Oregon City Enterprise. FK1IUY. OOTOHKK 7, IS92. Director v ' ' ' i Clackamas Co. COINVY OKF10KKS, J. W MoMrnm Olfrk of Courts, ixv r. Morton Sheriff. i W , ItAUOIlg S. M. Kiuv.kIw J. O Wotliort'A Recorder, Tnwimrvr, AwKWtitor, 8oh.vl SurrtuHTutoM, Burveyor, Cortmt'r, ComniUKioner. .1, r . Hrn.lh'V 11. s . iwen 1 Si.lm'v Smyih Ki'-hnrvl i s.vii i' Si'.mifliiii ltir ' 1 OKKiiON CITY okfickks. j - w jsnin,,,, ! Mnyor, Rwswier. Chief l Police - ANNMttor, TTiirvr. I., u Ivrter , J KnMom ; J. K Kh.l-i It' F." cross, j City Atlorner, Street Commissioner. tinnt of W alt,r Work. c. Iloivrs ; iHnVv "miitl Citv Kncineer. - - Siiimy Srarth. CounoiSmen-O. O AlhrleM. Jr.. H. L. Kelly. C. K . tinvnman. W A. w hit. J J. Cooke. J. W. ovouueil, J.tf. l'ortor anj T. f. Ku- dll. Cnnoil ntwtsdrst WclnosJsy otftch mouth tm city hall. COIKTS. Circuit eonrt conwic Brsl Mondsy la So-Tembt-r and ihlrvl Monday in April. Protxtf court in sowion first Monday In sack Month. Commissioners court mosts tint W'edudy after Arsl -ondv ol rich month. gF The way to build up Oregon City Is to fire Oregon Otj people jonr patronage. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. County court is in session this week. Don't forget the board of trade meet ing next Monday night. Lou. Poolittle is recovering from the ffects of his gunshot wound. One price to all and all goods marked in plain figures at the Park Place store. J. S. Courtney M. P., physician and urgeon, room 5 and 6, Chamiau block, i ,. . . , , , . . "., . , , Full stock of lubncat.ng o.ls, best nd the cheapest at Seventh street d'Dg i store. School deportment cartls one cent each, good for term, at the Esterpriss office. Furnished rooms and board in private fwiuly. First door back of Commercial bank. " The board of trade will consider the matter of advertising next Monday evening. Take your babies to the New York trailer and net a irood picture while von : Iha ,.!!. I Who keeps pirk prepared paint? Why! Charman A Co., City Prug e'ore. Sample cards free. It will pay you to call early and secure one of those school suits at the Park Place store, cakes. They are selling like hot ' ; ! your canary bird healthy by ! Keep rising clean, pure seed for sale by Char- j riian & Co., druggists, at ten cents a' package. j Marriage licenses were issued this i week'to Catherine P. Wheeler and J. ! Harless, and Maggie A. Linn and Clias E. Martin. Now is the time to prepare your win dows and Charman A Co., City Prtig store, have all sizes of glass, sizes cui without extra costs. Special Just arrived from New York over 100 Bovs and Youths suits at the Park Place ', store. Just think, we can sell you a good school suit for yonr boy for only $1.25. Come and see them. About 1700 badges will be required for the school children of the county Col umbus Day. There is now money enough collected for only little more than 1000 of them. Justooened at the Park Place store ... , , ,. , twenty cases of boots and shoes which we are selling equally as cheap a; you can buy at any bankrupt sale, direct from the manufacturers. We buy Now is the time to paint as the rain had laid the dust and Charman & Co., druggist have the only pihe prkpahbd hist on me maraei ami iruny-two eie - cant shades to choose from. Soecial rates on lame quantities. Mrs. II . 8. Caswell of New York, secretary of the Woman's Home Mission ary Union of the United States and edi tor ot the Home Missionary Magazine, occupied the pulpit of the Congrega tional church last Sunday morning. Two features of this year's assessment in Clackamas countv are, first, the Oregon Iron & Steel company must pay taxes on about $46,000 instead of cover ing its entire valuation up with indebted ness; and second, J. . rurdom pays a tax on one dog valued at $50. City Attorney Cross had to redeem a horse from the pound last week. He was very glad to do so, however. The animal had