Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME 0.(.'. T ro.'H NTKAMKI1H. In KrrncT OiTimitii a, wi Mlrm-i Al.TtlNA 4 It A Ml N A: immi.iiiT, latva: rntrumi ' i. '! ). m. u. i, lU'Min, in, I J ;w nt . Ilium. J ;w (i, in, uiii, in, . l i. l i in. Nil y Uii.Iiiiiii, I'ualtl vnly ku Iri'lilllt lakoll nil Hie 4 luH !l o'rl.M'li Ut(. Ht'NUAV. II Mia. m. I III II 111 K in a. in II ii in. .l i III, 4 l i in Tliuii unnl Hiihlniil tu rtniiiKff H-ltlmul notice hTKAMKK MAN'ZAMI.I.u, hiiilv lln ittciii Hiinilnr, Mmiiniu uimu.iN cirv Miiri.tnii Kni'TK, I w K. lvv M Union mill Ni. Imth M , hi, ; UrvKiin City Ml n, m, I r-Uin I'lirllnml Ymiililll lml ilin k.2 i, in.; iirt'iiii C'ty A :1.1a. in. miniiKiiN rArmc hailwav mmrit hhi nii. AlliNliy ImkI fw)r aUllnURj V HI ft. m. a'alllt.riil. Kll.rpaa (tlmm)!) 4.1 . m. luMlitirg 1h'mI tw.y itailmia) 8 w p. m ..I TH mil Hit. Itut.liiirff lrl rw.y tl.tluiia V HI ft. m AltMiiy I ucal tw.y al.llniiai II ml p. in 4 ulltnniU Kiirta (llirtiutli) 7 M lu 1IIR MAIM. Mall oIimw illi N orltl , ft III , I i HI . 111 Mftllaclnao (ulug Mom It, It m., 7,io p- m. mil mii'TM. Orcfiin City to Kly.t'.riia, MullnoMi'l MnUllft Ipftvoa ftl i hi. ftiul iirrlviia .1 1J nt. dally. or(im Cli y In riy.Mliik.l'larli MfailnwIlriHik, I'nl.m Mllla, Mullnu ami tnlloii, pv at 10 a. ill TuawUr. 1 1mrailay ami Malunlay, ami r Uinta uu lulliitvlua Uava al i DA p. m r'lUIUY, (H TtillK.lt 7, 1WC. Smith wam Known Hkkk. J. V. H 1 11 i t It liu wan liaiiKnl liv A mob at Iuiitiiiiir, (ul , I nut Kililuy (or tlm imir ilnrul hia ili. mill lilt 1 lUuxhliT, Y ell k im i III I'larkauma nullity litti Itn llvcl wncml ycara. Ilia wifit Minn Milntur mini livivl war MoUlla. A lirutliiT, Jaiiuia Smith, now rvaiiloa At Kami v. For two ir or mora lit world! at Wallnni'a nurairy near ( wiau Ami n .Ii.piiii.i a hiknI Morkiiint) though a lianl ilrinkcr. Wliilti the r mill" werti Mug I milt In tltinity Sinitli M aa (uit'ina.-) u( A !Hl)i( uf lui'ii Un til hn trie! to iji'l up a ilrike whim Ito . aa iliai'lmrifKil, Hn aa a I Ik fi'llott , . naturally iui'liniiia ami Itia iiulii1(ji'iic j In Jrink riilncil liim. Ilia id' laapajkmi ol liy tliomi lto know litr a iiiont -, tiinalili- wimmn. Sinitli iKHra to have ' tii'vit on it bith aa iiaual ami sliilu un-; iIit tlm rflVvt ol l.jti r imik Inn wilu mill 1 liilil to a nriililirinK limiilrt Iutii Im . 1 1 ad a tout lor llii'in. I If tlii'll alio! IkiIIi, j lli rltilil ilyiiig At lim n ami Iter nmtlnir lingering till evening. Smith wa taken IntocuatiKly but Ihe aheritTwaa foirml to tilvu lit in up to the crowd who had beard of the occurrence and In half an Jiour bla corpae awung from a tree near Woma xr tiik Stoma lii'AMiima. J. K. Smith, the contractor w ho ia getting out the atone for tlm Columbia river jetties, baa 105 men at work in the ipiArriea juat above Oawego. They Are all working on Ihe eant liank of the river now, the water being ao tow that lite scow a can not load from the atone bluir on the other aide. Twelve to tllteon barge wre loaded each week . Sinltlt'a contrAct will expire thi year hut the nlitte of the work al the nioulli ol the river la audi Ujov, Moo.lv baa probably the finr-nt that thi contract will probably be ex-1 alock ranch in Oregon. Mr. Animtiong, tended aothat rock will Ihi fiimiHhed i t1M), hna given coneideruhle Ailenlkm to from tbeae uilarric until the Job aball j raiaing blooded atoek. llo Iiiik a miin Iki completed. The