Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 07, 1892, Image 7

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Mullen la hereby itlven, tliot Ilia dly
'Onunt'll of Ori'iinn lily irtiiua Id ratnli
llali the Mlnwinil Kfilili'x (urili rlloliiK
atreel In until (illy;
11 lull HI rt.
IIokImiiIiik nt lilt aoulli II mi or Tlilhl alreet
nl m elevation nf .im ii'M, thence Iwiij
acrnaa iiilril atreet, tlienre iiiiriliirly mi nil
HM'IMIlllllK M' ' l llll MUltll line lit I'llllllll
alret't al mi eleviiilun of '.'In fi-t-l, I lionrn
level ncruaa Kinirtli alrcel, tlit'iitii nnrllierly
mi nil am iiiiiIIiik xrnilu In the anulli line nl
I'lllli alicel nl mi tiivalluii of -J J It, them i.
level acrnaa I'lllli alit't'l, limine iiuriliurly
on a ili'uriuiilliiK Khnle to Ilia 11111111 llni) iif
Nmli mini'l nl mi I'linailun nt '.Hi leel,
llietico level acroaa Hltili aired, thence
nuttlit'rly mi it tlfaccniliUK K'l'ltf I' ""'
will ti llimnl Heveiilli ! n i l , nt nn eleviiilun
i( '.HI (eel,
('enler Nlreel.
lti'KlnnliiK nl Hit anulli line iif'Tlilnl at reel
nl mi elevnliou nl '.'"7 I'l l, theme lccl
Mcrtma Thir.l atreet, thence nnrllierly mi nn
tit't'Hltii uraile lit Hiu anulli line nt t'niutli
Miii'l nt mi i'li'viiiiiin nl '.Hi ctl, ihiii
lewl in rnim t-'niirlli alreet, thence iiiiillitrl
on n Heat i'iiiIiiik Krmlu In the auuili Hue nl
I' lllli tiii'l nl nn elevation nf am II,, llieiice
level at' moa I' Ilili atreei limine utirlliiirlv nil
n ileati'iulluK iiraile In Hit aniilli linn i, I Un
til III alreet nt nn clot at Ion nf Jn; h,!, Iheiit't'
Ictel m-miiH Mxili airi-el, Iheiicc nuithcrly
in n iIi-x i'ImIIiik Ktiutit l" Ihe auuili lint tif
Hft khiIi atret I, taltli nn elevation nl a led
till (lit cnil llneiit t'eulor alrret ami un
elfVuttiiii nf '.111 hit nn I In' want lino nl
I'ntlllT atreet, tlielll'e ll'M'l niTnil Hl'VI'lllh
alreet Willi nil li'vnllnn nl 'Jul led nn the
enat line u( (enter aircitl utnl level acrnaa
Nevenlli aired, tkilli nn rli'vatiuu nf '.'tl'l
leel tin weat line of t'enter atreei, thence
northerly In tint anutli linn of KikIiIIi lml
nt mi elevation nl '- H feet, thence level
acrnaa KikIiIIi alreel, thence nnrlherlv nn un
mini. In. Kin. In In I In' anulli lino uf Nlntli
aired nl nn elevnliuii ul Vll leel, thence
levt'l acrnaa Nlntli alreel, thence nurlherlv
tin n tlrx vmlliiK (r.li' to llm miiiiIi linv iif
'truth ntn'tit nl nn ili'vnllmi nt Ml hi't,
llianf It vt'i wrtiw Ttjitlli Irtn'l,
Wntliliigtnn Hlrrfl,
lli'ltlmiiiiK nt Ilic miiiiIi Inn. nl Tlilitl lrm t
nt nil tlivtnii nf IMI llt, lliinic li'i
aiTnan 'I lilnl iirtt, tlmni inirthitrlv nn nn
kikiiiIiiiK em it to Ilic miiiIIi lint nt' I'.iurlh
utri'iit nt nn nllnn nf '.Ml ttirt, thi'iii-v
livil m'rtit Kmirlti iilrtt't, ltiim-r nnrlhrrlv
on mi nx anillnit irnl fir n ilml in. nl 1,17
nt nn rlcntluii n( 'J:J iwt, ihrnrt nn
iliu-'iiiliii)t rnili In tlit itmiili lint nf Killh
ntrtxit nt nn itlftmliill nf 'll Ii-hI Ihimi'ti
lutl w ri Killli nrwt.llie ntti iiiirllinrly un j
ilt'f'ti'lliK Ifrt'lt tn tilt miiiIIi linp nf
Mtlh trtfl nl mi plm nllnn nf JU liKl.llipiuti 1
lrtl ni'mi uili Blm't, tlianre hnrtlitTly i
.n n iliiw iiiiilli.il ;rnile In thr onnlli lli.i' nl j
