Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 14, 1892, Image 2

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Tinmirii and Important Impi-or"
niriils tiolnir on hi Highlaml.
Othrr Sfws.
Hhsiii ash, (.X-t. 11. We have bail ami
are slill haviiu at present writing copi-i
ons rsns siithciont to soften the ground
sotlio Highlander a cam prelaw tticir
gioiiiid (or fall (train. ...
iigniatiit oeyomi a aouoi is rooming 1
ml seemingly in a nourishing condition, j
New families twin the r.ast keep con
tinually coming, Attracted by on genial
climate, and new dwelling houses and
other buildings necessary on farms are
being erected.
Mr. Sclnewe sr. has bought the old
lleckart place and la overhauling and
neatly improving the old sawmill, put
ting in a new wheel etc. l'eter Schiewe,
ii:s son, recently from IVkola, has
uougin it acres lor i.iv lurmeriy
owned by Hemy Mason. j
Paniel Wasner.reeently from Statronl, ;
Mn-in Isw ot Mr. K-hiewe, has bought!
the old Livingstone plact consisting of
1I0 acres tor fc'lW, has torn down the
old house and is erecting something in i
Its siead moie neat and substantial
The dimensions of the house under con
atiuctioii are '.VxlS feet with kitchen
16x18 feet.
Another new man by the name of
Ackernian has lx)iight a 4lt-acre trad
and will occupy and improve it in the
near future
Our old friend and neighbor Chas
Moran has sold his line SM-acre farm to
I". Kleiiisniith for f i'.VO.
The new families are mostly all
Germans and know how to farm and
how to produce laige yields from a small
number of acres. They know also how
to dispseof the primeval forest of Ore
gon. A nupital knot was tied Mween
t barley Martin, son of J. Martin, our ,
sawmill man. and Maggie Linn, at the j
residence of Thomas Jones ot Highland, j
The rartictpanta in the charivari were
teatedtothe contents of a rifle. Mr. j
Jones hred at them twice, once through :
the close window, without any
serious :
results however. ,
S. Hutchinson has returned from his
visit to his wile' brother and is a bona-
tide Highlander again. Cokbksi-jnpi;st. ;
lnjnrles Caused bj Two IVs iieneral Notes
of the Neighborhood.
, . r '
C RRtssv.u.E. Oct ..- Farmer, are
Uuling off their g-a.n and some are
plowing .ml other digging pu U t-. ,
V . I u u, rv ami laiiiuj of iiiriMii
are visiting h.g parents and his brother,
who is soon to go hast ol the moun
tains to live.
Misa Lottie Tracy is convalescing.
She has been quite ill for two weeks
P?', !
Ueoige Palinateer got thrown trom Ins
horse and dislocated his shoulder.
has had quite a bad run of luck. He
was sick for a year and was just able t J
ride. He is staying at his uncle's, Dr.
Palmateer's, until his shoulder is lietter.
Wilier broti.ers have moved the re
mains of their mill uu on their home
stead in i he mountains
Worthless hounds came near causing
the death of little Minnie Pahnaleer ,
on Wednesday of this week. Her cousin
Pearl, came over to gel Minnie to stay
all night with her. A neighbor's dog
followed Pearl and the two hounds
pitched on to tigbt and Minnie and her
older sister ran to part the dogs. The
older sister took a stone large as ones
hand and threw at tde dogs but missed
tde dogs and struck her sister over the Clarkss News,
ear knocking her dawn and cutting; Clabkes. Oct. 10 The farmers would
quite a gash and injuring her brain. ' like to have a little more rain so they
Minnie has lain in a stupor most of the can J0 their fall plowing although some
time since. Dr. C. B. Smith was called . are plowing now.
and pronounced it quite a serious case. ) m jg Annie Young of Milwaukee com
This makes the second time the same ! menced her second term of school here
hounds have caused Minnie to get badly the 4th of this month with 30 scholars,
hurt. A year ago she was cutting Mr. Yarwood is hauling lumber to
kindling with a drawing knife when they build an addition to his house. Mr.