Portland Street j her of good giade Jeraeya and la getting Paving company I getting out and i (,, ,lo.Mled cattle aa fuat a he can aa be crushing rock aonie distance ladow the j consider the cow a of that breed the beat .imrnea for the I'livernmeiil atone. The j crusher ha Imen running all aunuuur tiirnlnit out crushed rock for sheet pav ing in Portland. At llrat the crusher w as stationed on a acow above Oawego but by the time A loud of rock was crushed the acow waa rucked nearly to pieces. So the slutiimiuy mill on the hlulT below waa erected and it works antisfiictorily. Ciiohn PAI'KII Mil l, Imi'novkmknta. Within the net week or two oxtenaive iinprovementM will be in progresa at. Ihe Crown patior lit i U . Indeed, some of the preliminary work ia Already underway. The store house la lo he ruined to a level with the machinery room, n ilia twice ol about three feet, Anew water wheel will be put in that will give nbout double the power iill'orded by the present wheel. A I'ourdrinier paper machine will supersede the present cylinder machine, the new one having a speed of 250 feet A minute while the other fell a good deal short of 200 foot. An elevator capable of hoisting 5000 pounds will nlao bo built. About :I0,00) will bo ex pendud in these Improvement. The Crown will then bo prepared lo turn out nil kinds of uinnillii, wrapping mid news papers Inalend of working on niunllla nnd wrapping papers alimo na now. llefore tho winter shall be over tbo Crown mill will linvo a capacity nearly double what it baa at present. Won't Wait kob Ikon. It 1b not likely that tho East Side electric motor lino wilt wait for ita consignment of railn to arrive from the Kast before completing the road to Oregon City. It will get tho iron In some otbor way, by exchange or otherwise, bo that tbo cars will he run Into Oregon City at the earliest possible moment, liy Saturday night of this week the track will be laid to the Clack Amas river and the construction of the liriilnn wilt Im gruAtly liAHtmmil liy tlm tiAnnKrtutlon (or malnrlala which will he tliiia Allonloil. The driving ol pll Iwlwi-i'il the ClwkAimii aiiiI thin rlty was li'giin laat MondAy. I'IIIiik will Im imcnaaury nitrly All I ho way Imtwi'mi tlm ClHi'kAiiiAA And tlm Aoriiithy, a dlatmii'A uf kliotit a inlln. TIiIa will prolwhly lxi llllnl with t-itrth auliMt iilniitly, A hmni'li road In lu In- Imilt up the Clui'kuiiiuA to (ilmlHtonu ao ua lo Klvo Hint liuru t rmmiK.rtion lu On-Kon City or to rorlhtnd, Kl.KI THIf CoMI'ANv'alm'MOVKMKNTa. Tlnnlaiii Ai'kmn tlm hrlnk of tlm fulla Itaa Inx'U uoiiiihUid ami tlm iuimi aru to In put ti work nt oiii'ii on n-aloilim aiuI improving llm rnnnl At Itn upHr mid otliat it will ho mora eouyimiiuil for ItiNtatoiiiitKr. In tliU job t:'ll,IMill fiint of auf, tlmlior will Im nai'il. Tlm power of llm uliirtriv Unlit alnlim) ia aIho lo h griMttly InrriMiaml. A liorloitlitl wulnr wIiih'I of HlK) horau puwnr iaoiillN wuy hum from Hut Kant ami it will lie nlitittil in llm win! diid of tha xjmr lioiian, And two uioru liorlr.niit.il uliwla, mm of 1.1N) ami mm of H) horan puwir will he put In lhniaat uml. All tlmau liiiiion.ini.iila wilt m vompliilml lltia yeur And mxt yi-ar a i-ariy Aa the Aon will Hrmit work will 'w owmd on llm hlg power liuuae on llm weal anlo. KliHtrii'Un ( liHiiny In laa ruiunt irialorn trlplaihul lolliid AdyiiHino that would aull the ili'inamla ol tlm new power Itouav ao on tuilat