NevtMilli rnri'el nl nn plpynllnn nl ;'ln tifl nn :
tin pnl lint til Wn'iliiiiitliin nu.l nn rlrfu
Hun n fiwt tin Ida '! line nl W'mli. '
Itittmi, ilii'iicv li'Vt'l nrrnitit hifnlh Mtirt't j
nn Hit tat tnn-nl WnxlilnKlmi utrwl nt nil
t'p ni tun nl '.'In lif( mill U' t'l n. r" Srvmilli
nlrrt! ul nil Hrvntlilll nl '.HI lmt un thr ttt't
tine nl W Mihliitfinii Rirwl, thtnn v iiuriliprlv
nn nn nMt'iiiilii( )frn.tii lo tlin mnitli lint nf
Kiiihlli ititx tm nn elrvnlitut nl '.'I.' hri,
Itirticti IhvpI ni'mxi KikIiIIi ilrtl, tttiwrt '
ImrllitTly nil n ili-M-tnnllnt umili In lilt
nmiili IIiip nf Ninth tiltttrt nt nn viptnliott nf ;
'.'in (iff, iliciict nn n ili'niiilln jtrn-'c n.'mut ,
l ilfhlli mntil nl nil rlrvnlmn nf : Itxt,
thtiiii imrllnrlv nun tr muliiid t'm.lt In ,
tlin wiulh lint t( Tmilli trc(t nl niiclt'Vnllnil 1
nf ."I Iih-I nil lilt t nl llli nl Vt nlllltl'ill i
ntlTcl nml nn itlcvnliou til '.tr.' (tct nil ttic !
wtl lint nl Wnhli.(liMi Mtrit't, Iht'iict lcvtl i
ncrua I riilli alrit't nl nn rlrvntmn nf '.1i '
Irt'l nil llip fllt Hup nf Vnlllhtnu atrpct, j
nn. I IrM'l n'rni" I piilh alrcPlnl nn cli nllnn .
nf JU.' It l un thr pllllinnf WidlllliKlnil
ttrvt, Ihctti-e tmrtliprly ml a (lpwpiuliiif ;
!m.lp (n II. r aniilli III f lllvvt'iitli iln-cl nl ',
nil rlpvnllnn nt I7U ll. Ihpn. p nn n tit.
ntvuiliiiK (irn.lc n rnM I'.IpvpiiIIi atrppl at nil
flpiallnn nt l) ltl, llirn.o li.irll.iTlv nn a .
tlncpiiilliiK ra.l to llip antith linp till
'I wi'lllli airtt'l nt nil plpvntlnn nf I ttl U-rU j
llipiitt It'vt'l n'Tnaa 'I nplllti atrttrt, ttinncp .
tin n ilrueiiiliiiK (tra.lo In tint aniilli hnv ufj
j ti i ikhmi in ainpi ni nn eipvnunn nt i.i ipci.
Jnliti Ailnma Strwi.
llpKinnlnit nl tlit-mnitli linp nf Thir.l aircpl
nt nn pli-vntlnii ul '.V.' Iti'l, llipiitt level
at rnaa Tlilnl alrccl. thpnti ii.tIIi.tIv nn n
(fpncrniltnii Krn'lt In thr aniilli lintml Kmirtli
trvct nt nn plcvnllnu nl :'jn Ipt'l, tlifiipp
IpvpI nimtut Kiiiinh ain-ot, lln'iic imrlliprly
on nn amvinlliiK nm'lt' tn Hip amilli lint nf
hi It ti alrpct nl nn pint ntlnn nf '.'.' It,, lhiiicp I
Ituttl nrmia Ktltli atrnot, tlipnfp nnrtliprly nn I
n ili'KpnilinK xraile 1,1 tho nniuh hnti ul
Hi uli atnt'l nt nn elpvntmn nf i Iti'l,
tlii'iifp li'Vt'l ncnia hillli alrtcl, llipin-p
ntirlliprly un n ilcMN'tuliuif Knlt tn tin
ntiiiili iii'ip u( MpvpiiIIi atrtt'l nl nil cli vnll.m
-nl .'I I ,V Ifi'l ml tho cuil Hup nf John Ailnnn j
at rt'i t mm nn rinvniinn ni ."i j. i ippi on iiip
went IIiip nf Juliii Ailnma alntt, tlicni't
IpvpI nrrnaa Spvpiilh nlrt'l on tin Pint linp
nf Julin Ailnma nlrpct nl nil clpviiliuii ul
'.'U i li't'l, nl-u IpvpI nr ruia Stvtutli tri't'l mi
tlipMiit Inn nf Jnhn A'lu'iia aiiis'i ni nn
'Uvntiun nf '.'l.'.'i li'iil, tlipnrt nnrtliprlv nn
nn iiHri'hilitii! rnilt hi ttit auutli lint nf
I.H'.hih ilrp.'i ni nn t'lt'vntlun nf Jl'l .cl on
tlit'cn-it linn nf Jnhn A'lnuia atntt nml mi
It'vntinn ul" L'H ftft un the ptt lint nf
John A'lmua atrpt't, llii'iit'ti level a'ruia
Ij'IiIIi tlret'l nl nil t'leutliiin ul '.'In feel nn '
Iht'pitnl line ul Jnhn Ailnma nireel nu.l level
nrhiM I'juhlh alfcct nl nn i levntiiin nl J I !
