Oregon City Enterprise. VOL2C. NO. 50. ORWJON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOHKU 14, 1892. ESTABLISHED 18CC. yr CAHKV JOHNSON, l.AWVKH. I'unier Klhl tint Main !lreu, Orimi t'lly, OruNull, ItlCAI. KHTATK TOHKI.L AMI MONKY TO 1.1'AN. t. . rih rrhrriiciih. T. r. cowimu, UOCKKNIIIIOI'UII A COWINO, ATToKNKVH AT LAW. All Came halnr I', Land lmr niwulnllir. oflle. riHMin 14 mi( li, II laud utile liull.tliiK, OHKOON t'lTV. Orcm. U I'OUTKIt, ATl'iillSKV AT LAW nm. t ir r-Rni-RRtv rt hni.ii n. Odin two ilimr abnv Hwinflli, (m-nnii City. , T, wll I.IAM. KF.AI. l'.STATK AM lNSlUANCF.. IVnirulili' Hiilno Properly and Sub urban llotno in Oregon (ily. Farm Proforiy In trail, to .ult mi term.. rurrriiH.iiilrnrp itn.m ptl y .n.aertnt. ortli'o, IKt ii. tu latillrlil A IlilllIU') 'Inn llm. II, PYK. ATTOKSF.Y ANP eot NNi:i.OU AT LAW Ofncmr tirrtft.it city luuk, eacno it. orriwr yi.O II SMITH, PHYSICIAN AND sntCKON, l'.aglo Creek, - Oregon. ( 1 PA PC I.ATnl'llKTIfc, ATTOKSI-'.YS ANU 1'orNSKI.OltK AT LAW MAIM tlltt:r, OIIKtlllN CITV, OMKIION. Purnlh AlntraiMi i.l tula. Money. Kure M'trwKe, .nil lru.ct onnrral "J It. CIUIHU. ATTiiUNKY AT LAW. Will. I'mi ni m AM. Hurt, or Tin Utah Heal Kital anil Inniniiif. OBIr. on Mta Sirwt. 11. Slth tn1 Seventh, otlikl I IT Y . nil 1,1 M.KANP. i NOTAKY PUBLIC, HKAI. KSTATK A INrl'HANCK. Office 111 tr. i irtltw HiilMttif . 0''n City. nii'nii. (i W. 1 1 sit K, M. P.. t. I'HYMi'IAN AND Sl'IHiKi'S. Uir ul 1'iirllsii'l.) Ottle Willi Pr M dleny. Aurora. Ore"ii y a iiritsT, HKAI. KSTATK I.NSl'HANCK AliKNT. NOTAKY l't'tUC & COI.LKCTOH. At'KOKA. OMKllON. Mouvv Uianwl ou A Himvul Heoinlly. rpnoH. r. kyan, KKAl. ESTATE ANI INKl'RANI K. Chtilo. ( Ily. r.rra nit Hiihnrlmii property for ul. City sprltit, miinly warrant! ami wi'iirl tli! of ill klml! l.ounlil ami aolil Taieipslil ami liuilnrM ol ernry lUacrli'tlou atteuili-tl to lor imn-rr.lilonla Ofllwi ill' alnlrw In bnllillin norlb ol iMiitotnit IK IIAYKS, ATTOKXKY AT LAW, Orruon Citv, Oaaoo. Will pr.dlrs In all the court! ol the lists. Omen, corner Mala ami KIkIiOi "irreu. opiawlt court tiouia ORO, C. BII.UVNKI.I.. A. I liRRWRR MtOWNHI.I. A PIIKUHKU ATTOKNKYS AT LAW, OKRON CITV, OBKUON. Will priii'tles In sll llioooiirli ot the lisle 01 flee, nt'il ilir to Cauttolil A lluiillcy'i ilrug Rtoro. rilllK COMMKUCIAL HANK, Of OltEtlON CITY. Capital, .... IIOO.IHK) TRANSACTS A (IKNKIIAI. AN Kl NO RIWNRSS. Loans mails. Hills illieounteil. Milken col leetloni. Iliiyisml lelli iiii'lianiie mi all point In Hie Ciilli'il Siilea, K.uriis anil llouii Knnir. lleiiiiilti riicol I lilhji'et. to check lulereHl at liiual rutt'i alloweil on time ili'poilti. Hunk open from V A. a, to 4 1'. M. Halurilay evmilnui from 6 to 7 I', a. II C. l.ATOHUK'1'TK, Promileiit. K K lKiNAI.ImON, Csslilor lANK OF OIIKOCN CITY, Oldest Banking Hanse la Ihe City. Paid up Capital, triO.OOO. rtlKHIDKNT, VII It rKKSIORNT, CASIIIKIt. MANAUKII. THUS. CIIARMAN. OKO. A. II A Itl'l Nil. K. 0 CAIirlRI.U C1IARI.KS II. CAUriKI.I), A noimral banking buslnes trsninoteil. Pvpoilts rm't'lvtsil subjeei to olisok. Approved bills ami notes illNOounlod, Count) Riul city warranli boii()it. Iians mills on available) loourlty. KxeliaiiK bouirlit ami mill. Colleotlom msiUi promptly. , , Iiralti mill avallaiilc In any part ol the world. Teleitrsphlo exchanges sold on Portland, Ban Francisco, Ohlcaiio and New York, IiilereUt palj on time deposits. Hub Aymts ol TDK LONDON CHEQUE BANK. IC. E. WILLIAMS, W H O L E S A L E FANCY GROCERIES, FRUIT & VEGETABLES, RED SEAL FLOUR, PORTLAND FLOUR, HOWARD FLOUR, Hay, Oats and Mill Feed. A Solicitor Sent to Your House Every Morning if Desired. GOODS DKLlVEIiEl) PKOMI'TLY. THE