l duaiitmid aNirliilly for thin place. Tlila will he done In iAaon for manufai'tuiliiK the niachinm lor 'he nrw plant. Tha HciiiKitu ana Ft'l.l.. The t-nroll-nuMit In the a. Itoola up to Mumlny thin werk wa 42K- '.'4 more (Iiaii lo rorro pondliig ilnlii laat year. No meain liaa yet Un tkn to lulmvo tlm rrowdnl condition of the acIuhiI rooma. Three new clawM'a Imva lnvn Ailded tltia i-Hr ou in Slci'l'a hilmr phyaioii)iy, one in Ijilln mid one In literaturn. Latin and literature Are Atudied hy ninth and tenili grade pupila. The five new teachera take up the work readily ami everything moyoa Along Im ritioni oualy, Tkai iikab bmii i.n IlKl.lhlKK. SlS'lioll Ifl), Drrgoii Kchiml Ittw, reipiirea thut all lieraona holding itale diploma, 'tiite cwrlillratca, or Mate nurutitl liiloiniia almll pn-at'iit kiii'Ii ililiiinii or ivrtillcult to llm mirriiitiMiiliMit ul tltu county in whirl) tlm liollir propowii to tcai lt, to Iw rrniatiirwl liy tli aunTliili'inli'nl. Tlnrtt ato aoiita' tcai'lifm in tliit comity who uro triti liiii williuiit Aiitlturity mid llm tnacltor nliiml.l comply witli tlin Iaw ami notify rliKriiitt'iultiil (iilimtn iH'lnre urAWHi Mililic inoncy TuAi llKKa' MKKTtNd 1'oATI'ONAI). The uuetiiig of the Chtckaniaa county teach era for OctoU-r will lie omitted owing to tlioeJtra work which will lie reiniin-d of the teacher In preparing for the proper ohaervance of Columluia IAy, (K-loU-r 21 . The next meeting of the teachera' AWKX-iAtion will be held At Clackamas on the laat Saturday In November and KuMriiitriideiit tlihaon, to whom wn delegated the work of arranging the program, will Announce the program in aeaaoli for ita proier preparation. Thk Jkiikky Kkiikii. 0. V. Arm atrong of Canby rewnlly rtveived aa a prenent form hia old friend, ex-(ioveruor Moodv, A line Jermy regintered bull 'calf from the governor Salem tttock fitrm. milkera and butter producer. MaIIVK Sl'HVKYlNli IN WASHINGTON. W. II Marve has obtained the contract for surveying three and a half townships of land In Washington for 52S0. lie ia lo receive M a mile for section lines, 23 for township tinea and f-" for standard and base line. The location of tho land when surveyed w ill lie townships 8 and It north, range 2 east; toivuship 0 north, range 3 east, and the west portion of township 15 north, ningo 4 east. Ho has already commenced the w ork, having his beiuliiuarters at Vancouver. Hoc Pmi'KH, Quotations of the price of hops arc made nt 20 to 22 cents but no sales are niiule nt so high a tlguru. Tho buyers won't pay ao high a price as yet. In the Puyallnp valley growers claim they can get 20 cents. New York quotations are 20 cents for choice oH'or ings. Eighteen cents is ottered by buyers in this county but no sales are being made, Ihe producers being willing to wait on the present prospect of n advance in tho market. A Woni.n-CviM.iNO Hicvct.tsT. - Frank (1. Lens, a bicyclist on his way mound the world, passed through Oregon City Monday afternoon from Portland and proceeded up tho valley via Albany, Eu gene and the Siskiyou divide. Heex HH.tB to reach San Francisco in two woeks, when ho will cross to Japan and proceed around tho world reaching New Yoik in 1804. He loft Now York last Juno and is in the employ of the Outing iimgii.ine. Wantkii A small tract of land near Oregon City, cleared or partially so. Ad dress, with terms and description, A, Tucker, Vernonla, Oregon. Wantkd. W'IxhI