium weight every day shoe, $1.25, and a little better article for $1 45, all worth more money. Ladies' fine French kid shoes $1.95. We have a few numbers of fine French kid ladies' shoes on hand (patent leather tips) we will close out at $2.85 and $2.95, a few cloth tops among them; this is a big bargain. We also have a few numbers sample shoes left which always sell from $ti to $8 a pair, we will close out at $3.95. Baby's shoes 25c. a pair. Boys' and girl's school shoes, heel and spring heel, 75c, 95c. $1.15; this is another one of our bargains we do not have every day. An old ladies' congress shoe $1,25. Old ladies' slipper, hand sewed and turned, 95c, worth $1.50. We have a few oxfords left with cloth tops number 2$, 3 and Z to close out at $1 a pair, regular price $2.50. re also have among this lot a line of girls tanned leather shoes we will sell at 69c. a pair, best wearing shoe ever made. THE BOSTON STORE. V iitchmaker & Jeweler. All Work Done on the Prem ises and Warranted for Twelve Months. Satisfaction Guaranteed, Fjee of Charge. Block, Oregon City, Oregon. Supplies, Etc., Etc. CATALOGUE. Portland, Oregon. - - Proprietor. mm ww