GROCER. ML & ARE STILL IN TWICE FULL MEASURE AND PorllaiKl, Otraua. A. P. K.Uhll.hr.l In IRM. A llri, irrUral wb., D(PA.TM(NTt u.ln.a., rtonNand, liwn all Hi. yr.r , nn vrll..n, mi li-rm tH-itlnoliii;.. MEDeliTerBilto allParts oftlie Cit? 0 THE Oregon City Sash and Door Co. I'arry the Lnrgent Stmk of Sash, I Mors, lUinds, Mouldings, Etc. In Orison City. SjKrinl i.t" of Itxir ami Window Estimates for Stair Work and Storo Fronts Kurnislicd on npiilicnlioii. UuildcrK, is not of tin; best, and our jtrioe an on ii'tli('ntion. F.ictory, Cor. Main and -A W, STOVES, TIN & HOLLOW WARE. All Kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Work Promptly1 Done. PLUMBING AND GENERAL JOBBING TO ORDER. Mhop mn facyrnlli fat., near lco, Oregon VUy. llrunrh at Oaweir. M. HOSF0RD, The CANBY MERCHANT, Solid all goodn at a living price. Flour and kerosene not given away in order to catch your trade and then even up on higher prices on other goods. None But First Class Goods Carried. Prices as low as can bo hud in tho county. Time given to reRponsihlo parties. LUMBER. Orders filled for rough or dressed lumber, all first class, at bed rock lit. prices, retail or cariomt lots. J. JONES & SON, DKAl.KK IN Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cabinet Work, Fitting up Stores riiuiiN ' f TShop comer Fourth and Water Rupture, Asthma and Piles. DR'SSHIMP& HOUSER, Specialists in tho treatment of all forms of Chronic, Catarrhal, Nervous and FomaloDiHoasos. Twenty (20) Years' Experience in Motlicine, Surgery and Electricity. All curable cases "guaranteed. OfTice, 259 Commercial Street, Salorn, Oregon. fHT"Correspondcnce solicited. A N D R E T A I L Ml I THE FIELD. A DAY. PROMPT SERVICE. AaarraoRii, Prlrw-lptl. N f.ToraMy known tbn.ujhoiit th. P.cHc Norlhwe.t Trp.wrltln; P.nmanahlp, f nsll.lw j MuUhum auuiuicd .1 tny lini.. i mmiiiRu. irva. made to order. t : r n !.:.. AU.ll.liK mi niinir jiive u a call, and see if our work low as Uio lowest, 1 rice l.iru ;ni ilth St3.. Oregon City. SCHWA1V, HKAI KK l.N and Repairing of all kinds. Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed. nr. IiOwimt. streets, buck of Fope & Co's, Oregon City HIUSOJI UESIGaNEI). Dock Not Want to Itciiinin In the Diplomatic Service. MAIlKAUUOIt KKCOKD II Tl likKV. Democrat lime had Kiiongh of Peck'i HUitlntiro Weavet in the Month. Wariiiniitow, Oct. 10. Solomon llinu li, of Portland, Or., mini (or three vear pawl United State minister to Turkey, tendered hi resignation today. It in expected that it Will IK) accepted tomorrow. The appointment of Mr. llirsch wa one ol llie most important made from tli tal ol Oregon, ami liiit friend at home will be ill'' to know hi record and work done ha lieen i moRt Mii.lw.-UH7 to the premdent ami j Rtale department. Mr lhrwh la in the city, and tendered hi reML'uution in nernon. after a i-onfi-reiice with the urea- i.l...,, !.. i.;..i. l. i. ...i l..:. l l...r,.. il.,. ! executive Ins private reanonR why he no longer w miied to continue in theuiplo- mm lc aei vice, for unavoidable reason, Mr Hiri-cli'R fiuiiily could not live ill i I'nnRtaiililmple, and be no lotiijer w inbed to be ai'UurHted from them, eieela!lv at Riich diHtance. When he wafl in WaahiiiK'nn a year a'o he iutimati'd to the prcnidenl then hi desire to retire at an early day, but at theexpref wihIi of the preeidciit he remained on tint i I certain iiUNiiieiR iiiiillern be had in hand hail hceu completed. Mr. Ilirach w ill leave lor Tortlaiid in alwut a week. ! loniliiii ne ir a guexi 01 wieiary i : Mate hunter at a dinner given in honor J ol 1'atrick K:an. Waat Ho More of Feck'i BeporU Ai.HASV.t X, '., Oi-t. 10. Sei retary tjuincy, ol the democratic national