haulers. Call at office of Oregon City Manufacturing Co. on or before Monday next for particulars KKAI KHTATK TKANHt'EKH. Httmnmry of Hid lleeila Filed In the County lU'corder't Olllre. The real eataU) trAimferA Involving mora than II each II led In the recorder'i olllce laat week were at followa: John A TallMirt And wife to A W Mllla pt YVilli.m T Mutlock I I- V, 1 A:re t 201) I) K llaknr an nd wile to N O Walilcn, M K 1'iirrliiA I) I V 322.85 Acre 25,(171 Williwm It Wade and wife to Jno It KdwurdH I 4, h 1, I'arimll'n ad Oregon City 250 T I. ChuriiiAii, trnati-e, to W II Dohhiim, I U, t H, K.iuth Oregon t'ity Wlllimii l.ung to Mux Kculplna pt I 2:1 and 24, t li I, r I w, lit Acre Knini'i M linker lo John linker pt a 7, t 5 i, r 3 e, 14 Acre. . , , lleiijiimin llarleiwAiid wife to Jno HlirlVhA on-fill It iutuient in "II. H7 Acroa . 0 A V It It Co to H W It Joiiua 150 100 700 150 aiv'a i 21, t 5 , r 3 e, 80 a 2H0 Huiiio to aame wig a '4 i II, 1 5 a, I r 3 e, wi Acrt-A 400 j H W It Joiica And w ife to W T I llurnuy aame Aa aluve two WXJ J Augtiat lloldon And wife to Jacob Haner w' ne' 20, t f , r 3 e 80 Acre 800 :Hmne toaAinenw.1 m'i $ 20, t 5 , I r 3 e, 40 Acree 200 I JacoI) ISaiHT wnd w ife to Kred J llAiier 145 Acrea 700 U VV Covuy And wife to Kdward llnlloway 1311.75 Acre 1.200 II K liimick and wife to Henry Van rrooyen e,', ae1 a 13; w t nu'4 and im'4 iiu'4' 24, t I, r2e, 200 cie 1,800 J C'arlmail and wife to (iolda (ioldateiil pt W 11 Konlyco I) L C, 25 Acree. .. 750 Klir.ahvlli and Alfred ljvelace to Andrew Weiae 15 7,'i w; rda 20 O & 0 H K Co to I Inns Jepton aw'nw'a'An, t3, r4e 100 John It AMhjU to Chrintiuii Lv rem 11,2 mid 3, a 15, t 4 a, r 1 e, 82.HU acrea 2.000 Jonepli W Keuna to Jmnea 11 lloggeaa nw'4' a 12, t 2 a, r (I e, 1(10 acre 250 Jonaa Sholin mid wile to N O Wul.leii, IniHtee, I 10, b 8, Windaur l' :w,70 Previously reported since Jan. 1 8118,343 Total 035,013 licholiitlons of Itexpect. Oawsiio, Sept. 24 To the X. (5., V. (i., Ol!icer, and Member of Oswego Lodge Xo. P3 1. O. O. K. : Inasmuch as it has pleased the Su preme Killer of the universe to remove from our lodge our In-loved brother, Jo seph Zimmerman : therefore, la? it Kemilveil, That in the deatii of brother Zimmerman this lodne has loot a tried and worthy memlier, the community an honored citixen, and hi family a kind and loving liusliand Anil father. Hesolved, further, That we extend our deep sympathy and condolence to bis family in this ad hour of Itereavement. Iteaolved, further, that a copv of these resolution" be sent to the family of our deceased brother, that copies lie sent to the local paier, and thnt they be spread upon the minutes a A part uf the perma nent record of this lodw'e Fraternally submitted. 11 . G. Starkwkathkk, J. S. lilsl.KY. (i. W. Pkosskr. Declaration of liileullon. ' The lollowing declarations of Intention to become citizens of the United States were Hied with County Clerk Horton during the month of September: Frank P. Jones Itritish Victor Furrer Swiss JobiiT. Uoss Itritish William lioss Itritish James W. TavWr British William 1. Hedford English E. L. liarrett English Andrew Eblers German Fied Hesse Gorman August Hermann German Alexander Gordon English A certificate of full citizenship was is sued to Alexander Gordon, a Canadian. Prim Mii.k. Johnson it Warnack will deliver pure, fresh milk lo all parts ol the city both niorninir and evening. Good pasture, pure water and healthy cows. The Many Iteniarkable cures of Catarrh eflt-ctml liy the ut at Ayer's Karsaiuii'lllA aro conclusive, proofs that this loathsome, anil iliiiincroiis illsi'H,se Is one ot the blooo, neeiliug only this searching and powerful alterative to thoroughly eradicate lu " I Imvo aiiHcrcd lor years from catarrh, widen was so severe that It destroyed my appetite and weakened my system. None of the remedies I took afforded me any relief, until 1 used Ayer's Sarsnparllla. 