jumped on her knocking her on the knife Botlemiller and family will occupy the
in such a way as to cut quite a gash in new portion of the building as he has
her forehead. A few weeks past the rented Mr. Yarwood's farm for Iwo pears,
mother of Minnie went for a walk, and j fred Lindas has rented Jacob Klmer's
tiring, sat down to rest with her bala; in place
her arms, when those same hounds got Mr.' Jewell is improving the looks of
to fighting and sprang on the mother : bis farm by erecting a new doard fence,
and child and came near hurting tdera ! Lucine Stout is hauling lumber to
both. Yet the keeerof the hounds tries : build a new resilience,
to blame the innocent for the accidents. ! ii-g Katie (ilick and her brother Sol-
Garret Palmateer and wife will occupy j
the house formerly occupied by Marion
Young and family.
Mrs. Mansan's many friends dislike to
give her up to go East to Ij ye.
Doll Wilcox is moving into his own
bouse formerly owned by Charlie Linn.
We all rejoice in hopes of a new
bridge across the Clackamas river near
this place.
Mrs. Umilhang of Koseburg has been
visiting her father and sister near Cur-1
rinsville having not
teen years.
seen them for four-
Notes From Currinaville.
Cukrinsvii.le, 0?t. 12. Our school
now numbers forty-seven pupils,
G. J. Currin's house rejoices in a
fresh coat of paint.
Win. Cams and Kim Ileiple are to go
to Portland soon to attend school.
Mrs. Mason leaves for K ansae this
week. The place on which she is living
has been rented by a family by the name
of Hamilton.
L. Hall ar.d family have taken a trip
up the valley.
Potato Yield New School Furniture
Personal Notes.
Mink, Oct. 9. Farmers
their potatoes The yield
are digging
is !rom tilt y
to a hundred bushels per acre
Hchool district No. 80 voted a two and
a half mill tax to furnish one room with
patent seats.
Mr. and Mrs. W.Hill are visiting at
Forest Grove.
Burton Cummings has returned from
thePalouse country. There's no place
like home.
C. Fisher and Emil Gunther have
finished painting their new houses.
J he political speaking at Jieaver creek
laHt Thursday evening failed to draw
much of a crowd.
Kobert Gunther shot a coyote about a
hundred yards from the house while it
was helping itself to some chickens.
C. Moednke is out again with his
pump wagon and is ready to furnish
pumps to all who are tired of drawing
water with a bucket. Monk.
What th lVopl of that locality r IHiliif
lintastrlal suit Oihfr luro.
Ti'aiit.vn, Oct. 10. Mr. Tilton in just
completing handsome residence on hi
(arm nor Tualitan,
J. K. C. Thomson, our gonial mer
chant is doing as good husine-sa in his
line as anv inorceant on tho narrow
" rho Oswego Iron company's little
st.v.nihost finds idcntv of woik towiiur
tord wood down the l'militatl river to
the old canal whew it is taken through
j to the lake ami thence to Oswego. The
eompanv claims this to ho a much
expensive wav of handling wood than
' Krank M. Kruse of Wilsonville spent
last Siimlav with his oM friends Mr.
ami Mrs. Calhreath.
Mr. C. liraham of Newherg and Miss
Allie Franklin of Portland, mother and
cousin of Mrs, J. McK. Calhrvath paid
l... .... i
ncr a o'li m;s (,
A. 0. Brown of Tnahiliii has a field of
1 the largest onions over grown in this
J. C, Smock and wife of Sherwo.nl ;
,vert ; ,lt ,m.,,,i,,, 0ned.tv th.s week,
Mrs. Laikins Hall was tlie surprised '
recipient of a Land-on, e eav chair a!
few davs ag.v the gift of her son. j
Oliver lialhreath. mate on the govern
ment anaghoat t'orvallis, spent Inst Sab-!
bath with his familv near here.
Milton Smith and family of Portland
spent a few days with Mis. Maria Sweek
tlii week.