strayed away and its where abouts had been unknown for a long tune. He considered the (2 35 tie had to pay the poundmaster a small fee for the recovery of the animal. Pope's hall last Tuesday evening was crowded with people who were interested in having a free public reading room opened . There was a pleasing program of music, several short addresses were made, a constitution was adopted and a subscription paper started. Mr. Brownell was ill and Mayor Sullivan presided in his absence. Tbe reading room project is a sure thing this time. A WKIHUNH AS WAS A WKIUHSH. j Marrhiir of Km lil It Clone ami l.lrt i lo K. Soollanl at I'm k I'luco. u',e f"uiU waa 'i'i',l 'ti tlu nlaoM i snrtatti of the l'ark l'laef ami Ulailntotw ! sxH'ioly dtvl, which wuIoiuhI such ! riin lcs only can till they beat ami i tuiinhi Again! tht walls of Oro)rn Ciiv : ami callcvl f i lh many of its roniiioiil . oitiions. The event which cit-atcil such j a stir was the niarriainr of the iainlar ritronl man, Paviil II. Close, with I.in-, Hie h. Nvllarxt. Holh parties had le 1 m acquaintance amt a law i tvl enthusiastic assembly awaitetl their I arrival at the new school houso at ! l'ark Tlait', whei the ceremony was to take place. The olliciating cleiyyman j a ue. iiiinau i aiKer, w uu tieu wte ; knot with the utmost grace and dignity, j fi,,, oounle aci-eared on the scei.e about S :AV The bride woro a close tit-! ting gray dress which set oil' her figure ; and dai k complexion to perfection ami j shecarrteu in her lunula beauiilul Kxpiet ; i of white roaea. ! j The bridegroom looked the picture of manlv dignity, and happiness In-anied from his twinkling blue eye. II waa ev- j ident he was taking a partner that he i was proud of. The hndo was given I way by tirandpa Straight. ' Alter the knot had been tied fiintiy In ; good old Kpisoopalian stvle the A'O guests present were invited" to adjourn j to another room w here a long table lit- . erallv groaned w ith roast chicken, sand-1 There is also a slight bruise on the Wh iles, etc., etc., not to speak of the1 cheek, but the skin is not broken, wedding cake, and 1 don't suppose that !The child did not loae consciousness at all the books in the world would contain the dreams that were dreamed over that same cake. Suffice it to sav that everv oody was well supplied anil congratula tions poured in on the happy couple. The bridegroom literally reveled in the company of his guests. After aupoer dancing was in order and the light, tan tastic toe continued to heat a gentle tatoo till the wee Miiall hours of the morn. In the meantime the Willamette Silver Cornet band arrived and played serenade after serenade The bride and groom were very much pleased and presenter! the band with $15 to get supper with. Everything has an end and everybody wag sorr? when the small hotim of the morning warned them of the approach- jnf sbhHth and one by one they dia- appeared in the grav dawn of morning, - - f , , . . 0f tleir Klnt festivities BtSlNESS CHANGES. The rostofllce Shifts its Local Ion V 1 1 1 i a m k Iturgliardt Ilissolre. Thurs-lav afternoon of last week Post master Hands got a telegraphic message permitting him to move the poatothce to , the room in ttie Commercial bunk block j formerly occupied by A J. 1-awthwaite. The removal was effected Suinlay and the office is nicelv settled in the new !qUarters ahich are" much neater than in the old building. -. W. Kich also removed the remnant I of his tobacco and confection stock to the store on the oposite side of the street, a part of which wss occupied by Mrs Rich's fancy needlework shop, where he is closing it out. The Odil Fellows, w ho own the build- ing the poetollice was moved from, are cleaning tio and reftttinir it uo,l htve Kiven a five veirs leae of it to Ilurrtiei ! ter & Andersen who will occupy their: new quarters about the L'oth of this! uiunth. ; C. O. T Williams and