1 boRim to bike this medicine lust spring, and am now entirely free from Unit disgusting disease. My appetite has returned, and 1 am once more strong and healthy." Susan h. W. Cook, mil Albany street, Boston Highlands, lloston, Mass. " My son - now fifteen years of aga was troubled for a Ioiir time with catarrh, In Its worst form, through the effects of which his blood becaaio poisoned. About a year aire hfl began using Ayor's Harsariarllla, has taken seven bottles of It, and is now entirely well." I). P. Korr, Big Spring, Ohio. " I was cured of a long-standing catarrh by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparllla." James J. IXniRlier, CompAny 13th lufantry, Fort Wlngate, N. M. Ayer's Sarsaparilla rasrABao at Or. J. 0. AYER ft CO., Lowsll, Matt. SoldbjDrujgttu. l, six At, WorthASabotU. BUSINESS LOCALS. A Hnaii: Kibbori at one-third price At Hamilton A Allen'a.Clnckamaa. tf Ladiea' And (inula', robe At If oln-An A Warner'A Undertaking parlors. tf HolniAn AWsnier, Undertakers And KinbAlmera, Oregon City Hank building. MeediiiAti'a soothing Kjwder for teething babies and feverish children, now only fifty cents a packet. Accept none but Ntnedinan's. tf Wedding stationery, the latest styles And Hneat assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Kntkiii'Whk office. Ontral addition to Oiegon City in lots And blix:k to suit purchaser, l'rupnrty cheap, terms easy. See L. It. Jannky, with W. Carey Johnson. tf If you want furniture go lo Itelloiny & liusch opposite oat ollice. You can get bedroom suits for 18.70. Call and ex Amine our goods U;fore buying else where, tl IxmngcH, chairs, etc., upholstered At Hohuan A WArner's. All work guAr antwid. He air alt your old lounges for little money and they will be good aa new. Illank note, receipt and order books At the K.VTKKI'KlsK ollice. When vou Are in need of rubber goods, oil clothing, ladiea and gents overshoes And rubber boots. Don't forgtt that Hamilton A Washburn of the Park Place stoie keep everything in this line that is needed. tf lielloiny A lluacb, the house furnish ers will sell ash bedroom suits 20x24 beveled glass for 1H. Ash Clonal suits for IK, Iledstead and chairs sold At the lowest price from August 15th to SepU-mlmr 15th. Now is the time to buy your furniture. tf Justice blanks, real estate blank, and all other blanks At the Entkhi-sihk of lice, Portland price. HcAUtlful Suliurbau Hume. One mile Ami a nuarter fiom town, good board walk past the land. Acre tracts to suit purchaser, term easy, the finest suburban property offered for Bale, yet on the market New proposed motor line from Portland. High and sightly. See L. II, Jannkv with W. Carey Johnson tf ABOUT SCHEMES. It has Is-en naid that were man constant he would lie perfect. It will breed distrust to offer " gome thing for nothing." We would ex- p-et you to watch ub the rest of the time. We have but one plan we aim to give good value and proper service to every