com mittee wrote to Comin'tiRioner 1'ei k to day ordering the lalter to diK-ontinue (in nifhing the committee with irariM-riplR of hi forthcoming report, r "tianacf iptu already furninhed contuin all the inform ation needed in icgord to the RtatiKtu-al inelliiKlH emtilnved bv Tin-k. arid I be mmi(.r n .nj,.,', they 'have laen ued " p,,,., Himaercl bv takinic exception to ihe inliniation in the letter '.hat the method emplovel were other than reif j ular and ini oiiwBteiit with thone purNiied I by other Rtatiatical huieaua in the coun ! try. He ava, however, that inaainuch as the committee i ex a-ted to pav him Ieg.il rate lor transenpta furnished, he shall, of course, oliev order and cea.se ! furnishing them, although he could "sup ply the committee with any amount of ' additional tables, e.ually a interestinu a those already delivered." Ti OoT.ran.nt t8bly. j I'ahi. Out., 0. The situation in I France is cloudy. It is probable that I the ininislrv mav lie overthrow n alaiut 1 20t Ii inst. Die cause ol the dilln ulty a its iHisition in the Carmaux strike trouble, both workmen and employer . liHVina eoual reason to comnlain. i5u! UlB ulnstry may also le overthrown I because of the treaty of commerce. The j inn ut-piiiii-R ure enrnc'i aim uic nj i tectinnist reject the Ireaty . The politi cal interest of trance demand this Ircalv, hut the ministry- piefeis to fall ... .i' : ..i .i on o.e v .. ... ii.ui. ...er utKin a (inesiion of foreign policy. There i a menace Just as great in the Panama canal icandal, in which politicians, journalists and deputies are said to be gravely involved The rumor of an interview between Ihe three emperors is absolutely false. There is no change in Fratice-knssMaii politic. The ex pedition lo Hahoiney will, it eem, have accomplished it end next week. The success of France is beyond doubt. The excitement caused by the discovery that the lierman have iVen tending muniti ons of war to Abomev is great. Optlt ia Idaho. Hoisk, Idaho, Oct. 9 Tho opal fields on Snake river, near Caldwell, a town alsjiit .10 miles from lioise, are causing considerable excitement among mining men. fcverv day persons are leaving this c'ty to locale claims, and some have alreadv Bold undeveloped locations at good figure. The Hothschild, New York gem experts, have written today that the specimens forwarded lo them aie high-grade lire and milky opals. systematic mode of mining the gem ha vet been followed. The tire opal are ioiind at intervals in a well-defined ledge of dark blue granulated rock, hav ing a saline capping. The ledge is ap parently about Ii0 feet wide, and has Iweii traced from Squaw creek to a point in the hills opposite Hot Springs, a dis tance of three miles. The milk opals are found in yellow granulated sandstone. Several tine cpals have been found in these ledges, but they have been dis troyed in the attempt to remove them. The Boundary Changed. San Antonio, Tex., Oct 9. A. P. Carroll, a merchant of Frontera, Mexico, which town is supposed to be located on the line between Mexico and the I'nlted States, arrived today. He slates that the international boundary survey is com pletn for some distance past that place and that the old boundary line has been greatly changed. The custom-house at rrontera has been found to ho nearly four miles south of the line. Several rich mining properties which foi the past several years have been worked under United States mining laws, are in Mex ico, under the new survey, and their owners are much exercised, as it means a heavy loss lo them, owing to duties on ore w hich is smelted in the United States. They W111FomT II e ron, S. ) . Oct. 8 The demo cratic state committee today