II. Ilnr- j hardt. w ho have been doinv hosiness ; under the (inn name of Williams A ' Burghardt. dissolved partnership Tues- I day. Mr. Williams relains his. old location near Cautield Jt Huntley's drtix ; store and Mr. Bumhardt has removed U the front ot the pon'ottue, ocoupying the ; south side of the room. ' i The Western Union telegraph office ; will remove to the north side of the! ! room in front of the poetotlice soon 88 permission from the superintendent shall be obtained. In view of the prospective vacation of the store now occupied bv Maver A i iAckeiman several parties have been ! trying to rent the place but no lease of the property has yet been definitely agreed upon. The Parting of the Ways. Wilkins and Watkins were college! chuins and close friends They had j been hard students and had taken little ! .at t j j wir STuriit utx IV linn tlinii uli ...b ' bands and had said goodbve, at the em: of their college career, thev were in ""paired health. Both had dyspepsia liver troubles and troublesome coughs, wilkins had plenty of money, and de- cided to travel for his health . Watkins was poor. I must go to work for my living," said he, "but I'll try tha remedy that Kobinson talks so much aboiit Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery." In less than two vears, Wilkins came home in his coffin. Watkins now in prime of ja a' bank president, rich 1 and respecieu, ami weighs znu pounds, I "The Golden Medical Discovery' saved my life at a critical time," he often savs Oh, if poor Wiikins had only tried it!'' For weak lungs, spitting of blood, all lingering coughs, and consumption in its early stages, it is an unequaled remedy. (iurlleld Roll of Honor. Garfikd, Oct. 2. School at thisnlace has been in session four weeks. There are thirty-one pupils enrolled. Those pupils who have been neither absent nor tardy during the month beginning September 6th and ending September 30th are: John Miller, iJoyd Yocum, Lee Yocum, Archie Yocum and Leona Krigbaum. Myrtle E. Taylor, Teaiher. Curd of Thanks. Caniiy, Or., Oct 2. I desire to thank the people of Can by through your paer for their kindness in our late bereav ment, especially Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, Millard Lee, and Jas. Hodges. Jambs Slteb. WeakneHM of Bight is frequently the result of general debility. When tbe blood is impoverifllied every oriran and enne sufiem. Ah an effective, powerful, and economical tonic-alterative, Aver'B Sartiaparilla may be relied on every time. For clioice family groceries, vegetables feed etc., go to the Park Place Btore where the bent article is sold for less money than eleswhere. Receipt, note and order books at tbe Entkbi'bibe office. nil ovi:k thk ui.uk. A Child ; IKnn about Sovt'iiljr tv( Miitl Survive Carl, tl o tlvo-yoiu-nlit on of Mr, ntul Mm. J, A, Mixu, loll ovor tho hint! hi Fourth stivot TiH'n.Uy allonuHUi iunl u seiioiinly hut not fatally injmcil, Tim hoy was plavinis about iIumvIko of (ho hint!' where boaitla cover over a cleft in the brink of tho rock, ami a lenco inevetits the nossihililv of anvone fullinn over the tilKiceiileniallv. Tim uirl in charge of the chiUI savs he was intent on followng mi; nl walching ome ants and that one ol the Inianls sliiiiio,!, or gave way in some manner, letting the youngster (all down the lace of the dill'. The (all, as nearly as can he estimated, was aoout seventy iei, nioaen aooui half way down by projecting lodge of iMi k moss grown'on top The girl ilescended the steps and tried to reach the child hut could not get up to his landii.g place on account of tho steepnesa and Ukwiicss of the rocka. She then went to the harness shop lo inform Mr. Moore but before he reached the scene a traveling man had seen the hov crying and rescued In in from his alill perilous, situation, lr. t'aill was at once aununo-tod. He made an etiamination of the hoy and found there