feet un the i"l line nl Jnhn Ailiiiua lreel,
tlienre iiiirllmrly on nn ntt't'inllnif iirii.le lu j
the anntii hnpnl Ninth ilreet nl nn elev tiliuu
nf '.'Jn lepi nn llm unit linp nl Julin Ailnma j
nirepl nml nn elevnllun nf HIM leet tin the
t"t line nf .Inhn Ailnma alrert, Iheme
level ncniaa Nlnlh nt nil plevnllnn nf '.'.11
fpel nn theenit Hun nl' Jnhn A.litiui alrt et
Itnil level niTunrt Nililhalroet nt nn plevnllnn
ul '.'IH leet un the w est linp nf John A'lniiia
wreel, llipinn northerly mi nn nm'einlihtf
Ki'ilile tu Hip smith lint nl Tenlli atrtx't nl nn
elevnll.Hl nf '.".'.' leet, llli'llie till H ileaienil
liilt K nn le ncri"a Ten Ih al reel In nn elevitlinu
-E Great News and no Humbug I r--
nn a n
of m reel nt tin north IIik nf Tenlh alrei.l,
Ihtini iinrilinrly nun ilpaceiiilliiu ifrmln lo
lliPBiintli Him nf KIiivpiiiIi atrpi'l nt mi !
vnllun nf Ihl lent, tlivnt on iIum piiiIIiik
Ifrmln m ruaa Klvvpiilh lrpel to nn I'lpvnllun
nf inn iot nt tin north lln of I'.li'mnlli
aiipet, tlipinii iiurlliprly on iIi;i.ihIiiik
Krnilt lo tho autiih linn of Twelllh alrppl nt
nil i'IpvhIIoii of l.'IM tent, llianeti level neroaa
Tnttlllh atri.pl nl nn pliivnlloii nf MM foci,
Jplleraon Hlrncl,
IIskIiiiiIiik nt I he noiith Hup of Tlilnl
alreet ul nn elevnllun ut Hit lent, tlienre
IpvbI m ruaa Tlilnl alreet, tliein iiurlherly
nil n ilcai't'tnljiiK urmlu In I lie aunth Una nf
Kuiirlli at rent m un clcvuin.ii ul '.'l.in.i'i on
Hit phi line ul Jtilleraiiu atreei, nml nn
plevnllnn of ;i,l'l on llm t linp ul Jeller
auii alreet, llieiiet level ucruaa (''mirth nl nn
elevnllun nf '.'.'Ift ll feet un tin eunt Imp nf
Jellpiauii alrcol anil level hi maa uiillip pl
line nl Jeller.. n aiteel ut nn pleviitlnn of
il'.VH teet, tlipuee iiurlherly un n ilcaceinlliiit
Klilile t.i tin a.. II III llnu ul filth alreet nl nil
elevnthni nf '.'.HI Incl, llicl.ee level in licet
I'lllli alreet nl uuelevnlinii ul '.'in leet, Ihenie
liuilherly un n tlpueiiilliiK Kiuiltt lo tho
aniilli linp ul Piilh l reel nl nu elevnllun u
h i t nil till' flial Hup nf Jellelaun "Irepl
nml nu plcvnllnu uf '.'Jl lept on tin ueat line
ul Jetlerauli atreit, tlient'p level ncmaa
NUlh nil th emit linp uf Jelleraoll III mi
I linHln.Il uf tJlt Ipet un, level Hi rna nil Ilia
el line uf Jpileraoii alreet nl nu elevnllun
ul IT.'I leet. theiict' iiurlherly on mi ncein.