I nolo William Oreonwood attended
the fair at NeWrg last week and con
sidering the inclemency of the weather
said the fair was not so bail as it might
have been. . Smilax.
Central Point and Heaver t rerk.
Central 1'oisr, Oct. 11. We welcome
the rain again, l'lowing will be vigor
ously pushed now in this locality to gel
the tail wheat sown before it gets loo
late and too wet.
Mrs. Manila Htnton U tvavimp her
mot,er. Mrs. renman, a visit this week,
inn.an j, greatlv pleanl w ith the
,ide 0f Grandma, added to her name.
Frank Honour .f HilUl..tnieani over
o.-k. looking after his farm here.
u. C Hnrlev w bo ha.l the nlai nnted
moving n?ar Portland on a ten-acre
nh.ee and will raise vegetables. Mr.
Oglesby, a stranger in these parts, will
run t(1P iMuhtv pl.ue next year aloi g
n-,iti the Campbell and Smith' places.
T,,e LUni- f h(X'1 .aistlrU't l"il"
a new school house in the same place
as the old one ; sue ::4x;!t feet.
K. t . Maddiick has not a new electric
' battery w hich he is using for the rheii-
matlsm, and thinks it will help him.
,v Kngle has just added a new coat
f ; , ; reKlemr wuuh limk lt
k t-
Items from Highland.
hic.Ml.AXD, Oct. 8 The farmers are
all wailing for the " heautilul rain" so
thev can put in their fall grain. The re
cent rain did verv much gotxl but did not
make the grounJ wet enough to plow.
a nuinla-r of our citiiena have irone to
the Portland exnosition. Several have ' .
returned and pronounce it better this
year than ever before Mr. and Mrs. F.
I Welch have been visiting friends and
! relatives in Oregon City and Portland.
Xewt. Farr of Oregon City spnt Sun
j dav with James Parrish and family.
Aha Stormer of Snrinuaratpr ta the
gatt of his nephew. .Amos Harrington,
rhaa Kntherfnrrl nf this nlm ia
teaching '.he Beaver Creek school. We I
wish him S'.iccess.
The Highland school is progressing!
nicely under the management, of thu
Misses Maytield.
Mr. and Mrs Taylor of Mountain Home
spent Monday in Highland.
oman anj Hurry Uard went to the Butte-
ville fair and returned Saturday.
Mountain View Itrnu.
Mouxtaix Vikw, Oct. 10. There are
two new houses under construction here,
Mr. Frost's and Mr ISullard's.
Geo. C. Fly has built a hall over his
store and rented it to the farmer's
alliance for six months. The bovs hired
!l for a dd"e two weeks ago and have
it engaged for one next Friday night
Our mail carrier Thomas Pierce, has
bought the red house from Geo. V. Kly
ami moved into it.
They have the lumber along Second
street for a new sidewalk so you see the
place is meving right along.
We will have a motor line up here
some day not far distant.
Church Indication at Kedland.
Reiiland, Oct. 10 Much interest was
taken yesterday by a large number of
people in the dedication ceremonies of
the Bethel Presbyteiiun church at this
place. The sermon was preached by the
Kev. T. Boyd of Portland. The church
was filled to its utmost capacity. After
service a statement was made by Mr.
Armstrong of the financial part of the
business. The church was declared free
from debt and handed over to the trus
tees. In thelafternoon Mr. Boyd preached
a most excellent sermon on the work of
the Christian Endeavor society. A large
number of people were present from Ore
gon City, Logan, Hpriugwater, Highland
I and Beaver Creek. Mark Tai-lev.
From Central Point.
Central Point, Oct. 10. Potato dig
ging is the order of the day, with only
half a crop but of a very good quality.
Early sown wheat in coming up msely
and looks well.
Mrs. Charles Hinton has a bouncing
baby boy weighing 10.' pounds.
There will be a hook and eye sociable
at the Central Point church Thursday
evening, Oct. 20, at 7:.'I0 Every
body is cordially invited to come and
have a good time.