formally decided to fuse with the people's party. It wrs left with each candidate to decide w hether he will withdraw. It is stated that each candidate is now Irv ing to got his special opponent on the other ticket to drop out. Bow Chinamen r Brought Aorosi tho Line. Buklinoton, Vt., Oct. 8. Twoheav- ily veiled pernon dollied in women' linil) were driven aero the line Irorn Canada yesterday by Carlan Worth, and to all ap(ea-arice they were respect able country folk traveling from one town to anoiher. Ileputy Hlieriff 1'orter, of CalHonia county, did not like the look of the ri(. J lie women nut too Htillly, and tliere wa loo little cominun iention between Idem, m he overhauled the turnout, and aiked the driver who he wa and who hi pawtenxer were, lie Raid I.e knew nothing about bia pttBRerixera, exrept that tbey were French women that he had been hired to carry to Kt. JohnBbury iJeputy Hherilf 1'orter wa huntiriK for the ('liinexe underground lailroail, which baa evidently been in active operation of late, and be needed no further evi dence that the rig-lit clue bad been Mtrui k at lant. With a rpiick movement he jerked the veils from the face of the upixmed women, and two badly friht- enel Chinamen were unveiled. They jabtiered in their unintelligible laiiifiiaue .:,i .i , COLLIDED IH A POO. the three ; The Bttao.i.r Frrmter Struck by the Collier Willamette and Wrecked. Skat-m.. Wah.. Oct. H. The Canad- !,. .riHp NuviiratioR conitianv'aateanier f remier waa Rlruck by t uteam collier Willamette in a dene fog, off Whidhv inland, aliout 10 mile thiB aide of i'ort Townend, alwut 'I o'clock this after noon. Four were killed, one drowned, and aeventeen badly wounded. The Rteam tug lioliah arrived here at 1L':;KI with three 01 the dead, all ol the wmided and other piifi-enuem, after having Rient aeveral hours in an attempt t0 aave from the wreck the rxxlv ol an unknown paaeni?er wedged in there. Tacoma, Wash , (XI 9 Captain ISurghman, the pilot of the wrecked i nteainer 1'n'mier, ay he never caw euch coolnea bh that displayed by the pa ( aengers on the I'reimer when the col j liHitui occurred. He raid he heard the ' Willamette' whintlen, but could not j loi-ale them, and did not see the vearu-l I until ahe wa a cable length ahead i 'l he engine were reveraeil. but la-fore the ei-cel coti Id get s'ern way the collier I her. Captain I'.m i.'linin ; ! i-rach. d K to her. Cap! I would make no statement tegarding the I ac ident, awaiting the imvectigatinn ol 'the marine board. He think Ihe Wil ! Iam..tl0 li'ill h hmllv ii.iiireil. Aftr For Years of Drouth. j Paji Antonio, Texas, Oct. 8. The i lower Iiio tirande border counties Texas, w . iich for four years suffeied from ' thewoist droulh ever known, are ww;nlloIltT t0' make such purchases or Hooile,! with wuter. almost nuessant i rains having fallen in 'he stricken coun-1 trv during the p.ist three week. The branches of the Kio tirande river are still on the rampage, and causing mueh damage. Ihe grass has gprnng up ihrtiughent the whole section, and cattle are fattening rapiilly. Iianchmen are again stocking their ranches, and are iuhilant over the nrosnecta I - STATE SKH'S. A new daily paer has been started in Astora. It is called the Budget and is democratic in politics. Henry liraves of Sheridan, recently sold 500 pounds of old copKr to a Port land linn it was at one tune a nait ol , , j h t Btrameii on the aauds of i ,.. v! . the Nestucca beach. The contract has been let for the erec tion of a two-story hotel at Big Creek near the city of New port, to be finished in the latest style, having all the moder ate conveniences. It will be finished and furnielied to accomuioda'.e guest