inn Knele l.. ll.e xiutli Unci Sevenlh treet
lu nn plcvnliuu ut 'Wl leet nn the enl lint
ut Jellertuii aircpl nml nn pfpvulluu ul 2X1
leet nn Hip wpat lint nl Jcllcrauu atn-et,
tlieiu p lei el u rona hevci.lli atreet nn tint
t-nxt Hut uf Jelleraon atreet nl mi clevntiou
ul H.'UI feet nml levpl neroaa Heveulh atrtH'l
oil the Meat Hue of JpllerMoti nl no elevation
of 11:11 tpel, tH'iiiiiiiiK nl mi elevnliuti nf '2H
feet nt the iiurth line of Ki!hlli alreet,
I lie in titirl tier) v nn a ileaipinlnin itrmlp lo
the anuih Hup uf Nlnlh atrnet nl an clcva
llnu ut Htnfeel, I lit-nce level ncruaa Nlnlh
alreel, tlleuep Itiirtherly nn a lleaeemllliK
Ktn.lt lu ilivanulh liueuf Truth atreet, nl
nn plpvnliun uf L'l'l led, lliein v Ititul neniaa
Tenth atippl, theme iinrtlieriy nn n tle-
at eiiillnK iirmle to llieauuth Hi f KIpvpiiiIi
atreet nt an elcvilllnu ul ; leet, I he nee
level nernaa Klevpiilh alrert, tlienre iiurth
erlv un n ipatiiiilux K'nile lu the amilli linp
uf Twelllli alreet nl nn elevnllun nl It. I feet
un the enat Hue o( Jelferauii atrepl nml un
ell mil. ill uf im leet on the e. I III. col Jel
pr(Htu atipet, Ihenee Ipvel nernaa Tnplllh
alreet un Hip pnal Hup uf Jeltpranii alreet nt
mi elevatinii ul IM feet anil level at rnaa nu
Hie weal H f Jelleraon atrtt l at nil elevn
llun nl I'm feel.
Mittliaon Street,
lit HI iinliiK nt (he aniilli line nf Thlr.l
alreet nt nu plevnlinu nf '.'VI feet tin the
pint Hup uf Muillanu ami nl nu elrt nllnn of
:'ll led on the ei. Hup nf .Mn.llanli alreel,
ll.piifp level nernaa Tlunl atrepl un Hip ent
line uf Mn'liaun alreel nt nn elevuliuu of Hill
lt'l nml level ncmaa Thml atreet uu the vteat
line uf Ma.liaon aln-el nt nu elevnliuii uf
leet. Iheni iiurlherly nn nn aafrml inn
liin.lt tu the aniilli line ul 1'iiiirlh alreet nl
nn elevnllun ul H IN feet, theliep let el acnea
I'.iurlh alrppl, thence iiurlherly un a He
w cluliug K'H'le In thr aniilli line uf I' lllli
alreet nl nn elcvnttun ul HIH leet un the
enai line nl Mu.liauii atrtet nuil no plevnttoii
ol HI" leet on the neat line of Minll.ii,
Ihenee level nernaa Klllh atreet nu the enat
line ul Mnilianu atrtrt nl nn plevulion uf
HI.' feel nml level nernaa Klllh alreet nn the
vvt"t line ut Mu'liaun alreet nt nil elevnliuti
nf Hill teet, tlipuee iiorthprly nu nil naeeinl
iiiK itrn.lt in the annlh line nl Mxlh atreet nl
an elevnllun ut .'.'.' leet on neat line nml H'.l
leet uu enat Imp Mnilianu alnt't, tlieine
level nernaa Hi x lit alreel, thence iiurlherly
lu Ilic a.. nth Hue nf Scienlh alrpel nl nu
plevnttoii of HiH .4 leet nu II nal lilicul
M.kIIm.ii alrert and an rlpvnllnn ul H'l leet
un the neal Hoe uf Ma.liauu alrt'Bl. tlienre
level nernaa heveuth atnet nn the eaat
line t Mbliaun alreel at an plevatlull
ol l'J.S leet ami level nernaa Seventh alrert
nu the neat line uf Mmlinno alrert nt ail
elevntioti of H.'t feet, llienre norllierly on a
ilpneiiiljnii urmle tn thr nuiilh line of
Kitiltlh alrr. t nt nil elevation ol Hill fret,
tlienre level nernaa KiiHitti alreet, thence
nnrllierly un a ileaerntlinit itnt'lt tn llip
annlh line nl N lutli atreet nt nn rlrvntmn uf
Hl.a feet, thruer level nernaa Ninth atrert.