customer all the time. The bent "offer" we think of to induce you to buy of ub is to give you what you want and charge the right price every time. Our prescriptions, our toilet arti cles, our paints and oils, in .fact everything we carry are "one price to all." We invite comparison. Caufield & Huntley, Pricriptioo Druggiita. Near the Court House, Oregon City. Your Subscriptions! Between now and January 1st you will have to renew subscriptions for most of your pnjH'rs and magazines, and choose the new ones you wish to put on your list. You can Save the Expense, The chance of loss or delay and all the annoyance of re mitting direct, by leaving your order at the Hook Store. We guarantee, safe arrival of the lirst number; or of all numbers if you get them nt the stove. But a still safer and more convenient way is to get your periodicals at The News Stand. The price is the same with but few exceptions; you can usually get them a day or two earlier than by mail; there are no missing or de layed copies; you do not have to pay in advance, and you can change when you lease or drop out poor ntm ers. Huntley's Book Store. NEW YORK GALLERY. Photographs Delivered Promptly in the Finest Style of Art. Fine Crayon Work a Specialty. Old Fictures Copied to Any Sine. Satis faction Guaranteed. 8Uery Hsat Pott Offlot, 0BES0N OITT, OS. THE PLACE To buy dry goods of all kinds, men's and boys' clothing, ladies', misses' and children's cloaks of latest cut and superior quality of goods, children's school shoes, mackintoshes and rubber goods fine groceries and pro visions in fuct anything you want to wear or eat, is THIS:- PIONEER -: STORE, THOMAS CHARMAN & SON. The finest STORM SERGE KVEU BROUGHT LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S. ?loa!s! ?loals! ?loals! All of the latest cut and of a superior class of goods, MEN'S, YOUTH'S AND BOYS'- Clothing! Clothing! Direct from Chicago, and the most complete line ever brought to Oregon City. Mackintoshes and Rubber Goods pine Groceries, All fresh and of superior quality. One Price to All Closing Wash Silks, per dozen skeins, 40c Knitting Silk, per spool, 30c Sewing Silk, 3 spools, 20c Tidy Cotton, 4 balls, 25c ALL SILK RIBBONS, FANCY GOODS, STAMPING PATTERNS, CROCHET COTTON, Everything K T C O S T I Mrs. G. W. Rich, Oregon City, Or. GO TO Oregon City Iron Works for all kinds of Machine work and Casting. ALL REPAIRS To Traction Engines, Threshing Machines, Har vesters, Mowers, Etc., promptly attended to. OUR PRICES Are equal to the lowest to be had in Portland. Shop on Fifth St. near Main, Oregon City. J. ROAKE, Prop. CITY VIEW MARKET, HENRY BOYER, Proprietor, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh Beef, Mutton, Pork, Ham, Bacon anil Lard. THE BEST OF MEAT KEPT AND SATISFACTION GIVEN, 8HOP ON SEVENTH 8TREET, AT HEAD OF STAIRS. MOODY & VAUGHAX, MOLALLA, OREGON. Leaders in Low Prices. Thoir stock is complete in Dry Goods, Groceries, Ilardware, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Notions, Etc, Country Produce Handled. Postomce store, line of DRESS GOODS TO OREGON CITY. And That the Lowest. Out Sale ! Cooke's Stables, W. H.COOKE, Manager, Successor to U. H . T . 4 L. Co. Comer Fourth and Main Streets, OREGON CITY. The LEADING LIVERY STABLE of the City. Rigs of any description furnished on short notice. All kinds of Truck and Delivery Busi ness promptly attended to. Horses Boarded and Fed on reason able terms.