early the coining season . Farmers of Eagle Valley, Union county were harvesting their third crop of alfalfa last week. Tbey are prepared to feed an endless amount of stock, and expect to see cattle, horses and sheep driven in from the snrounding ranges by the thousands during the winter. John V. Crawford, United States Indian agent, is in l'endleton making arrangement to notify all people resid- I ;n on he : I, .:il . .l.n f maillia reservation iiini tbev must leave the reservation as soon as their crops are harvested, as no lands will be allowed to be rented for next J year. John Sellert and w ife, of Peer island, left a couple of week ago for a two months' visit in Iowa. Mr. Heffert came to Oregon some 25 years ago, without any means to speak of, but with excel lent health and energy. He and his family have worked and saved until thev how poses 1,000 acres of the finest land in Columbia county. John and William Palmer have been digging on their farm, south of Payton, Yamhill county, the past ten davs for the remains of mastodons, and been re warded by finding portions of the re mains of several animals of immense size. The place where they have been digging is marshy, and the remains were in a position showing that the annimals were standing in a group at the time of their death,, and appearently sunk in the mire and were unable to extricate themselves. Messrs. Palmer have al most all the parts of a skeleton of an immense mastodon. One of the back teeth weighs 24 pounds. The Lover's Lament. Your face is like a drooping flower, Sweetheart 1 I see you fading, hour by hour, Sweetheart I Your lonnded outlines waste away, In vain I weep, in vain I pray, What power Death's cruel hand can stay Sweetheart, Sweetheart ! Why, nothing but Pr. Tierce's Fav orite Prescription. It imparts strength to the falling system, cures organic troubles and for debilitated and feeble women generally, is unequaled. It dis pels melancholy and nervousness, and builds up both flesh and strength. Guaranteed to give satisfaction in every case, or money paid lor it retunaeu. C. 0. T. Williams is now prepared to make very favorable rates on good farm loans. COLUMBUS WEEK. The Celebration in Ilrnorof the Great DlHcoverer. IMfLJIDtHO (HAJiliE It FRA5CE. The Mexican Beundary .Halter Opals IllHcovered la Idaho. Other Stm. Xkw York, Oct. 8. The week of cele bration in honor of the 400th anniveriiitry of the discovery of America by Colum bus begin here today. In anticipation of event in connection wi'h it, the city ha ix-en decorated a never before. Along llroadway, from the Battery to Harlem, and on moat of the minor street there is scarcely a break in the atreichc of bun'ing. 1 be service today and to morrow are religious Kxercise wer held in comrneration of the event in all Jewish churches, many of them ver impressive and beautiful. Tomoirow the christian chu'dies will coumiemo rate the event. Monday there will Im a parade ol 40,oTfO school children, public, parochial and private, and Indian boys from the government school. lu the evening 'here aili lie an illumina tion of the Rrooklvn bridne. Tuesday there will be naval parade with war ships from all the great naval power, followed by swift transatlantic liner, mer-.'hanttiien and eteam launches. In the evening there will be a stupendous display of fireworks from Brooklyn bridge. Weilnesdav, Anniversary day. will be inaiigrated with the cannon, followed bv a military and civic parade, in which it is expected 100,000 person will take part Then Columbus monu ment w. II be dedicated. In the evening there w ill be a gorgeous pageant Offered to Bell Colimbm' Body. Washington, Oct. 9 A queer story is told