Iheilt't nnrthrrlv nil n ilea ctulinn (rnile to
the ninth line ni Tpiilh atreet nt nn rlcvu
ll.ui u HU feet, llu'iiie nn a ilpaeeutlinK
uru.le nernaa Tenlli alreet to nn plevnllnn ul
Hin fret at llir north line of Truth alrert,
I hence norlherl y on a .Icacpinliim xrinli' lo
Iheaotilh line of Klpvrnlh alreel al nn ele
vntiun nf litrt feet, tlienre level ncmaa Kiev
mill alreet, tliPnce tiorthrrly nn a ileaceml
liiK irmtlit to the aoutli line nf Ttiellth atreet
nl nn elevnllun uf lis leet on Hie enat Hue
of Mnilianu alnt't ami an rlev niinn uf IM
feel tin the Meat line nf Mnilianu atreei,
thrnee level ncmaa Twelllli atreet nu the
enat Hue uf Mn.liaoii alreet al uu elevnliuii
ul Its feet nml level ncruaa Twelfth atreet
un tin neat line uf Mnilianu aln'et at nil
elevntinu of I.H feet, thence n.irllunlv nn a
ilpai eiiiliiiK itni.le to the aniilli Hue nf Thir
teenth atrei't at mi elevnliou nl 174 feet,
tlielici' level m roaa Thirteciilh alreel.
Monroe Sirwl.
HeKiuiiiiii; nt the auuth line uf Tlilnl
alrcti nt un elcvntioii of '-Hi led, thence
level acmaa Thinl atreet, thitnee nnrllierly
on n ileacemlliiK Kruile to Hie annlh line of
I'mirlh aln'et nt nu elevnliou uf Him feel,
Iheiii'pon a ileaceiiilimi frnile ncntaa Knnrih
atreei lo nu cleuitinii of Hill leet, tlipuee
norllierly on n ileaeemlin urmle tu the
aoutli line of Killh alreet nt nil elevnliuii nf
'.'.if feet on thr enat line til Monroe alreel
nml nil ehiviillnu uf H.'i" leet uu the weal Hue
nl Monroe alnel, thence level ncrosa Klllh
atreei on the. euai line of ...nr..c atn'ol nt
mi plevnlinu nf :'!x leet nml level nernaa on
the weal line nf Mi in roe aln'et nt an elpva
lion of H.'iT feel, thence norllierly on nu
naceiuling brittle to the aouth line 'of Sixth
atnet al nn elevnliou ol Him feet, thenoo
level neroaa Sixth alreet, thence northerly
mi nn iim'c inling untile to tin aonili line til'
Seventh alrtel nl an elevnliou of HHI feet on
Ihe enst line of M mi roc atreet nml nn elevn-
lion ol H ;i feet on Hut vveat line of Monrot1
ciieniiiiii are
atriwl, tlienna level acrnaa Heveulh on the
enat linn of Monroe atreet nt an elevation
of HOI feet (nil level ncruaa Htivenlh alrret
on the went line of Monroe aireet at an
elevnllun of Hi:i feet, ttienee nnrllierly on a
ileacpiuliiiKKinilnlo iheauuili Una of KIkIiIIi
at reel nt an elevntioti of Hi HI feet, thelire
level nernaa KIkIiIIi alrta-t, I heme northerly
nn n tleacniiilliiK Krmle lo the eolith line of
Ninth atreet nl nn elevnllun of HIM feet,
thence ncmaa Ninth atreet mi a ileaetinilliiK
Kinile lo nil elevulinn of HID feet ut the
north IIiip of Ninth alrpet, thence norllierly
una ileaeeiuliiifj jjrnile to I hi) aouth line uf
Tenth alreet at an elevation of 11 feel,
t lie i nt level ncruaa Tenth atreet, thence
Iiurlherly uu u ileaciimlliiK Kni'le lo the
aoutli linn uf Kleventli alrcnl to nn elevation
ol HH feet on the enat Hue of Monroe at met
nml nn elevnliou nl H'I'J feet on Hie weal line
nf Monroe alreet, thence level ncruaa Klev
entli atreei nu the enat Hue of Monroe atreet
nl nu elevnllun nf It'll feet ami level ncruaa
Klevnnlh atreet on the weal line uf Monroe
nlrnet nl nil elevation uf H'lH feel, thtuiee
iinrtlieriy lu the aouth line ul I wi'lllli alreel
nl nn rlevnttou uf HHI leet nu the rust line
nl Monroe alreet ami an elevulinn nf HHH
j on the weal Hue of Monroe atreet, Ihenee
' on a ilcarcinHnK yrnile ncruaa Twell'tli atreet
'. In nn elevnllun nf H.'7 II un the enat line
uf Mourin anil aft oluvnlioit of HIII-1 feel oil
the weat line ol Monroe alreel,
Jnhn Q, Ailnma Si reel.