Koine malicious scoundrel shot one of
Mr. Geo. Kauch's horses. Such a fellow
ought to stretch hemp.
mark it report.
Below Is given tint Oregon ("ily Market
Report, corroded tvt 1.1 IVim quotations
ftirnishcvl th Kntkhi'his by local mer
chants: OKMN,
Wheat, vullev, per bushel f us
t hits, per hushel 41 1
Oregon t'ltjf Mills, Portland hrand. . . S SA
Country braiul 3 ,x,i
i Short, per ton lrt!
! Itrsn
! clover hav, haled
ll! (HI
10 00 (
i Timottiv Itnv
haled 1'.' !
! 1 ,,",,,,', m "w
Apples, green, iwr ho
j Apples, dried, per lb..,,
i Itiitler, er lb
i Kiyn, per dot
i w ,
... ,V(,MI.
'JO '
1 llonev. ixt ll.
! 1'rHiics, dried
. ... -',
..... iv(
.i (KH.f.' M
10 :
Heel', live, er lb
Beef, i!tt"e.l
Minion, ie, per head
Pork, live per III .
Pork, dressed, per lb .
Veal, live, vr ll
Veal, dressed, per lb. . .
Hams, er lb
("tanV.rvl i NtMi. j
SrAKKoKO.Oct 11 The morning are :
foggv and damp but the tlaystiiin oil'
bright and warm '
The Ual.y saw mill laid idle the mosl 1
of last week, the sawyer lxing sick.
Some fall plowing has been ilone hut
it is a poor vpialiiv of work, the ground
being too dry.
Fred Neihauer'a new house stands out
i,iiitt) prominent. He niovevl into it last
Clover threading is over and Ide crop
was an excellent one.
The Frog 1'ond literary society meets
next Sunday at '.' p. in." There will I
! paerevliied by Miss F.lla Turner
w ho
: la 0.mte a liteiaiy genius
! Mrs. Henry tiage, of eastern Oregon.
is making her friends ami relatives a
; visit.
! .lake Schati is digging a large cellar
j under his house.
I Zack Flhgson has cut down and made
into stove wood the trees near the school
; house
' John Schiewe has put rustic on his
I John IVi eui will sow a mixture u(
grasses this fall He exw! to raise an
excellent crop.
Mr. Moaer has sown some w heat this
fall. Wk Cns
Sunnysl.l I trill..
SrxxvsiiiK, Oct. 12 Nellie, infant I
daughter of Mrs. K Hunter, died Sept. .
Miss Ida Clift has gone to Portland to i
spend the w inter with a sister. '
the la'ople of Siinnyside are talking ol
improving the graveyard grounds.
The farmers are all busy putting
their crops.
Sunnjuldf Holt of Honor.
Srssvsu, Oct. 2 School at this
place has been in session four weeks.
There are fortv-eight pupils enrolled.
Those pupils who have been neither ab
sent nor tardy during the month begin
ning Septemlier 5th and emhug Sep
tember 30th are: Annie Christian, Katie
Christian. I.ouia Christian. Knaler ( 'hnw-
tian. kos Hurr. linirm Hnrr. Vi.-lor
Hubbard. Crvsie Buck and Ida Ott.
I'.hktiia M. Si'msxh, Teacher
Coi.E. In Oregon City, at the residence '
of his son, Wallace Cole, t H-lotier 10, j
1S02. of typhoid malaria, M H. Cole,
aged ")") years. 11 months and 14 days
lleceased hail been a resident of Ore
gon City a numlttr of years during which
time he was employed as watchman at
the woolen mill. He was a Mason and
the funeral Wednesday aftermstn was
under the auspices of that order, Kev.
G. Wm Gi honey ol the Presbyterian
church officiating'
Kev. May C. Jones of Spokane, assisted
by her daughter, is holding revival
services at the Baptist church this week.
The work began last Friday and no date
is set for its conclusion.