bv one of the w rld's fair com missioner who claims that he learned during a recent visit to the state depart ment that the remain of Christopher !,..!.,. I.... .jr.. ....I ... ,t.o r j , , w.,.nri,y ,or (ujo.rs) ,,. . .. Ti,- ..ff was made by I'resident Heureaux, of, San Domingo. The commissioner sta'ei that although the pmpo-itiun w jh that tiie remains should he taken in securitv for a loan, il is the general belief about the state depaitment mat mis I merely a delicate way of pioo-ing an absolute sale. The p-ojaisiiiou wa reje-ted, a the authorit-es in Washington have do i loan. K.ward for tko Daltsn Ong. Sax FllANrI(1C0 ,.,. 8 Xhe poutn. I p .fi . . . ; .-. . ... , l(.'nl, vesterd to It aa-ent at fcotteyville. Kan., wlieie the Dalton train and batik robts-rs were exterminated, to ascertain w ho was en titled to the ttiOOJ reward offered for the capture of the men, and to pay it over at once, I lie inonev having Vreen j telegiaphed for that urno-e. Kewards were also ottered t'V the panta re, Missouri Paiilic ami Pacific Kxpresa companies, so that the amount on the head of each of the three Daltons was about $'.i-;00. or 127.000 in all. It is said that the funds will be divided by Ihe men who w iped out the Oaltons, and among the widows end relatives of the citizens w ho were killed. Another Somas Famine. Odessa, Oct. 9. There has been no rain in South Russia for four months, and most of the agricultural land hss been baked so hard that attempts to break the fields result in breaking the plows. Winter wheat will be probablv a total failure, and a repetition of the great famine is certain. In the North em governments matter are a little bet ter, the last harvest in the Caucasus amounted to 125,000,000 pood, and should preserve that reaion from trou ble. Halt ol the innKlle-cla88 proprie tors ot Bessaria and Kherson have ap olied for an extension ol credit on mort gage loans Should this not be granted the general ruin of the small agricnlturnl classes would be imminent. Who Will he Ltareatef London, Oct. 12. The question as to who will succeed Tennyson aR poet laureate is argued from all points of dis cuBsion in literary, social and political circles. It is not thought by Swin hourne's friends that he would accept it, and bis early democratic lyrics seem to bar the way. William Morris, the "poet-artisan" is the ablest versifier in the country but he is a rabid socialist, and bo out of the race. This leaves as the real aspirants Lewis Morris, Sir Kdward Arnold, Alfred Austin and Hubert Buchanan. T'.ie first-named i the most likely candidate; for Arnold has a taint ol heresy. Buclisnnan is occasionally erratic in his views, and Alfred Austin is scarcely up to the maik. At f alaski. Ti'liski, Ten., Oct. 8. Weaver spoke this afternoon to a lare crowd on the public square, the address lasting thirty minutes. In summing up the answers to the charges made aniiinst him, Gen eral Weaver said : " As God is my jiuLe 1 never dui in l'ulaska one thing that is charged, except levying money, and I pronounce the charges nnqiulihvd la se nood The w ar is over I come here on a mission of fi-alcrndv. Thev s.dd I dare not cotue. I knew I date come, and I would have come hud the threats been a thousand times stronger." The speaker was wildly cheered. Mrs. Lease then spoke. The originals of the certificates of cures effected by the use of Ayer's Sarsapa rilla are kept on tile at the office of the J. O. Ayer Company, Lowell. Mass. Probablv no similar establishment in the world can exhibit such a mass ol valuable and convincing testimony. Send to the Entehfrisk office for yonr legal blanks. A single one or a hundred, furnished at Portland prices.