I lli'Klniili.K at the aouth Hue of Sixth
alreet at nu elpvuliuli uf HUM feet, Ihenee
level neroaa Sixth alreel, thence northerly
lo Hie aouth line uf Sevenlh nt an eleva-
iliuunf Hui.5 feel nn the pnal line nf J, ().
A'lnina alreet nml nn elevnllun uf HUT.Auu
I Hie weat line uf J. (j. Ailmiia atreet, tlienre
level acrnaa Sevenlh alrert on the ruat Hue
ol J. U. A'lniua alreet nt an elevulioii of
HHI..S (eel anil level at roaa Sevenlh atreei on i
1 Ihe weat Hue tr J. 0. A'lmni atreet at an ' " '""n "i --" reel, menre on a tie
rlevatinn nf HH7.5 fret, thence nnrllierly on ! "'"'"''"f Kr'' " Tenth "reel "
a tleacen g grvl lo the aniilli Hue of , rvnlion ol ;IM leel. theme northerly nn a
K.lKhlh alreet al an elevation of Jifl feel on I ""'"n'llliK Krmle lo the aouth line of Elev
Iheeaat Hue of J. O. Atlnuia alreel ami an ! " ",',''', '"'' 'Itrvation uf HHteel, theme
plevnllnn of HM feet on Ihe went line of J. I uv'' f'"1" W'-venlh alrret, tlienre on a
g. Atlanta alreet, tlienre level arn.aa KlKhtli j ; rrr.lliiK Knele to the aouth Una of
alreel on Ihe enat line of J. U. A'laiut 1 lrni 'H-vnlnm of H feet.
nl nu elevnliuii ot Jai feet nml level nrniaa 1
KiKhlh atreet uu the weal line of J. H.
I A. lama alreet nl nil elevalion uf HM feci,
Ihenee Iiurlherly nu ail naceinllllK ftrnile to
the antith line uf Ninth alreel nt nn eleva-
II if HTll tret on Hie cn-1 line of J. I.
Ailnma alreet nu.l nu elevulinn uf HH feet
on the weal line nf J. tj. Ailnma atreet,
theiicp level acrnaa Nlnlh alrret on the eaat
line of J. I). A htiiia aln'et nl an elevalion
'of H7o leet ami level acrnaa Ninth atnct un
i Ihe weat line of J. g. Ailnma alrert al an
i elevation of Hum feci, Ihenre nurlherlv on a
iileareniHiiKKratle lo the aouth lineof Tenth i
atreei at all elevnliou of '.11 feet, them
level neroaa tenth alreet, tlienre northerly j
)nn an aarentliiiK Krmle to the annlh Hue ol
Kleveulh atreet nt an plevnllnn ol feet. I
tlienre level acrnaa Kiev until atreet, thence
on a ileacpntliiiK itrnilt lo the aouth Hue nf
i Twelllli alreel nt nil elevnliuii nf H-V) leet,
thence un a tlearemlinK Kni'le ncmaa Twelfth
; atn-el tu an elevnliou of H.'il feel, thence
' northerly uu a ileacenititiK Krnle to Hie
! anuih line uf Thirteenth alreet at un eleva
tinii nf HH'i feet, tlienre level arruaa Thir
; tpeiith aln-el.
j Jackaun Strret.
I IteKluniiiK al the anulli line nf Seventh
' alrpet nt nu elevation ul Him feel on Ihe eaat
line ol Jit. ksmi atreet ami nn elevation uf
i'it7 teet nn the weat line nf Jackaon atreet,
thence level acrnaa Seventh alreel with an
I elevnllun uf Hiai leel uu Ihe enat line nf Jack
j ami atreei nml level ncmaa Seventh atn-et
j Willi nn elevntinu of H7 feet on Hit weal line
I ol Jackaon alrpet, thence northerly on atle-
aeeiiilinK K'nile to ihe at nidi lineof Kinhlh
alreet al an elevnllun uf HTM leet, thenre
; level ncruaa KiKhth atnel, tlienre norllierly
on a ilcacemlliiK Krn.le tn the annlh line nf
j Ninth atreet nl an elevnliou ut H7H feet,
, Ihenee level acniaa Ninth atn-et, tlienre
! liortherlv un an aareinlliiKKmtlelo the annlh
line of Tenth atreei al an elevation of HTv.l
- feet, thence level aemaa Tenlli alreet, thenee
iinrtherlv nn an aareinliuK graile tn the
anulli line nf Kleveulh atreet at an elevation
nf HMH.ft feet, tlienre level acrnaa Kleventli
aln-et, Ihenre northerly nn a ilearenitiiifi
Kraileto Hie aoutli luir of Twelflh alreet al
nu elevnllun nf H7I feel, tlienre Ipvel nrniaa
Ttarlllh alreel, tlienre iinrtlieriy on a tle
aremlinK Km le tu Hie anuih line uf Thir-
itrenth alreet al an elevnllun ul HtlH feet,
! Ihenre nn a itearemliiiK Krmle acrnaa Tllir
! leenth atn-el In an elevation ol Hti feet.