were no Inines broken though there were several quite iH'vere bruises. The worst of these arv on the left arm and on the right leg, all. Propping from such a height down the jagged face of (he rocks it is little short of a miracle that the hov was not crushed to death. Ctfiiiicilinan White Has Word. Ohmion City, Oct. 4. To thk F.kitok) As ex Councilman Wilkinson desires a public statement from me I ill say lor the public enlightenment if it is ticcesaarv, that I never ran ou any issue previous to mv eloction to the city council. I asked no one to vote for me. 1 did not expect to be elected. I never said in public that I was elected on the cow is sue. I did say that many in both wards spoke in favor of restricting cown from running at lare and that 1 believe Mr. Cooke and others of the city council were ol the same opinion aVuit election time. I thank the citizens of the second ward I for their confidence in me as slump from the result of the last election. I am not convinced that they want their cows and hoises roaming about tow ii to the disgrace and annovatne of the general public and our citizen generally. 1 have freouently diiven cos olTthe w alks in order to let school children go on their way I have done a similar service more than oiue for holies When I lived in I w I not iced that in villages of two and three hundred inhab itants, to sav nothing of the incorMr- uteil tnU'na K-heria ! i,nt til Mi-ltmtl ami worked, tint the cows were driven out hv some one hired (or the purHwe and re turned at night. Anil, alranue s n may apiiear, it paid financially. This is a bet ter grazing coun.rv. W by won't it pay here? It is worth while trying. The interest and energy displayed by a lew of our people in fighting the so-called "cow- ordinance" is worthv of a betler cause Other evils exist here that need remedy- i"K- W. .V. WlllTK lie Your Own MiiMer Few jieoplc appreciate bow much their impressions, their whims and im pulses, ami in fact all their menal en ergy depends on the harmonious action of all the vital organs. A poorly digested li n no r in kv make one quarrel with a friend. A contested liver inav bring imaginary gloom and trouble into the sunniest day. A rheumatic pain may keep you (nun business or work and en tirely iharivre some marked out policy. A lew doesof Moore's Kevealed Hi-lni ilv will give tone to every function and make you enjoy your friends and your work. A REM IHKAnLE CASE. Indiana Man Is Hated bf a Dls An covery. A remarkable case hiu ncrumsl In our territory. J. N. Herry, a man about thirty years of agn, was goih down rnpnlly. lie tried physician after pbyaician, itcnt nieil rini. home rweitita in tact, everything. He went to a noted uniUiriiuu anil returned no better. We all thought he was dyuij with consumption, and that only a few weeks of life were left fur him. t rie commenrea wains irr. i lercp uoiuen j Medical IIUKiivcry, and at the same time iTHiuiieneeu u) menu. ne mui used aisiut two dozen bnttltc, and is still using It. lie has gaimd in weight, color and strength, and is able to do lilit work. It is lust urh a case as we should have listened to rather suspiciously, but w hen we see it, we must believe it. It has trebled our sales of " Oolilen Med Iral Discovery." Jiiiim Hackett t Hi, Druggists, Kuinoke, lnd. " Discovery " strengthens Weak Lungs, and cures hpltting of hljrl, Kliortni-ss of breath, Ilronrhitis, rM-vem f 'iiiil'Iis, arid kin dred aflw-tions. Don't ha foolid Into tak ing something else, wtid to tm " just as gxsl,w. that the dealer may uiake a larger profit. "y III'H'illAltfiT, HKOKEU. LOANS) NEOOTUTKI1, City and County Warrantn bought. INSURANCE ANf7rtKAr. EHTATK. Office In Pomofllfe building Oreiion city Or. NOTICE OK FINAL HKTTI.KMKNT. In the matter of the estate of .fohu (lluver, dec d. I herchjr jive notice that I hsve AIM In the county cmirt of C'lsekamiia county, Oregon, my