Can't Cook as
How many a young wife's heart has been saddened
by hearing the above remark ! And yet how often the
words are true; especially when cake, pastry or biscuit are
in question ! The reason is plain, yet it is "like telling a
Our mothers used and are using Dr. Price's Cream
Baking Powder. They cannot be misled into using any
of the ammonia or alum powders. No dyspepsia no sallow
complexions, when mother did the cooking.
The first symptoms of ammonia poisoning, says a
New York paper, which appear among those who work In
ammonia factories, is a discoloration of the nose and fore
head. This gradually extends over the face until the com
plexion has a stained, blotched and unsightly appearance
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is the only pure
cream of tartar powder that contains the whites of eggs.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is re
ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia,
Alum, or any other adulterant. In fact the
purity of this ideal powder has never been ques
tioned, .
Is booming and
Their cash system gives thorn tho
lead, for thoir prices cannot bo
duplicated in tho Stato,
5 gallons best Pearl Oil, - 0.65
21b Arbucklo's Coffoo, - 80.45
Extra C Sugar, per 100 lbs, $5.40
Gran. " " " " $6.15
All other goods sold at propor
tionally low prices. A trial will
convince you.
1 I
' i
Orescent Wotlgos (warrantftl.) It it S Proof ('h.iiis. Arcvlo Files. Hope. Orescent Mel
Loggers and Wood Choppers Specialties.
I Oregon City Agent, ......
lliicklen'a Arnl.-a Salre.
The Beat Salve in the world for Cuts,
truism, Sores, I'lcera, Salt Kheum.
Fever Sores, Teller, Chapa'd Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin F.rtip
lions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pav required. It ia guaranteed to give I
iierfeet satisfaction, or money refunded,
'rice 25 cents per box. For sale by ti
A. Harding.
All persons finding themselves In
debted to us will please call and settle
their accounts as s.ain as possible or else
the accounts w ill be turned over to our
attorney lor collection.
Mavkk a Ackkkxas.
Wanted To Kxrliange.
Improved property in Clackamas
nvtar stores, church, schools and station,
for improved farm property. Value
fclotMJ. T. AND F T. Slil'TK,
Clackamas Oregon, tt-tf
If you want
ply to C. O. T.
to buy lota in Bolton ap
Williams, agent. .
on wsal
borrow money
W illlHIIK.
to . O. '
Representative Joel P Geer of Butte
ville has a scholarship in the state agri
culliiial college at Corvallis to giveaway,
Tho applicant must he above the age
of lti years. The lirst one who applies
to him will get the scholarship.
Mother Did!
1M Frunl Strwt. HARDWARE !NlUinl, Oivmin.
NnrUiwtiitfru Agfitu for
-tLmou.l. tjiur (ipcldeiil Tutllvlvanta IVHi-r Italic HlUar Smell K.w.
This old and reliable Rim always keep in stock full line of
Heayy, 111 al Mannfactflrefl
Hardware, Tiiiw, etc.
Plumbing, Gas Fitting & Jobbing
Attended to Promptly. Es
timates Furnished.
Second Hand Household Goods
(If all kimls, Bought ami Sol. I.
Next door to Commercial Dank.
winksut & scmi'Tiriti:,
Largeat stock of Collins ami CaHkels kept Houth of Portland. Also cloth covered
and Metallic Caskets furnished to order. I.ndins Burial Hohes and
Omits' Burial Bohes In stock.
AIho Wagon and Carriage Making, Hoi-ho Shooing and Gen
eral IHacksmithmg on abort notice
8m that tho words " J0IIN BTETOMAlf, Chnm,
1st, Walworth, Surrey, " aro ongravnil on ttio
Oovi.rnmont Htamp afllxod to such patkot.
M-Uold bjr all Leading Druggists.
so is tho trado of
s. y, sciiirruiix.
Livery, Food and Sale Stable
Doublo nml Singlo Rigs, ami Bittl
dle liorHUH iilwaj'H on luinil at the
lowont jiriocH. A oorrall connected
with tlio bam for Iooho stock.
Information rngarding any kind of
stock prompt ly attmulud to hy person or
I ott or.
Horsos Bought and Sold.