IVaii Iluren HlneU
ileKliinliiK at the aouth line of Seventh
alreel at an elevation of SHU feet nil the eaat
I Hue ul Van llun-n alnt't nml nn elevnliuti ot
j .'117 feel on the west line ol Vim lliirru alreet,
Ihenee level ncmaa Sevenlh atreet with nn
elevation nf.'lHU leet un the enat lineof Van
. Iliiren alreel anil level acrnaa Seventh atreet
! ill. an elevnllun ul 317 leet uu Ihe weat line
of Van Iluren atreei, ihenre nurlherlv on a
j ileacenilini! Kraile In the aouth lineof KiKhth
alreet nl mi elevntinu uf 3li leel, Ihenee on a
j ilearemliuK Kraile nernaa KiKhth atreet tu an
! elevation uf .In I leel, Ihenee liortherlv un a
' tleacen. linK tfiu'le to the aouth line of Ninth
j atmet nl nn elevation ul HUH leet on the enat
1 line nf Van Iluren atreet anil an elevation
nf HHH feet on th weat lineof Van Iluren
atreet, tlienre level nrniaa Ninth atreet with
t an elevation uf Hir.' fret nn the enat lineof
i Van llun-u atreei ami level neroaa Ninth
jaln-el with an rlevnlion nf Hm fret
.nil the weat line uf Van Iluren nlreet,
I Ihenre nnrllierly un a tlrareniluiK graile to
! the anulli line nf Tenlli atreet nt nn eleva-
lion uf HM fret, tlienre level acrnaa Truth
atreei, thence northerly on an AacemlniK
Krmle lo the aouth lineof Kleventli alreet nt
nn elevation nf HS7 feel, Ihenee level across
Kleveulh alreet, Ihenre norllierly on nu as
reuiliiiK Rruile to the aouth line of Twelllli
atn't'l ill nn elevnliou of HHII leel, llienre level
urroas Twelllli atnet, Ihenee nnrllierly on a
ilcHceniliiiK Kfntle In the aoulh lineof Thir
teenth atreet ut nn elevntinu of H7S feet,
thenre level armas Thirteenth atreet.
Hiirrisoti Street,
lleiriti iihui. nt Hut aoulh line nf Seventh
alreel nt nn elevation nf 3al feet nn the euit '
L line nl llnrrtaun alreet nml nu elevuli ui of
oing to Sell their Entire stock of Merchandise
W7 fuel on the went line of Hnrrlton ntreet,
Ihenee level neroaa Seventh atreet with a:i
elevation nf .VH rt on the eaat llneuf llar
rlaon alreet nml luvel acrnaa with an eleva
tion ol 817 feet on the neat llueol llurri
aon atret.t, theni-e northerly on a ilem-euilliiK
Kraileto Die aouth line of KIkIiIIi atreei nt
an elevation ol H.IH feel, thenee level ncruaa
KlKhtli nlreet to an elevation of XVi feet,
II. pin-e norllierly on a ileaeninliiiK f,rlHi
the anulli Hue of Ninth nlreet at an elevn
alon of IIIH feet nu the raal line uf Ifurriaon
alreet nml nn elevnliou of SIH feet on the
weal line of ilurrlaon alreet, thence level
acroan Ninth atreet at nn elevation ol Hid
leet nn Hip enat line of llitrriaon alreet ami
level neroaa Mnlh atreet with an elevnliuii
uf .'HH feet uu tin west line of Jliirriaon
atreei Ihenee northerly on a ileareuuTuK
liruile In Hie anuih Hue uf Tenth atreet nt
nn elevnliou of .inn feet, tlienre level acrnaa
Tenlli atrvet, thencu nnrllierly on a ile
areinlliiif Krmle lo the aouth line of Klev
entli at reel nt mi plevnllnn ol HliM feet, thence
on a ileaceniliiiK (rraile neroaa Klevrulh
atreet lo nn elevntinu uf leet, thence
Iiurlherly un ailpai eiiiliiiKlfrn.il' Uithenoinh
Hue of Twelfth alreet nt nn elevation ol Htl
leet, Ihenee level a. roaa Twelfth atreet.
I 1'oik Street.