accounts and vouchers for final seilletneut administrator of the estate of John (lluver. ile eeased, sail the court hail appointed Tuetday, the nth day of November, Isim, as the time for hearing and neltllng ald aecouiitu and the ex ception tberete If any. O. J. Tri i.i.inokr, l:7-IO:ifS Administrator ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTIfiK, Nntlr lahorrhy given, that the nriilf ruliriifd linn hfnii niiilnti'il hiI in i n I -i rnl rl x with the will lililiexcil of the entnle of W W, flullneli, (In cvueil, hy the county court of Chu.kiinmn county, Oretton All pemom huvliiif i'IhIiik HKHlnnt Mln etnte are rcijulreif to prewnt them to hK1 ailmlnlntratrlx at the law nllleenf (;. I) anil l. (.'. Lahiurette, with the proper voiiehera within lx inijiilhd of the ilate of thin notice ' Kmii.v If. Hi i.i.oi k, Ailm'x. Imti-il at Oreiron City, Oregon, Oct. (I, Ml 10:7-11:4 NOTICE OF AI'I'OINT.MKNT OF KXKCUTOR- Notice In nerehy Klven, that the unilernlirtieil hai, hy onlerof the county court f I'lackamaii county, Oregon, been appointed executor of the entate of Sarah A. Fartrlilire, dcceancil. All per hiik havlint clalmB airalnat dald eatate are no tified toprcMoit them to me properly verified at the office of my attorney. ! K. Crnm, at Oreiron City, Oregon, within if monthi from the date of thin notice. Wii.mih IIkaman, Ex'r of the eKtateof Harah a. fartrlilKe.doc'd Oregon City, Or., Oct. 6, Wfl. 10:7-11 A We are Not Closing Out at Cost ! Nor do wo intond to do so, but wo aro ablo to soil you anything in tho lino of CLOTHING, HATS AID FURNISHING GOODS, At pricos that cannot ho equaled in Oregon City, whothor thoy aro soiling out at cost or not. Wo aro solo agents for Oregon City and vicinity for tho Brownsville Woolen Mills, And wo havo at all times a full lino of thoir colobratod MEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING On hand, which wo will sell at the same prices as sold by the company in their own store. In hats we carry all lines, Including Stetson, Knox and Dunlap Styles for Men, And the largest stock ever seon in the city for Boys. Don't forget that wo have the largest stock and cheap est prices of any house in the city. O CONNELL & GLASS, The One Price Clothiers and Matters,. OREGON CITY. ORECON, THE LEADING GROCERY HOUSE! jThe Most Complete j andonlyfirst ! class 'GROCERY Quality consider ed, our prices are always the lowest. Cor. 7th & Madison, Shively Building, Oregon City. BUY YOUR WAIVKANTRI), Free from all pests True to name Send for Catalogue, free (English or Cieriuan.) Special price on "flrat ordori" from new localities. MONEY! I have a full mijiply of rnonoy which I winh to loan on good CLACKAMAS COUNTY FARMS, Of 40 acres or more on tho most favorable tonus. Call and sco mo at my office, PoHtoflico building, before going elsewhere. NO DELAY AFTER TITLES ARE EXAMINED. Correspondence Solicited. W. H. BURGHARDT, Local Agent of the Jarrls-Conkim Mortgage Trust Company. INOf Arr I(0BEtT$0f!, ItnKirtcrs mid dealers in Clioice Fiilf Cueries ill Groceri Selected Teas, run? Coffees & Spices. Butter & Cheese from bcst dairies Fruit ami Vegetables in Season. Because their Trees have taken first prize wherever exhibited. P ES ttlt I!-'cailsc they have no tree nRcnts to niiV represent them, but Kiinrantec them to i,e satisfactory or money refunded. On whole roots 208 and MRS. K. M. IIURMKWmt. WM. ANHKKHKM, BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN, SQcccsscre Id Mrs, C, H. L, Bnrmelster, Mai. Kim in Vtahe?, Cloc, jSilVerware, JeWelfij. Repairing a Specialty. Itluhi N I roof, ((retail VUy, Or0i;ii. CANBY NURSERIES, MIIvUARI) J. Proprietor. -A COMPLETE LINE OF Fruit and Ornamental WHOLESALE CANBY Business Conducted On Business Principles. One Price to All. Positively no con nection with any advertising scheme 210 Second St., PORTLAND, OR. Trees, Shrubbery, Etc - RETAIL ' ORicnniM,