! IIckIiiiiIiik at the aniilli line of Sevenlh
alrert at nu elevmion of .'toh.'i feet nn the
enat lineof I'olk atreet ami :n" feet on weat
Hue of I'olk alreet, thence levpl acrnaa
Sevenlh alrert, thence iiurlherly on a tle
arehiliiiK Knelt to the aoutli line of KiKhth
, atreet nt an elevnliou of .'Vfifrel, thence level
neroaa KiKhth alreet, tlienre northerly uu a
tleareiiiliiiK Krmle tn I tie aoutli Hue of Ninth
alreet wllh an elevation nl 310 feet on eaat
line ul 'I'olk atnt-i nml an elevation of MiM
feel nu the weat line, thence level neroaa
Nlnlh atreei, thence liortherlv un a tleaoenil-
Kr,, " " " Vf Te"tl' "rw"t
Ihenre level a. roaa 1 wellth etreet.
Taylor Street.
Ili'irlniilui; at the aouth lineof Seventh
atn-el at an elevnllun of .17.').5 feet tin the enat
line uf Taylor alreet ami an elevalion of 374
leet on the et lineof Taylur atreet, thence
level ncruaa hevenlh tn-et w ith an eleva
tion nf 'IT.Yfl feet on the east lineof Taylor
anil level ncmaa with an elevation nf 374
feel on the eat line of Taylor alreet, thence
norther I v un atleat-entlinKUrHtle In the aouth
Hue of KiK'itli alreet at an elevnliou of 370
( I . I... ..I ........... L'l..l..l. -..(
t.,',r, norllierly on a ilrnreii'niiiK Kraile to
the auuth line nf Ninth alreet at an eleva
tion ul .Vi7 leel. Ihenre level acroan Ninth
aln-et, Iheni-e nurlherlv on a ileaeendiiiK
Kraile tn the anuih Hue nf Tenth atreet alan
elevation uf 340 teet, thence on a ilem-einj-liiK
Krni'r neroaa Tenlli atn-et lu mi eleva
tion of .181 feet, thence norllierly on a
deaeeutliiiK Kra.le to the aunt h Hue
of Kleveulh alrert at an elevation
uf SHI feet, theme on a dearentliiiK
Krntle aeman Kleveuth alrec! to an
elevation nf 8n feel, thenre liortherlv un
a tleat eiulliiK frmlv io the south li:e ufj
Twelflh alreel at an elevation of .Hi feel, j
then-re level acrnaa 1 wellth atreet, I
I'nhlialipil hy nnler of the city council at
a inertiiiK held riiteinlHr Ho. ixf'i. i
4tJ u, I.. riiRTKK, lieenraer.
Beautiful Fruit Farm!
Forty acres, level as a floor, all
cleared, well fenced ir.to five fields,
gCKxi house '2ix2G feet, pplendid
well of good water and force pump,
good barn and out houses, several
hundred fruit trees prunes, apple,
cherries, etc., small fruit in abund
ance, several sheep, hogs, cows, two
young horses. Everything in first
class condition. For particulars,
apply to owner, Milton Stingby,
near Currinsville, or see L. R.
Janney, with W. Carey Johnson,
Oregon City, Oregon.
A fw doies of
Moore's Uevealed
Will briioc you up, put the bloom in
your cheek anil the sparkle in your
?ye. Strictly non-alcoholic, its etleet
UMm persons euHeriiiif from liquor
habit is wonderful.
Win. Htwteii, ot Portland, Ore,, writes:
"Mmire'i Kevealetl Remedy cured me ol
driiiikeniit'aa and made a new man of me. All
who r onraed with the liquor Intuit ahould
lake II."
A. 11. Case, ot Monterey, Cal., ays:
"It ontlrely deatroyed my taate tor aptrltuou
Try It once. Sold hyall ilrusslala, or Stewart
llnltnca linm t'o., Seatllc. Wash.
We rcHjifctfully invite your attention to our immense and
elegant Htoek of
Which wo projxjHe U) sell at prices never before
offered in Clackamas county.
BofltoedDriJIjoodiid CLOTpINfl
nofoiiT jjiHKf-r MILLINERY And Men's Fur-
From th.; -In nishings Helow
Manufacturers. GREAT VARIETY. Portland prices.
We treat all of our customers alike, and we are determined
to give full value and large measure for every
dollar left with us.
We carry the most complete stock and best
grade of
LOUNGES, ETC., in the city, which we sell at prices that
afCall and get prices before buying elsewhere jt
g aT"and you will find we mean what we bbljmJ
g jVand will not be undersold. 0j
We carry a complete line
I carrv the largest and best assorted stock of wall paper ever brought
to Oregon City, and will sell at Portland prices. Let me give you.
figures on your work.
Shop on Seventh street, near Center.
MGctais, Laters,
Windiiw Ms mm
of Caskets, Cases, Robes, Etc.
cV Warner,